The Zolciak-Biermann family are entitled a-holes, frankly, and Kim often paints herself as the victim when she’s rightfully called out for the things she says and does. At the same time, flying can be nightmarish and unfair, which I know from experience unfortunately. So who do you think was in the wrong in this story about Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann’s family being kicked off a Delta flight? Apparently dad Kroy was taking too long in security with one of their dogs, a certified support animal? (Was it this dog?) We know about this because daughter Brielle, 22, tweeted about it, saying they were kicked off the flight to Atlanta (she’s since deleted that) and Kim followed up with a tweet that police were involved. Kim and Kroy have daughters Brielle, 22, Ariana, 17, sons Kroy, 8, and Kash, 6, and twins Kane and Kaia, 5.
Kim Zolciak said “police are now involved” after an incident occurred between her family and Delta Airlines that resulted in the reality star and her family leaving a plane.
“Unacceptable Delta but police are now involved,” the TV personality, 41, tweeted on Saturday, July 20, while sharing a now-deleted message her eldest daughter, Brielle Biermann, posted that same day. [ed note: screenshot below]
Biermann, 22, alleged that a Delta employee forced her and her family members off the flight because Kim’s husband, Kroy Biermann, took too long in line with their service animal. “[He] just kicked my WHOLE FAMILY OFF the flight to ATL bc we were waiting on my dad with our service dog to finish going thru security,” she wrote.
The model also claimed that the incident was traumatic for her younger siblings. “KJ & kash started crying bc they thought we left him and Kaia was literally S–ING AND HE KICKED US OFF!!!!! WTF,” she wrote.
She followed it up with a subsequent tweet that read, “If I f–king miss my flight home I swear to God.”
One day later, Brielle was finally on her way, writing, “GUESS WHAT. IM LEAVIGGGG [sic] FINALLLYYY!!!!!!!! Opens a New Window. ”
Delta denied Brielle’s claims that the family was removed from their aircraft in a statement to Us Weekly on Monday, July 22: “Mrs. Zolciak Biermann and family elected to deplane their flight after her husband remained behind to provide proper paperwork for an emotional support animal,” the statement read.
According to Delta, Zolciak and her children initially boarded without the former football player, 33, who stayed behind to “clarify paperwork” for the family’s dog. Delta claimed Kroy arrived at the gate after the door to the aircraft had been closed.
The airline also alleged that staff tried to help the group to make alternate travel arrangements, though the family wound up making their own.
Neither Brielle nor Zolciak disclosed who the service dog was assisting.
If I was a passenger on that flight I would be annoyed by a delay as someone went through security. I’ve made it to the gate right before planes depart and if it’s closed already they don’t let anyone else on. That’s just necessary for scheduling reasons. Atlanta is a major hub and many people would potentially miss connecting flights if exceptions were made. However Delta has screwed me over on several trips and I doubt they handled this delicately or with courtesy. Plus who knows if Kroy got singled out by TSA.
Ooh but look at one of the top liked comments on Kim’s tweet, from a guy who says he was on this flight and that leaving was Kim’s choice after they refused to hold the flight for her husband. This is consistent with Delta’s statement about the incident and sounds typical of her and this family. I understand why they chose to do this and not leave Kroy and the dog behind, but then Brielle and Kim tweeted about it like it was all Delta’s fault and made it into a huge thing.
I was in 1C on this flight and witnessed the entire spectacle. Delta did nothing wrong. The flight attendants and gate agent treated @Kimzolciak with the utmost respect. Delta did not kick them off – Kim demanded to get off when they would not hold the flight for her husband.
— Not So Magic Mike (@musatechnow) July 23, 2019
The deleted tweet.
— LPG944⚄⚄ (@LPG944) July 21, 2019
As for why they needed a support dog, Kim did have a stroke as US points out, so that at least sounds legit. I know a breast cancer survivor who has her dog listed as a support dog for that reason. I get it but you do need the paperwork to back up that claim. If it’s the same dog that bit Kim’s kid though I doubt it’s trained to detect seizures. I do think it was the same dog, given that Kim posted this older video of him recently.
I thought the thumbnail pic was Kim with Khloe Kardashian. lol
Brielle (Kim’s daughter right?) must have the same doc.
Can I just say for the record that I hate lip fillers? My brother and I used to call them trout pouts. They look like living Bratz dolls.
The daughter’s lips are so over-inflated that she can’t even pucker up anymore. Dear heaven.
Pneumatic lips and boobs. Could just as well be a float in the Macy’s Day parade.
They look like the Wayans brothers in White Chicks.
they do, they really do.
Now I can’t unsee it.
Lol, I just caught that movie. I prefer LEAVIG Las Vegas, however.
Never forgot the time Kim brought her OWN WINE TO ITALY just in CASE (no pun intended) she didn’t like their WINE. Because, you know, those Italians can’t complete with Kim.
that. is. amazing.
What kind of wine did she bring? Probably Prosecco 😂
God bless you. Your comment was my absolute fave.
White Chicks was a great movie. Yup they really do look like them !
Nah, the Wayan Brothers looked way prettier. 🙂
Nailed it.
Um sounds like they expected the plane to hold take off for their dad/dog because they didn’t have adequate time for going through security. Planes don’t do that. It leaves when it’s scheduled, if someone is in security you can choose to stay or go without them.
Ugh, I am not a Delta fan, stop making me defend them.
Oh man, I just paid $300 extra to NOT have to fly delta or united airlines. This however isn’t an airline issue. My understanding is its about gate schedules. They can’t really delay all the incoming and outgoing flights for one person. It becomes a domino effect of lateness.
I will still pay more money to not give delta or United my money. This isn’t about them being a poop show though.
Right. To me, it sounds as though he traveled separately or had to go back to the house or something to get the required paperwork. Thinking they deserved to have the flight delayed for that is ridiculous. They travel enough to know better.
And I’m with y’all, I’ll avoid Delta & United at all costs. I really hate it when I travel for work and I’m forced to fly one of those airlines.
I avoid American Airlines because they keep sending me to (connecting) cities that I didn’t plan to go to. And then there was the 18 hour flight that took 36 hours to finish (4 hours on the tarmac at Shanghai and 4 hours on the tarmac at San Francisco, missing connecting flights in Chicago and we weren’t even supposed to go to SF!).
Also…what exactly are the police going to do? Arrest “Delta” for not holding the plane for a grown man that did not have adequate time / paperwork to get through security? Entitled hobgoblins!
Muppets. Why?
Based on how these people appear to be, I would bet money that they’re one of those people who bought their dogs an “emotional support” license so they could bring it on planes but the dog isn’t actually trained at all. Which is a HUGE pet peeve to me. My dogs emotionally support me, but they’re not trained service animals. And pretending that a dog is a trained service animal that isn’t, puts those that are in jeopardy.
Also, Kash, Kroy, and Kane? Those are such white people names haha.
yeah, I know there have been issues with “support animals” who aren’t trained as such biting people.
granted, no one should be petting/distracting an ACTUAL service animal as they are working, but no actual service animal would be an aggressive biter. I understand that people like to take their pets places, but please…
…they don’t need to go with you to the grocery store, and they don’t need to go on vacation with you (unless you’re driving somewhere and the place you’re going allows pets, that’s different). hire a damn dog-sitter.
you’re flying and you wanna bring a dog? charter a plane.
Emotional Support Animals are NOT the same as trained Service Animals. Service Animals are trained to specifically assist a person with a disability or condition. I bet they just made their family dog an “emotional support animal” so he could fly on the plane with them. People abuse this all the time. Real Service Dogs wear vests, are trained to do specific tasks for their owners, and are working animals.
Copy and paste
Copy and paste
Why do they all look the same and insist on it
More copy and paste
This family lies as easily as breathing.
They do not have a “certified” service dog; they have a vest anyone can buy online.
This is also the dog who bit her son in the face, landing him in the hospital. As a known biter, this animal should not be on a plane with other people.
I hate that I know this info, but I follow an IG page that calls out their many, many lies daily. Classless, trashy grifters ~
Okay, I’m going to say it: I’m sick and tired of this whole g.damn dog thing.
I don’t hate dogs. I had a dog for 16 years and appreciate the work they do but everyone in my town has dogs and they take them everywhere – even in the grocery store and some restaurants – and you can buy an “emotional support” dog vest for $35. on line.” Emotional support.”
If you can’t leave the house without your dog then you shouldn’t be leaving the house.
It’s bullsh*t and your dog doesn’t want to go with you or be left in the car!
Leave the dog at home.
I know of 5 people in my town who lost their dogs to car wrecks and a few times per week, someone calls the cops because someone left their dog in a hot car AND some people are allergic and if your “gentle baby” gets scared and bites someone or takes a kid’s face off, the store is getting sued.
It’s a liability issue and YOU will be sued as well.
Also, I was bitten by some vagabond’s dog and had to have rabies shots because he high-tailed it out of town before the police could find him.
You don’t want any part of rabies shots.
they are much happier there. they will miss you, but they are safest there and will be thrilled when you get back.
I am a lifelong dog mom and I think taking dogs on airplanes is too far. A service dog has a legitimate reason to be on a flight, ESA’s no.
ESA is a murky area and generally BS. I do believe pets provide real emotional support (my baby has helped me through countless years of anxiety and panic attacks after healing from an abusive relationship. I’d probably be dead without her.)
But ESA is usually just a ploy to be able to rent a place without discrimination for having a pet or to take them on flights (which I don’t agree with).
I think it’s fine to utilize the ESA certification for renters who get discriminated against for having pets but leave the dogs off the flight. If you can’t get through a flight without your pet, I think that level of disability would probably warrant a SERVICE dog. If you don’t qualify for a service dog, then you probably don’t have that level of disability you are claiming to need the pet for.
The level of medical need for an ESA is much lower than a service dog.
Preach! I love my dogs but I hate it when people have to take their dogs everywhere. Kids’ peewee soccer games? It’s hard enough to hold 8 four year olds’ attention without your huge dog barking nearby.
I worked as a civilian employee for the military. I remember going to a training with lots of other civilian employees, most of whom were former service members. Of these folks, three or four had emotional support dogs. Why? Because their owners suffered TBI due to their service. That’s Traumatic Brain Injury. Most were Iraq war vets. They need those support dogs & telling folks like that they shouldn’t leave the house if they can’t go out without their dogs is just ignorant.
That said, this is not the Biermann’s case. They’re just plane ignorant.
@ BeanieB. ,
I’m retired military. My husband is as well.
We both have partial disabilities mostly due to chemicals and VERY loud noise.
He still works for the Feds.
I’m not talking about certifiable PTSD people or the blind and so on.
I’m talking about the ones who just can’t leave Fluffy home alone to run to the store so they buy an emotional support vest for them.
BTW, many stores here are now requiring to see the paperwork not just the vest.
You have to show ID to buy booze and drive; you should have paperwork that designates your dog as an actual Helper dog.
I’m sick of dogs being brought everywhere too! I’m highly allergic to dogs, and if i were stuck on an airplane with a dog nearby, i would get a horrible allergy attack. Like others have said, LEAVE YOUR DOG AT HOME. They are safer, and probably happier, there anyway!
They are exactly the kind of entitled people who would expect an entire flight of people to wait for them to take off. What a bunch of wankers! And their faces terrify me.
They have the same nose as Khloe Kardashian’s new nose! Must go to the same doctors.
Sounds like a special kind of stupid to not realize 1) they are not sympathetic figures to begin with, and 2) there were witnesses. (For the little it’s worth, in my experience Delta is marginally better than most US competition.)
They are trashy-creepy. Traspy, even.
Here’s the thing. If you’re bringing your emotional support dog on a plane 1. Get to the airport earlier in case there are problems and 2. Have your paper work out and ready to go. They should know Atlanta is an Intetnational hub and should prepare for extra time just in case. When I go to Disney World with my grandchildren and use the transportation from Disney World they have you go 3 hours ahead of time to make sure you get through security in a timely fashion.
Labeling the daughter as a “model” might not be the most factual of reporting.
A “support” dog and a “service” dog are 2 different things. Service dogs have had actual training and have qualified and have skills. There is no standard for support dogs and many people just call their dogs that so they can have them on flights. There have been issues with support dogs biting people in airports because again- no minimum standard. People see a support dog and assume it’s a safe and trained animal and it is not. There was a 5 year old girl in Seattle that got bit in the face in the terminal by a support dog. Lawsuits are happening and I wouldn’t be surprised if regulations changed.
My cousin has a support dog. But the dog has anxiety, can’t go into new places, hates crowds, and barks like crazy when in the above. I mean obviously she’s not a well trained service dog. But a dog they use for emotional support, but she should never be in an airport.
Seems like your cousin’s dog needs a “support dog” for itself. If your dog has that many issues, it shouldn’t be in public until the owners get the dog the help it needs.
To clarify something that is being transposed in the above – Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals are two legally distinct entities with differing protections under the law.
Service Animals are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act and are defined as animals that are specifically trained to perform a service to assist their person with a disability. There is no national certification or test that animals must pass in order to be used as Service Animals and since they are covered by the ADA the only questions one is supposed to ask the person with the service animal is ‘is it a service animal’ and ‘what task is it trained to perform’. These are the animals that are ‘real’ working animals that are falling under greater scrutiny because of the greater acceptance of Emotional Support Animals.
Emotional Support Animals are not required to be trained in any way or to perform any task. The understanding is that by being with their person they relieve that person’s emotional distress caused by any number of situations and provide support that way. ESAs are not covered by the ADA and are not protected to come into all public spaces the way that Service Animals are. You can be diagnosed as needing an ESA by a licensed therapist. They are protected in housing but nowhere else. The FAA determined that they would allow ESAs on flights and that seems to be the way that this family was traveling with this dog.
There are people whose lives are legitimately eased by having an ESA and there are people that use the designation to make it easier to go through life with their pet. Sometimes the latter people have poorly behaved pets and make a nuanced situation more difficult for others.
Kim has been messy since she was a teen and had an affair with a married police officer in Windsor Locks, CT. Trashy is as trashy does.
I’m honestly trying to think of a worse name than “Kroy” and, for the life of me, I cannot. Shallow hot take? Of course, but I’m not wrong.
If the dog was for Kim’s seizures, wouldn’t SHE be the one going through security with it? Or did the highly trained animal clear her for takeoff prior to that?
In a general sense, ALL pets are emotional support animals.
There’s no reason both couldn’t be true. They seem like assholes, and US airline employees are assholes. When assholes collide, this is usually the result,
Did that guy adopt those older girls because 33 is a little young to have a 22-year-old child?
Yes, he did. I’m ashamed to say I was watching the show at that point…
I think the notion that he gets singled out by TSA kinda funny.
He is white and I’m pretty sure the whole family is loud and tacky and make sure everyone know who they are
I dont think TSA care to deal with that tbh
but what do I know
I’m not defending them–but I do remember back before she married Kroy, she was terrified of flying—Bravo would try to have her come to NY to be on WWHL and she’d talk about how hard it was for her. At the time, support animals were not as much of a thing—no idea of that is real or if it’s just their dog. I think that might have been why in the early seasons the HW didn’t go to as many long distance places, or she wouldn’t go. I don’t watch her show or Atlanta any more–but I do remember this being a big issue for her back then.
I live in rural Northwest England and dogs are pretty much allowed on public transport like buses and trains. I’m from Canada and this still freaks me out haha. I’m not sure about the cities but where I live it’s not uncommon to see a dog on the bus or train. Mind you drinking alcohol on them seems to be ok too