Jessica Simpson allowed 7-year-old Maxi to get dip-dyed hair: fine or nope?

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Inspired by The Descendants #901girl #MAXIDREW

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Jessica Simpson always seems to cause a lot of controversy over nothing, really. I mean, bless her heart, I enjoy her and at worst, she’s just harmless, and at best, she’s entertaining as hell. The latest dumb Jessica Simpson controversy is that she’s a Cool Mom. She’s not the kind of mom who refuses to allow her 7-year-old daughter Maxi Drew to experiment with her hair. Sidenote: for whatever complaints there are about Jessica, she seems to be raising three lovely, well-adjusted, happy children in Los Angeles, which isn’t nothing.

Anyway, it seems like little Maxi Drew is obsessed with Dove Cameron’s character (Mal) in Descendents – Mal has long blonde hair with a pink dip-dye at the bottom. I feel like this is probably something Maxi has been wanting for a while, and instead of a do-it-at-home project between mother-and-daughter, Jessica took Maxi to the hair salon to get her hair dip-dyed properly. The issue is that judgy parents were so judgy and mad! How dare Jessica allow her 7-year-old to dye her hair! She’s just a child! Natural hair blah blah blah! You get the picture, and if not, you can read through some of the comments on Jessica’s Instagram.

My take is that it’s not like Jessica took her daughter to the hair salon and asked them to make Maxi a platinum blonde. Do I think Maxi is a bit too young for hair dye? Kind of, but we don’t know if this is less permanent option, and it really is just the bottom half. Maxi probably feels like the best and prettiest princess ever with this hair too. I don’t know – if I had lighter hair, I probably would have experimented with dyes when I was younger too. But my hair won’t take anything but a darker brown-black.

Photos courtesy of Jessica Simpson’s social media.

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116 Responses to “Jessica Simpson allowed 7-year-old Maxi to get dip-dyed hair: fine or nope?”

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  1. Susanne says:

    Those are some gorgeous kids, and that’s all I got.

    • Moe says:

      Judge judge judge. Its almost always aimed at the mom btw. If we’re going to get serious about what really matters as parents let’s get rid of our kids smart phones.

    • lisa says:

      I like it when moms teach their young daughters that they are naturally gorgeous and that no external change to appearance is necessary. I like it when moms teach their young daughters to focus on what’s INSIDE themselves. Yes, 7 years old is too young for hair color. Are there worse things, like over-usage of smartphones? Of course….that’s where girls get the notion that they are not good enough, and that they must change. All the more reason to emphasize natural beauty.

      • jennifer says:

        @lisa, yes. the underlying message here is that you’re not good enough, pretty enough, perfect enough, and you need to change the way you look to fit into society. starting at an increasingly younger age. the people screaming mom-shaming are just as much victim to it. go deeper people.

      • josephine says:

        i totally agree with the sentiment of not making girls feel like they need to be augmented, but . . . I don’t think dying the end of one’s hair fun colors is about feeling “prettier” or better in any way. I think it’s about enjoying color, and having fun.

        And while I vote “nope” for my own kid, that child is not mine, so it’s her parents’ choice as to fine or nope.

      • Otaku fairy... says:

        What Josephine said. This isn’t an example of young girls being taught they aren’t good enough. It’s a kid being allowed to experiment with physical appearance in a harmless way. Visual, creative kids can be allowed to express themselves that way and be encouraged to focus on what’s inside at the same time. It doesn’t determine what kind of human being one will turn out to be, and it’s not really deep to assume that character or self-esteem come from not doing things like this. We’re not victims. We’re not all Amish though either. Balance is good.

      • enike says:

        Lisa, I dont think its the case of: you are not pretty enough

        the kid wanted the look of her favorite character, thats all

      • ElleKaye says:

        I feel there may be some projection happening here. She has some color on the tips of her hair, nothing more. It is adults who are making more of this than they should; to Maxi Drew it is innocent fun. Psychological warfare aimed at children and their parents is disturbing.

      • noway says:

        Or it could be her daughter just saw it and liked it. When I dye my hair it’s not cause I think I’m inadequate or not beautiful. Even when I dyed it when I was young. Predominant reason is I’m bored with my hair or sometimes I see something I think is pretty and want to try it like she did. Hair colors that don’t exist on anyone in real life just in a bottle, aren’t really about self esteem, more about self expression. This dip dye is a big thing with little girls and pretty sure it’s a wash out dye it takes a while though. Hers turned out pretty good, the lighter blonds always do, but I’m not a fan cause a lot of time the colors seem dirty and faded to me. The green & blue ones which was all the rage when my daughter was in elementary school to me looked like mold. If Jessica is a bad mom by this so is half the moms in this area too. Yes there was 7 year olds too. I only slightly side eye the ones who let their girls in elementary school get professional highlights that you know cost a ton. Two reasons one I’m a bit jealous and second they have natural highlights at that age and pretty great hair color what do they need highlights for. Still to each his own.

    • justwastingtime says:

      The first response is the best.

      Love that Jessica is respecting her wishes. As a mom of a 10 yo who has had braids, puffs, natural hair, flat ironed hair and pink extensions with box braids in the last year, I am good with it.

      (And yes, I am tired of every white mom in my daughters school, screeching oh she looks so different every time she changes her hair – so I find the haters annoying)

    • Same here. They’re cute, look well cared for , and happy. NEXT.

  2. Croatian says:

    I look at this like a prime example of letting her express herself and “your body is your body”, while still being a careful parent. Maybe she is too young to get a dye, but she is not too young to express her wishes and to be respected for them.

    • Darla says:


      People are crazy. I guess they’ve got nothing better to do or worry about.

      • Lady2Lazy says:

        It has become an epidemic with the ability to hide behind technology and spew your judgements and hatred. It’s become so toxic in society too with Drumpf and his racist views that POC, minorities, different religions, or people that are different that are attacked in public. And let’s face it, we are ALL immigrants unless you are Native American or were brought here on slave ships. As far as I am concerned they can all STFU and stop spreading hate.😡
        Sorry, I am just sick of the hated in society the US right now with the dramatic increase in hate crimes and the pure hatred from these people.
        But her kids are adorable and it’s tough being out in the public without someone interjecting their unwelcome opinion. Yet we clearly go straight after the Mother’s and shame them, it’s unapologetic and unacceptable.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Disclaimer: Florida is one weird place to a non-Floridian.

      Have no trouble with the dye job as it is typical kid stuff. The dye is probably semi-permanent and will be gone in a month. In Florida at the beach, I see young girls of all ages with green & orange dye in their hair to trying get the “mermaid” look. If you have somewhat thick and curly hair, it makes for an interesting beach look.

    • Kitten says:

      EXACTLY. It’s harmless and fun. Her kids are super-cute.

      The mommy shaming stuff is SO tired.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      yeah, this is really NBD. pick your battles as a parent, and dying hair is NOT one of them.

      her kids are adorable. those baby cheeks – holy cuteness.

    • Liz says:

      When mine was 7, I did pick the hair dye battle – but she had very dark brown hair that would have needed to be bleached out before it would take any color. She also kept her hair much shorter – never more than shoulder length, usually barely to her chin. With her sensitive skin, it was not going to happen. If she had long blond hair we could have dip dyed, I probably would have said yes.

      I did say yes to purple highlights when she was 13 and yes, she needed to bleach her hair in order to do it. It was/is adorable.

    • PointingScreaming says:

      I was a sub teacher for this same age group- 7yrs- and dip dying hair was a THING. One child had authentically dyed hair, and trust me it was FRIED. Another girl had fake cobalt blue extensions, but told her peers it was actually dyed hair. Trust me, all the littles were UP IN ARMS #LIEABOUTDYE…over such a dumb thing, the non-dyed girl really had to stand up to bullying. Seriously, tho, dye is toxic and it does ruin their young lovely hair. If it was me, I’d ban hair dye in public schools; it’s a competition that not good for children on many levels, plus the parents who don’t give in have kids that genuinely get teased!

      • Jenn says:

        @PointingScreaming When I came home from summer camp, my hair was a shade of beautiful emerald green: it had been bleached by the Arkansas sun, then dyed by the camp swimming pool. I was already bullied at school, and it was about to go from bad to worse. My mom took me to the salon, where Cecelia tried desperately to eradicate the green color. She tried vinegar and baking soda; she tried ketchup. She tried stripping and bleach. My hair turned a brassy grass-green.

        Finally, after two days of trying, Cecelia said, “We’re gonna ruin her hair. We have to dye it.” Hair dye was absolutely NOT permitted at my Texas public school; nevertheless, I returned in the fall with lovely chestnut locks.

        The dye was only semi-permanent, however, and as it began to fade, students were confronting me, “Jenny, is your hair… GREEN?” As the brown was fading day-by-day, it must’ve looked like my hair was gradually *turning* green. The second time someone asked, I said “wow, you’re the second person to ask! It’s so weird. I think it’s the fluorescent lights or something.” And my classmate bought it! I started breezily pointing above me, “it’s just the lights.” We re-dyed my hair, and eventually I got highlights and went back to being blonde. For the record, I had just turned 11.

        So I have a pretty strong conviction that hair dye SHOULD be allowed in public schools, if only to protect the innocent.

      • SameName says:

        Wow what an epic story, tho not in same vein as trend. Schools can & should stand up for some questionably toxic practices. A blonde child can harmlessly dye the ends whilst a dark haired girl would need more chemicals. If NO ONE could had it, might take the literal head ache away. It’s not such an equal opportunity trend. I know I have the unpopular opinion, but I work w kids.

      • noway says:

        Jenn I love your story!!! Hair dyes are gentler now too. There are plenty of hair dyes that don’t ruin your hair. Plus kids hair grows really fast and heaven forbid you can always cut it. I discouraged my daughter from the dips when she was young, cause she’s a pretty dark brown. She saved her money and bought it when she was in middle school but with dark brown hair it did absolutely nothing. She’s almost 17 now and wants highlights, so she’s doing that. We have a great hair stylist to do it, I just don’t want her to be disappointed, but that’s life. In my day it wasn’t the dyeing but the perms. Yes all perms fried your hair in the day and so many girls got them. Maybe not at 7, but 11+ we did. We all survived.

  3. Erinn says:

    There’s a lot of vegan dyes of fashion colors that don’t need bleaching. They’re just pigments that are added to the hair that eventually just wash out (quickly unless you’re keeping them up). Which – I see absolutely no issue with.

    And even then – if she bleached it out to get the colors (which – they’re not that bright so I’m not sure she bothered) it’s at the ends of the kids hair. It’s not getting on her skin. It’s not on her scalp while it’s being done. I see zero issue.

    • Bryn says:

      I doubt there was any bleach involved, she’s really blonde, don’t need bleach before adding color

    • Arizona says:

      I bet she didn’t use bleach, especially since she’s so blonde. my sister dyes my niece (6) and nephew’s (9) hair with non permanent dye and doesn’t use any bleach. I forget what the name of the dye is but it works over my nieces dark brown hair.

      I think as long as you’re not using bleach or damaging a kid’s hair then let them dye it whenever they want!

      • Erinn says:

        I’ve used some Jerome Russel Punky Color on slightly bleached brown hair. But I’ve recently started using the Overtone products, and they have some specifically FOR brown hair now.

        So I’m really going to assume that they just used some color depositing over her blonde hair – the colors are slightly muddy looking so it’s not like that made her white blonde to do it.

      • TeamAwesome says:

        I was so disappointed in the Overtone Rose Gold for Brown hair. It’s more like for really light or highlighted brown hair.

        Since her hair was already light, I’m sure this was easy and safe. What an easy win for both of them.

      • Erinn says:

        TeamAwesome – SAME. I usually creep instagram for people tagging a specific color so I can see a before/after on a real person, and I was disappointed in that one. I’m not sure what I had expected, but I was disappointed.

        But I was mainly buying their extreme blue deep conditioner – and I had a professional bleach, tone, and put the initial color in for me, the extreme blue was very close in color, and it definitely kept it going for a long time. It’s been over a year and I’ve given up on reapplying in the last few months, and I STILL have a lot of teal blue that has clung to my hair.

  4. Ictoan says:

    I’m a teacher. Kids her age dye their hair all the time. I had girls with blue hair, purple hair, rainbow hair… I don’t see anything wrong with encouraging them to express their individuality. I feel like this outrage is kind of icky… like a reminder of how much “natural” beauty is fetishized when it comes to adult women. I don’t think I’m making sense but it does rub me the wrong way.

    • Joanna says:

      I understand exactly what you’re saying and I agree. I always get told by guys how they love that I don’t wear a bunch of makeup. What’s amazing about that? I’m just lazy lol

    • Dazed and Confused says:

      Teacher here, too. This is very par for the course. Why not let kids have fun with their hair? I know that if these dyes had been around when I was a kid/teen, I would have experimented with all of them. Instead, we put Sun-in and Koolaid in our hair to try to get wacky colors. This is a much better option.

    • Jess says:

      Yea, I can’t believe anyone was judging her for this. My daughter is twelve and has had fun dying her hair for a few years. Fortunately, like Jessica’s daughter she’s blonde so we don’t need to worry about bleach – just pick up some semi-permanent dyes at Hot Topix and then have fun with some crazy-colored hair for a while. I think this is a great way for kids to experiment and play around with their identity without any permanent repercussions (I would not let my kids get tattoos before 18 and I wasn’t even crazy about my daughter getting her ears pierced but I did allow that). I wish they had dye like this when I was a kid!

    • Erinn says:

      When I was in 5th grade there were boys bleaching their hair to look like eminem, and a TON of people dying their hair with koolaid. So at least kids these days are putting in better products haha.

    • asdfa says:

      amen to all of this. men HATE “makeup” when they can tell women are wearing it…but they sure do love women being unnaturally hairless.

    • Otaku fairy... says:


  5. Caity says:

    I’m a sucker for trashy shows, which mean I watch dance moms. The little girls on that show have bleached blonde hair, including former cast member jojo siwa who started getting peroxide blonde at 2.
    So I don’t have a problem with pink dip-dye. It’s school holidays too.

  6. Dtab says:

    Absolutely no problem at all… My 7 Yr old got the same done for summer… It lasts 10-15 washes and is gone. No bleach or anything involved.

  7. Rae says:

    Storm in a teacup, as we like to say here in the U.K. I will admit that I’m not bothered by it at all, even at age 7. It’s just the end, it’s cute and you can tell her hair is being well taken care of.

  8. Allie says:

    I don’t see the problem for a kid her age to dye her hair. She can cut it off or grow it out if she does nor like it anymore. Also, it was probably her choice. It’s a totally different thing from i.e. piercing your baby’s or toddler’s ears who did not even get to consent to it and who’d have to live with visible holes in the skin for the rest of their life.

  9. CROWHOOD says:

    My parents were VERY strict with me but I was allowed To do anything I wanted With my hair. As I got Older, my
    Mom explained that hair grows back and so she would prefer pink Mohawks to tattoos/piercings etc. People make a big deal out of EVERYTHING.

    • A random commenter says:

      Ooh I like her way of thinking.

    • Anners says:

      My parents weren’t strict, but I grew up in a pretty religious family. My Mum let me dye my hair, pierce whatever, and wear whatever I wanted (within reason, and I was naturally pretty modest – I just wanted to paint my shirts and rip the knees out of my jeans). I think being given personal freedom for expression from an early age made me less inclined to be super rebellious at a later stage – there wasn’t really anything to rebel against. And I continue to have a really wonderful relationship with my parents. I honestly think being allowed to be myself is part of the reason why.

    • Fluffy Princess says:

      @Crowhood – My mom was like this too. I could do anything I wanted to my hair — dye it, cut it,–in my senior year, I had the 80’s long hair over the eye, one side buzzed deal going on, and heavy black eyeliner or make up. I could only pierce my ears with one hole in each ear, and in the 80s tattoos were not that common, but those were out too. The reasoning was the same, hair grows back, it can be re-dyed to a natural color and make up washes off. Anything that was permanent — no. So, that was fun and free-ing to be me — whatever phase I was going through.

      And this little girl’s hair is only dyed at the ends, it looks great! Let her have some fun.

    • PointingScreaming says:

      But dye is actually toxic, of course bleach is toxic as well. Skin literally drinks surface emollients- I will NOT dye or bleach my kids’ skin. No way. I GET that it’s a trend, but so are some junk foods and I’m not giving in to corporate poisons. If dying was just banned for kids, they could express themselves through actual LIFE. My kid is top 5 in the country in his competitions- our family believes in self expression that’s HEALTHY.

      • L says:

        Holy you need to calm the F down! I’m sure your kid is super awesome at his “competitions” but corporate poisoning is a bit of a reach!

      • Cakes says:

        That’s great, your kid sounds awesome, but you have to recognize that other people might have different views on that subject and it’s really NYOB. My girl is 2nd in her class, and when she was 11 we dyed the bottom of her hair pink. AND it was the kind of dye where you have to strip all the color out of your hair to get it to work. Looked amazing.

        Also, she got a tattoo last year on vacation when she was 16. Matching with her 18 year old sister. 4.3 GPA. What?

  10. duchess of hazard says:

    She took her to the hairdresser and got it professionally done. It’s fine, honestly. The dye job’s cute.

  11. Selena says:

    Haven’t seen my natural hair colour since I was 8. I’m fine, well educated, stable marriage for nearly 35 years, happy, two great kids, still protest injustice in the world (irl not just social media) and no bad addictions. Yeah… dying your hair young doesn’t really matter.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Looks cute, and seems like it was a fun outing. you do you Jessica/Maxi.

  13. GreenBunny says:

    This is just a non issue and people need to get over themselves. My daughter loves Mal too, so last year for her 7th birthday, I took her to the salon and she had her whole head of hair dyed the color of Mal’s. This was also right before school started too, so her first day of school she went in with purple/pink hair. We also had school pictures done, so we have a fun memory. And she wasn’t the only student with a fun color. This year she wants to go blue and I’m for it. Hair grows, it’s the one way to really express yourself with no permanent repercussions.

  14. MattyLove says:

    My daughter used to have a friend whose mom started bleaching the girl’s hair when she was 4 years old so it would be “a prettier blonde.” That was not okay. This? This is fine.

  15. Krakken says:

    My almost ten year old son has been sporting bleached and coloured hair for the past year. It started because he had been growing out his hair in an effort to get it long and all one length. Then he got headlice, which required him to get a lot of hair cut off. He was heartbroken at the thought of it and so we came up with the idea of him being able to pick out whatever colour he wanted.
    So far he’s been green. Then blue, pink and purple.
    And yes I bleached his hair. With his consent. And no. He has not lost his innocence in any way. It’s not the 1950’s. We encourage and support self expression in my home. Judgy mamas on the internet should spend more time taking thier own inventory, and not that of those who choose to parent differently.

    • skeptical says:

      Just wanted to say that we found that using a coconut shampoo and conditioner seemed to cut head lice incidents. They won’t cure an actual occurrence, but the thought is that they are repelled by coconut scent. It seems to be working.

    • Jess says:

      Oh god I was sooo close to shaving my daughters head when she got lice a few years ago. It was awful and took over 5 months to get rid of them, even a $400 hair and house treatment from a lice specialist didn’t get rid of them! Those little bastards are adapting to our treatments, the only thing that worked was me spending an hour every day for two weeks combing her hair section by section and spraying her bed twice a day. I’m traumatized by that experience, lol.

      • skeptical says:

        It is sooooo traumatizing. It’s exhausting for everyone and so frustrating. I feel you.

      • Krakken says:

        Yeah. It was pretty dreadful. I wound up getting them as well. Ugh. And really the combing is the only thing that gets rid of it. I used a an enzyme product that helped with bedding and stuff and enzyme shampoo but combing with a quality comb is basically the trick that will keep them away.

  16. A.Key says:

    The kid looks adorable!

  17. Doodle says:

    Last week I took my 11 year old to get her very dark hair bleached and dyed blue and purple. It’s just the ends like this girl and she is soooo happy. At camp this week I’ve had other parents tell me how cool I am to allow this and other moms tell me congratulations on allowing body autonomy. I live in Texas – full disclosure, I’m Canadian and very liberal. I see no problem as my daughter wanted this for ages so I knew it wasn’t a passing fancy and I took her to my friends salon. People who don’t like it can go screw.

  18. Isa says:

    I think being a young kid is the perfect time to experiment with funky colors. Grow up and many of the jobs have something in the handbook about unnatural colors. (Eyeroll)
    This reminds me my daughter wants a purple streak.

    • megs283 says:

      I agree. I would love to have some purple in my hair, but it would never fly at my work. So I settle for Kirstin Ess temporary rose gold tint!

      • Ali says:

        I was just telling another mom about the rose gold tint – I want to try it.
        Her daughter just dyed the ends of her hair blue but she has to get it cut before school – her school doesn’t allow dyed hair – so that was the agreement they made. Dye it, enjoy it, then get it cut before school starts.

  19. Rosie says:

    Oh gosh, every kid i know has dyed ends, strands, whatever. My 12 yr old got streaks done, but I took her to a family stylist we know…I was too chicken to deal with the mess in my own bathroom lol. If my 9 yr old son had wanted it too I would have let him. I see tons of very young kids with ends dip dyed. It’s a fun, harmless thing. Yeesh. AND my daughter tends to be very down on herself, but has had tons of compliments on her blue streaks, which has really boosted her self-esteem!

  20. Nev says:

    Oh geez.

  21. Thea says:

    It’s most likely temporary. Nbd

    I knew a girl, R, in elementary school. R had mousey brown hair. Her mom didn’t like it and dyed it blonde since first grade. That’s not cool.

  22. AnnaKist says:

    Yeah, I think it’s harmless. ; it’s just a bit of colour fun.
    My daughter’s partner has his daughter this weekend. She’s 10, and is competing in a calisthenics thingy tomorrow, in Canberra, a three-hour drive from where we live. It’s going to be fecking freezing down there. But I digress… The little girl is a tiny blonde, with fair skin, but for the calisthenics comp,has to have a fake tan. HAS to have. Her dad was given the brand and colour of the product to buy, and it’s quite dark, apparently. She’s had two coats applied, with another coat in the morning. Perhaps it was the Shiraz talking, but I had a nightly spew about it. What is wrong with a 10-year-old performing in her own natural porcelain skin? She was told if she didn’t get the tan she wouldn’t be competing. I asked her if she’d have chosen a fake tan had she not been compelled to have it. She said she wouldn’t, as she’s a tomboy and isn’t into that stuff. The kids were told they’d “look better” under lights. Why does this not sit well with me?

    • Anners says:

      Ya, no. This kind of thing is gross, I agree. Are they competing in gymnastics, or are they competing about how pretty they look in a leotard? I don’t think people spray tan for the Olympics (do they? I honestly don’t watch much, but I feel they are judged on technique, not looks. Feel free to correct me).

      I hate how we start with the self-hatred (too pale, not blonde enough, not thin enough, etc) at SUCH a young age. At 10 you shouldn’t have to worry about this garbage. That said, good luck to your girl!

  23. Lena says:

    I’m in Texas and our school only allows hair dye on “crazy hair day” or Halloween (as part of the storybook parade, only characters from actual books please). The next day it better be washed out, it’s a violation of the dress code.

  24. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I’ve always wanted pastel hair. But I am an adult with an office job that doesn’t allow such things. I say let kids experiment and have fun. Hair grows out. It’s a great way for a child – especially a girl – to learn body autonomy.

  25. skeptical says:

    I wish celebs would avoid posting pics of their kids and I definitely think that kids shouldn’t be commented or debated on.

    • lucy2 says:

      This – I have no issue with the hair dye, and I would have loved to do that at that age. But all the crazy reactions could be avoided by her not posting her kids every move for the world to see.

    • jennifer says:

      yea I just see a narcissistic hollywood mom living through her kids.

  26. Jess says:

    People are seriously upset about this?! Almost all of my daughters friends had their tips dyed this summer, it’s not a big deal. I asked my stylist about it and she said the tips are fine and a little bit of dye won’t hurt, but if you start stripping hair at the roots or coloring it often obviously that will damage their hair and scalp. I think it looks cute on Maxi, she’s a gorgeous child, and she’s expressing herself in a harmless way!

    • Pixelated says:

      Definitely accurate. I’m a stylist and I wouldn’t jump at a child bleaching their hair at all because kids have fine, delicate hair that can be easily damaged and also, they don’t know and aren’t really able to take care of it. This little girl doesn’t look like she was bleached at all, just some direct dye which is totally harmless and I’ve done this kind of project on several small children.
      As a side note, whenever I have teen girls in my chair who want highlights or a more complex color service, I always check with the parent because these kids see these awesome color on social media and aren’t really aware of the long process or the high cost of maintaining it. I don’t really like having teen color clients because of this. If you have a teen who wants a fun color or to go blonder, please make sure to have a consultation with their stylist first so the child understands how to take care of their hair 🙂

  27. Charfromdarock says:

    My nieces and nephew are teenagers now but they all had funky colours as little kids especially on summer break.

    It’s just hair. And it’s their own hair, and their own choice.

  28. ME says:

    I have a six year old niece and her mother dyes the little girls hair (not just the tips but from the root). It upsets me but I can’t say anything because she’s not my child. I don’t understand the need to dye a child’s hair. I’m talking adult dye, not some fun dye for kids that washes out after one wash. She’s also been wearing nail polish since the age of two.

  29. mew says:

    Absolutely fine. What’s the problem. It’s fine. Jeez.

  30. usedtobe says:

    When I was 7 this would have been a HUGE no way but times have changed so who the hell GAF!

  31. Missagogo says:

    People need to calm TF down. It’s not like she took her to get a tattoo. It is just hair; it grows out and it will wash out. These moms need to worry about children in this country getting abused, bullied, put into sex trafficking, and living in unhealthy situations instead of a little girl getting a temporary hair color change. These women need to get their priorities in order.

  32. RoyalBlue says:

    Cute and pretty normal these days. My 10 yr old wants to color hers for the holiday but her hair is so dark there is no way the color will show up.

  33. TheOriginalMia says:

    Gorgeous kid. Great hair. NBD.

  34. Deedee says:

    Some people have never Koolaid dyed their hair in the summer and it shows.

  35. Lady Keller says:

    My son is 3 and I use hair chalk and temporary color in his hair because he begs me all the time. He also gets his toe nails painted regularly. It’s just a bit of harmless fun and it makes their world more colorful. I’ve seen plenty of little girls with hair like this. As long as she’s not bleaching the kids hair I don’t think it’s a big deal.

    I think Jessica is probably raising her daughter to have a good heart and a kind soul. I care a lot more about what is going on inside the kid than what is on her head.

  36. shells_bells says:

    I think it’s a little young, but not my kid so it doesn’t really matter what I think.
    I saw on instagram that Pink was doing the same to her daughter’s hair in solidarity (with comments disabled of course).

  37. Nicegirl says:

    This is a fad in my area as well, and I don’t see any harm in it. It’s cute and though I would consider a Demi even permanent wouldn’t cause much damage if their hair is light and there’s no lifting prior to coloring, tips can be cut off later anyhow. It’s a nice form of self expression. Maybe like letting your kid choose their haircut or style.

    Also, her children are darling! 💕🖖🏽

  38. Suz says:

    Oh blah it’s just a little rainbow hair dye. It’s fine. Why is this even a conversation?

  39. DS9 says:

    I hate the policing of little girl innocence.

    We never wonder if boys are growing up too fast. Boys don’t have these arbitrary markers of when you can be old enough to participate in their father’s rituals.

    So even if they had used bleach, I don’t care. It’s just hair and dying it doesn’t age her or sexualize her. And the bleach isn’t harmful to her if used properly, just like virtually everything else children touch.

  40. Riley says:

    It’s fine and people need to mind their own business. Plastic surgery while they are still growing I find insane, but hair dye? She is cool mom!

  41. Christine Stephens says:

    My girls are blonde and we use that spray stuff that washes out in a couple washes They totally love it. Something about having a pink pony tail makes them happy! SHe went to a professional. To me this is no big deal at all.

  42. Claudia Salas says:

    I’m only outraged at what a terrible job the salon did. It looks so muddled, colors run together, areas that look sort of brown from the colors mixing/touching together, not vibrant, rich, or super pigmented.

    As long as the child is happy I know that’s all that matters, but I’m sure Jessica took her to some $500 an hour salon.

    As a customer, I would expect a lot better for that kind of price.

  43. Nutmeg says:

    In middle school (1980s) we used to dye our hair with any semipermanent color we could find and then go walk around the mall to see who noticed. Not advocating this as a life choice, but can’t see what the fuss is about!

  44. Mel says:

    Jessica Simpson can pay for the best hair people, so I’m pretty sure they know what to do and not to do to a kid’s hair/ head. Everyone needs to mind their business.

  45. M.A.F. says:

    Whatever. When I first saw the headlines I was expecting her whole head to be dyed purple. It’s the tips for crying out loud. It will wash out in about a week or so.

  46. BW says:

    Back in the 1970s, one of the graduate student’s wives had multicolored hair decades before it was a thing. When her kid showed up to school with multicolored hair, he was immediately sent to the principal’s office. The principal called the mother to come to school because her kid was in trouble. The mother showed up and said, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY KID’S HAIRCOLOR?” The principal said, “Um, nothing,” and sent the kid back to class, and that was the end of that.

  47. laura-j says:

    My stylist did something similar it washes out really quickly, no bleach on blonde hair.. My niece who’s ten did her hair purple, it’s cute.

    I wish pearl clutchers would be more concerned about real problems in the world.

  48. Jen says:

    Seriously?? When my daughter was in middle school a couple of years ago, she got her hair dip dyed. Because I didn’t want to deal with spilled Koolaid mix everywhere, I took her to a salon and it gradually washed out for months. Personally, I think letting a grade school age kid dip dye their hair is nothing compared to people that get their baby’s ears pierced when they’re a frickin month old.

  49. Liz version 700 says:

    When I was twelve I slipped while putting peroxide on a cut on the side of my face. My 80’s side ponytail got doused in peroxide. I didn’t even know peroxide was a hair dye but man I had blond streaks in my dark brown hair for years lol. My mom was horrified but I have to admit I like being a tad rock and roll.

  50. EviesMom says:

    We did this to ends of my daughter hair (I believe she was 7 or 8 at the time). We used Manic Panic (vegan) haircolouring. It looked really cute & lasted about 10 days. One trip to the pool & it is goneZo. But it was a vibrant blue & she was really proud of her dip dyed hair :).

  51. Marianne says:

    I do think a 7 year old is a tad young….but a)she went to a professional b)its just the ends c)she wouldnt have needed bleach since shes already so blonde and d)we dont know whether its temporary/semi-permanent etc. For we all know this could wash out in a few washes.

    Its honestly not the end of the world and there is actual child abuse and neglect going on in the world. Lets focus on that.

  52. Bunny says:

    I allow my daughters to do anything non-permanent at any age. Their bodies, their choices.

    Hair dye fades or can be cut out.

    I’m honestly not sure why people are upset about this. No harm done.

  53. Jessie says:

    It’s just hair. Calm down yall. This is the only time they can truly get away with crazy hair so let them.

  54. Patty says:

    She has really cute kids!

  55. Diana says:

    At middle school orientation the assistant principal said to us: let them cut and color their hair as they want. Let them have a piercing. There is a lot of pressure on them already. Let them have some self expression. My son now walks around with a crazy fro (I literally have to curl his hair nightly) but by god that’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever received. He’s a happy, well adjusted kid with crazy hair. What else can a parent ask for?!
    So what if Jessica let’s her kid color her hair? It’s just hair!

  56. CVD says:

    Come on people! What is wrong with adding some color to her hair??? I’m assuming most of the comments on here that are critical are from other moms because a lot of moms are so judgey of other moms.

  57. Cara says:

    How annoying that this is even a thing. I’m with Pink, the people that freaked the most about this probably don’t even have kids.
    This is not a big deal at all. Coloring your kids hair for fun is not a big deal….PERIOD.

  58. Sarah says:

    I’m having a hard time believing that dip dying a seven year old’s hair is controversial in this day and age. Most kids do this at some point through grade school years. The only problem is that the color only looks good for a short time. The more you shampoo, the more it comes out. There is a stage where it looks faded and kinda dingy, usually after about a week or week and a half.

  59. Fern says:

    Her hair is adorable. It’s age appropriate, fashionable and flattering. I’d rather see her hair done stylishly than a 7 year old wearing makeup, clothes that aren’t age appropriate or permanent changes like pierced ears.

  60. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    All I can say is, some children, despite their ages, are older souls. I, for one, think J did the right thing. If you feel like your child is expressing interests beyond their peers, pay attention to that. There is zero shame in doing what you think is best for your kid, who may be non-confirmative. Hell, advocate for your child no matter what s/he needs. I didn’t home school, but wish I had for my sensitive and intelligent kids. Sometimes I feel like I failed them, keeping them in a stressful and antagonistic environment. #GoGetIt.

  61. Silvie says:

    When I was a kid, I used to love to have fancy Scandinavian braids put in my hair, and I’d wear them for days until they were falling apart. Is dip-dye so different? There are many bigger issues in this country to address. Let a 7-year-old have blue tips for a couple weeks.

  62. Ye says:

    Its hair. Not even close to the scalp. Wtf.

  63. Red32 says:

    I have friends with daughters that age. The new Descendants movie premiered Friday night and apparently it was a really big deal. Disney had a countdown clock. I know at least 2 people who had Descendants slumber parties at their house. This isn’t about pressure or societal beauty standards. This is more like a Halloween costume, or dressing up at Comic-Con. People need to calm down.

  64. missskitttin says:

    So glad my daughter is 12 and came out of the nonsense of freaky color hair. We also learned the lesson. Still reeling from all the bleacing. Now hyperconditioning all the time to counteract. She says never again