Keanu Reeves made his official debut with his lowkey girlfriend Alexandra Grant

Keanu Reeves attends  the 2019 LACMA ART +FILM GALA in Los Angeles

I completely missed this when I was covering the fashion photos from the LACMA Art + Film gala, which was held on Saturday. The fashion – mostly Gucci – kind of sucked. But something else happened at this gala: Keanu Reeves made his official couple-debut with his lowkey girlfriend, Alexandra Grant. We stan a man who dates women close to his age. We stan a man who dates silver-haired Helen Mirren-looking ladies. We stan the appropriateness of this relationship!! Most sites have Grant’s age around 46. Keanu Reeves is 55. So she’s still “younger” but the reality of the world is that we’ve got men in their 60s engaged to 21-year-old college students, so let me have this one. There are a lot of 55 year old men who wouldn’t dream of dating a silver-haired 46-year-old woman.

People Magazine did a nice write-up about Grant – go here to read it. She’s an artist and she’s very involved in the artist community in LA. She and Keanu met around 2011, when they worked together on his book Ode to Happiness. She did the illustrations for that book, as well as his 2016 book Shadows. In 2017, they founded X Artists’ Books, a publishing house. They’ve been low-key seen and photographed before, mostly on dates around LA.

Anyway, they make a really lovely couple. Am I wrong for wondering if Keanu and Alexandra have been low-key dating for many years?

LACMA Art + Film Gala

Alexandra Grant, Keanu Reeves at the 2019 LACMA Art + Film Gala at LACMA

Alexandra Grant, Keanu Reeves at the 2019 LACMA Art + Film Gala at LACMA

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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141 Responses to “Keanu Reeves made his official debut with his lowkey girlfriend Alexandra Grant”

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  1. Ctgirl says:

    Keanu deserves a win in his personal life!

  2. Abby says:

    She does look like Helen Mirren! Good for them. He seems like such a nice man.

    • Erinn says:

      I glanced initially and thought it was Helen ahhaa.

      Just going off appearances she looks like a really warm, lovely lady. I mean of course I don’t know – but she gives off that sort of vibe.

    • Spicecake38 says:

      Thought it was Helen Mirren for sure!
      Wish them much happiness!

    • Eliza says:

      I see Helen a little, but a lot more Lily Tomlin.

    • Snappyfish says:

      I was coming in here to say the exact same thing. I actually thought it was Helen!! I love he has a low key appropriate age girlfriend & I hope they are deliriously happy

      • Kristina says:

        +1! I saw the story and thought- ok he is with Helen Mirren there- do I have to click to see the girlfriend? 🙂
        He just seems like such a great, awesome, stupendous guy. I love it.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Same as all here. I thought it was Helen and like @Kristina thought I’d have to click to see the gf. Also same that I hope they’re deliriously happy, although I stanned his fictional character with the fictional woman with dreads.

    • TheHeat says:

      A cross between Helen Mirren & Maggie Gyllenhall.

    • asdfa says:

      I genuinely can’t believe it’s NOT Helen Mirren.

      Also – good taste Keanu! Helen Mirren is an icon in all ways

    • lucy2 says:

      Definitely thought she was Helen at first glance.
      She seems lovely and I’m happy for them.

    • sequinedheart says:

      I’m just gonna say it – I think this hair style ages the hell out of her, hence the Mirren comparisons.
      If you google her, she’s a badass & a mega babe in every other pic. I know it’s whats on the inside blah blah blah but this is a gossip site so I’m going shallow today. She is a fox.
      Sidenote, a tad bitter because Keanu is mine, yours, everyones. I’m holding back the tears.

      • Le4Frimaire says:

        Kind of agree she’d look less Helen Mirren if the hair was colored but very attractive and live that she’s an artist m. Keanu is gorgeous as always, aging well and getting much respect recently. It’s like he’s newly discovered and the hot guy again.

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      I thought Helen Mirren, too! Then a cross between HM and Kristen Scott Thomas!

      I’ve always had a soft spot for KR. Glad he’s finding happiness 😊

  3. Eleonor says:

    Beautiful couple!
    I am 38 yo and I date men in their mid 40’s I think it’s a good gap, at least for me: never married (I don’t want) I am happily child free, so I don’t have to think about them wanting to start a family because often they are divorced, have their children and we are on the same page.

  4. Harla says:

    While I’m very happy for the both of them, I’m going to the corner to sob over my loss 😢

  5. Jax says:

    One of my friends posted this on Facebook and I was hoping you would cover it. So thank you.

    And hopefully the internet won’t break since the internet’s boyfriend has a boo. He deserves all the happiness. I do want to know more though.

  6. H says:

    When I first saw the pictures I thought it was Helen Mirren and I was so excited that perhaps Keanu was dating her. Lol. However, his girlfriend is absolutely lovely and you are right I totally stan a man who dates an age-appropriate woman. I’m very happy for Keanu…and Alexandra.

  7. 1979 says:

    She looks lovely. I hope they’re very happy together.

  8. Sarah says:

    She is nine years younger than him, and Hollywood still considers this age-appropriate. Ugh. Still, delighted for him and for her. He deserves all the love, after all his sadness.

    • A says:

      She’s 46 year old artist with a lot of life experience so nine years age gap in this case is not a problem here.

      • Trutful says:

        I think what Sarah was trying to say is… there is still a gap, a quite large age gap, it doesn’t take away her experience or anything, it’s still a large age gap (a decade).

        As a foreigner I am always surprised by how couple age gaps are considered in by most americans, it’s always, the supposed qualities or flaws of a woman that are pointed at: ” at least she isn’t 21″, “she is mature”, “she knows what she is getting into “, etc… and so on… while whatever the man does or is is okay-ish except if it’s dramatic ( can be her grand-father)…

        This comment isn’t directly related to Keanu reeves or even to yours, it’s just it’s surprising and a bit unsettling to see american women’s reaction from afar.

        As a western european 10 years is already a huge huge gap to me or in my country.

    • Lilian says:

      Wait is a 9 year age gap a problem?

      • greenmonster says:

        No it isn’t. At least it shouldn’t be. She is 46 and he is 55, there is absolutely no problem.

      • A says:

        @TRUTFUL I’m not American. I don’t think anyone in my country would be scandalized by a 46 years old dating a 55 years old. Both of them have seen a lot of this world and obviously have some things in common,their age gap is not an issue here imo. I personally don’t think 9 years is a huge gap as long as no one is in their early 20s.

      • Trutful says:

        @ A: it’s not a problem for sure. But IT IS an age gap as in they aren’t the same age, that’s what I am trying to say.
        Otherwise nothing to be scandalized as they are both mature adults.

      • Carol says:

        I think after a certain age (40’s and up) it wouldn’t be. What’s the problem? At 40, I had plenty of life experiences and felt I knew myself better than I ever did. At that age, I knew what I was getting into.

        Also, I love that they have been dating for a while and no one knew.

    • Algernon says:

      I consider any ages within a decade of each other to be age appropriate, you’re still dealing in the same generation.

    • MissM says:

      When you get into your 30’s, dating a man who is ten years older than you isn’t a notable difference and it certainly isnt at 46.

    • The Recluse says:

      They’re both Gen-X, so there’s no problem.
      (Gen-X as defined by Douglas Coupland and Straus and Howe: The Fourth Turning.)

  9. Lightpurple says:

    They’re relaxed and comfortable with one another. They’ve likely been a couple for quite a while. Good for them.

  10. Mar says:

    I thought this was Helen and I kept trying to find the links for his girlfriend.
    Then I realized ………

  11. Seraphina says:


    And I only said no because am 😍 over Keanu. He’s just awesome and I hope he finds happiness. I always got the vibe that he never got over his last love. I wish them both much happiness. And kudos to man who doesn’t want a girl who needs him to buy alcohol because she’s underage.

  12. Adrien says:

    After the recent news about Dennis Quaid and Peter Cook, my brain was jolted a bit reading an actual A-lister dating someone around his age. There’s an almost decade gap but both are in their middle ages.

    • Mia4s says:

      Look how sexy and appealing this makes Keanu while the other two look like old men creeping on the babysitter? The other two are trying to recapture…something…and they just look pathetic.

  13. Isa says:

    I’m here for it. She has such a beautiful smile. So joyful.

    • ClaraBelle says:

      And in every picture I’ve seen of her (and there are LOTS on DM), she is smiling. Not a surprise then that they co-wrote and illustrated a book called Ode to Happiness.

  14. tempest prognosticator says:

    I didn’t know I could love him even more than I already did. He appreciates smart, creative, independent women over 40!

  15. SJR says:

    OK now, it is known that I am Team Keanu forever. I have sat thru some of his bad movies, which I only went to because it was a Keanu movie and still been happy.

    I love seeing him holding hands with his honey!
    May good health and happiness be with them both.

  16. so says:

    I just love Keanu !
    And btw I know it’s meant as a compliment to compare Alexandra to Helen Mirren, but I really hope when I’m 46 nobody will say I really look like a 74 y-o lady… :p

    • lana86 says:

      Yeah thought the same. She looks older than him, btw. He is a vampire, of course, but also she clearly doesn’t mind looking older (doesn’t dye hair etc)

      • hmm says:

        yeah I thought she was his mum (which may just be a condemnation of how warped our views are these days) but it might also just be the grey vs black hair.

      • horseandhound says:

        she does look older than her age and I am sure it’s her hair. I am so happy for him. literally tearing up. I am not that invested in celebrities’ lives, but I really like him.

  17. Jerusha says:

    No, you’re not wrong for wondering if this has been going on for some time.This has been going on low key for at least two years, but people put it down to business partners associating. He took her to pre Oscar parties in 2018 & 2019. They’ve been spotted dining out numerous times the past couple of years. They actually made their official coming out at the YSL fashion show in June when they happily posed holding hands. In August she accompanied him to Japan when he promo’ed JW3. I follow AG on IG and she truly is a lovely person and I am very happy for my 30+ year virtual bf.
    However, do not look on IG or twitter. The jealous mean girls of all ages are competing with each other to say nasty things about AG. They seem to want Keanu to be like Leo with the Model of the Moment.

    • Esmom says:

      Oh geez to your last paragraph. Not surprising. Social media is a scourge.

    • detritus says:

      Part of his appeal is that he isn’t like Leo. That’s not his value system, thankfully.

      It amazes me that people wouldn’t see this as just part of who he is. He wants inner beauty, a partner, not the ephemeral beauty of youth.

      All those people are being jerks because he has bucked the system. For the very reasons they like him.

      So strange.

    • megs283 says:

      do you think she passed under the radar because she’s not a typical sexy Hollywood model type? I do…!

      • Jerusha says:

        They’ve known each other about ten years and always seemed affectionate when doing their book related events. Starting two or three years ago they were spotted more often at non-business related occasions. I think most just saw it as friends/business partners having dinner together. But in June, at the YSL fashion show when they walked the red carpet holding hands, an aha went up. Then when she went to Japan with him, it seemed confirmed. Since he’s always been super private about such things he must be really smitten to go public. She’s smart, accomplished, independent and seems a good soul. I love it for them!

  18. SM says:

    She looks older than him.but to be fair anyone from 30 years on would when standing next to Keanu, since he is a vampire. I hope he he happy. He deserves that.

    • Adrianna says:

      Why do people have to deliberately make a point of saying she looks older than him, seems totally unnecessary and shallow to drill that into us. I’ve seen other recent photos of her where she looks younger.

    • tealily says:

      I mean, she doesn’t dye her hair, but no. She doesn’t actually look older to me.

  19. spikeslayer says:

    don’t mind it at all..great to know he finally has someone to be even more beautiful with

  20. Nev says:


  21. Sarah says:

    Love him and now them. Call me crazy but when I read about these older men dating younger women I always assume it’s because women around their age want nothing to do with them. Not the other way around!

  22. Lizzie says:

    she is an extremely accomplished artist and cooler than any of us could hope to be. i’m happy for them.

  23. Chole says:

    I do hope Keanu can have children though. So what are the chances? Some older men go for younger women because they want to have children in a later age. Keanu may be fine without children, but it’s a waste of his good genes!

    • Jerusha says:

      I agree about the good genes, but he has two sisters, one early 50s and one mid 40s, and neither has children, so who knows the family dynamic.

    • Eliza says:

      If I recall correctly he’s said he’s not interested in bring in children to the picture at his age. So no matter how young/old his partner is, I doubt it’s in the cards

    • Anon33 says:

      Please stop policing people’s decisions about having children. You think it’s a “waste of his genes”? What an intrusively odd thing to say.

    • olive says:

      this is pretty insensitive. keanu had a daughter who was stillborn. he and her mother broke up shortly afterwards and then she died in a car accident. he may not want kids again after that tragedy.

      • notasugarhere says:

        He gave interviews about 10 years after that happened, saying he wanted to get married and have children. He was working on it, give him time. It was only a few years ago he started voicing the idea, somewhat jokingly, that he thought he was possibly too old now.

      • olive says:

        sounds like jennifer aniston!

      • notasugarhere says:

        It never read that way to me. The interviews about wanting a wife and kids seemed genuine. The later one about being too old felt more jokey.

    • Ange says:

      Keanu seems like a good guy but he’s only that, a good guy who also happens to be handsome and well known. SMH at the idea that he should reproduce just because of that.

    • sammiches says:

      “it’s a waste of his good genes” Congrats on having the creepiest comment of the day.

    • Joanna says:

      I don’t think it’s a creepy comment. Just saying it’s a shame his beauty wont be passed on.

  24. Meija says:

    OMG age appropriate! I love you Keanu. I thought she was Helen Mirren too, and no that’s not an insult, Helen Mirrin is everything.

  25. stormsmama says:

    I love him
    And am so happy for them


  26. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    I love this and wish them a lifetime of happiness.

    As for the age gap discussions, 9 years is fine. I’ve mentioned this before, but my mom is over 15 years older than my dad. They’re still together. It was never really an issue, or anything we realized existed, when we were growing up. It was only in adulthood that I really did the math. It is what it is. Personally, I always preferred men close to my age.

    I should add that Dennis Quaid and Peter Cook are way gross tho. *shudders*

  27. Digital Unicorn says:

    Yeah she has a Helen Mirren vibe but she also reminds me of Gwen Christie.

  28. Bubbled says:

    She looks like Helen Mirren crossed with Maggie Gyllenhaal. I am here for it.

  29. Lucy says:

    I’m so happy about this! She’s stunning.

  30. Alexandria says:

    Still Team Keanu! Hope both of them stay happy and together!

  31. DS9 says:

    Is Helen Mirren really the only silver haired fox on the planet or are do we just think all silver haired white ladies look alike or do we stop noticing women’s features once they go gray?

    Because all praise to Helen Mirren but this woman looks nothing like her. Alexandra Grant’s skin is goddamned luminous! She’s gorgeous and her presence is much more graceful and calming than Helen’s more cheeky, vivacious personality.

    I just… It feels ageist.

    • Anon33 says:

      Especially considering that Helen is a good thirty years older than this woman!!

    • Bookworm says:

      Besides that, Helen is married.

      Jamie Lee Curtis keeps her natural gray hair but there’s no resemblance to either this lady or to Helen.

      I think in this case they do slightly resemble each other at first glance.

    • Ange says:

      No? They have similar eyes and that same close lipped wide smile so it’s not weird at all!

  32. emmy says:

    Oh HELL yeah! God I love him and want him to be so frickin’ happy.

    I feel like 9 years once the younger partner hits 30 is not really an age gap we need to think about.

  33. Teebee says:

    She is lovely! Super cool, confident, seems quite joyful, and quick to spread joy.

    Keanu is lucky to have her.

    No more SadKeanu…

  34. zee says:

    I wouldn’t call it age appropriate since she is at least 500 years younger than him. But he probably already dated all the available vampires and now has to date mortals.

  35. Insomniac says:

    Yes, I seriously thought she was Helen Mirren. Which is fine! I hope they’re super happy together.

  36. guestaroo83 says:

    To paraphrase my comment on Twitter, of COURSE, he has an age-appropriate lowkey girlfriend with beautiful silver hair who is fairly normal looking but still beautiful and elegant. That’s exactly the sort of thing Keanu would do. He’s almost TOO much and my stanning is getting embarrassing.

    It’s almost just turning into respect with a side of (non-ironic) life goals and I’m not sure that’s why I look for in my celebrity gossip! Lol.

    • guestaroo83 says:

      AND I just found out that she is an alumnus of my alma mater Swarthmore College. GO SWAT!

  37. Diana says:

    I am in love with him!!!!! 😍😍😍

  38. ooshpick says:

    I feel kind of sad that it is such a big deal and reflection on his merit that he would date someone age appropriate and a beautiful silver fox. It speaks to how undervalued middle aged women who look their age are in the media. It reminds me of when I was growing up and my mum said to my dad ‘don’t tell me that you did the dishes like that’s some huge accomplishment’. Dad still expected some sort of prize at that point in his evolution. He has always been praised for being a feminist when he was just doing what should be the normal thing.

  39. Blerg says:

    She is lovely, and they look so sweet together. I’m charmed!

  40. Cupcake says:

    I LOVE them together! Go Keanu!

  41. HeyThere! says:

    I think she’s beautiful. I thought this was his mother before I read anything. I think it’s just the hair. He deserves all the happiness!

  42. ME says:

    Good for both of them. I can only imagine how many young 20 somethings probably throw themselves at Keanu. He is a special man and it shows he cares about more than some “hot young thing”. Not saying his gf isn’t beautiful or anything of the sort…she has a great smile. I’m just saying how different Keanu is from most famous men…or any men really lol.

  43. virginfangirls says:

    Keanu Reeves is the best. I hope he has much happiness.

  44. Lila says:

    I didn’t think I could love him more, but there it is 😍 Good for him for dating someone that isn’t fillered into oblivion. They both look like they’re living their best life.

  45. Naddie says:

    As much as I love him, he’s a man so I was expecting a 25 year old model (aspiring to be, guess… an actress). I love being wrong about people, for real.

  46. LMB says:

    Now I like him even more.

  47. shells_bells says:

    I love him so much and she seems lovely.

  48. Stelly says:

    Is he wearing hiking boots?! Love Keanu.

  49. Ye says:

    I am always looking for role models for «oldish me». I’m 33, and I feel like I shouldny allow a gray hair until I’m 60, when I am «oooold me» Does that make sense? Anyway, she is beautiful and they look great together. I knew he was great but he just rose beyond great in my book. And its so sad that this is so RARE.

  50. Lisa says:

    I hope they are really happy together.

  51. BANANIE says:

    I’ve already heard someone say she must be a “beard” like in “Hugh Jackman’s case” because she’s age appropriate and doesn’t have traditional Hollywood looks. That kind of talk is so rude.

  52. Anne says:

    I adore Keanu, always have, always will. I am so happy for him. And I legit thought this was Helen Mirren. His girlfriend looks lovely, very legal, classy. I honestly wish them all the best.

  53. Rosie says:

    47-yr old silver fox here. I went grey early after my kids were born. (Coincidence? I think not.) Dyed it for a while, then let it go natural. I don’t wear makeup anymore either. I feel so comfortable in myself this way. If it makes me look older, whatever. (And I have had people assume my kids are my grandkids more than once! But this is in the South, y’all.) Life lesson learned: do what makes you happy!

    So awesome Keanu’s dating an interesting, intelligent woman. I hate to praise a man for this like it’s some big accomplishment…but IT IS! So many men his age (not to mention his fame) just bounce from one 22-yr old plastic “bombshell” to another – GAH! It’s ridiculous. Respect for this lovely man. 🙂

  54. Case says:

    This news really warms my heart. He seems like the absolute loveliest person and deserves happiness. Alexandra has such a warm and kind presence about her. Their vibes really match. It’s nice to see.

  55. Laura-j says:

    As a 49 year old without Botox and fillers, I’m extra thrilled to see about the hottest guy ever, going with someone closer to me than a plastic looking 20 year old.

    I mean people love to tell me that I should get Botox, I can’t even imagine the s@it she is getting.

    They look happy, I’m happy.

  56. Pip says:

    I’ve just discovered in an article in today’s Guardian that Keanu is the same age as Nigel Farage.

    I’ll just leave that fact hanging there for anyone who doesn’t believe in karma.

  57. Lala11_7 says:

    Keanu has been NOT disappointing me for over 30 years…


  58. She reminds me of a cross between Lily Tomlin and Helen Mirren, both very attractive and elegant women. With the exception of her gray hair, she has a very youthful appearance and demeanor. What matters most is that it is very apparent she brings joy and contentment to this lovely man’s life. May they both be blessed with happiness.

  59. Veronica S says:

    Nine years is a no big deal at that age, let’s be real. It’s when the junior partner is twenties or younger that age gaps can be sketchy. There’s just something malleable about our identities until we’re closer to the thirties that just can give too much advantage to an older, more experienced partner. There’s a difference between being adult age and being An Adult (TM) and people who pretend otherwise are being disingenuous.

    They make cute couple. Disturbing how much of a relief it is to see a celebrity man looking for an actual PARTNER, eh?

  60. Pixie says:

    She is beautiful. I think the red carpet, dress up look isn’t her, I’ve seen photos where she wears very little make up and she glows. Not sayIng she doesn’t here, but less is more for her definitely. Keanu go you good thing x

  61. reg says:

    I don’t buy it. He has been obsessed and dating Charlize Theron for over a decade, which
    has been completely hidden from the public. He even showed up at Sean Penn’s house in the middle of the night to reclaim Charlize. There is an image he wants to project to the world and then there another side to him. He has been known to switch girlfriends like gloves. It’s not like he’s making an engagement announcement. My money is still on Charlize Theron, he thinks she’s he’s soulmate.

  62. May says:

    I’m more hung up on her height than her age. Isn’t Keanu like 6’ 1” ? She must be like 6 ft tall! I’m 4’ 11” by the way

    • Jerusha says:

      She wears flats all the time. I’m guessing 6’2”. I think she’s a bit taller than he is.

  63. titi says:

    He is an absolute gift. And hey…she’s amazing. Here’s to a grown man enjoying a relationship with a grown woman.

  64. JanetDR says:

    I am delighted for both of them – they look great together!

  65. ParlerBleu says:

    She is beautiful. I’m jealous of both of them, to be honest. But my higher self hopes they are both happy. Keanu is a Hollywood gem. I just want to curate all of my media to revolve around architecture, baby animals, and Keanu Reeves.

  66. Lady says:

    Her dress is gorgeous. Thank god I’m not the only natural woman in this town!!! It’s hard living here and reading all the crap about women that I read online. She’s doesn’t look old. She doesn’t look young. Those things don’t matter a GD bit. What matters is your heart. They look like an appropriate couple you wouldn’t pay attention to. Thank god. I don’t need another 80 year old man to sit down at my bar and tell me I’m too old to be there. I have regulars who are constantly grossed out by me because I dared to turn 40. One day we really have to stop vilifying the aging process. It’s freaking wonderful if you do it right.

  67. Nova says:

    Keanu is so beautiful

  68. Velvet Elvis says:

    I’m in love with the fact that Keanu didn’t go for a woman with supermodel looks or the Hollywood plastic makeover. She’s lovely in a different and more interesting way, Lordy I’m so jealous.

  69. Well-Wisher says:

    What a beautiful couple. I hope they enjoy their love and romance. Simply best wishes.

  70. Minxx says:

    So happy for him! They look wonderful 👍❤