Alanis Morissette is going on tour with Liz Phair and Garbage

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The Jagged Little Pill musical premiered last year at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge Massachusetts. It’s coming to Broadway this week to start a run that will coincide with the album’s 25th anniversary next year. Alanis has planned another way to celebrate the milestone: a 31-date tour with Liz Phair and Garbage! The Hollywood Reporter has more:

The tour is slated to kick off June 2 with a show in Portland, Oregon, at the Sunlight Supply Amphitheater and hit Seattle; Salt Lake City; Los Angeles; Dallas; Charlotte, North Carolina; Toronto; and Cincinnati, before concluding July 25 at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville.

To celebrate the announcement of the tour, Morissette released a new single, “Reasons I Drink,” which will be featured on her upcoming album, Such Pretty Forks in the Road, due out May 1.

Presale tickets for the tour will be available starting Dec. 10 at 11 a.m. local time, with tickets on sale to the general public beginning Dec. 13 at 11 a.m. local time at VIP packages will be available starting with the presale.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

If you purchase a ticket you will be able to download “Reasons I Drink,” and then will get a digital copy of Such Pretty Forks in the Road on May 1. Alanis is going to debut the album’s lead single on The Tonight Show on Wednesday and is being awarded the 2019 Billboard Women In Music Icon Award next week.

I still remember watching the video for “You Oughta Know” on VH1 back when most of its schedule was devoted to playing music videos. I was in high school and had never seen that level of raw emotion performed in a public space before. It seems like such a clichéd thing to say now, but at the time, I was in awe. I’m on a strict budget at the moment, but I’d love to get to one of these shows! This is a fantastic lineup. Admittedly, I didn’t own any Liz Phair or Garbage albums, but they were in heavy rotation in many of my friends’ cars and on the radio. The ’90s are having a resurgence of sorts and I’m OK with this.

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29 Responses to “Alanis Morissette is going on tour with Liz Phair and Garbage”

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  1. tempest prognosticator says:


    • Escondista says:

      I’m excited too. I remember my mom and my friend’s parents playing 70s music in the 90s and now I have 90s music playing when I’m cleaning and my daughter… tolerates it?

      I don’t really dwell on time but once in a while it hits me that the 90s weren’t just 5-10 years ago.

      • delphi says:

        Yeah, that reality hits me on the regular, and I won’t lie. It stings a bit.

        Already planning on going to the Cincinnati show with one of my best high school girlfriends. We fully plan on dressing for the nostalgia, too. Hellooooo, babydoll dress and Docs!

  2. Doodle says:

    Alanis has always bugged me. A friend of mine went to high school with her back when she was trying to be a pop princess and said she was rude and full of herself and I’ve never been able to get on board with her. Lots of my friends are fans but I just can’t.

    • Escondista says:

      Yeesh. It has been almost 30 years since she was in high school.
      People grow. People change.

      • Pennymoon says:

        i worked at her record label and she was the nicest and most thoughtful of all the artists.

    • Redgrl says:

      @doodle – yeah, I know people who went to school with her in Ottawa and she was fairly obnoxious back then – she used to drive around in her car with the top down blasting her own tunes and asking people if they knew who she was. Stupid kid stuff, really. That said, I do admire her for reinventing herself and taking control of her image without being the usual “child star gone bad” a la Miley Cyrus schtick. And even though she doesn’t understand what irony is (pet peeve of mine) Jagged Little Pill is a fantastic album.

  3. Charfromdarock says:

    I’ve loved Alanis since she was a teen pop star here in Canada.

    I really want to see the Broadway show. I’ve downloaded the album already.

    • Heather says:

      Me too. Love, love, love!
      I’m more than a little miffed, however, that there is currently only one Canadian stop on the Jagged Little Pill tour.

  4. Esmom says:

    I would pay good money to see these ladies but alas they are not coming my way.

    I was a huge fan of Liz Phair back in the day and even credit one of her songs for making me decide I wanted to have kids. However, she has a new book out and sadly it killed my crush on her quite a bit. It’s really, really terrible. I was appalled, tbh.

    • Atticus says:

      I LOVE Liz….dare I ask what her book says?!!

      • Esmom says:

        It’s a bunch of personal stories that she decided to share for whatever reason.

        I would have much rather read about her music, the process, the experiences, etc. Instead she reveals so much cringeworthy stuff, including a lot very deep insecurity. And it’s generally not written well at all. I feel like someone close to her should have stopped the book from seeing the light of day.

      • Atticus says:

        Ah, got it. Good to know. I’m such a fangirl, I may still need to read it but good to have that expectation going in. Thanks!!

  5. IMUCU says:

    My husband and I will totally go to this. We’ve seen Alanis before, together and separately and he has definitely seen a better show from her than me (mine was “meh”, when we saw her together it was a bit better), but I’m willing to give her live show another chance because I enjoy many of her albums. I’m most excited about Garbage who my husband saw when they had just started touring here, but I’ve never seen them. We were just talking about what a great album Version 2.0 is…I really hope this tour comes to the Tampa Bay area or Orlando!

    • Coco says:

      I still listen to the first two Garbage albums pretty regularly and they really hold up. Saw them with No Doubt years ago and Shirley is magnetic.

  6. Ana Maria says:

    not a flattering look for her, the short hair

    • Coco says:

      I think it looks great on her! I always thought her long hair weighed down her face and this is so fresh looking. Just shows how differently we all see things.

  7. CanadianJac says:

    ‘You Oughta Know’ was the first song I’d ever heard a woman sing *angry*. It was such a gift to realize that anger wasn’t just for men – that we could rage too. That our heartache didn’t have to be pretty.

  8. Originaltessa says:

    That album was everything to middle school me. Haven’t thought about her in years, but she is stamped forever into a certain place in my childhood.

  9. a reader says:

    Since I follow Garbage on BandsInTown app I got notified of this concert. I looked it up, saw Alanis was headlining and NOPED out.

    I mean for real, I get the Alanis appeal but she’s just the white feminist version of Ani DiFranco and I can’t believe folks haven’t evolved past that yet. *shrug* And yeah, this is me saying that Alanis’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me… her shout-singing makes my ears bleed and her lyrics on Jagged Little Pill are pedantic. I never liked that album and actively avoided it, liked turned my radio dial if she came on. Ani should’ve had the bigger career; better singer, better lyricist, actual intersectional feminist.

    • Mumbles says:

      Agreed, don’t know why Ani didn’t get the career that Alanis got. (If I had dated the dork from Full House, I would have kept that a secret. Not because of sex shame, just because….he’s the guy from Full House.) Well, I kinda do. Ani was indie, self-made and countercultural, and Alanis was a known, comfortable quantity (Nickelodeon kid actor, teeny pop album).

      Of the three, Shirley Manson is the coolest. I listened to Liz Phair back in the day and still do on occasion, but they haven’t held up 100 percent.)

    • Two little girls says:

      1. Attempting to de-race white women by saying they are ‘intersectional feminists’ and not ‘white feminists’ is itself racist.
      2. They are very very different as musical artists, and in all ways. This is the sort of weird comparison that apparently inspired Lilith Fair.

  10. Sadly, this show is just too rich for my pocketbook right now. However, I saw Liz Phair in Woodstock in October and WOW, you MUST go if you can. Also, Spotify the song “May Queen”, it will change your life.

  11. shells_bells says:

    I was “coming of age” when Jagged Little Pill was released and it was kind of life-changing for me. I’ve seen Alanis twice, the first was 12ish? years ago and it was one of my most disappointing shows ever but then a saw her 2 summers ago and I’m so glad that I gave her another shot because it was so great! Also, I LOVE Garbage! I will definitely try to work this show into my summer line up 🙂

  12. Lightspirit says:

    Alanis is was in a great documentary called “Sensitive: The Untold Story (2015)”.
    I think some of her music from “havoc and bright lights” in 2012 showed her depth of sensitivity then. She has such an amazing ability to express emotions so beautifully in her songs.

    The “Sensitive: The Untold Story” documentary is about the temperament trait of high sensitivity found in 20% of the population in both men and women. Based on the findings of bestselling author-psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron (“The Highly Sensitive Person”). Worth watching.

    I hope to have the chance to see her perform live on her upcoming tour.

  13. MsGnomer says:

    Liz Phair and Garbage were edgy and alternative like Ani DiFranco; Jagged LIttle Pill was pop cross over, if I recall. Funny how things turn out…. I admire Alanis; she is a serious practicing Buddhist, and her song “Thank U” resonates with me. The rest of her work, I don’t know it. …. Haircut is fine. It’s the pocket flaps and blazer which are really bothering me.

  14. Dotgirl says:

    I saw Garbage in concert twice in the late 90’s and they were AWFUL. So so bad. I can’t imagine 20 years of obscurity has improved them much.