Kanye West thinks T.I. checking on his daughter’s virginity is ‘God-approved’

Kanye West attends a church event in Miami covered in silver

Kanye West has now been doing his Sunday Service/preacher cosplay for a year. On his one-year anniversary of Yeezus-preaching, Kanye went to Skid Row in LA, and preached at the Union Rescue Mission. I can’t believe it’s been a full year of this. Part of me thinks it’s okay-ish that Kanye has a somewhat healthier outlet for his disordered mind. Another part of me thinks that Kanye is getting “high” on a very problematic version of religion, and it’s not only dangerous for him, it’s dangerous for the people around him and the people who might take his religious ranting seriously.

Just when I want to give Kanye the benefit of the doubt about anything, he reminds all of us that he still sucks and deserves to be Forever Cancelled. He had one of those moments while preaching in Skid Row. He started going on and on about “devil-approved” and “god-approved” subjects, and then he made a reference to the scandal with T.I. taking his teenage daughter to the gynecologist to check her hymen. Kanye said:

“I ain’t telling nobody what to do. I’m expressing what I been through. ‘Cause you know people love to take a soundbite and say, ‘This was not exactly devil-approved by the internet’. You can be speaking on something that’s God-approved…you know what I’m saying? Like all those songs we be dancing to, twerking to, [and] they tried to play T.I. They tried to play T.I., but he’s talking about something God-approved.”

[From BET]

Yes, it’s God-approved to monitor your daughter’s hymen, at least according to Kanye. Garbage. Complete and utter garbage. I mean, is this the most problematic thing he’s ever said? Of course not. But it still sucks. And what’s worse is that there are probably millions of people out there who agree with him and agree that a father checking his daughter’s hymen is approved by God.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West leave Milos restaurant with their kids

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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54 Responses to “Kanye West thinks T.I. checking on his daughter’s virginity is ‘God-approved’”

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  1. ariel says:

    When it comes to Kanye and his belief in “god”.
    Always remember: Kanye believes that either (1) Kanye is God, or (2) Kanye is part of “god’s inner circle, and God is great BECAUSE God made Kanye the GENIUS that that mentally ill jackass thinks he is.

    • Millennial says:

      Yeah all of this is delusions of grandeur 101. And the Kardashians gaslighting all of us by acting like all of this is super normal okay behavior.

    • SKF says:

      it is common (1/4) for unmedicated bipolar (and schizophrenic: 2/5) people in manic phases to have religious delusions.

      A friend of mine is bipolar, and when he had his first episodes in our early 20s he thought that he was Jesus. He jumped out a window thinking he could fly, tried to heal people, and would break out into fake bible verse. He is and has always been an atheist. It took a few years for him to really try to be better, and now he has a great meds balance, is completely sober and clean (alcohol and drugs are triggers for him) and is healthy and happy.

      Kanye is unmedicated and untreated. Having religious delusions with himself in a starring role (and not necessarily based off any true understanding of or belief In religion) is not surprising.

  2. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    All I know is I loved reading the title while looking at his baked potato pic.

  3. Jas says:

    Thank you for using this photo as the feature image. It makes it clear to anyone tempted into thinking otherwise that he is never to be taken seriously or as an authority on absolutely anything ever.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      JAS agree 100% that photo is everything I ever need to see to surmise the situation. Plus that photo is everything period.

  4. Swack says:

    Question for Kanye: Are Trump’s actions god approved? This is why I left organized religion – the sheer hypocrisy of it all.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    I pray for his children.

    • Mac says:

      I don’t know how Kim can stand it.

    • runcmc says:

      Agreed. He has two daughters!! I really feel for all of his kids but he will be dangerous to his daughters specifically. That said he is raising up two boys and releasing them on the world as well.

      Seriously, Kim should leave him and pursue primary-to-sole custody. It’s something that I think is worth the hit to her career.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I think Kim is mentally detached in/from this marriage of theirs. She gets a lot of mileage from being his wife, for sure, goodness knows why. He’s bonkers and she knows it. Those poor little girls.

  6. BlueSky says:

    If you don’t have a vagina you need to STFU.
    I can’t stand this a$$hole. He and T.I. are “devil approved”

    Using the same tired trick used for centuries: using the Bible and God as a way of controlling women.

    • Rapunzel says:

      You mean, “if it’s not your vagina, stfu”

      Having a vagina doesn’t give you the right to police a vagina that’s not yours. This purity obsession is nuts. There are too many mothers who agree with TI and Kanye and they don’t get a pass cause they got lady parts too.

      • BlueSky says:

        @Rapunzel in this particular case I’m referring to men who constantly think they are authorities when it comes to women and their bodies.
        I get what you are saying. I’m just tired of men hijacking these conversations. Women who consign this bullshit are just as problematic too.

      • otaku fairy.... says:

        +1000. Women participate in young girls’/women’s abuse under purity culture as well. Marginalization doesn’t entitle anyone to a pass on this.

    • Alice says:

      Despite all his shenanigans, I somehow still rooted for the guy due to his talent and enormous belief in himself. But DAMN. If my husband, father or any other male in my family dared talk this way about my baby girl (due to be born in May) I would shut them up in a hot second. I find the whole conversation around a girl’s and /or young womans virginity disgusting. Invasive. Perverted. Sickengly patriarchal. Controlling. Even abusive.
      Enough with this shiz.

  7. Jadedone says:

    So Kanye doesn’t want Kim to dress sexy, doesnt want his daughter to wear makeup and thinks hymen monitoring is appropriate fathering. Seems like he is really focused on women and the idea that women need to be exactly what he wants. Not disturbing at all.

  8. jenner says:

    He is so delusion that he forgot about his wife’s sex tape.

    • otaku fairy.... says:

      But more importantly, what has Kanye’s sexual history been, since he’s the one doing the slut-shaming and telling people it’s okay to subject girls to toxic things like this?

      • jenner says:

        True that. Though I don’t know much about his history, only Kim’s because she has made it part of her brand.

    • AnnaKist says:

      And let’s not forget what he said about that Tyga thing and Kylie…

  9. Ann says:

    Of course Kanye said this. Of course he did. Kanye is a contrarian to the core. I highly doubt he agrees with TI’s gross statements, he just wants to chime in with an opposing viewpoint because he’s a petulant, argumentative jerk. It’s so much like his trump love. All the reasons in the world for Kanye to not do what he does and he’s going to do it anyway because someone told him don’t do it.

    • Molly says:

      This. He’s never been involved in the lives of his children enough to care about their bodies. He says crazy things like this for attention, but because it’s not 1000% about him, there will be zero action.

  10. Lulu says:

    I’m surprised that Kanye allows Kim to keep his daughters hair pressed. So no makeup and trendy clothing but straightening a little girls hair is godly and healthy? Yeezus.

    • ME says:

      North still wears make-up though. Did you see their family Christmas pic? North was in a full face of make-up plus had her hair straight. I don’t think kanye is going to win that fight. Anyways, I can’t stand men that want sons because they need an “heir”. A daughter can be a f*cking heir you a$$holes !

  11. HK9 says:

    Utter trash. I challenge anyone who thinks this is just a promo for his next album. He’s a man who’s mentally ill (fully admits to not taking his meds) and thinks he’s God or the closest thing to it. There are those who will make life decisions on his manic, misogynistic crap and make some young woman somewhere suffer where she need not. There are those, especially in the black community who instead of getting real help for mental illness will follow this twerp. This will not end well.

  12. kerwood says:

    Has Kanye forgotten who he’s married to? His wife, who’s currently ‘studying’ to be a lawyer in between blackface photoshoots was forced on an unsuspecting public via a porn tape. A porn tape that he used to brag about on a regular basis. As it says in the Bible, ‘Jesus wept’.

    • Flamingo says:

      I think she finally dropped the law thing. She hasn’t mentioned it in a long time, since she claimed she was studying for the “baby bar”.

  13. Renee says:

    Why would you still be giving Kanye the benefit of the doubt? He’s already shown us who he is. Why won’t you believe him? He’s a fool!

  14. Cdog says:

    What happens if the hymen is broken? Does he have the God given right to stone her to death? Seriously what is the endgame is for these people.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Did anyone see the recent news out of Kentucky when their outgoing governor Matt Bevins pardoned dozens of criminals on his way out the door? One of them was a man convicted of rape of a child and Bevins said he pardoned the man because the child’s hymen was intact.

      • dahlia6 says:

        Bevins is crap and I’m so glad my state finally got of their collective butts and got him out of office. It’s the only good thing KY has done in forever.

  15. The Recluse says:

    Kanye is heading down a dangerous path because he is increasingly delusional and people are just tagging along because of the ‘performances’. NYT did an article about these people who attended his Christmas opera type show. Just weird and they’re all enabling him.

  16. Smiles says:

    Shut up, Kanye. Sit the f*ck down.

  17. otaku fairy.... says:

    Actually, this has got to be among the top 3 worst, most dangerous things Kanye West has said publicly. He and T.I. are normalizing abuse of girls in the name of ‘chastity’ in a world where this is already a problem . This leads to violence against women. Here’s some potentially good news though:

    • Tourmaline says:

      It is dangerous and it’s also not going to hurt any of the Kardashian family girls one little bit. They will be fine – does anyone think Kris, KIm etc. would really let this guy have any control of their lives? But who it WILL hurt are other girls and women under the control of men who can add Kanye to their list of justifications for being complete misogynistic abusers.

      • kerwood says:

        @Tourmaline, Especially since the girls most harmed by this toxic bullshit will be BLACK girls and we know how the Kardashians feel about Black girls/women.

    • jenner says:

      it is insane that virginity checks are even a thing. what the hell year is it anyway?

  18. dlc says:

    I’m not a Kim K fan but no WAY is she allowing this to happen to her children.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      But she’ll sit by and let it happen to other children. Sorry, I know she is not responsible for her husband, but you damned well bet that I wouldn’t sit idly by and just let my husband say whatever the hell he wants without a comment from me.

    • jenner says:

      A good lawyer would see this as grounds for a divorce.

    • Mel says:

      Hmmmm a woman who put makeup on her daughter who was supposedly sick with a stomach flu and got her all dressed up and took her to a party? Right, as long as she gets her name in the news and she gets paid, she does not care.

    • Calabar says:

      Considering Kim & him have never lived together & he doesn’t see his kids constantly, I hope you are right,

      It’s only a matter of time before he’s court ordered to stay away from them.

  19. Ruyana says:

    I am sorry that Kanye suffers from mental illness, but he and his enablers become more repulsive by the day.

  20. Jezebel's Lacefront says:

    He’s toxic as hell. I wish peace on his daughters. They’ll need it.

  21. JennyJenny says:

    Please ALWAYS use that header photo of him looking like a big pan of Jiffy Pop!!!

  22. Luna says:

    The man is painted silver and wearing a Mylar balloon. Who the fuck asked his opinion about anything?

  23. CK says:

    I’d have filed for divorce 5 months ago. Extreme/Strict religious conversions should be easy grounds for a Divorce and should be taken into account when determining custodial arrangements.

  24. Mel says:

    He looks like an insane clown mylar balloon. I can’t and won’t with him.

  25. Calabar says:

    Honestly…I wish he would just off himself. Ppl like this are liabilities to humanity.

  26. Nightsky says:

    Kanye, you are a giant turd who does NOT deserve a platform for your ridiculous, stupid, meglomaniac, sexist, shitty rants. Time to STFU!