Sharon Osbourne fired an assistant after he saved paintings from her burning house

This story is not exaggerated unless Sharon Osbourne is making herself sound like even more of a monster. Plus it’s worse than I can fit in the title. You may have heard this a while ago, I read about it on DListed but I hadn’t watched the video until Buzzfeed ran it. I assumed Sharon was poking fun at herself, but it’s absolutely true and it was like she was bragging. Sharon was on a British game show called Would I Lie to You where she gave the starter anecdote “I once sacked a member of my staff because he showed absolutely no sense of humor during a house fire.” After that the contestants asked her about it, trying to determine if the story was true. Sharon told the story in great detail.

[On Christmas we lit] this big candle. We turned the lights out and went to bed. A fire alarm [went off]. [Ozzy went down and called for help.]

[Ozzy] was in the living room and his arm was on fire. He had this sling on, and half his hair.

Where was this assistant during all of this?
[Sneers] sleeping.

By this time the candle had melted [the vessel it was in].

I’m hitting Ozzy with [a] magazine. The magazine caught on fire.

I pushed Ozzy out [to a fountain outside].

I think ‘right, where is that assistant?’

I go into the guest house. ‘House is on fire, go in and get those paintings out.’

There were dogs and I said ‘You must go in and find the dogs.’

The fire engines arrived and then they came and had this oxygen for the assistant. I said to him ‘You work here, how dare you? You go in and you get more paintings out right now.’ I took the mask and I put it on my dog.

You said you sacked him for not having a sense of humor?
After this terrible night he was not talking to me. Ozzy and I were laughing. He goes ‘I don’t see what’s funny about any of this. I think I’m going to have damaged lungs.’

‘If you don’t think that’s funny, do you think this is funny? You’re fired.’

The entire panel, including Stephen Merchant, Liz Bonnin and David Mitchell, agreed that this story was true and Sharon confirmed it was true. Keep in mind she fired this guy right around CHRISTMAS.

I don’t often read YouTube comments, but I read these and one of favorites was by Ku Ba who saidWe see a Dickensian villain bragging about torturing and firing her slave worker and everybody is having a laugh? Are they having a stroke?” Yes she’s a villain for sure, but are the other celebrities supposed to call her out? They know she’s awful and they did provide commentary saying as much. They also know not to get on Sharon’s bad side. I still remember how she assaulted a reality show contestant, on camera. The woman just said something rude about Ozzy and that was enough for Sharon to run across the room, pull her hair and scratch her. That was in 2008 and Sharon is still making appearances, working on The Talk, and continuing to reveal what a piece of trash she is.

Oh and this comment rang true too “The entire things + the audiences, sound like an episode of black mirror.” It’s accurate because Black Mirror is accurate.

Here’s that video, if you saw it last week that’s ok! I just wanted to talk about it.

Liz Bonnin’s face says it all:


Look at Sharon’s face.
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32 Responses to “Sharon Osbourne fired an assistant after he saved paintings from her burning house”

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  1. aurora says:

    She’s a horrible human being and I will never understand why she is still given a platform.

    • lucy2 says:

      Same here. Who cares what she thinks about anything, why is she on a show?

      Also, I hope this assistant sued them, but I doubt it. Sharon is evil.

    • Raina says:

      I was waiting for celebitchy to cover this. This is truly effed up. When their show came on years ago, my sister and I would laugh and think they reminded us of our nut job family
      But wtf. I can’t stand any of them now…grantedI have no idea what Amy or even Jack is up to. But especially Sharon and Kelly? What twats. Nothing witty about either of them and they keep trying to make themselves happen on talk shows. It ain’t happening. To think that this bitch had to do this probably so she could brag about it later is sick. She is SO not interesting that she has to abuse an employee for publicity. She shouldn’t laugh at people’s illnesses, she is a recovering cancer survivor. I would have burned her fucking paintings and made her dog eat the parts.
      Hope that dude sues.

  2. dota says:

    Misleading title, she fired him for refusing to laugh about almost dying while saving her paintings and her taking his oxygen mask to put on her dog.

    • megs283 says:

      I hope he got unemployment, because he was hopefully 2 seconds from quitting before she fired him.

  3. sue denim says:

    so disturbing…it’s like more confirmation that sociopaths and malignant narcissists in this culture rise…

  4. Golly Gee says:

    Why do good things happen to bad people?? (rhetorical question)

  5. tealily says:

    What a vile woman. I’m sure she’s leaving something out here, but I’m not sure that makes it any better…

  6. Miatagal says:

    What a self-involved woman! Disgusting she would even consider risking his life in a fire. Get your own stuff.

  7. Zapp Brannigan says:

    5,4,3,2…..until Kelly comes out from under a rock to start screaming and call the fired assistant all sorts of vile things.

    • Raina says:

      That fukking Kelly reminds me of someone who opens her trap and in this way, I’m prepared for something funny to come out but it never does. It’s literally just basic expletives over and over. She can’t be interesting by accident.

  8. Emily says:

    Employers gives an order and employee who follows (the insane and dangerous) order is fired for not knowing it was a joke (when employer is always asking for insane crap to the point where employee likely can’t tell the difference).

    • Rapunzel says:

      Umm… Sharon did not say the order was a joke. She said she and Ozzy were laughing and the employee was upset at possible lung damage (which Sharon in the video rolls her eyes at). She just got upset the employee complained.

  9. Charfromdarock says:

    To be fair to the audience laughing, no one knows if it’s truth or a lie until the end reveal.

    I actually watched this episode of WILTY last week and I didn’t think it was true until she revealed it. I couldn’t believe that someone would be so cruel or stupid enough to admit to firing someone under those circumstances. I don’t know the employment laws or where this was but I hope the employee sued for wrongful dismissal.

    She’s also the worst guest that’s ever been on the show, she was terrible throughout.

  10. Nev says:

    It’s time for her to go already.

  11. Renee says:

    I will never forgive her for being instrumental in getting Leah Remini fired from The Talk. Sharon Osbourne is dead to me.

  12. HK9 says:

    I’ve always wondered, if Sharon is caught in the rain without an umbrella will she melt? Because after that story I’m getting wicked witch of the west vibes😑

  13. Middle of the road says:

    If I saw her on fire on the side of the road I wouldn’t even spit on her.

  14. Leducduswaz says:

    To be fair to the other panelists for not “speaking out”, they weren’t exactly on her side as soon as they realized it was true. David Mitchell, who usually questions the guests quite closely, was clearly trying to get it over with as quickly as possible.

    Side note: the best episodes of WILTY are the ones with Bob Mortimer. His stories are always crazy, and always true. And the episode with David’s wife, Victoria Coren Mitchell, is adorable. Then again, I’ll watch anything she’s in, so…

  15. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    She deserves that face.

  16. Onomo says:

    Wow this belongs in Reddit AITA so everyone can tell the poster how awful they are.

  17. Nocturne says:

    Wait? Did she actually fire him or was she just telling him a bad joke? She told him “You’re fired” but did she actually mean it?

    The format of the show is that a panellist tells a story and the rest have to figure out if its true or not, so some of the laughter could be because they dont know it’s true yet.

  18. boodiba says:

    Wow…. I’m not going to watch the video but, first thought is, “That lady deserves an incredibly botched plastic surgery w/ complications up the …” you get the idea.

  19. Madchester says:

    She horrible and has always been horrible. I remember hearing about how back in the day she had all Ozzy’s albums re-recorded with studio musicians so they didn’t have to pay royalties to the original band. Then when one of the original guys sued them, she saw him at a funeral for an ex bass player and literally kicked him and started a fight for suing. How she still gets paid gig’s is beyond me.

  20. Nibbi says:

    Risking an actual human being’s life like that??
    Taking his oxygen mask and putting it on her dog?
    Then laughing about it??
    She’s obviously delighted about how horrid all that is…
    She sounds like some kind of deranged, entitled slaveholder.
    Our culture is crap.