I thought that there would be a big announcement today on the SussexRoyal Instagram about their transition away from the “Sussex Royal” branding and their new post-Windsor vibe. But they ended up posting their final – ?? – SR Instagram on Monday, their penultimate day of being “in the royal fold.” Their new spokesperson also confirmed lots of information. Here are the big pieces of news (via People):
No more SussexRoyal Instagram? I thought that on April 1, the Sussexes would simply change the name on their current Instagram profile and somehow be able to retain everything they’ve built on that page. But it looks like they will likely open up a completely new Instagram account at some point in the future. They will also no longer be active on their sussexroyal.com site. This had to be one of the things that Petty Prince William demanded in the Sussexit negotiations – I can’t see Prince Charles or the Queen really caring if they simply transitioned their existing website and IG into something new. William must have thrown a tantrum and he was probably gleeful at the thought of the Sussexes having to build their social media profile from the ground up. I think they’ll have KensingtonRoyal IG’s bot-inflated numbers beat by the end of the year, honestly.
The Sussexes are going away for a few months? Meghan and Harry “will spend the next few months focusing on their family and continuing to do what they can, safely and privately, to support and work with their pre-existing charitable commitments while developing their future non-profit organisation.” They have no plans to launch their new thing or new brand right away.
No more Sussex Royal Foundation. That foundation is “winding down” or something, and Harry will turn Travalyst into a non-profit and the Sussexes will now build a new non-profit from the ground up too.
They hired someone new for their charity. Catherine St. Laurent will start her role as both chief of staff and executive director of their new non-profit organization in the beginning of April, says the spokesperson.
They have new media representation. Going forward, Buckingham Palace will no longer comment on enquiries related to Prince Harry and Meghan. In addition, “no other royal communications representatives act on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, including palace spokespeople, Household representatives nor royal sources,” according to today’s statement. The couple’s communications will be managed for the time being by U.S. agency Sunshine Sachs, who were initially engaged to do communications support for Sussex Royal Foundation, in addition to James Holt in the U.K.
Security. As they’ve said repeatedly, they will not be discussing their security or security costs. The Daily Mail is making a big deal about how Prince Charles is reportedly paying “half” of their annual security bill now. I would bet that Charles is actually picking up the whole bill, at least for the first year or two.
I’m also including their final Instagram below, with their final message. I tend to believe that Meghan and Harry had every intention for a splashy April rollout of their new un-royal brand, but the coronavirus quarantine has changed things. I hope they launch their Harry & Meghan Instagram in a few weeks with a new photo of Archie. Instant 5 million followers, right?
Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN, Avalon Red and Backgrid.
They also finally turned off the comments for most (all?) of their IG posts, which made me sad because it just confirmed that hey’re fully aware of the vitriol in some of the comments.
I think things were really bad behind the scenes with the family. Their spokesperson made a comment (or it was in their statement) that they would no longer use any royal communications – no comms, no “palace insider” and no “royal source” would be speaking for them.
I was so glad they finally turned off the comments. Hopefully not before ther lawyers made copies though. The number of disgusting comments and death threats I saw in there…
They turned off the comments for newer posts, but not older ones and now they too are polluted with a huge amount of very negative comments. It’s worse than the DM comment section.
@Deanne – no, they turned them all off. I think it just took a while to go through the posts. I just looked and from their first post (which was just April 2019, how things have changed) there are no comments. I am sure they are all archived somewhere though….
Their post said effective minding today (my understanding was at the beginning of March 31/2020) everything would be disabled. If anyone was still posting, they probably posted before midnight (whatever time the Sussexes deemed their minding).
One post is still active, and the hate speech continues as of an hour ago. I hope and pray they do not (ever!) open another SM account that allows comments. There are people who seriously hate them and will stalk every move they make. They should just stick to an official website with no public input allowed.
I am so glad that they turned off the comments. I hope they don’t have comments on their new Instagram. It was noble of them to leave the comments on, but they should not give those trolls a platform.
I stopped reading their IG comments a few months into SR launch, it became so bad I couldn’t do it. I hope in the future they and only they can post and just disable the comments.
They could have someone dedicated to deleting / blocking hateful comments/accounts, but what a thankless job! I wouldn’t blame them if they just left comments off…
I actually don’t mind this. They should get away from the press and the BRF and live quietly for a while while strategizing for their new brand. It is right that their security is funded by Charles. Harry was born into this, it’s not his fault. And may I remind the filthy tabloids (again) that this family has not committed a crime.
100% agree
Agree 100% Enjoy their life and starve their haters. Take time to re-group and decide what they want to do.
➕💯 Alexandria. They’ve been through the emotional ringer. I find that sort of trauma more exhausting and harder to recover from than working flat out at something. I do love how they specifically called out and then stated that “ …….no other royal communications representatives act on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, including palace spokespeople, Household representatives nor royal sources…..”’ So all those RR royal insiders and sources have been called out. And their new chief of staff is amazing. Obviously, no matter what the RR claim, the big guns still want to work with them. I also read that Sara Latham, has been snatched up by the Queen so obviously someone at BP wants to improve their act. 😎
Wrt their security costs, you are so right. It is absolutely right that the royal family + the UK government pick up the tab for the forceable future. It is as a result of being born into the family AND working for them for most of his life so far that his security profile is what it is.
Furthermore, there’s the added layer of being threatened by jihadists as a result of *serving* his country (on the frontlines, no less). So as far as I’m concerned, I think it’s absolutely ludicrous for anyone to think that he should cough up the funds for security himself. You can’t compare him to a pop star or some actress because those guys developed their need for security in service to themselves and their careers and not to their country or family. And unfortunately, threat levels will follow them for the rest of their lives.
It’s easy to understand that the country should pay for the security of the likes of Tony BLAir or Theresa May, who served their country for less than a decade each and are now private citizens, why the hell should Harry be left out to dry? He served and represented his country and family for a lot longer than that and deserves to at least have the threat to his life that have sprung from that service neutralized.
I’ll just add that had Harry married some girl from Devon, or some blond, blue eyed girl from Laguna Beach (for example), there would be *zero* discussions on who would pay for their security, since his need for it is so clear/obvious. We all know why it’s an issue in this case, though. 😎
This and the replies above 100%.
It does my head in that some people are complaining that they want the “perk” of having security. That’s like saying a Kevlar vest is a perk of the job of an Armed Response Unit officer, or PPE is a perk for an NHS frontline worker.
Not a Brit but starting to realize what a big and profound change Harry’s making for himself and to that dynasty, right? What guts.
Harry ain’t the first one as Elizabeth’s uncle was the King and left everything for a woman.
Harry wanted to leave since Diana died so glad he is finally doing that with the support from his wife.
Elizabeth’s uncle was also a racist, an anti-Semite and a Nazi sympathizer who thought that Hitler was the natural leader of Germany and that an intense bombing would make Britain bow out of the war (he was borderline, if not completely treasonous and to this day it is still debated exactly how far he went against the interest of his own country). He was intensely distrusted by his own government, even after his abdication. Churchill literally had to threaten him with a court martial to get him back to the UK after the Nazis invaded France. His insistence on marrying Wallis was a blessing in disguise for Britain. Someone who knew the both said: “She was hard as nails and she didn’t love him – but she indirectly saved Britain”.
Please do NOT compare Harry and Meghan to the absolute trash people that Edward and Wallis were.
Oh wow, now that I did not know.
Definitely no comparison there..
The UK government and the BRF worked very hard to keep a lot this under wraps because it was the worst scandal they had ever endured at the time – it was extremely damaging so the whole romantic angle was very much played up. From Wallis’ letters we now know that she didn’t actually want to marry Edward. She wanted to remain married to Mr. Simpson and be Edward’s mistress (a power behind the throne). Neither man were content with that solution.
Some info got out due to the Marburg Papers as well as some stuff has recently been made public by the FBI (statute of limitation). A couple of historians have done some research in foreign archives (a lot of UK archival material about Edward and Wallis are still secret) – and this research paint a pretty damning picture of Edward in particular. The Nazi’s actually had formulated a plot to put Edward back on the throne in the event of a successful invasion of Britain – but it is unknown whether Edward and Wallis knew about it though intercepted German intelligence claims that they did and that they were excited. Regardless, the main reason Edward had to be threatened to come back to the UK was because he and Wallis continued to associate with Nazis and assorted fascists in France, Spain and Portugal.
There is also some evidence that the Nazis were able to invade France easily because he had given them classified information about troop locations and such. It’s why they were exiled to the Bahamas. Hitler had promised that the throne would be returned to him if Germany won the war.
Not to mention the fact that Edward spent his time in self-chosen exile bitching about his family and complaining people weren’t treating him ‘royally’ enough.
Thank you for stating the difference between E/W and H/M so succinctly ArtHistorian. It drives me crazy when I see that the press continues to paint them with the same brush. Every year, more and more documentary evidence is revealed to prove just how awful E/W were. This BS about a beautiful love story between E/W is an example of what I meant yesterday when I said that the Firm could teach a master class in rewriting their own history. Now they do it in real-time right in front of us, e.,g., Charles’ timeline restructuring of when he developed symptoms. But the arc of history will reveal — like it has with Edward and Wallis —- more of the truth and dissipate the smoke and mirrors they prefer to be seen through.
Not since James II (who was overthrown) had an English king been that distrusted by his own government. Wallis and Edward’s absolute insistence on marrying her (and not in a morganatic marriage) was a blessing in disguise for the British government – it enabled them to get rid of a king that they didn’t trust because he was too friendly with a foreign power that clearly had imperial ambitions that went against Britain’s interests.
They were not allowed the morganatic marriage (so Edward could stay on the throne).
Sierra – they had to hustle Edward and Wallis out of the UK to become Governor of Nassau as the above-noted Marburg papers are said to contain correspondence between Edward and senior Nazis encouraging Germany to start bombing attacks to force the British government to enter into peace negotiations. There was also a plot by the Nazis to kidnap Edward and Wallis should they decide not to cooperate. In any event, he thought the governorship of Nassau more to his “Ducal” liking and that got him out of everyone’s hair during the war.
Harry called a Pakistani soldier Paki when he was serving in the army where he later apologised. He wore a Nazi emblem at a party & later apologised published every tabloids in UK. It runs in the family.
Harry called a Pakistani soldier Paki when he was serving in the army where he later apologised. He wore a Nazi emblem at a party & later apologised published every tabloids in UK. It runs in the family.
Its for the best as it would have gotten used to beat them with. For me this reads that the Sussex’s have already made up their minds NOT to return to the fold. There has to have been some serious sh!t going down for this to have happened – one day it will come out in the wash.
Agree. Harry is the one who got burned by his own family and has decided on this path.
I was as confused as you Kaiser about the end (?) of their Insta – I figured they would just change the name but maybe they want a totally fresh start. I probably would too, a clear cutting of ties with House Petty.
I think they are just changing the name of the Instagram account.
What I think is they will keep the Sussex account so it shows a clear delineation of the old to the new. Now no one can say they milked their Sussex status for followers. When they start the new account – boom – the followers will all be for them.
For those that don’t use Insta – if you forgo a name months down the road that name becomes available for others to use.
It makes sense for them to take a few months away. It’s not like they have any events coming up. Everything is on pause. It wouldn’t be right to have a big roll out of their future with the Coronavirus. I will miss them but they will come back with a bang.
I don’t think they will launch their new Instagram for a while. Even posting a new photo of Archie would cause a lot of hate from the RR. It’s best to lay low for a while.
Agree Marie — let the remaining royals royal. After all they don’t need the Sussexes so it’s time the senior royals shut up and show up! I also think they are going to hold onto those accounts because if they shut them down someone else could start posting as SussexRoyal. I’m sure William would happily fund a porn company to take over those account names if he could. (Anything to smear them, right.) Very smart Sussex move to leave them up, but inactive and launch something fresh.
Wouldn’t put it past him to do exactly that.
I have been wondering how they will celebrate Archie’s first birthday, which is a very important landmark for any parent. Ordinarily they would have shared a picture on their Instagram account.
I’m so relieved for them. They’re finally out!
I’m looking forward to seeing what they’ll do next, but I think the pandemic gives them a very good reason to pause, take a breath and enjoy some peace for a little while as a family. They’ve been hounded relentlessly for over 3 years, some quiet while the press is distracted will be healthy for them.
I think the royal family will come to regret driving them out. Maybe they already do. Some of the blinkered members (mentioning no names…) will continue to blame them and never seen their own role in making them leave, but I think one or two might be more introspective. Charles, maybe.
The security argument has been so dumb and probably actually increases their need for security! Which the press knew and gleefully encouraged. I’ve said before I think there were some involved hoping for a death and I’m not taking it back.
I agree with you Belli —- When the RR and perhaps certain members of Harry’s family were unsuccessful in driving a wedge between Harry and Meghan, I think they all doubled down with extreme and increasingly nasty pressure hoping they might just get a bonanza of articles and media coverage out of covering a funeral instead. I really think idiots like Piers Morgan are just that rabidly out of control to have wished for something along those lines.
“I think the royal family will come to regret driving them out. Maybe they already do.”
Yeah, the more sensible ones will realise that the organisation as a whole is poorer for having lost them.
Having said that some of the more fame and attention hungry ones like the Cambridges and the thirsty owl, Sophie of Wessex, will see this as a chance to finally raise their profiles in the vacuum the Sussexes exit has created.
Well of course the royal family will regret this, and people in the UK will regret not doing more to protest against Meghan’s treatment. Also it has shown how weak the black British community is in the U.K. l really hope Commonwealth countries will show displeasure at how things have turned out.
“he was probably gleeful at the thought of the Sussexes having to build their social media profile from the ground up”
like it will take them ANY time to come up with a cool design and logo and get tons of followers. They have genuine good will all over the world. You can’t fake that or buy it
I agree that they were going to debut a new approach right about now but are holding back because of the pandemic. That’s only right, good on them.
So does the new representation mean that it will cut down on, if not eliminate, all the leaks? I’m not sure what it all means and some of you seem to understand it a lot better than me. I’m hoping it means anything they do is completely not on any sort of royal radar.
There will be a few leaks from William and fan fiction from the royal reporters.
Otherwise there will be nothing else.
Good. At this point, I don’t know why they would tell William anything though!
At this point, it’s clear that the Sussexes have no contact with the Palace, so people know that any ‘exclusives’ are made up. I just hope this all comes out in the courts and we get find out who all these royal palace sources are.
Yes, I think it means they are completely independent and off the royal radar. However I’m not confident that William and his crew won’t still be trying to harm the Sussexes with made up crap or leaks coming from is office. What the Sussexes have done though, is made it clear that if we do hear “palace sources” then we know that’s a lie and (I would hope) newspapers would be less likely to publish it as the Sussexes are on record saying only we speak for us. We’ll see how that works out though.
I don’t think that will stop the lies. The tabloids lied shamelessly about Harry and especially Meghan when they were still representing the Crown.
They don’t have any leaks. Everything that’s “leaked” about them has been fake. Going on Ellen, being quarantined in Canada, etc. info about them that gets to the press is either leaked by William or Charles, or completely fabricated.
Well, L84Tea —- the Sussexes have just clearly and on-the-record stated via their personal spokesperson that anyone calling themselves a palace insider or a royal source does not speak for them (and I think it’s implied that they never have). So, it makes it difficult for media outlets and the tabloid press to justify their made-up quotes and info as coming from those sources. 😂. Of course it won’t stop the lies and these same reporters will probably now attribute their imaginary source to a ‘friend of Meghan’ and I’m sure the Sussexes know this. But, at least the Sussexes are free to state publically that none of these sources speak for them.
JA and whenever we see American/Canadian media quoting said sources, we have this in writing.
I remember from the South Africa interview that Meghan mentioned that they would tell the tabloids that something was not true and they’d keep telling them that, but the tabloids printed it anyway. That was a big frustration. There could be the possibility that when something false is printed, their team will call a lie a lie. Makes you wonder if BP did anything at all to help them. The only time I think they corrected something was the gender neutral baby story and the Queen saying Meghan was forbidden to wear royal jewelry, and that was because it made the royals themselves look bad, not to defend the Sussexes.
I also remember Harry’s statement where he says they were unable to defend themselves. I’m sure they tried to issue denials but KP and BP maybe held off because they are lower down the line. Just a thought. Although they will rush to defend Kate regarding hair extensions or Botox.
I can’t imagine how they survived all that abuse for years. I wish them all the best. I am happy they left with their marriage intact after all the things that royal ‘family’ did to get Meghan to leave alone and to try and make her miscarry. You don’t do those things to someone you supposedly love.
I have no respect for the Brf and their behavior these past years like the flight stunt and their horrible attitude at Commonwealth day. They underestimated Harry and believed he would leave Meghan.
I was hoping they’d just archive old posts but honestly, starting over is fine. One less thing for people to bitch about cause lord knows they’d make a fuss about them building off their “royal” start.
I never understood the purpose of the security argument cause we’ll probably never truly know who is paying it. IF Charles then it’s the least he could do.
I’m happiest about there being no spokesperson for them in the palace. Whatever info coming from their team will be need to know only and their team don’t have to be surrounded by courtiers.
I thought I read that they would be announcing their new brand later this week?
I think that was the original plan but out of respect for the situation the world is in right now they’ve decided to delay it. I fully believe it’s all ready to go (especially as they announced several new staff) but they are reading the room and know that now isn’t the time for a splashy rollout. I’m fine with that even though I’ll miss them!!
Or maybe,just maybe there were never any plans to announce anything and it’s just the tabloids trying to guess what they think the Sussexes will do?
The best part is the media section!! “No royal comms, palace spokesperson, household member, or royal source!!!” Love!!!! Straight up cutting off William, his staff, and Dan W for ANY and ALL future inside scoops and leaks!!! The Sussexes are telling the world that NO palace sources, staffers, family know anything about them and no longer speak for them. I LOVE IT and this will allow their own comms people to immediately get retractions or get sued! Bye bye #MyPalaceSources lol
Let’s see how quickly, KP Insta number fall and how quickly followers added when the relaunch happens.
I’m sure they will not be splashing Archie around to get followers. They are not the Cambridges.
I think some sadistic people have been hoping for a tragedy since she got pregnant. I remember the press hype over that Fiji market incident.
Reports overnight state they are funding security themselves so now Fail is saying it could cost £100m over their lives. Not sure why they are so concerned. Must mess with their ‘public interest’ defence in reporting.
Reporters like Omid also suggest unlikely they will be seen for months whilst they focus on family etc. Spotlight firmly on the true royals as they wanted lol.
Good for the Sussexes to have some chill time though as when you think of it in 3 years Meghan quit job, started new job in new country, got married, got pregnant quickly, had multiple house moves, smear campaign, family betrayals, tours, projects like cookbook, Vogue, SmartSet, then left job & moved country, it’s A LOT. Hope they get the peace they need.
It is a lot, a lot. I did the same, married, baby and moved to new country very different from the USA in under a year. But I had the support of family and friends, even if they didn’t understand, without the scrutiny and daily castigating they’ve endured.
Looking forward to all the future success we’re certain to see from them.
I’m glad they are going quiet for a few months. Let the others do some work!
They said the IG page and website will be around for the foreseeable future; they just won’t use them. And yes, I’m so glad that they turned off comments and refused to allow trolls have the last word. I’m also psyched about their new chief of staff- Catherine St-Laurent – who was previously with Bill and Melinda Gates. It just tells me what they have planned for the future is big. You know someone like St-Laurent wouldn’t have left the Gates for anything mediocre. I also love how they’re making it a point to forge ahead with their first names only -Harry and Meghan- even though they still have their titles. I agree they would have planned for a glitzier roll-out but plans (rightly) had to change because of the Coronavirus situation. This was the right step. They’ll still be working, and at the right time, they’ll make another major announcement. I’m here for all of that and I wish them the absolute best. Diana would be so proud.
PS: Sara Latham, their former head of communications is staying on in the Queen’s private office. Glad H and M will still be aware of what their “enemies“ are up to. Lol. Nah, that’s just my mind going off!
PS again: Glad they gave the middle finger to the tabloids…no more “royal sources” et all. Hahahahaha. Brilliant!
This is an important development and could be that it is a way for the Queen to continue to protect Harry’s interests. The Queen has to play a balancing act, she must be very upset that her plan to have the Sussexes be the face of the Commonwealth was scuppered by jealous William. This is not over yet.
Valid point for regular individuals. However, I believe that if their spokesperson had reached out to IG with this request, IG/Facebook would be happy to accommodate them. One hypothetical, non-royal scenario I could imagine would be a divorce between two celebrities, perhaps with some kind of joint IG handle, or perhaps the rebranding/name change of a business. However, I have not read all the policies, terms and conditions for opening an Instagram account and any processes which might be in place for individuals to apply for a name change.
I imagine this might have to do more with the contents (photos) posted on their IG, which are probably owned by the BRF. Refusing them the rights to continue use of those formal portraits taken by palace photographers, or perhaps any photos of them acting in their capacity as working royals (I do not know how British law works with regards to media ownership/copyright), would block off any opportunity for them to retain their IG.
EDIT: I think the original comment I was responding to was deleted. It pointed out that IG’s policy probably doesn’t allow for changes in username and this is not all attributable to William. For full disclosure, I do not have an IG account, and as mentioned above, have not read the company’s policies, terms and conditions.
No you can change the name of ur ig handle, I personally did it and I saw many celebrities too. Also brf doesn’t own the content in Sussex royal IG beacuse Meghan cleverly copyright all her images and statement in that . It was clearly mentioned in each post who has the copyright of that certain post. I think they left Sussex royal for future role if they come during chuck reign and may be that time they will use it or they might use it for their patronage by queen something like that. Where they will open the new ig for their non profit organizations. I think its clever one where many people have business and personal . For Sussex this will be Sussex royal for uk and new one for non profit. Which is clever.
That makes sense, thanks for the information Aria!
You can change your name but the old name goes inactive and later can be used by someone else. It is clearly why you don’t give up Usernames or domains.
I suspect a few months rather than a few weeks away is a good move for them. It’s really easy for celebrities to come off badly during a tragedy, and this gives them time to rest as well as time to refocus.
Perfect way to close this chapter given the circumstances and rinrelaunch when ready. No desperate pr grabs and they will quietly work.
Wise move to take a time out. BRF reporters will be beside themselves. 🙂 I do believe behind the scenes they will be very busy with business meetings, fielding offers. Given the strength of their brand they have much to offer.
There were two articles about Harry and Meghan that popped up on my computer. One about her Elephant doc and the other about how they’ve already secured funding for their non-profit. One of them was a Guardian article and they hardly ever bother with the Royals unless it’s serious.
These two automatically get publicity that most people/ brands would pay millions for.
I think the BRF reporters have already been spending some time grieving the loss. There were many who were convinced that they may even come back. Denial is a stage in grief right? They’ll find another scandal soon.
This is a smart decision. I wish them the best moving forward.
Do you think William and Kate are happy with this outcome? They seem to have gotten everything they wanted, but still seem so unsatisfied. They were so threatened by their Instagram (which is so pathetic). The one thing the Cambridge’s really want from the Sussex’s is their relevance, star power and charisma, and unfortunately they can’t hand that back. I think the Cambridge’s thought the Sussex’s would be nothing without the use of their HRHs only because THEY would be nothing without theirs.
I’m not so sure that K&W did get what they wanted though. I think what they actually wanted was to drive Meghan out and keep Harry as their sad, can’t-live-without-his-big-brother’s-support third wheel. Barring that, they wanted H&M to sit down, shut up, and do as they were told.
I think you’re absolutely right about them thinking the loss of the HRH would matter to H&M, because it so obviously is the only thing Cain and Unable have going for them.
I think kate got what she wanted more than William. I agree collectively they wanted Meghan gone and harry to stay via a divorce. If harry got divorced it would make William look really good by default, whilst harry ‘screwed Up again’ just like when he dressed as a nazi or got naked in Vegas. But with harry gone too, kate is needed now more than ever. So if William was ever thinking of dumping her for real, he couldn’t even if he wanted to. She’s more secure in her position now more than ever. Well played kate.
@February Pisces – You are so correct in your thinking! There is no way Bill can dump Cathy at this point unless she is caught in bed and in the act with a sheep!
@Guest Who said:
“I think what they actually wanted was to drive Meghan out and keep Harry as their sad, can’t-live-without-his-big-brother’s-support third wheel. Barring that, they wanted H&M to sit down, shut up, and do as they were told.”
ITA @Guest Who. I think W&K had gotten used to having Harry as their ‘puppy third wheel’ whose charisma and substantive projects they could both piggyback on. Harry is an easygoing, loving chap and he put up with it because that’s how he’d been treated his entire life in the royal firm.
Harry would have gone bonkers without the military, Africa & Sentebale/ Prince Seeiso, and caring mentors and friends like Mark Dyer providing guidance and support. The Obamas were also important friends to Harry in helping him repair his image in America post the Las Vegas incident. Out of his friendship with the Obamas, came Harry’s signature initiative, The Invictus Games. And then came Meghan. Fireworks! And then Harry coming more fully into his own as the leader and grown a** man he’s always been! Moreover, with a smart, gorgeous grown a$$ woman solidly by his side, lifting him up!
As Sly and the Family Stone sang:
“I wanna, I wanna take you higher
Baby, baby, baby, light my fire
I wanna take you higher
Boom laka-laka-laka
Boom laka-laka goon-ka-boom”
Well they look miserable. I think deep down they are really scared. Now that the media are not going to have access to the Sussexes, the Cambridges know it’s just a matter of time till the attention comes back to them.
I don’t think they thought that the Sussexes would be nothing without the HRHs (that’s a lot of negatives!). I don’t think it crossed their minds that the Sussexes would ever consider leaving.
Even Edward who abdicated was still receiving a stipend of the Royal Family and living in exile, rather than try to make his own way in life (I don’t know how easy that would have been at the time to be fair). But if he and Wallis had any chance of wiggling back in, they would have. They were the ones that were shunned, not the other way round.
Margaret dumped the love of her life to keep her title and ended up being an alcoholic.
Even Beatrice who had a chance to have a nice quiet private wedding abroad (even in Italy) away from prying eyes, chose to have a reception in Buckingham Palace despite all the scrutiny of her father’s scandals.
These people never leave and try to claw on regardless of their pride.
I don’t think it ever occurred to the Cambridges that Harry and Meghan would say ‘no’. They thought that they could bully them into submission with the access to being Royal. Except Harry and Meghan just aren’t that fussed about being Royal.
I agree with all of this. They “won” in the sense that Harry and Meghan are out of royal life (for the most part) but in the long run I think W/K/C (I’m adding Charles cause I think he had a hand in it due to action and/or inaction) lost. If they really wanted to keep a lid on Harry and Meghan, they would’ve kept them close. Harry and Meghan unchained by the restriction of a working royal are more of a threat than they were under BRF’s control imo. I don’t think William and Kate are out of the woods yet.
I think all the royals dream of a normal life, normal as in living as aristos on a country estate with millions in the bank. However they are all too scared to actually leave. That’s what I admire about harry, he actually had the balls to walk away, balls William will never have.
William and Kate are trapped now more than ever and not just in the job. They are basically held hostage by the press now. They can never tell them to f*ck off, or else they will expose everything about them. The press must have a truck load of dirt on Charles too, hence why he never spoke out and defended his own son.
The fact harry and Meghan can tell the RF and the media to f*ck off goes to show they don’t have any skeletons in the closet to hide unlike the rest of them.
The future looks very bleak for William and Kate. Nobody is interested in them. Hello magazine and it’s staff must be desperately looking for a new strategy. Kate on the front page, doesn’t sell like Meghan. Fergie never outsold Diana.
Remember when Will made Harry give the ring to him so he could proposed to Kate with it? Right then you could tell he didn’t want any one having anything more than him.
I’m glad they are out but sadly W&K won’t stop, people like that never really stop.
I doubt Harry would have given that ring to Meghan btw.
What! I never heard this story, maybe I was living under a rock at that time.
I think william legit took it. Harry didn’t even know about the engagement until like an hour before it was announced, none of the family knew until that day. I think he saw her on tv flashing his mothers/his ring on her finger grinning like a Cheshire Cat. William also never got the queens permission to marry Kate, which basically sums up how respectful he is.
What I’ve heard is that Harry picked his mother’s engagement ring, but that both brothers decided the ring would ultimately go to whichever brother happened to get engaged and married first, to present to their significant other.
I hadn’t heard that Will forced Harry to give him Diana’s engagement ring. Certainly, there were plenty of other pieces of Diana’s jewelry to go around, as we have seen. Both Kate and Meghan were given various pieces of Diana’s jewelry (earrings, necklaces, rings, etc), inherited by the brothers.
In fact, I think that the engagement ring Harry designed specifically for Meghan sourcing some of his mother’s diamonds, along with a center stone diamond from Botswana is much more romantic, significant and special than the vintage old-fashioned blue sapphire ring Kate Unable ended up with.
On top of her gorgeous custom-crafted engagement ring with Diana’s diamonds, Meghan also got that to-die-for aquamarine ring of Diana’s that Diana had gifted to herself after her divorce from Charles! 😃
I didn’t even realize that. I think Meghan’s ring is so pretty and perfect for her.
I actually feel so sad by all this. They have been treated so terribly.
Their farewell tour was fantastic and showed that the BM couldn’t turn everyone against them. I thought that they could at least have a bit of time out, but that random outburst from Trump about the security cost that no one has actually asked him to pay was so unnecessary, it whipped up so much hate again.
I’m actually surprised by the RRs; I thought that they would have delighted at Trump’s outburst, but they were quick to report that the security would have been funded privately. Someone from higher up obviously wanted to squash that asap; I’m guessing Buckingham Palace/ Clarence House rather than the Cambridges. There was even a Daily Fail article about how much Trump’s visit cost the British taxpayers.
I’m glad that they are cutting off their old Royal life. I hope they can get to a point they cut off all ties completely.
I will be glad if they just go quiet for a bit and let the dust settle, enjoy the quietness and being a family. Starve the media and just be happy.
Do you know what Trump’s trip cost the British taxpayers? I’m curious as to what his entourage is worth.
Not seen figures for the 2019 state visit but his 2018 working visit where he stayed at chequers& met the Queen at Windsor castle cost almost £8m for police costs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-47121269
I can’t remember the actual figure. I think DM reporterted £700,000, which sounds way too low considering that he brought all his offspring. Not that I believe the DM anyways.
Lol….I guess the short fingered, mouldy American orange is one person the RR and the BRF despise more than Harry and Meghan. 😁
This makes me a bit sad but I know that if/when they come back tehy will be bigger than ever and will no longer have an albatross around their necks – ie the Royal family. By leaving that title and connection behind they are free to do whatever they like should they open a new account. Which Im almost 100% sure they will.
I don’t really understand why anyone is interested in them or any royals , none of them do anything much .
That being said I do like Meghan a lot and am happy for both of them that they are out of that awful situation.
Invictus Games? Together Cookbook? Smart Start clothing line? Highlighting dozens of causes through their PR work? Yep, nothing much.
RIP RR , RIP Trolls RIP Trashy Media finally, RIP Palace Courtiers/ Sources
I was surprised by this announcement and also thought they would keep their IG but rebrand it with a new username without the “royal” and possibly archive the previous posts. But it makes sense to start fresh and to not have their previous posts associated to their non “royal” existence. Plus keeping the posts up showed all they accomplished in just the year they had the account. I’m very interested to see what they will call their new account. Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Harry and Meghan? The Sussexes? The name of their new foundation?
And it makes sense to take a break with the pandemic and to hold off all announcements for awhile. It’s probably a blessing in disguise for them, I really don’t think they would have been able to launch a new foundation and new branding just three months after their official announcement of stepping down as senior royals in January? They didn’t even know then if they could still use the word “royal” going forward, their website made it clear they were hoping to be part time royals. A lot of their future plans had to be scrapped. But excited to see what they come up with.
I hope they call their new Instagram Harry and Meghan. That’s how they signed their last post. I like it, it’s not royal and that’s what people know them best by.
Markle monsters have no source of income now.
They’re doing what you would do with any narcissistic, toxic human being – you go “no contact”. The thing that drives your everyday narcissist crazy is when you don’t respond because they love to create chaos and drama, it gives them the opportunity to turn the tables and blame everything on you by spreading lies and destroying your reputation. They don’t seem to realize that when you set out to ruin someone for spite or attention you will always pay a price. Well the Cambridges tried to play the wrong people and it’s now come back to bite them. Good luck to the two of them, they’re going to need it. The wolves are circling and getting hungry.
I saw it called Sussex Independence Day on twitter. lol
I feel for Harry tho. He had to walk away from his family which is hard to do no matter how awful they are. I know they’ll both be better off for it in the long run.
There is speculation on Lainey that they weren’t allowed by BP to keep the IG and just change the name, for archive purposes and reasons. Kind of agree yes and no, but some of her takes kind of annoy me as well. Everything to her is all petty one upmanship with lack of depth or analysis. Everything ends with a question… ugh. Anyway, glad they’re taking a break from social media, speaking only through their representatives, and focusing on what’s important to them. Glad all the comments are gone and the trolls will need to go to KPs page to vent and make passive aggressive compliments to the Cambridge’s. I’m sure the Rota are so happy they don’t have to write about those two anymore and have their pure Royals back. Time for a nap.
Losing the HRH And the use of Sussexroyal was a small price to pay for their freedom. Free at last free at last. Thank God almighty. Free at last. They are not going to use SR IG but keep it in case they are required to come back into the fold.
Hopefully, they are happy with their own family and are able to live the life they chose.
I am from the US and with everything going on here they really are not even a blip on anyone’s radar.
I wish them joy. Hopefully they can concentrate to their family, no need to react. Just be. As a part of the human condition, they will grow make mistakes privately. They have the key to joy – someone to love , a purpose and hope for the future. There are lots of people rooting for them. Millions in the UK too. I hope that they are safe and have excellent well being.
God speed.
If you go away on this summer’s day
Then you might as well take the sun away
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away
We’ll sail on the sun, we’ll ride on the rain,
We’ll talk to the trees, and worship the wind
Then if you go, we’ll understand
Leave us just enough love to hold in our hands
Love you Harry, Meghan and Archie ❤️
This was a good decision and I saw alot of the RRs were whining about how they could’ve just changed the name meaning ‘oh you messed up our plans to bully you for that”🙄
I’ve said before that starting fresh will solidify their intent to NEVER return+starting with a new image and style which would even allow them to communicate freely with fellow European royals & celebrities.
I’m dreaming about Meghan partnering up with Queen Maxima or Sofia of Sweden on a UN women project. The RF & courtiers will have a mental breakdown once they realise how their actions will result in a bigger challenge than they had during the Diana post divorce days. Together, harry and Meghan’s brand is unstoppable