Donald Trump promises to not leave the White House for the next month

President Trump holds a press briefing

At some point, I just stopped paying attention to how often Donald Trump visited one of his golf resorts instead of, you know, working. He’s always golfing or vacationing at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. He was golfing and relaxing at Mar-a-Lago a lot in January and February, when he was getting the first reports about how America should be preparing for the coronavirus pandemic. He dismissed all of those reports to make his tee time. But now that sh-t has gotten real for red states (aka Trump voters), Trump is taking it seriously. He plans to work from the White House for the next month and practice social distancing.

Donald Trump will practice social distancing at the White House for the foreseeable future, following his own social distancing guidelines that were extended on Sunday. During the daily White House press briefing on Tuesday, Trump shared that he will “be in the White House” for the next month to help curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to remain healthy himself. While Trump, 73, admitted that he would “love to go out,” he doesn’t see himself traveling in April.

“I doubt I’ll leave,” he told reporters on Tuesday, adding that he had wanted to attend the arrival of hospital ship USNS Comfort in New York Harbor on Monday, but was advised against it. “I wanted to go to the opening of the — of the hospital in New York. And my people couldn’t even believe it, that I said it. But I did. I wanted to go. They didn’t want me to do it. The Secret Service didn’t want me to do it for — you know, for reasons. I wanted to go to the boat sailing into New York Harbor, but the governor did a good job of that, and the mayor of New York.”

New York is currently the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States, with at least 83,887 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 1,940 deaths related to the illness.

“So, you know, I’d love to go out. But, no, I’ll be in the White House,” Trump said. “And it’s sort of like nerve center, control center.”

Trump added that he thinks “it’s important” that he remains healthy as president, pointing out that other world leaders, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, have tested positive for the virus. “I think it’s important that I remain healthy. I really do. So, for the most part, we’re staying here. I’ve canceled many different events, and we’ll be staying here, for the most part,” he added.

[From People]

“For the most part” is interesting. I bet he does go to Mar-a-Lago for Easter, what do you want to bet? I mean, this is kind of a situation where we’re damned if does and we’re damned if he doesn’t. If he stays in Washington for the next month with absolutely no golf trips and no Mar-a-Lago dinners, he’ll kill thousands of people through his baby-hands-on mismanagement and profound ignorance. If he goes on vacation, he’ll kill thousands of people through his lack of interest. So what will it be?

Also, did you know that Trump took time during yesterday’s ‘rona briefing to brag about how he’s “number one on Facebook.”

Coronavirus Task Force press briefing at the White House

Photos courtesy of Backgrid and Avalon Red.

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60 Responses to “Donald Trump promises to not leave the White House for the next month”

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  1. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    I was going to say ‘PLEASE let that be true’ – but actually, I’d much prefer it if he were out and mingling with the populace…

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I think he should head out to Florida and that he & DeSantis should go to one of those megachurches that got the religious exemption they demanded so people would fill the pews (and, more importantly, collection plates)

  2. Chica71 says:

    Never said what he was number one for? Details are Never his strong point.

    • lucy2 says:

      Not sure, but he’ll definitely go down for “Most Preventable Deaths While President”.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        number One in the category of ignorant comments…preventable deaths….so many number ones.

    • Bucky Bieber says:

      I believe his mismanagement of the pandemic is going to be his downfall.

  3. Kim Sroka says:

    Good! Can he stay off Twitter and TV too. Would be a nice break.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Unfortunately, other people use his Twitter account and they are just as bad. There are the official tweets, like the Marines Anniversary or something, which are very rare, and then there are tweets that are clearly written by someone who has a better command of grammar, but not much better, who shares his views. I look to see if Ivanka is tweeting around the same time and very often she is. This morning, his twitter, in a long-winded, multiple tweet screed, bragged about sending out medical equipment, with a nasty comment that states are insatiable no matter how much he does for them, they want more. I checked her account and within less than a minute, she tweeted some feel good stuff on her account about greeting one another using different signs. This happens very frequently.

  4. grabbyhands says:

    Hell, I’d settle for not having to see his stupid, bloated face or hear his voice for the rest of the month since he is contributing nothing to the discussion of what is going on right now.

    The only exception I’ll make is if he uses even one press conference to tell people to listen to Dr. Fauci. It is beyond the realm of belief that the guy who is a medical professional with a distinguished career under more than one president now has to have extra security assigned to him because right wing lunatics are pissed that he is giving out actual factual information about the virus so we can you know, make sure we are being safe and keeping it from getting worse. And all because it isn’t a slavish repeat of their dear leader’s nonsense updates.

  5. Jerusha says:

    So happy trump is #1 on FB. That’s so much more important than thousands of deaths, 6.6 million unemployment claims, and Cuomo’s nipples, really happy for him. But, seriously, folks, I hope he ….

    • Andrew’s Nemesis says:

      @Jerusha An unspoken hope which so many of us devoutly share…

    • Joanna says:

      Ikr?!!! This MF is obese, doesn’t exercise, how the he11 has he made it so long? If anyone ever deserved it, he does!

    • Juls says:

      I heard that Garth Brooks temporarily crashed FB last night, due to his live broadcast or something? Guess Dump didn’t hear about it. God forbid this anus in chief isn’t the biggliest and bestest!

    • Lady D says:

      Someone said that 6.6 mill unemployed was in addition to the 3.3mill who filed last week. Any idea if that is true? I find the idea of 10 million people being out of a job staggering. That’s almost a third of our country’s population.

      • Jerusha says:

        I believe that’s 6.6 new ones on top of the previous filings, yes.

      • lingli says:

        The Guardian and Channel 4 news are both reporting this – 17% unemployment rate overall, 19% for African-Americans and 25% for young people. The Channel 4 reporter said it’s beyond Great Depression levels of unemployment.

      • april says:

        327.2 million (2018) U.S. population

      • april says:

        As of 2019, there are 157 million people in the U.S. workforce.

  6. paranormalgirl says:

    Almost 4 years later and I’m STILL trying to figure out how this buffoon got elected.

    • angie says:

      We’re a population that like to laugh…comedy is in – and he’s the biggest clown out there!!!!!

    • Desdemona says:

      Have you seen the Brazilian president??? Bolsonaro…. Hope this will be approved… He’s the one taking and putting on the mask… The second one talking is one of his ministers, the Health minister… Actually he says that you should take out the mask when speaking to another person… God help us…

  7. lizzieb says:

    So he’s having McDonald’s and KFC delivered to the White House?

  8. emmy says:

    For reasons! For reasons, people. The best reasons, I guess. I hope this dingdong chokes on a chicken wing.

  9. Jerusha says:

    Are those actual WTF expressions on the faces of Barr and Esper at his #1 remark?

  10. bros says:

    well some news outlet just reported that the secret service has emergency rented 45,000 dollars worth of golf carts at his Virgina golf course, which is one of the few still open. and this is what normally happens every time he goes golfing-they have to requisition a whole bunch of golf carts for the secret service.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And instead of reducing the rate, which he should, he jacks it up.

    • Frida_K says:

      I read this too, which makes me think that’s why he declared that he was staying at home. He always projects and/or gives himself away.

    • lingli says:

      I think “for the most part” means he won’t be going to Mar-a-Lago but he will be going to Bedminster as it’s not so far away.

      The charges to the Secret Service are just part of his ongoing grifting; they should take a leaf out of his own book and just not pay him.

  11. jessamine says:

    Actually, I would prefer it if he left the White House permanently.

  12. ChillyWilly says:

    I think he should definitely get out and about and lick some doorknobs while he’s at it.

  13. Joan Callamezzo says:

    No please let him leave the White House and never let him back in. The discrepancy between the color of his orange face and his white hands is more jarring than his hair swirl. He’s so disgusting in every way. In November we VOTE him out!

    • fluffy says:

      I am so stealing hair swirl…thank you.

    • Arpeggi says:

      They should have let him go to NYC “for the opening” (as if it’s a freackin’ club opening or a movie premiere, barf!). Bring Pence too. They might have caught something …

      But it would have been awful for the SS detail who don’t deserve to get sick

  14. Lightpurple says:

    And we’re all supposed to express our undying gratitude, with our governors prostrate before him, for staying in his workplace like the job he sought requires or we won’t get the ventilators he is hoarding.

    Massachusetts has had enough. We pay more in FFP than most states and get very little back; we financially support those big red Trump states. Several of our hospitals are consistently rated the world’s best but they are in dire need right now. Hundreds of our medical professionals here have the virus. They are out of equipment. Trump has consistently outbid or outright seized orders that our Governor has placed and then refused to provide us with anything repeatedly. Yesterday, the governor made a deal with China for a million N95 masks. The New England Patriots have sent their plane to retrieve it and it is due to arrive sometime today. We’re praying that Trump doesn’t seize the plane. That’s how bad things are, that traitor has basically declared war on a state, a state that contributes far more financially to this country than all but maybe a handful of others, and he doesn’t care how many of us die as a result or how the loss of such medical personnel impacts the country’s standing in the world.

    • Juls says:

      If he doesn’t seize the plane, he’ll go on a tirade about how the Patriots are ‘unpatriotic’ for going outside of the country to retrieve supplies (that he is directly denying access to)

    • Veronica S. says:

      Yeah, the intentional redirection of supplies to his allies is so boldly horrifying that I’m REALLY interested to see how that plays out in the long run. I see a lot of potential state lawsuits coming in the next few years over that.

  15. Swack says:

    Not sure why they are having daily briefings, other than for him to have mini rallies. The number of people infected and the number that have passed away could be done in a press release. He isn’t answering any questions that make him look bad. If there is a major break through then they could call for a press briefing. Also if he is social distancing then he needs to get those people who are crowded together off the podium.

  16. Ann says:

    He probably has it. He never follows orders, at least not publicly. I’m surprised more people aren’t asking that question. He got tested and it was negative and that’s it? He’s probably been tested multiple times and now he is probably positive. For him to suddenly believe actual experts is sketchy af to me. The tweets for the next month are going to be insane, both in volume and content.

    • Valerie says:

      He’s also pretty slovenly. He looks like the kind of guy who dashes his hands under hot water for a minute after using the bathroom and then shakes them off as he heads out the door. My question is, if he’s positive, how long can he hide it for? Do you think that’s why he’s laying on the spackle so much? He looked radioactively orange the other day.

  17. Mia4s says:

    Maybe he is going to stay out of Florida….he may have seen early projections for the likely death toll there thanks to the idiot governor. I mean, leaving churches open? That governor is about to kill more Christians than the early Roman Empire….

    Errr, are you sure you don’t want to go to Florida Trump? Asking for a friend….asking for a lot of friends actually.

    • Holly hobby says:

      And if these dummies actually listen to the gov and the dumb yam and went to church then that takes care of the evangelicals right.

  18. lucy2 says:

    I’d actually prefer he LEAVE the White House, if not now, then in January when his term is up, if we make it until then.

    That comment about the ship in NY, all he wants is a photo op for his campaign. That’s all he cares about. I’d say let him do it, but by himself, so the Secret Service don’t have to get exposed.

    I’m glad various news organizations are skipping his press briefings and only showing the governors and Dr. Fauci. No one needs to hear his incoherent nonsense and posturing.

  19. Léna says:

    “But we’ll also do something really good, it’s called jobs” Why does he talks like a dumbass all the time? Does he need to talk like a dumbass so his followers have the impression he does something good? I’m so confused. As a foreigner his english sounds dumb lol

  20. Aimee says:

    As far as I’m concerned he’ll only ever be number two.

  21. adastraperaspera says:

    Liar. Monster. He’s probably sitting in his residential suite receiving hourly intravenous doses of plasma from Covid-19 survivors and gobbling anti-malarial meds.

  22. StrawberryBlonde says:

    I hate this man so much, and I am not even American. Please please please vote him out in November then send him to prison if you can. Like so many above, i also harbour a secret wish…

  23. Edna says:

    The Orange 🤡 needs to be tried for criminal negligence. People need to remember what he did in November:

    Trump administration disbanded the National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense in 2018, which was set up in 2016 under President Barack Obama following the deadly Ebola outbreak in Africa. The office was designed to make sure the U.S. was prepared for the next disease outbreak and ensure it didn’t become a pandemic.

    Trump previously defended his administration’s push to cut funding for health organizations, when a reporter asked last month whether he regretted the decision to call for less money to the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization. The president phrased his defense in the terms of a businessman.”Some of the people we cut, they haven’t been used for many, many years. And if — if we have a need, we can get them very quickly,” Trump said. “And rather than spending the money — and I’m a business person — I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them.”

    • Aimee says:

      But he “doesn’t know anything about that.” HOW has this man gotten away with SO much all of his life? Frankly, I don’t care what he did before (he was always scum) but this is our President!!!! It’s shameless and I am embarrassed for our country DAILY and I don’t think I can take another 4 years of this shit.

      • Veronica S. says:

        A white man with money and the tiniest bit of savvy can get away with pretty much anything in this country.

  24. KellyRyan says:

    Mar A Lago’s closed. So where is going to go? The only reasons he goes to MAL is to brand build, meet with cronies and bill the US for his endless trips. Anytime he’s missing from the airwaves, he isn’t missed.

  25. Jamie says:

    He will absolutely go golfing this weekend. Bookmark it.

  26. boobra says:

    you guys do remember he’ll be even more annoying on Twitter…

  27. Allergy says:

    I – just – want – him – gone – forever.

  28. jferber says:

    I just have to say that I hate this bitch and he will be responsible for the deaths of perhaps 200,000 people. Corrupt, ignorant and, lest we forget, INCOMPETENT. My husband read this line from a book to describe him,”He couldn’t even organize an orgy in a whorehouse.” Con man, reality TV jerk, loser. This is one for the history books, but some of us will be dead by that time.

  29. TheMummy says:

    I’m really sick and tired of waiting for all of his constant fast food kick in. If even his arteries betray us…I don’t even know. Starting to think he just might live to be 110. Like…how is he still standing even now? He’s old, has never exercised, has GOT to have high blood pressure, pretty sure he has dementia and other neurological issues, he lives on fast food and junk food, he rarely sleeps, and he is always in a state of rage and has no idea how to manage stress or emotionally self-regulate. And he doesn’t social distance At ALL. How is it even possible he’s probably going to live forever?!