Jennifer Lopez isn’t giving away her own money to worthy people on ‘Thanks a Million’

Jennifer Lopez rocks a red matching Christmas ensemble as she exits the gym

On April 2nd, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez got their Miami gym to open for just them. They’re in “quarantine” in their home in Florida, and instead of using their home gym for their workout, they must have called the gym owner and had the guy open everything up just for them. It was crazy-irresponsible. Then on April 8th, Jennifer posted this to her social media:

I mean… practice what you preach! Maybe she learned her lesson from having that gym open up, but really I just think she’s a bit of an a–hole and she thought people wouldn’t put the two things together. Meanwhile, Jennifer has been crazy-active on social media because she’s promoting her latest gig: she’s on a Quibi show, you know those shows which are only 10 or 15 minutes long and you have to subscribe to the Quibi service? Well, Jennifer is part of Thanks a Million, where she gives $100K to someone with the understanding that the person will pass half of it to someone else, and on and on. Here’s a clip:

Page Six had a story where they explained the premise of the show, but then they pointed out that Jennifer (and the other celebrities in it) are not giving away their own money, that Jeffrey Katzenberg and the Thanks a Million team are ponying up the money. It would be interesting to do a show about celebrities giving their own money to charity, that’s all I’ll say.

And finally, Jennifer took part in Diddy’s Instagram Live dance-athon to raise money for charity. A-Rod had to pop up too, because Diddy and Jennifer used to date, you know.

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez head to the Polo Bar for dinner

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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58 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez isn’t giving away her own money to worthy people on ‘Thanks a Million’”

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  1. Rachel says:

    A rod always pops in. He is like a Justin Timberlake; loves the attention. Both are exhausting.

  2. Jules says:

    It is really grossing me out how much money some people have, how disproportionate it is in the world, and how stingy they are with sharing and donating. Seriously, they should ALL be donating millions for basic necessities like masks, medical care, food. Instead they are flaunting their wealth or how bored they are on social media. It is truly outrageous.

    • Jaded says:

      Yes it is gross, and personally I can’t stand her, but she has contributed to many public service and charity causes. She has taken part in Amnesty International, ALAS, Children’s Health Fund, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, DKMS, Los Angeles Free Clinic, Love Our Children USA and MusiCares. She and her sister also run the Lopez Foundation which works to increase the availability of health care and health education to the less fortunate. So ya, she’s filthy rich but she does give back.

      • carmen says:

        Agreed. And unlike certain royals, she earns her money and doesn’t live off the backs of taxpayers.

    • megs283 says:

      I know. I was just thinking about this. Many of these celebrities make more in a DAY than most people make in a year. JLo’s annual income is 40 million, which breaks down to 109K a DAY. Newsflash, that’s significantly higher than my annual salary. I’m all about the American Dream but stop acting like we’re “in this together.”

    • Natters5 says:

      Hey! She’s worked hard performing privately for despots and Saudi Princes all around the world to actually share that money. Money is her prime motivator so no surprise she is not into sharing.

    • Lyli says:

      I’m sick of the obscene fortunes too. Not related to JLo besides the crazy amount of money, but I just read an NFL player signed a 64 million contract and I find it disgusting.

  3. DenG says:

    The rich are different. The rest of us are the necessary audience to the spectacle.

  4. lucy2 says:

    Did anyone think it was the celebrity’s money? I’d like to know what they all got paid to show up too.
    JLO telling people to stay home after the gym incident is just so typical, isn’t it?

  5. AnnaKist says:

    Gee, poor loves. They must really be missing the attention, what with having to be cooped up in their mansion/s during this global crisis, while others are dying or working to stop people dying.

    • carey says:

      So interested to hear the many ways YOU are helping to save everyone, AnnaKist

      • Megan2 says:

        Unless AnnaKist is a millionaire celebrity who is telling everyone to stay home while demanding her local gym open up for her, or singing “Imagine” from the balcony of her giant home while talking about all the “blessings” being brought by the pandemic that is kills hundreds of thousands of people, or soliciting donations from the “regular folk” while hoarding the millions in her bank account…

        This is not a fair comparison.

        For example. You know how I am helping to save everyone? By ACTUALLY staying home. By putting a can or three of something in the food bank donation bin when I do have to go to the grocery store. By practicing social distancing in situations where I can’t avoid people. By donating blood.

        Flashy? Nope. Will it change the world? Nope. But you know what? I don’t have a few million effing dollars hanging out in my bank account waiting to be put to good use. So I do what I can. We should all do what we can. And the fact is, these obscenely wealthy people telling us to practice gratitude and donate our rent money are NOT doing what they could. They are barely doing a FRACTION of what they could.

        So you’re up next. How are you saving the world?

      • Leigh says:

        Well said Megan2!

      • Jules says:

        @carey, talk about missing the point…

  6. chitowngal says:

    I’m so sick of her. Really. Wasn’t a big fan to begin with, but opening up a gym and potentially exposing people to a deadly disease, is the last straw. I’m tired of the blatant self-promotion, self-absorption and selfishness, that masquerades as ‘ambition’ or ‘hustle’.

    • minx says:

      Same. She’s mediocre in so many ways but her ego doesn’t match her talent. She looks great, that I’ll give her.

      • Mtec says:

        you are welcome to your opinion, of course, but IMO she definitely has talent. I doubt you get a 30+ year career at the top by being “mediocre.” She’s worked hard for all she’s made of and for herself, if that’s ego, then good for her, ’cause she works harder than most celebrities out there for it.

        Even on the things she does she’s not the best at, like singing, for example, she’s worked hard to improve that over the years as well. I saw her live last year and she sang really well. just saying, some people are born with talent other not so much, so maybe she’s had to work harder than others in order to achieve certain goals for herself, but that’s not egotistical IMO.

      • minx says:

        Working hard is admirable, of course, but I still think she’s an average singer and actor and that there are many more talented people. She’s good at promoting herself, I’ll give her that.

      • naomipaige99 says:

        Sure hopes she thanks Diddy for her career. If it wasn’t for him, she’d [probably only still be a fly girl!

    • Mtec says:


      How is she “exposing people” to anything? Do you know what they worked out with the Gym’s owners in order for them to work out there? No, you don’t. None of us do. It could be they took every precaution possible to make sure everything was clean and the staff (which i doubt were many, or even anyone there) kept their distance and stayed safe.

      It’s a private gym that they had access to because of their money. Does to that make her an evil person?

      This vitriol towards her is truly undeserved.

      • Megan2 says:

        You know what would have been “every precaution” they could have taken?

        Not going.

        Because they have money does not mean they can endanger other people. Every person who had to be there to open that gym… also have families. They probably have to grocery shop. They may be living with or in the same building as an “essential worker” who has to leave the house every day to help people, whether as a nurse or a grocery store clerk or whatever.

        and the thing is, if any of those people in that chain were infected, Arod and Jlo will have access to testing and the best treatment. The people they exposed will not.

        So spare us the “every precaution” nonsense. Every precaution would be to stay home where THEY ALREADY HAVE A GYM and not force people to put themselves at risk just because two wealthy aholes are paying them to do it.

      • Mtec says:

        You’re wrong though, they do not have a gym in the home they’re quarantined in. JLo did a recent interview with Reese Witherspoon where she mentioned that.

        Also, what I said is that we don’t know the plans they made to visit that gym. It could be someone opened it for them and went straight home, waited for them to finish and went back to close it once they were gone. We don’t know shit.

        I know it’s easy to tell people to just stay home, especially the more privileged ones, but that’s also not realistic, which is why many countries are allowing people to go on daily walks or runs or ride bikes for exercise, (because for some people it’s crucial for their mental health) which IMO is way riskier than JLo getting a private gym, where no one else was at, to open for her and Arod alone.

        In the end, it was the gym owner(s) who decided to open for them. So you’re wrong again, ’cause no one “forced” them. It’s a private gym that caters to celebs, so they have plenty of money, and do not HAVE to risk opening for anyone if they didn’t WANT to. I would assume the gym owners knew the risks and that’s why I said they probably took every precaution to make sure it was safe to do so. It was THEIR choice, JLo didn’t force them. So why be so angry at her for doing something, that was actually way less risky to other people than going out on the street to exercise.

      • Megan2 says:

        This is what I mean when I say they are forcing people to take risks:
        1. The people who are staying home other than for trips to buy necessary supplies are being forced to risk being in the same spaces, stores, and subways as those who are not self-isolating. The people who are not following the rules and guidelines are the reasons so many people are getting sick.
        2. If a person’s rent or livlihood or ability to keep his job depends on saying yes to people with the power and influence to potentially impact that business or your employment there… then yeah, that’s also being “forced” to work.
        Unless the gym owners called up these two bozos and said “hey friends, I would love to go outside and endanger a bunch of people because it must be difficult being trapped in a mansion during these trying times”… then yeah my point stands.

        And not for nothing, but if they’re going to post on Instagram about who they are staying home for, and tell the “poors” to stay home even though it’s hard… IT IS A BAD LOOK FROM TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE ENJOYING A PUBLIC GYM WHILE THOUSANDS DIE. And your opinion about walking outside being more dangerous… that’s your opinion, definitely not what is being advised by actual medical doctors and staff.

        I have managed to find ways to workout inside my apartment, which would likely fit inside the BEDROOM of their home. Staying home all the time, not seeing friends, not being able to go to the gym… it is hard. It is really really hard. But you know what, it’s worth it to do something hard and make a personal sacrifice if it means fewer casualties. And if it’s not worth it for you, fine; I have zero authority over you or these two rich a-holes, but what I don’t want to hear from said a-holes is hollow blandishments to sit my peasant butt at home in my tiny apartment while they are walking around out there like their sh*t don’t stink.

      • Mtec says:

        Again, it’s not a public gym. It’s a private gym. A private gym that is owned by wealthy people who cater to celebs. They are not hard up for cash. They chose to open their empty gym to two people, and beyond that we do not know the logistics.

        And yes I still believe going to exercise in an empty gym, is safer and a more controlled environment than working out outside like many people are doing. You have no idea who you could bump into outside, where you could end up unintentionally clustered with others, nor what you might have to/end up touching while outside.

      • Libby says:

        Mtec, you might want to google “Jennifer Lopez shares glimpse inside her incredible home gym”, which in fact shows that she has a home gym.

  7. ShAronk says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if she and ass-rod donated some of their own money.
    It’s the people who need it who made it possible for her wealth.
    Going to the gym was totally tonE deaf. She’s really an entitled spoiled idiot.

    • Jennifer D says:

      WAY back when Ass Rod played for the Mariners, my husband was a valet at a fancy restaurant in Seattle. Ass Rod didn’t tip the valet drivers, y’all. To add injury to insult, he’d say, “Catch ya next time.” (For the record for Mariners fans, Ichiro was delightful and generous.) How much money do these people NEED???

  8. DiegoInSF says:

    I mean, that’s how this type of shows have always worked? Also, the orange monster loving PageSix has run sexist, racist stories of her ever since she endorsed and campaigned for Hillary.

  9. a says:

    Didn’t someone say A Rod owned the gym chain they were at? Still didn’t make sense because their home gym must be next-level

    • Mtec says:

      In and interview with Reese Witherspoon Jlo mentioned they do not have a home Gym in the place they’re quarantined in.

      • Allergy says:

        But must they absolutely go to a gym? They can’t stand four weeks without a gym? Their physique will shrivel? They must have hand weights somewhere at home. You know you can exercise with water bottles. you can throw your kids in the air. You gan go up and down the stairs. Nobody needs to go to the gym.

      • Mtec says:

        You can say that about any regular person choosing to exercise outside in the public amongst other people right now as well

  10. Siul says:

    Remember a few months ago when JL wasn’t nominated for an Oscar. So many got upset. Well, now you know why Hollywood bigwigs aren’t all into her.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Oscars aren’t for the most charitable person but best acting, which is what she did in Hustlers. Also, if you don’t think this is how most people in Hollywood and on a different level, most people, period, I have a bridge to sell you.

  11. Michael says:

    She gets more and more annoying every day

  12. Allergy says:

    Omg how uncomfortable that red outfit looks.

  13. emmy says:

    I don’t understand this. It would be great PR if they were using their own money and it’s just change to her. This is not great PR.

  14. Mtec says:

    I don’t get why JLo deserves all this criticism.

    No one made the people at the gym open for her, they decided to do it. We also don’t know if JLo and ARod interacted with anyone there, it could have been they opened it and let them come during a certain time and then closed it after they were already gone, and never even got close to her. Or it could have been maybe 1 or 2 staff there are the time who also didn’t get close, which is perfectly safe.
    It’s actually safer and more responsible than people out taking walks or doing exercises out in the park, or doing those neighborhood/parked car “social distancing” circle exercises.

    As for the money not being hers, why does it matter? And why are we not calling out all the other celebrities involved if it matters so much?

    To me it makes no sense to criticize her for this. The whole premise of the show is about “paying it forward”; a person (the celeb) gets money, they give it so someone else (the “regular” person) and then they give some of it to someone else. So if we’re gonna criticize Jlo for giving away money that’s not her own, then are we gonna criticize the “regular” person that received it when they pass some of it on as well? Because it wasn’t theirs to begin with either.

    Yes she’s rich and a celeb, so she gets more perks and privileges than most of us do. That’s just the way it is. But she’s not harming anyone and in fact, trying to do good things.

    This is so stupid. Why is this site trying to create such a bad campaign against JLo, I don’t get it.

    • EatTheRich says:

      “That’s just the way it is.” I think everyone is tired of the way things “simply” are, and are realizing that they don’t have to be like this anymore.

      • Mtec says:

        That’s good, but there’s no reason to take it out on people like JLo, who, compared to other celebs, actually worked hard to get where she is.

      • Allergy says:

        Can we stop saying how movie stars work so hard? Because they do not. It’s physically hard work to train for a musical, sure, but it’s still not hard work.
        Veterinarians and animal rescue people work hard, and children’s cancer hospital staff. And so on.
        I am sick of hearing how a millionaire struggles to exercise.

    • Granger says:

      Working out in a gym isn’t safer or more responsible than taking a walk. Even going for a run or doing exercises in a park are safer, if you’re keeping your distance from other people. The virus spreads when an infected person coughs/exhales and the droplets from their mouth land on objects and surfaces (where the virus can survive for several days). Other people touch these objects or surfaces, then touch their eyes, nose or mouth. So if either J-Lo or A-Rod unknowingly had the virus, then worked out in that gym, coughing/sneezing/exhaling on the equipment/mats/surfaces, and then the minimum-wage-paid cleaner came in to disinfect everything, picked up the virus, and took it home to her kids and elderly mother… you can see where I’m going with this.

      And whether J-Lo or A-Rod have the virus is beside the point. The point is that they went to that gym even though everyone is being asked to stay home to prevent the spread. It was irresponsible.

      • Mtec says:

        I’ve literally seen pictures of bridges packed with people working out outside during this pandemic. I’ve seen videos of people doing neighborhood exercises outside their homes taking up the whole sidewalk, so even those who have to go outside for essentials can’t do it ‘cause they wanna Instagram themselves working out outside. The virus can also spread from being too close to other people, hence the social distancing, not just from dropplets on objects.

        So yes, i think going for walks/runs/ exercising outside amongst other people, specially when you can end up clustered somewhere like a bridge/tunnel or small park etc., is wayyy riskier than renting out a private gym for yourself and your partner.

        It’s not like she’s making the YMCA open for her. She and ARod have rich friend who own a private gym they CHOSE to open for JLo and Arod. If there’s anyone to be angry with about potentially harming a “minimum wage worker” is the owners of the gym.

        But even so, being inside an empty gym is a way more controlled environment and way less riskier than going outside to exercise Amongst the general public. For example, yes there has to be someone who cleans the equipment that they use in the gym —the person probably opened it for them knowing this full well, which IMO means it is more likely they’re probably wearing gloves + a mask while doing so. But outside, who’s wiping down the buttons you push to cross the street? Or the benches you sit in when you’re tired of working out and need rest, or anything else you might need to touch while outside your home. That can’t be controlled. But wiping down a couple of machines a couple of people used can be.

  15. AppleTartin says:

    It’s common knowledge she made some bad investments and her clothing and perfume line don’t do very well. She was almost broke before American Idol came along and bailed her out financially. She isn’t as rich as people think she is. She would never spend her own money if someone else will do it for her.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      What? She is worth 400 million, reported by Forbes et al. Her perfume line doesn’t do well? Its sold over a billion dollars and she pioneered the whole celebrity perfumes with Glow.

      • Jerusha says:

        Liz Taylor’s White Diamonds in 1991 was the first successful celebrity perfume. Sophia Loren in 1981 and Cher in 1987 had some not so successful efforts. Many celeb fragrances before JLo.

  16. chitowngal says:

    @ Mtec: So how did she and Alex Rodriguez get in to that gym? I guess they had keys. Did they also work out by themselves without anyone in attendance? Did they lock up when they left? I think not. So, if I’m being ‘vitriolic’ for pointing out her utter hypocrisy in posting a message to Twitter telling people to stay home in order to stop the spread of a deadly disease, when she left her home for a completely unnecessary reason, then so be it. Defend her selfishness all you want. I think you would feel differently if someone you cared about put themselves at risk so she (and he ) could work out.

    • carmen says:

      I’ve been wondering about the gym incident myself. Obv. cash had something to do with it and in terms of the “rules” , maybe they are part owners of the gym?

    • Megan2 says:

      @chitowngirl yes this. I wonder if it gives people comfort while they are being hooked up to ventilators or attending a funeral via Zoom, to know that it was for the good of someone’s mental health that they were out there using public spaces against recommendations. I’m sure it’s easy to forgive, since it’s so hard to stay home; special little muffins neeeeed to be out and about, don’t you know?

      I am getting so fed up with people thinking they are the exceptions to the rules, because “the rules are hard”. That’s not a valid reason, you d*nks.

    • Mtec says:

      I already responded to everything you just brought up again. No one knows the logistics of what was worked out for her to go to that gym. So being so angry at her for it is illogical IMO. She didn’t force them to open it for her either.

      • Original Jenns says:

        Then she needs to not tell anyone to stay home. She doesn’t know our logistics, right?

      • Berlin says:

        Right. No one knows the logistics of what was worked out for her to go to the gym. Including you. You don’t know if she ‘forced them’ or not. You don’t know who was there. You don’t know how much pressure she put on the owners. You do not know anything about what happened.

    • Mtec says:

      Exactly, I don’t know. That’s why I’m not out here in the comments being irrationally angry at her for it.

  17. Mee says:

    Like Jlo was gonna part with her money 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  18. Original Jenns says:

    Lots of new people defending her right to have her private gym make their employees open up and clean up after them during a pandemic… JLo in damage control…

    • lisa says:

      I know! I love it when celebrities (or their PR people) come to THIS website to defend themselves! LMAO at Mtec above…

      • Mtec says:

        @Originla Jenns & @Lisa
        Funny, whenever someone presents a different and logical POV all of a sudden they’re PR people. I’m a regular old person, I’m just a fan of JLo and it seems irrational to me for people to go at her like this. I’m also a nursing student and have friends who are nurses working on the frontline of this here in Canada, so I know how crucial it is for people to stay home. I’m not saying she didn’t take a risk for going out of her home to exercise, but IMO I did see it as less risky. She went to a private, controlled environment, instead of what i’m seeing people do which is taking a chance of going outside in the public to exercise amongst other people. That to me is far riskier. But sure, let’s be mad a JLo cause she’s rich and privileged /s.

  19. Cabrona says:

    Not thrilled about the gym either but Miami and FL weren’t on lockdown until later that day. Also, who else runs these type of shows or contests with their own money?