Donald Trump is petty & jealous, so he’s talking about firing Dr. Anthony Fauci

Trump Coronavirus Task Force press briefing at the White House

As I said previously, I’m not really down for hyping Dr. Anthony Fauci as the second coming of anything. He’s a competent doctor who calmly informs and educates the public. He’s apolitical. He is not there to take down Donald Trump. Dr. Fauci is there to provide truthful information during a global pandemic. The reason he’s being hyped is that Fauci is often doing these briefings with Donald Trump, who is a liar and a maniac. Literally ANYONE looks calm and reasonable standing next to Trump. Well, you know how Trump hates it when anyone else gets attention or good press? Predictably all of this Fauci hype is making Trump jelly and he’s probably going to fire Fauci.

President Trump publicly signaled his frustration on Sunday with Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert, after the doctor said more lives could have been saved from the coronavirus if the country had been shut down earlier.

Mr. Trump reposted a Twitter message that said “Time to #FireFauci” as he rejected criticism of his slow initial response to the pandemic that has now killed more than 22,000 people in the United States. The president privately has been irritated at times with Dr. Fauci, but the Twitter post was the most explicit he has been in letting that show publicly.

The message Mr. Trump retweeted came from a former Republican congressional candidate. “Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could’ve saved more lives,” said the tweet by DeAnna Lorraine, who got less than 2 percent of the vote in an open primary against Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month. “Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US at large. Time to #Fire Fauci.”

The tweet came amid a flurry of messages blasted out by the president on Sunday defending his handling of the coronavirus, which has come under sharp criticism, and pointing the finger instead at China, the World Health Organization, President Barack Obama, the nation’s governors, Congress, Democrats generally and the news media.

[From The New York Times]

Of all the people Trump has threatened to fire or actually fired or been sick with jealousy about, I’m not distraught over this Fauci thing. I mean, yes, I could totally see Trump firing Fauci and replacing Fauci with some political dude who just gets up there and acts as Trump’s corona-hype-man. And that would be awful. But you know what else is awful? Literally everything. Literally the Trump administration’s entire response to this crisis.

According to the Daily Beast, Trump spent Easter talking to aides about whether he should fire Fauci too. It will probably happen this week.

Trump and Coronavirus task force team briefing

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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60 Responses to “Donald Trump is petty & jealous, so he’s talking about firing Dr. Anthony Fauci”

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  1. (TheOG) jan90067 says:

    Get ready for a literal sh!t storm today as more and more people are talking about the NYT’s article of what this piece of excrement knew and when.

    • Jess says:

      It won’t matter to his people, he’ll call it fake news and they’ll believe it.

      • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

        True… but some of those voters, who voted by their checkbooks and stock accounts? They can still be swayed “away from the dark side” … or should I say “orange” slush?

      • Holly hobby says:

        They’ll care if they catch the virus.

  2. Seraphina says:

    Trump is a megalomaniac who is only concerned about his image. And in this administration, if he is unhappy with a person or fires them, that means they are actually doing what they should and not bowing down to Donaldus Augustus Trumpus.

    I can’t wait to vote him out of office.

  3. Mac says:

    Fauci is the only pushing back on Trump. A lot more people are going to die if he is fired.

  4. Leesa says:

    If whatever new political, less science-based person he might replace Fauci with provides Trump with cover for ending social distancing too early, I would be distraught. It’s worth remembering how few checks are left in place to stop Trump from doing whatever idiotic thing enters his tiny mind/large gut.

    • Allergy says:

      Don Jr.’s girlfriend will replace Fauci for sure! That’s how it works now.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I snorted at that because it’s so utterly ridiculous & therefore entirely plausible.

    • FC says:

      Trump inherited Fauci, which is why he’s the real deal. Whoever he appoints in his place (my money is on Dr. Oz or some other “tv doctor”) will undoubtedly be a hack. People will die if/when Fauci is fired.

    • Holly hobby says:

      States stripped him of that power and he can’t make them. Right now NY Nh and the other states are banding together for purchasing power. I’m sure if anus keeps abdicating his duty the states will strip him of his power.

  5. Gina says:

    I just hear that over the weekend that idiot tweeted blame for the virus on about a dozen other people, places, you name it.The only thing he didn’t blame it on is the Easter bunny.

    Its administration was cutting all these departments and thinking he would be able to skate by without anyone noticing. Thinking that they would never be put to use. Now they are caught with their pants down and we get his usual MO, blame others.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Azar and Navarro had blame hurled at them too. Somebody will probably be fired today, along with an Inspector General from anywhere just for good measure.

      Expect Ivanka to replace Fauci at the press conferences, telling us how wonderful the Trump administration is and how she’s working to save all of us by forcing her nannies to sew masks.

      • maisie says:

        ::snort:: This is entirely possible, you know. It sounds like something from The Onion, but this is where we are now. The problem for Tr**p is, he has no real friends, only criminal overlords and his disgusting family, so he’s running short on “loyal” sycophants to take all the “important jobs” in his regime. Look for him to start placing his biggest rally fans (ie Clem & his white hood from Kentucky, Jackal from the Oklahoma motorcycle gang, Mykaylah Kymburleeh from Wisconsin etc.) to start popping up as his “trusted advisors.”

  6. Izzy says:

    Well, someone should probably explain to the Orange Idiot what the First Amendment DOES apply to. Private companies can curtail the speech of their employees. Government CAN’T. Guess what, Dumpy Donnie? You wanted to be the president, you got it! That makes you part of the government. You can make him sign 50 NDAs and Fauci could still speak to every reporter in a 50-mile radius right after he signs them. No court would be able to enforce those NDAs.

    How do you like your job now?

    • Oh-Dear says:

      In the New Yorker article on Fauci released on the 10th, the reporter noted that Fauci called him back after the interview to say that he has been asked not to do personal profiles, so there is some degree of silencing. This is a good read that gives insight into the complexity of Fauci’s position and his breadth of experience. I do think he had a learning curve of doing pressers with Trump.

    • Keessie1969 says:

      Trump will not listen to any explanation. The man does not have the capacity to understand any of it. He does however believe he is very smart because his family was lucky in making money with bricks. The real reasons for that success being dumb luck and aggresive behavior. He is not smart, he has no self control, is not able to grasp that he needs to step back and let more competent people run this show. He is like a child wanting al the attention.

      And you know what? Everyone in the US is letting it happen. His opponents still treat him like an equal human being. He. Is. Not. He is the Toddler in Chief. He started a petty fight with a governor. Someone responsible for 19 million lives. About whether he will receive extra ventilators and other equipment. You would not let a child run your government, now get serious about getting him out of office before he gets a change to find out what this virus really is capable of.

  7. KellyRyan says:

    Drumpf offers us a daily dose of dysfunction. Anderson Cooper received my laugh for the week-end by continually attempting to bait Gov Newsom on DT. Newsom didn’t bite, simply continuing on discussing CA. Speaking of the evil one, he’s spouting off with power he believes he has over state decisions to re-open businesses. States rights under Congress and the 10th Amendment supersedes Federal.

    • Mac says:

      He can cut off funding to states that refuse to reopen.

      • Lady D says:

        New York and California could cut their payments to the federal govt. too, couldn’t they? I’m sure it’s illegal, but isn’t this a game two can play?

      • Mac says:

        States don’t give money to the federal government. Revenue comes from tax payers.

      • Lady D says:

        Thanks Mac, I didn’t know that. I thought every state paid money into the Federal government.

    • Holly hobby says:

      He can’t cut them off. States should sue his pants off

    • KellyRyan says:

      To those who replied, check how stuff works. We pay far more in federal taxes than we receive in federal aid and contracts. We are 40M in population and 5th in global economy. DT’s tried to regulate medical marijuana, a border wall, sanctuary cities, etc. in CA. We file suit, 68 currently, and he moves on to his next blustering diatribe. We’re strong and vote blue.

  8. VS says:

    Trump is looking for who to blame for his incompetence, that’s all……..I do hope my fellow US Americans vote him out of office in November but I am very scared…….

    • IMUCU says:

      I am worried too and think he will be reelected. The division amongst democrats on their candidate(s) is deep and I don’t know that they will be able to overcome it to get DT out of office. The republicans, on the other hand, will unite over anything that will keep them in power and pays homage to their MAGA/KAG fantasies.

  9. 10KTurtle says:

    Go ahead, Donny. Fire him and let one of your favorite lamestream media outlets pay him $$$ to deliver us the facts uninterrupted by a giant orange buffoon. I wholeheartedly endorse this decision, as you never listen to him anyway and the rest of us need his valid unabridged guidance.

  10. Juxtapoze says:

    People who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. True leaders take accountability & acknowledge when they could have done better. Donald Trump is a failure on so many levels.

    Let’s learn from 2016 – VOTE, VOTE, VOTE the Liar In Chief out! No writing in a vote that gets thrown away. No sitting this election out. No voting for an independent (which is also a throw away vote) because you don’t love 100% of what Biden is about. We deserve a leader who is guided by logic, trusts experts and science, has a moral compass, upholds democratic values, and cares about the middle class.

    • one of the Marys says:

      @Juxtapose what do you mean, writing in a vote that gets thrown away?

      • 10KTurtle says:

        I think they mean the idea/saying that voting for a third party is “throwing your vote away,” as in voting for somebody with no chance of winning.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        every voter has the opportunity to write in any name on the ballot as a “write-in”.

        some people use it as a protest vote (they’ll write in their candidate that didn’t make the primary) or as a “joke” vote , writing in a name like Mickey Mouse.

        but a write in, like a third party vote, is essentially throwing your vote away because your candidate has zero chance of winning. you are casting a vote, but it’s a meaningless one, or at least an ineffective one.

        I’m assuming that’s what Juxtapoze meant.

      • Juxtapoze says:

        In many states, including mine, if you write in a name that is NOT on the ballot, it doesn’t get counted. Period. So there is no point writing in someone’s name. Voters need to recognize how important the primaries are because if you skip the primaries, you only have two main options (Dem & Repub) To choose from for President. You lose the opportunity to pick from a larger field of candidates. Yes, it would be great if Independents had a much larger presence, but we’re not even close to that reality yet in the US.

  11. K-Peace says:

    Dr. Fauci is the only person informing us of the actual scientific truth, in this horror-show of an administration. Aren’t people worried about Trump firing Fauci and replacing him with some idiot who kisses his ass and just bullshits the public pretending everything is going great? Aren’t people extremely worried about what that will lead to? (re-opening things too early, and the Coronavirus spreading even more wildly out of control.) I’m worried sick about losing Dr. Fauci!!

  12. Leah says:

    He’ll probably replace him with Hannity or Bill Maher. Two liars with no medical background.

    • Sean says:

      Bill Maher? Surely you mean someone else. He hates Trump and has been calling the administration a slow-moving coup since 2016. He’s also had crisis/epidemic experts in his show since Covid-19 began spreading across the country.

  13. Chubs says:

    I don’t have a lot of faith in any of them, the director of the CDC also said it was ok for infected nurses to work as long as they didn’t have symptoms. WTF!

    but, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett is in the press today, leading the way with a COVID vaccine!

  14. phlyfiremama says:

    #freethefauci I mean, think about it.He has basically been muzzled because of the fragile ego of the maniac in charge. If he is no longer constrained by that, then he can come forward with all his information and give us the real deal.

  15. grabbyhands says:

    On one hand, firing Dr Fauci has the biggest potential to backfire in his face right now. There would be no way for him finesse that one if he re-opens things preemptively and another wave rolls over the country (which it will).

    On the other hand, he will still roll forward with opening everything and it will have catastrophic results so it really won’t matter if he is called to the mat on it because the price will still be a lot of unnecessary deaths. Too many people are already still not taking seriously (here in Seattle, the police had to go from park to park to tell people to GTFO because so many people were ignoring that all the parks were closed) and all they need is the ill advised word from in high that it is okay to do whatever they want again.

    It is terrifying that the country’s well being is hanging on SOMEONE being able to convince the whiny toddler in the WH that it would be better to keep things closed even though he isn’t getting the accolades he wants because someone is daring to disagree with him.

    • one of the Marys says:

      @Grabbyhands, the strategy I see coming is to disallow testing so the second wave cannot be blamed on the virus

      • grabbyhands says:

        Unfortunately, I think you’re correct. Can’t get precise numbers if they can’t test!

  16. Deanne says:

    As a Canadian, I’m terrified for your country. Your president is literally the most dangerous person you could possibly have in charge during this crisis. His fellow Republicans kissing his ass and allowing him to basically murder the people he’s supposed to be serving, because of his willful ignorance, massive ego and pettiness, have blood on their hands as well.

    • Valerie says:

      As a Canadian, I am too, and concerned about the ripple effect that this will have on us. I’m not a huge proponent of Ford or Trudeau, but they’ve done far better than this self-styled war-time president.

      • Jaded says:

        Exactly. Look at our medical spokespeople – Dr. Theresa Tam is out there daily with detailed reports. Justin Trudeau, of whom I am no big fan, is handling this superbly. I live in BC and Dr. Bonnie Henry is also doing an amazing job informing the public. They are free to speak to their expertise which is the most important thing in this pandemic – whereas Trump fires or muzzles everyone who doesn’t agree with his megalomaniac bullsh*t.

        I’m a Valerie too BTW!

      • Deanne says:

        Both Trudeau and Ford have shown the extreme contrast between how most of Canada is handling the pandemic and how Trump is (mis)handling it. I couldn’t stand Doug Ford before this, but he’s shown me that while I am opposed to almost everything that he does politically, he isn’t a narcissistic sociopath like Trump and he is taking this personally. You can see the anguish on his face. Trudeau too. Neither are bragging about their ratings or insulting reporters who ask hard questions. Dr Theresa Tam, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Dr. Jennifer Russell etc and all strong, competent voices in this Twilight Zone we’re living in too. Unlike in the US, they aren’t beholden to an infantile liar, who cares more about his ratings than human life. If this monster is re-elected, the United States is doomed.

  17. Siul says:

    Does anyone besides the media still watch Trump’s briefings? I tried to watch a couple and can’t believe he’s a grown man and not some elementary school kid. As for the firing, it’ll happen soon. But the best part of that is Dr. Fauci will be more in high esteem. Less and less people will listen to Trump (except for those weird MAGA people) and see the doctor as a true voice of reason. He makes what’s happening now clear, concise, honest, and practical. And if doesn’t know, he’ll say he doesn’t know. No BS from him.

  18. Steff says:

    Trump’s mouth sh*ts lies constantly and it’d be catastrophic if he goes unchecked with these daily briefings.

  19. olala says:

    There is something sooo badly wrong with American political system if president has so much unquestionable power. It is insane and completely far away from any proper democracy

    • Holly hobby says:

      Congress is suppose to check him. But Melty face Turtle and the rest of the gang are sitting on their toilets and doing nothing.

      Seriously vote every last one of those traitors out. If they are voted out and anus is re-elected he can’t do anything because congress will stop him.

    • Veronica S. says:

      The president doesn’t have that kind of power. Trump has that kind of power because the Senate portion of Congress is run by an equally corrupt set of individuals who have a vested interest in maintaining power at the expense of the system’s checks and balances, and the easiest way to do that is simply by letting Trump run his mouth and then work behind the scenes. What we’re seeing is a political coup that’s been years in the making. A lot of people who sat out in 2016 still really don’t get it, IMO. We’re going to be seeing the ramifications of Republicans stacking the courts for decades down the road.

  20. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    From, “He has the patience of a pea,” to “The Plague President,” I confess to audibly chuckling many times throughout yesterday’s news cycle. Granted, nothing is funny about any of this, but reading so many articles ripping into this stupid manchild is so therapeutic. Hell it’s downright entertaining. And many articles are comprehensive. I’m not religious so it was my Easter ham lol.

  21. Louise says:

    Yeah, Don. Fire the competent guy. Real smart.

  22. Lezlie O. says:

    I’m disabled so I stream a lot of Asian dramas (thanks Viki). In December 2019 there was an article on the side view of the Viki site about how they were shutting down filming of one of the Asian dramas due to the coronavirus. Then I started seeing videos of people in China falling DEAD in the streets!! And articles about how the virus was air-borne (they were investigating an Asian apt resident with Covid-19 and if the virus was transferred to the neighbors through the pipes.) And China was building these makeshift hospitals within a couple of days AND a photo of vending machines of MASKS!!

    Now I sat here in my pajamas on an old Toshiba laptop in Dec 2019 streaming, goggling and saw the Covid-19 writing on the wall and started my self-quarantine on Jan 4, 2020. And Trump wasn’t informed of the virus! REALLY! That’s a bunch of BOLOGNA!

    In 2016 when Trumpty Dumpty won the presidency? many of my friends said we would impeach him or vote him out of office in 2020. My reply was, “he will destroy the country by that time, because the govt takes a long time (to impeach, indict? etc.” Well SO here we are.

    My opinion & maybe more than anything my expectations of Trumpty Dumpty are NiL! Why? Because Trumpty Dumpty is mentally unwell. I read the book by Dr. Bandy Lee “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.” “She explained her view that Trump, aided by Fox News and other parts of the right-wing echo chamber, is creating a collective state of mental illness among his cult members that is making the coronavirus even more lethal.”

    So let’s look forward to the November 2020 election. My 21 y/o son says that his peers (many Bernie Bros & Bern supporters are either going to stay home or vote 3rd party (which is the same as supporting Trump). So hopefully their i*norance and stu*idity and their non-vote will be offset by the heroic healthcare essential workers, first responders, grocery store workers and family members of the 28,057 dear American deaths (hero list not complete, more unnamed heroes) who have first-hand experience of Trumpty Dumpty’s neuroses (no testing, PPE, ventilators etc). Joe Biden may not be your candidate but like 2016 it is a simple matter of Good/Biden versus Evil/Trumpty and Life/Biden or Death/Trumpty.

  23. Veronica S. says:

    While the states vs federal rights battle being waged right now is pretty serious, there is something DEEPLY satisfying about watching right wing conservatives see their own legal arguments backfire on them. The pacts between the Northeast and West coast states should have very interesting implications in the long run depending on how they wind up shaking out. Fundamentally, though, the executive branch is going to have a hard time fighting them on it – if their argument from the start was that home orders were a state responsibility and that testing was a state responsibility, then you can’t turn around and say reopening them is a federal right. The West Coast states are proving the most powerful weapon against someone like Trump is a strong state power structure that allows them to virtually ignore the federal government.

    In the meanwhile, we should all be very concerned about Trump giving increasing amounts of air time to OANN. That network is literally the rabbit hole of right wing conservatism – worse than even Fox News – and their programming is literally some of the most straight up Orwellian sh*t I’ve seen in my life. John Oliver wasn’t joking about how scary it is that they’re gaining traction.

    • Lezlie O. says:

      I agree with you on the GOP’s state rights talk and I think it will BITE them in the BUTT. But, of course, the GOP is all about keeping their power. They’re going to stick with Trumpty until they DIE literally. I’m glad the state governors are banding together. And as far as the west coast states, in 2016 I purposely moved from a midwest red state to a Pacific Northwest blue state. I wanted to be safe & I knew how this Trumpty govt was going to go down.

      As far as OANN, look at this article about the journalist Trumpty so loves in the briefings:

      She has obviously changed her name, misled Harvard education (actually attended Harvard Extension School) and her boyfriend has misrepresented his military experience.
      Now don’t get too excited because its written by the Daily Fail, sooooooo, but she is part Asian, so that would appeal to the Daily Hate Mail.

  24. Elizabeth says:

    The amount of right-wing authoritarians in power around the world right now is scary.

    The fact that Twitter continues to let Donald Trump rage across its platform unchecked in unbelievable and a total refusal of decency. I am shocked how much social media has supported and enabled Trump and all his minions.

    Finally, WHY do so many news stories rely on Twitter? It seems to have replaced interviews or in-person reporting for so many in the media. I think that’s a very worrying trend. I don’t think Tweets represent most Americans.

  25. A Fan says:

    I’m not American, but I called this a long time ago.

    [*This is what he does.*]

  26. Teebee says:

    I wish someone would call out his Travel ban towards China for what it is… a finger in a dam with a thousand leaks. Who cares anymore that that proclamation was ever made when he failed after that point again and again. IF he had the wherewithal to determine that ban was necessary why then did he drop the ball on everything else, and why did he squander opportunity after opportunity to increase precautions!? Why isn’t every time he uses that as his shining achievement not turned into a chance to call out his inability to act beyond that until it was too late?

    I know I know. Trump will deflect and spin every criticism until he turns blue from orange…but I hate that he loves to turn that one travel ban into a gold medal achievement! His expectation bar has always been low, you just know he wants points for simply not getting sick himself…

    • Teebee says:

      Well, thank god for Paula Reid of CBS… she did just what I’ve wanted, and Trump behaved just as I expected.

      Brilliant fortitude to hold his probably tiny feet to the coals. It’s on record how he couldn’t answer a single question relevant to the issue; that the travel ban was all he managed. And most likely it was out of pique towards China and their lack of trade agreements, not because of the looming health crisis…