The Trump administration keeps seizing medical supplies bought by states

Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

For the entire length of the lockdown here in America, the federal government has abdicated responsibility for handing out medical supplies to states from the federal stockpile. Jared Kushner even said the federal stockpile will never be used by the states. I thought that was bad, and it is legitimately horrifying, but it’s also so much worse. The Trump administration has told the states that they are on their own – except for the states whose governors suck up to Trump – but something else is happening. The Trump administration is now widely seizing deliveries of medical equipment and PPEs which are bought by states and individual hospitals. The Trump administration has created a “blockage” and people are dying. From this NY Magazine piece:

Whenever you start to think that the federal government under Donald Trump has hit a moral bottom, it finds a new way to shock and horrify. Over the last few weeks, it has started to appear as though, in addition to abandoning the states to their own devices in a time of national emergency, the federal government has effectively erected a blockade — like that which the Union used to choke off the supply chains of the Confederacy during the Civil War — to prevent delivery of critical medical equipment to states desperately in need. At the very least, federal authorities have made governors and hospital executives all around the country operate in fear that shipments of necessary supplies will be seized along the way. In a time of pandemic, having evacuated federal responsibility, the White House is functionally waging a war against state leadership and the initiative of local hospitals to secure what they need to provide sufficient treatment.

Yesterday, a letter published by the New England Journal of Medicine highlighted the extraordinary measures that had to be taken to secure the delivery into Massachusetts of equipment that had been bought and paid for. The NEJM, which featured the letter in its COVID-19 Notes series, is far from a platform of partisan alarm or hysteria — it is among the most sober and high-minded professional journals in the country. In this instance, the executive managed to secure the supplies, but what is most horrifying about his account is that this experience was not all that surprising to him — he expected interference from federal officials, and did everything he could (including staging the shipment in food-service trucks to avoid detection) to get around that interference.

Those measures do not seem unusual, horrifyingly enough. Last month, 3 million masks ordered by the state of Massachusetts were seized by the federal government. Last week, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that the governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, was arranging secret chartered flights of supplies as a way of outmaneuvering federal interference. “The governor has clearly outlined the challenges this administration has faced as we’ve worked around the clock to purchase PPE for our health-care workers and first responders,” a spokesperson for the governor told the paper. “The supply chain has been likened to the Wild West, and once you have purchased supplies, ensuring they get to the state is another Herculean feat,” he continued. “These flights are carrying millions of masks and gloves our workers need. They’re scheduled to land in Illinois in the coming weeks and the state is working to ensure these much-needed supplies are protected and ready for distribution around the state.” A source “knowledgeable about the flights” told the paper that the governor didn’t want to be more open about the shipments “because we’ve heard reports of Trump trying to take PPE in China and when it gets to the United States.”

[From NY Magazine]

NY Mag also points out that the Trump administration are bidding against states too, which drives up the price of any and all equipment, PPE, etc. So even if the states manage to outbid the federal government and the equipment is being shipped to the states, the federal government (who got outbid) can and does seize the shipments. This is absolute chaos.

Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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80 Responses to “The Trump administration keeps seizing medical supplies bought by states”

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  1. lassie says:

    This is the most obscene thing I have ever seen.

    • Annaloo. says:

      WHY is he doing this?????! Having states compete to the highest dollar also takes away from their ability to pay for police, teachers, and other essential workers of our communities! States need to conserve their revenues and not go into bidding wars to pay top dollar for necessary protection! He’s encouraging people to go out and protest….he responded late… He blames everyone… Enough!!!

      • Emme says:

        People here asking “why is he doing this?” must not be from the states.

        This has been happening since early to mid March. Trump it intentionally seizing medical supplies PPE etc on their way to BLUE STATES or states that HE considers NON-TRUMP states. He doesn’t CARE and WANTS people that DIDNT VOTE FOR HIM to DIE. Robert Kraft was able to deliver all that equipment bc via a private plane they couldn’t seize it…

        Pro-Trump states are actually getting redirected supplies that are meant to go to states with bigger outbreaks but, gasp, didn’t go to Trump in the election! Trump absolutely hates places like CA, NY, & other majority-blue states that don’t vote red or kiss his ass. So yea, let them all die! That’s basically what Trump wants: you don’t love me and vote for me and you rightfully criticize me? Well NO LIFE SAVING THINGS FOR YOU! GO DIE, NEVER TRUMPERS! LIBTARDS! DEMOCRATS!
        Here Nebraska, South Dakota, Alabama, Florida, here’s all the stuff meant to save lives elsewhere!
        If you don’t kiss the ring, go die. That’s the message. This country is a sick joke run by a sick collection of idiots bigots and general ignorant evil. Good luck to those who plan to have kids or are raising them…the future is bleaker than ever. The fallout from this (beyond the death toll & psychological damage) will last a generation…

    • Truthiness says:

      Every new low astonishes and disgusts me, this is the worst game of limbo ever. Can we get filmed proof? That needs to go into campaign ads.

    • MD3 says:

      He is purposely hurting states that didn’t go red for him or have been ‘mean’ to him. Yes, he wants the people that didn’t vote for her to did.

      It’s the same reason Nebraska & other states have gotten HUGE chunks of supplies from the trump admin but other states being crushed & people dying every minute don’t get them. Why? cuz they didn’t go Trump during the election or the governor didn’t kiss trumps ass.

      This is what evil dictators do.

      Words cannot express my disgust. I hope Trump tots ALIVE. I do not want this filth to die early & become a martyr to his psycho base.

    • spacelab99 says:

      in europe we’ve known about these practises for some time now. question is, where do all the internationally hijacked supplies go? naturally we thought they were distributed in the us?
      plus: trump tried to reserve a prospective vaccine from german company curevac “exclusively for the us”. meaning, if there were a cure, it was to be used in the us only.
      this is what “america first” means for the world.

  2. Snazzy says:

    OMFG. I don’t even know what to say

  3. SkaraBrae says:

    Why the hell would they do that????

    It’s inhuman

    • Jedi says:

      Because I bet anything that one of his buddies has a brand new PPE company that acts as a third party provider so states have to then repurchase it through them. So they make money off the crises. Anything this family does is about theft and making people hurt. Your leader is evil.

      • Holly hobby says:

        No good can come from profitting off this. The end for these crooks will be glorious

      • North of Boston says:

        Isn’t that exactly what one of Jared Kushner’s family members is doing? Or am I confusing that for the one who decided he would come up business that acted as a middle man for making and reselling test kits, and Trump and Co didn’t bother getting the functional test kits WHO had ready to get to the US in order to let Kushner and Co get their Trump adjacent feet in the door?

        It’s such a greedy, inhumane, destructive cesspool it’s hard to tell where one obscene, hateful, opportunistic, greedy/vengeful action ends and other begins.

        It’s like someone at the top got orders to “Burn it down, tear it down, kill them all off, I don’t care how. And if you can make yourself rich in the process, be my guest.”

        I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but Trump & Co are so “bad” at their actual jobs, fulfilling their actual oaths, and so “good” a siphoning every last red cent from under every American sofa cushion (and some outside the US) in the form of kickbacks, slashing of environmental / consumer protections, selling off of national resources and assets, seizing things that don’t belong to them, driving up prices of critical goods, self-dealing, etc etc that it doesn’t seem like random ignorant incompetence with a drizzle of hate. It seems much more consistent and purposely destructive than that.

    • Paige says:

      Trump is giving the equipment to the RED states.
      Also waiting to hear more in the mainstream media about the vast majority of the SBA loans went to RED states- California, the fifth largest economy in the world got just 23% of the SBA loans requested while Nebraska got 71% of theirs….

      • North of Boston says:

        My employer, in a blue state, had all his ducks in a row the day the PPP loan application process kicked off. Submitted all his forms, and supporting documentation through a local NE commercial bank he’d been dealing with for years. In theory, his small business was exactly the kind of company this program was designed to help: US manufacturer with all operations in the US, technologically advanced product that is in US by many US manufacturers (some essential businesses) and exported too… helping with that trade deficit.

        He found out this week that his loan application was denied… not for any valid reason, but simply because the PPP loan application software / data transfer system was corrupting zip codes in applications from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Puerto Rico where the zip codes begin with zero… causing those applications to be rejected for invalid zip codes/ineligible locations.
        His bank said many of their New England small business customers (actual small businesses hurt by the COVID-19 shutdown) were shut out of PPP funds for the same reason.

        He’s trying to be careful with what funds he’s got, and has, for the moment continued everyone’s medical and disability insurance … but we’re all on furlough because pretty much all of our commercial customers and R & D / institutional / educational customers are shut down and not buying anything, except for a handful of US medical device manufacturers who have been reaching out to him for critical parts to keep their manufacturing lines open. He’s going to try to keep helping them as long as he can, and was hoping to start bringing employees back on salary as soon as the PPP loan funds came through, even if there wasn’t a lot of work ramped up yet.
        But now? Who knows? Who knows if his company will survive and whether any of us with have a job a month from now?

      • Jerusha says:

        trump stole Alabama’s supplies, too, and sent 5800 rotted masks to one of our counties. This narrative is getting damn old.

  4. Veronica S. says:

    I saw the NEJM article before it went mainstream, and it’s pretty telling. The tone of the doctor is one of utter shock that this is the situation we have now. I really wonder how many hospital employees are rethinking their job after this is over.

    • Trump and his administration have laid waste to the values, ideals, and dignity of our country. His actions are so far beyond petty. Party politics. For me this isn’t about Democrat vs republican, this is about the inherent values we supposedly stand for and believe in against illegal acts and outright treason.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        unfortunately, the “the inherent values we supposedly stand for and believe in against illegal acts and outright treason” you mention HAVE become Democrat vs. Republican, with the Republicans on the treasonous side.

  5. Mrs Robinson says:

    I mentioned back in March that a friend at Stanford hospital said this was happening there, even in the early days. It’s super shady.

  6. wendywoo says:

    How isn’t this an act of civil war?

  7. Jerusha says:

    I hope he catches C19. Nobody in his family would care about visiting him.

    • Nina says:

      Why isn’t he sick yet????

      • Kkat says:

        I hope like hell he gets it or has a heart attack or stroke from the stress and dies

      • North of Boston says:

        He wasn’t practicing social distancing for weeks during his daily CCTV campaign rallies – OOPS – daily COVID-19 response briefings. And he’s been cozying up to every pillow stuffer, fossil fuel exec, Republican congressperson who has visited the White House, so it’s amazing he’s avoided it so far.

        Then again, maybe he’s not a suitable host for the virus, since he’s so toxic everything he touches shrivels and dies. Why would the SARS-CoV-2 Virus be any different?

  8. Algernon says:

    Someone should get video of federal goons seizing supplies, and that is the only commercial Joe Biden should run between now and November.

  9. Liz version 700 says:

    WTH I just don’t understand how anyone could be in support of this evil man

  10. julia says:

    I don’t even understand – what are they going to do with all these supplies if not use them? What does Jared Kushner mean when he says that the federal stock is not to be used by the states?? Are they stockpiling by pirating supplies aimed directly at state level to then appear as the saviors?

    Not sure how much it’s been relayed in the US media, but the WH has also actively been stealing supplies that had been bought (I know of two occasions, one by Germany and one by France), by going straight onto the tarmac, out-bidding the original price paid, and getting merchandise off the plane to then divert it to the US…

    • Mel M says:

      I’m with you, I don’t understand it. What are they doing with all of the equipment they are seizing? Why is this lawful? Why are people letting them do it? Are they just doing it so that they become the last ones with supplies and they make the states come groveling to get any?

      • Swack says:

        They will be the white knite riding in on their horses delivering supplies to save the day and make Trump the hero. Just in time for the election.

    • Abby says:

      Yeah I don’t understand why they’re doing this???

    • keroppi says:

      I agree I have heard of the US government doing this to other countries as well. There was also the incident where Trump tried to pressure 3M from selling and exporting N95 masks to Canada even though 3M uses our paper pulp to make them.

      Thankfully 3M stood up to Trump.

      • Imdarkhorse says:

        Yeah it was a nice try to take masks we paid for. Our government is now going around the issue by buying from other suppliers and getting masks made locally. As far as I am concerned Trump’s hands are drenched in blood.

    • North of Boston says:

      There are a couple of options –

      Hijacking/redirecting supplies from people Trump considers unsupportive and redirecting them to his “friends” (Remember Trump pronouncing that the federal government would help states out if they were nice to him? He doesn’t appear to have been kidding, or misspeaking or whatever excuse his drones usually float for his gross nonsense.P))

      Hijacking / redirecting supplies into federal stores … where the line between US government property, and what the Trump/Kuschner/Cabinet circle calls “Ours” … stuff they can use and steal and sell for a profit as they please, maybe shuffling it between shell companies, companies their friends, relatives own and run, each raising the price and taking another cut until finally it surfaces out on the open market again at five times the price.

      Just dumping it for the hey of it, to watch people suffer and because they can. What’s the pain, shock and loss of tens of thousands of people unnecessarily dying a wretched horrible death compared to Trump, Republican MAGAhat joy at “owning the libs”, right?

      • julia says:

        These are all terrifying, because they are all plausible options unfortunately.

        Oh my, what has the US government became? This is terribly sad (and worrying)

  11. fluffybunny says:

    WTF? How are we supposed to reopen our economy if our states can’t get what they need to achieve the guidelines he’s set up? What is the federal government doing with everything it seizes?

    • Emme says:

      He only cares about pro-Trump economies & states reopening up…

      Big mistake, Donny. Your little red spots can’t survive on their own w/out the progressive states you hate so much…Over here in your most loathed California is the 5th biggest economy in THE WORLD. We aren’t even a country, we are a STATE! Same w/all the billions NY brings in…he wants to hurt the states that don’t shower Trump w/praise, but those states he hates are the absolute engines of the United States economy. When those states suffer, the whole country does. Including his precious Trumpers & their territory.

  12. grabbyhands says:

    Of all of this horrific things he’s done during this whole nightmare, this is the one that makes me I really can’t stomach.

    That the president of the United States is doing this knowing that hospitals are desperately under equipped is nauseating enough – watching him do it openly and without apology or repercussion is worse. Absolute silence on this from everyone. He is legitimately stealing this equipment and no doubt profiting off it somehow and absolutely nothing is being done to stop him in any way. How is this allowed to stand??

    This is what makes me hate his most rabid supporters – you want to live with the delusion that you will never get sick and that things aren’t as bad as the media says? Fine. But you can’t deny that people are getting sick. Not to mention, what if you had to go to the hospital for something unrelated to the virus? You would be okay going into a hospital in which the personnel treating you didn’t have the proper equipment??

    • Enis says:

      There are unconfirmed reports that the National Strategic Stockpile was sold off to the Chinese last year and this grand theft is an attempt to restock it.

      • Original Jenns says:

        I absolutely believe it. Making money and then stealing to make more money and restock. Liars and thieves.

  13. I am Mimi says:

    And then he turns around and blames the states for not having supplies. You can’t make this crap up.

  14. Teebee says:

    You think you’ve become desensitized to his transgressions, that nothing could shock you.

    If his behaviour during this crisis does not remove him from office in November, then… well.
    I don’t know. I will not know what to think of anyone anymore.

  15. Holly says:

    This makes me glad I’m Canadian but I feel so bad for those in America. I couldn’t imagine having this monster as the leader of my country.

    • buenavissta says:

      Canada is far from perfect and I’m not the biggest fan of Justin Trudeau but I give him kudos for leading us through this crisis as a leader should. Calm, compassionate, connected, flexible and informed. Hang in there, America. Your northern neighbours care about you, even if your president doesn’t.
      (BC Celebitchies: Dr. Bonnie Henry is my hero and she deserves a cape to go with her awesome footwear!)

    • Sue M says:

      I’m also Canadian in Vancouver. Our federal government and our provincial governments (somewhat similar to state governments) are working closely together and coordinating their collective responsive. I am so proud of all of our politicians, and I do mean all of them, putting their ideologies and party loyalties aside to combat this crisis. I feel badly for our American cousins. What the heck is the Trump administration doing with all these supplies they are stealing from the States? Who is the federal stock pile for if not to help people in States? It seems so bizarre.

  16. adastraperaspera says:

    If this doesn’t get people to see how mobbed up Trump is, I don’t know what will. He’s stealing our federal supplies and selling them off to middlemen who mark them up and sell them back to our own states, hostile dictators and wealthy individuals. I’m sure he’s done the same with our federal data–his minons have probably been downloading and selling state secrets since inauguration.

    A Short History of the Trump Family

    • Anners says:

      Fascinating read, thank you!

    • Valerie says:

      Unfortunately, it won’t make a difference to the people who need to hear it the most. They’ll just call it fake news or find a way to excuse his actions. They always do because they’re all like-minded.

  17. Lightpurple says:

    This is why the Governor of Massachusetts had to get Robert Kraft involved to fly a shipment, with a great deal of publicity, out of China, directly to Logan Airport , which Baker ordered heavily guarded by MA State Police and National Guard so Trump wouldn’t seize it just days after he seized those three million masks . The masks that Kraft then sent down to NY in the Patriots’s trucks were accompanied by MA and NY State Police escorts to protect them from Trump. Trump has not reimbursed Massachusetts for those masks either. He has outbid Baker numerous times for ventilators and other equipment AND confiscated other shipments that Baker has paid for. Just last week, he seized a truckload of equipment that a town had purchased for its first responders, hasn’t paid the town back either. MA is currently third on the list of Covid-19 cases. We desperately need this equipment to keep our people safe. We’re also one of the top states for paying the most in federal taxes and getting the least back in FFP – we financially support all those big red states, so this is like a triple financial whammy. And our governor IS Republican.

    • StellainNH says:

      It is maddening that a governor has to depend on one of its well connected citizens to coordinate a shipment of supplies. I just read an article about a hospital in Springfield, Ma that had part of their shipment seized. They had to coordinate several routes for their trucks to deliver their supplies, all the while looking over their shoulder to see if the FBI would come and take the rest.

      This is awful.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Since Kraft is a big buddy of Trump, I’m cynical about his involvement. I think Trump and Xi let him step up and be a hero to tamp down his massage parlor scandal. That said, any port in a storm–very glad supplies arrived for MA.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Despite his connections to Trump, Kraft has always been a very generous philanthropist and willing to help when he can. He flew the March for their Lives kids and their families from Florida to Washington because Gabby Giffords asked him to do so and when he was asked about it, he referred everyone back to the kids and the work they were doing. This sort of thing is not unusual for him; the need of state police protection to do it is.

    • Prof Trelawney says:

      thanks again for your great work on this Lightpurple, and amazing to know about the armed protections, wow…it does indeed feel we are in a kind of civil war between blue states like ours and the federal gov’t. Here’s hoping the states keep fighting back in creative and effective ways…

  18. paranormalgirl says:

    I have always taught my spawn not to hate. But I can’t help hating this man. Viscerally HATING the very sight, sound, and existence of him.

    • fluffybunny says:

      I also teach my child the same thing but I think we can let that rule side for this moron.

  19. Original Jenns says:

    Please tell me this will all be used against them to throw them all in prison. Please tell me this treason will be answered with real prison time. Because I don’t know how else to live through this monstrosity.

  20. Jaded says:

    I think this has Jared Kushner’s dirty little hands all over it. He’s stockpiling and selling supplies at hugely inflated prices to “third party” dealers. May those involved rot in hell.

  21. S a says:

    They have hurt minorities for years- now trying to hurt all!

  22. Sportlady20 says:

    I’ve heard about this & now hospitals concerns are budgets as all nonessential surgeries are cancelled & they’re paying so much for ppe. As I understand it this could lead to a lot of hospitals closing which is where I work. He’s determined to break everything.

  23. ClaireB says:

    These people will apparently never hit rock bottom. I think they’ve done the worst thing they can possibly do, and they just decide to do something worse.

  24. emmy says:

    I mean, are there still babies in cages? How is this surprising? These supplies are in extremely high demand so of course this mob family will find a way to f*ck around and make money off of it. What I find absolutely alarming is the fact that apparently this blob would still get over 40% of the vote if the election was now? HOW? How is the US so crazy? I know that this is the result of decades of manipulation and propaganda but how far gone do you have to be to still vote for this piece of garbage? Jesus f*cking Christ, media literacy is a thing. It needs to be taught from 1st grade. And not just in the US.

    ETA: I’m not suggesting that the EU is better, Germany certainly is only marginally less awful (maybe not at all) when it comes to babies in cages. We just force Greece to do our dirty work.

  25. Sam the Pink says:

    It is heartbreaking to hear about some of the lengths some governors are going to to try to get supplies for their own people.

    I am proud of my governor for doing as much as possible. I currently am living in Maryland and our governor is a Republican but has been pretty critical of Trump. One of the saddest stories was about how he had to get his wife (who is from South Korea) to call Korean companies to plead for medical supplies (his wife is not a politician at all either, she just speaks Korean). How sad that non-politicians have to step in to try to secure supplies for American people when the president can’t do it.

    • North of Boston says:

      It’s not just that Trump *can’t* do it. It’s that he won’t.
      He gleefully, willfully, cruelly is refusing to, and then pretending he’s somehow not responsible, 100% totally in charge and also the victim all at the same time.

      He is such a gross, petty, hateful greedy, little brained loser.

  26. Valerie says:

    He’s gonna get his base killed. Doesn’t he or anyone around him realize that?

    • Emme says:

      I hope so…

      I saw all those Trump protestors around the country w/signs like ‘FEAR OVER FAITH’ (lol pathetic, science saves lives not your stupid religion) & the ppl on the beach in florida & all I thought was, wouldn’t it be great if their ignorance killed them? all it takes is exposure to one asymptomatic person… 🤞

      • Valerie says:

        and they won’t be wearing masks ’cause Jesus is their shield! He hasn’t been wearing them either, and he doesn’t strike me as someone who’s overly concerned with hygiene. Ugh. The FL beaches amazed me the most. Couldn’t even last the recommended amount of time,

    • North of Boston says:

      The kleptokrats and oligarchs probably just see all those MAGA Minions as kindling for whatever dumpster fire they are getting ready to light next.

  27. keroppi says:

    I sincerely hope: 1) that Trump is voted out in November and 2) that he and everyone in his team/party are marched out of office in handcuffs. Surely they can be charged with any number of crimes!

  28. Eyfalia says:

    God, this makes me so angry. I normaly avoid him, but this is so mob-style. He and his family and friends are the mafia. He does nothing for the US or the people, he only wants to line his and his friends pockets.


    Nobody seriously believes that he will leave when he loses the election. You will have to force him out, but this means civil war.

    Please stop voting for ex-actors or ex-tv-celebs for the WH. No Reagans, no Schwarzeneggers and no Trumps. You need a politican as President. It’s time the US grows up. Movies are movies and tv-shows are tv-shows. Don’t mix it up with politics. Totally different. The President has to be diplomatic, smart, intelligent, humorous. Good looks are not required. The First Lady is also totally irrelevant. Only the work of the President counts.

    • Sam the Pink says:

      I’m sorry, but this is a lousy take.

      Trump is not a bad president because he comes from the entertainment realm. Reagan, for all his issues, was not like this. I lived for a while in CA under Arnold, and he was not like this. Maybe they were not great, but not like this.

      Trump is a bad president because of his CHARACTER. He is malicious, petty, and cruel. He has no loyalty to anybody or anything. He cannot put any interest or value above himself. He holds massive, stupid grudges (oh hi, Mitt Romney). He puts no value on the truth. He uses every opportunity to advance himself. He encourages violence. He excuses bigotry. He is a hypocrite. He would sell us all out in a second. He encourages criminal behavior. He subverts the justice system. I could go on.

      Put this on him.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I agree for the most part, but don’t kid yourself – Reagan’s character was no better than Trump’s. He was just much craftier at hiding his utter disdain for human lives and basic governance in political talking points. Don’t forget the AIDS pandemic exploded under his watch, as did deregulation, drug war incarceration, union busting, and the national debt. His Randian level antisocial behavior is what set the stage for the rise of the modern GOP.

      • Sam the Pink says:

        I give Reagan a bit more credit solely because his foreign policy was a boon to families like mine, which was located in the Eastern Bloc – and don’t argue that one with me, because my family knows how awful the Soviet Union was, thankyouverymuch. Trump is worse than that. Reagan had lousy domestic policy, Trump has lousy everything.

  29. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    And he’s getting away with it. It’s what I said on the other thread… Nobody is doing anything. This has perplexed me since 2016. He breaks rules, commits treason, steals, hoards, lies and abuses his office, the Constitution and everyone in this country. Why is he still there? THAT’S what should be scaring us. The allowances made for him. The dumbass protestors don’t realize they’re only pawns in his credit/blame games. He’s the single most hideous person alive today. Even Kim Jong-un is all…I never sent him a nice note. I’m petrified because nobody is standing up to this shit stain. Obviously Constitutional reverence AND reference is O.V.E.R.

  30. Mina_Esq says:

    He’s stockpiling PPE for when red states need it. He is a garbage human.

  31. The Recluse says:

    Someone deserves a one way ticket to Hell for this.

  32. Viktoria says:

    You guys realize that the US is doing the same shit to other countries internationally?
    A shipment supposed to go to Germany was interjected by Trump and his lunatics. Which is why outside of American no one considers the US a reliable ally anymore, nor less anything close to the greatest country in the world.

    If people don’t vote him out of office come November, America will find itself without any international allies and in a very lonely spot as Europe will commence making deals with South America, Asia, etc leaving America the odd one out. And no matter how great Trump thinks this country is, even the United States can’t survive without allies in this globalized world. Sad times…..I feel bad for every American who did NOT vote for this idiot because in the end you ALL have to live with the consequences…oh my….

  33. Bucky says:

    ENIS – it’s confirmed. The US sent nearly 18 tons of PPE from the stockpile to China (it was called a donation though, not a sale). Pompeo announced the shipment in a February press release (while Trump was actively downplaying the danger, which he now says he knew was a pandemic about to hit America). Canada and other countries also sent equipment from their stockpiles to China, for what it’s worth.