Kelly Rowland is new at cooking and can make boxed cakes, drew the line at pie

Kelly Rowland has a new sponsorship deal with Betty Crocker, which is smart. A lot of people are trying to bake at this time and for many that means following a box recipe. I have a couple of cake boxes waiting for me to make them, and I’ve baked breads from scratch, treats and more. It’s so much easier than I imagined (here’s a post I did with some of my baking creations) and most of the work is in the cleanup. Kelly has a new interview with US Magazine where she said that she’s not really cooking much, but that she’s trying now that it’s a necessity. She’s baking from Betty Crocker boxes, essentially. Supposedly a friend sent her a pie recipe and she threw it out. Kelly, 39, has been married to Tim Weatherspoon, 38, since 2014 and they have son Titan, 5, together. She told People some steamy stuff about their sex life earlier this month, but I’d rather talk about baking because I’m not getting any nookie in lockdown.

Though [Rowland] feels comfortable whipping up “cupcakes, cupcakes and cookies,” there’s at least one pastry she’s not quite ready to tackle just yet. “A girlfriend of mine just sent me a pie recipe and I sent it back to her because I was like, ‘I don’t know what the hell to do with the crust if I tried!’” she told Us. “I’m not a very good cook, so I always need a little bit of help and that’s why me and my son always resort to Betty Crocker classics.”

When it comes to cooking savory dishes in quarantine, Rowland revealed she’s made fish and “really mastered” a specific salad recipe. “It’s so simple,” she explained. “It’s just salmon with spinach and avocado.”

While “soulful” oxtail rice and gravy is another one of the “Motivation” songstress’ go-to dishes these days, she’s aware that there’s room for some culinary improvements. “I’m trying,” she shared. “I mean, I have nothing else to do in quarantine, right? I have to learn how to cook!”

Aside from honing her skills in the kitchen, Rowland has used this time to bond with Titan in new and interesting ways. “We are doing different projects. … We play hide-and-seek in the house, we draw, we just chill,” she said. “We play games.”

[From US Magazine]

The other day I tried to be really ambitious and make apple hand pies. I was so frustrated after having made pie crust, which is complicated as you have to flake cold butter, and then shape it into little crescent shapes you put the apples in. I thought I could do it because I’d made biscuits from scratch and that was similar to making pie crust, but there were too many steps to this. So I spread the crust out in a pan and put the cooked apples on top to make apple pie. It ended up overbaked and kind of hard. My son had one slice and I ate the entire rest of the pie in one day. That’s probably why I haven’t made any of the boxed cakes yet. I don’t need an entire cake available at this time. Oh and after I made biscuits I figured out that Jiffy has a box mix that’s just as good. That’s the company that makes those awesome old school corn muffins.

I’m jealous of people with pools!

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17 Responses to “Kelly Rowland is new at cooking and can make boxed cakes, drew the line at pie”

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  1. frenchtoast says:

    She has a clear skin.

  2. runcmc says:

    You should try the diet soda trick! One box of cake mix, one can of diet soda (I’ve been using diet cream soda to give it that vanilla-y flavor)… and THATS IT!! No eggs or oil necessary. I was straight up shocked when I found out about this during quarantine and have been making it that way to have a fun treat but save on calories!

    • frenchtoast says:

      Anything with the word “diet” in it is a scam… like these diet coke. They use fake sweeteners that are worse than sugar. Be careful.

    • Celebitchy says:

      Shut your mouth @frenchtoast *chugs coke zero*. I will try this! I love this hack, thank you.

      • Erinn says:

        I love diet pop, I don’t even care. And I say this as someone with a sucralose allergy. Aspertame has never made me feel sick, but sucralose is absolute hell on me. And they stick that shit in EVERYTHING. Even yogurt. But Diet 7Up is pretty much one of my favorite drinks. But diet coke is up there.

    • Elizabeth says:

      YES! The easiest and fastest lol!

      Doesn’t have to be diet, any good soda should work!

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Don’t laugh, but every now and then, I buy a six pack of Tab.😱

  3. Who ARE these people? says:

    I could get a sponsorship with Marshmallow Fluff.

  4. AnnaKist says:

    The best all-purpose pastry is sour cream pastry. It’s suitable for sweet or savoury pies and tarts, and really easy to make. I shouldn’t have read this story. I want cake. Now.

  5. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I could not live without Pillsbury Pie Crusts in the refrigerated section lol. They are worth every penny. And they’re why my tarts, quiches, pies, etc. have my family singing my praises. 😁

  6. Kendall says:

    Wish I still had my pie crust recipe on hand but I can’t seem to find it. If anyone wants some old school family recipes like “whiskey pie” from my bfs family I will post. All the recipes are from over 100+ years ago and will crack you up.

  7. Nancypants says:

    Pie crusts are hard. That’s why I don’t make them anymore.

    Quality frozen crusts are pretty good. I make a great pumpkin pie and I use a graham cracker crust – ready made.

    Cake made from boxes is fine, often, better. We also like icebox cakes. Pepperidge Farms has some good ones.

    As far as short-cut baking, I hate oatmeal. There isn’t enough brown sugar or fruit or anything in the world to make that warm vomit edible, HOWEVER, I buy Betty Crocker’s oatmeal cookie mix and add my own raisins, chopped walnuts, a little vanilla and cook until soft not crisp.

    • JanetDR says:

      What you might want to try on your oatmeal porridge is salt and maybe a banana. I can do sweet oatmeal (and it is one of the few vegetarian fast food items you can get) but my mom always made it with salt.

      • Nancypants says:

        I love salt! Okay, I’ll try it your way. I do wish I liked it. Thanks!

  8. cheche says:

    Box of angel food cake mix & 20 oz can of crushed pineapple. Mix. Bake per box directions. Enjoy.
    Pie crust is tricky, takes time and attention. I rarely have the time but it’s worth it when I get the chance.