Jessica Mulroney feels she has ‘nothing to lose’ after being cut off from Meghan?

Meghan Markle's BFF Jessica Mulroney leaves the GMA

Considering how little the British tabloids get right about Americans, I would guess that they’re getting a lot wrong about Canada and Canadian society too. There has been a theme to the coverage of Jessica Mulroney in the British tabloids though – a theme of “Jessica feels very let down by her best friend, the Duchess of Sussex.” That narrative took hold about two seconds after Jessica tried to intimidate and threaten Sasha Exeter, an Instagram influencer in Canada, and Exeter called her out publicly for it. As I’ve said, friendships are complicated and there’s a weird power dynamic at play too – when Jessica and Meghan first met, Jessica was the more powerful one. Now, Meghan is the one with more power. Jessica got herself into this racist horses-t, and it should be her responsibility to get herself out of it, all on her own. Instead, people keep trying to make this all about how Meghan has cut ties with Jessica and now Jessica will sell her out?

‘Devastated’ Jessica Mulroney has been desperately reaching out to best friend Meghan Markle in a bid to patch up their friendship – but to no avail, can reveal. Sources said the Canadian socialite, 40, has been met with silence from the Duchess of Sussex, 38, and has been warned that she is unlikely to be readmitted to her inner circle.

An insider said: ‘Jessica has been calling Meghan non-stop and also calling up mutual friends to try and patch up their friendship. She’s devastated Meghan has turned her back on her at a time when she needs her most. But their friends have told her not to expect to hear back from Meghan because when she cuts someone off, she’s done for good – just like with her family.’

Meghan, who is currently holed up in Tyler Perry’s LA mansion with husband Prince Harry, 35, hasn’t spoken to Mulroney since the row was made public. She is also said to have failed to get in touch with her goddaughter Ivy on her birthday last month and has told friends that Mulroney has been using her royal status to boost her own career.

Friends said Mulroney is now at her wits’ end and is considering writing a tell-all book about Meghan ‘because she has nothing to lose’.

[From The Daily Mail]

“She has nothing to lose” – it’s been a month, lmao. They make it sound like Meghan shunned Jessica and Jessica has been left homeless and destitute because of it. Jessica will be fine. She might not have wedding-themed reality shows in her future, but she’ll still have money, access, friends, connections, family and white privilege. And if Jessica is willing to sell out Meghan after a month, then… that’s on Jessica, and she’s proving herself to be a sh-tty person. But honestly, again, we have no idea if Meghan and Jessica are talking or what Meghan has said to Jessica or any of it.

(Also: I’m starting to believe that the British tabloids have just renamed her Meghan Who Is Living In Tyler Perry’s LA Mansion.)

Last thing – Ben Mulroney tweeted a simple denial of this story:

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44 Responses to “Jessica Mulroney feels she has ‘nothing to lose’ after being cut off from Meghan?”

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  1. lola says:

    Plot twist: She’s gonna become bffs with Kate.
    She needs a good friend after the evil, evil Meghan cut ties with her racist friend…
    The DM can contact me if they need a “source”

    • Ellen Olenska says:

      And they’re working on the “struggle survey part two”. Which will be released in 2028. Only three questions this time, as we learned so much from the last one.

  2. Reginald says:

    Even if they stopped being friends the truth is that she has nothing to lose. She was famous before Meghan and comes from a rich and well connected family. The tabloids can do better. Next please

  3. Darla says:

    I have a best friend. Since I was 11. We both moved into the same new housing development the same year. If she did this, I would be furious, but I would not cut her off. A best friend at some point becomes a sister. For better or for worse. So, I don’t really believe this story is true.

    • McMom says:

      While I don’t believe this story, it’s because of the source, not because friendships are incapable of changing. I lost a best friend after my divorce and it was devastating. We had been close for over 20 years. No relationship is guaranteed to last forever, unfortunately.

      • Sarah says:

        Yep. My best friend of 20 years straight up ghosted me when I was in the thick of PPD. People you thought you knew inside and out can change overnight.

        What Jessica was hideous and Meghan doesn’t owe her shit.

    • Ginger says:

      I agree Darla. I think the tabloids desperately want this friendship to end so they can have a
      “source” It’s pathetic. Jessica herself, last night, also said this story is untrue and never believe

  4. Priscila Bezerra-Fischer says:

    I am glad he came out and denied. Friendships are hard. I can see Meghan being disappointed and telling Jessica so, but friends not always behave in the standards we set for ourselves. I mean, it also helps they are countries apart, so they are not crossing paths and getting awkward to each other.

    Time does heal wounds. I can see Meghan making it clear she cannot get into this mess and letting Jessica know she has to do the right thing, and they both moving on. Of course, Meghan will not be able to see Jessica in the same light, but again, friendships are hard.

    • Snazzy says:

      You are right – when it comes to friendships at times things can be much more nuanced. I live in Europe and I have some friends who just could not understand the racist implications of “All lives matter”. I do my best to explain (and offer recommended reading …lol) but I have not cut them off. They are on their own journey of learning and being better, and I don’t mind helping them along the way as they are people who have been wonderful friends to me for many years. We don’t know how Meghan is dealing with this, and maybe they are still in contact and working through it together. Not saying she has to, but as they were so close before, I could see this happening.

  5. Noki says:

    ‘ I’m starting to believe that the British tabloids have just renamed her Meghan Who Is Living In Tyler Perry’s LA Mansion.)’ …they truly keep mentioning that like she is some squatter. Its like they can’ believe she ia living in the ‘big house.’

    • Jane's Wasted Talent says:

      Great catch, Noki- thank you for pointing this out. That’s exactly what it is.

      When reading these stomach-turning dogwhistles, I love to imagine all the Commonwealth citizens they’re losing each time one of these is published- all those future votes against them.

      Keep destroying what little is left of your Empire, RRs.

    • LaurenMichelle says:

      Driving around in a Cadillac Escalade is mentioned too. I just started reading the Daily Mail, and the nastiness towards Harry & Meg is neverending.

  6. Helen says:

    Literally no one, and ESPECIALLY not anyone writing for a British tabloid, knows anything about Meghan and Harry or any of their relationships. It’s not even worth posting these stupid stories at this point.

    • Alexandria says:

      Actually I don’t mind Celebitchy posting these stories because it keeps me from going to these horrible websites to read the lies. I just read them here. Also over here we can openly debunk such stories and counter them because in these horrible websites, our support for HM would be erased or mocked.

  7. Becks1 says:

    Ha, the Mail gave themselves away with the little dig about Meghan’s family. I mean we all know that anything they say is a lie, but that just really confirms it.

    Like I’ve been saying – maybe they are still friends, maybe they aren’t, but if they aren’t, I would imagine there are more issues than this one incident. And we aren’t going to know. When was the last time we saw Jessica and Meghan together? The wedding? We know there has been some international trips but they haven’t been photographed together. So its not like because we don’t have a picture of them strolling the LA streets shopping, we know they aren’t friends anymore.

    Jessica herself denied one of the Page Six versions of this story on twitter.

    and honestly, I think that even if their friendship is over, Jessica is not going to sell Meghan out in a tell-all. That would just finish killing her reputation because who wants to be friends with someone who will sell you out the instant things go south? Jessica doesn’t need to sell M out to continue her life of privilege.

    • C-Shell says:

      LOL, I was literally writing along these same lines, although less eloquently. I agree that Mulroney would pay a hefty reputational price if she ever did a tell-all interview or book. I think the Mulroneys were smart to jump on this as quickly as they did.

  8. C-Shell says:

    Jessica has also tweeted that this story is untrue. The narrative themes in this cockamamie “story” are the same over and over … the main one: Evil Meghan cuts off family and friends forever, even when evidence to the contrary is ample (other than cutting toxic people off, which is just good mental health practice). JM may have nothing to lose at this point, we’ll probably never know, but writing a “tell-all” would be a massive mistake.

  9. ABritGuest says:

    Press are just trying to bait Jessica to sell Meghan out. Wont click but wouldn’t be surprised if article stated how much she could make on a tell all. Jessica seems type who can’t help but respond to negativity making her an easy target to bait.

    This needling makes me wonder if this is type of pressure they put on Meghan’s father. Some reporters moved near him etc& it was said the Sussexes were unhappy with how the press groomed him.

    Can see why godparents weren’t named& why they don’t want the 5 friends named either.

  10. Busyann says:

    What the heck is wrong with cutting out friends? Absolutely nothing. I’ve done it. I’ll do it again. I’ve also overlooked bs from a very good friend, given us space to get past things. That’s life and is in no way unique to Meghan. I seem to recall some curious stories about Kate cutting out Rose too, or attempting to, after those pesky rumours of, Rose, her best friend, her most trusted toff, bonking her husband. But you know, it’s justified when white Kate does it.

    • Nic919 says:

      Since the British media never actually mentioned the affair it surely seems as though Kate cut off Rose for nothing more than ego. Taking their own words at face value she ended a friendship for far less reason than for what Jessica did to Sasha, which was cruel.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      Exactly. Ive cut off friends before. And family. If you can cut toxic family out of your life you most certainly can cut toxic friends too. A friendship isn’t and shouldn’t be unconditional. If people are terrible human beings or are simply not good to have in your life the best thing to do is to walk away. We dont know if Meghan has done this but maybe she has. And that’s okay.

    • Tok says:

      How about – ALL people make mistakes?

  11. Sofia says:

    Jessica herself also denied a similar story in the comment section of a Page Six Instagram post.

    The press want her to turn on Meghan. And no, she hasn’t “lost everything”. She’s still a rich, connected, white woman at the end of the day. All she has to do is lay low for a couple of months, do an “apology tour” and she’ll have some sort of ritzy board position. She was rich from birth so her bank account isn’t even largely affected

  12. Mariane says:

    Utter nonsense. Poor Ben had to refute the lies even when most people could tell that it’s part of the mail’s agenda to discredit Jessica as a possible witness+they’re hoping she’d betray her friend like the markle’s. They’re now writing daily columns about JM after Meghan put an injunction on their plans to break confidential records

    • Mumbles says:

      What lie did “poor Ben” refute? From his Twitter looks like he’s just refuting that Jessica is reaching out to Meghan.

      I think it’s been well-established that there’s nothing “poor” about Ben, in the literal or figurative sense.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think he was refuting the whole story, which included the part about Jessica writing a tell-all. I took his tweet to mean that nothing in this story was true – not the description of their friendship, not the book, nothing.

  13. Gippy says:

    I can believe they’re talking in private. Jessica was a solid friend who kept things on the DL, although I do think this caused some bumps in the relationship. Also new page setup – hate it I can’t read any of the comments ugh.

  14. Mariane says:

    @GIPPY Meghan is a godmother to her daughter!! Theyre acting like Jessica killed Meghan’s dog or something. I was disappointed with my friends before but it never led to me blocking them off completely!!especially one that I invited to my wedding and who’s there for me when my own father and estranged relatives betrayed me so publicly. I think they talked about what happened and Meghan voiced her disappointment but it’s very unlikely she’s not speaking to them anymore

    • Smices says:

      Is she Ivy’s godmother or is that something made up by the tabs? If so, it’s the first I’m hearing of it. Also Jessica is Jewish, so who knows if her kids are even Christian?

      • Jaded says:

        The Code of Jewish Law states that the offspring of a Jewish mother are Jewish, regardless of the father’s lineage, so Jessica’s kids would be considered Jewish. When she and Ben married they had both a Catholic priest and a Rabbi officiating at the wedding so I imagine Jessica is an active member of the Jewish faith. Perhaps Meghan is a godparent to her daughter, none of us know that for a fact, but regardless, I think the damage will be hard to repair in their friendship and may have caused a permanent rift.

  15. aquarius64 says:

    If Jessica does a tell all it would finish her.

    If there is any justice the Markles are now finished, even Bad Dad. They were useful idiots for the press, now they are legal liabilities. The tabloid money has dried up because they have nothing new to say and no access. They’re broke again and living under the rocks from which they came.

  16. Scal says:

    She’s still archie’s godmother right?

    • Mumbles says:

      Nobody knows for sure. She was in the UK during the christening but she might have just attended it.

      Love the photo with the lavender scarves. Good grief is she a fashion victim.

  17. Milly says:

    @Darla, I agree with you. I would be shocked and angry at my friend but I would cut her off.

  18. Mika says:

    I worked in journalism in Canada, and let me tell you…. they do not get Canadians in the U.K.

    I remember when the head of the Bank of Canada, Mark Carney, became the head of the Bank of England. A friend of mine who works in journalism in the U.K called me and asked me what the dirt was. I started talking about finance stuff and his relationship with the Prime Minister and he said “no no, I mean like, his family. Did you know his wife is a crazy environmentalist who make candles out of beeswax? What’s up with that?” I had to explain that I can no idea who his wife was, no idea what she’s into, and how there are very very few families that Canadians give two shits about, in terms of their personal life. My British friend was SHOCKED. I also told him about, how when I worked in Ottawa, there was a pervasive rumour about the wife of Stephen Harper. Every journalist knew that they were separated, and that their marriage was purely for show (there were also rumours that she was in a relationship with a woman, but I saw no proof of that) . No one reported on it though. It was considered in very poor taste to comment on a family matter.

    • Redgrl says:

      @mika – my understanding of the Harper story was that most Canadian media had decided not to run it because it was about his personal life and irrelevant to him doing his job as PM – and his wife was also a private citizen. There was one media outlet that was going to run it (guess which one!) and they got a call from Harper’s people saying they would cut off their access if they ran the story. The outlet backed down but it was an open secret. The source of the story first leaking was apparently John Baird, former cabinet minister who would get loose lipped after a few drinks at the bars in the village and gossip about what Harper’s wife had told him (they used to be close).

      • Nic919 says:

        John Baird has far worse secrets to hide, and I don’t mean the fact that he was open in Ottawa but kept it hidden generally so as not to piss off the bigoted conservative base. Lauren and Steve may have been separated but neither allegedly attended underage male brothels in israel. And his alleged attendance there was photographed and enough to become an issue when he was trying to negotiate the freedom of Canadian Egyptian journalists unfairly imprisoned in Egypt.

        There are rumours floating around about Trudeau and his wife but the Canadian media won’t report it. And frankly there is no need. It’s irrelevant to running a country. Justin had to live through the shameful press behaviour going after his mother and essentially branding her a slut, which is starting to resurface again because of this WE charity story.

  19. Well-Wisher says:

    Ben Mulroney has the last word. Jessica and Meghan will not engage with tabloid in any way possible. How is Sasha doing? New show?

  20. Emily says:

    It’s just the British tabloids being gross again. They want to push Meghan into making a statement about Jessica. Because if she doesn’t, she’s turned her back on a friend. And if she does, then she’s somehow complicit in Jessica’s actions. The tabloids have set up a lose-lose.

    Meghan and Jessica are going to stay quiet, whether they are working on their friendship or not. Meghan has already said she won’t talk to tabloids and Jessica would ruin any chance she had at repairing the relationship if she was leaking this. It’s made up. Besides, it’s unlikely Jessica cares about British press – she cares about her standing in Toronto society and her TV deals in the US; if any paper got the inside track it would be North American.

  21. Carmelita says:

    This Jessica chick can’t dress herself to save her life.