Donald Trump is going to speak every night of the four-day Republican convention

President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at Council for National Policy Meeting

Donald Trump spent the weekend before the Republican National Convention golfing at one of his properties. In America, there are more than 176,000 coronavirus deaths, but Trump has barely missed a tee time. He wasn’t content to merely golf – he also spread misinformation about mail-in ballots:

Donald Trump votes by absentee ballot. A lot of Republicans do. Sometimes, I actually wonder if Trump is hurting himself by discouraging ALL people from voting absentee.

As for the RNC, I’m not looking forward to covering it at all. The 2016 RNC was famously dysfunctional, and all the Republican speakers made America sound like a sh-thole because we had (at the time) a Black president. Now that we are actually living in Trump’s Dystopian America, I can only imagine how f–king dark the GOP’s vision will actually be during the RNC. The messages will be simple: black people are coming to get you, everything bad in your life is because of Barack Obama, and Trump is God. The people enforcing those messages will mostly be people within the Trump family:

How will Mother’s Husband speak at the RNC yet Mother is not allowed to? And where are all of the Republicans running for re-election? LMAO. I guess they don’t want to be closely associated with the Trump fam?

Anyway, the RNC is going to be a debacle – the Democrats had all of the Hollywood people on their side, so of course they were able to pull together a surprisingly great, well-produced virtual convention. Who will work on the RNC? According to the New York Times, there are some former Apprentice producers working on it. LMAO. The Times also says that Donald Trump is “expected to speak every night in the 10 p.m. hour.” OMG. Desperado Don thinks he’s the best messenger for Trumpland Dystopia so here we are. Sources tell the Times that Trump “wants the opportunity to rebut charges made against him throughout the Democratic program, aides said, particularly on his handling of the coronavirus crisis.” Again, there are 176,000 Americans dead from the virus. And he golfed this weekend. Trump also promised that more of the RNC would happen live (as opposed to pretaped packages), which also means more opportunities for absolute catastrophes.

President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at Council for National Policy Meeting

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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58 Responses to “Donald Trump is going to speak every night of the four-day Republican convention”

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  1. Silver Charm says:

    With all the women they have speaking you can see how worried they still are about female voters. I expect they’ll add Karen Pence at some point to counter all the other women educators who spoke at the DNC.

    Is he giving a rewritten speech each night or will it just be a daily rant like his pandemic briefings?

    • MattyLove says:

      I SO hope it’s just free-ranting every night.

      • Snappyfish says:

        Me too!! I hope this deranged unhinged narcissist unleashes his deranged unhinged narcissistic rants with all the insanity he can muster.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        Will his ranting be live? If so, won’t he be massively sundowning by 10PM? I look forward to the train wreck recaps!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I suspect that, even if he is given a prepared speech/statement, he’ll go off the rails pretty quickly. four nights of his airing of grievances. oy, this should be something.

      what will be interesting is that he’s not going to have a crowd, right? so he even with all of his ranting, he won’t be getting the validation he craves.

  2. Alissa says:

    I know it won’t matter much, but I’m hoping for a complete and utter disaster to serve has a real contrast to the DNC’s lack of gaffes.

    • Sierra says:

      Same, some technical issues or the TikTok generation getting revenge.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Someone needs to Zoom bomb the RNC with Mary Trump calling her brother a liar and saying you can’t trust him.

      Or maybe someone from The Apprentice can splice in those outtakes with him using the N word and soiling his diapers.

      Perhaps this would be a good time for Putin to present the P tape?

  3. 10KTurtle says:

    Mother will be speaking on Wednesday, along with “The Honorable” Kellyanne Conway. I thought “The Honorable” meant somebody was a judge? “The Honorable” Ivanka Trump will speak on Thursday. Have we reached the point of the 2020 Dystopian Hellscape where Emperor Orange is knighting people now?

    • Darla says:

      lol oh god. maybe

    • Scarlett says:

      After her daughter made some accusations, KellyAnne dropped out, something about “less drama, more mama”..cringe.

    • Lightpurple says:

      The honorific goes with the job of Advisor to the President but most don’t use it outside their official function. Nagini has it illegally because the anti-nepotism statute prohibits everything she is doing. The use for this is somehow pretentious and wrong.

    • Chaine says:

      “Honorable” is the exact opposite of what they are.

    • Flamingo says:

      Mother will certainly be speaking. She hits two demographics: super Christians and educators. You would be astounded at the number of teachers that I know who are huge Trump supporters.

      • Marley says:

        Flamingo, I’m a teacher and am dismayed to hear that so many teachers you know are Trump supporters. I live in Massachusetts, and everyone I know can’t stand him and believes that Betsy DeVos is a threat to public education as we know it. I wonder how the teachers you know can possibly be entrusted to teach science, history, critical thinking, or empathy if they believe in the things Trump stands for? I am more demoralized than ever…

      • Yup, Me says:

        I bet their Black and Brown students wouldn’t be surprised to learn they’re dipshit supporters, though. I bet they have a really clear sense of who those teachers are.

  4. Mel says:

    Ugh. I hope they use a translator. Wouldn’t watch anyway but just the sound of his voice, his breathing, makes my skin crawl.

    • Mumzy says:

      If there was a time-delay and instead of Trump, Sarah Cooper presented his genius greatly words each night, I would watch it for the laughs. Otherwise, absolutely not.

  5. Scarlett says:

    Easy with the bronzer there Donnie, keep on and mother’s husband might think he faces you in the VP debate, back to orange now, that’s your safety…

    • blacktoypoodle says:

      I was noting that he seems less dirty orange sherbet and more of a patina oak kitchen cabinet in that top photo. “The swatches of Trump” color wheel.

  6. Darla says:

    I will not watch one moment of this, it would kill me. I barely made it through this first term, hanging by a thread, living on a prayer, whatever. If I get 4 more then I am going to need more therapy than Kellyanne’s kids.

    • E.D. says:

      Boom-tish…….. it’s funny cos it’s true.

      And I’m right there with you Darla.
      If you guys (I’m Australian) get 4 more years of the Orange Narcissist Clown in charge, I think I’ll have to swear off news sites altogether.

    • Marley says:

      Darla, there is not enough generic Xanax in the universe to help me if Trump is re-elected. I will have to sneak across the border into Canada and curl up in the fetal position for four years somewhere in Nova Scotia, if they will have me.

  7. Toot says:

    Of course he’ talking every night.

    Just looking at his face still baffles me how he continues to have people who idolizes him. He looks crazy, let alone what he actually says.

  8. Sarah says:

    Based on these pictures he seems to be doing blackface..?

  9. Lizzie Bathory says:

    No surprise they went to former Apprentice producers. They know how to handle him & his phobia of teleprompters & pre-written speeches. I’m sure they’ve already stockpiled the uppers & adult diapers.

    • H says:

      Isn’t Roma Downey’s (Touched by An Angel actress) husband a super Christian? I don’t know how some “Christians” live with themselves. 45 is evil.

  10. SJR says:

    And his idiot followers will eat it up.

    Not for me.

  11. Michael says:

    I simply cannot listen to this man speak. He spews lies like they are going out of style. The GOP never has any platform except hate people who do not look like you and be afraid. That is their entire platform.

  12. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    I would rather be trapped in a room with no door and no food, plucking at my eyeball with tweezers, than to go anywhere near the RNC. I can’t find the lunatic tweets funny. His last awfulness re the FDA just broke my brain.
    God: please do your job. You had a perfect opportunity during the Bible photo-op.

  13. SamC says:

    Of course he’s going to talk every night, he doesn’t want to share attention with anyone and say what you will, the man knows how to “entertain” and draw media focus, imagine he’ll also be tweet storming throughout everyone else’s remarks too. His kids are SO non impressive, expect the most vitriol from Jr., Ivanka and her baby voice, ugh, and Eric won’t make an impression at all.
    Will be interesting to see what they do for the state roll call, hard to top what the DNC did there.

    • Arpeggi says:

      Also, it’s not as if people lining up to speak. No one wants to be there. If he wasn’t doing a Castro-length speech every night, the evening would be over within 45min

  14. ce says:

    I hope I never meet someone from the apprentice going forward… complicit a-holes acting like it’s ‘just a job’.
    What really strikes me about this re-election methodology is that he’s just recycling everything from 2016 with hardly anything updated to reflect 2020?? Every time I bring this up the person I’m talking to goes ‘well it worked then’ OK BUT ITS 4 YEARS LATER AND A LOT HAS CHANGED… are we still making America great?? Loser

    • VIV says:

      No, now we are Keeping America Great! We have arrived at Greatness, can’t you feel it? Everything is amazing!

      Also “Trump 2020: No More Bullshit” is a flag I have seen multiple times now, and is also just as mind boggling…

  15. KellyRyan says:

    I’m not watching Mark Burnett’s production. 🙂 The ratings dropped to a low point with Celebrity Apprentice, Drumpf’s contract was cancelled. I think we’ll have more viewers who are interested in a train wreck than in politics. Expect the lies about the number of viewers. Per Noel Casler, Donnie will be coming down from drugs at the time he’s scheduled to speak. The production company learned long ago how to handle him.

  16. Rapunzel says:

    Get this y’all: The RNC platform for this year is just reaffirming its commitment to Trump’s agenda. Nothing else. No joke, they literally aren’t adding anything else to the platform. How lazy. I hope this convention is so freaking bad that the Republicans are forever embarrassed.

  17. Ravensdaughter says:

    Four days of dental surgery would be better!
    He’s getting desperate. That scares me because it only means he’ll hang on tighter to the presidency.
    Be strong, Joe and Kamala!

  18. DrSnark says:

    Flop sweat. Lol. You can smell it from here.

  19. Mina_Esq says:

    As I watched Dr. Biden speak last week, I actually thought of Melania. Melania has no real accomplishments and her marriage is a sham. How do you put together an inspiring speech when your life’s mission was just to go to America and marry a rich man? Maybe she can give us all a makeup tutorial? It’s not like the Republican party has a platform this year anyway. Ugh, that whole lineup of speakers makes me sick. McCarthy and Haley really sold out their principles.

    • Flamingo says:

      No accomplishments?? Don’t forget that genius visa that she received which is usually reserved for neurosurgeons and the like. Oh and her made up education that they had to delete from her official website. She was too busy learning 17 languages to attend university.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        lol I momentarily forgot about the genius visa! I’ve heard her speak French and German, and I think that she basically just learned a handful of common phrases. As someone fluent in both, I can say with confidence that she speaks neither. The jury is still out on English – she brought us “Be best” after all 😂

  20. Mumzy says:

    Can the kids who disrupted the Tulsa rally please keep people from watching this? The only thing that matters more to Trump than money is ratings—I’m convinced that he thinks ratings are a numerical measurement of how much everyone worships him.

    If ratings are horrible, he will claim the opposite, of course, but the truth would likely unhinge him (even more). If they get horrific ratings early on, by the last night he might not be able to hold back—inner baby Voldemort will finally emerge and we can watch the physical morphing live-time. (And then his base will need to sharpie out “Trump” on all their gear and write in “The Dark Lord” but that’s easy enough to do.)

  21. Leah says:

    Someone posted his talking points for the convention. He really has no plans for the country other than keeping things as bad as they are and omg maga!

    His cult members will just eat up everything he says because they are beyond reasoning with and the rest of us will just roll our eyes. I figure he’ll rant about Obama and Hillary for half an hour, then switch to Biden and then “eval dems” and then the USPS. He’s basically going to replay the soundtrack for 2016 with a few added in sound bytes.

  22. Lindy says:

    If we escape in November from this evil man’s reign, we cannot ever ever ever ever let a single Trump voter or a single GOP governor o or senator or representative or school board member get rid of the taint they all have from embracing the white supremacist misogynist right wing fever dream that they have forced all of us to live through these last few years.

    I want them all held accountable. I want all of them to suffer professionally and be prohibited from holding public office at the minimum, and sent to prison where it’s warranted.

    I want the GOP to die on this hill, because they’ve made it clear that Trump is what they want.

    • Ummm says:

      I want a unicorn drizzled in chocolate sauce wearing $100 dollar bills and singing “…Baby One More Time”….ain’t neither of us getting what we want.

  23. Green Eyes says:

    So they remembered Trump had a daughter named Tiffany.. no Jared? We should be so lucky.

  24. B says:

    Of course he will speak every night. He loves to listen to himself blather on in incomplete sentences. Wonder how long it will take him to go off script😂

  25. judith A reeder says:

    Then i quess its a good thing im not watching that clown fest!!!

  26. JennyJenny says:

    It’s pretty bad that half of your keynote speakers are FAMILY!!!

  27. MaxxHotness says:

    So not one Latinx (or any other minorities) and only one lone black guy…. what kind of message does that send? Not very representative of America, but very representative of the new rose garden….smh

  28. Liz version 700 says:

    Let him talk. The more he talks the more people flee from him. Maybe he will advise the GOP delegates to snort Windex or freebase Pinesol… I won’t be watching, thank God for Celebitchy you can update us without having to watch the crazy. I may tune into Leroy and the Hamburgler just for a laugh 😉

  29. boobra says:

    broadcast his speeches in grainy black and white and you have echoes of another deranged, racist, despotic, tyrant – Hitler addressing the Nuremberg Rally