Donald Trump rages after Mitch McConnell finally acknowledges Joe Biden’s victory

US Senate Republican Conference Press Conference

Hours after Vladimir Putin finally acknowledged Joe Biden’s electoral victory, some Congressional Republicans finally felt ready to acknowledge it as well. I wish I was joking but I’m not. The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, finally stood on the Senate floor yesterday and congratulated President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris. Moscow Mitch only felt free enough to say this after his handler, Putin, set the tone.

McConnell also urged Congressional Republicans to certify the Electoral College vote on January 6th and not continue this dumbass “fight” to nowhere. What followed was yet another unhinged, pissypants tantrum from Donald Trump as he spun out his delusions on Twitter.

I saw a political analyst on MSNBC talking about how something like 70% of Republicans honestly and truly believe that the election was “illegitimate” or “stolen.” And I just feel like… at some point, it’s not even about the disinformation campaigns or Trump’s sucky baby feefees, it’s just about people willfully choosing to be this ignorant, this f–king reprehensible. I get that no one wants to get a mean tweet from Trump, but suck it up, buttercup. Tell these dumbf–ks that they are choosing to believe something that doesn’t even make sense, and that they all need to let it go.

Speaking of, Axios had a piece about Trump’s state of mind around the Electoral College vote on Monday. According to sources, Trump “held the false hope that Republican-controlled state legislatures would replace electors with allies who’d overturn Joe Biden’s win.” He was so certain it could be done, he decided to “browbeat GOP legislators in multiple states, launched tirades against Republican Govs. Doug Ducey of Arizona and Brian Kemp of Georgia, vowed to make Fox News ‘pay’ for accurately calling the race, and tested ways to say he didn’t win without acknowledging he had lost.” On the Fox News front, Trump has been telling people that Fox News people have been reaching out to him, trying to make nice but “he wants to make them pay.” You know why? Because Fox News was the first to call Arizona for Biden. Biden eventually *did* win Arizona. LMAO. Trump has also been obsessing about Fox News and Newsmax ratings, which is always nice when literally thousands of people are dying every damn day from a pandemic which is still raging.

President Trump holds a Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit at the White House

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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67 Responses to “Donald Trump rages after Mitch McConnell finally acknowledges Joe Biden’s victory”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    At this point though, wouldn’t receiving a mean tweet from Trump be like receiving The Medal of Honor?

    • Lolo86lf says:

      I disagree. Donald Trump’s tweet insults have lost a lot of its value after he lost the election. Soon after 1/20/21 he will surely be banned from tweeter.

    • Josie Bean says:

      Well, I would rather have a “mean tweet” from Trump rather than have one from him that praised me. If Trump called me a “loser”, I would be honored.

    • Absolutely Seraphina. Or, to my way of thinking: A mean tweet from Trump, is equivalent to having made Nixon’s personal enemies list. A Badge of Honor these days to most of those who found out they were on it. When Trump was elected, it seems too many Republican leaders had elective spine removal surgery. As to Moscow Mitch, he has been and continues to be a powerful enemy of our democracy.

    • MerlinsMom1018 says:

      I got blocked by trump on the Saturday the race was called for Biden. If I’m being totally honest, I may or may not have dragged him for losing

  2. Lizzie says:

    He has also ‘won’ golf tournaments at his clubs when he didn’t even play in them. Lifelong cheater and liar.

    • Esmom says:

      The guy’s entire existence has been cloaked in deception and delusion. Of course this would be no different, except instead of just another business venture gone bad our entire system of governance has been weakened, compromised and tarnished by him.

      • Lucy2 says:

        Yep. His whole life, all he has done is lie, cheat, steal, and bully his way through to get what he wants, regardless of who it hurts. That’s who he has always been.

  3. Darla says:

    This man has literally done NO work for four years. He doesn’t do his job. I cannot even imagine what a mess Biden is going to have on his hands. My God.

    • Lightpurple says:

      The federal agencies are a disaster. He decimated the State Department to the point that it is little more than a travel agency for Nagini’s endless, lavish vacations and personal business trips. The Social Security Administration is so depleted that it can’t keep its offices open to the public for a full work week. The VA and IRS are similar. Our agencies can no longer fulfill their basic functions

      • booboocita says:

        I have a good friend who’s been trying to get passports for her minor daughters so they can travel to Mexico to visit extended family. She’s been trying for nine months now. NINE MONTHS. A new passport request usually takes about six weeks to process under normal circumstances. Cheeto gutted the State Department, and now they can’t fulfill even the most basic duties. I don’t remember if Biden has chosen his State secretary yet, but I hope and pray that whoever he hires knows how big bureaucracies work and how to make them work. “Build back better,” indeed.

      • Veronica S. says:

        booboocita – I had to get mine renewed for work, and it took them well over three months just to get a renewal through…and I live in the state where a hefty majority of them are processed. They were also refusing to do expedited for most of the year. I can’t imagine what people working with a shorter time frame faced.

      • BeanieBean says:

        He also gutted the EPA, and there’s been a revolving door for Secs of Interior.

      • The one thing you can say about Trump is that he has been a good Russian and served Putin well. However, if he thinks that this means Putin will burn those sex tapes of Trump taken at a hotel in Moscow, Trump better think again.

    • Esmom says:

      Luckily Biden is appointing people who can mostly hit the ground running, which helps. But yeah I can imagine it’s going to take come time to get things into even a semblance of order again. It’s truly is mind-blowing to think about the incompetence that has been allowed to just fester and flourish over the past four years. Not to mention the malevolence.

    • Golly Gee says:

      And when the next presidential election comes in four years, the Republicans will blame whatever mess is left on the Democrats.

  4. Ladyjax says:

    70 percent?! Just… Wow. I shouldn’t be surprised. If ever there were an example of a cult of personality and how common and effective brainwashing is, it’s Trump and his maga minions.

  5. Zen says:

    I still think all this rage and indignation is an act to get his supporters to keep sending in money. He is going to work it until the last moment then walk off with millions.

    • Miranda says:

      And his supporters, upon realizing this, will say “thank you, sir. Please may I have another?” and skip the electricity bill to send him another check (because they’re definitely the same people who hold up the line at the grocery store by insisting on paying with a check).

    • Swack says:

      From what I read, he is getting donations for the Georgia run offs to help the Republicans win. But most of the donations are going into his PAC to help Trump.

    • Emm says:

      I read this last night from the New Yorker and someone interviewed a rep from Louisiana, one of the ones that backed the stupid Texas lawsuit, and it was doozy. He was so coherent about it too that it was scary and I can see how people fall for this BS. He basically said that trump is a good, caring, wonderful person that he’s known for a long time and worked with closely and this is not about him loosing at all but about exposing the break down in the voting system and how all of these people who are not legally allowed to legislate changes to the way we vote did so because of the pandemic and the framers never blah blah blah. Trump just loves this country so much that he wants to make sure we correct all of these mistakes that were made to make sure it never happens again. In the words of Kelly Kapoor “I guess my only wish, would be that nothing so terrible would ever happen to anyone else ever again.”

  6. Miranda says:

    Mmm, his tears are delicious. Taste like bacon grease and victory. But you know, he’s right about there never being anything like this in the history of the US, “this” being the bullshit he’s trying to pull.

    Can we just go all “I don’t know her” for the next month? Don’t invite him on shows, don’t send reporters to the White House, just…don’t acknowledge him at all. Hell, now that he’s the lamest of ducks, even Twitter doesn’t need to wring their hands about what he says anymore and could finally ban him outright. For him, that alone could probably induce a stroke. Don’t talk to his supporters, either. This obsession with being “fair” to them has gone on for far, far too long.

    • LaUnicaAngelina says:

      @Miranda, I’m with you!

      • antipodean says:

        I also support this strategy of choking off his general exposure. The electorate has spoken and he can just disappear into the fetid ooze of the Florida swamps, (sorry Florida)! I have also noticed that they are no longer spelling his full name on the Stephen Colbert Show, further indicating how little respect this feckless traitor deserves. It is a complete mystery to me how sentient human beings seem to have been inveigled into thinking that the man is anything but evil walking.

    • terra says:

      I’m behind not inviting him on shows or having him give direct interviews, but reporters CANNOT vanish from the White House Briefing Room. Having reporters there is necessary, if only to make sure they don’t get too out of hand. Without them there to catch on to shenanigans? I shudder to think.

      Also, let him keep Tweeting himself into an indictment for a little bit longer since they’re adding notes about the (in)-validity of his posts now.

      • BeanieBean says:

        But terra, reporters have disappeared from the briefing room. They’ve gone months, half a year in 2019, with no briefings. To date, it’s been four weeks.

    • Golly Gee says:

      To add to his woes, the Washington Post has an article about how he signed a legal agreement years ago giving up his right to reside at Mar-a-Lago when he turned it into a club because he couldn’t afford the upkeep as a residence. Now the residents of Palm Beach want to hold him to that. Salty, delicious tears.

      • AMA1977 says:

        All of it is filling me with such glee. The flim-flam Georgia Senate race “fundraising” that isn’t helping those racist a$$holes get re-elected, the “I didn’t lose, I just didn’t win” delusion, the uprising of the Palm Beach elite to hold him to his word about residing in his stupid club, the betrayal by his handler Putin…all of it. I can’t wait for bigger dominoes to start dropping about a month from now. I know everything is still going to be a mess on 01/21/2, but we will have competent, intelligent, compassionate leadership back in control and I am sleeping so much better at night.

  7. Sofia says:

    Not even going to give credit to Moscow Mitch for doing the bare minimum

    As for the delusions, agreed. You have to be wilfully ignorant at this point to believe it, which a lot of them are.

  8. Sigmund says:

    I dont know what the rest of the Republican politicians are holding onto. This is a losing game and they need voters to turn out for the GA runoffs, as well as future elections. They can’t keep backing Trump’s fraudulent “the election was stolen” bullsh*t. They all knew Biden was going to be President after he won the election. It feels like they’re stalling on the inevitable.

  9. Carolyn says:

    Seth Abramson on Twitter likened it to an alternate reality game they’re all in. The Qs and Trump and all the followers. Which I think is super accurate.

  10. Ripley says:

    Him being mad at Fox News for calling Arizona reminds me of Megyn Kelly and Karl Rove when she asked him, “Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better, or is this real?”

    She’s a terrible person, but she did/does have moments of lucidity and I think about that interaction often.

  11. AnnaKist says:

    If he wasn’t desperate enough before… What will he come up with next? That those who voted for Biden-Harris are not of sound mind and therefore, their votes should be declared null and void? I can’t imagine what it must be like for Americans, having to see and hear this moron’s daily tantrums. It’s exhausting. Roll on, January 20. The world needs a break from trumple-thin-skin.

  12. Mina_Esq says:

    I hope I never again have to hear anyone say, “there has never been anything like this” unless I’m at a circus. And a “tight race”? It was a landslide motherf**ker.

  13. Merricat says:

    His administration has been a ceaseless attack on our democracy. He has turned the GOP from an organization that claimed to be about fiscal conservancy into a white supremacist stronghold. He made bank from his position, and in return, he ignored a deadly virus, hid from legal consequences of his behavior, decimated protections for water, air, animals, and everything else worth caring about. I read an article about people who, with their final gasping breaths, still refuse to believe they are dying from COVID. That is heartbreaking in a way that I can’t even articulate. He will be remembered as the bloodiest president and human in U.S. history.

  14. Betsy says:

    I’ll tell ya something: I still the GOP cheated, and by that I mean literally changed votes, they just did it for the down ballot and let Trump twist in the wind. Sorry, no way in heck do I believe that Graham, McConnell, Ernst, Susan Collins and John Cornyn all crushed their elections? @Grassrootsspeak tweeted about this. All those races were running fairly close/the Democrat was ahead in two of those races, but they magically won all of them by 6-20%? COME. ON.

    I’m just over Donnie’s tantrums. He’s done. Bye. The larger threat is the seditious and traitorous GOP that has zero scruples and no allegiance whatsoever to the country, and their supporters who think they’re loyal to the country but have long since become fascists.

    • terra says:

      @Betsy, I can’t speak to most of the others in great detail, other than being horrified about McConnell at top volume for several days following election night, but speaking as both a lifelong Texan and liberal, nothing surprises me about statewide Texas politics anymore. Yes, the big cities are blue, but the rest of the state? Ha!

      I hate John Cornyn with the fire of a thousand suns, but during the darkest of nights I often fear I will be stuck with him forever, despite him being about two hundred years older than myself. I hate him almost as much as I hated John Culberson, my former congressman, and I had an actual feud going with that dude, to the point where, among other things, we once insulted each other at a public forum and I filed a complaint with the congressional ethics office over another incident with his staff. I should mention I was an actual teenager when the forum happened. Well, the first one, at least.

      This place is really quite the mess. I mean, Kay Bailey Hutchison finally decides to GTFO and who comes along? Well, hello there, Ted Cruz! (Who, by the way, still has yet to publicly acknowledge Biden’s victory, even after everything Trump said about him during the 2016 Republican primary. I have no words for that one. Entirely tapped out.) And don’t get me started on the mess that has been the Gubernatorial field post-Bush. Just hearing the name Kinky Friedman is enough to give me horror movie-esque flashbacks.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Texas is probably the most believable to me as a potential place for voter fraud because it’s a key Republican stronghold. If they ever lose Texas to the Democrats, the Republican party is done. There’s just no way for them to win with the map the way it is now with a 38 EC vote loss, and the difference between the polls and what actually went down in Texas is…interesting. Mind, I wasn’t banking on the state to go blue because it runs decently red, though I do think it’s increasingly more purple with time. I do suspect you’ll see the shift to blue in the next decade or so as more Gen Z age into voting, same as you saw Virginia with the Millennial wave. If we’re still seeing massively skewed results to Republicans then…well, that is some shady shit, IMO.

      • AMA1977 says:

        @terra, we are from the same neck of the woods (or similar.) I wrote Dan Crenshaw, my seditious and erstwhile congressional representative, a scathing (but well-worded and civil) message regarding his refusal to uphold his oath to protect and defend the Constitution last week, and SURPRISE, have heard nothing back.

        I am so tired of Cornyn and Raphael. They are useless, spineless, evil and stupid. I am still astonished that Ted Cruz defends the orange menace after the terrible things he said about his wife and his father. No guts, no convictions, no honor, and that stupid beard makes me hate him even more. I love Texas and I hate Texas. It’s complicated.

        Edit to address the comment above mine that came in while I was ranting; it’s happening. Texas went to Romney by 16 points in 2012, to He Who Shall Not Be Named by 9 points in 2016, and again to the dark side by 5 points in 2020. It’ll happen. And I am HERE FOR IT!!!

      • Antonym says:

        @terra: fellow Texan here. I don’t really have anything to add to what you’ve said (you sum it up perfectly). I’m just chiming in to commiserate, and to hope that someday our statewide politics will improve.

      • Betsy says:

        @terra, sure but…. all five of those states, and by those margins? Hegar was behind by 3% in 538’s aggregation, but Cornyn won by 10%? And again, that same thing happening in those four other races?

        Pull the other one. I think the GOP absolutely cheated to win the Senate but took the opportunity to rid themselves of their troublesome priest.

      • Lady D says:

        Can I ask what is the significance of turning purple, and how do purple people vote? Does it mean the area flips back and forth from Rep. to Dem and can’t be counted on to vote the previous party reliably, or does it mean members of both parties agree to vote the same candidate? I honestly don’t understand what turning purple means to a state. To my way of thinking they would balance each other out, meaning neither party wins?

      • Veronica S. says:

        @ Lady D – Turning purple means it becomes a swing state, and if it’s a more densely populated one, it becomes a key player in election strategy to get it to turn one way or the other. They also become extremely important where control of Congress is concerned because of the off year elections favor Republicans (something Democrats desperately need to change), and due to the fact that we don’t use computer based algorithms, it makes gerrymandering very easy for Republicans because you can carve off population centers to limit Democratic leaning sectors and favor less densely populated designs that typically lean Republican.

        Its state politics also become more meaningful because state officials can be integral in either exacerbating or alleviating problems that arise from federal politics. COVID and the election crisis have been clear examples of that. Where the federal government refused to act, most Democratic governors did shut downs earlier in the year (even if it was tragically for naught down the line), or in the cases of certain cities, put restrictions in place where their governors would not. Additionally, purple states like Pennsylvania and Michigan may have had Republican state senators kicking up lots of dust, but they had very powerful Democratic governors, attorney generals, and secretary of states in place that fought the voter suppression and kept the ballots being counted.

        If we learned anything from this election, it’s how incredibly important state rights and state races are going to be going forward as the federal government goes through the upheaval of a changing society.

      • Lady D says:

        Thank you, Veronica, and thanks for taking the time to explain it understandably. Google was so less than helpful. (I did learn who started it in 1810) Can gerrymandering be stopped with a federal law?

      • Veronica S. says:

        @Lady D – Districts are generally drawn by state legislatures, which is why there’s an ongoing issue of even blue states that lean Democrat often have Republican leaning legislatures. Congress and the federal courts can intervene in more serious cases (Pennsylvania just got redrawn a few years back after our state SC ordered it and the SCOTUS refused to appeal it), but part of that would rely on Democrats getting House and Senate control and immediately pushing through some major election reform…which would then likely lead to court fights over state vs federal election power because much of the redistricting rights are within state hands, even as they are subject to federal restrictions, and to be fair that is a tough one to gauge because you don’t want the federal government to have too much power over districting or it makes gerrymandering even more blatantly easy.

        One of the major problems we have is the limited numbers of House Rep seats. In the original Constitution, the number of seats was meant to grow indefinitely with population, even possibly spreading into regional congresses that could better control. If that hadn’t been changed, we’d have over 11,000 representatives since it was supposed to be something like one representative for every 30,000 people in an area. The problem was that this was changed in 1929 in the Apportionment Act, which FDR agreed to in order to get enough votes for the New Deal to go through. (Talk about rural representatives playing the long game, eh?) That locked the number of representatives at 435, which get reapportioned every ten years or so after the census is done to adjust representatives to population. (Hence why the Trump administration ended the census early and wanted to leave out non-legal residents – so they could dick over the larger states affected by those populations financially and politically.) But it also means that it becomes much easier to gerrymander because now you only have to strategically arrange enough districts to just get a slim majority to maintain control of Congress.

        Frankly, right now what’s killing us is straight up the Senate. The setup of two senators per state seemed fair and sensible when America only consisted of 13 or so states, but now we have fifty, a simple majority (which McConnell blatantly banked on getting by creating a calculated blockage of any legislation, which forced Democrats to compromise 2/3 majority vote), and a bunch of states whose populations don’t even match moderate sized cities, making it very easy for Republicans to maintain legislative control even though they don’t represent the majority. It’s also why Democrats not showing up to mid-term election is a major issue because it means Congress tends to flip back Republican every two years in the rare cases Democrats win Congress.

  15. Leah says:

    I’m looking forward to the day when Twitter finally suspends his account (which they say will be on 1/20) so the attention he’s basked in for the last four years will be….gone.

    As for Mitch, does it really matter if he accepts Joe’s victory? He’s a criminal and so is his wife. I am hoping that the GA election puts Mitch back into his shell and then the senate can get some real work done. First priority, the stimulus checks.

  16. Josie Bean says:

    I am hoping Dominion Voting Systems, Inc gets serious and starts suing some of these people who have claimed their voting systems have been deliberately rigged. I do not know what occurred with the audit of the voting system in Antrim County MI, but the “auditors” have come back with scathing results which MI officials have said is utter nonsense.

    Sue the people (Sidney Powell would be a good start) who have been spreading lies about voting system fraud and prove their claims are false.

    • Sparky says:

      The “impartial” auditor (Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group) is someone who is actively working with the Trump people on this nonsense. He’s the person who got MN and MI confused. He filed an affidavit in another case which the court deemed non-credible/didn’t show evidence. Whatever “may” have gone on (eyeroll here) this is not credible evidence.

  17. Maida says:

    What’s scary is the hardcore Trumpers who are advocating for Trump to use the Insurrection Act to institute martial law and stay in power. They are now advocating straight-up fascism. And this includes some elected Republicans — the latest being a state senator from North Carolina. Simply unbelievable.

  18. Ivy says:

    These people are the intellectually challenged.
    No matter how much evidence you have they will cry fake news.
    But when you ask them receipts they’ll give you a blank stare.
    These are people who are deeply out of touch with reality. They are the socially disenfranchised who are unable to relate to anyone who are not exactly like them.
    It’s pretty sad to be that cut off from the world.
    They have a very small comfort zone. Anything out of that cause panic.

  19. SM says:

    I absolutely rejoice in the fact, that he keeps banging against the wall, the each day for over a month now, was and experience of loss for this sore looser. even him minions and his appointees are like “no, no more”. So at least there is that – on one hand a dum-dum sloppy attempt of a couple, on the other hand that means he has to face the agony of being a looser every singe day, which we all see is a torture for someone not capable to comprehend the idea of loss or rejection.

  20. jferber says:

    So glad he has his priorities straight. Bitch boy whining about getting his ass whipped is obviously so much more important than paying attention to, say, the Covid pandemic that he woefully and deliberately ignored, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. He politicized it and told people not to wear masks, personally hosted super spreaders that Stanford University said killed at least 700 people and boosted the devastation in manifold ways. If we had had an arch enemy running our country, he couldn’t have done worse. So screw you, trump, crybaby loser. Put on your big boy pants, if you even have them in your psychological profile, which I highly doubt.

  21. jferber says:

    For the schadenfreude, I’d love trump to hate-tweet Mitch McConnell by name in at least 10 escalating and unhinged tweets. I’d really enjoy that.

  22. Simalu says:

    if 70% of the votes are fraudulent then we need to recount all those Republicans who got elected or re-elected not just Trump. They were on the same ballot eh!?

  23. Valerie says:

    How has he not had a serious medical issue yet? His blood pressure must be sky-high, and he is not known for managing his anger.

  24. Liz version 700 says:

    I hope this causes a nice ruckus in the GOP may they have as much an as they have subjected the country too