Katy Perry: ‘I found everything I was ever searching for when I became a mother.’

Katy Perry celebrated her first Mother’s Day on Sunday. A mom’s first Mother’s Day is always special… I’m told. I wouldn’t know, my MIL hijacked mine. Katy posted a very sweet message to Twitter about how fulfilled she is as a mother:

It’s lovely that Katy is finding so much fulfillment in being a mom. We heard this from both her and her co-mom Miranda Kerr during Miranda’s latest Kora Organics product launch. Katy said at that time that having Daisy surpassed any career-goal she’d met. In the past, Katy has spoken about the complicated relationship she had with her own parents. A lot of that had to do with her evangelical upbringing. Daisy has likely given Katy a sense of family she didn’t have before and I’m sure that feeling of fulfillment is overwhelming.

Katy’s other M-Day post, the one she dedicated to her mother, was a little less emotional and a little more ABC-tie in/plug for American Idol so, I think it’s safe to say that Katy was going through several emotions that day.

Her fiancé, Orlando Bloom, is going to be going through some stuff – his own, to pack up if he doesn’t get his crap together. For Katy’s first Mother’s Day, he retweeted a fan made image and dedicated it to her:

With the caption:

Got myself a real catch. 🐠 ❤️Sending love and respect to all the amazing people who have shaped our lives, supported us and loved us unconditionally. Happy Mother’s Day 🌼
Rg: @katyperrygolden

I mean, read the room, dude. Katy’s out here wearing her heart on her sleeve about being a new mom and her life being fulfilled and he’s objectifying her as a mermaid with some dumb pun. I’m all for jokes, but I feel like Katy’s been asking for some acknowledgement for a while and Orlando’s complaining about not getting any. Katy played along, though, so I guess it’s all good. And she seemed very happy with her Mother’s Day gift. Orlando gave her a framed imprint of Daisy’s first feet and handprints.

Photo credit: Instagram and Twitter

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50 Responses to “Katy Perry: ‘I found everything I was ever searching for when I became a mother.’”

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  1. TQ says:

    This is just more evidence that Orlando just seems like a self-centered douche. Is 2021 the year she kicks him to the curb?

  2. FHMom says:

    As a mom of three, I roll my eyes when women say that motherhood completed them or gave them everything they wanted. I distinctly remember my first Mother’s Day with the worst newborn ever. I think many new moms feel more like they’ve lost themselves rather than they found everything they ever wanted. It just adds to the mom guilt. She must have tons of help.

    • Lily says:

      Thank you for saying this. You’re spot on.

    • Mirage says:

      Totally with you FHMOM. I don’t understand the “I now feel complete now that I have children”.
      I felt very complete before I was a mother. It’s a real battle now to find this state of fulfillement again. To realise myself whilst giving a great childhood for my children.

      • Lua says:

        If you don’t have a strong family and you’re searching for one it really does complete you. I never wanted kids but when I had my first of two I cried from how overwhelming the love I felt for him was. It’s nothing I’d ever experienced before. We had a second (oopsie!) and I was pissed all the way up until I pushed her out and the second I held her and looked into her eyes I fell in love again. They’re definitely the best things in my life, they filled the hole in my heart.

    • ReginaGeorge says:

      I sort of felt that way at the very beginning, when my daughter was still tiny, adorable and cuddly and doing all of those cute “firsts” milestones. Once she got older and shit got reeaallly real, (she was eventually diagnosed with oppositional defiance disorder as a pre-teen, but had been exhibiting behavioral issues since about 10/11) parenting eventually became more of a nightmare for me. I became a single, working mom when my daughter was only 5 months old so the whole motherhood journey for me was difficult from very early on to say the least. I wouldn’t describe it as feeling complete. More like it took a LOT out of me. To the point where I decided I was “1 and done”. I didn’t want any more kids after her. It was that traumatizing.

    • ennie says:

      I’d say the same, but thinking on her upbringing gives her message a different meaning.

    • readingissexy says:

      Yes, I totally feel the same. My millenial husband and I work full time and have one son. We often wonder how people have multiple kids. Then we find out things like they make more money than we do, live in a low cost of living area, have grandparents who either babysit their kids during the week or take the kids on weekends, etc.

      My husband and I have no help whatsoever (both our mothers are widowed and frail), and we have to work full time. We also live in a high cost of living area and make under 150,000 as a joint household. It feels impossible to even have two children!

    • Ashley says:

      Thank you. It’s so ugh. And I’m sure there are many of her fans for which this statement would be incredibly painful to hear, if they are struggling with motherhood in any way.

    • SM says:

      I think everyone is different and every woman has her own experience of notherhood and how it changes a woman’ life, sense of self and the world. Yours is legit, just like Katy’s. Mine is definitely closer to her and I am well out of the newborn phase, so I am pretty confident when I say that motherhood changed me for the better and surprised me in many unexpected ways. She is not imposing anything on anyone, she is sharing. Aren’t we women supposed to be abe to do that without being criticised for it.
      The problem here is different – it’s her douch of a partner. Orlando evidently is not on the same page with her and seems from his neediness he will be the one to try and put Katy down and it in a way like her parents trying to control her. So unless he changes, this relationship is doomed. I wonder if she senses that as a problem as well and that’s why they have broken up more than once before.

    • Tanya says:

      FHMOM: Your feelings and experiences are valid, but so are hers. Both can be true at the same time. We’re all different. This sounds like her truth and there isn’t anything wrong with it. She’s not saying or even implying that all mothers should feel the same way. And she’s not implying anything about childless people. A lot of these comments are people projecting their own experiences. If I say “I love my job and it’s everything I was ever looking for”, I’m not saying that everyone needs to feel that way. I’m speaking to my own experiences. Obviously this is not a completely analogous comparison but just to explain the point.

      It must be hard the have three children. It must be tough to carve out any time for yourself. But this was a choice. We all make choices. I find it grating when I hear mothers of multiple children try to feel superior over new mothers with the whole “rolling my eyes”. It’s like you’ll never really understand until you have two or three or four kids. Well, obviously it’s going to be harder. That’s just math. It’s likely a lot easier to be blissed out about motherhood when you’re tending to only one child. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    • lise says:

      I’m currently expecting my first. I felt like a whole and complete person before I got pregnant. Personally, I hate the idea of needing a child to feel fulfilled. BUTTTTTTTT I know some people who have wanted nothing more than to be a mom, felt extremely empty without a child, and love being a mom. Katy is allowed to have and share her own personal feelings about being a mother, and we all need to recognize that she’s not making any kind of broader claim about motherhood. She’s just talking about how she feels.

  3. Aphra says:

    I hate her as a blonde.

    • Mirage says:

      I think you have a point Lua. Having children may fill a gap for those who don’t have strong family ties. I am 1 of 5. Have a great family and extended family. I’ve always felt very complete being a sister, a daughter and an auntie.

      • Jesma says:

        Or women are allowed to feel differently and express that. I come from a super close loving and supportive family. My parents are damn near perfect. I have a loving husband and great friends. I have a fulfilling job as a nonprofit attorney. I didn’t even want kids until I turned 30. And yet, my girls are everything I never knew I wanted. They complete me in a way that I can’t even describe. They fill my heart with pure bliss. Not everyone feels this way, and that is ok. You are allowed to feel however you want about motherhood.

  4. Leigh says:

    Also as a mom of 3, I think it’s lovely and natural to feel that way after having a child. Why is it now so taboo to admit one loves motherhood? Do we always need to point out the more challenging aspects any time we talk about motherhood?

    • OriginalLala says:

      It’s not taboo to gush about motherhood – it’s the standard, and it’s a social expectation that all mothers and women must feel the same (which is insanely damaging), which is why there has been a slight backlash in recent years.

    • iconoclast59 says:

      @Leigh, it’s not the gushing over motherhood — I’m happy to see blissed-out moms — it’s the inference that, if you don’t have children, you’re somehow “less than.” I am one of many, many women who never had children. The reasons don’t matter, but it does matter that I’m often treated like I’m deficient or lacking, that I can’t POSSIBLY understand the deep mysteries of life because I haven’t borne children. It grates.

    • Lua says:

      I agree Leigh. These posts always draw so much anger in the comments that anytime a celebrity talks about loving motherhood I grab my popcorn and go straight to the comments!

    • Hell Nah! says:

      I’m thrilled for Katy – truly – but 10000% what OriginalLala and iconoclast59 have said!

    • Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

      Not a mother (yet) but completely agree. It’s rude and disrespectful to say that a woman extolling her happiness makes you feel bad.
      People need to stop projecting

    • purple prankster says:

      My second baby is eight months old now and I love her to bits!!! My first baby was a tough experience but I would never have had another if I wasn’t going to be enthusiastic about it. It’s a choice to have kids after all. It’s great for the kids too if their parents are happy to have them around, lol

    • wtf says:

      You must be terminally online if you think it’s taboo to admit you love motherhood as a woman. Like, seriously, touch some grass.

      Women really can’t say sh*t that deviates from the norm because you respectability politics women always go WELL ACTUALLY. So much for sisterhood.

  5. Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

    Just as how some celebitches here are sure that they do not want to be mothers, Katy Perry was sure she wanted to be one.
    I am so happy for her. And relieved that she still hasn’t married that man who showed more tender emotion about his lost dog than towards his current life partner’s FIRST Mother’s Day. Can’t wait until she leaves him and then gets back with John Mayer (I’m kidding I’m kidding)

  6. Kristen says:

    OMG my MIL also hijacks this day every single year! She just tells my husband (who is 36) and his brother what they’ll be doing for her, and it’s always an all-day thing.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Kristen, what an utter POS your MIL is! I am so sorry that she does this to you. Why are some MIL’s such assholes?

      • Angie says:

        Mine is the same. She insists that everyone go to brunch for her. I like to have breakfast in bed with the kids making me homemade cards or gifts.

  7. EM says:

    It’s also lovely and natural for women to a). not have kids and b). complain about their kids, because having children is a tough job and it’s healthy to let out frustrations rather than to keep them in.

    • HoofRat says:

      Exactly. Honour women’s choices and situations, no matter what they are, and for pity’s sake, can we please not judge moms for wanting to tear their hair out from time to time? No matter how much you love a child, there are times you want to hand them off to someone and run the other way. Instagram parenting accounts can be really toxic.

  8. ReginaGeorge says:

    I’m happy for her that she feels that way. I don’t mind her saying so. Some people really love and enjoy motherhood. Some find it a lot more trying and difficult. Motherhood is not a one-size-fits-all, and people shouldn’t be shamed for having opinions on either side of the spectrum.

  9. Mcmmom says:

    I’ll say the same thing I said the last time (though that comment never appeared): if your reaction when a woman talks about HER feelings about HER life, that’s on you.

  10. Merricat says:

    It does not surprise me that Katy Perry, child of evangelists whose love is conditional on her relationship with their religion, would fall deeply in love with her baby.

  11. Jayna says:

    I’m happy for her.

  12. Malificent says:

    When Daisy is a teenager, Katy will be tweeting, “This is what I thought I was searching for? What was I thinking?!?”

  13. Imara219 says:

    Good for Katy if this is what she wanted. Bloom’s pun seemed dorky but he’s a dork and she’s a dork and she totally digs it soooo…if you like it I love it. I always wanted to have 2-3 kids. I desperately wanted to become a mother. Of course, I have career goals and whatnot but being a mom was a “dream”. Now that I’m a mom, yes my first Mother’s Day, I was ecstatic and reflective. For the entire first 3 months, I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. I thanked my husband all the time for helping make my dream come true. Now my son has asthma and was so sick all the time as an infant, being a parent is rough. It’s one of the hardest things I ever had to do. How and ever, no matter the downs I’ve had it is still one of my greatest achievements.

    What’s empowering is that each woman has the right and option to decide what motherhood means to them. Katy is discussing her personal feelings and emotions about being a mother. I can’t take that message personally because she’s not talking for me, she’s speaking of herself.

  14. Imara219 says:

    On a totally different note: So many of my mom’s groups seem divided over Mother’s Day. Half believe it’s for the children to celebrate their moms, no including wives/girlfriends; and the other half believed it’s for anyone who is a mother figure. Once I became a mom, I cared about the 1st Mother’s day because I wanted an expensive planner but honestly, I don’t care either way. It’s a man-made holiday and the woman who created the day did so to honor all mothers. I think it’s a relationship expectation that both parties need to discuss since culturally it can look different for each person. Most definitely think elder mothers get preferential treatment.

  15. Regina Falangie says:

    I applaud and fully support people who don’t want to have kids. There are so many people who should NOT have kids who did so because they think that they are supposed to. Only people who are fully and willingly able to give everything required to be a healthy and caring parent for the rest of their lives should have children.

    I have always been a mom. I took care of my younger brother his whole life even though I’m only 2 years older than him. I babysat as soon as I could! When I finally had my own children my heart exploded with love for them. I cried for 3 days after my first born because I was overwhelmed by the love I felt.

    Everyone needs to do what’s best for them. Each option is the right one. Whatever your feelings are on the subject are ok. ❤️

  16. Valerie says:

    I don’t understand this line of thinking. It could be because I’ve never wanted kids, but I also don’t see the value of building your identity around a single thing. That always struck me as odd, even when I was a kid myself. Imagine waiting all that time to feel complete? What do you do they’re gone? This is why so many people struggle with being an empty nester. I have some empathy because it seems to be a symptom of a larger problem, as well as of societal expectations. But it’s still weird to me.

    • ce says:

      @valerie I get what you’re saying but people center their identities pretty much across the board, whether by their career, their religious beliefs, their political ideals, whatever. It’s a pretty normal human thing. My ‘thing’ is my career, I also think I would feel a void if I ever lost that and probably will put off retirement as long as possible lol. Katy’s thing is motherhood I guess!

      • Valerie says:

        They do, and I still think to center yourself around any one thing to the exclusion (or near exclusion) of everything else is not the wisest choice. I don’t know her personally, so maybe she’s more balanced than I think, but when I hear someone talk about finding themselves through motherhood, I’m like, okay…? But again, my maternal instinct is not so strong that I’d be comfortable with having kids, so it’s all a bit foreign to me.

  17. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    So one and done, then.