Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ranch

blake gwen engaged

I’m choosing to be really happy for Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. At the end of the day, they make sense together, they clearly adore each other, and he loves the hell out of her three kids. Blake finally proposed to Gwen last October, and then earlier this year, her first marriage was annulled by the Catholic Church. Everything was lining up for Gwen and Blake, and they decided to have a wedding at his Oklahoma ranch. He had a chapel built on the property years ago, and that was where he proposed to Gwen too. Page Six had aerial photos of the wedding – go here to see. There’s no confirmation on whether Blake got his wedding meal of chicken fingers and french fries.

There is no doubt this time that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have tied the knot. The couple officially got hitched on Saturday, less than a month after the No Doubt singer sparked wedding rumors by wearing a diamond band on her left hand. The ceremony took place at Shelton’s Oklahoma ranch, where sources previously said he built a chapel with the intention of marrying Stefani there.

Stefani, 51, and Shelton, 45, began dating in 2015 after meeting as coaches on NBC’s “The Voice.” At the time, the rocker and country superstar were both newly divorced.

The couple announced their engagement in October 2020. Shelton quietly proposed to the “Rich Girl” singer with a huge, six- to nine-carat round solitaire diamond set on what appeared to be a platinum band.

[From Page Six]

I hope Gwen tells us some wedding details this week – Blake made it sound like she was having a lot of fun planning the wedding, and I can’t wait to see her dress, and the cake and everything else. I’m assuming the second wedding dress wasn’t John Galliano. Maybe Ralph Lauren with a flannel shirt?

Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen at arrivals f...

PS… On Father’s Day, Gwen literally didn’t say one word about Gavin Rossdale and she posted this about Blake.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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118 Responses to “Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ranch”

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  1. BusyLizzy says:

    I use to really like Gwen, I liked her music and found her cool but I now find her super cringe. How did she get her first mariage annulled when she got 3 kids with Gavin?! I mean I know he cheated on her but just get a divorce. I also side eye her for the mystery around her being a Republican, it’s telling than she won’t say so. That said, I wish them happiness but please go away.

    • Krista says:

      It shouldn’t matter if someone Decides to share their choice of political party or they don’t.

      I find that far too many people who ask or want to know are the same people who will make assumptions and judge you before knowing you JUST BECAUSE OF a political party.

      I like her because she doesn’t seem to be a bad person, seems to have lived a good life, and seems to be devoted to her family. Her political beliefs or religion beliefs are not my concern or the world, even if they don’t align with mine.

      So sick of people judging people for being republican, especially on the internet. All it does is divide people.

      • Darla says:

        Republicans are horrible people with no empathy for anyone who doesn’t look exactly like them and I will judge them till the day I die.

        And the fact that you’re judging me for judging them is what’s causing all the division.

      • gilda says:

        It isn’t just a political party, is it? It’s a dangerous ideology supported by white supremacy and upheld by the worst humans alive. But sure, tell me how it isn’t important to care when someone supports the likes of Tr*mp, Ted Cr*z, or the insurrectionists.


      • BusyLizzy says:

        And I am so sick of the Republican party literally attacking women’s rights, LGBTQ people, non white peopleand also I don’t know threatening FREAKING DEMOCRACY by encouraging MAGA supporters to storm the Capitol. I am sorry

        This is not about a left / right ideology anymore, the Republican party has become the racist party that supports domestic terrorism.

      • Betsy says:

        No, the way that Republicans act IRL is what divides this country. Mocking everyone and everything that doesn’t agree with them, denigrating people who talk about real things like rape culture and systemic racism, harassing us for wearing masks (I have young kids; no way in hell am I taking off my mask in public yet), refusing to get vaxxed, trying to control women’s bodies and then judging women for the children they have (and not offering assistance), falling for whatever swill the right wing propaganda media ecosystem puts out (spirit murder, anyone?), literally trying to overthrow the government…

        …nah, I’m sorry. You don’t get to wave all of that (and more) away like it’s just a difference of opinion. It’s not a difference of opinion. I love my country. She’s a flawed lady, but she’s my lady and I don’t want to drag her back to the 1850s, I want to let her go forward where she clearly knows the truth lives.

      • Chaine says:

        If you belong to a political party that champions white supremacy and demonizes trans kids and denies women autonomy over their own bodies, all while plundering my tax dollars to support the xenophobic whims of a wanna-be-dictator, d*** right I will judge you. Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.

      • h-barista says:

        @Krista, Guess the responses made your point about lack of civility today. I’m a registered D from a family of D’s, but the atmosphere in the party has become strangely intolerant among people who seem to think they have a monopoly on tolerance. This is a new phenomenon.

        Can anyone picture MLK being so judgmental about party affiliation as opposed to substantive issues and the content of a person’s character?

      • Anna says:

        Thank you x 1000000000 @Darla @gilda @BusyLizzy @Betsy @Chaine

        And @h-barista How dare you bring Dr. King into this?!? Typical, to trot out MLK and forget all of the *facts* of his life and work. He was *murdered* by white supremacists because he was messing with their $$$ bottom line in organizing workers’ strikes. Study the full history, not just revisionist quotes.

        The responders here are right to push back when it’s a matter of human rights, and that has nothing to do with “tolerance”. That tolerance line and you trying to invoke Dr. King is code. We see you. If you’re a “registered D from a family of D’s”, you should know that, but maybe the D stands for something other than Democrat… just saying!

      • Annaloo. says:

        Republicans still rockin with the Norman Rockwell 50s definition of the US is why Republicans get a lot of grief from others. Were you around Jan 6th when they attacked the Capitol over a lie generated by Trump and have blamed everyone else besides themselves for it? Have you seen how they attack marginalized groups, pulling pseudo racism/sexism cards bc they think that white, Christian, straigh people “oppressed” by even seeing the existence of Americans different from them? Maybe you’ve not noticed how they keep digging for dirty energy fossil fuels, irreversibly bankrupting our natural resources bc climate change is a hoax to them. Maybe you have seen how they have allowed evangelical Christian religion come in and dictate our laws towards women and LGBTQI+ their agency because they interpret the Bible as a mandate on power?

        Also see

        And you really wonder why people don’t like Republicans? They’re they most hypocritical face of the most godless, un-Christian party clutching their crucifixes, while turning their backs on the poor because they define poor as “lazy” and building walls because people are brown

        This is a short list, but there are lot of reasons to hate on Republicans because they consistently demonstrate they practice the very intolerance they endlessly accuse others o, and I feel no guilt about not having any tolerance to tolerate that level of hypocrisy.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Valiantly Varnished says:

        @H-Barista I’m going to really need white folks to stop using MLK as a shield for their political ideologies. Most of you only know the bare minimum about the man and what he stood for in the first place

      • Pat says:

        There are 78 million Americans who profess to be republicans. 51million Catholics.

        They are not all pedophiles, nazis and racist. Neither are Democrats socialist commy baby killers. The rhetoric and self righteous tone on here is appalling to your fellow Americans.

      • h-barista says:

        [reposting in correct location]
        @Anna, @Artist — It wasn’t ‘white supremacists’ that killed King. That was a diversion from the actual $$$ interests that were threatened by King’s speaking out against the Vietnam war and against the Military-Industrial Complex. (Note that it was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who first warned about the MIC in his farewell speech.) And King had just announced that he was shifting his focus from civil rights to a broad-based Poor People’s Campaign.

        ‘“Until her own death in 2006, Coretta Scott King, who endured the FBI’s campaign to discredit her husband, was open in her belief that a conspiracy led to the assassination. Her family filed a civil suit in 1999 to force more information into the public eye, and a Memphis jury ruled that the local, state and federal governments were liable for King’s death. “There is abundant evidence,” Coretta King said after the verdict, “of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The jury found the mafia and various government agencies “were deeply involved in the assassination. … Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.”’

    • Goldie says:

      She got divorced legally. The annulment is in reference to the Catholic Church. Because, she’s divorced, she needed to ask the church to annul her marriage in order to get married in a Catholic church. I don’t think she ended up having a Catholic ceremony though. Or does their chapel count as a Catholic church?

    • Humbugged says:

      Francis made it easier to get and she is a Catholic and still wants to take the sacraments.All it it now costs 500 dollars

      GOLDIE – their is every chance he got the place and had a Catholic ceremony .Both Blake and his sister converted and she also married an Italian

      And the last politcal thing she did was as a Democrat

      • Humbugged says:

        And Biden is right up her alley

      • AlpineWitch says:

        I’m Italian but one of the many non-religious/atheist ones.

        Please stop equating Italian/Irish people with being Catholic.

      • Humbugged says:

        But him and his sister both converted and both married Italians it is just what they did

    • FrenchGirl says:

      I don’t believe she is republican but she is a little conservative and against abortion personally . I believe she had a feud with L7 because of that

      • Kkat says:

        She is from orange county and I went to Cal State Fullerton with her.
        She is absolutely a conservative republican.
        I used to be as well, but I opened my eyes and saw racism, hate, intolerance that go along with the republican party.

    • local russian hill says:

      this is in reply to darla and gilda. not every republican is a close minded racist who supports trump. do i wish people wouldn’t register as republicans because some of the party is racist and or supports trump? of course i do. but as a non republican in a liberal city, if i make blanket judgments about people based on their political affiliation, i’m being closed minded too. talk with people. learn about the choices. talking affects change. otherwise you’re just acting as part of the problem. as the saying goes, pot meet kettle.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        The Far Right AND the Far Left have both gone off the deep end. The only hope is that the majority in the middle of BOTH parties start standing up and making MUCH MORE noise to be counted. There ARE more of us.

      • Annaloo. says:

        “Not every Republican” is such a weak, passive response. Republicans are actively suppressing votes, passing laws to further isolate vulnerable voters from their civic rights…it’s the definition of upending democracy…how do you justify such a mealy mouth “not everyone is closeminded” BS. Those “Not Everyones” are just as dangerous and dirty handed bc they are silently complicit : they will just sit by and watch this stuff happen because – never saying a word against ther party – THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE AFECTED BY THIS. Do you know that White women invested in the status quo carried the vote AGAIN for Trump this last election, and in higher numbers! If one is not actively rallying against the evils that party is currently doing, one’s passivity is complicity.

        I give credit to republicans like Liz Cheney, bc she speaks up and out what is the absolute evil that has overtaken the GOP

      • gilda says:

        @ local russian hill At this point, what do republicans support? Truthfully. Because it isn’t trans rights, or black lives, or bodily autonomy, or accessible healthcare, or the minimum wage.
        Unfortunately, Tr*mp corroded the party and it is all about him and unhinged individuals following his recipe like Marjorie Taylor Green. I’m tired of talking to people and having to justify why they choose to vote for people who would see them burn to the ground. Bold of you to assume I haven’t put the time in. I have. And it has been heartbreaking. I wish there was more nuance in every political party, and reductionist terms like ‘the far right’ and ‘far left’ weren’t used to justify the evils perpetrated by each party.

        Like i said in my original post, it has become an ideology. I wish it was as simple as two parties, but when one supports nazis, I’m good. That’s not a party, it’s a cult.

      • gilda says:

        Like i said in my original post, it has become an ideology. I wish it was as simple as two parties, but when one supports nazis, I’m good. That’s not a party, it’s a ****terrorist cult.

        Fixed it.

      • winny says:

        With all due respect, your stance is the actual problem.

        You’ve gotta be trolling, right? You read the top two responses and made blanket statements. None of the responses were talking about wishing for people to not register as republican, or living in small towns, or actually being a pot.

        I have lived in small towns my whole life, I have grown up with people who support the republican party. I am unfortunately not a pot, and you’re definitely not a kettle (OR BLACK, AND IT SHOWS).

        STOP defending your privileged justification of a racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, inhumane party. To afford these people the benefit of the doubt is to tell us all you expect the same.

        The fact of the matter is, you got angry because you identified, you felt seen, and you wish we all just cut you a bit of slack. You want us to think about the choices they made, well go ahead and tell us how you rationalize defending a party that dehumanizes and criminalizes HUMANS? Please, we are waiting, go ahead and enlighten us with what we are missing and lacking, how we could be better people.

        We’ve had enough of your BS. You don’t get any of that. You’re defending the unforgivable. You’re trolling your way into shaming people for denouncing terrorism. Stop this nonsense, and educate yourself.

      • Kkat says:

        Nope, the republican party is shit, all of it.
        At it’s base it denies human rights

      • Justjj says:

        I make no excuses for the Republicans or the far-right. The man committed treason in plain view. Even if you didn’t support Citizen Orange-it’s a fact that Republicans’ actual views are more authoritarian and are more white nationalist than others who lean to the left. There have been multiple polls that have demonstrated this. One party is full of racism and white supremacy, and upholds corporate fascism and authoritarianism, and one party generally upholds our entire democracy and a sense of equality. It’s that simple. All Republicans are dangerous and horrible. Her refusal to say whether she is a Republican or not, is telling. They feel ashamed because they should feel ashamed and they know they will be rightfully held to task for their views.

    • h-barista says:

      @Anna, @Artist — It wasn’t ‘white supremacists’ that killed King. That was a diversion from the actual $$$ interests that were threatened by King’s speaking out against the Vietnam war and against the Military-Industrial Complex. (Note that it was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who first warned about the MIC in his farewell speech.) And King had just announced that he was shifting his focus from civil rights to a broad-based Poor People’s Campaign.

      ‘“Until her own death in 2006, Coretta Scott King, who endured the FBI’s campaign to discredit her husband, was open in her belief that a conspiracy led to the assassination. Her family filed a civil suit in 1999 to force more information into the public eye, and a Memphis jury ruled that the local, state and federal governments were liable for King’s death. “There is abundant evidence,” Coretta King said after the verdict, “of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The jury found the mafia and various government agencies “were deeply involved in the assassination. … Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.”’

  2. BusyLizzy says:

    Also the whole Harajaku girls was borderline racist and exploitative.

    • Pix says:


    • Oh-Dear says:

      honest question here – was it racist? I think it was a fetish, appropriation and definitely exploitative. And she hasn’t been very reflective of that, she doubled down on it recently.

      I like her to a degree, I hope she and Blake have a health marriage and I love the pics with the boys. I am not going to fault her for falling madly in love and I hope he continues to adore her.

      • Annaloo. says:

        I’m glad you asked this. Yes, it was racist. Out of curiosity, what was your impression of those Harajuku girls when they debuted? Because if it was like most, here was this cool ‘scene” Gwen found, but what coded societal messages of cute, juvenile and passive did she continue of Asian women in doing so? Did we see those dancers as whole individuals, or just as props for white-girl cool? Did we ever learn their real names or hear them speak? No, as we know, Stefani didn’t elevate Harajuku culture, and she appropriated it and wore it as an outfit.. but the racism comes in her pushback she offers today by denying she may have perpetuated harm or continued stereotypes

        Those Japanese women were human accessories, passive human props used to center Stefani’s American white hipness bc she casts herself as “different” and “edgy”. Stefani is product— she is plastic. Like you said, she appropriated and I will add that she thinks nothing of using black women as props too. I would not be surprised if she’s gotten a whole concert tour aesthetic based upon whatever she’s lifted from the Cherokee Nation while staying in Oklahoma. Would it be racist for her to have 4 women of Cherokee descent behave as her entourage, while centered Stefani flounces about in some awful fashion deerskin outfit? I think Stefani would still do it today and place it under the flag of “learning from and honoring one another’, while she take every dollar home. I think there’s your answer.

      • Oh-Dear says:

        @Annaloo – I didn’t know about Gwen and the Harajuku girls until I was older and I knew they were being used to appropriate and fetishicize (?) Harajuku culture. I also knew about the problematic sexualization of Asian women through a Western gaze, so I new that era (and the others that you mentioned) of her music as problematic and harmful.
        Thank you for your response regarding racism specifically. I hadn’t thought about her resistance to acknowledging how problematic all of her appropriation was as specifically racist, I thought of it as a willful ignorance through white supremacy and entitlement to ‘wear’ other cultures. It does perpetuate the stereotypes that exist and that many are working to undo. 🙏🏼

  3. Eurydice says:

    Congrats to them!

  4. Amy Bee says:

    I’m guessing there might be some exclusive pictures in People mag or some other publication.

  5. SusanRagain says:

    Well I’m amazed anyone bothers to get married in Hollywood anymore.
    Of course, JLo and Kim K just have weddings so they can have a party. lol

    Don’t know about Blake, not a country music fan.

    I say Congrats and wish them happiness.
    I am cynical and a cranky old broad these days but, I do wish more folks had more happiness in their lives.
    Blake must own a pretty good sized chunk of Oklahoma, no? Nice!

    • Humbugged says:

      He owns 1400 acres in Tishomingo with a new house that he built ,and the lake property on Lake Texoma

  6. SusanRagain says:

    Ooh, I wonder what Gwen wore?
    Her white/pink wedding gown to Gavin was so pretty.

    • HeatherC says:

      Thank you! I think everyone but us hated that dress but I loved it.

      • Ines says:

        What, really? The dress is iconic, I thought everybody loved it (I certainly do)

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I loved her dress too!! It was so Gwen!! I would like to see what she wore though!
        Anyway, I don’t know much about him, but I am always happy when someone gets married and I wish them the best!!

      • Jayna says:

        Really? I loved it. Not for me. But it was so pretty, and “it was so Gwen” as @BothSidesNow said.

    • Snappyfish says:

      That dress (hand painted Galliano) is one of my favorite of all time. They were both so beautiful. Sadly Gavin was a prat. I adore her & wish her only happiness.

    • Truthiness says:

      Gwen’s first dress was awesome. I’m just hoping she didn’t go country with her second.

  7. Calibration says:

    An annulment? Celebrities who pay enough get them. The catholic church are a joke.

    • Killfanora says:

      Annulments don’t cost anything. They are free.

    • SM says:

      This. If you are a famous person with money, there are always exceptions for you, while for the rest of us have to live according to unchangeable divine laws of sin and goodness.
      Also I am sure she may hate the father of her children, but that kind of public ignorance will lead to some serious psychological baggage for the kids. But I am sure she can play off some Church functionary, who will exonerate her some time in the future.

      • Humbugged says:

        No they are $500 .

      • Rapunzel says:

        Her getting an annulment isn’t necessarily due to celebrity. Money though, maybe.

        I know a regular wealthy guy who got a 19 year marriage with 3 kids annulled so hubby could marry his secretary. It’s possible if you know what to say, and who to talk to. But also, who to donate money to.

        Catholic church is indeed pathetic sometimes.

      • Humbugged says:


        Pope Fancis made it realy easy to get one and it costs $500

        Why should she be stopped taking the sacramets because her ex could not keep in his pants

      • Rapunzel says:

        Humbugged- the cost doesn’t matter much. It’s getting it approved. You can file for $500, but a marriage of length, with kids? Gonna,be difficult to get approved without knowing the right folks to talk to and donating money… lots of money.

        The guy in my example? Bought a new baptismal font and a few really expensive statues for the church after his annulment. And continues to donate the most money…and gets everything his way.

        Eta: I’m not saying Gwen didn’t deserve it, especially with Gavon’s noted philandering. I’m just saying others in position would probably not get approved…unless they knew how to play their cards.

      • Humbugged says:

        Rapunzel – Francis made it waaaay easier to get one and $500 is how much it actually costs with maybe the same if their is an appeal against it which might add another 3-400 .

        And having a hidden kid,being bi and not telling her until years in and banging the nanny for 3 years

      • Killfanora says:

        Pope Francis made it very clear that he does not expect Marriage Tribunals to charge any fee for annulments. Naturally the process does use up up resources, both human and material, but any donation to cover these costs is entirely at the discretion of the parties.
        Feel free to quote this if any of you are thinking of a Catholic annulment and you are told there is a fee!

      • Ines says:

        I thought there was a very short list of reasons why you could get a Catholic wedding annulled. One was if you were forced into it. Adultery was never one of the reasons… maybe that has changed? Am I missing something?

      • Bunny says:

        Ines, the list includes things like not intending to be faithful, not intending to be open to children, etc. So while infidelity alone isn’t a reason, going into a marriage with the intent of not being faithful is.

        It has so much to do with intent – did the person enter the marriage with the proper intent. If they never truly planned to be faithful to their spouse, no marriage was formed regardless of how long they were together.

      • Ines says:

        @Bunny, thank you. That makes more sense.

      • Humbugged says:

        @killfanora Humbugged has a thing where she gets obsessed with a post and writes the same comment again and again and again to anybody who will listen. See Amber Heard’s baby and Duke of Dumbarton.

        The one where you abused a foreign language because you did’t like it ?And others sneered at Dumbarton?
        “The cost of an annulment petition varies from diocese to diocese, but in many places in the United States remains expensive. Last week, the Archdiocese of New York announced that in addition to the $100 application fee for an annulment petition, as of Feb. 1, 2021, a further $650 would be charged as an administrative fee. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles charges $500. In both cases, however, official policy is that no one who cannot pay the fee will be denied. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia charges $800, but in response to Pope Francis’ call for financial mercy, does not charge those initiating a case who live in the archdiocese. “In these cases Pope Francis encourages those who are able to make a contribution to do so in order to offset the expenses of the Tribunal,”
        states the archdiocesan website. “Any contribution toward this cost is greatly appreciated after your case has been completed.”

        so going by this they were charged $500 for admin

    • letitbe says:

      It’s actually not that hard to get an annulment in the Catholic Church nowadays, not like several decades ago. It’s also not that expensive, although it does cost a fee. Yes it’s weird, and the word annulment is problematic, but it’s by far not the most problematic thing with the Catholic Church and it’s essentially the Catholic equivalent of a divorce.

      • Rapunzel says:

        It’s never been hard– see my post above. That was 30 years ago.

        As for money, it doesn’t cost a lot, no. But you won’t get the kind of annulment Gwen got approved without greasing a few palms by dropping money in the right donation box.

      • Millennial says:

        Yeah considering how much Gavin slept around on her, I’m not gonna snark about her annulment.

      • Jess says:

        My dad got his marriage to my mom annulled 25 years ago so he could marry my stepmom. And she’d been married twice before but got both of those annulled. This was all pre Pope Francis and they didn’t have a lot of money so it must not have been that hard then either.

      • Killfanora says:

        @humbugged…..why do you keep banging on about annulments costing $500?
        I’ve already stated that Pope Francis expects them to be free.
        Then your own link to it states “ Pope Francis has asked dioceses wherever possible to provide their tribunal services free of charge.”

      • Ines says:

        @killfanora Humbugged has a thing where she gets obsessed with a post and writes the same comment again and again and again to anybody who will listen. See Amber Heard’s baby and Duke of Dumbarton.

      • Humbugged says:

        Killfanora – it the admin charge that is $500 in LA

        “The cost of an annulment petition varies from diocese to diocese, but in many places in the United States remains expensive. Last week, the Archdiocese of New York announced that in addition to the $100 application fee for an annulment petition, as of Feb. 1, 2021, a further $650 would be charged as an administrative fee. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles charges $500. In both cases, however, official policy is that no one who cannot pay the fee will be denied. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia charges $800, but in response to Pope Francis’ call for financial mercy, does not charge those initiating a case who live in the archdiocese. “In these cases Pope Francis encourages those who are able to make a contribution to do so in order to offset the expenses of the Tribunal,”
        states the archdiocesan website. “Any contribution toward this cost is greatly appreciated after your case has been completed.”

    • Malificent says:

      I have several friends who got annulments. They are definitely not celebrities. It’s not terribly expensive, but you do have to file the paperwork and follow through on the process.

    • Nancy says:

      My question is did Blake get his first marriages annulled? I had a family member, never married, be refused a church wedding until her non Catholic married once before to a non Catholic get a church annulment. The whole annulment thing is a way to make money for the church.

  8. Plums says:

    I’m honestly surprised they’ve lasted and can only wish them well and hope they stay together for the long term, especially if Blake is such an involved stepdad to her kids.

    Until this moment I judged her for being so determined to get an annulment because I thought there was no way she actually qualified for one, having been married for years and producing multiple children with her ex-husband, and that if she ever got one, it would only be because of her privilege, but I just looked up the grounds for annulment in the Catholic church, and omg, it’s waaaay more expansive than I thought. There’s basically a whole litany of stuff that can retroactively apply to infidelity. “You didn’t understand that marriage is a sacred sacrament and went into it thinking you could be unfaithful/get divorced one day or didn’t realize that the person you were marrying was that kind of person” is grounds for annulment. I had no idea. I thought it was super restricted to like, having been forced to marry against your will, not being able to mentally consent, refusing to have sex and procreate- super particular cases like that.

    • letitbe says:

      It’s not a legal annulment, it’s a Catholic Church annulment. Vastly different and in today’s world it doesn’t mean the same thing it used to.

    • Bunny says:

      Yes, exactly. If either of the spouses went into the marriage thinking that they could cheat or leave or not be open to more children or several other things, a proper marriage may never have formed.

      The length of time a couple was together or the fact that they had children doesn’t matter.

  9. Lena says:

    They got together super fast after they split from their respective (both cheating?) famous exes so I admit I thought they were just rebounding. They did the smart thing and just waited a long time so their relationship probably has gone through everything by now So I’m happy for them. Sorry for them they got married way out on a farm in OK but still had helicopters and paps.

    • Humbugged says:

      Thing is they had to apply at the courthouse so it had to happen before this Friday

  10. DuchessL says:

    I think Blake is a great guy. I find him funny and just a genuine good person. Im not a country music lover, ive only seen blake in a few interviews and I dont know Gwen at all beside a few songs of hers. Her kids must adore him. She found herself a very good guy, congrats to both.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Yeah if you ignore that he admitted running over turtles for fun, he is just the greatest guy

      • Oh-Dear says:

        He has said that he was joking when he said that and found he couldn’t use his kind of humour on twitter without people taking him seriously. I believe him.

      • DiegoInSF says:

        Even if it was a joke, who jokes about animal abuse? It’s vile!

  11. FHMom says:

    On the grounds that he seems like a great step dad, I am happy for them. Any guy who accepts a mom with 3 kids can’t be all bad. They have been together for a very long time and seem quite happy. Congrats to them and the kids.

  12. SexyK says:

    I have zero respect for Gwen. This woman has profit off of Jamaican, Black American, Native American, East Indian, Japanese, Mexican cultures and has the NERVE to be a Republican. On top of that, rumors are Blake is a bit of a racist. Why would she want her kids to be around that if she’s a modern woman? She’s just gross to me. Good luck to her and Blake. They deserve each other.

    • Jayna says:

      She’s not a Republican. I can’t see it. The two men she shared long-term relationships with, beginning from the age of around 16 (Tony) and Gavin (around 25) are certainly not Republicans.

      She put on a fundraiser for Barack Obama when he was running for his second term. She also was invited to Obama’s last state dinner and also performed at it for the Obamas three weeks before the 2016 election and brought her children earlier in the day to tour the White House and meet the Obamas. Blake attended the state dinner with her and performed a song with her. That sounds like he was supportive of her.

      Trump is an asshole and a cruel, bullying person. She would never vote for him. President Biden is right up her alley, sharing the same faith, and a good human being. Gwen being a moderate/centerist-on-some-issues/liberal-on-some issues Democrat didn’t change because of being with Blake. Many Democrats fit right into that category. Do you think Blake even cares who she votes for?

    • Justjj says:

      You’re right though, I’m trying to think of a culture she hasn’t benefited from or exploited, and it’s difficult.

  13. Virginia says:

    Now that’s a MAN…unlike her ex

  14. Premadonna says:

    The Catholic Church DESPERATELY needs money right now to pay for all the lawyers needed with half of their priests getting sued for molestation…..whats REALLY fucked up is that one of the main ways they’ve raised money to keep their pedo priests out of jail is by evicting the nuns in various nunneries and then selling the properties. Absolutely despicable.

    • Mcali02 says:

      And this has to do with Gwen and Blake how?

      • Premadonna says:

        @MCALI02 -It doesnt have to do with Gwen & Blake. You may have noticed quite a few comments regarding marriage annulments and the cost and relative ease with which one can GET an annulment nowadays. MY comment was in response to THOSE comments, to explain WHY the Catholic Church needs to increase their revenues so dramatically nowadays.
        I take it youre Catholic 😀
        ALSO- If youre parents got an annulment and you were born during the soon-to-be-annuled marriage, then how, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, are you NOT a bastard? If your parents marriage is basically “disappeared”, then you would have been born out of wedlock. Which is the (old-fashioned, ridiculous) definition of a bastard child. Does the Catholic Church have a special term for children born during annuled marriages? Frankly i think the Catholic Church is just desperate for money so theyre selling whatever they can sell and saying whatever they need to say in order to sell what they want to sell. My father is Cuban and his family is RABIDLY Catholic and when i went to a cousin wedding a few years ago, after they exchanged vows to priest held up a piece of paper and happily informed everyone that it was an official document stating that the Pope had blessed their marriage. Later on i found out it cost 250k

    • TeeMajor says:

      @Premadonna, WOW I did not know that…

      • Killfanora says:

        @Premadonna…..I’ve never read such nonsense in my life as a Papal wedding certificate costing 250k!
        You’ve been taken for a ride believing that. Or incredibly gullible.
        Papal Wedding Certificates are FREE. But a donation is a nice gesture, and any donations are passed on to to the poor through charities.

  15. Holland S says:

    All the judgment over someone’s religion is ridiculous. She isn’t responsible for the sins of the Catholic Church. Many people believe in a higher power but don’t subscribe to everything their religious leaders have done. It is possible to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc and disagree with some of the teachings, ex homosexuality.

    Furthermore, it’s ridiculous to think we know someone’s feelings from photo assumptions and the like. Ask people directly.

    And the Republican witch hunt is unfair. If someone comes out as Republican, then they are fair game, but trying to guess if someone is a Republican? Not smart. Republicans don’t own modest values; they own bad policy and greed.

    Not a fan of the cultural appropriation stuff, but all white pop stars do it to greater or lesser degrees. She’s just particularly egregious.

  16. Mcali02 says:

    For all the Roman Catbolic annulment “experts” – My parents got an annulment 30 years ago. It was a bunch of paperwork and not expensive. Lord knows we were not rich. And it didn’t make me a bastard.

  17. Jayna says:

    He took on a woman with three children, one still a baby, really, and said it was awkward to figure out where and how he fit in and that it took a while. Those kids love their dad and were raised in a two-parent household for years (except the little one), and so it must have been so hard to see their parents separate under extremely estranged circumstances. Gwen has never actually uttered “Gavin’s” name to this day. Although, she speaks to him at their kids’ events. So when Blake came on the scene, that’s what he came into, a difficult dynamic.

    I think it says a lot about him that he fell in love with a woman with three kids and all that that entails and that he, at the height of his career and very wealthy, fell in love with a woman seven years his senior. We all know most men in the TV and music business, after their divorce, would have been out with a 20-something-year-old. He had a wide variety of women to choose from. He’s huge in country music, but because of his huge popularity on The Voice all of these years, a decade now, he has a lot of non-country music fans. People thought he would be out there playing the field after he and Miranda broke up, but instead he settled down quickly.

    Most people thought it would be a rebound. He even said in the beginning they felt it was probably a rebound because they were both hurting. But it turned out to be way more than that.

  18. Dee Kay says:

    Aw those pics Gwen posted of Blake with her kids are really, really cute. It looks like he is an amazing stepdad to those boys, good for him and good for them.

  19. Meg says:

    Damn her father day instagram post says a lot. Shes definitely pitting gavin and blake against each other

    • Jaded says:

      She’s doing no such thing. He’s a committed step-father and has taken on that role with open arms and open heart. It’s obvious her kids return that affection. Gavin slept with Courtney Love while he and Gwen were dating. He had an affair with their nanny for years. However despite all his bad behaviour, she doesn’t strike me as the type who would EVER use her own kids as weapons to get back at him.

  20. TeeMajor says:

    Congrats, they have been together for a long time. They seem to love each other and she grooves in his “southern” world. (which I was shocked to find out)

  21. Lory says:

    I don’t think this was a Catholic ceremony. Catholic marriages can only happen in official parishes within the diocese. This wedding occurred at a chapel on their property.
    Also in terms of annulment, Blake Shelton’s previous marriages will also have to be annulled if he and Gwen wanted to marry in a Catholic Church. Even if he didn’t previously marry in the Catholic Church, those marriages must be annulled regardless.

    • Bunny says:

      Not true. The couple can petition the Bishop for a “Dispensation from Canonical Form” and get married elsewhere.

      Due to Covid, there have apparently even been some Catholic marriages outdoors in the last year.

  22. Lena says:

    There’s a picture on TMZ of them cutting the cake. From what I can see her dress and veil looks big and beautiful and they have one of those old fashioned bride and groom on the top tiered wedding cakes.

    • Jayna says:

      It appears Carson Daly was the officiant for the wedding. I’m surprised Adam Levine wasn’t there. He and Blake are still really close.

  23. Enuff says:

    I guess she’s happy- but can’t abide when a woman dims her politics for a man.

  24. Jayna says:

    Blake loves ’80s music. He said it was the music they had in common. Their first wedding dance was Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes.” It looks like Gwen has put photos on her Instagram and their wedding photographer has put a few up on his site also.

  25. Meg says:

    she just released more pics online and man her dress is not great IMO

  26. You Know Me says:


  27. Gia says:

    Y’all who cares what she does?

  28. Premadonna says:

    @killfanora it wouldnt let me reply directly to you so im putting it down here. First of all, i didnt say the document held up by the priest was the EXACT one YOU described. I didnt get a close look at it because i didnt (and still don’t) care. Maybe the Pope HIMSELF signed it, because i highly doubt he personally signs the millions of free marriage blessings that go out every year. Second, how is I’M being taken for a ride? It wasnt my money! Third, believing that the Catholic Church would charge ridiculous prices for something “special” from the Pope does NOT make me gullible but perhaps makes YOU incredibly uninformed because i dont give a shit about the Catholic Church and even i know that diocese all over the WORLD are getting their asses sued to hell for the MASSIVE amount of molestation cases and subsequent cover ups. It percentage of priests that have ended up molesting children is STAGGERING and you can get offended all you want but the Catholic Church SERIOUSLY needs to re-evaluate itself because aside from the wide spread sex abuse the just as widespread cover ups show that there is something very very ugly at the heart of the church.

  29. No Name says:

    Politics and B.S. aside. Congrats to the newlyweds.