Anna Marie Tendler moved out of the LA home she shared with John Mulaney

John Mulaney, Annamarie Tendler at the 33rd Film Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica

John Mulaney sought treatment for a drug abuse relapse late last year. He did a 60-day program and he was apparently based in LA afterwards. This whole time, I thought he had mostly been based in New York in recent years, but apparently he and his (now estranged) wife owned a home in LA too. So he went to LA following his rehab stay and he began working the program there. Which is where he found a new girlfriend. He filed for divorce from Anna Marie Tendler in February (we found out in May) and it turns out that Anna Marie also went into a treatment facility earlier this year as well. Well, a sad update: Anna Marie has officially moved out of the LA home.

As John Mulaney has been cruising around Los Angeles with his new celebrity squeeze Olivia Munn, Page Six is told his wife was quietly moving out of the home they had shared there. The “Kid Gorgeous” comic dumped artist Anna Marie Tendler in May after his 60-day stint in rehab, where he was trying to kick a cocaine and booze habit.

“I am heartbroken that John has decided to end our marriage,” Tendler, who was his wife of six years, said through a spokesperson at the time.

Tendler reportedly did her own stint in rehab during the upheaval.

Meanwhile, Mulaney has since hooked up with Munn, and the pair were snapped for the first time together this week cheerfully chomping burgers at Rick’s Drive In & Out. Munn was also papped leaving Mulaney’s LA house.

Just days earlier, we’re told, Tendler and a pal were at the very same pad packing Tendler’s things into boxes. According to her Instagram, Tendler — who has been riding out the storm in Connecticut — then appeared to take a solo trip up the Pacific coast. A rep for Tendler didn’t get back to us.

[From Page Six]

So she’s been in Connecticut for most of this year while he was first in treatment (in Pennsylvania) and then he based himself in LA, in the home he once shared with his wife. And as John and his new girlfriend organized an exclusive People Magazine photoshoot, Anna Marie quietly traveled to California and moved her sh-t out of their house, then took a solo trip up the California coast. This absolutely sucks. I feel so sorry for her. Mulaney is really giving off such douche vibes now.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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44 Responses to “Anna Marie Tendler moved out of the LA home she shared with John Mulaney”

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  1. LillyfromLillooet says:

    Yeah, this now makes me question so much retroactively. Either she had some corners in that marriage of which we are not aware and he’s wreaking revenge, or the guy is absolutely not at all what we thought, a la Ellen.

  2. Beenie says:

    From what I know of her she seems like a very nice person so this sucks very much :(. She went to treatment for an eating disorder, not drugs btw. I hope she heals soon.

  3. Ariel says:

    I mean- sometimes things don’t work out. All the hand wringing and blame assignment- i don’t get it in this case.
    It is sad when a marriage ends (the great majority of the time) but it happens. And the steps taken are sad and depressing, and people are heartbroken.
    And people move on.
    Usually by the time the public is aware of the split of famous people- the split happened months ago. And in many relationships by the time the split happens, the couple was way down the road of it not working out and not being happy.
    It is sad.
    It is fine.
    No need to- woe is me- this woman. She’ll be okay.
    We all make it out okay.

    • MF1 says:

      Agree, there doesn’t need to be a villain here. They’re both dealing mental illnesses (addiction for him, an eating disorder for her). So there’s no way this is a healthy, functional relationship. They probably need some space away from one another to heal.

      • Carol says:

        I completely agree that this is a sad breakup with no villain here. They both seem to have their issues and maybe it’s for the best that they go their own way.

    • Darla says:

      I mean, he may be a villain. I don’t get the love for this guy, he strikes me as such a douchebro, but sorry, his wife is no bueno with this behavior. I’m embarrassed for her. And this is all heading back to make Munn the villain, not him, trust me. That’s what always happens. Not that she doesn’t have every right to hate Munn, but have some self-respect. Go out there and kill it girl! She is amazing looking herself. I hate being pitied more than anything in the world though, so that’s me.

      • Tyle says:


      • Natters says:

        One does have to question someone who insinuates themself with someone who just got out of rehab for drugs, was married and at a low point of their lives. You are advised to not jump into relationships while you are working on sobering up so I give Munz some shade here.

      • EllenOlenska says:

        Yes! We don’t know what goes on in a marriage but this reeks of him being a douche nozzle. And he clearly didn’t do a whole lot of self reflection while in rehab or he wouldn’t have hooked up w someone new but would focus on maintaining his sobriety. And yes, Munn is a snake but he’s the problem. Marriages end but it’s best to clean up one thing before moving on to the next.

      • Lyds says:

        Everyone processes grief differently. I have absolutely zero problems with her embracing hers and dwelling in the sadness. She is an artist and I find her direct confrontation of her loneliness and despair incredibly brave and refreshing.

        Who says it’s only acceptable for broken-hearted ppl to go all out/try to kill it/pretend they don’t care/head to rebound central/sing a feminist anthem? I’m actually sick of that narrative as it often is all for show and the same woman ends up in a puddle of drunken tears leaking from raccoon eyes. If he’s ostentatiously displaying his new love in set up paparazzi shoots, why criticize her for staging artistic photos showcasing her sense of abandonment? I much prefer the latter as it is at least pretty to look at.

      • observer says:

        very well said Lyds!

        as for villains: i often agree there doesn’t need to be one (or ONLY one) but i was/am(?) a fan of Mulaney’s standup and even i’ll say that divorcing your wife immediately after rehab and flaunting your new immediate celebrity girfriend DOES JUSTIFY us discussing that narrative and yes, also the repercussions for Munn v Mulaney

        also: his ex reminds me of an Amanda Palmer Lite type. hopefully with a lot less problematic aspects, but that’s the vibe i get from her artistry, so i can actually see why they might have some issues…

    • Erica says:

      Thank you! I don’t understand why people are trying so hard to make one out to be worse than the other (John’s fans went in hard on Anna) but also people are trying to turn him into some evil man. More than likely this marriage was over before he even went to rehab. If he was battling addiction and she was battling an ED then this was a recipe for disaster. I feel for both of them and I hope that they continue to get better.

    • Me says:

      If you are in a marriage and both parties relapse and need rehab, that’s pretty toxic —sometimes divorce is the best solution.

  4. Snappyfish says:

    I really liked him. I find him v v funny & I loved how he would change the script during Hader’s Stephon skits on Weekend Update. With that said this is really sad. I agree that his actions are douchey. Munn has always seemed thirsty even though I used to like her. I know that people who are struggling w/addiction are told NOT to make big life decisions so early in recovery & this all seems so incredibly messy.

    I truly hope he & Anna are okay. I am not sure what I wish for Olivia. Recently saw X Men Apocalypse & she was really awful, but she did look good. This all just seems so sad.

  5. Mina_Esq says:

    Her Insta is kind of depressing.

    • Erica says:

      It is. I realize this is just how she is coping though. I feel for her (and John-I’m not on either side here).

  6. Case says:

    I kinda feel like Anna is sort of a “private citizen” now and I don’t really like continuing to focus on her throughout Mulaney’s silliness. She’s not a celebrity. She should be able to heal and move on privately. Ultimately it seems that he really sugarcoated their relationship in his standup routines and things didn’t work out. He does come off like a jerk but I really don’t think we know enough to say more than that. *shrugs*

    • Keats says:

      Yah agree completely.

    • Paintergal says:

      She has 141K followers on Insta and her posts are polished and dramatic so not that private. I have no dog in this fight. They both sound like they have deep inner turmoil.

  7. Oh_Hey says:

    Oof Mulaney really did get me with his aww shucks 14 or 40 vibe but I’m now seeing it and all I get is a less fun, just as messy Pete Davidson vibe. Divorces are hard on everyone and usually there’s no one person to point at but this…
    I hope Anne Marie gets and does better.

  8. Scal says:

    I think part of this is because so much of his comedy was about being a ‘normal’ guy and a happily married one at that. It was a big part of his brand and this is just messy and sad.

    They purposefully had that people spread drop 2 days before she defended her masters thesis so it’s the cruelty for me. This is a person you were with for nearly a decade and who stood by you through rehab.

    I’m hoping she has custody of petunia.

    • Sue Denim says:

      Yes, it’s the cruelty that’s ruined him for me. I was a huge fan, partly because he always seemed so decent, but now, his jokes about Anna, inc the “playfully anti-semitic” ones, hit a v different note. And to make such a show if this OM thing, whatever it is, and so unnecessarily, just feels gratuitously disrespectful towards Anna, esp given her own recent ED and vulnerabilities. He looks so different now too. And not in a good way, like rough, coarse. V sad.

  9. Liz version 700 says:

    Whew, he is really taking the extra mile to grind his shoe on her pride. Even if he emotionally moved on a while ago, the Pap strolls and flaunting the famous (cough) girlfriend is so cruel. I used to love his comedy, but not anymore

  10. Leskat says:

    I feel sad for her because it seems like she didn’t want to divorce and is trying to process her own issues along with the issues of her marriage. I don’t wish that for anyone. That’s a lot of emotions to deal with all at once.

    As for John and Olivia, she has got to be the thirstiest person alive. I guess purple potatoes make you really parched.

  11. Riley says:

    That picture of John and Olivia really just seems like lookalikes, I can’t put my finger on it but it doesn’t look like either of them.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      I loooove Hallmark films (I know they’re rubbish but I will not apologize for loving them) and my favourite pastime is trying to figure out which a-listers the actors in the film is supposed to look like. That’s what the pictures in People remind me of Hallmark Munn and Mulaney.

    • Merricat says:

      Maybe because their relationship is inauthentic. I kind of think she’s his getaway car.

      • Christina says:

        Yeah. OM is his obvious jump off. Olivia is playing with fire. JM can do what he wants, but most people don’t stay with the jump off.

  12. StellainNH says:

    My question is, who has custody of Petunia??

  13. Lisa says:

    This is super petty of me, but all I can think is: who wears full-on makeup for a casual day out? He looks like he rolled out of bed and she’s set-ready. Hmmmm.

    Also, I used to LOVE Olivia from her days on Attack of the Show because she never took herself too seriously and seemed so laid back. She seems so “Hollywood” now and inauthentic.

    • Betsy says:

      It’s the Japanese yams. They’ll change your whole bone structure AND your whole personality, I guess.

    • AnneSurely says:

      Someone who isninsecure AF about their relationship. I don’t know anyone who completely does themselves up while their boyfriend/husband looks like he rolled out of bed who isn’t worried that any other woman showing interest would end their relationship.

  14. stagaroni says:

    Being quarantined was very difficult for everyone; add on top of that addictions, an eating disorder, and depression, and it could be an immense struggle. I wish them both inner peace and happiness. And not just for them, but for all of you. It has not been easy, and we all need a hug and some extra kindness.

    Edited to add…a safe, covid-free hug, of course!

  15. Ann says:

    Their marital situation and the reasons for the divorce are one matter. I don’t know what was happening inside of it and quite possibly no one is really in the wrong, it just didn’t work out.

    But I don’t like how he is handling the aftermath. It seems messy and insensitive. So, Team Anne Marie.

  16. AmyB says:

    I just have to say this coming from the perspective of recovering from anorexia:

    Eating disorders are toxic AF. To live with someone who has one is horrible. AND to live with someone who has a drug/alcohol addiction is as well. Take those two together – YIKES!! Plus, the other thing: Eating disorders (and other addictions) are self destructive coping mechanisms to deal with OTHER traumatic/painful things in one’s life. No ones knows what went on behind closed doors between the two of them, but if both sought treatment (him for drugs, her for an eating disorder in the wake of all this), that says their relationship was VERY unhealthy. That is my take.

    I would not be judging anyone here. Do I think it is pretty tasteless that John is now parading around with a new gf? Yes, absolutely. Especially considering that AA says NOT to get involved in any new relationships for at least one year into sobriety LOL, therefore, he must not be listening too well to his sponsors/or other support.

    Of course, the demise of any marriage is sad. But it seems this one appears rather unhealthy, if this is the fall out IMO. I wish both of them the best in healing from all of this.

  17. Chantale says:

    Maybe the Rehab made him realized that he needed to get out of the relationship. Hooking up that soon is a little douchy. However, we have no idea what both him and Anna were going through during the pandemic. I wish both of them happiness.

  18. Sigmund says:

    Poor Anna. John has acted like a douche, and I stand by that statement. He was rolling out his new girlfriend in the tabloids right before she was defending her Master’s thesis. Their marriage may have been terrible, who knows, but John made the choice to repeatedly rub his new girlfriend in Anna’s face. That’s douchebag behavior.

  19. Jayna says:

    I thought their main home was NYC. That’s where he always seemed to be when doing interviews on Zoom. This is probably just their second home when they are on the west coast. Maybe they moved and I didn’t know it. But NYC I thought was always where they had their place and lived out of.

  20. detritus says:

    Being ‘replaced’ first always hurts. I can’t imagine when it’s so public and with another known celebrity.

    It would hurt a lot. I feel for Anne Marie