Chet Haze went on an anti-vaxx rant: ‘It’s the mf–ing flu, get over it’


Chet Haze was downgraded from “harmless dumbass” to “dangerous dumbass” a while ago. While it was funny/stupid to make fun of Chet Haze (real name Chet Hanks) for being a culture-appropriating rapper and founder of the White Boy Summer, of course things took a terrible turn when we learned that Chet abused his girlfriend and then blamed his parents for it. My point? He’s not harmless. He’s harmful. He should carry a warning. Anyway, would it surprise anyone that Chet Haze is also an anti-vaxxer and an anti-masker? He’s one of those “it’s just the flu” people.

Don’t you get it? He thinks it’s funny to pretend to be a reasonable, conscientious citizen who cares about himself and other people. He said in part: “…With, like, the numbers rising, I think it’s important for me to say I got the vaccine. I think everyone should. I think it’s really important that we all do this just as citizens — as Americans — we have to look after each other and get this s–t under control, guys. Psych, bitch! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I’ve never had COVID. They ain’t sticking me with that motherf–king needle. It’s the motherf–king flu. Get over it.” He told people who are sick to “stay inside” and “Why are we working around y’all? If you’re in danger, stay your ass inside. I’m tired of wearing the motherf–king mask.”

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”??? Hospitals are back to full capacity because unvaccinated dumbasses are getting the delta-variant coronavirus. Hundreds of people are still dying every day. Vaccine misinformation is proliferating online by dumbf–ks like Chet. If this isn’t “broke,” what does broken” look like? Do you know how f–king easy it would have been for Chet to make a video where he simply encouraged his White Boy Summer rejects to get vaxxed? Jesus.


Photos courtesy of Chet Haze’s IG.

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108 Responses to “Chet Haze went on an anti-vaxx rant: ‘It’s the mf–ing flu, get over it’”

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  1. Capepopsie says:

    Well, karma. He’ll probably have to learn the hard way. 😔

    • Northerngirl says:

      I sure hope so!! Dumbass..

    • Driver8 says:

      You’re probably right. But he’ll get access to top notch health care that many Americans don’t have. While I’m bitching, I’m SO tired of reading stories of antivaxxers who get covid and then say they wish they had listened and gotten the vaccine. I am all out of fucks to give with these people. Not that I ever had any to give in the first place.

      • Anna says:

        Same. I’m honestly at the point of hoping that natural selection does its job. I’m so angry at these a****** that I’m past angry. The only thing I worry about all the time is the little ones who are under 12. This country’s b.s. is exemplified by freeloading s***stains like this fool. If he isn’t the epitome of racist white supremacy and privilege all in a frothy concoction, I don’t know what is. And sorry but Tom and Rita raised him so…maybe not so “perfect American couple” after all. I know parents aren’t responsible for everything their children do but at some point, as with the shooters, they do need to have some accountability for it getting to that point. White supremacy, violence and misogyny are real and don’t just die out because we close our eyes and wish real hard. At some point, someone has to take responsibility, including the individual. Blaming everyone else is one of the ways Amerikkka is in this kind of mess.

      • Driver8 says:

        @Anna, agree with everything you wrote. And if I’m being honest, as much as I like Tom and Rita, I’ve never bought into their perfect life persona they sell. But as others have posted, bad apples fall from solid trees, so who knows why Chet is like this.

      • Izzy says:

        At this point, people who refuse to get vaccinated without a valid medical reason should not be put on ventilators.

        I said what I said. From South Floriduh, COVID Central, where I am still in hibernation because people suck.

      • josephine says:

        Everything about this guy screams white privilege. He’s just trash.

      • Valerie says:

        Would he take it, though? Look at that man in the UK who died after saying that it was just the flu and a part of life. He’d spent six hours writhing around in agony on the floor but didn’t take it as a sign that anything was seriously wrong. He didn’t seek help. He died at home, in bed, and his young son found him. People who are literally deadset on defending their beliefs until the bitter end will never admit that they are wrong.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Izzy, I am with you. If you refuse to get vaccinated, you stay at home for your stupidity instead of placing the HC force to the brink of exhaustion and PTSD to work tirelessly to save your life. You aren’t vaccinated, too bad. Suffer at home since you are too selfish to think about society as a whole and to do your part, while you scream about how your “freedom” is being taken away from you to do the very basics, like wearing a mask to say the least.

        I am sick of hearing stories about how HC workers are also being treated by these assholes!! They spit if their faces, actually physically assault them and hurl abusive comments at them. The kicker is that they are also now claiming that it’s due to the greed of hospitals as to why there is a fourth wave.
        I saw a man on the morning news the other day as he is in the hospital for his second case of the coronavirus. Asked if he would get the vaccination, he stated “no” because he doesn’t trust the science. But he trusts the science to save his life for a SECOND time, WTF?

    • Lady Luna says:

      You think he would have learned from his parents getting it at the beginning of the pandemic. Smh

    • AnnaKist says:

      I feel the same, but in the meantime he is spreading disinformation and is a menace to society, because other cretins like him won’t get vaccinated, but will continue to move around, potentially carrying and spreading the virus. It wouldn’t matter what information you put in front of this moron. He’d have an answer for everything that you care to throw at him, and even if he does get COVID-19 Delta strain, he’ll continue to say it was just the flu.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      How is it that more than a year into this pandemic, we still have people earnestly spewing this “it’s just the flu” crap?

  2. Darla says:

    This dude does not reflect well on Tom and Rita. It sure makes me wonder.

    • kat says:

      Same. And they had COVID. How have they not posted anything anywhere encouraging people to get vaccinated??? Sigh.

      • Cava24 says:

        I looked and I think you are right, Rita Wilson posted something in early April saying they were “too young” to get the vaccine then (which is odd, I thought their age group was eligible from mid-March most places) and no follow up. So she left it on “we intend to”. But they want everyone to think they did.

    • Tom says:

      But he’s Regular Chet! He says ain’t and he’s anti-vax, you guys.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      I bet they didn’t raise him at all…I bet they were gone a lot.

      He’s just so dumb. I really can’t stand it when the offspring of wealthy people don’t go get an education and do something with themselves. They have all the resources and all the opportunity. Their wealth was enabled by society. But they contribute nothing back to it. Can’t stand it.

      • Mac says:

        He does have an education. He went to Northwestern (same school Meghan Markle attended). There is no excuse for his ignorance.

      • Anna says:

        Northwestern by nepotism, it has to be.

      • Scal says:

        Except when you look at the other siblings/half siblings-Colin, Elizabeth, Truman and they are all pretty normal and nice. Truman is 25 and is a cameraman and went to Stanford and is low key.

        Sometimes even the best parents get a bad egg.

      • Valerie says:

        A lot of formally educated people are now turning their backs on what they learned in school in favour of what they learned on youtube. Oh, and don’t forget their Twitter friend who’s been banned 5 times for spreading the truth!

        I used to think that formal education was a marker of intelligence. It isn’t really. There are a lot of dummkopfs out there with degrees, some advanced.

    • Merricat says:

      I have a bizarro sibling, and I absolutely don’t blame my parents for it. They also do not take credit for how well the rest of us turned out.
      My theory is that Chet latched onto drugs at an early age, and that’s where he’s stuck, emotionally and intellectually.

      • Hello says:

        I agree with you. I’ve seen it up close – IMO the drugs really do stunt maturity and intellectual growth. Very sad watching happen

      • Arpeggi says:

        Yeah, you can have amazing or just totally average parents and turn out to be a jerk all of your own. Dude is 31, his parents stopped raising him a while ago. The other kids look fairly normal

      • Darla says:

        I get it Merricat, I have an interesting brother myself, and I don’t blame my mother. Maybe my dad a bit. But if this were my son I would come out and do a PSA for vaccination. I smell something here.

      • Ann says:

        Yes, I had one too, and it was not my parents’ fault. They did everything they could and more. It wasn’t entirely her fault either, as she had health problems that contributed to her behavior, but it was on her shoulders and we all suffered for it.

      • Christine says:

        He does have the distinct air about him of arrested development. We had one of these in our family, and it’s down to early (hard) drug use. It does not matter what interventions our family took, or how good his education was, or how involved his parents, and the rest of the family, were, nothing made a difference.

    • Betsy says:

      Not me. I know enough a$$hole kids whose parents were wonderful human beings. I don’t know Tom and Rita. Maybe they were awful, absentee parents. But sometimes people are just sht people regardless of what their parents do.

      • salmonpuff says:

        Ditto. And as the parent of teenagers (who are thankfully pretty awesome!) it’s super clear to me that at a certain point, friends and your own innate traits become way more influential than parents.

        It’s easy and lazy to blame parents for how kids turn out. But as my therapist has told me, even if your parents were terrible, your behavior is on you. And the reverse is true, too — even if your parents were wonderful, your behavior is on you.

      • ItReallyIsYouNotMe says:

        A lot of nature goes into who a child turns into an adult. I read something a while ago saying that at no point in history have we as a society believed as we believe now that every single thing a parent does has a long lasting effect on the people that their children grow into. I bet Tom and Rita were fine as parents and hired great nannies and staff for their kids. A lot of people would do that if they could afford it and in fact nannies who spend more time with children than the parents are common in a lot of non-Western cultures. Maybe Chet felt that he needed more attention from the parents but that isn’t to blame for the way that he turned out.

      • superashes says:

        Salmonpuff, that is a great way to put it.

    • MaryContrary says:

      I agree. I think I read something recently about how he told a girlfriend that he was raised by nannies and his parents were always away doing their own thing. It’s one thing for someone to have an alcohol/drug problem-I don’t see that as a parenting “fail”. But to be such a ginormous a-hole in so many different ways? I side eye how he was raised.

    • Robyn says:

      Nah. He’s a 31 year old adult man. This nonsense is on him.

    • superashes says:

      Hard disagree. His siblings seem fine, and there are plenty of parents who, despite best efforts, turn out a kid that is a complete shithead. It is a roll of the genetic dice sometimes.

    • The Recluse says:

      My Mom was talking about how she and her older brother took after their mom in a good sense, but the middle child/brother absolutely did not. It happens.
      It’s a shame that such a potentially nice face (that he has) houses such a toxic soul.

  3. atorontogal says:

    After “white boy summer” now this anti vaxx rant? His parents must be so proud 🙁

  4. Abby says:

    gross, I can’t even watch him in this video. The breathtaking privilege. This guy. I cannot with him.

    • Jensies says:

      You’re not missing anything. It’s actually just worse than the transcript makes it out to be, which seems impossible. He sounds like the biggest ahole on the planet basically.

  5. Bryn says:

    It astounds me every time Chaz opens his mouth that his parents are Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. It goes to show that all the money in the world, and great parents that their kid turns out this brain dead

    • Bryn says:

      Is he really this dumb or is it all just for attention because this is how you get it these days, being a complete and utter tool

      • Arpeggi says:

        I think he’s genuinely dumb. There’re ways to get noticed without acting like this; his brother Colin is certainly having better incomes than he does after all

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        Colin is a brother from another mother. Whole ‘nother set of genes. Who knows how much input TH had in his upbringing?

    • Anna says:

      We don’t know how great of parents they are. We can only assume. And there are always connections. I’m sorry but it is rare that someone just springs out of the womb like this.

  6. Amy T says:

    That poor dog.

  7. Who ARE these people? says:

    This writeup and his video left out the part about his parents being really sick with COVID early in the pandemic.

    I doubt they told him it was “just like the flu.”

    Does this man child have no more constructive way to get the attention he craves?

  8. Cape Town Girl says:

    Stupidity and entitlement. What a combination.

  9. Snuffles says:

    It’s like his goal in life is to be the anti Tom Hanks.

    • Eurydice says:

      This, 100 times this.

    • Erinn says:

      I suspect that’s some of it to be honest. His dad is beloved. He probably was away a lot. Probably some disdain over the fact that the world loves dad and he has to fight for attention from him. And I mean – I kind of get that aspect of it.

      He just happens to be a douchebag in spades on top of that.

  10. Susan says:

    This is my greatest nightmare as a parent…when two successful career people give their kids too much and create self indulgent nightmares with no work ethic.

    • differen screen name. says:

      Truly. My parents were flawed, worked hard, struggled with mental health, but my dad inherited wealth from his family that thankfully provided for his medical/mental needs. We didn’t grow up “rich” but there is money there. My brothers have turned into the kind of people who screw over their family and burn bridges to the ground to get their inheritance early instead of working for a living. The things they’ve done, their entitlement, and the lack of character they display is just… my husband and I pray about and worry about how we can ensure our kids do not grow up to assume money will be handed to them.

      • schmootc says:

        My philosophy is that I just don’t count on getting money from my parents. If I get some, that’s great, but I don’t know what kind of health issues they might have or bad investments they might make or God knows what. Nothing is certain.

    • Capepopsie says:

      @Susan That’s why Gordon Ramsay is hard on his kids. Told them to earn their own money because they’re not getting his! 😀

    • Traveler says:

      This guy’s schtick has always been cringeworthy and now it’s elevated to dangerous.
      I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a child that you innately love but totally dislike as a human being. I would be brokenhearted if I foisted this onto the world.

  11. Rhoda Cowboy says:

    I will be happy to adopt his little dog when Mother Nature decides to further clean up the gene pool.

    • ME says:

      He also has a young daughter he should want to live for and provide a good example to. I don’t understand what woman wanted to pro-create with him lol. His daughter is bi-racial. I can only imagine the garbage he says around her. Moron.

  12. Annie says:

    I’ve had enough of these types of people who honestly need to be deplatformed. Social media companies are very much to blame for this spread of misinformation but have zero consequences or actions to help solve a global health issue. They’ve allowed propaganda and misinformation (which they profit from immensely) to be forefront. Heck on Instagram all my suggested stuff is antivax and stuff I dislike beliefs wise… when I clearly follow tonnes of completely opposite things so why are they suggested to me? Why are misinformation posts allowed to be suggested and presented to people!

    • Darla says:

      Good questions. I do blame social media companies.

    • Anna says:

      Completely. And those companies are all connected. It’s all one big company that basically runs much of the planet and keeps inequities in place.

  13. manda says:

    This bothers me because who asked for his stupid opinion? Who cares what HE thinks? Does this guy have “fans”? I imagine that any of his followers have to tuning in for the LOL factor, right????

  14. Riemc526 says:

    I feel it’s worth noting that it’s not just “unvaccinated dumbasses” filling up the hospitals but also the immunocompromised and children too young to receive the vaccine.

    • Darla says:

      Yes. If it were just them, I would take no pleasure, but I’d shrug and go on with my life too.

    • AnnaC says:

      This….and I wanted to tear my hair out yesterday reading how Gov Abbott is begging nurses and doctors to come to Texas to help, Austin as of yesterday afternoon had 6 open ICU beds, total, yet he refuses to even consider a mask mandate or simply encourage vaccines (48% I think is their current rate).

      • Anna says:

        I’m so glad for the schools that are fighting him on this. I’m so afraid for the children and immunocompromised. That’s all I care about. These other ******* can just be eliminated through natural selection imho but unfortunately, they are taking people with them, especially children. This is so horrific.

  15. equality says:

    Even IF Covid were just like the flu, do these tools not understand that vulnerable people die from the flu also? The mortality rate of Covid is estimated to be about 10 times higher than the flu now.

  16. terrah says:

    ooft. jog on junior.

  17. Bettyrose says:

    Genes are weird. The older Hanks kid is a doppelgänger for his dad and this one … is clearly a changeling.

  18. Mimi says:

    He’s such an attention seeking, ignorant person. There’s always one in every family

  19. JJ says:

    Because the flu fills up ICUs every year. I’m so tired of idiots, every time I read or hear someone say it’s just the flu I have to have like a five second internal freak out so I don’t call them a moron.

    • Valerie says:

      And do they not care about the people who end up in the ICU with the flu? I guess their lives don’t matter because they’re old and apt to die soon anyway. Their callousness knows no bounds.

      I also just do not interact.

  20. Case says:

    We have flu vaccines too, Chet.

  21. Lucy2 says:

    He’s stupid and cruel, and clearly thrives on the attention this kind of nonsense gets him, so I really wish everyone would ignore him.

  22. fluffy_bunny says:

    Tom and Rita need to disown this asshole. Even if it was just the flu I don’t want it because I get horribly ill with the flu. I was hospitalized for a week as a kid with it and lost 20% of my body weight. I get a flu shot and during flu season if I feel the slightest bit ill I go to the doctor immediately to get tested and if positive get Tamiflu and it makes it manageable. There’s no drugs at this point to make covid manageable. Before Tamiflu getting the flu was a horrible experience and often had complications for me.

  23. Trillion says:

    There’s never been a better time for skill-less people to get all the attention they crave: just be be stupid on the internet. It’s easy, it’s instant, and apparently there are little to no consequences. Media: We went from too many gate-keepers to not enough in a very short amount of time.

  24. Tanya says:

    I’m old enough to remember when we all avoided getting the flu.

  25. Nicole says:

    Chester is getting on my effing nerves. His trolling it unacceptable.

  26. Renee says:

    The scariest part of the whole video is his lack of empathy. He cares for no one other than himself. If I were his parent, I would cut him off financially. I mean he needs to receive zero dollars from them.
    Does this guy even have a job?

  27. Jaded says:

    Why does anyone give this utter bonehead a second glance? He’s a useless, stupid, arrogant POS and I wonder what in the hell went wrong in his wonderful, entitled, wealthy life that made him this way? What an embarrassment to his family.

    Shut your pie-hole you dumber than dumb dumbass.

  28. Lola says:

    This loser is clearly desperate for attention and giving it to him only eggs him on

  29. Coco says:

    Time to contact your estate lawyers, Tom and Rita. You need to rewrite your wills.

  30. Robyn says:

    I saw a comparison recently that hit the nail on the head. Basically it went like this (paraphrased):

    “Why do you care if I’m driving drink? You’re sober and wearing a seatbelt.”

    Then again, people refused to wear seatbelts until it was what? Mandated by law. At this point, I’ve HAD IT with the individualism, the selfishness, and the stupidity. I am tired of explaining why you should care about other people. Enough.

    • Christine says:

      God, I want your comment to be “Breaking News” on CNN, because you are exactly right. It’s ENOUGH. Fine, don’t get vaccinated, but don’t you dare become a drain on the healthcare system that really needs to be focused on the immunocompromised and kids under 12 who can’t be vaccinated. Stay home and cross your fingers. That is all the effs I have left to give.

      And yet other states are again sending ventilators to Florida, and other parts where people are behaving as if they are the only people on Earth. Pretty much every single other country on the planet probably thinks ALL Americans are entitled assholes, and I kinda can’t blame them, at this point.

      • Anna says:

        @Christine “Pretty much every single other country on the planet probably thinks ALL Americans are entitled assholes, and I kinda can’t blame them, at this point.”
        The rest of the world has known this for generations. Americans are imperialist, racist colonizers who defund, defraud and destabilize governments all over the world for their own financial gain. It’s only Americans who persist in believing the lie that they are somehow benevolent and superior. That has actually *never* been true since this country was founded. But Americans will go ahead and double down on their entitlement and ra-ra-ra Amerikka while everything literally burns down around…

  31. Gab says:

    Does anyone wanna tell him there is also a shot for the flu which likely keeps hospitalizations down each year?

    • equality says:

      There’s also built up immunity from people taking flu shots for years and natural immunity from it being around for years. There’s not really a comparison with a new disease.

  32. Julia K says:

    This boy is swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool. Prayers for his child.

  33. Square_bologna says:

    I hope he gets it. That is all.

  34. It’sJustBlanche says:

    How did that come from Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson?

  35. Loopern says:

    I just talked to my childhood BFF who is a Nurse Practitioner and she said people are leaving the healthcare field in DROVES. These are people who have put their blood, sweat, money, and tears in before they even GOT the JOB. To leave must be heartbreaking but when you have been overworked day in and day out and have watched people die for over a year…
    And now it’s PREVENTABLE and so many people are basically saying WORK MORE, WORK HARDER for ME healthcare providers, I’m not getting this vaccine…
    It’s truly maddening. I had so much anxiety, fear, and depression after the first 1-2 weeks as an abused service industry worker. My heart goes out to these healthcare professionals. Look beyond your own nose Chet.

  36. Valerie says:

    It’s the MFing flu IF you get the vaccine. Otherwise, it’s likely your funeral, if not for your body, then for the life you once knew.

  37. JRenee says:

    I can’t with this dude…at all. What a waste..

  38. Zantasia says:

    There is no such thing as “just the Flu.” What a mess.

  39. Jayna says:

    Chet is an idiot. But I’m upset right now. The new data out shows Moderna far more effective against Delta virus than Pfizer. Every person in my area that said they had a breakthrough (just relayed info from friends or co-workers) was Pfizer. I had the Pfizer vaccine. And it also suggests Moderna’s effictiveness lasts longer. Now I wish I had gotten Moderna. It’s not written in stone nor completely conclusive, but just from the data they’ve gathered for the month of July through Mayo Clinic. But 42 percent efficacy (Pfizer) compared to 76 percent efficacy (Moderna) against the Delta virus (not regular COVID) is a huge difference.

    I didn’t realize Moderna’s doses are stronger than Pfizer’s. That seems to be the reason. I’m thankful I have protection and if I get it I won’t be hospitalized and most likely it will be a mild case. Still I want a booster shot to come out in the fall so I can get it, because I have no faith in Floridians. There are too many in this state anti-vaccine and living like it’s 2019, pre-Covid times.

  40. DMD says:

    Poor Tom & Rita….

  41. DMD says:

    Poor Tom & Rita….