Sarah Ferguson thinks she’s ‘the most persecuted woman’ in Windsor history

Sarah Ferguson attending the British LGBT Awards at The Brewery in City Of London, London

Sarah Ferguson is still – somehow – promoting her dumb historical romance book? Fergie seemed to promote the book exclusively through interviews granted at Royal Lodge, the huge mansion located on the Windsor Castle complex. Royal Lodge is where Prince Andrew lives, and Fergie apparently still lives there too, and considers it her place in the UK. That was where she was interviewed by Madame Figaro, a French publication, for yet more book promotion. The timing is very interesting though – this interview comes out in the middle of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, and during the pre-trial motions in Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit in the US. I also tend to believe that Fergie is pretty mad at all the attention the Duke and Duchess of Sussex get. Which might explain some of the quotes in this Madame Figaro piece:

On Prince Andrew: “I loved him and I still love him today, I will stay by his side, because I believe in him, he is a good man.”

On her many scandals: “I always believed that anything was possible. The bruised reed that doesn’t break is in my DNA.. I may have been the most persecuted woman in the history of the royal family, but I’m still here.”

[From ET Canada]

The good news is that she didn’t compare herself to Nelson Mandela again. The bad news is that she thinks she’s the biggest victim in the world. This has been quite common in Fergie’s recent interviews, her casual abdication of responsibility for her own many f–kups, and her repeated statements suggesting that all of her scandals were simply imposed on her, that she had zero agency at all. Was she villainized and cruelly mocked? Absolutely. But good lord, she loved to f–k up. She loved to sabotage herself and others. And she’s still doing it!! Publicly standing by Andrew is a disaster. She’s going down with the Titanic.

British LGBT Awards held at The Brewery

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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90 Responses to “Sarah Ferguson thinks she’s ‘the most persecuted woman’ in Windsor history”

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  1. Mac says:

    She truly needs to sit down and shut up.

    • Andrew's Nemesis says:

      She needs to take all the seats.
      Then she needs to dial down her narcissism and look at Meghan’s treatment for a definition of persecution.

    • House of No says:

      I came here to say this. Sit down, Fergie, and do shut up.

  2. blackfemmebot says:

    I know this white woman did not just call herself the most persecuted woman in Windsor history when M was being called straight outta compton and was subjected to such ruthlessly racist smears she considered su*cide?

    • Jezz says:

      Diana is DEAD! But sure, being laughed at for hawking juicers is persecution.

      • Lila says:

        Right? This one is currently living at a royal property, she can call her children and play with her grandchildren, she can have her business deals with no scrutiny from the press. Meanwhile, Diana didn’t see her children grow up or her grandchildren being born.

      • sunny says:

        Well, that’s about the degree of self-awareness and good judgment that we expect from Fergie.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        This woman keeps showing us why she married and stands by the scum she did. She is just like him. Delusional!

  3. milliemollie says:

    The delusion is strong with this one.

    Also the jacket??? WTF?!

  4. mellie says:

    She is a disaster who needs to go away….those two girls have the messiest, most embarrassing parents on the face of the earth!

  5. atorontogal says:

    Next to Meghan they treated Sarah with kid gloves. However, the BP were brutal to her during her time with Andrew. Yes, she did bring a lot of it on herself, but when she first came on the scene all the comments about her weight and hair were totally dehumanizing.

    • Jegede says:

      Yeah. Some shocking things were written, even before the toe sucking scandal.

      Sarah was the ‘Duchess of Pork’; ‘Duchess of Yak’; ‘The Fat White Woman Nobody Loved’😕 The Scum actually had a readers poll, asking ‘Would you rather sleep with Fergie, or a Goat?’😕

      No matter her ‘crime’, absolutely NOTHING warranted that level of abuse.
      Even an MP had to intervene for perspective, that she hadn’t killed anyone.

    • Lyn O'Callaghan says:

      She is a professional victim. I read My Story around 20 years ago and the narrative hasn’t changed. She has the ability to blame anyone and anything for her debacle of a life except herself, she truly and deeply believes that all the ills of the world have been visited on her.

    • molly says:

      The press was absolutely terrible to Fergie, and she’s allowed to talk about it as much as she wants. The late 90s and early 00s were terrible to so many women.

      What’s getting her in trouble, however, is the complete lack of self-awareness in claiming she’s the “most persecuted woman in the history of the royal family.” The WOC getting her children compared to chimps and the dead lady would like a word, please.

    • Tessa says:

      She is not a victim. Nobody forced her to get involved with two of her financial advisers and be caught with one of them. And she was not forced to overspend money. There was no other woman around to undermine her and covet what she had. Diana was beset from Day One. And it’s embarrassing her running around defending Andrew.

  6. Jessie Quinton says:

    Hey Fergie: Anne Boleyn, Wallis Simpson, Princess Diana and the Duchess of Sussex say “What’s good”?

    • Lou says:

      Wallis was a Nazi sympathiser who deserved everything she got.

      • Tessa says:

        Wallis did not go running around playing victim. Her book painted her life with David as a “glorious” love story. Fergie DOES actively play victim.

  7. Angelica Schuyler says:

    She still has her head! She’s doing a lot better than some other royal wives have, historically speaking….

    • sunny says:

      hahaha. Too true.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right?? I mean, not even getting into Meghan…..she said the history of the royal family. Anne Boleyn would like a word, lol.

    • Ellie Armstrong says:

      Yes, she still has her head, and praising Andrew as a wonderful person ensures she gets to live in a palace. What BS. If she can’t listen to the traffic girls, watch Maxwell’s trials and figure out his complicity, she is dumber than I thought.

  8. Lurker25 says:

    “he’s a good man” 👀
    And here I thought my picker was broken.

  9. nancy says:

    truly she is the worst. when Meghan shared the story of going to Andrew/Sarah’s house to meet the queen and Sarah made the joke about “do you know how to curtsey” it never felt supportive, like she was helping her. She could have helped so much and instead has aligned herself with Piers Morgan (and epstein before that – who invites epstein to their daughter’s 18th birthday party!?!? sarah and andrew). That says everything.

  10. Anne says:

    Catherine Howard has entered the chat.

  11. Sofia says:

    I agree Kaiser. There were things like her weight and the “Duchess of Pork” comments that weren’t her fault but she has brought a lot of other things onto herself – the toe sucking, the selling Andrew for access, the taking money from Epstein etc etc. Those were things she did and chose to do out of her own free will therefore self inflicted.

    Plus she’s still alive and living with her ex in his Crown Estate property while her sister-in-law is 6 feet under so could be worse.

  12. Sinead says:

    What in the ever living fuck is that jacket??? The navy side seems to be stitched onto her top at the bellybutton and the band camp side is unstitched?!? Completely different material too. It’s almost like 2 halves of 2 different photos are superimposed side by side…

    • Maggi says:

      that jacket wins for ugliest garment I’ve ever seen.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        It’s one of the 2 ugliest jackets that they rejected for St. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album, remember? They must have donated it to a local thrift shop!

  13. ShazBot says:

    I truly think Sarah’s biggest issue that no matter how hard she tries, nobody cares about her. Yes, she gets some minor news cycles, but she fits in quite nicely with most of the Windsors in that she elicits very little interest or attention. She’s just the same narcissistic jealous personality who thinks she should be the star and doesn’t understand why nobody cares.

    • Sofia says:

      I think her main issue is that she lives well above her means (and this was before she married a Prince) and spends money like water. Hence why she got into debt and had to rely on Epstein to bail her out and continues to take all these deals. Considering the amount of deals she’s gotten and continues to get, if she had a lick of financial sense, Fergie could have been living a very comfortable life in 2021 and not be reliant on her ex and former in-laws financially.

    • Tessa says:

      She did a reality show for Oprah, who was one of those who tried to help bail her out.

  14. Noki says:

    Well to be fair she said I MAY have BEEN ,i think she is refering to duchess of pork,toegate years, way before Meghan. And they really were brutal to her.

    • Sinead says:

      True, they were. But rude is not the same as racist so it’s no comparison really.

    • Jegede says:

      Same way Harry and Meghan’s comments are taken out of context for clicks.
      The Daily Fail can always be relied on for the lowest common denominator.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Even then though, history shows us that to be alive and living off of the British taxpayers largesse is vastly different than the most persecuted royal family members.

      She just shouldn’t say things like this. It’s also not like she’s new. She knows how things are taken out of context by now, so best to not say things this dramatically. She could have said “one thing I learned is how cruel it is to mock a woman for her weight and appearance.”

      No self pity there or self aggrandizement. And it considers the impact on others, which she should have been thinking about at least by now. Because when society mocks a woman for her weight, all of the women in that culture get a very negative message.

      Ugh sorry for my soapbox. Lol. Her self pity drives me bananas.

  15. Jen says:

    She probably was the most persecuted until Meghan came around. However, it’s hard to sympathize with her with all we know now. Like, she was harassed and mocked mercilessly, but she also was in on all the Epstein stuff, so it’s hard to care that she was called fat by reporters.

  16. Tulipworthy says:

    Boy, she really has no sense of style.
    She sure does like to play the martyr.

  17. Kalana says:

    Sarah’s hairline is really strange. It looks painted on. I know she dyes her hair but it doesn’t look professionally done.

  18. Cessily says:

    After Britain(the queen) pays for the lawsuit and settlement I am sure she is banking on Andy’s mommy leaving her favorite son enough to keep them both set comfortably when Charles cuts them off.

    • milliemollie says:

      She was in Germany two or three years ago, exploring the German side of the Royal Family, and the whole thing was filmed (and paid for) by a German TV channel and she kept telling everyone that she was going to tell the Queen about her trip and who she met. She was name-dropping her in every other sentence. I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes.

  19. AmelieOriginal says:

    She was subjected to a lot of bullying based on her appearance from the British tabloids in the 80s and while I was too young to remember Sarah and Andrew’s divorce, I know about toe-gate and I’m sure the media was not kind to her in the ensuing divorce. And she has tried to make money with all the products she’s shilled over the years and children’s books and whatever else she’s tried her hand at, mostly to pay off debt for all the money she’s spent living beyond her means. But in all that she has always lacked common sense and has always blundered and made a fool of herself all on her own. Unlike Diana or Meghan who want/wanted (past tense for Diana) to effect change and be influencers for good, Sarah has never had that desire and wants to get by with the least amount of effort involved.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Yes, I was around for the Diana and Sarah years. She got horrendous press. However, I don’t think there will be the same level of rethinking that we’ve had over the treatment of “trainwreck” women like Diana and Britney, because there actually was a lot of bad behavior going on. She hasn’t been able to stop it either, even when the personal cost has been horrific. If she were honest for a moment about her demons, she might get some sympathy, but she keeps on wanting to be adored, while behaving terribly.

    • equality says:

      I don’t know what kind of influencer she wants to be but during the pandemic she was actually doing more practical and helpful things than W&K were.

    • Tessa says:

      Her running around praising Andrew is embarrassing. COnsidering the Ghislaine trial is going on now.

  20. Barbie1 says:

    She only has herself to blame. She got caught cheating on her husband all those years ago. Let alone her other scandals. She needs to stop the bs.

    • Lady D says:

      I doubt Andrew was playing the faithful husband during those years. He however, was protected.

      • Tessa says:

        Fergie was not actively undermined by her husband. Diana’s husband and mistress actively undermined Diana. Even if Andrew strayed, Fergie was never threatened by someone displacing her.

  21. H says:

    Sit down, Sarah and take Pedo Andy with you.

    • t'otter says:

      Hear, hear!

    • RoyalAssassin says:

      He’s not a pedo: a pedo is someone attracted to unformed, pre-pubescent *children.* This girl was 17. There’s a huge psychological difference. Epstein was in the sex trade: he abused young women and engaged them like merchandise, and Andy liked young women. It’s as bad as pedophilia, but different…

  22. Janice Hill says:

    Tell that to Ann Boleyn.

  23. Over it says:

    Can she please pick a better jacket to sink in, that one is hideous

  24. Emma says:

    Please — she’s not even the most persecuted royal woman *of her generation.* As pointed out, Diana was literally hounded to death. The media treated Sarah appallingly for sure, but it is hard to feel that sorry for her today when she’s very publicly calling Andrew a good man in every interview. I cannot stand the BS.

  25. MsIam says:

    What is that jacket thing she is wearing? Hopefully it was a gift or even better someone is paying her to wear it. And Fergie should thank her lucky stars she’s where she’s at. Still a minor celebrity that gets tons of freebies and doesn’t get hassled constantly by the press. And Andrew seems to be catching the bulk of the Epstein stink so she can appear like the “still loyal ex spouse” instead of like a fellow grifter.

  26. Amy Bee says:

    Sarah is still allowed to enjoy all the privileges of a royal and in no way is she the most persecuted woman in Royal history.

    • lanne says:

      She sounds, quite frankly, like those idiot anti-vaxxers who wear stars of David and claim their persecution is equivalent to the Holocaust. No, being a whiny typhoid Mary of a narcissist is NOT the same as being a victim of genocide. Duchess of York needs to sit her ass down and shut up. Or better yet, get a damn job so she can pay her bills. I hear they need truck drivers in the UK post Brexit.

  27. SnarcasmQueen says:

    She was treated terribly by the press even before she lit her own fires.

    But Diana was chased into a tunnel and Wallis ate shit for the rest of her life as if she were responsible for every decision, thought, or idiocy Edward ever had.

    So Fergie can miss me with this most persecuted Windsor routine especially as I think once Mummy dies her husband is likely to be the most prosecuted Windsor.

  28. Natters says:

    How about the ancestors of Queen Elizabeth that literally lost their heads?

  29. EviesMom says:

    First of all, I love the jacket! #TeamJacket

    Second, I agree with all the comments above. Fergie, while mercilessly mocked (to the point of bullying), is someone who seems genetically unable to make a good choice. It’s pretty amazing & she’s a gift to the British media.

    Please stop tripping over the bodies of women to proclaim yourself Most Abused Fergie.

  30. WhoElse says:

    She’s literally hawking her book on royal grounds. She’s being allowed to promote her private business using the largesse of the royal estate, despite no longer being technically a member of the royal family. She’s divorced from the Pred Prince of Woking, so there’s literally no reason she couldn’t have had that interview on the lawn outside. Persecuted my furry left one, she’s lucky to not be an ex-con after she got swept up in that sting operation selling access for dodgy money like a gangster. She has plenty of legitimate reasons to duck her head, most of all because the person she’s using to cling to the RF, and who she strategically supports in his campaign to subvert the courts of justice and public opinion, is a despicable, cowardly monster with no redeeming qualities. Go away, Dollar Store Diana, nobody wants your mediocre scribblings.

    • Tessa says:

      Those who cry out for the Sussexes to lose their titles (like Piers), don’t seem to care that Fergie got to keep her title to sell books, products and go to the media using said title. Plus she and her husband divorced ages ago and she still has that title.

  31. Murphy says:

    She’s willing to go down with the titanic because it’s *royal*. She would love to be full fledged Duchess of York again even if that is the most tainted name in the country.

  32. Truthiness says:

    Here we saw one of the many ways Prince Philip served his country- he kept this, this thing, quiet and nearly exiled in most public spaces. Since he died she has emerged like a vampire after dark to assault our senses with hyperbole and outright lies. Tell us Duchess what you did for Epstein’s money and blackmailing, that’s what we really want to hear. Would a subpoena help?

  33. Jaded says:

    Sarah’s buffoonery, lack of filters and zero impulse control got her into trouble again and again. Most of the persecution she received was well deserved, excepting the jabs about her weight and horrific clothing choices. However she seems to still be operating under the fallacy that she’s this poor little victim despite the sleazy people and situations she got involved with. Sit down and shut up Sarah.

  34. Emma says:

    Also, the House of Windsor is a relatively recent “we’re not Nazis” (“we are Nazis”) PR creation, she said all of royal history, meaning back a thousand years through Stuarts and Tudors and Plantagenets etc.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    She couldn’t decide between jackets so decided to sew two together? Anyway, Fergie’s been through it back in the day and has never been known for her sound judgement. She is now entering eccentric curiosity territory. She’s still thirsty though and wants some of that spotlight. She is never quitting the royals, no matter how gross Andrew is.

  36. jferber says:

    She is wrong. 1) She’s still alive. 2) She’s still living in England. Case closed. Sorry for the double comment.

  37. The Recluse says:

    As usual with her still the lack of self-awareness or an ability to learn from her mistakes. She’s going to be a nuisance until the end.

  38. Tessa says:

    When Philip passed on, Fergie started running to the media again. At least Philip kept her from going to media outlets playing victim card.

  39. Tessa says:

    She associated with Epstein herself. She does not know enough to keep quiet, with her “defense” of Andrew.

  40. Joanna says:

    She is so unlikeable! She seems like a total Karen and loves to play the victim.

  41. Ameerah says:

    More than the woman who was chased to her death?? I can see why Philip hated her so much. He saw her for what she was. And I can see why she and Andrew do well together. They’re exactly the same.

  42. Fanciful says:

    I mean, she wasn’t beheaded, right?

    Meanwhile I can’t stop singing Sergent Peppers!

  43. alane says:

    Sarah, as usual, gives herself too much credit and she’s certainly not as important as she’d like to believe.