Queen Elizabeth will ‘have words’ with William about his use of helicopters

Duke of Cambridge new job

Last week, there was a strange story about how Queen Elizabeth was very worried about Prince William’s use of private helicopters, like the private helicopter she gave him as a bribe to do more work. William and Kate have a dedicated private helicopter which they use constantly, sometimes to go to work events but mostly to gallivant around the country for non-work-related activities. William and Kate are far from the only royals to act this way – Prince Charles travels almost exclusively by private jet and helicopter, and the Queen frequently travels by helicopter too. But there’s more history and backstory with the Queen’s alleged “concerns” about royals using helicopters apparently. From Eden Confidential:

When it was disclosed last week that the Queen was having ‘sleepless nights’ over Prince William flying his wife and their children around in a helicopter, there was bemusement as to why she had become so worried. Now, however, a source close to the monarch has revealed the secret reason for her fear: she’s still haunted by a helicopter accident that killed the Captain of the Queen’s Flight and three others.

‘It put her off completely,’ the source tells me. ‘That’s why she’s so worried about William and his family.’

The source says the Queen, who is at Windsor Castle, will be ‘having words’ with the Duke of Cambridge when he returns from Norfolk, where he’s spending Christmas with Catherine and their three children.

It was in December 1967 that the Captain of the Queen’s Flight, Air Commodore John Blount, was killed when he was flying in a Westland Whirlwind that crashed near Newbury, Berkshire. Three other members of the Flight were killed. An inquest blamed metal fatigue in the gearbox. No royal was on board but Prince Philip had recently been flying the same aircraft. The Queen was so upset that she refused to contemplate rotary air travel altogether.

As a result, she did not set foot in a helicopter until, finally, she had no choice. During her 1977 Silver Jubilee, as my colleague Robert Hardman revealed in his book Our Queen, she was determined to visit all parts of her kingdom. Her ministers told her that if she wanted to visit Northern Ireland, the only safe way was in a chopper. She obliged, but with a heavy heart. And to this day, she dislikes them, especially in winter, and will not board one after dark.

[From The Daily Mail]

The last time the Queen left Windsor, she traveled to Norfolk… by helicopter. That was in November. In October, she was hospitalized before she could travel – by helicopter – to Northern Ireland. While she might have had qualms about helicopters at some point in her life, she’s clearly gotten over it. I actually think all of this talk about the Queen’s concerns about William specifically might be something else. I wonder what preceded it? I feel like there was probably a close call with William recently, don’t you? Something was covered up. Maybe a technical malfunction in the air, or maybe William thought he could pilot the chopper and… he f–ked up, something like that. I wonder.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (L) looks on as Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (R) asks a question about forensics work as they visit the Energetics Analysis Centre as they visit the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) at Porton Down science park near Salisbury, southern England, on October 15, 2020. - The Queen and the Duke of Cambridge visited the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) where they were to view displays of weaponry and tactics used in counter intelligence, a demonstration of a Forensic Explosives Investigation and meet staff who were involved in the Salisbury Novichok incident. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness also formally opened the new Energetics Analysis Centre.

The Queen And Prince William attend the ceremony of the Keys in Edinburgh

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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148 Responses to “Queen Elizabeth will ‘have words’ with William about his use of helicopters”

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  1. Nina says:

    Yesterday’s thread on Twitter revealed that William was using helicopter often during lockdowns to go and visit his mistresses. I find that completely believable and I think that’s definitely something the Queen would flag with him.

    This article is actually full of code words how Queen is worried about many of Williams affairs, he’s probably less discreet about it than his grandpa

    • OriginalLala says:

      Yesterday’s #PrinceWilliamAffair Twitter thread was glorious, just glorious. I hope this is the beginning of a tidal wave of reporting on his shenanigans

      • Noki says:

        Damn not on twitter! Is there somewhere to go read the threads ?

      • Jan says:

        Can you believe over 50K in Australia had it trending.
        KP had Twitter trying to kill it, but it was popping in other countries.
        KP bought Bots to try trending WilliamsIsKing, alas it failed.

      • Lauren says:

        As @Noki said, yes, please, where can I read this?! Link?

      • Seaflower says:

        @noki and @lauren go for a wander through here https://twitter.com/search?q=%23princewilliamaffair&src=trend_click&vertical=trends

        One of my faves is “Every time #PrinceWilliam has an affair, a hair follicle loses its wings.”

      • Lauren says:

        Thanks @Seaflower!

      • CE says:

        I do hope we get a #princewilliamaffair update on celebitchy today. I was refreshing the feed all afternoon yesterday and it was delightful. Ps, do we all know the rumors about his love child/ren yet?? That was news to me

      • Seraphina says:

        Twitter was GLORIOUS yesterday. And I loved how countries were posting that the hashtag was popular. My fingers hurt from refreshing the feed.

      • Truthiness says:

        The person who referred to Will as Norfolk’s community peen cracked me up! The palace got twitter to remove it from appearing as trending and they kept at it. Respect.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Yep, “using helicopters” is a euphemism for “visiting his mistresses”

      • Liz Version 700 says:

        The #PrinceWilluamsaffsirs hashtag was the gift that kept giving and giving. Kip would get it taken down and 3 more would pop up. It was like Twitter was one big Boston/Canadian/Australian tea party. It feels like the walls have some leaks in them and the helicopter is grounded for a bit lol

    • Seaflower says:

      There was a comment from one of the Norfolk “dogging” locals about how he was down there three times a week.

      • Jan says:

        Someone explained dogging is like wildcatting, another said it is having sex in an open field with others watching.
        Norfolk Toffs are something else.

      • Seaflower says:

        @Jan i was wondering about that – I saw someone comment that they recognised him even though he wore a mask, a the responses were hilarious and suggestive of sex parties

      • Noki says:

        Thanks Seaflower, wow its nice to know outside of our Celebitchy community there are others who see through the BS.

      • Kaydee says:

        The dogging comment is a fun rabbit hole to follow on Twitter. Maybe that’s the scandal though. Maybe it’s not an out of wedlock kid, but prince Williams ‘Norfolk Community Peen’ on full display.

      • Harper says:

        Maybe in addition to being on full display, the NCP is also on film and stored in the vault at The Times or The Fail?

    • manda says:

      I was looking for some juicy tidbits like that and just kept seeing the same stuff over and over. I was all about looking at twitter all day! I’m still new to twitter and I kept, like, resetting the feed. It was frustrating! I’ll have to do some more hunting today

    • Chic says:

      It was the cost$$ of the rides that were incredible when the sovereign grant expenditures were revealed earlier this year. Unfortunately, the only thing folks paid attention to some funding to HM around the time of Sussexit because the budget calendars are different in UK. The rides occurred during lockdown when Kweens were zooming

    • Denise says:

      Agreef @CE, I was hoping for #princewilliamaffair update today on this site and was very surprised nothing came out about that. So much has been revealed and Twitter has been on fire, I was hoping we’d get a space to discuss it, rather than hijacking other stories

    • Rea says:

      QE clapped back at other countries for not being eco-friendly and now they are clapping back at her. This is a good PR stunt to create the eco friendly queen image she wants by “straighting out her house.”

  2. Anna says:

    I would rather belive it was Charles job to have a word with William. TQ is probably not in a good health

    • SarahLee says:

      Charles doesn’t have the balls.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Or Charles is happy to stand back and have William’s many affairs revealed through these helo trips.

      • KFG says:

        Lolll. People on Twitter are doing comparisons between Jecca Craig’s kid and Rose 🌹 kids and then the Cambridge kids and seeing a lot of similarities. The queen is worried that a non-RR is going to get photos of billyboy and his babymamas and then the monarch really tumbles while she’s alive. Lolol you love to see it.

      • Rebecca says:

        @KFG Yes. Yesterday I realized that #teamsussex understands that the way to retaliate for the way Meghan was treated is to focus their collective, vocal attention on W’s rumoured infidelity & potential love children. Everything KP does to shoot it down just makes him look guilty & we have all these videos emerging of journalists acknowledging that they dare not speak of “open secrets” because they fear his bully lawyers.

        It’s a potential reputation killer.
        W’s only real selling point is his happy, stable family life.

  3. Alexandria says:

    A bit late Queenie he’s 40 soon. It’s called monarchy, you can’t change who was firstborn unless you abolish the whole damn thing.

  4. Dee (2) says:

    Close call, or they need to explain all the trips he has made in the past year when their engagement numbers are so low. It’s all smoke and mirrors there. Whatever we think is the reason, its probably something much worse, or likelier a much more stupid reason. They always manage to make a bad situation worse with their reactions.

    • ML says:

      Agreed. This story (Queen suddenly worried about a means of travel all of the RF continually use due to ???) make no sense on the surface. It has to be code for something else and TOB will understand whatever they’re alluding to. Either unsafe travel and/ or climate-unfriendly, expensive booty calls are good guesses.

      • DuchessL says:

        Totally agree! It’s code for something else and a hint that if you’re gonna go to the the booty calls at least make it so that the figures make sense. I wonder how many helicopter rides vs his number of events in 2021.

  5. C-Shell says:

    But, but … however will he get back and forth to Norfolk three times a week?!

    Sorry, I’ve been spending too much time on #PrinceWilliamAffair #PrinceWilliam. The revelations have been appalling.

    • Jais says:

      I think we all have C-shell. 😂 It’s funny AF. Hair follicles losing their wings, bdsm sex scandals, secret love children. Helicoptering as a euphemism for spreading that community peen.

      At the end of the day, all I know is William and Kate treated Meghan in such a cruel and malicious way that this just feels like a tiny bit of karmic retribution. Imagine there is a whole lot more karma that they deserve and we’ll just have to wait and see if they ever get it.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jais, same- whenever I start to feel guilty for enjoying it, I remember how appallingly they treated Meghan— pure cruelty, sustained over years— and I’m instantly over it. They deserve every bit of backlash they receive.

  6. JT says:

    For starters, the queen will do absolutely nothing in regards to his helicopter usage, just like she does nothing with his laziness. On Twitter yesterday most of the helicopter talk had to do with the fact that he’s using the choppers to visit his booty calls and that was the problem. I tend to believe her “concern”, if she actually cares, has more to do with why he’s using them and not over safety issues. They all use helicopters like we use cars, why would she be up in arms now?

  7. Lili says:

    Wait, She gifted Him a Helicopter as an incentive to be more productive and has now developed irrational fears for his safety based on a crash that happened over 50years ago? Make it make sense. i thought there was a hidden message about him using the copter to meet his mistress. but if this is the way they want to handle it I dont fancy their chances of success

    • notasugarhere says:

      She didn’t gift anything. The helicopter is leased, each trip paid by the taxpayers. And William isn’t flying it, he’s never been a qualified pilot. But as mentioned above, hiding the cost of dozens of trips to nowhere last year may be difficult.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I think it’s the press using the Queen as a means to yank William’s chain. The deal he struck with the press means they can’t outwardly criticise him for anything, including his too frequent helicopter flights, so they’re using the Queen’s “fears” for his safety as a way to talk about the issue. Without that deal the press would have been outraged about the increase in the number of helicopter rides during a time when people were required to stay at home but they kept quiet.

    • Seraphina says:

      From the rumors on Twitter in regards to his use of the chopper, I would say you are on to something Amy Bee.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, I think these stories are all about getting William’s helicopter usage into the public conversation, using the Queen’s “concern” as an excuse.

    • Jaded says:

      The tabloids have kept quiet about a LOT of Prince Doggo’s indiscretions. They’re sitting on a veritable gold mine of heli-philandering and I hope I live to see it splashed all over the BM in full colour.

      • Chrissy (The Original) says:

        Love the term “heli-philandering”, Jaded. Making fun of Little Willy is a gift that keeps on giving. Love it.

    • Rebecca says:

      I agree with you, but why now, do you think?

      It wouldn’t be to deflect from the Maxwell verdict, would it?

      • KC says:

        @Rebecca THISSSSSSSS!!!!!! As amusing as this Twitter trend is I keep thinking there’s only two reasons we’re now hearing about what’s been in play for a good while.
        1-deflection from the Maxwell verdict which is directly connected to PA and
        2-H and M have exited stage left so they can’t deflect with horrid stories about her anymore and William is getting tossed to the wolves. They have nothing else to give to the BM so they’re eating him alive. Gone are the days of protection for him and his 5 foreheads!

  9. blackfemmebot says:

    With the amount of covering up and just general shadiness surrounding William I honestly would not be surprised to find out if the man just fully killed somebody else with his stupidity and recklessness. I can’t think of any reason (even the affair) why everyone is going to such great lengths to shield this grown man from accountability, consequences and the need to learn self restraint

    • swirlmamad says:

      I’m starting to believe the love child rumors have some legs at this point. Knowing how Charles carried on while married to Diana and the world didn’t end as a result, you are right that it doesn’t seem like it would JUST be an affair. Now an outside kid? And just maybe, what if it was one born even before George? Yeah, I think that would be a pretty big problem for the Firm and one they’d absolutely want to keep under wraps…

      • Nyro says:

        I definitely believe the love child rumors.

      • Rebecca says:

        I’m inclined to believe the rumours, too. Boris Johnson’s sister was quoted as saying she had heard an incendiary piece of gossip about a member of the RF, presumably W & people keep saying journalists have had “evidence” of the affair for some time.

      • Gabby says:

        Is there a kid out there with the unmistakable Wills teeth? That would be a dead giveaway.

      • Becks1 says:

        The love child rumors make the most sense to me, because that would have significant repercussions for the monarchy. Even if an illegitimate child can’t be in the line of succession, it’s still going to raise the question, “why not?” In this day and age, are we still going to use marriage as a marker of a child’s worth? I think that whole discussion could be hugely problematic for the royals.

      • Harper says:

        I saw a tweet yesterday during the Festival Of #Princewilliamaffair Trending that said Will started seeing Rose in 2014/2015 and she was preggers in 2016. I never really bought the Rose has Will’s kid idea, but now I’m thinking that Kate got her third child for something bigger than just being embarrassed about William’s Dad Dancing. Someone also suggested that Will wanted Anmer specifically to be close to Rose when there were other Royal residences he could have gotten.

      • Tara says:

        If there’s a child, the next question would be “where is the child support coming from?” The taxpayers shouldn’t be footing the bill for illegitimate children. Of course, this is all just speculation on my part.

    • Nyro says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised either. I can totally see William getting involved in some kind of “Riot Club” situation or accidentally killing a prostitute or some other reckless, wealthy, toxic white man type of stuff that gets covered up.

  10. Jan says:

    Why would a 95 year old be worried, when she uses a helicopter and her son uses one like catching a bus or train.
    Did Cain use it often to visit his rose bush in Norfolk.

  11. Over it says:

    Or she thinks if she can keep him grounded, then she puts a stop to his cheating. Lolol. Good luck with that one petty.

    • notasugarhere says:

      She gave Kate a ‘thanks for not caring about his cheating ribbon’ in 2019. I doubt she cares about his cheating, rather the over-use of the helicopter that is difficult to hide.

      • Rebecca says:

        Yes, QE herself welcomed Philip’s “riding companion” at his funeral. Women in those circles are expected to accept infidelity. The problem must be lack of discretion and/or lovechildren.

        William, of all people, should know better.

  12. Louise177 says:

    This story makes zero sense. The whole family uses helicopters regularly. Why would a decades old crash be a problem now?

  13. Over it says:

    And why is she so worried about Willy being in one and not the next in line? I call bs.

    • Lara (the other) says:

      Being completly cynical, for the survival of the monachy it would be better if Charles died befor William.
      The fist King after QE2 will most likley not be oustet, but a King WIlliam inheriting the Throne after 10 or 15 years of King Charles? Pretty high risk.
      King Charles, son of Diana taking over from QE2 shortly after the tragic death of his father? Enough public sympathy to keep him safe. And he has enough decades left to stabilize the system and George to grow up to be a cute photogenetic Prince and Tabloid fodder.

      • equality says:

        If you want cynicism, PC then George as monarchs would be better. PC, at least, has a work ethic and will work on decreasing the numbers on the public dole. He also supposedly plans to not reside in the actual palaces but find other uses for them and he is a better steward of the land, environmentally, than W. People turned on H despite being Di’s son, the same could happen with W.

      • Lara (the other) says:

        True, if Charles inherits his mothers longlivity.
        The whole concept that you have to wait for your parents to die to get your job is cynical.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Only a tiny percentage of Diana stans don’t want Charles to be king. The rest of the population want him or frankly don’t care. Charles will be king, for a couple of decades. If the monarchy fails, it will not be because of Charles but because everyone has been waiting until the Queen passes to dump the monarchy.

      • Merricat says:

        Nota, agreed.

    • SarahLee says:

      One of the stories I read indicated that she WAS worried that William was flying the whole family. That would be the 2nd through 5th in line killed in an instant. Which would then lead to HUGE quaking on Salty Isle because suddenly we would be talking about the future King Henry and Queen Megan.

      • swirlmamad says:

        I feel like that was the RRs stirring the pot. Doesn’t mean he was flying with the whole family with any regularity at all. As in, let’s poke the bear (alluding to W’s mysterious copter rides) and also let’s rile up the racist masses by suggesting that if something were to happen, y’all are looking at a black queen and her race-traitor husband as king. The horror! [end sarcasm]

      • Ann says:

        They have flown together as a family. I saw a picture of them all getting on a helicopter, so I imagine it happens sometimes and that worries TQ because yes, then it would be Harry.

  14. Aurora says:

    This is code for: William you’re being sloppy. Your numerous non-work related helicopter flights are suspicious. Please be more discreet about seeing your lovers.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Are helicopter flight plans public records? If so, using them for booty calls is just stupid enough that I can believe Prince Thumb has been doing it regularly.

      • Jaded says:

        It’s my understanding that flight plans can be accessed by the public, but for quickie heli flights the pilot only has to file an abbreviated flight plan that contains basic information like if it’s crossing a noise control zone or flight path, and only includes the destination if it’s landing at an airport, not someone’s private property.

  15. Mslove says:

    I guess we’ll never really know what this family does, it seems they are well protected by the media. I still don’t understand the need to protect William & his secrets, Charles was rumored to have a love child too. It’s not the 1950’s anymore, I don’t think people would be that shocked by his mistress having his children.

    • Shawna says:

      Although illegitimate children can’t be added to the line of succession, having a love child would invalidate William’s only claim to good fame—his apparent difference from his dad in being a faithful husband and devoted father. It could also open up the RF to blackmail and to conversations about the taxpayers funding a second family, as well as shattering the press’s silence on *all* William’s sins and secrets….once the press decides they’ll earn more money by informing on him than by protecting him in their current quid pro quo arrangement.

    • Merricat says:

      The real story is not that William cheated–that is not surprising–but that he threw his sister in law to the wolves to hide his infidelities. That is despicable.

      • Mslove says:

        William seems to be proud to be a raging racist, but shhh! don’t talk about his side chicks.

      • Shawna says:

        Trouble is, I think it’s the real story only to a certain kind of person… In the US, for example… For readers of the daily fail, do they really care Megan was thrown to the wolves? They were more than happy to join in.

      • Merricat says:

        Yes, U.S. readers take evidence of abuse and chicanery pretty seriously, especially against one of our own. Bitter Isle is no longer a serious contender in global reputation, so they’re just preaching to the increasingly small royalist choir at this point.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I actually think having a child outside of marriage NOW makes it more complicated than it would have been 50 years ago. Sure, it would have been more *shameful* 50 years ago, but society generally wouldn’t expect an “illegitimate” child to have claims to anything, like money, titles, etc. But nowdays, society would ask “why not?” and THAT would make it a bigger issue.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Yes, look at the case of Princess Delphine, the King of Belgium’s daughter born out of wedlock and lawfully recognized as Princess of Belgium with the HRH. Even her two children have the same privileges. The king had to submit to DNA testing as ordered by the courts and she won her suit.

  16. Lili says:

    I am begining to believe this eden Character is a little unhinged, or he has heard of chatter about a plot to harm William. and on the one hand All i see him doing is giving hints to would be nut jobs of ways and means of Harming the FFK. As Tech moves we hope we build in safety measures to help prevent things like Metal fatigue or safety checks are run on a regular bases.

  17. lanne says:

    So much for the environment, huh? All those helicopter trips during the pandemic, with no work to show for it. The press has to make their coins somehow, so they are jerking Willies chain hard. No Sussexes for sustenance, and a coddled, racist prince who has a Mariah Carey closet sized skeleton storage space. Twitter yesterday was hopefully more holes in the dam. What the hell are the ratchets protecting Cain and Unable for anyway? No one really gives a rats ass about them—they don’t have the public engagement of the Sussexes. They have racist deranger Sussex haters as supporters, not Cambridge lovers. I expect more stories like this.

    • Nyro says:

      Love the Mariah Carey closet reference. The most iconic episode of cribs.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      “They have racist deranger Sussex haters as supporters, not Cambridge lovers” – Ding ding ding! This is why the Cambridges still need to buy “likes” and positive comments, because people don’t really like *them,* they just hate Harry and Meghan. And it’s why the tabloids have to drag Harry and Meghan’s name into everything, because without H&M, nobody would bother with their articles. At some point, the tabloids will need to turn on the rest of the royals (Andrew, William) to drum up readership because dirt sells.

  18. Plums says:

    lol “using the helicopter too much” is quite the euphemism. they’re definitely yanking his chain.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Yep.lol The Queen doesn’t want Willy using the royal helicopter for his parts visiting different areas of her kingdom.

  19. equality says:

    It’s either a ploy to start the “Harry could become king” moaning again, some sort of strange warning shot to Will about something or PW trying to pump up his own importance to TQ. PC traveled with H&W when they were children. William has talked about flying on some old, out-of-use helicopter with Charles. Was there as much whining about “Andrew could become king”? So Andrew and H flew in actual combat and TQ lost no sleep? Only PW matters? It is interesting that the article makes sure to point out that PW didn’t spend Christmas with TQ though.

    • The Hench says:

      I knew that the “Queen is afraid of her family flying in helicopters’ story was nonsense but your point further highlights just how stupid it is. This crash referenced was in 1967. Andrew’s navy career was as a helicopter pilot and he flew in active combat in the 1980s. Harry was a helicopter pilot in the army and also flew in active combat and Baldimort himself was ALSO a helicopter search and rescue pilot in the RAF and then became a co-pilot for the air ambulance – in a helicopter the Queen paid for. Not only have all three had actual JOBS as helicopter pilots but have flown them in situations much more hair raising and dangerous than commuting from KP to Houghton Hall to see sidepieces.

      So, yeah – this story is absolutely code for something else. Unless it’s just more rubbish to fill pages.

  20. KayDee says:

    I agree- it was great to see everyone finally taking about it. But I still can’t understand the media blackout on this- high court injunction or not. Fight it. Take legal action to fight it and report on the legal action you are taking- do something. And that’s in the UK. What about the US, Canada, Australia- what excuse do those journalist have? It’s pathetic. Does no one want a scoop anymore? It’s like that reporter who admitted on air to having a story and burying it- I can’t even remember the story now- but remember her saying she had the story years ago….was it Prince Andrew? I don’t get it. Journalist are supposed to be truth seekers and truth exposers.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It’s why calling a large portion of them journalists is laughable. I’m still amazed how quickly Bad Dad’s Sunshine interview when he went off script with the stopping the wedding comment was pulled and *crickets* from the BM.

    • Marivic says:

      Yes, that was ABC’s Amy Robach. She said she had the story/ the interview with Virginia Giuffre for three years. But her network failed to publish the interview where she accused
      Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew of sexual misconduct. When BP found out the palace threatened the network in several ways, one of which was they will not have access to interview Kate and William. BP is no different from a dictator. Just like many countries under a dictatorship, the UK media is not free. It is controlled and regulated by those in power like the royal family. It is governed by intimidation. And I thought UK is first world ?

      • swirlmamad says:

        When the hell have William and Kate given a substantive interview aside from their engagement call anyway? Like that would be any big loss, losing access to them? That threat still doesn’t make enough sense for a reputable network to suppress news about a subject who is not even a national citizen. There has to be something else at play here.

      • Kaydee says:

        Thank you for the recap @Mirivic I couldn’t remember. Journalists and their network really need to grow a backbone. No one is interviewing William or Kate anyway, so where’s the loss. It’s ridiculous. This stuff of important. I wonder often what the history books will say of this family at this time. We need these things to be a matter of official public record so history can be recorded accurately. In 200 years I would hate to think that the prevailing narrative is still how William is wonderful, Kate is Keen and M&H ruined it all.

        @swrilmamad – it’s also not interviews it’s access- so credentialling to royal events – that’s what they are worried about loosing.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ I think we need to remember that Amy Robach spoke about having wanted to run a news report on the Epstein/ Andrew situation a number of years ago, prior to Harry meeting Meghan, or at least prior to the M&H engagement and marriage. It was at a time when W&K were likely still held in some regard by U.S. networks. Plus, who knows what else might have been threatened by the palace to kill the Andrew/Epstein story way back when. Robach was upset about not being first to break news that’s completely out now.

        I don’t think U.S. networks and media outlets are overly fussed about not having access to royals in the way that the British media and rota ratchets would be upset about. But anyway, the time frame of the ‘no access to W&K’ pushback threat, was awhile ago. Today, there’s not much leverage in withholding interviews or access to W&K. They aren’t that popular in the U.S. In America, the savvy and amazing British-American royal couple reigns supreme.

        Still obviously, the stature of the Salty Isle royal institution remains in play, and they apparently have enough clout to kill stories in the U.K., and to get Twitter to try and rename hashtags. LOL! In any case, the Sussex Squad has sent a strong message to royal ratchets to stop with the gratuitous OTT nonsense lies against M&H, or else!

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Um . . . does anyone remember what happened to Epstein? For all we know, the threats could be more than just “losing access.”

    • Alexandria says:

      I don’t get it either. What exactly do serious journalists or clown gossipers give up if they release the scoop with a good legal team? Access to the royal family or kids? What kind of access do they want? They’re kids, leave them alone. At most they will show you their drawings? As for other royals news, what earth shattering news do they have? They cut ribbons and open community centres or hospitals. What do the royals offer? Authorized access to write autobiographies? Then what? What else?

      • Gigi says:

        Folks still want invites to those Buckingham Palace handshake lines, or to be tapped for royal events and initiatives, or to be invited to high profile dinners where royals will be present.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ @Alexandria and @Gigi, please see my previous post just before your posts. It makes a bit more sense if you take into account the time frame in question. Plus, we also don’t know what else might have been said to stop the reporting way back when.

  21. Jay says:

    Well, I too think this is someone sending a message to William that he’s being sloppy. Especially with his newfound love of the environment, and the Flybe stunting, people are more aware than ever of the hypocrisy, and perhaps wondering why he needs to fly so frequently for so few public appearances.

  22. Lorelei says:

    For some reason, the very first thing that popped into my mind after reading this is that this is Charles using “the Queen” as cover in the press for his own concerns, because he knows she hasn’t got much time left.

    He knows that nobody cares what *Charles* thinks about anything, but he’s going to use the “but this is upsetting our dear Queen, her majesty!” for as long as he possibly can. But this is total speculation, who knows with these people.

    • Startup Spouse says:

      I like this. What if this is Charles yanking W’s chain?

      What if the Twitter events yesterday were somehow a plant from CH as Charles’s revenge on W for all of the crown-skipping nonsense coming from KP? I love it!

      • swirlmamad says:

        Then I would have to tip my hat to him…Charles certainly would prove himself a master of the long game, if that were the case.

    • Jay says:

      I think so, too, @Lorelei, or at least that the courtiers and the media often use “the Queen” as a stand in when they want to criticize, because her name is unassailable. How many times have we heard about “the queen” being distressed or saddened by x, when it’s highly unlikely for her to be involved at all. So far, invoking the Queen has been their trump card in all situations, and it has been effective.

  23. swirlmamad says:

    Yup, she’s pissed that he’s using the chopper to lay his scepter with who-knows-which of the Toff ladies. When you think about it in the terms of Brits always talking “between the lines”….it’s kinda obvious that it has to be that, or something close to it.

    • notasugarhere says:

      QEII wouldn’t care about him cheating, she gave Kate the ribbon for putting up with it. She’d be more worried about the costs coming out in public.

  24. eb says:

    Twitter speculation yesterday strongly suggested that Tob’s relationship with Rose predated her quickie marriage, which she got because she was enceinte. Where’s Maurey when you need him?

    • Becks1 says:

      Nah, likely not. Someone on here said that they were together for 3 years by 2020, so 2017ish. That fits with the storyline about Kate trying to phase out Rose and all that.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Agreed. Those twins are Rocksavage’s sons, and I don’t believe the talk around the daughter.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Eh, I agree with Becks and nota. It’s unlikely that any of those kids are Will’s. Bloodlines matter to this crowd, even to people like David who have had lots of speculation about being gay. The engagement/marriage/pregnancy announcement all in one week is…interesting, but I think that’s just a case of them fooling around and figuring they’d both benefit from getting married after she got pregnant.

    • Lizzie says:

      It was suggested that protecting a child could be the basis for the super injunction that Wills lawyers got to squash the story.

      • Merricat says:

        I don’t think William cares for anyone but himself.

      • swirlmamad says:

        @Merricat, William wouldn’t have gotten the super injunction for the (alleged) child’s sake — it would be for his own. Agree that he probably cares more about keeping his golden boy halo atop his head more than anything else.

  25. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    That picture where she’s giving Cambridge the hairy eyeball 😆😆😆😆
    Other than that, I am here to say I like Her Maj in blue. Actually I like her in a lot of the bolder colors. I read somewhere years ago that she deliberately does that (as well as having the hats off the face) because “I have to be seen to be believed”
    95 and STILL out dresses the women in her family

  26. notasugarhere says:

    Setting the groundwork for ‘W&K HAD to move to Windsor/Berkshire to cut down on their helicopter trips to/from Norfolk’ ?

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Maybe. But in that case, the question is whether they’re giving up 1A or Anmer Hall in turn. Even with the media covering for them, they’d still get *some* pushback for having three homes (and the lightest workload in the RF). There was that story a few months back about them feeling “overlooked” at KP, which apparently means they didn’t like the amount of eyes and ears on them. I wonder if they’ll try to shift away from that location entirely.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Backlash would be too big if they dump Apartment 1A. It might end up being four homes, with one place for Kate and a separate one for William at Windsor. Not openly but known by the staff, like Wood Farm vs. Anmer Hall on Sandringham. Excuse could be they cannot bear to send their eldest to boarding school, the ailing Queen needs them close at Windsor.

        As Anmer is on private property, they might keep that one with the excuse of having somewhere to stay during big royal family events at Sandringham.

  27. Nyro says:

    Not wishing anything on him but William is one of the celebrities whose helicopter use rivaled Kobe’s. It’s foolish to be riding around in a helicopter just go go visit some friends or because you don’t want to drive an hour to the next town over for an engagement.

  28. Eurydice says:

    I think it’s the BM stirring the pot to see what happens. Yesterday’s random unhinged story caused a delicious Twitter firestorm, with all sorts of yummy treats dredged up from the past. Somebody out there knows something and if the BM can’t find it out directly or reveal it directly, then it’s going to pop up in social media somehow.

    • Snuffles says:

      It’s a whole lot of somebodies that know stuff. They’re just not talking because of hidden contracts and injunctions. I’m sure many are chomping at the bit to talk.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, that’s why I wonder about yesterday’s twitterstorm. The way to get around hidden contracts and injunctions is to plant seeds on social media and hope it blows up to something noticeable. Then news outlets that don’t have hidden contracts can pick it up and run with it.

  29. Rapunzel says:

    I have always believed William was hiding something huge.

    The way his rage is always mentioned, I really don’t think it’s a love child, or Eyes Wide Shut style activities. I think he’s honestly seriously hurt or killed someone (perhaps during some Eyes Wide Shut style activities).

    The way the press continually hint at his anger issues, and the way Harry was “needed” for Will’s reign, is them yanking his chain about what violence they know he’s capable of.

    I think there’s honestly no other explanation for why the press harps on that part of his personality.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Rapunzel, I believe Harry was used to cover up Will’s dark personality. In Katie Nicholl’s story Wills & the Real Girl she talked about the rumor of Will & Guy Spelly at Club H and heavy drinking and licking ice cream off one of their girlfriends. To be honest, she was probably drunk too and under the influence of other things, no position of consent. Probably not the first of many times that Will thought it was okay he did something because he was royal. Just like Uncle Andrew and others. I agree, it’s more than an affair or child. Something dark outside of aristo circles is more fitting.imo

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Rapunzel, I believe Harry was used to cover up Will’s dark personality. In Katie Nicholl’s story Wills & the Real Girl she talked about the rumor of Will & Guy Spelly at Club H and heavy drinking and licking ice cream off one of their girlfriends. To be honest, she was probably drunk too and under the influence of other things, no position of consent. Probably not the first of many times that Will thought it was okay he did something because he was royal. Just like Uncle Andrew and others. I agree, it’s more than an affair or child. Something dark outside of aristo circles is more fitting.imo

  30. Div says:

    My guess is Rose Hanbury, as in he’s been taking a helicopter to Norfolk to often to visit her. I feel like the tabs have been slowly testing the waters and are starting to throw stuff at Wills.

    Wasn’t it some major journalist-I think one from the Sunday Times-who said something like “I can’t wait until we can openly talk about William” and then promptly deleted? I really, really wish one of the British press would just violate the injunction…maybe freelance and do a piece for a US paper.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Or it isn’t Rose or not anymore. Rather that Rose and Rocksavage have been providing a place for William to have multiple affairs the entire time W&K have been at Anmer Hall. Weekly flights to Norfolk for him to have affairs with anyone he wanted, under cover of Houghton Hall.

      • Nic919 says:

        An account named Stepford princess stated that William’s been involved with a Danish gymnast, a restaurant owner or daughter of a restaurant owner and a British athlete.

        Maybe it’s all made up but it’s an interesting level of specificity, well beyond saying it’s a lawyer or banker from London.

      • Harper says:

        He was in lockdown at Sandringham or Anmer during the pandemic, so he didn’t need the copter to see Rose. He could always take one of his favorite mental health walks through the hedges to get to her. So was he flying from Norfolk to London to keep the lawyer/banker/gymnast/restaurant prodigy satisfied whilst they were parted by the dreadfully inconvenient covid?

      • equality says:

        That would make more sense. PC covered up many affairs by claiming Cam as love of his life and used that PR to recover from divorcing Di. If it came out that Will, whose PR is family man, had Many affairs that would be worse than just one he could pass off as falling for and he and Kate growing apart. Being a player comes off way worse.

  31. Bettyrose says:

    I feel like no one is appreciating that William found a way to put his years of helicopter training to use. 🤔

    • notasugarhere says:

      LOL. Seeing as he never finished training and has has never been a qualified pilot? There are several pilots out there who can tell tales about how often they’ve ferried William to see other women.

      • Bettyrose says:

        Well that’s disappointing. My image of him bravely flying through high winds and treacherous winter conditions all for love is totally shattered. It’s like there’s no hero story here at all. ☹️

  32. Lizzie says:

    My news feed at work (a very large and global company) has a link to the story (Prince William Is Facing a New Round of Accusations About His Alleged Affair With Rose Hanbury on Twitter) on SheKnows. This news is blanketing the US even though I don’t thin it’s covered by on air media. Looking forward to the W&K’s NY trip next year. US media better be up to the job.

    • lanne says:

      I don’t think those cowards are coming. No agreement with the media here. And the Cambridges couldn’t handle the Sussex comparisons and discussion. too thin skinned.

  33. Ann says:

    What confuses me is people using a helicopter so much to get around a country that’s pretty small? How long is the car trip from, say, Windsor to Norfolk? Is it even that terribly far to Scotland?

    It’s all relative. I live in Houston but grew up outside NYC, and for years I went back and forth to school on trains. I knew how to drive but never owned a car until I moved here. Up there, you pass through four states in a the course of a few hours. Here? Just the opposite. The four or five hours to Dallas or Austin is not considered a long drive. People will make the eight hour drive to South Padre Island to go to the beach, or even drive to Colorado to go skiing, which I think takes maybe ten hours.

    I don’t get taking helicopters to go such short distances. Is the drive that onerous? I would think there would be some nice scenery?

    • Seaflower says:

      When I lived in the US, I attended a UK-US Naval ball. The British Rear Admiral who spoke got huge laughter when he said that Brits think 400 km to travel is a long way, and that Yanks think 400 years history is a long time.

      I live in Australia and will regularly drive Sydney-Canberra return in a day which is 650km round trip, just to attend an hour medical appointment.

      i suppose it comes down to thinking your time is more important than money for the royals and rich people.

  34. aquarius64 says:

    I think Lord Rothermere wants revenge for ANL losing in court to Meghan. Bulliam/KP was suppose to secure a win for it and they didn’t. Throwing chum in the SM waters helps gage interest in a royal sex scandal; the use of taxpayer funded helicopters to meet up with side chicks lends to legitimate interest.

  35. Well Wisher says:

    This is the third instance of helicopter travel, in recent week and confirmation of a marriage in decline, obvious with the apparent emotional detachment of male partner in said marriage.
    One can surmise that rf members employed by said tabloid have to earn their keep, the pap invasion of Meghan, no longer pays since no one that visits the fail (online to read the usual linked items of inflated comments), for one story stays long enough to generate ad revenue.
    It is time for Bill to pay? Positive stories wrapped with Harry are not enough so negative, not enough to tarnish the already tarnished golden boy needed for his future influence? Time will tell.
    Or the aristos figure it’s time to move to the next stage? Is Kate’s future title up for grabs? She will stay as long as his influence is intact to the unwashed masses, and/or the aristocracy reclaimed one of their own even if he is damaged goods?
    To imagine this started by an imagined threat from the Sussexes’ popularity as demonstrated by their time in the limelight. The Cambridges should have seen the spotlight as a blessing as he was allowed to have his affair.
    Fragile egos and mediocrity created this scenario whereby the tables can be turned and the scheming Middleclass get a dose of their own medicine while the toff gets promoted?
    While none of the persons involved in this fiasco are blameless nice people, and this could have been avoided by self examination and an healthy respect for the possible negative ramifications.
    Remember how Tatler turned on unself-aware Kate? I write this with no delight, she’s way in over her head.
    Stay tuned.
    Questioning one’s emotions invites a proper response to a situation, rather than reacting in a calculated manner to any situation.
    Do not make a mountain out of a mole hill.
    Meghan, the human being, was never a threat to anyone in the UK, she was not anyone’s mistress with a secret.

    • Well Wisher says:

      The contract is on Kate will be Princess of Wales as Camilla has the garter, considered the highest order, a concession to the latter being named QC.
      Would this really matter since the influence of the Royal family is waning, because of their tawdry interactions with business owners rather than distance from all politicians?
      There’s the usual infantilizing, sanitizing and obfuscation with smoke and mirrors. The contrast to Meghan for the pitchfork crowd but the declining marriage is more apparent.
      No amount of rewrites will dissuade me of Meghan, the human being, integrity. I believe her.

  36. Robin Samuels says:

    I’m not sure the Queen remembers what happened last month from the look of things. Do her concerns involve incidents that occurred over 40 years ago? The RR is so addicted to negative Harry and Meghan stories fed to them daily they no longer know how to seek believable stories.
    The Queen should sit William down and talk to him about his destructive behavior and how it impacts her legacy. Afterward, refer him to mental counseling from the source that her firm denied the Duchess. The man has mental health issues, and each day he spins out of control a little more.

  37. MangoAngelesque says:

    This Concern Story drops right after Will’s low numbers are revealed. Not subtle, are they? People can’t reconcile fewer than 230 work days with all of Bootycall Bill’s helo-trips, so now it’s all about deflect, deflect, deflect.

  38. Greenfingers says:

    How predictable, someone wants to out Lieutenant Willnot for flying too much to???? (Interesting piece)