Kim Kardashian covers Vogue: ‘It’s okay to choose you, my 40s are about being Team Me’

I remember when Kim Kardashian got her first Vogue cover and how upset people were about it. People swore up and down that they were canceling their Vogue subscriptions and tossing away their copies. Has everything changed? I don’t know, but I was excited to read Kim’s March 2022 Vogue cover story. She’s on the cover to promote the family’s new Hulu reality show, but most of the interview is about her life now, why she’s seeking a divorce from Kanye and SKIMS, her business valued at $3 billion. Kim doesn’t dish about everything – if anything, this is the most measured and mature interview I think I’ve ever read from Kim – but she does talk about some of the gossip-worthy stuff. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

She left Kanye so that she could make herself happy: “For so long, I did what made other people happy. And I think in the last two years I decided, I’m going to make myself happy. And that feels really good. And even if that created changes and caused my divorce, I think it’s important to be honest with yourself about what really makes you happy. I’ve chosen myself. I think it’s okay to choose you. My 40s are about being Team Me. I’m going to eat well. I’m going to work out. I’m going to have more fun, spend more time with my kids and the people who make me happy. I’m going to put my phone down. Unfollow if I don’t want to see something on Instagram.”

Co-parenting with Kanye: “You could be so hurt or angry at your ex, but I think in front of the kids, it always has to be ‘Your dad’s the best.’ Make sure you are your co-parent’s biggest cheerleader, no matter what you’re personally going through.”

Visiting the women’s prison Chowchilla: “Literally every crime the women I spoke to had committed was for their significant other. I heard stories like, ‘My boyfriend told me to pick this up. And I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t question him.’ I was like, Wow, I probably would’ve done the same.”

Her criminal justice work: Whether it’s the money-bail system, mandatory minimum sentencing, or the death penalty, the policies Kim has dedicated herself to changing disproportionately harm Black and brown communities. That part, especially, hits home. “This work has taught me so much. Especially raising Black boys, who are going to be targeted so much more than their white friends.”

When she was young, she saw herself in Salma Hayek & J.Lo: “Okay, there’s other body shapes out there. There are other looks that people find beautiful,” she recalls thinking. “My reference for prom was Salma Hayek. I went to the MAC counter and brought pictures of her. It was like, I finally have someone to look up to.”

What’s next: “I always think, What will be next? Because I always had Kanye, who knew exactly what the next fashion era would be for me. And there’s something scary about being out there on your own, but also something so liberating. Who knows? I might just be in Skims and be so comfy and casual and wear no makeup, and that might be what I feel like representing to the world. Maybe it’s just not that serious.”

[From Vogue]

The part where she talks about Kanye as co-parent… clearly she said that before the past month’s weekly accusations and tantrums from Kanye about her parenting. Vogue even updated their story to include Kim’s statement last weekend. As for the “Team Me” stuff – like, obviously, Kim has always been on Team Me. She’s always been a fundamentally selfish person and there’s nothing wrong with that, honestly. I think she stayed with Kanye a lot longer than she actually wanted to though, because he was so unwell and because she didn’t want to get another f–king divorce. What she’s really saying is that in her 40s, she’s finally feeling free of other people’s judgments and societal pressures to “stay in a bad marriage” or whatever. She has the right to be free of Kanye for whatever reason she wants, including “I will be happier without him.”

Cover & IG courtesy of Vogue.

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85 Responses to “Kim Kardashian covers Vogue: ‘It’s okay to choose you, my 40s are about being Team Me’”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    She’s insufferable. But I hope that this horror show with Kanye ends peacefully her sake and the sake of her children.

  2. Geegee says:

    I’m sorry but when has this women not been all about team me?

    • Lolalola says:

      YES! Exactly. 100x this.

    • Shanaynay says:

      My thoughts exactly! Her whole shtick is all about me. She’d be lost if it wasn’t all about her.

    • Em says:

      It’s hard to think of a person less self-involved than Kim.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      When your identity is cultivated by your mother… when do you ever get to be living for yourself? And when your mother decides to put out your S tape to bring herself money… that’s not a choice Kim made for herself.

      • Lukie says:

        Exactly this. Whatever people think of her, if you look closely, Kim has very much always done what she was told to do by someone in authority. First her father, then her mother dictated her career and Kanye dictated everything else except her IG page because she had to draw the line somewhere. Getting involved in things outside of her image definitely added layers to Kim Kardashian and I say that as a person that really could not stand her until a couple of years ago.

      • RoyalAssassin says:

        I’m sorry, but whaaaat?!! She was in her late TWENTIES when that sex tape came out. You think she wasn’t involved in that decision?!! Gimme a break! You make it sound like she was some poor little child who was used by her mother.

  3. superashes says:

    Cue Kanye meltdown in 3..2..

    • Likeyoucare says:

      Who’s that?
      The name i know but the face i dont.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        the face on the cover looks like one of her old ones.

      • RoyalAssassin says:

        the face on the cover is fiction. photoshopped beyond even KarTrashian standards. And please, she’s a short fat stumpy git with a wide ass, that is NOT her neck: only classically beautiful women have necks like that, and classic or beautiful she’s not. Plus, wh*re, sex tape, need I go on

      • Otaku fairy says:

        @RoyalAss: You are a disgusting violent pig and you sound like you shouldn’t be left alone with women OR children, or allowed to own a gun.

  4. ME says:

    Why did they elongate her neck in that one pic? That is odd. Kim’s always been about herself…come on now. This is your third divorce Kim…you have now made that decision three times. Kanye actually posted pics from the Vogue shoot (pics of Kim with the kids) and asked God to bring them all back together. Not gonna happen Kanye. So he’s ok with his kids being in Vogue but not Tik Tok? Does he see Tik Tok as low class or something?

    • superashes says:

      I guess his open relationship with Julia Fox is really really open rn.

    • cherry says:

      I suppose they elongated her neck to channel nefertiti? The blaxploitation never stops with this one.

      • Emma says:

        That’s it, Nefertiti… I couldn’t remember if it was Cleopatra. This is absolutely blaxploitation. Can we not acknowledge that?

      • whatWHAT? says:

        yup, this. and it’s gross. You ARE. NOT. Egyptian royalty.

      • cherry says:

        Yes, I saw your comment below. Totally agree with what you’re saying there. Blaxpoitation/blackfishing, pure and simple.

      • Lightpurple says:

        They’re copying the famous statue of Nefertiti in the profile picture, look at the eye makeup, and the cover picture looks like Disney’s Pocahontas, which was modeled on Naomi Campbell

      • LadyMTL says:

        I was going to say that the cover is giving me old school Cher vibes, back in her Sonny and Cher days. Now that you’ve mentioned Nefertiti I totally see that as well.

      • superashes says:

        At first when I saw the cover I thought Sci Fi, but now that you mention it, with the play off of Whole New World, it really does vibe Pocahontas. As for the Nefertiti photo, it is a beautiful picture that is 1000% blackfishing. I wish I were surprised that Vogue would put this out, during Black History Month of all times of the year, but I’m not. For whatever reason she gets a perpetual pass in the media for skin darkening in general.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        That’s a Vogue issue. Vogue put that image out there. But why rightfully blame Vogue when Kim is an easy target.

      • Tiffany:) says:

        Yes, I thought that as soon as I saw the image.

      • Snooze says:

        She does a lot of black-fishing and many of the hairstyles and skin tones in this spread are distasteful next-level cultural appropriation – and in Black History Month!! Vogue should have put a black woman on the cover. The whole spread is distasteful.

        But a point here: Nefertiti’s heritage is disputed; but one very strong theory is that she was an Armenian highlander – from the Indo-European kingdom of Mittani. Her name Nefertiti in Egyptian means “The Beautiful Has Come” which many scholars think indicates Nefertiti was not native to Egypt. There’s strong evidence that she was brought from Mittani to marry the Pharoah.

        In any case, Ancient Egypt had a big mix of races and backgrounds – it was very much a multi-racial kingdom. Definitely some of the royalty were black. Queen Tiye, for example. Ancient Egypt was a cosmopolitan crossroad at the juncture of black Africa and white Eurasia and a true multiracial society. There were black pharoahs and there were white pharoahs and there were many in between. Ancient Egyptians didn’t really care about race the way we do now, and foreigners were easily accepted in.

        So it’s hard to know, she was likely mixed race; but if the Armenian theory is true, it’s not too off-base for KK to mimic her.

      • Coco says:

        @ Wiglet Watcher

        Stop Kim has been doing this for years and has been called out by the black community for years, so stop with this PS because that’s what it is.

    • susan says:

      they moved her arm, too, looks like an attempt to make her waist smaller. and the skin color is not at all true to life. altogether deplorable.

  5. Coco says:

    I disagree Kim stayed with Kanye until she was done with having kids once the last baby was born she was out.

    If she stayed in the relationship because of his mental health then why bring another child into this mess? It’s no like she got pregnant she had a surrogate so this was planned out and agreed upon.

    • JT says:

      Exactly. Her last two children were born after Kanye’s breakdowns. He’s been unavailable and unstable for a large part of their marriage, but she continued to bring children into this very messy situation. She also had no problem with Kanye’s Trumpism, his slavery was a choice” nonsense, and his hyper conservative, women should be in the background phase. I’m pretty sure she was defending Kanye’s bullsh*t just a few months ago, and even sounded like a Trumper herself. What does she get credit for?

      • molly says:

        Once she committed to Kim Kardashian Has A Kid With Kanye West, four or one makes not difference. Nor, unfortunately, does his mental health or terrible choices.

        She has the money and means to have and raise children without him. (And she’s counting on her money and means to protect her and kids from him in the future.) Most regular people want and/or need a partner to grow their family. She may have once had a want, but she’s never had a need.

      • JT says:

        So because she has money, having children with an unstable man is ok? Kanye’s mental health and decisions are important because they DO impact his children. He gave an interview claiming that Kim wanted to abort North. Is that not harmful? Is a black man claiming that “slavery was a choice” not harmful to his biracial children?

      • Another+Faith says:

        Perhaps she wanted her children to be full genetic siblings, and she wanted a family of this size at this time in her life. After North, it was what it became by plan.

  6. Selene says:

    The thing is that being so selfish and self serving has emboldened her to cross lines that she shouldn’t have because she believed she deserved it. She has been one of the most overt cultural appropriators of African American culture and she has not once apologized. She’s always made excuses for herself until we’ve moved on from the story.

    • Jules says:

      It is unbelievable that she can actually say this crap about Team Me with a straight face. Talk about clueless. But I’m sure the Kardashian apologists will remind us that she’s a wicked smart lawyer. Or something.

  7. Emma says:

    My god — she will never stop with the heavy bronzer. Black skin shouldn’t be a fashion costume for white women.

    • Selene says:

      YES Emma, thank you thank you this is my point!

      • Emma says:

        Completely agree with your comment above, Selene. How do we get these pictures with no mention of how bizarre her modern-day version of a minstrel act continues to be?

        For Black History Month, Vogue featured the most famous Black-fishing white woman of our time IN her fake-ass Blackface. Like???

        And the Egyptian queen pose? Oh, miss me with that.

        *This* is why people have a problem with Kim.

      • Jais says:

        I hate the cover and the weird thing she’s wearing. Honestly, it’s kind of sc-fi so it feels like they’re going with an extremely unnatural fashion vibe to cover up the unnatural body paint that is her norm. Like if it’s sci-fi, maybe it will make the black fishing less noticeable.

    • Mina_Esq says:

      I’m all for accusing Kim of cultural appropriation (braids, fashion), but I don’t think it’s fair to come for her skin tone. She is technically middle-eastern, and her complexion looks like that of every other Armenian person I know. She has dark features and olive skin tone. She also lives in California. I have olive skin and can go from 0 to 60 in a matter of hours. I imagine it’s the same for her. Couple that with dark hair and eyes, and you get these sorts of accusations thrown at you. Khloe doesn’t have the same dark features and skin undertone that Kim and Kourtney have, so she doesn’t get the same accusation even if she goes heavy on the bronzer of whatever. Just saying,

      • Selene says:

        She does not. That fact may be true for many or most middle eastern people, but not for her. She may have distinctive middle eastern features, but Kim tans. Every time you see her not looking pale, she tanned. She always has, always will. Also, Khloe has gotten that accusation lots of times because she also blackfishes like crazy. Please google pictures of both without a tan, the difference is very noticeable.

  8. molly says:

    After seeing SKIMS all over the Olympians again, I really think I want some. Are they worth it?

    • canichangemyname says:

      I have a SKIMS undershirt/bodyshaper and I actually really love it. Not a Kim Kardashian fan, but this thing is pretty great.

    • Another+Faith says:

      And her leggings are super-comfortable and stand up well to repeated laundering.

  9. Kate says:

    Between the tanner/bronzer and photoshop I wouldn’t have known this was Kim without the caption.

  10. Veronica Rhodes says:

    When has Kim not been about Kim? She has never cared about anyone but herself including her children.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I’m not denying that she is queen of self-promotion, but this?…

      “She has never cared about anyone but herself including her children.”

      I just don’t agree with. she may be number 1 in her heart, but I do believe that she loves her children very much.

      • Lisbeth says:

        I believe Kris loves her daughters but that doesn’t mean she won’t exploit them for the brand’s benefit. And now Kim’s launching a tik-tok account for North? I hope not.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    She doesn’t look like I remember. Is it photoshop or more plastic surgery? As for her Team Me stance, when hasn’t she been Team Me? I find her to be a narcissist culture vulture, who has always been about her image and coins to the detriment of others. So al this I choose me is hilarious. She’s always chosen herself. But whatever. Let’s hope she is able to extricate herself and her children from Kanye because Whoo boy, he’s gonna make it very difficult to do so.

    • Coco says:

      Yes they are the same exact earrings coincidence I think not.

    • Lemons says:

      It seems like Kanye got a sneak peek of the photoshoot and probably purchased the same earrings for Julia later on. He’s a real pill.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      weren’t people saying that he was AT the Vogue photo shoot?

      maybe he just took them from there and gifted them to JF as an additional “LOOK AT ME AND MY NEW GF!” to Kim.

      • Coco says:

        Why would he be at Kims photo shoot that makes no sense . It would only make sense if this is all for the Tabloids to get them both attention which it has.

  12. SL says:

    Can they not make her look Black for once, especially during Black History Month as she and her family are known culture vultures?

    • SL says:

      With that said, I hope she and the family stays safe from Kanye’s harassment.

    • shanaynay says:

      THIS. Diet Prada on Insta has called this out and shown side by sides of her cosplaying Beyonce, Naomi Campbell, and Nina Simone. It’s so gross.

      • ME says:

        I saw that and I was disgusted. The side-by-side comparisons are eye-opening to say the least. Vogue should know better. Hell Kim should know better, but what does she care? Her family has been using Black culture (and it’s people) for years.

  13. Pilar says:

    Kanye posted pic of the vogue pics of Kim and the kids on his insta begging for the family to get back together. One minute he’s demonising her the next he’s begging her to come back.

  14. Marla Singer says:

    She is So BORING!!! So over thay whole shallow, money loving family 🤢🤑🤮

  15. margot says:

    She’s on a victim tour. How insufferable.

  16. Sasha says:

    Wow, a lot of hate for Kim in the comments. I can’t help but respect her hustle and she does seem like a dedicated and hands on mum. She’s certainly handled the Kanye situation with a lot of grace, I think? And as far as I’m aware there aren’t any stories about Kim being rude to fans or being a nightmare to work with. I don’t really understand the overwhelming hate for her but I wish her well and hope she gets to where she wants to be in her law career. There are definitely worse celebrities out there!

    • Pilar says:

      She and vogue deserves to be called out for cultural appropriation. It’s effing Black history month, do better!

      The comments that are out of line are comments about her being on a victim tour and saying she knew he was crazy when she had a family with him etc. The victim shaming and shaming of people with mental health issues as not worthy of a normal fulfilling life is something else lately.

  17. Luna17 says:

    I think her prison work is great. We need any help we can get in that area and if it’s helping underserved populations, good for her. I do feel bad for her and the kids regarding Kanye however she continued to implant surrogates long after he went off the rails without putting these innocent lives first. Doubling up on kids is adding a lot of stress to an already explosive situation. She didn’t bring it on herself but I feel like she selfishly wanted the big family and was willing to make bad choices and keep Kanye around to make it happen until she got her babies then cut him lose when he wasn’t useful.

    • Lux says:

      I like the fact that she brings awareness to the conditions and circumstances of those in prison. However, I really take umbrage with the fact that she misused the word “literally.” If you’re going to study law, do not use that word to qualify the number of women committing crimes on behalf of someone else in prison. Say, “the majority of the women I spoke with” or something along those lines. Language matters and her use of “literally” betrays her valley girl roots and harms her credibility as someone who wants to be taken seriously in the world of law and justice.

  18. FHMom says:

    Vogue ought to be ashamed. The cover photo makes her look like a deeply tanned 20 year old shopped version of herself. The Nefertiti pose? Are they kidding?

  19. M says:

    How about you CHOOSE YOUR KIDS!!!!!

  20. Valerie says:

    What a welcome change for her! Stunning and brave. /s

  21. Mimi says:

    This cover is photoshopped to hell! Omg!

  22. MelOn says:

    Has there ever been a time when she didn’t choose herself? Look , I know Kanye is terrible and his threats should be taken seriously but that STILL doesn’t make her a woman to be admired or likable. No one needs life lessons from Kim and family.

  23. Peppes says:

    Depends what you mean with me time.

    Is she a vapid, vain and self involved. Sure

    But if she was in an abusive or controlling relationship which it very much seems like based on Kanyes public behaviour.
    It’s not weird that she is saying she is prioritising herself now.

  24. canichangemyname says:

    I don’t really find anything in this interview problematic with the quotes. But these photos! WOW – this woman really does not want to accept the fact that she’s white.

  25. theotherViv says:

    Somewhere in London Edward Enninful is thinking “Wow I would have not done that ever….” Nefertiti? Just wow. And did Anna show this to Edward as in ” look at my new cover!” and he acted like this was ok? I am confused.

  26. AmyB says:

    Yes, people have every right to throw shade at Kim, because she, LIKE every other Kardashian/Jenner in that family, she is all about self-absorption, and narcissism. However, her message is true (about choosing yourself, but not in a psychologically damaging way lol) – and getting out of an abusive marriage is a step in the right direction. Kayne is mentally unwell and seems to refuse the medical treatment he needs. NO ONE needs to stay in that insanity, including Kim Kardashian. I hope she is prioritizing her children too, and you can’t help but admire her prison reform work. That being said, her fucking plastic surgery, denial of all of it, and her ever changing appearance and the unrealistic nature of that pisses the FUCK out of me. Well, that goes for all of them. They have amassed millions and millions of female (many young) fans who look to them as “goals” and will never achieve that because they LIE about it all. Leading those poor naive women to body dysmorphia, self-hate and eating disorders. That is one of the many things I HATE about this family!

    But not of her message here is necessarily toxic (if you remove the messenger) haha!

  27. MissBabs says:

    So Basically, Vogue magazine has become People magazine. Celebrating the “fashion icon” Kim Kardashian. What is it with Anna and Kim?