Kristen Stewart in Dolce & Gabbana at the Critics Choice Awards: surprisingly great?

Here are some fashion photos from last night’s Critics Choice Awards. Kristen Stewart was nominated for Best Actress, but lost to Jessica Chastain. Which is what will probably happen at the Oscars too, God willing. That being said, K-Stew dressed like a winner. She’s finally been unshackled from her Chanel chains, however brief. Kristen wore this sort of pale gold Dolce & Gabbana gown to the Critics Choice and as someone who has covered her fashion during the Spencer promotion and awards season, I have to say that this is her best look of the past six months. Simple, elegant, pretty. Kristen and Chanel just don’t “fit” together. She should have been wearing other designers this whole time.

Maggie Gyllenhaal wore Chloe. It’s just a basic dress. I think it’s taffeta, which is not great. I hope she wears something a lot better to the Oscars.

Jodie Turner-Smith in Gucci, with Joshua Jackson. I mean… stunning couple. They are so f–king hot together. This dress is not my favorite at all, but the color is great and Jodie was having a lot of fun with it.

Elle Fanning in Oscar de la Renta. She’s such a ballerina! This is cute.

Jean Smart in Valentino. Yaaas, I love this. It’s basically a sparkly skirt and a sweatshirt. Which is kind of perfect for the Critics Choice, you know? It’s not the bloody Oscars. She can wear a (high-fashion) sweatshirt if she wants.

Mandy Moore in Elie Saab. A nice dress, sort of unmemorable.

Thuso Mbedu in Dior. This doesn’t seem like a Dior, right? She’s beautiful but I’m not sure this is the right look for her. I’m sure she felt like she couldn’t say no to a Dior though. It’s the same basic design as Mandy’s (above) but I think this one is executed a lot better.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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45 Responses to “Kristen Stewart in Dolce & Gabbana at the Critics Choice Awards: surprisingly great?”

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  1. Zen says:

    Jodie Turner-Smith is gorgeous but that dress is a crime! Too fussy but also the dress material makes her waist look lumpy (I zoomed in to see if there was a pregnant tummy). Colour is great though.

    Kristen Stewart’s dress is perfection. There were cute shots of her and her fiancé. They sort of ‘couple-dressed’ and looked great together.

    • LaraK says:

      Yes! Total crime!
      She is such a stunning woman, and this dress just overwhelms her ans washes her out at the same time. It’s awful.
      Deserves better!

    • Turtledove says:

      I think these pics of Jodie are kind of terrible, which is shocking to me as she is otherworldly beautiful. I do love the color on her and bet that she looked gorgeous in person. Cameras and that material can be a bad mix, I think if she were standing in front of us live, she would be her usual mesmerizing self.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Hideous and frumpy.

    • elle says:

      It’s making me laugh, it is so bad. She looks like Miss Havisham.

  2. Stef says:

    KStew looks amazing, classic beautiful. Couldn’t stand her in the Twilight movies but I’m now a fan after her work in Spencer. I thought she was incredible and look forward to seeing what else she can tackle.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Kristen looked smashing and I agree that Maggie’s gown was boring but it worked for her? The gowns are okay, but yes, sort of unmemorable.

  4. C-Shell says:

    Dang! I loved Jodie’s look from the chest up in last night’s red carpet interview, but *my eyes*! Her height and face can carry off anything, but this is tragic, dammit. K-Stew looks incredible. I’m not sure she’s ever looked that perfect — the dress is great, but her hair and makeup are perfection. *chef’s kiss*

    • Call_Me_Al says:

      Agree about Jodie’s tragedy and K-Stew’s awesome styling/hair/makeup! Perfection.
      Maggie – fine
      Mandy – sad boob
      Jean – cute
      Thuso – fine, better than Mandy but don’t like the material, i like the rope around the bodice tho

  5. Becks1 says:

    Definitely one of K-Stew’s better looks. Simple, sparkly, and very pretty, fits her well, and her hair and makeup work with it really well.

  6. Kate says:

    Thuso’s dress reminds me of Charlize Theron’s dress in the J’adior commercials. I love it, she looks fabulous! Always exciting to see something of a print on the red carpet.

  7. Lucy2 says:

    I like all of these except Jodie’s. She is stunning and the color is good, but the fabric and design screams 80s with all the weird ruffles.
    Kristen’s and Thuso’s are my favorite.

  8. SAS says:

    Kristen looks great but… are press photos this airbrushed? Or is that just her makeup?

    Nooo Jodie!! My question as to why Gaga hasn’t been wearing any Gucci for this promo is answered. Man, imagine her in Thuso’s Dior (sorry Thuso). She’s truly stunning.

    I actually really love Maggie’s. Elle falls on the wrong side of costume-y yet again.

    • Justjj says:

      I think it’s great makeup and she legit has skin that’s that perfect. I can’t remember where I read about her skincare and makeup but I think it’s all $$$$ Shisheido, YSL… I know she has talked about faithfully wearing sunscreen, etc. and she just has perfect skin to begin with

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I also love Maggie’s dress!!!! It’s so her! It’s a little edgy but the white brings it down to less edgy.

      Elle needs to start wearing actual gowns. Her dress is pretty but not for the red carpet. She needs to dress for the occasion.

    • Dme says:

      Her MUA artist is Jillian Dempsey, Patrick Dempsey’s wife. Her instagram always has Kristen. She’s a really incredible artist.

  9. tamsin says:

    Kristen Stewart and Elle Fanning both looked gorgeous, although Kristen looks almost the same shade as her dress. Elle was just so cute and classic.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I think that Stewart’s dress color washed her out as well! I have been rewatching The Fringe with Jackson and he looks so young on the show. He certainly won with Jodie! She is stunning but this dress did her NO favors!

      As for Jean Smart, she looks incredible!! I love the combination of the skirt and top, very well done!!! I recently rewatched Hacks last week and she is such a delight!!

  10. Anna222 says:

    I’m really surprised to see Kristen wear Dolce Gabbana given what bigots the designers are? She looks amazing and it’s absolutely her choice but I had assumed it was only closet conservatives that wore that brand now (she’s clearly not that).

    • MissMarirose says:

      It’s weird that no one would wear Marchesa because Georgina Chapman was married to Harvey Weinstein (i.e. she was blamed for her husband’s actions) but Dolce & Gabbana still gets worn heavily on the red carpet after they’ve made those racist comments/actions.

      • M says:

        People didn’t just stop wearing Marchesa because Georgina was married to Weinstein. HW actively forced his “girls” to wear Marchesa to events. Georgina Chapman was fully aware that most actresses were not wearing her brand of ice skater dresses because they wanted to. Plus, marchesa has gone massively down hill in recent years. Their clothes look unbelievably cheap these days.

    • Lexilla says:

      Yes, WHYYYYY is D&G still in such heavy rotation? I can’t believe how many actresses wore them over the weekend. There are other good designers out there.

  11. AlexisT says:

    I am in love with Jean Smart’s outfit and look! Plus who doesn’t just love her in general. Also, Kristen Stewart does look great here and definitely her best look. I think Kristen would be a designers dream, even the ugly outfits she’s worn look better on her body. I would have thought she would have better outfits, but I guess it was the Chanel trap. Now Jodie Turner-Smith who to me always is on point and a designers dream just isn’t doing it. The color is great, but the dress is just too much of everything. It’s like they took every design element and tried to stick it in one outfit. Sometimes I just hate Gucci, cause you know if Jodie can’t make your dress look good it isn’t a good dress.

  12. Kath says:

    Kristen looks great, loved the makeup and will definitely copy it!
    Jodie’s dress is not my style at all but she is gorgeous!

  13. Juju says:

    I think Kristen looks great, but does anyone else feel like she hasn’t been dressing like herself recently? She always used to have a signature edge that I thought worked well with Chanel’s fussiness. I feel like she’s lost some of what was so unique about her on the red carpet.

    • Rashmi Sawant says:

      I think she is doing this to appease the old-timey Oscar voters unfortunately. I don’t to blame her but I wish she didn’t have to do that to get recognized.

  14. Barbie1 says:

    K-stew looks amazing. Should have worn it for the oscars. It would be so much fun if she were to win. Not into the gold dresses. Mandy is a definitive no. Thuso is very cute but not liking the dress. Jodie’s looks is awful from head to toe.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Mandy looks miserable in that dress and I don’t blame her. Thuso is trying to enjoy the carpet but that dress is finished poorly, either the fit or too much of the front bands.

      • Barbie1 says:

        Mandy’s hair omg. Simple and boring each and every time. Put some effort into it.

  15. Catherine says:

    KStew. Hopefully this look is the result of her working with a new stylist. Everything works in her favor. The dress, the hair, the makeup, the jewels. It all works. I honestly don’t think the issue is Chanel specifically. IMO. She wasn’t being styled in a way that made the looks work for her. I hope this is a good sign for the oscars. She had such an interesting edgy, modern glam beauty. I’m such a fan. Desperate for a style team to really showcase her.

  16. Sue says:

    Wow, Kristen looks gorgeous. Her hair has been on point this awards season.
    The only look I’m not loving here is Mandy’s. Needs lip color!

  17. YaGotMe says:

    Kristin’s dress is boring and plain — her face saves it though, the make up is on point.

    I can’t look at Maggie G the same — I know I shouldn’t judge her by her brother, but I know how close they are and she knows…

    If Jodie had ripped that other sleeve off I think that dress would have hit it out of the park — it was wildly fussy but I think that sleeve sent it over the edge — she is STUNNING though and that color sparks.

  18. L4Frimaire says:

    Sorry Jodie but that dress is a mess. I hate that color and too fussy, and too many seams puckering. Kristen looks much better in that dress than all those awful Chanel looks. Lots of gold/metallics/white. Agree the other dresses are nice and safe. Hate the wide chest exposing cleavage on Mandy and Thuso. Don’t need to see their entire torso.

  19. Turtledove says:

    Kristen Stewart looks great, but also a bit like Elizabeth Banks here.

  20. Eggbert says:

    Kristen’s hair and makeup are sooooo good.

  21. Merricat says:

    The color is amazing, but my word, the dress is too much, the hair is too much, the styling is too much–Jodie is a goddess, and every fussy detail distracts from the purity of her beauty.
    Kristen looks flawless–her personal best this year, imo.

  22. Amelia says:

    What kind of topsy-turvy world is this where Kristin Stewart’s styling is incredible and Jodie Turner’s dress looks like a bridesmaid’s outfit from the 1980s! Oh dear. I do love the colour on Jodie though, and honestly she’s so gorgeous she could wear a potato sack and still look beautiful.

    I think Thuso Mbedu‘s dress looks fantastic on her and she is a stunner.

  23. arhus says:

    I think it’s Kristen’s makeup and hair styling more than anything else – she’s not trying to be edgy with this look. Very glam and very made up. It looks good

  24. Bella A A says:

    I love all of the looks except for Jodie’s. That color should look amazing on her, but it doesn’t. Someone mentioned that it washed her out and I think it does too. The color is too harsh, and the material is almost metallic.

  25. BeanieBean says:

    Kristen looks great here. I think she & Chanel are a great fit, they’ve just been giving her some weird stuff this past year.

  26. PurpleHoughlihan says:

    I thought Kristen’s dress was tame but pretty, but it’s SO SO SO much more fascinating if you zoom in. It’s woven with different textures, loosely, like an impossibly high-end burlap, and the bodice is actually very sheer because of it. I think I’m person it would have been incredible, and the detailing got lost in the photos. That hair and that smoky purple eye are sublime.