Jamaican Beenie Man: People want to see Harry but ‘William, nobody wants to see that’

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are due to arrive in Jamaica today. The stage has been set for a pretty chaotic leg of the Keen Caribbean Tour. To be fair, I kind of believe that William and Kate did know that their tour was not going to be met with wall-to-wall positivity. They knew they were being sent to Belize, The Bahamas and Jamaica to strengthen Commonwealth ties and ensure that Jamaica in particular does not remove the Queen as “head of state.” That being said, I don’t think Kensington Palace understood that the Keen Caribbean Tour would be such a moment for local activists on the ground in Jamaica to organize protests and shine a spotlight on the cause of independence and slavery reparations. Basically, Will and Kate are flying into a politically sensitive sh-tstorm today. And it doesn’t help when British outlets are doing these kinds of pieces:

As Beenie Man says, it would be different if Harry was coming to Jamaica…lmao. And he doesn’t even explain it, because we all know. Harry is his mother’s son. Harry talks to people and he can relate to anyone and he has charisma oozing out of every pore. No one wants to see William and no one finds him or his wife charismatic, especially since they’re just on a colonialist holiday. I do think it would be different if the Queen was making the trip too. Even Charles would get a much different response from Jamaica.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid.

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127 Responses to “Jamaican Beenie Man: People want to see Harry but ‘William, nobody wants to see that’”

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  1. Belli says:

    If William wasn’t incandescent at not being welcomed with adoring crowds, people outright saying they would have preferred to see his brother will do it.

    Oh well.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Yup. Don’t envy Kate having the deal with William’s incandescence on this tour, but she’ll eventually be rewarded with her be home in Windsor, right?

    • Polo says:

      Yup that and a lady in Belize mentioned how Harry danced without prompting when he was last there which forced Willy boy to dance. Talk about triggering all your insecurities lol

    • PaulaH says:

      Caution: Watch the invisible contracts at work. The RF, British Press and Government will do everything in their power to protect the Keens or FFK/FFQ. They will lie, steal and cheat to protect them…..mark my words. POC will be used against each other to protect the Supreme Family of the World. One can only hope that the truth can overcome the noise (smoke screens/lies).

      • Polo says:

        The DF and right wingers are hard at work trying to minimize the damage but it’s hard to do when Reuters, AP and various world media are reporting the story thank goodness.
        But they will give it their best effort that’s for sure. 🙄

      • PaulaH says:

        @Polo: The British Press and RF are working to control the damage in the UK. Without the support of the British People, they are nothing. Take can fake a narrative of how the worlds views the RF but if the British People are against them, it’s game over.

    • Trimmeddownmonarchyisboring says:

      he, his wife, his team are so clueless as to what to do about people preferring his younger brother and his black american wife – the only reaction is always being incandescent with rage. These 2 coconuts look so out of place.

    • Indiesr says:

      We Jamaicans really have nothing of our own. Like Beenie man stated in his interview, everything is under the Queen, even our education system is model from the British! ! They owe us a lot more than an apology! Our country has suffered too long and they do nothing to help and now this?!

  2. LadyHanbury says:

    Tbh, as a squaddie, I’m glad that H&M are both out of this mess. As someone on twitter says, a commonwealth is a wealth without a common. or how jamaicans, if they are to enter UK, they need to apply for a visa. yikes.

    • Megan says:

      The commonwealth is a club with no benefits. I guess there may be some nostalgia for the queen, but I can’t see any nation staying once Charles takes the throne.

    • Jais says:

      Same. Meghan and Harry leaving was the best thing for them.
      Jamaica deserves an apology and a discussion of reparations.

      • Fp says:

        Yeees to ALL of this.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Agree!!! Reparations need to be spoken about and discussed in a progressive manner, no wish washy excuses!

        So happy that Harry and Meghan are no longer under the control of the BRF. They are living their lives that they wanted and deserved!!!

      • Megan says:

        The queen could easily pay reparations by deaccessioning 1% of her valuables. She has a mountain of generational wealth sitting in warehouses and vaults.

    • ElleV says:

      citizens of any country that still retains the queen as head of state should be able to come and go from england without a visa, and have preferential / expedited processes for english citizenship

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        It’s incredibly difficult to open a bank account in the UK, even if you’ve transferred there with a company! You would think they would make it easier for Canadians, but nope. The paper work and red tape are endless without support on both sides of the pond. On the flip side, Canada is all: come on in!

    • Polo says:

      Agree! And I’m also glad they’ve spoken out about colonialism/racism so that people can’t say otherwise.
      A lot of people probably forgot cause so much has happened since but they were crucified by the right wing for even daring say the word colonialism.
      But here we are 2 years later.
      I’m guessing Will is gonna try to “copy” Harry’s words in his speech which might ruffle some of the right wing press and flag staggers.
      I foresee a rough ride for Willy in the coming months if he goes this route

      • Cece says:

        Ok. But Black people aren’t stupid; they pay attention to what you do much more than what you say. And what William & Kate did was smear and bully the biracial Dutchess out of the country, and refused security to her husband for the sole crime of marrying her and to her children for the crime of being mixed race. So…good luck with the “charm” offensive.

    • equality says:

      Hopefully all the countries with TQ as head of state will back out to become republics. Sadly, the Commonwealth, done properly, could be beneficial for them but the way it is run it is patronizing and benefits are largely to the UK.

    • Rice says:

      Agreed! Also, I just wanted folks to know that (in case there’s any confusion) a country can still remain in the Commonwealth AND remove the Queen as the Head of State. Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, and Barbados have done it in the Caribbean. As a Trini, I’m eligible for academic scholarships, research funding, and other commonwealth allowances. Personally, I see the removal of the Queen as Head of State quicker (easier?) than leaving the Commonwealth.

  3. Bettyrose says:

    I really like Kate’s look here. It’s very … relatable? But that comment about wishing it was Harry, there’s no salve for that burn. William must feel that into his bones. They don’t want the old racist monarchy. Why would they? But it turns out banishing Harry & Meghan didn’t have the desired effect of the commonwealth saying “well this is the monarchy we have so let’s accept it.”

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Let’s also add to the fact that CopyKeen is dressing as if she is still sashaying around London with her clothes. The people of these countries are incredibly poor and when she is seen in expensive clothing, which they can read about, is more money than they make in a year! Incredibly tone deaf, both of them.

      What has Britain done for them during times of natural disaster and the poverty within their commonwealth? If you won’t support your people why should they support you?

      • Linda says:

        I know you mean well but could you pls stop with this poverty narrative? there are in fact wealthy, middle class and poor people in these countries. No one will bat an eye at Kate’s outfits because that is not the issue at stake.

      • Athena says:

        @Linda. We get that in the countries they’re visiting there are wealthy and middle class people, but the reality is that the per capital income for Belize is a little over $4,000 and Kate in one appearance wore a dress which cost over $3000.

      • Linda says:

        Speaking as someone from an African country which is also part of the commonwealth, I can assure you that we are tired of being associated with all things poverty, it is extremely dehumanizing. Why are you so concerned with the per capital income of people in non white countries? Do you have such considerations when they visit western countries?

  4. MsNoMeGusta says:

    Beanie Man?! Now that takes me way back and he’s right

    • sunny says:

      God, the Verzuz he did with Bounty Killer was an all-time great one and it felt like the entire Jamaica diaspora from London, to NYC, to Toronto, as well as the whole island was tuning in. Also all the lols to his comment about not being here for TOB.

    • Jillibillijean says:

      Girls dem sugar!

    • Watson says:

      I’m only here to comment cause of Beanie man!! 😍😍😍

  5. Zut Alors says:

    I hate this whole POC in traditional dress dancing to entertain these colonizers. Did they meet anyone in a professional setting?

    • Ann says:

      Completely agree.

    • Bettyrose says:

      It’s cringey AF in the first episode of the Crown bit one can kinda be like well the world sucked backed then. But now?

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        I so agree “cringey” it was. I thought about being a child on the rez and wyt ppl coming to visit, especially the women who would look so different in dress and culture to us. The way we were expected to behave and welcoming was truly an exercise and here’s how you should be and never will. It was probably an off-the-wall thought, but I truly hoped the children there didn’t think Kate is the example of how you should look or dress. You’re children with the strength of your ancestors and you don’t have to be anyone’s prop or think you’re less than. LOL. But, that’s my projection and I hope they were promised a treat and then all went home happy – including the adults.

      • bettyrose says:

        That sounds very similar. I bet even now reservations get attention from white people on their eat/pray/love discovery journeys. One difference between now and 1950, although I don’t know how much in matters in practice, is that we have words like colonialism and appropriation in our common lexicon. There’s more discussion of it. Many people still live with cotton in their ears and refuse to hear any of that, but 20 years ago I’m not sure I would have even had the words to describe why this phenomenon is problematic.

    • HeyJude says:

      So freaking tone deaf and appalling. I can just imagine some dusty 75-year-old white-bread couturiers putting this shit together- “yes, and perhaps a display of traditional native dress”?! “And some local ceremonial dance? And do you have any maracas the HRHs can hold to look very involved? Right, right, great for the photos!”

      Like this is 1952.

      • Lurker25 says:

        Tbh, @heyjude I think a dusty 75yo courtier would have the experience to read the papers, read the room, and suggest something less cut & paste from the past.

        The problem is that W&K hired all very young people. If you look at the KP staff photo -there’s an Xmas one I think with WK in the middle – they’re surrounded by the youngest, whitest people imaginable. Plus WK pay their staff very little…so with this crew? They don’t know what they don’t know.
        They are making it up as they got along, trying to keep incandescent from popping off like a bottle rocket and googling past trips by the Queen for ideas.

      • NemesisPuff says:

        @Lurker25 ehhh I don’t think so. However “young” the Kp staff is, no matter how conservative/royalist/assholey&asskissy they are, they still grew up in a vastly more culturally aware and global world than their parents or grandparents. Their social circles would be younger, their newsfeeds/social media feeds would skew younger…even if they didn’t agree with any progressive thought, they would have absorbed a very different timbre in their everyday life than dustier courtiers lol. They’re probably reading the same newspapers as CH courtiers, just on a tablet.

        And no matter how “good” a courtier is at their job, “good” would still have to mean covering for racist layabouts, so really, it’s great if they’re NOT good at their jobs. If age = ability to read a room, the Royal Racist, the racist broach, Dave Chapelle, JK Rowling etc etc etc wouldn’t have all stepped in it, no?

  6. Princess Peach says:

    Charles sending them on this tour was a stroke of genius on his part. Kind of quiets that “the crown should skip Charles” Middleton chatter

    • Persephone says:

      Definitely Princess Peach. That’s exactly why he sent them.
      Quite a “Game of Thrones” reminiscent of Tywin Lannister (or maybe Cersei?).

    • Nic919 says:

      There are reports that the process to remove the queen as head of state in Jamaica has already started. I believe ITV reported this and a few other outlets. I suspect Charles was very aware of this.
      Tweedledee and tweedledumb have no idea what is going on in the world outside their palaces.

    • bettyrose says:

      OMG this family is awful that we would even suspect (rightly so, I’m sure) such a thing. Archie and Lilly are going to be so loved by their parents who know how awful it is to feel betrayed by your own family. I’m sure Diana wanted with all her heart to protect William from this. We’ll never know what might have been different if William still basked in unconditional love from one parent.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      which is what Kaiser suggested yesterday and I agree. Orchestrated disaster.

    • Korra says:

      I would give Charles credit if it is a matter of foresight knowing a handful of commonwealth countries will advance removing the British Monarch as Head of State once QEII dies. Makes William an easy fall guy and takes the blame off Charles, even though all of this was inevitable, Lamebridges tour or no tour.

      • Nic919 says:

        Charles went to the ceremony in Barbados so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was told that this was in the works in Jamaica as well.

  7. TigerMcQueen says:

    I can feel the heat from that burn from here.

    On another note, I have to admit, I’m really curious how Mutton Buttons will cosplay the Jamaican flag today (and over the course of their time there). Green and black or yellow and black? All three colors at once? Just one each time, spread over separate ‘work’ engagements?

    • Amy Bee says:

      @TigerMcQueen: If she did her homework, she’ll be wearing yellow when she lands in Jamaica.

    • The Hench says:

      I’d say one each time, like she did in Ireland but the tour is so light I don’t think they’re doing enough engagements for her to have the outfits separately….

    • Athena says:

      She’ll wear a green dress for the arrival, a flowery dress with green and black for the dancing with the natives program, and a shinny long dress for the reception.

      • sunny says:

        I hope she stays away from black in her flag cosplay. The black on the flag represents “the people of Jamaica and their struggles” so yeah.

      • Nyro says:


        Girl, basically! She’s wearing a bright ass yellow dress. Same exact shade as the yellow on their flag. 😂😂

      • Jenjamtx says:

        She is wearing bright yellow and a Cartier Love bracelet. I don’t think I have seen her wear that before.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I think at this point any royal visiting Jamaica would have caused protests, but I also think that sending William and Kate was just a bad decision – they are known for loving the Caribbean for their vacations, so this has a bigger feel of a taxpayer-funded vacation than their usual tours (not like those are really anything heavy anyway); they are known for hating royal work but liking the perks (so again this just feels like they want to come enjoy the sunshine and buy new clothes etc but don’t actually want to work while there); and while I don’t know how people in Jamaica feel specifically, I think at this point its widely accepted that William made racist comments about Meghan (even if he wasnt one who “had concerns” about the baby’s skin color, except he was in my opinion.) William’s comments about Ukraine two weeks ago didn’t help to improve his image when it comes to racism etc.

    I said yesterday that I think the Firm thought that W&K would get the best reception out of the royals, so that’s why they’re there, but it was clearly a miscalculation on the Firm’s part.
    The things I mentioned above that wouldn’t be true for charles and camilla. I think there would have been protests, especially as Charles is so close to the throne, but he doesn’t have the same reputation for being lazy, for looking for any excuse to vacation, etc. He wouldn’t have done 5 events over three days. So I think this would have felt more like an actual working tour and not like a beach vacation with some public events thrown in.

    So basically William and Kate are just reinforcing the idea that the royals are lazy, privileged, and view countries like Jamaica and Belize as their personal playground. It’s not a surprise that the tour isn’t a hit.

    • Jais says:

      William is on record saying “we are very much not a racist family.” Jamaicans heard that. Sending him on this tour was not the best choice. But having a Commonwealth realm at all is not even a decent choice.

    • Nic919 says:

      I would have thought that until the reports today that Jamaica has been having talks to remove the queen as head of state already… charles knew this. He’s paying attention and letting W and K do the Caribbean farewell tour.

    • Athena says:

      Anne would have been a better representative. They could have presented the tour as her thanking those countries for their 70 year support of her mother the queen.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      Au contraire. I think it was a stroke of genius by Charles to send them on this tour.

    • A says:

      I sincerely think that the BRF and their advisors genuinely thought that sending Baldy and Keen to the Caribbean would help stifle some of the negative allegations against them of being jealous, racist, expired jars of mayo. I can absolutely see the line of logic behind this sort of decision.

      Baldy and Keen are the youngest, and “hippest” members of the family. The BRF has taken numerous hits for being racist buffoons in recent years. Racism is an “old person” thing. Therefore, can’t send Charles or Camilla. Have to send Baldy and Keen, to prove to people that they’re not racist, bc hey look. They hang out with black people! How could they be racist then?

      Either that, or they know that Baldy and Keen are the responsible parties for stoking and exploiting racism against Meghan for their own benefit. So they are pre emptively trying to get ahead of the record by getting them to go on this tour. Again, I can see the racist calculus at play here, and if that is how they arrived at this decision, I am SO GLAD that it backfired so spectacularly.

      To paraphrase the slogan used by one protest within the Indian independence movement–“Baldy&Keen, go BACK!”

  9. Merricat says:

    They want so much to be popular and admired with the same fervor as the Sussexes, but the popularity and reverence are the results of the Sussex connection with people. Simply put, the Cambridges are confident that they are too good for the people, while Harry and Meghan are sincerely interested in the people they meet, and this is why people don’t want the Cambridges. The Cambridges, however, still believe that their “royal-ness” is what makes them “special,” which is why they were stunned that Harry and Meghan didn’t fail once they fled the royal family–because being “royal” is all that Will (and by extension, Kate) have going for them. Surprise! It’s not enough.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      No, it’s not enough. Harry and Meghan are empathetic and caring and people can tell the difference. Harry has always been seen interacting with the locals without it being forced whereas the locals can tell that TOB doesn’t care about the people. It’s just as Kaiser described their interactions, TOB and CopyKeen look to be just like every other person coming off of a tour bus.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Agreed. William has as much charisma as yesterday’s porridge. Harry, on the other hand, has it in spades, without even trying. Finding Meghan only enhanced his appeal, because Meghan and Harry complement each other. I remember when they were here in Australia for the Invictus Games. Their romance had just been made public. They sat together in the stands, surrounded by ordinary people. Every now and again, we saw him talking and laughing with those around him. Meghan couldn’t take the smile off her face. Most Aussies couldn’t give a stuff about celebrities of any kind, which I’ve heard a lot of movie actors, directors etc, say is one of the reasons they like coming here to film.

      I say this because no one went gaga when Harry and Meghan were here. It was lovely to see them here, enjoying themselves, and then we all moved on with our lives, hut not before we decided he was a “top bloke” with a nice girl on his arm. She wasn’t fawning over him, and they laughed easily together.

      Fast forward. They were committed to working together and making a difference in the world. They both have a good work ethic. People saw this and have not forgotten. I also haven’t forgotten that they can mix in any company, whether that is with celebrities, Royal or helping out in a homeless shelter. They put people at ease. Bill and Cathy can only dream of having this type of charisma. Leaving Catherine aside, William can’t stand it.

      • Becks1 says:

        ? When they were in Australia for the IG, they were already married and the games were part of their massive south pacific tour.

  10. Kim says:

    I noticed, throughout all the photos of the William and Kate visit, that not one of them shows them interacting with the people which was something so typical of Harry and Meghan’s travels. I think it says it all.

    William and Kate look like they just got off the tour bus with a group of tourists and are following the tour guide around, semi bored and wondering when they can go shopping and dining. And hit their pool at the ultra luxurious accommodations.

    • A says:

      Covid 19 is still a big concern for a lot of island based nations hints the spacing you see on some of these visits. If Karen and billy were smart they would mention it (but we know their not, so they probably won’t). As far as the press core is concerned they probably will use it as an excuse if there is low turn out for an event. And, when we get the inevitable headline about how The keens had a successful wonderful tour of the Caribbean it will be thrown in as a hardship they managed to overcome along with the spattering of complaints from some ungrateful little island peasants!

    • Harper says:

      Considering there are no photos of Will and Kate interacting with Meghan/Archie that aren’t taken at palace-sanctioned events, it is par for the course for them.

  11. Harla says:

    Jamaica, like the rest of the world saw the family’s treatment of Meghan and her children. I think that most people weren’t surprised by the lack of support from the queen and Chuck but the lack of support from a brother, who was supposedly so close, caught people off guard. And sending Jason out to testify against Meghan really showed everyone that William was no better, in fact worse, then the rest of the family.

    • Nic919 says:

      They seem to not understand that the rest of the world is not beholden to Uk tabloids with the anti Meghan bias that existed from day one. This means that the rest of the world was getting different coverage and not being told that everything Meghan did was evil and wrong.

      And at the end of the day when the family couldn’t provide support for their biracial sister / daughter in law it makes everyone wonder what exactly they think of non white people who aren’t family.

    • sunny says:

      Yes and no. I think the treatment of Meghan matters but matters less in the grand scheme of things that Jamaicans are rightly angry about ex. British government paying continuing to pay obligations to descendants of slave owners til 2015!!!!!!! And the crushing impacts of the Windrush scandal. All of it is anti-blackness but really I think the other 2 things are much bigger deals and the fact that nobody in Britain gave a shit about Windrush except for British West Indians and the diaspora community.

      • Moneypenny424 says:

        Exactly. Windrush and other issues directly impacting Jamaicans are a much bigger deal to them than their treatment of Meghan. It will matter to them, but won’t be the top issue.

      • Nic919 says:

        They aren’t leaving only because of the treatment of Meghan, but it was another indication of their anti blackness but on a more personal level, after all the issues of Windrush and colonization and failing to provide reparations to the descendants of those who were slaves and instead compensating the slave owners for centuries.

    • HeyJude says:

      Yes, I had no idea what kind of person William was behind the facade until he didn’t support his brother in public during his relationship and marriage to Meghan. It drew my attention because it was awful and incongruous with what the press portrayed all their lives.

      As an American I knew nothing of the dark side of the palace and their misdoings with the gutter British press. That is until William didn’t support the brother we saw splashed together on magazine for 20 years supposedly thick as thieves and best friends.

      That drew attention and what caused me to start reading into the Royals. And boy when that happens for any independent minded person, you’re stunned and disgusted.

      I know I’m not alone. This is seems to be the common opinion of anyone who’s under a certain age and not racist.

      The royals really f*cked themselves for generations with that 1 choice. I think it will be the domino that causes the downfall of the monarchy eventually.

      • QrsGeorge says:

        You exactly described my perspective with this. Until Meghan appeared I was ambivalent about the royals; I know some people followed them as sort of a hobby and always thought that was a quirky niche thing. Then Harry & Meghan married and now I can’t look away; I’ve been stunned and completely disgusted with how they’ve been treated. Their situation is fascinating, a real life fairy tale and will become significantly historic. The way the family has handled H&M has made me much more interested in their unsavory dealings and I now know a LOT more about the Windsors than I would have if it weren’t for H&M shining a light on the family. It’s incredible to watch the monarchy crumble in real time, witnessing history as it unfolds. The days of the royal family are numbered, and their decline is at their own hand.

  12. GrnieWnie says:

    AMEN! Because Harry has gone through a process of having to reconcile who he is with his role in the world. He’s had to take a critical eye to his position/identity and think about how he can use it to advance reconciliation. The monarchy has yet to do this, either as an institution or on an individual level. Clueless, as ever!

  13. Over it says:

    It’s the nobody wants to see that part that does it for me, hilarious. Best quote ever . Go Beenie man

    • NickG says:

      @OverIt ikr? I’ve been reading the comments in Jamaica and looking at the protest photographs with joy in my heart. So wishing I was there to take part. The fact that people are being so fcking frank is like medicine for all the gaslighting we have experienced.

  14. NotSoSocialB says:

    Keen’s rewearing the earrings that are similar to the ones Meghan wore with the black jumpsuit in SA. Hmmmm.

    On a separate note, I wonder what spf TOBB uses on his chrome dome?

  15. Jan says:

    In Belize a dancer said they had to force Cain to dance, and you can tell when someone is not enjoying the dance, she told him Harry had no problem dancing and he replied that Harry has no inhibitions.

  16. Over it says:

    This is why Harry and Meghan never took a dime from that Oprah interview, one year later and it’s still paying off.
    The keenbridges wanted the spotlight all to themselves but it’s literally too hot for them . Burn B-itches burn

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Not even Charles would have made a difference. People forget that there were plans to protest against Charles when he visited Barbados for the Republic Day celebrations last year but the Government banned the protest citing COVID restrictions. Anyway, there are now reports that Jamaica is going to start the process of becoming a Republic after William and Kate leave.

    • lanne says:

      couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people!

    • Kelly says:

      yay Jamaica for leaving the commonwealth. Can Canada be next?

      • C says:

        People have said Canada can’t do that without First Nations tribes renegotiating treaties, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true? The incoming government would just have to respect the existing ones? But I’m not sure.

      • Jaded says:

        @C – Canadian here. Despite Canadians’ dwindling enthusiasm for the royals, eliminating the monarchy in Canada will be a complicated process. To make any change to the role of the Queen or her representatives in Canada, there must be unanimous consent from the House of Commons, the Senate and each of the provincial legislatures to change the constitution, a process that could take many years to complete. Adding to that, Canada’s Indigenous communities have their own treaties with the Crown, and all First Nations would need to be consulted for any transition to take place, a lengthy and complex process.

      • oh-dear says:

        The Treaties and the Sovereign Rights of First Nations are with the Crown. The early rights of First Nations were kept and honoured, they were altered through the Indian Act so First Nations would definitely have the opportunity to renegotiate their rights and status with the Canadian government if it was to leave the Commonwealth. And there would be International support, especially because of the UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People. The British North American Act states that land cannot be confiscated from Indigenous people, but must be negotiated with the Crown. Obviously that was f*cked by the later Acts but there would be a lot to unravel. The Crown Land would be up for grabs in reparations and the Nations could make a solid case for that land to be returned to First Nation stewardship. Since almost 90% of Canadian land is Crown land, that would get so messy for non-Indigenous Canadians.

        If there was a government who was visionary and honoured Indigenous rights and land claims it would be doable and smooth but we are so far away from that.

      • C says:

        Thank you for the replies! This was what I was largely basing my comment off of:

        In particular, the assertion that there have been no treaties asserting that indigenous people surrendered their sovereignty, and the things like the Indian Act violated the domestic law of the treaties (as oh-dear stated) therefore the rules of international law would take legal precedence as domestic law has been violated.

        In particular this quote: “One of the key principles of international law on treaties is pacta sunt servanda, which is Latin for “agreements must be kept.” Under this principle, a change in the form of government does not allow a state to annul treaty obligations. Although treaties are said to be made with “the Crown,” legally they are made with the Canadian state. The form of government this state takes is irrelevant. Thus, upon abolishing the monarchy, Canada would have to continue its treaties with Indigenous peoples.”

        But I am not Canadian, so I am not an expert and I am happy to be corrected. Just find it very interesting!

      • Charm says:

        Jamaica isnt leaving the C’Wealth and doesnt really hv to, in order to get rid of betty (charles now, actually) as Hd of the C’Wealth.

        Betty as Hd of the C’Wealth and betty as Jamaica’s HoS are 2 separate posts. She’s legally/constitutionally our HoS so removing her as HoS is a formal matter that while theres general consensus to get it done, the process hasnt really begun as yet (except in minor ways that dont require constitutional change, such as NOT swearing allegiance to her for swearing in of a new administration etc.)

        Charles will be Hd of C’wealth until the next election for that post, at which time, it is expected that he will be voted out. Because of Covid, there hasnt been any meetings but its now set for June 20, 2022 and both Charles and Cowmilla are expected to go to Rwanda for that meeting…..his first as Hd of C’Wealth.

  18. Bren says:

    For all the embiggening headlines these two have received over the last five years, it brings me great pleasure to watch these two fumbling through this tour while highlighting their ineptness and shallowness. The monarchy should be worried about the future with these two who don’t inspire anyone outside of their royalist sycophants.

    • one of the marys says:

      @Bren this is how I feel too. They made this bed, no sympathy from me

    • Flowerlake says:

      They had more than 10 years to make a name for themselves as inspiring people. Failing that, they could have earned respect by working hard.

      They chose not to, and now it’s an uphill battle.

  19. dido says:

    I love this songggg. Yes, “nobody wants to see that” but recognizing that Harry is different!

  20. thaisajs says:

    Perhaps if William didn’t walk around all the time looking like he smells something rancid, it might help a bit? Every one of these photos shows him looking dour and/or uninterested.

  21. HK9 says:

    Leave it to Beenie Man to tell the truth😂

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Right. Now Beenie Man needs to come out with a song stat titled, “Nobody Wants to See That”. It could be a global best seller right now.

  22. Soni says:

    Kate looks increasingly thin. I’m no fan of hers but are people in the RF concerned about her at all?

    • Em says:

      You know that meme with a house on fire and the dog saying “I’m fine” that’s the situation. I believe the courtiers notice and are choosing to ignore, same as William. He strikes me as someone who’d keep his woman weight controlled. I also believe they’re piling keen with uppers that explains the hyena like grin. I practiced doing that laugh and my jaw almost shifted you’d have to be on something to do that all the time

    • Steph says:

      I agree. She looks sickly in that pink dress

    • February Pisces says:

      Even Kate’s fans who supposedly love her choose to ignore the fact she is worryingly underweight, because they would rather believe she’s just naturally that thin and perfect. But I’ve seen pics of her as a teen and she had some curves and at st Andrews there some photos of her where she has quite thick thighs (thick for Kate anyway) and she looks amazing. So being this thin definitely isn’t natural to her and I hope she’s getting help. But they ignored Diana when she was bulimic and obviously ignored Meghan when she asked for help.

      • C says:

        Not only all this but Kate’s friends used to confirm that she and Pippa and Carole all had a competition about who could be thinner.
        Combine that with William who has a definite “type”…well, I’m not a doctor and don’t know for sure, but I don’t think it’s a healthy environment.

  23. Ann says:

    I’m American, and I’m taking a moment to think which man/celebrity in the entire world has the mega watt star power/charisma to match Harry’s. I came up with only one: Barack Obama. And even next to him, I think Harry comes first.

    • Lurker25 says:

      Haha @ann did you see the video of the Obamas visiting KP and in the intro handshakes and hellos, Harry reached in and kissed Michelle in the cheek? Michelle was beaming (she saved Jill Biden had already cc been working with Harry on Invictus stuff) and Barak was like “hey!” …
      RF cut its nose to spite its face, as the saying goes, by pushing Harry out.

  24. Anna says:


  25. Gina says:

    Longtime reader but first time poster! I’m here to tell you as a Jamaican, nobody is excited for William and Kate. Beenie Man summed it up perfectly because if it were Harry and Meghan, there would be enormous crowds and excitement in the air. Today, its dark and overcast with a bit of rain, even the weather is speaking for us all with a HELL no to these two

    • Another Anna says:

      Gina, my read of Beenie Man’s quote is that Jamaicans aren’t interested in anybody from the BRF, especially now that it’s clear how anti-Black they are, but Harry has shown that he’s trying not to continue that racist pattern. Would you say that this is a reaction to W+K or the BRF as a whole?

      Side note, how tf is Kate getting fit lines on those pants?? She weighs like ten pounds. If even the skinniest minnie has fit lines on her pants, I take that as a reminder that our bodies are fine, it’s the clothes that don’t fit us. But I like the general look and it’s a nice change from her usual cosplay.

      • Gina says:

        Locally, there have been a lot of calls for our government to remove the Queen as Head of State as our sister island Barbados have done recently but I believe this royal visit would’ve been less contentious had it been Harry coming. He visited the island in 2010 and did fabulously relating to people, dancing, racing against Usain Bolt and it didn’t seem forced or fake. People just know Will and Kate are bad vibes and want nothing to do with them 🙂

      • Lurker25 says:

        Regarding the pants @another Anna, she gets all her clothes taken in. You can see that the pocket placement is off. She is a very tall woman so anything not custom will be proportional to her length. Not way clothes long enough for a 5′ 10″ woman would fit that tightly without a seamstress taking in a lot of fabric.
        She gets all her clothes taken in.

  26. Mai B says:

    Poor sausages

  27. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    Thanks Beenie Man and when I need inspiration to keep moving or just dance around I love King of the Dancehall. I had to listen when I read his name and it got me moving and on schedule out the door. LOL. (My niece loved it too and I thought of her, rip niecey. Dancing in your honor.)

  28. Ennie says:

    I checked twitter and boy! The people who dislike Harry and Meghan are SALTY af. Some are even calling for a boycott of Jamaica. I just can’t.

    • one of the marys says:

      What?!? 🤷‍♀️ I’m not on Twitter so please explain to me the convoluted route that leads from hating M&H to boycotting Jamaica

      • Southern Fried says:

        It makes zero sense. There’s no logic with H&M hate filled trolls. You might give Twitter a try. People are so smart and funny, well informed, great for breaking news, diverse views and action campaigns of all sorts. I also carefully curate my feed and block.

  29. Ennie says:

    On another note, knowing how hot gets around these tropics, I am sideeyeing these tight pants of K-ate. I bet she was sweating hard inside, especially as a person used to the British isles weather. Hey, looks first.
    She was probably looking for military green jeggings and this is what she found, she was meeting the military, but she could bot wear buttons, so this is closer to cosplaying them.

  30. Mel says:

    I HOLLERED!!! This is going to further enrage them and fuel the desire to cause trouble for H&M.

  31. Alexandria says:

    Being part of the BRF brand (white supremacy, dodgy financials, waste, hypocrisy, colonialism, sex crime) does not gel with the true spirit of Harry and Meghan. In a way, their breakaway (while cruel) was a blessing because they can now truly speak and act for the things they care about.

  32. A says:

    “Nobody wants to see that.” AHAHAHAHHHAHAAHA WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY. Get wrekt, Baldy.

  33. Charm says:

    I am sure, without knowing for sure (lol) that Bullyiam and kHATE’s people hv them on tight lockdown where media exposure is concerned, as in: they are not being exposed to ANY media……no news from the countries theyre visiting, nor from the UK, nor from the rest of the world.

    And their entourage must hv been told – if not threatened with total blackout of future interaction – that under no circumstances must they reveal anything about whats happening on the ground and in media abt the tour.

    I’m also sure that local people, including media, are being given strict protocols to follow, such as what to say and what not to say to the two when they visit the places on their itinerary.

    But if they think they hv safely insulated the two dummies while theyre in Jamaica, they better think again. LMAO

  34. Storminateacup says:

    Beenie bun Dem! Lol I couldn’t resist. OMG these colonisers want adulation when most Caribbean people talkin bout reparations. They really are delusional. Jamaica needs to become a republic.

  35. Lola says:

    How does she make a blue sundress look so severe? Everything she wears has to be stiffly pinched in to make sure we all see she’s thin, thin, THIN!

  36. Slippers4life says:

    I don’t intend to thread jack, but but but…I have something to put out that is not directly about this particular article and I am sure Kaiser has already seen it and will talk about it. I just, …well I LIKE this community. You guys GET IT!!! Like you just get it! You get why this tour is so problematic and I just feel like, something is right with the world reading these comments. Other online communities don’t get it and you usually end up getting some Cambridge bot gaslighting about Meghan. And my friends IRL don’t GET this part of me and I just want to reach out to a community that understands!!! I like you all so much! I wonder if celebitchy would consider an online forum where we could chat as well and connect. So, if this is threadjacking, that us my long explanations of why and I am sorry if it goes against community guidelines. I’m kind of doing a “we don’t talk about BRUNOOO…..BUT!” Have you guys seen the GALL of the BM actually now blaming Meghan for the Jamaican people protesting; asking for an apology and reparations and looking to remove the Q as the head of state??? They are actually blaming the Oprah interview!!! That the claims of racism basically set people off in Jamaica. I am LIVID!! So not disgusting and vile centuries of slavery, colonialism, racism, and benefiting off the blood of the Jamaican people…oh not that, they have the nerve to blame Meghan!!! I am.not too surprised, but like this is appalling on top of appalling to report. The BRF treatment of Meghan is certainly evidence they have no intention of being any different, but it’s one of many such as, the vile “no comment” response to BLM, Peen saying there’s “too many Africans in Africa”, to name a few, but the audacity to deflect from such important and crucial human rights issue by again throwing Meghan under the bus should mean the whole world has the backs of Jamaicans, to march those too racist idiots back to England on the first available mode of transportation, never to return, and only allowed to send one piece of mail containing an apology and 20 billion dollars in reparations! These people paid off the victim of their pedophile family member, they can sure as shit afford reparations for their human rights atrocities. Anyway, not to thread jack!

  37. teehee says:

    I wonder if the Firm is becoming even slightly aware of the fatal mistake they have made?

  38. San Can says:

    At least Charles tries to connect with the general public. He’s not good at it but you can tell he tries. William expects everyone to fall on their feet because he’s a prince.

  39. nutella toast says:

    An example of peak sincere Harry charm that I cannot imagine William carrying off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdufnhs3H40