King Willem-Alexander & Prince Harry greeted each other warmly at Invictus

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Last week, the British papers smugly reported that King Willem-Alexander (king of The Netherlands) would not formally “receive” the Duke and Duchess of Sussex upon their arrival in The Hague. The British papers were getting all nitpicky about what kind of security the Sussexes would get and how Willem-Alexander would “snub” Harry in particular. Nevermind that Willem-Alexander had always scheduled his appearance for the closing day of the games, and he was always supposed to meet Harry today, Friday April 22nd. And that’s just what happened. If anything, the smug tantrum the British media threw last week only served to bring more attention to these photos, where Harry looks like he’s charming the pants off of the Dutch king.

The way the photo-ops were set up, Prince Harry greeted King Willem-Alexander outside of the main complex where the games are ongoing. They smiled and greeted each other with so much warmth, I am sure someone is sitting alone in England and burning with incandescent rage. After the greeting outside, King Willem-Alexander joined Harry inside, where they sat next to each other and watched the wheelchair basketball final in the front row (the Dutch team made the final, in a stroke of good luck). Once again, they seem very warm towards each other and the king seems to be enjoying himself immensely. Yes, I totally see how King Willem-Alexander didn’t want to be seen with Harry at all! Such a snub! Harry is such a pariah, amirite?

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81 Responses to “King Willem-Alexander & Prince Harry greeted each other warmly at Invictus”

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  1. ABritGuest says:

    But but Harry is the irrelevant 6th in line who dissed his family on Oprah AND missed Philip’s memorial?

    The tabloids are so pathetic

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The King must be beside himself with gratitude to Harry for bringing so much international attention to his country. It seems the rest of the world except the British Media knows what an asset Harry is.

      • equality says:

        For that reason alone he needed to acknowledge PH and the games. It also looks good for him to attend and support his own country’s team.

      • teecee says:

        Does the Netherlands “need” attention? I mean, good on Harry, good on Invictus, but let’s not act like the Netherlands is desperate for good PR. We can give props without bringing other people down. (Which is what Harry would want in the first place.)

      • Christine says:

        teecee, this is just like any major event, be it the Olympics, the Super Bowl, etc…Every country or city who can sends a team of experts to bid because you are an idiot if you don’t. Think of how much income the shops, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, basically anywhere near Invictus Games are getting, over what they ever would normally do. Giant events like this help the people who depend on tourists for income.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Christine, that doesn’t mean that anyone should be beside themselves with gratitude. Often big events cost more than they bring in. Dutch money was also used to set this up.

        The Netherlands gets loads of tourists anyway. Easter Weekend is always particularly huge.

        It’s nice that the Games came to the Netherlands, but to me it just seems nice as a good thing to do, not because the country is desperate for attention or money. The condescending tone of people is quite annoying, particularly since it seems to come from a place of ignorance.

      • aftershocks says:

        King Willem and Prince Harry are not strangers to each other. While I wouldn’t exactly describe the King as “beside himself with gratitude,” I do agree that the King appears quite jovial and very pleased about the positive worldwide spotlight The Hague is enjoying, coupled with the wonderful impact and importance of the games for military veterans.

        No matter how much the event cost for The Netherlands to mount on their end, the country has surely accrued more than worthwhile economic benefits. Even if tourism is usually good, this huge spotlight will definitely increase interest from people who might not otherwise have considered visiting The Netherlands.

      • Lilo and Snitch says:

        LOL! While us Dutchies welcome Prince Harry, and Invictus is a beautiful initiative, we don’t need anyone to bring media attention to our country. We are very successful in our own right. We have one of the strongest economies in the world and The Hague is known as The City of Justice with its International Criminal Court, OPCW and other major international bodies. The less travelled folk only know our country best for its capital – Amsterdam. King Willem is happy because he just is a decent human who knows good hospitality. Lord! People are so ignorant!

      • notasugarhere says:

        If the Dutch hadn’t wanted the Invictus Games, they wouldn’t have bid for them. Ergo they must have wanted them AND been thrilled to see how successful they were.

      • Christine says:

        What notasugarhere said.

        Are you sincerely arguing against positive global attention for your country? For real?

    • Moxylady says:

      The King stopped and spoke to some children reporters – perhaps the same ones Harry spoke with? – outside and he said wonderful things about the games and made a very important mention of the war against Ukraine and the Ukrainian identity. Very well done. I was beyond impressed. I guess it’s cuz we usually see Cain and Unable.

  2. matthew says:

    the British media are true idiots. They’re probably cousins!

    • liz says:

      All of the European royals are related to each other, mostly via Queen Victoria and her eighty-gazillion grandchildren, but in this case, Harry’s great-great-grandmother – Queen Alexandra was the sister of Willem-Alexander’s great-great-grandfather, Frederick VIII of Denmark.

      • liz says:

        oops. mixed up the Danish & the Netherlands royal families. my mistake.

      • Flowerlake says:

        @Liz, thanks, I was wondering for a moment 😀

        The Dutch and British Royal houses aren’t closely related (even further back than the connection with the Danish Royal House you described).

  3. Robem says:

    Guess the tabs are right. King Willem-Alexander didn’t receive Prince Harry. Prince Harry received him

    • Emma says:

      Haha snap! That’s right

    • Elizabeth Regina says:


    • QueenB says:

      I get what you’re doing/saying, but actually look at Harry’s demeanour in their greeting: totally taking the humble position, his head bowed; Willem is a tall and powerful personality, he must be 6’3, as Harry is quite tall and Willem is still inches bigger. Harry’s body language in their greeting is perfect: it’s representative of his true character, and Diana would be proud of his cultured and well-mannered bearing, physically showing his junior position to King Willem. What a prince he is!

      • Ginni says:

        QueenB. I couldn’t agree more with your statement. Harry knows what he’s doing, the respect he shows to King Willem……Harry is my hero! I couldn’t love him more!

  4. VivaAviva says:

    But did the Dutch team win?

  5. nina says:

    Hold on. What happened to the snub by the Dutch Royal Family. The King seems delighted to be there. Just letting Baldy and Chuck know that they will not disrespect people who have really served.
    A picture says a thousand words. …3…2…1 waiting for the RR to come up with some new bull crap.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Right? I’m sure it’s a slap in the face to the Queen somehow.

      Oh, and WA came out the last day so he can avoid Meghan and snub HER!

      • Shawna says:

        Let’s not give them ideas!

      • Christine says:

        Smart&Messy, I think you nailed it. This is going to be written as the snub of the century to Meghan.

      • Layla says:

        @smart&messy “the queen is absolutely gobsmacked” and “Prince Willileaks is incandescent with rage” and “the British royal family feels betrayed by the Dutch king” in 3…2…1….

  6. Rapunzel says:

    Global Ambassador Harry being treated like a *gasp shock* global ambassador? Quelle horreur.

  7. Noki says:

    That blue combo Harry is wearing makes him look GoodT.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Harry looks good in everything he wears!! I still daydream about that time that the lining of his suit matched Meghans dress!! Yummy 😋!!!

      They all look good together here!! I am certain that King WA had a marvelous time with Harry and was thrilled about hosting the IG in his home country!!

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      I’m a sucker for a man in dark navy blue. DAY-UM!

  8. Becks1 says:

    Yeah, I think the term “receive” was doing a lot in those earlier stories. Like, no, Harry and Meghan weren’t going to be given a state welcome in the palace or whatever. but once it was announced that the king was attending the games (and of course he would go, why would he avoid a sporting competition honoring veterans, including those from his own country?) then of course he and Harry would meet.

    It looks like they had a great time together too. King Willem-Alexander clearly missed the memo that he was supposed to snub Harry, lol.

    • Cara says:

      Bingo. Plus it implied he’d be so rude as to ignore the founder of Invictus and, by extension, the games and athletes themselves because the athletes are clearly thrilled to see Harry.

      Honestly I only really like royals for the jewels and clothes but I really love a comeuppance.

      • OriginalLeigh says:

        @Cara – The RR must have had the Dutch royal family confused with the British royal family. The British royals are the ones who ignored the founder of Invictus and, by extension, the games and athletes themselves. Completely disgraceful!

    • Nic919 says:

      The pictures of the two laughing away should be posted in all the Invictus promo. Laughing at the idiots in the UK media.

  9. Merrie says:

    I like the Dutch royal family. They seem like a good bunch.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Merrie, ikr. King Willem-Alexander just gives off a warm, approachable vibe. When pictures are posted here about him and his family, I always think that I’d like to meet them.

    • L84Tea says:

      The Dutch royals are a solid bunch. WA and Maxima clearly love their daughters and look out for them, unlike the BRF’s dog-eat-dog family style.

    • kirk says:

      I like it when the #VTeam Kindercorrespondents spoke with Princess Margriet. She had great answers to their questions. Didn’t realize she was born in Canada while Dutch RF was in exile during WWII. Recently read Three Ordinary Girls by Tim Brady about three WWII Dutch female teenage resisters (amazing book), but not much info on RF except being in exile.

  10. Surly Gale says:

    I cannot help but notice Harry lowering his head (bowing) to the king (respect) whilst they are both smiling and laughing (acknowledgement). I love this.

    • Denise says:

      I noticed that too. Even though he’s no longer a senior royal he grew up in that world and is respectful of those in that position.

    • Ginni says:

      @Surly Gale where is the LIKE button ! I like your comment!

  11. Jay says:

    I haven’t seen a recent photo of Willem – do we think he grew this gingery beard so he can match Harry?

    As I said when this was announced, the other royals definitely do care about these more formal marks of prestige, because they are all they have! Take away the curtseying and tiaras and state dinners, and what have you got?

    But for Harry, not visiting as a representative of the queen and no longer a working royal, it wouldn’t be logical or desirable to do a big formal reception.

    Invictus benefits so much from Harry’s star power, and in my opinion this fun outing with the Dutch king emphasizes that without relying on pomp.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Okay, I had to lookup the gingery beard thing. 2019 there were stories about Willem’s ginger beard. All I can say(not really), is that the two ginger beards looked more brotherly together than Harry has looked with his biological brother over the past 10 years. Harry IS a represntative of soldiers. He may not have lost a limb. He understands and empathizes. True story: Everyday(may have missed a day or two) over the last 15 years, I’ve watched the same amputee roll through our parking lot. We don’t say anything about him ‘rolling on through a private parking lot’ every day. My husband keeps a look out for him on a regular basis. The gentleman did serve. We’ve been freakin’ out because we haven’t seen him in two weeks. I guess what I’m saying is that the Invictus Games community feels deep down that Harry cares. What the BM/BRF?derangers say or don’t say…doesn’t matter.Would supporting injured veterans of the UK help the BRF? Absolutely. Unfortunately, the BM/BRF are spiting their noses in an attempt to save face. That May have worked years ago..not today, Satan, not today. People of all ages are more empathetic to a cause than they are to a hierachy system that benefits only people within the hieracrchy system. I could be wrong and the RR’s are the most truthful people ever. Even my Ouijaboard laughed hard at that.

  12. Izzy says:

    OMG! How will Harry ever recover from the humiliation of … a public bromance snub?!

    These people. SMH.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      LOL right! It’s not like they can say King Willem was just being civil & polite (though they might try). These pictures show two people having a really good time together.

      Laughing and smiling with their eyes too!

  13. Amy T says:

    No matter how hard the BM and incandescent family tries to make it otherwise, their version of reality just keeps not being real. Wonder if they’ll ever figure it out….

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, I was going to post something like this. It never stops being funny how the BM never expects the most rational thing to happen.

  14. Merricat says:

    Great photos, looks like a good time was had by all. Harry is really good at this sort of thing (connecting with people, high or low), and he’s been doing it for a long time.

  15. Lizzie Bathory says:

    The King looks like a warm, amiable guy who’s having a great time. It’s so striking to me that Harry approaches children, veterans, regular folks & kings alike with the same kindness & affability. It’s a quality his mother had but that was/is derided by the Windsors.

    • Tigerlily says:

      From what I’ve seen in media etc the Royals in Netherlands are quite down to earth. I recall reading many years ago, maybe in the 1980’s or 1990’s, some English reporters looking down their noses at Dutch royals. And sniffing that Brit royals wouldn’t go down that road of being so accessible & riding bikes etc.

  16. Normades says:

    A true charm offensive. The King looks ecstatic.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Normades, and if I were King W-A, I would much prefer this outing than any stuffy state dinner. Both of them are enjoying themselves.

  17. Over it says:

    I think incandescent might be an illness that not only Willy suffers from, but the British media as well.
    Meanwhile all Harry does is win win .

  18. C-Shell says:

    Doubt the rr will give this the coverage they gave the “snub” LOL, but this is getting GLOBAL coverage, as the IG have all week. At what point do they receive the derision they so richly deserve?, even from their usual readers? Yeah, rhetorical.

  19. Layla says:

    You just KNOW there’s going to be some sort of “tour” announced for the Netherlands in the near future. Maybe that’s why keeny was wearing dutch retailers on a tour to the Caribbean

  20. dawnchild says:

    As someone whose time with immediate family has become toxic and difficult to manage over the years, there is both comfort and sadness at watching Harry relaxing with non-family like this. That moment where you realize that you’ve just spent a few hours with non-family more pleasantly than with your supposed ‘own’. Harry has at this point had a happier time with a Dutch royal than with his own brother or father. Or ignored in church by his SIL.
    It’s a special kind of sh*ttiness…having family, but not really.

  21. Janice Hill says:

    I’ll feel pity for the royal family when Harry gets his Nobel.

    • blacktoypoodle says:

      You just freaking nailed it! Didn’t even occur to me, but give it 10+ years or so, on this trajectory and at least a nomination could be a possibility.

      And the mutual smiling head bow of “Prince to King” really is adorable.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Didn’t think of that, but it would be great.
      And would be entirely possible if he keeps up all his good work.

  22. Janet DR says:

    I really loved seeing these photos! So nice to see Harry in his element and doing well. 💗

  23. L84Tea says:

    Oh boy, this is going to kill William. I can hear the stomping of his feet all the way across the Atlantic. I think Kate is going to be the one bringing the soothing gin and tonics tonight.

  24. Julia K says:

    The publicity generated by the interest in the games is priceless in terms of elevated public profile, tourism and good will. The Netherlands will see financial gain from hosting and money is always a plus and attention getter. Combine that with Harry’s charm and hard work and the world sees a happy King.

  25. Laura D says:

    Lovely pictures and I’m so glad the King attended the games. It shows that the Dutch king was/is adult enough to keep out of what is basically a family feud.

  26. Christine says:

    The British media is really writing the royal family into a pickle when Invictus Games moves to Canada. Hmmmm, I wonder what representative they will send to the Games? They are going to look like petty fools after King Willem-Alexander’s showing, if they send no one. I am going to put in on my Google calendar to enjoy it immensely.

  27. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Good night nurse!!! What a HORRIBLE time the King is having next to Harry. Poor man 🙄

  28. JFerber says:

    Yes, the Dutch king looks affable, kind and very warm with Harry and those around him. I’m beginning to think other European royalty (Holland, Denmark) do modern royalty so much better than the antiquated, toxic English.

  29. LRob says:

    I think King Willem is QEII’s fifth cousin, making PH his 7th, maybe?

  30. JFerber says:

    Notice also that the king is very casually dressed, like maybe he and his wife don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars on their wardrobes? Like maybe there are more important things than personal vanity?

    • JustBitchy says:

      @jferber the Dutch actually spend a LOT on their royal family. I believe more $/population is spent in Netherlands supporting royals than GB. Their Hague palace renovation was over 60m$ alone. They just rolled out a customized 757 that they share with head of state.

  31. Beverley says:

    Wow, now THIS is the way you snub a guy! The Dutch king really showed Harry, didn’t he? Brutal royal rejection and it certainly put Harry in his place. And King WA even went out of his way to snub Harry’s low-born Black wife by waiting until the last day to show up to the games. He looks he’s thoroughly pained, bored, and appalled to be anywhere near Harry. The BM predicted the Dutch king would put PH in his place, and so he has! 😆😁

  32. Cidee says:

    That there is a bunch of Royal ginger hotness.

  33. Yo says:

    Never heard of the place before this 🤷🏽‍♀️ And I’m a world traveler. I think the Netherlands commenters are overstating their place on the stage of the world. A couple days of good tourist activity every year (Easter and something else was mentioned) doesn’t equal global notoriety . The king should be grateful absolutely

    • H. says:

      Reading the first sentence, I assumed (obviously) it was tongue-in-cheek. The second one destroys the parody, though. Were you serious, then? You haven’t heard of the Netherlands’ capital? Or maybe you just know it as (Den) Haag?
      If not, I have to wonder which world you travel, because it cannot be Earth.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Excellent response. When I was in grade school (3rd grade-8/9 years old) we were taught about the Netherlands & Holland. While, not necessarily interchangeable, we were taught during geography class. (a different geography class than what Prince William was taught I’m guessing). At that time, it centered around tulips & windmills. Still a bit enamoured of both. LOL @ Yo. I’m an American, I’m not a world traveler.. though, I do have siblings who are world travelers. Two(okay one might be an in-law) are absolutely world travelers and military. I think you are trying to allude to something else for all the wrong reasons. King Willem doesn’t need to be grateful. He saw a great opportunity and went for it. The IG had his support from the get go.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      ETA: @Yo…curious, as a world traveler were you not aware of, ya know, world history? Anne Frank.

    • Oona says:

      You must be joking! The Netherlands is a major tourist destination throughout the year, not just Easter. What “world” are you living in that gives you such a serious case of ignorance?

  34. Ten says:


  35. Juju says:

    I am Dutch. I don’t think the newspapers “smugly” announced anything. It’s a matter of public discourse and people were asking the palace, so they made a public statement that they had no plans to receive Harry and Meghan officially at the palace, but that the King would see him at the Invictus Games. Nothing smug or shady about it.