Gwen Stefani: “I said, ‘My God, I’m Japanese and I didn’t know it.’ I am, you know.”

Gwen Stefani is a cool woman who is loved and adored by millions of people for her music, her style, her vibe. But Gwen has also been a problematic figure for many people, first with her appropriation of Latinx culture, then with her appropriation of Japanese culture, and currently with her appropriation of Republican culture (lol). It’s the Asian appropriation which is still a huge issue today, I think because people continue to look back on that era – Gwen’s Harajuku era – and cringe. Gwen really paid four Japanese women to stand around her at all times and be silent. She really appropriated and marketed a Japanese subculture to white America. So, Gwen is currently promoting her makeup line (GXVE) and Allure’s Jesa Marie Calaor interviewed Gwen at a recent GXVE event. The interview turned out bonkers, because Gwen repeatedly claimed to be Japanese.

Gwen on her Japanese influences: “That was my Japanese influence and that was a culture that was so rich with tradition, yet so futuristic [with] so much attention to art and detail and discipline and it was fascinating to me,” she said, explaining how her father (who is Italian American) would return with stories of street performers cosplaying as Elvis and stylish women with colorful hair. Then, as an adult, she was able to travel to Harajuku to see them herself. “I said, ‘My God, I’m Japanese and I didn’t know it.'” As those words seemed to hang in the air between us, she continued, “I am, you know.” She then explained that there is “innocence” to her relationship with Japanese culture, referring to herself as a “super fan.”

Don’t criticize her for being a fan: “If [people are] going to criticize me for being a fan of something beautiful and sharing that, then I just think that doesn’t feel right. I think it was a beautiful time of creativity… a time of the ping-pong match between Harajuku culture and American culture.” She elaborated further: “[It] should be okay to be inspired by other cultures because if we’re not allowed then that’s dividing people, right?”

Did Gwen Stefani really refer to herself as Japanese several times? Calaor writes: I spent 32 minutes in conversation with Stefani, many of them devoted to her lengthy answer to my question about Harajuku Lovers. In that time, she said more than once that she is Japanese. Allure’s social media associate (who is Asian and Latina) was also present for the interview and we were left questioning what we had heard. Maybe she misspoke? Again and again? During our interview, Stefani asserted twice that she was Japanese and once that she was “a little bit of an Orange County girl, a little bit of a Japanese girl, a little bit of an English girl.” Surely, she didn’t mean it literally or she didn’t know what she was saying? (A representative for Stefani reached out the next day, indicating that I had misunderstood what Stefani was trying to convey. Allure later asked Stefani’s team for an on-the-record comment or clarification of these remarks and they declined to provide a statement or participate in a follow-up interview.)

[From Allure]

What I find remarkable is that Gwen Stefani hasn’t figured out a better way to speak about her love of Japanese culture without sounding like an appropriating a–hole. Like, I think it’s cool that Gwen loves Japan and that she wanted to bring some fun Japanese subculture to America. Figure out a way to do it and talk about it without claiming to be Japanese or shrugging off the very real issues your fascination with/fetishization of Japan has brought to the table. This is not some new conversation either. Literally, at the time in 2008, there were prominent Asian celebrities and scholars saying that Stefani’s Harajuku act was deeply uncomfortable if not fully racist. The conversations about appropriation have only grown from there, and with Stefani specifically, it’s not limited to her Asian appropriation. You can’t just wander around, claiming to be Japanese!!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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92 Responses to “Gwen Stefani: “I said, ‘My God, I’m Japanese and I didn’t know it.’ I am, you know.””

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  1. Becks1 says:

    Huh. I thought this story was going to end with Gwen saying she had done a DNA test or something and she was like 1% Japanese or something. But……

    how hard is it to say – “I love this culture and I feel a connection to this culture, as I’m sure many do” without sounding like a racist ahole?

    Her Japanese fetishization has always been problematic but here in 2023, I’m sort of scratching my head at how problematic she is still being about this.

    • equality says:

      Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

    • Zazzoo says:

      MTE! How hard is it?? Not But it’s not even Japanese culture she loves. It’s a very specific Tokyo-based subculture. Which is fine, but know the difference.

      • C says:

        “But it’s not even Japanese culture she loves. It’s a very specific Tokyo-based subculture. Which is fine, but know the difference.”

        Absolutely this.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Exactly. It’s one thing to enjoy clothing, music, and spices from another culture. But claiming another race or ethnicity and paying people from that group to follow you around as silent accessories is not ok at all. It’s too close to the way some people idealize the submissive Asian woman trope. That also had to have been so uncomfortable for the person interviewing her. It’s always feels weird when adult white people say things like, “I wish I was one of you” as a way of “bonding.”

    • Coco says:

      Her comment was exactly what I was expecting her to say. Gwen been called out by the Asian community for her appropriation of Japanese culture. There have even been articles calling out Gwen and other celebrities for their appropriation of other cultures.

      They were a lot of people from the Asia community calling out Gwen during the height of Asian hate for her appropriation of Asian cultures on Instagram and other platforms and she was deleting and ignoring comments so this is very on-brand for her.

    • tealily says:

      “I felt like I’d met a culture I really connected with” or “I found what they were doing to be exciting and wanted to bring that energy into my work,” etc. etc. There are so many ways to say this that aren’t “I’m Japanese.”

    • TikiChica says:

      Apparently, it’s pretty hard. If you don’t believe me, ask Hilaria.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Eh. She’s yet another undereducated and unsurprisingly vapid celebrity.

    • Carrot says:

      Gwen Stefani is Japanese like George Santos is Jewish

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I used to love her and her music. She truly has gotten worse with age.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I loved her shoe line. I have not seen it around in ages so I guess she ceased production.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I’d be happy for her if she donned her double camo, and, holding her fella’s hand, turned and walked slowly towards the horizon without a backward glance.

  3. C says:

    I mean appreciation is cool and all but having what amounts to a minstrel troupe of Japanese girls to follow you and forbid them to speak is not quite it, lol.
    Margaret Cho’s words on this back in 2005 were interesting.

  4. Stacey Dresden says:

    Great artist, dingbat IRL

  5. Andy Dufresne says:

    Sure Gwen. I guess I’m Italian now who is somewhat related to Madonna as a distant cousin. I just didn’t know it.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      I’m Latina since I lived on the border of Mexico for 25 years lol

    • HeatherC says:

      I love Indian food. I love Bollywood movies. I guess I’m Indian now?

      Ever look at a person who is so stupid you ask yourself, how are they still alive?

  6. NotTheOne says:

    I saw a comment yesterday that said they wished Gwen had been such a fan of Japanese culture when all the attacks against people of Asian descent started. Why didn’t she show her love then?

    • Naomi says:

      Exactly. I’m reminded of Amandla Stenberg quote about how white people love black culture but hate black people. White women like Gwen constantly think that loving an “other” culture is not racist. In actuality, cultural appropriation — claiming another people’s culture for yourself– is an extension of racism. It’s a very entitled, settler colonial mindset (“I can have this because I want it/ I take what I want”). You can appreciate cultures without appropriating them! White people have a hard time understanding that.

      Anyway, Gwen Stefani has always given off conservative politics vibes, so I’m not surprised.

      • OriginalLeigh says:

        @Naomi – Yep! And Gwen is also guilty of appropriating Black culture, in addition to Asian and LatinX culture….

    • WTF says:

      EXACTLY! I heard someone say, they want our rhythm but not our blues.
      You are not Japanese Gwen, STFU and sit the F down.

  7. Emily says:

    I was a massive Gwen fan during her No Doubt days. I had her poster on my wall and idolized her. I’m starting to wonder … is she … dumb?

    The comments about being Japanese are so bad.

    • Ann says:

      I said below maybe she isn’t all that bright. Perhaps she is just kind of dumb? It hurts my child of the 90s soul to say that but she sounds so ditzy in this interview, like she’s trying to sound smart but it just ain’t happening. The dumbness is too obvious to ignore that even the interviewers had to make sure they heard it right. Gwen should probably avoid interviews going forward.

    • NEENA ZEE says:

      Nailed it. She’s a dummy.

      I think it was obscured for many years by her body of work. But now that she puts out less music and more social media posts it’s easier to see.

    • tealily says:

      Aesthetics over substance. Bright and shiny colors on the outside obscuring the inner dumbness.

    • Lucy says:

      She’s not dumb, she’s just a deliberately obtuse privileged white woman. It’s a choice and she chose to not only say that, but double down.

      • Liz Version 700 says:

        Lucy I have to wonder can you be intentionally dumb. This sounds like dumb with privilege. It’s purposeful but also she is too stupid to realize how bad it sounds lol

      • Justjj says:

        This. A genius, she certainly is not… add to that white privilege, and completely out of touch celebrity…

    • Jennifer says:

      …Yeah, she’s dumb. Hasn’t learned anything on this topic over the years, apparently.

  8. Frippery says:

    I might be wrong here as it is not my religion or culture to feel upset about, but didn’t Gwen Stefani picking and choosing random cultures to wear as fashion begin with her sparkling, blinged out bindi?

    • smcollins says:

      Took the words right out of my mouth. When No Doubt burst onto the scene in the 90’s that was very much a part of her earlier look.

    • tealily says:

      As far as we know! I’m not sure who she was dating before Tony Kanal.

  9. Ceej says:

    I mean… there’s so many obvious other ways she could say this but she seems to go for that classic “trying to sound more intellectual and highbrow” artist approach. Basically, she saw the Harajuku style and realised she had the same style sense. That’s fine Gwen, but it does. Not. Make. You. Japanese.

  10. Liz Version 700 says:

    She and Blake are starting to make more and more sense to me……

  11. Janey says:

    Will she be attending the HIlaria Baldwin school of languages?

  12. Ann says:

    Gwen was my cool girl icon in the 90s but she sold out a long, long time ago. The Harajuku era was soooooooo embarrassing. I just don’t see her as a cool woman at all anymore. And on top of all her own shenanigans she goes and marries turtle killer Blake Sheldon. At least she gave us Tragic Kingdom, which is still a classic.

    And like someone else said, I was expecting this interview to end with her saying she did some DNA test that showed she had some % Japanese in her. On top of being a sell out she doesn’t seem too bright? I never really realized that about her.

  13. teehee says:

    It can be said in a better way– “it’s like my soul and my heart are from Japan” or “Japan is my spirit origin” and “I relate and understand their culture more than my own” etc. Just a bad bungle of words but I get her intention.

    • Zazzoo says:

      Except she doesn’t mean any of those things. I question what she even knows about Japanese culture beyond adolescent fashion trends that emerge from Tokyo’s trendy districts.

  14. maybeK says:

    It almost sounds like she was on something while she was doing that interview……..but obviously white women expensive stuff, lol!!

  15. Chantal says:

    Hey Gwen, re this topic, just Don’t Speak!

    • PunkPrincessPhD says:

      “I know what you’re sayin’, so please stop explainin’ …

      No, seriously Gwen. Please. Stop. Explaining.”

  16. Bran voyage says:

    She also started a MLM makeup line. She was once the epitome of cool to me. So tragic.

  17. Emily_C says:

    She was only “cool” for about a second in the 90s. She really hasn’t been since, imo.

    This is gross. I love Japanese video games (RPGs specifically), and Japanese gardens and a lot of Japanese aesthetics and food, but that does not make me Japanese. I also like a lot of French aesthetics and food — and, bonus, I’m descended from Eleanor of Aquitaine! And one of my cousins lives in France and has French children. I’m still not French.

    • Evies Mom says:

      Eleanor of Aquitaine rocks! I loved the You’re Dead to Me podcast episode about her life.

      Gwen sucks.

  18. NEENA ZEE says:

    To everything there is a season… the 2020s version of Gwen has no interest or appeal for me. But maybe she’s attracting new fans from the far right?

  19. K says:

    “Oh my god, Karen, you can’t just go around saying you’re Japanese.”

  20. Coco says:

    O Gwen and your willful ignorance liking the Harajuku aesthetic, Japanese food and having four Japanese women follow you around like dolls does not make you Japanese.

  21. Serena says:

    And she said all that, twice, with a straight face.. what in the hell?

    • smcollins says:

      A straight face is probably all she can muster these days due to all of the Botox & fillers. Just saying…

  22. detritus says:

    Her PR team must be so upset lol

    She Hilaria Baldwined with no shame.

  23. Case says:

    Oh dear. Yikes. I think Gwen is a well-meaning but rather dim person. A lot of people love Japanese culture. She can say it in a way that doesn’t claim she is literally Japanese. Like “I have a great appreciation and respect for Japanese culture, I’m a bit of a nerd about it/I’m definitely an admirer.” That’s all!

  24. R. says:

    I’m not saying you can’t enjoy Japanese culture and products or saying Japanese society/ people are evil, I’m not. Please do enjoy them but please keep in mind Japanese society have been influenced by other cultures as any other cultures and Japanese history/people are as complicated as any other country and people. Just please, do some research/inform yourself on the actual history, all the good and bad of it, before spousing any love for the culture you’re appropriating (and erasing other Asian identities in the process) because you think it makes you quirky and *puke, puke, puke*, kawaiiii.

  25. ME says:

    Hey let’s not forget the bindi she use to wear on her forehead. I guess she thought because she once dated an Indian guy, she was practically Indian for a while . I grew up in a pretty much all White school. Those kids were brutal. On a daily basis they would ask “where’s your p@ki dot?”. Then you see White girls wearing them years later to be trendy. It’s upsetting.

  26. Torttu says:

    Gwen Stefani is a fun performer but she’s a terrible singer.

  27. Green Desert says:

    I saw a longer statement by Allure and they said one line that really stood out to me. Something like “to our knowledge, Stefani has not spoken out about the rise in violence and hatred toward the AAPI community over the last few years” (not a direct quote, but something like that).

    That is so powerful to me and it shows, honestly, just how dumb Gwen is. If you care so much about this culture. why haven’t you spoken out against a VERY visible issue that culture has been facing? God, you can’t take the Orange County out of the girl. She and Blake make so much sense to me.

    • Coco says:

      It’s not stupidity it’s willful ignorance, she choosing to stay blind, deaf and stupid so she can cosplay Japanese culture happily.

      • Green Desert says:

        I saw your comment upthread – I’m glad people called her out for her silence on AAPI violence. I did not know this or about the fact that she deleted and ignored comments – that’s sounds about right.

        15 years or so ago she also made her ridiculous comments about feminism. I don’t think Gwen is the brightest bulb but you’re right, she’s made a choice for a long time to stay ignorant about these issues.

  28. chumsley says:

    Her comments are giving me Oli London vibes (if you don’t know who they are, you’re probably better off not going down that rabbit hole). It’d maybe be a little more understandable (though still not okay) if she had lived in Japan for a while. How did she get this from her dad regularly going to Japan on business trips?

    • Peachy says:

      Oli is creepy and disgusting. I was very happy he decided to un-Jimin (de-Jimin?) and has applied his inappropriate focus elsewhere. I don’t think Gwen is as bad. I’m not a fan of hers, not now and not ever, but this is more Karenesque than stalkerish.

  29. Bad Janet says:

    She has been appropriating since the dawn of time. Remember the bindi?

  30. ChillinginDC says:

    Huge sigh. I just realized we never realized that this woman has always been a problem.

  31. ❌❌❌Tart ❌❌❌ says:


  32. DeluxeDuckling says:


  33. Havitt says:

    I mean, why play “gotcha” w an uneducated celebrity? Gwen isn’t an academic nor a social justice warrior. She’s just a pop singer, a trendy clothes designer…IMO no projection of depth so why test a stream as if it were the ocean?

    • C says:

      The answer to your question is, she knows why what she’s saying is messed up which is why she’s spewing word salad to a really unnecessary degree to excuse it.

    • Lucy says:

      Because she has a huge platform, she was wrong and is still wrong, and hate crimes against AAPI folks are up over 1000% – that’s why. She shouldn’t have gotten a pass then and she shouldn’t now.

    • Coco says:


      Are you saying because she is not an educator or a social justice warrior She should be allowed to other appropriate cultures and profit from them under the guidelines of stupidity?

      Your telling on yourself

    • Emily_C says:

      It’s not playing “gotcha”. This isn’t combing over someone’s words for any tiny slip-up, real or perceived, they may have made. This is years and years of Stefani’s appropriation, disrespect, and thoroughly irritating stupidity.

  34. AnneL says:

    That’s awkward to say the least.

    I love Ireland, its culture and literature. I relate to it for some reason, and I actually do have a few Irish ancestors. But they came to US (or colonies, then) in the 18th century. I am decidedly not from what anyone would consider an Irish-American family, so I don’t go around saying “I’m Irish.”

    Even if Gwen did have 5% Japanese ancestry or something, it would be weird for her to claim to be Japanese over and over again.

  35. Valerie says:

    You can tell she’s a Republican by the way she talks about ~division~

    Their sense of nuance isn’t very strong. There’s a difference between enjoying and respecting a culture and appropriating it, especially for profit.

  36. Nic919 says:

    At this point she has to know this is inappropriate. I don’t think dumb covers it any more. I know Harry got called out for the unconscious bias thing instead of calling it racism, but with Gwen it’s not unconscious after the appropriation of Latina culture, Japanese culture and even the use of the bindi in early days.

    It’s just racist. And she doesn’t care to change.

  37. D says:

    From 1995, when that first record came out, people assumed she was a deep thinker but she really isn’t and she is not an articulate person at all. She isn’t original, smart or particularly insightful and never has been. I have been around since MTV first pushed her into the spotlight and I just never got the appeal.

    • Peachy says:

      Ditto. She never seemed original, as people kept saying, because everything she did was copied/appropriated.

  38. Rnot says:

    2008 was 15 years ago! In 15 years she hasn’t absorbed any of the criticism? After 15 years AND a chance to clarify afterwards she still can’t do better than this? A baby born in 2008 will be driving next year.

  39. QuiteContrary says:

    She said this to an Asian journalist — a first-generation Filipina American — which makes it worse.

    The article’s author, Jesa Marie Calaor, wrote: “I am a woman who has been called racial slurs because of her appearance, feared for her father’s safety as he traveled with her on New York City subways, and boiled with anger as grandparents were being attacked and killed because they were Asian. I envy anyone who can claim to be part of this vibrant, creative community but avoid the part of the narrative that can be painful or scary.”

    She and an Allure colleague, an Asian Latina who was also present during the interview, were unsettled by Stefani’s remarks. Calaor wrote that words “don’t have to be hostile in their intent in order to potentially cause harm.”


  40. J says:

    Yeah – love Gwen but she should find a better way of expressing her appreciation of the culture . Maybe like she feels a part of her soul is meant to be Japanese or something more distant from saying she “is” which is ridiculous. I also don’t love her use of a crew of Japanese women as props

    However I think many of the current trends we have in cultural appropriation discourse are dangerously close to forcing cultural segregation. Human cultures shared and intermingle over centuries and that he created amazing foods, art and tradition, it seems weird to police that. But appreciators should also be mindful of how they do this so it isn’t wholly putting it on like your own.

    • Emily_C says:

      Sure, people sometimes get really weird and completely full of it when they claim something’s cultural appropriation. (I’ve seen people claim learning another language is cultural appropriation, which very obviously it is not.) But this really IS cultural appropriation. We shouldn’t be afraid to call it out when it’s really there, just because some people are dumb and/or intentionally misleading about it.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        @J: Yep. This is true too.
        @ Emily C: Thank you for saying that, because it can be really hard to find that balance. To leave space for real examples of cultural harm and theft like this to be called out, while also leaving space for other types of regressives (on both sides) to be called out for misusing the issue to further other bigiotries, or taking the issue a dangerous and violent extreme. It can be scary to try to point out either. It’s a work in progress, I guess.

  41. Annalise says:

    I personally canceled Stefani after she went to the ends of the earth to nullify her first marriage, a 15year (at least, I think) union that produced three children, so that she could be married again in the Catholic Church. I wonder how it made her kids feel???? And I’m not Catholic, but I’m curious, is the Catholic Church STILL super hard-line about that? Did she really have to annul her first marriage?

    • J says:

      Yes CC is hardline on marriage. I don’t fault her for the annulment. I think cheating is so egregious – and Gavin’s was with the nanny. That is such horrible breach and abuse of her and the whole family that I believe it makes the marriage worthy of an annulment. From sounds of it her kids adore the new hubby and seem ok. I think if anyone damaged the kids it was Gavin.

  42. Londongal says:

    I love her eternal but Gwen honey, no.