Sarah Jessica Parker & John Corbett look coupled-up for ‘And Just Like That’

We learned last year that John Corbett would come back to the Sex and the City universe for a “multi-episode arc” in HBO Max’s And Just Like That’s second season. No one was happy about it. No one was checking for Aidan Shaw to reenter Carrie Bradshaw’s life. One thing I’ll give the original SATC series is that it was somewhat realistic in how they showed how two deeply incompatible people continued to make dumb mistakes with each other, over and over again. Like, I hated Aidan and Carrie together and maybe that was the point? Sometimes, your girlfriend dates the wrong guy and she refuses to figure her sh-t out. In Carrie’s case, she only dated wrong guys though.

Anyway, it’s looking more and more like Corbett’s reunion with the team is a lot more *intensive* than originally believed. I thought, hey, maybe it’s like a three-episode reunion wherein a 57-year-old and a 61-year-old go out to dinner, talk about their pasts and understand why they were never supposed to be together long-term. But of course that’s not what’s happening. There are already photos of Carrie and Aidan holding hands, kissing, looking loved up. The photos in this post are from this week, where SJP, Corbett and David Eigenberg (Steve) were filming in Coney Island. Congrats to SJP – she’s gonna ride this dead horse until her 70s.

(I do like seeing Steve though – I guess the storyline is that Steve and Aidan are still bros and possibly still business partners. Carrie’s “hanging out with the bros” ensemble is hilariously bad too – those stupid boots, and it looks like she threw a coat over her pajamas.)

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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36 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker & John Corbett look coupled-up for ‘And Just Like That’”

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  1. Caro says:

    This show is so embarrassing! Just let it die already.

  2. FhMom says:

    I hate watched it last time and I’ll do it again. She has to stop with the awful clothing, though. It gives me Madonna vibes.

    • Kitten says:

      I’ll be hate-watching right next to you. Someone has to watch this mess and it might as well be us.

      • Eleonor says:

        Me too! I’ll bring the cocktail .
        And my goodness Kim Cattral dodged a bullet!

      • AmyB says:


        Same here, my daughter and I hate-watched AJLT, and I will watch this latest tragic installment LOL.

        I do love John Corbett, but JFC bringing Aidan and Carrie back together?? UGH. I loved Aidan in the original series, but their relationship just proved what a selfish narcissist Carrie was. During the original SATC series, all the other women grew up and matured; but Carrie? Nope, stayed her problematic self.

    • Teddy says:

      There’s desperation in Carrie’s wardrobe. It’s kind of tragic. The show feels like a zombie. Very sorry to see Aiden’s brain got eaten.

  3. D says:

    They need a new costume designer who can say “no” to SJP. Not one of her outfits was good. It’s just “let’s make her look like a crazy rich lady” instead of really thinking about the reason behind each outfit. It’s insulting to the legacy of Pat Field.

    • Noki says:

      She is still clinging onto the late nineties boho mess, it doesn’t work anymore. My imaginary style sense if I could have afforded it was always Charlotte.

    • Jessa says:

      Mixed views here. On the one hand, totally agree re legacy of Pat Field and the original show, but also, so on brand for Carrie to get more batsh*t in her outfits as she gets older. So… meh. The whole show’s an entertaining car crash so let’s take the costumes along with that.

  4. jo73c says:

    the only reason I want this to be on is so I can listen to The Worst Idea of All Time boys podcast about it

    • Jay says:

      I’m guilty of this crazy cycle. I’ve dated a guy off and on for 20 years. The attraction is like nirvana but we are not compatible…

  5. ElsaBug says:

    Aiden run!!!!!

  6. K8erade says:

    It kind of offends me that this show is still a thing. Not that I was ever a fan of Sex and the City or as I call it, Karens and the City or And Just Like Karens.

  7. Emmi says:

    Unlike many people, I still like the original show. Was Carrie often a nightmare? Yes. Did she make a hundred dating mistakes? Yes. But we always want more complicated female characters and frankly, a lot of what she did was relatable. Not the lifestyle. But the friendships that were sometimes messy, the one guy that got away and then came back. The perfect-on-paper-dude that wasn’t compatible and so on. Where they lost me was the second movie. The first one wasn’t good at all and beat a dead horse but it was fun to revisit everybody. After that … no. I was deeply embarrassed by this new show. Stop recycling men! It’s so lazy!

    • Jay says:

      By destroying the Samantha character in the second movie sent a negative message to the very people they were uplifting through sexual liberation, it was a hard scene to watch

    • HK9 says:

      Many people including myself liked the original show. The problem is it’s time to let it go now. And quite frankly since Patricia Field isn’t styling the show it was bound into a mess…as those pictures clearly show.

    • Kitten says:

      I still like the original show as a sort of 00s time capsule. Re-watching it, so much of it feels really dated yet that was absolutely the culture of that time period–vapid, narcissistic, and rather regressive. That being said, the show did push boundaries at the time and I loved watching women talk so frankly about sex. It really was ground-breaking to see narratives centered around the woman’s sexual experience. Nowadays, so many shows do it better and with far more sensitivity but SATC still paved the way.

      • Emmi says:

        I can see why a 23-year-old would watch it today and not really connect with any of it. But yeah, while it’s very of its time, it was absolutely successful for a reason.

    • AmyB says:

      Despite some problematic storylines from today’s perspective, I still enjoy the original series. It was very groundbreaking at the time, and the chemistry of the four women was great. The first movie was somewhat tolerable (tho I think most fans were just happy to see the girls again); the second movie was AWFUL. It’s a shame that they can’t just let this thing die. They ended the series on a real high note, IMO.

  8. Tessa says:

    I hope Steve falls in love with someone other than Miranda and gets married again. Brady steve and mirandas son needs to grow up.

    • Ann says:

      Oh yes, love and happiness for Steve! His character deserves that. Who should play her? In my fantasy it’s Marisa Tomei, just for the fun of seeing Miranda seethe with regret over ditching her gem of a husband with her mid life crisis.

  9. Eurydice says:

    SJP looks like she’s wearing a random collection of hospital gowns.

  10. Amee says:

    Wow! I have been loving the SATC re dux and really identifying with it. Yeah. I’m in the demographic they are in plus live in NYC Metro. My friends are going through what those SATC characters have gone through and even have hooked up with former flames after their 2nd/3rd marriages ended. Carrie’s new hip? Yup, we are all needing new equipment. So, don’t yuck my yum.

  11. Susan says:

    I know it has been said many times before, but I feel like this show COULD be so good. Just like a “before and after” kind of thing, how life has changed, how things have changed, without leaning in to the cheesy nostalgia (cough cough old boyfriends). I am younger than this crew (not by a ton) but definitely related to the show at its time and now see how differently I think and behave and enjoy the discussion around how much has changed. That being said, WE ALL CHANGED WITH THE TIMES. It’s okay to acknowledge that. I find it weird how they make them sometimes appear like dinosaurs pulled from BC and dropped into NYC modern day.

  12. Michele says:

    Carrie has always dressed like a 4-year old: “I love it and will wear it because I think its fabulous.” Even though I think most of her clothing choices are shit, she does her own thing like an absurd artist. Occasionally she wears a really nice piece but it’s hard to tell because she always looks so bad.

  13. Andrea says:

    I was team Aidan originally. I hated Big and just felt he didnt treat her well. I wanted an Aidan and still do(41 and never married). So I am here for it.

    • Christine says:

      I want an Aidan, for me, but the actual Aidan deserves better than Carrie. I can’t watch their cycle again.

  14. February Pisces says:

    The fact they are trying to make Aidan happen is 20 years too late. He should have been Carries number 1 back then, not Big. This show is clearly desperate.

  15. HeyKay says:

    Every time I see these updates of this show, I feel bad.
    SAtC was a good show at the time.
    Now? The nicest thing I can say is … the crew is getting a paycheck, wardrobe folks, crat services teams, etc.
    SJP just does not know when to let this go.
    Poor John Corbett, he needs a fun hobby instead of this crap.
    Somewhere Kim C. is happily retired from this mess and has her dignity.

    Is Carrie now a billionaire after Big’s demise?
    SJP needs a good 6″ cut of her hair, IMO.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    Carrie and Sophie Wessex both have terrible — albeit terrible in different ways — shoes on in today’s posts. But even Sophie’s are better than Carrie’s dumb boots.

    I was always Team Aiden, but he was too good for Carrie.