Richard Dreyfuss: ‘Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a Black man?’

Richard Dreyfuss used to be a household-name kind of actor, given the success of Jaws, The Goodbye Girl, What About Bob, etc. He won an Oscar for the Goodbye Girl (that script is so good) and he still works, although his career definitely took a downturn in recent… decades. Part of that is because he’s always had a reputation as an a–hole among his colleagues, and he’s also treated women like sh-t for decades too. But still, he’s an Oscar winner and a member of the Academy, which means he has all kinds of thoughts about AMPAS’s diversity rules, which they’ve been rolling out in recent years, trying to make the Academy voter bloc more inclusive and tolerant. Well, Richard Dreyfuss hates all of the changes. He was interviewed on PBS and he basically threw a tantrum because he can’t wear blackface.

On the new diversity rules to be eligible for the Best Picture award at the Oscars. “They make me vomit. This is an art form. It’s also a form of commerce, and it makes money, but it’s an art. No one should be telling me as an artist that I have to give in to the latest, most current idea of what morality is. What are we risking? Are we really risking hurting people’s feelings? You can’t legislate that. You have to let life be life. I’m sorry, I don’t think there is a minority or majority in the country that has to be catered to like that.”

On Laurence Oliver’s blackface performance of Othello. “He played a Black man brilliantly. Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a Black man? Is someone else being told that if they’re not Jewish, they shouldn’t play the ‘Merchant of Venice?’ Are we crazy? Do we not know that art is art? This is so patronizing. It’s so thoughtless and treating people like children.”

When asked if people should be careful about the history of blackface: “There shouldn’t be because it’s patronizing. Because it says we’re so fragile that we can’t have our feelings hurt. We have to anticipate having our feelings hurt, our children’s feelings hurt. We don’t know how to stand up and bop the bully in the face.”

On banning books in schools: “I think we’re cowards. Republicans send their children schools hoping and praying that their children will come back Republicans and Democrats send their children to school urgently praying that their children come back Democrats.The idea that a parent would walk into a public school and say, ‘I don’t want my children exposed to opposing views.’ That’s wrong.”

[From Variety & Deadline]

In some ways, I’m glad that Dreyfuss is coming out and saying all of this with his full chest. Too many voters hide behind anonymity, but this is how a large Academy voting bloc actually feels: that people have gotten too “sensitive,” that “art” means white guys should be able to wear blackface whenever they want, that there’s no need to make an effort to pursue more inclusive policies because it’s “catering” to marginalized people. They’ll say all that and then treat Will Smith’s Oscar slap like it was the worst, most violent thing they’d ever seen, like they’re suddenly super-sensitive snowflakes. Anyway, Scarlett “Japanese Tree” Johansson should make a movie with him!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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48 Responses to “Richard Dreyfuss: ‘Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a Black man?’”

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  1. pamspam says:


    • TOM says:

      In “Krippendorf’s Tribe” Dreyfus literally did put on brown makeup to play a tribal leader from Papua New Guinea.

      It’s central to the plot and played for laughs. Lily Tomlinson and Natasha Lyonne are also in the movie.

  2. QuiteContrary says:

    He played an adult teacher who kissed a student in “Mr. Holland’s Opus” — which is sexual misconduct, given the age and power differential.

    He should just shut up.

  3. TheOriginalMia says:

    Saw this quote the other day and was that meme of Judge Judy closing the laptop in disgust. Just no.

  4. Izzy says:

    As a Jew I am embarrassed and horrified by his remarks. A white person can portray a Jew, because many Jewish people are white. But if the character was a Black Jewish person, there would be no excuse to have a white person portray that character simply because “Jewish.” Actors PRETEND, but pretending your skin is a different color isn’t acting, it’s appropriation. What is he, the Rachel Dolezal of acting?

    Maybe he and Scarlett should make a movie with Dolezal.

    • Tacky says:

      It’s not appropriation, wearing someone else’s oppression as a costume is the ultimate white privilege. As someone who was born before the civil rights movement, Dreyfuss should understand that norms and morals evolve over time and that is a good thing.

    • Mallory says:

      “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” (Wayne Reid)

      The Rachel Divide was an excellent film. He has the same bug she has- self centeredness with a victim mentality…but at least hers was due to severe abuse, his is just white man privilege.

      World: “We are going to attempt to curb racism in hiring & make jobs more fairly distributed so people can feed their families & thrive”
      RD: “But I won’t get to play a black man?!?!”

      What a tool.

    • MS Lib says:

      Excellent point. Thank you.

  5. Emmi says:

    Decrepit white dude says what?

    The man is pissed that he hasn’t had a decent career in 20 years. Next.

  6. molly says:

    Tell me more about how unfair and hard your life is old, rich, white, man.
    My heart positively breaks for your plight.

    • Tacky says:

      In the mid-90s I saw Patrick Stewart play Othello with an all Black cast. The sets and costumes were updated to give the show a “thug life” feel. It was pretty obvious Patrick Stewart knew how cringe worthy and wrong headed the production was. And that was almost 30 years ago.

    • Erin says:

      Right? Boo fricken hoo dude. I just can’t wrap my mind around so many grown ass adults in this age group that throw tantrums about anything that challenges the way they think about things. I have gotten so much more open minded and left leaning the older I have gotten and I attribute that to growing the fuck up and leaving behind my immature self righteous attitude and learning more everyday. Things change why is that so hard to understand for these people??

      • Myeh says:

        @Erin some of us grow up and others just get old.

      • KC says:

        But see, that’s why when I read this quote of his “Republicans send their children schools hoping and praying that their children will come back Republicans and Democrats send their children to school urgently praying that their children come back Democrats.The idea that a parent would walk into a public school and say, ‘I don’t want my children exposed to opposing views.’ That’s wrong.” I realized I agree with him.

        He said a lot of things that had me eye rolling but that right there 👆🏾he makes a good valid point. The irony.

  7. ChillinginDC says:

    I kept wondering why his son sucked so much, and apple, tree.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    He’s an awful person.

  9. SquiddusMaximus says:

    Actually, this is good. This is healthy. Get these entitled nobs out in the open so we can address their argument specifically.

    Attitudes like THESE are why administrative authorities put such policies in place — because the people in power are either too self-interested or profit minded to change on their own. That is why we have national energy policies governing clean energy transition, or financial services regulation protecting “the little guys.” Because you as an individual or the private sector won’t do it own their own, at the expense of society’s health & benefit.

    And cut that, “Well if I can’t play Black then I can’t play a Jew” conflation crap. That is so reductive.

    • Deering24 says:

      Agreed. Wacky-Fun-Performers-On-The-Surface Academy members like this explain a helluva lot about who and what gets Oscar-nominated. They’ve been thriving in secrecy and making racist, career-damaging calls for years. About time they get called out.

  10. Abby says:

    Well I agree on the book banning part, no topics should be banned in school, and no parent should try to impose only one worldview on their kid. Having a plurality of opinions is important. Which is why he also needs to be exposed to other views that explain to him why diversity standards matter…

  11. Ameerah M says:

    This makes me wonder if HE was the anonymous Academy actor who said all that racist $hit about Viola Davis.

    • Emster says:

      I was just thinking that too. Would have to go reread it though. I don’t know if I want to do that.

    • Kate says:

      I’m pretty sure there’s more than one racist in Hollywood.

      • Ameerah M says:

        Obviously. My point was that al LOT of what was said was very similar. And specific.

    • Typical Virgo says:

      Dreyfuss and that anonymous Oscar voter (or whatever) DEFINITELY seem to share the same “voice” and attitudes! You might be right! I had been previously convinced that it was Charlie Sheen, but i guess the unfortunate reality is that there are numerous impotent white men in Hollywood with just these same views…..pathetic….

    • clare says:


    • Deering24 says:

      IIRC, several folks here pegged him as the voter.

  12. TaraBabara says:

    I agree Richard. Please, go ahead and wear blackface for your art. And deal with the consequences of it.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    Patrick Stewart played Othello in 1997 and did not blackface. He played him as a white man and while I don’t know how other black actors felt about that, I think they probably appreciated him not being in blackface.

    Richard Dreyfuss is an asshole. Plain and simple. I’m glad that we know that now, but we probably should have had an inkling because of what a shit his son Ben is.

  14. HeyKay says:

    I haven’t seen or heard anything about RD in a good 5-10 years.
    He’s wealthy and his best acting years are behind him.
    He has always been a blowhard, with a huge ego, as far as I recall.

    And stop BS’ing us with “art”.
    Most of his movies were not “art”. Jaws, Close Encounters, The Goodbye Girl = not Art, popular box office entertainment, which he was lucky to be in.
    Schindler’s List is Art, IMO. A well done, brilliant movie with a brutal storyline that moved peoples emotions.
    Shakespeare, how these scenery chewing actors love to drag out Othello. FGS.
    Olivier did Othello bc he had the career power to cast Himself as Othello. Ego.

    I am so fed up with these elderly men, constantly “speaking from on high.”
    Don’t care Richard.
    Dustin Hoffman, has 200%+ more talent than RD will ever have.

  15. Lizzie Bathory says:

    Sounds like Richard’s feelings are hurt.

    • Bambilee23 says:

      This!! Exactly what I was thinking. Aww poor little Richard Dreyfuss got his feelings hurt cause he won’t win an Oscar for doing black face (it’s not even that he “can’t” do it. He could still do it. It just wouldn’t be eligible for a nomination). For someone saying, “we’re so fragile that we can’t have our feelings hurt,” he sure is acting fragile…

  16. Silent Star says:

    Old white man literally feels entitled to black people’s SKIN to profit from it financially and artistically, without having to experience any of the real challenges that come with it!
    I…I just don’t even have words! 🤯

  17. Mimi says:

    And just like that I shall try to avoid any future film he is in at all costs.

    At least we now know who made the comment about Viola Davis and the Woman King.

    • CooCoo Catchoo says:

      Ding ding ding – I think you’re spot on. I think we’ve found our anonymous academy voter.

    • Typical Virgo says:

      @Mimi- same. It’s the some of the only power I can wield against people like him and so I shall……

  18. Yonati says:

    “Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a Black man?” Yes, MORON. That’s exactly what it means. Are you 6?? Most kids understand this at least by the time they’re 10 (giving leeway for anomalies). Disgusting.

  19. LaurenAPMT says:

    One can only hope that someday he’ll be able to recognize the white privilege he had for the majority of his career (and STILL made crappy movies), but I’m not overly hopeful on that.

  20. Plums says:

    I saw his name trending the other evening and assumed it was because he died! Oh Richard, I’d be feeling so much more charitable towards you this morning would that have been the case.

  21. Typical Virgo says:

    Hopefully Dreyfuss has destroyed any chance he might have had at actually playing Othello but hey maybe they’ll tap him for a sequel to “Piranha 3D”! He was SO great in the first one………j/k I haven’t seen Piranha 3D

  22. Coco says:

    According to articles from January of this year, Dreyfuss announced he was voluntarily giving up acting (as opposed to not being offered roles anymore) in order to dedicate his life to civics education outreach. Is that why he was invited on PBS in the first place?

    • CooCoo Catchoo says:

      I think he was invited on to discuss his new book, which is about civics. He talked about the importance of teaching civics in schools, but went off in very messy and cringy tangents.

  23. teresa says:

    Yes, yes Richard, you cannot play a black man on film or in a play, get over it.

  24. tealily says:

    WOW. Absolutely thought that headline was a joke. Get it together, Dreyfuss.

  25. Mrs. Smith says:

    Holy yikes! These guys can’t help but tell on themselves.

  26. Robert Phillips says:

    The Academy and the Academy Awards isn’t about art. It’s about money. Winning an Oscar used to bring in millions more for a film. That is happening less and less as people just don’t care about the academy anymore. These new rules are to try to bring in more people watching. That’s all its about. He’s just a fool who thinks what he does for a living is art. Filmaking can be art. But usually those films are not seen by a majority of people. Dryfesus types of movies are just entertainment only. They are to make us forget about the world for a few hours. He’s just got his head up his own hole to far now.