Princess Kate is ‘still learning every day’ & working out how to make speeches

Here are more photos from the Princess of Wales’s surprise visit to Bath on Tuesday. Kate visited Dame Kelly Holmes’s youth program and participated in some kind of round-table conversation. As I noted yesterday, it did not look like the youths were excited to see or spend time with Kate. The youths know a photo-op when they see one. Still, Kelly Holmes got some good exposure for her charitable work, and she happily briefed the media about what was said by Kate and others. Some highlights of what Kate said (via secondary sources, of course):

Holmes on the differences between Kate’s children: “I asked her, ‘You’ve got three children — do you see different traits in them?’ And she said, ‘Oh yes!’ She said that’s the thing — learning how to handle the different traits and different needs and abilities even with three young children.”

Holmes asked Kate about being a royal and whether it was something she’d wanted. “She said she ‘had to learn and she’s still learning every day,’ ” Holmes tells PEOPLE, adding that Princess Kate cited public speaking. “Doing public speaking isn’t a natural thing for lots of people, and she said she’s still working that out, how to project. She humanized everything to show not everyone’s perfect. It doesn’t matter what you’ve got or perceived to have as an individual, you’re still going to have those insecurities and need those learning tools that happen over life.”

Kate’s still learning about her royal role “every day.” “She said she ‘had to learn and she’s still learning every day,’ ” Holmes tells PEOPLE. “It’s a struggle to know you can be accepted and fit in.” Holmes praised Princess Kate as “lovely because she was just willing to be asked questions. That was really nice because it showed somebody of her stature and status is human as well.”

[From People Magazine]

Kate spent ten-plus years doing nothing but waity around for a ring, and then once she got the ring, she did f–k all with her role for six years. It wasn’t until 2017, when Kate got “competition” that Kate finally “learned” how to do things, like wear professional-looking modern separates, and give short speeches and try to copy someone else’s charisma. Don’t get me wrong, I do think Kate is “still learning,” i.e., she’s not a finished product yet. Which makes Kate’s unhinged PR so disgusting – Kate’s people run around trying to convince everyone that she’s the most perfect princess who ever copykeened the sister-in-law she bullied, meanwhile Kate accidentally has a moment of honesty and admits that she’s unfinished, that she still doesn’t know how to princess.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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122 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘still learning every day’ & working out how to make speeches”

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  1. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Did she really just repeat herself like that? Is “learning” her safe word? Does she just insert it in every sentence and hope no one notices that the words around it are nonsensical?

    • Alexandria says:

      Give her some credit. She’s very accomplished at mean-girling, trolling, possessiveness over her man (and her brother-in-law for some twisted reason) and crying over tights.

    • Gossipgirl says:

      Basically she’s not cut out to small talk, 15 min. work appearances and 2 min speeches. She is cut out for shopping, keen copying and fake piano sessions.

    • theRobinsons says:

      Kate did not answer Holmes question of whether or not she sought to be a royal…

    • BeanieBean says:

      Pretty sure that’s just the crappy writing skills of the DM person. I’ve noticed this before in their excerpts–they use the exact same words & quotes from paragraph to paragraph.

    • Ex-DouchesOfCambridge says:

      In literally everything they decide to do, they know they don’t do well and are completely incompetent. So their safe words are always that they’re there to LISTEN AND LEARN. In other words, just show their privileged azzes to the event and that’s pretty much it.

    • Caribbean says:

      But Meghan was supposed to know everything, according to some.
      So.e even went as far as to say she had lied about what she didn’t know
      This one (its been 20 years) says she is still ‘learning ‘ and she is praised?

    • slippers4life says:

      “Is learning her safe word?” LOL. Oh all the pegging jokes we could tell with that!

  2. Geegee says:

    Heart surgeons learn their profession faster than this women. How did she graduate university being this slow.

    • C-Shell says:

      Not surprisingly, she copied from her peers. She had bigger fish to fry than knuckling down to study.

    • Ginger says:

      It’s not like it’s a hard job. She has to visit charities and cut ribbons. Big deal. Plus, if she really cared she could take lessons on how to give a speech. This is her default response for when she has no idea what she is doing.

      • JT says:

        @Geegee You’re comment really clicked for me because you’re absolutely right. Surgeons do learn their jobs faster than Kate can learn how to be professional. She could have a masters or Phd right now. We’re always learning in life but the curve for Kate is in hell.

      • Josephine says:

        I think it’s hard for people who truly dngaf about anyone and have no natural charm or charisma. That was the true threat of Meghan – she was charming, fun, at ease with all people, and seemed truly interested in others. Kkkate is none of that.

    • FancyPants says:

      Right?? I would be humiliated if people spoke about me, a 40+ year old woman, this way more than a decade into my job.

      • Geegee says:

        I am picturing her another 20 years from now STILL learning how to do the job (if there is still a job to do. (Big if))

      • Unblinkered says:

        Thirteen years we’ve had of her on official duties, thirteen years.
        More out of her depth now than at the start.

      • Debbie says:

        Ah, but those changes in titles still keep coming though. I wonder if they’re aware of just how odd that Kate’s usually described as “still learning” when she keeps being written as expert in everything and elevated from Duchess of Cambridge to Princess of Wails, all while still learning. A real meritocracy, that system.

    • Aud says:

      Eh I’m sure William also doesn’t want her to improve. I bet he actively discourages any ambition because then he would look worse.

    • OriginalCee says:

      Her main problem is that she simply doesn’t care about anything or anyone beyond her little bubble. And it shows in her lack of work and lack of results.

      • Sugarhere says:

        That’s the reason why the teen girls seem totally unimpressed, if not willing to flee the scene. This is not Broken Britain, this is how Britain actually feels about a pampered 40 year-old mother of 3 who is still fumbling around her never-ending early years of speech delivery.

        Catherine Middleton is unrelatable and this is starting to show big time. Neutralizing Meghan in the US won’t alter the UK’s utter disgust and resentment at that high-maintenance botched Barbie’s perpetual faux student posture.

  3. Soni says:

    All the kids seem so bored. Not engaged at all. I understand that she may not be comfortable with public speaking- everybody has weaknesses- but she should have tried harder. And her team should have been prepping her all these years instead of hiding her away. They did her a huge disservice. That being said, she’s a grown woman and she is responsible for the position she’s in now.

    • Harper says:

      The girls were really engaged when Kelly Holmes interacted with them. Kate should enroll in this youth program as she could benefit from Holmes’ charisma and leadership and positive energy. Kate’s energy is so tentative and nervous. No wonder the girls shut down around her.

      • Princessk says:

        Kelly Holmes is great.
        What a pity Meghan was not the one visiting, the charity would get an enormous boost.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kids are on social media and they are quite aware of how Kate behaved toward her sister in law so I think a lot of the reaction stems from them not really wanting to play the sycophantic game with someone who openly dislikes people she thinks are “below” her.

      Kate has lived the aristo rich girl life and chased a title. That’s not relatable in anyway to these girls. They aren’t going to feel bad that she still sucks at giving speeches over a decade into the job that she actively pursued for a decade prior to that.

      • MsDoe says:

        You can’t fake caring about people or an issue, and Kate’s fundamental problem is that she doesn’t care. She’s not interested. Her overdone jolly laughs fall flat.

        If she actually cared about anything besides her own status, she’d connect with people.

        Remember how nervous and inexperienced Diana was when she started? She was only 19, 20 yrs old. Diana cared though, and people responded to her. She got better at public speaking, until she excelled at it.

        Don’t see that happening with Kate.

    • Southern Fried says:

      Not only bored but crossing their arms, like pissed off they have to be a part of the Kate mess.

    • VivaLasVirgos says:

      As someone who is viewed as a comfortable public speaker, I can attest that very few of us are comfortable from jump. And we can still get nervous. But we do it because doing things that are scary is part of life.

    • Sunday says:

      You’re right that her team should have been more focused on preparing her for a public role instead of turning her into a mannequin, but I also think that she doesn’t have to be an incredible public speaker to be impactful. At an engagement like this, she’s not giving a speech on live tv or in front of millions, she’s meeting with a small group of girls not much older than her own children. That she can’t talk to them like a normal person and treat them like humans instead of props for an hour speaks to her (lack of) character that has nothing to do with whether she can memorize a speech. @MsDoe said it perfectly – her fundamental problem is that she doesn’t care, and that is incredibly obvious to everyone around her except the most fervent royalists.

    • DaisyMay says:

      The princess looks very bored herself. The girls can see it of course.

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    Catty is a lazy grifter – she only lives for the status, wealth and infamy that comes with being married into that family. There is a BIG different in her when she’s doing the big state/family events (birthday parade, state banquets etc..) and doing engagement with the poors that fund her life of luxury. Its clear, esp now with the status upgrade, she doesn’t like mingling with the poors.

    • dawnchild says:

      I think this comment pins the heart of the mismatch between Kate and her job. A large part of our contentment comes from being around people we like (and who like us). She has no interest in the issues of ordinary people… on the contrary, she’s likely repelled by it, and wants to be seen as inherently different/better. Hence the constant projection of a superficial ‘perfect’ image… from a lack of confidence about where she’s from and who she is. Class-ridden British society doesn’t make it any easier, tbh. And if you buy into it, then self loathing/doubt will become a constant bug bear. If she had had the good sense to do a job in the real world for some years, she would have something to fall back on. As it is, she’s got bupkis. And William’s inherent snobbery and lack of love means she’s out in the cold on her own, and with no strong network of peers to support her. All that’s left is the regalia I guess. I hope the children give her some comfort. Her story should be a warning, not an inspiration

    • Mary Pester says:

      Exactly, mean girl thinks unless someone is decked out in jewels and designer clothes, they are be neath her. The kids in these photos seem to be looking for the nearest exit, and the young lady on her left is looking at her asif to say WTF are you doing here. This is the blazer that one reporter said made her look like one of the camp entertainers from Hi De Hi, an old British comedy series from years ago. Bet its in the bin after that 🗡️😭

      • dawnchild says:

        The funny thing is that people who are actually raised within the higher echelons of this society don’t particularly go around in designer clothes and massive blowouts either. They are as likely to be in a well worn quality cardi and simple makeup… so she doesn’t really relate to that set either…

      • VivaLasVirgos says:

        @ Dawnchild exactly. Diana, who was from a very hoity toity family, was actually most comfortable around the poors.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        @dawnchild – very true for the most part. I’ve worked with aristo’s and for the most part they were down to earth (you get some snotty ones). The wore a lot of high street (Barbour, Boden, Reiss etc..) for day to day but for special events would turn up in the designer (Temperly etc..). It was all good quality stuff that the would wear all the time – not a new outfit every day. Again, they’d only have a ‘blow out’ for special events.

        Catty is every inch the ‘new rich’ wannabe who want to be seen as old money – I used to see this all the time. Fake hair, fake face and fake accent.

  5. aquarius64 says:

    Kate had 12 yrs and counting to learn the royal ropes and master her job and still hasn’t. I think KP has read SM comments and realized the Waleses’ designated RRs aren’t going to be enough to put out a positive image of future king and queen consort.

  6. Jk says:

    I swear, this girls have all agreed to sabotage Kate’s photo ops before she arrived.

    • Those kids mean girled the mean girl and good for them.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think so too lol. There was one pic of the girls in a circle standing around and they definitely blocked Kate out.

    • Snuffles says:

      Every last one of them looked like they’d rather be somewhere else.

    • Nic919 says:

      Teens spot bs a mile away and it’s obvious this was something done to make Kate look like she’s doing something and not anything of value to them.

  7. Pinkosaurus says:

    OK, that’s nice. I find it weird that the kids aren’t even looking at her in pictures, but this lovely woman running a wonderful charity enjoyed having Kate there. Isn’t that the best we can hope for with her “work”?

  8. LadyE says:

    LOLOLOL I am dying of laughter at these kids’ faces in every photo!! Oh poor them, it’s like a catalogue of side eyes and annoyance haha

    • IAlexandria says:

      I can imagine Charlotte growing increasingly annoyed with Kate as she grows up. “STOP COPYING MY OUTFITS MOTHER!”


  9. equality says:

    As all the derangers like to mumble on about Meghan and “knowing what she was marrying into”, wouldn’t the same apply to Kate? So instead of just wasting those waiting years, why not be studying what the royals do and take appropriate classes to learn those skills? She had 10 years of waiting and now over 10 years on the “job”.

    • Nic919 says:

      And with the focus on fewer engagements but big impact, there is more time to practice each speech, which she never does.

  10. C-Shell says:

    The girls’ faces say it all. This whole cockamamie spin that she’s human(!) and relatable, so lovely that someone of her stature allowed questions, is nauseating.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      “so lovely that someone of her stature allowed questions” – this sentence really encapsulates the nauseating forelock tugging in England. The very idea to be honoured that a royal allows you to ask them questions, to interact with them as a human being. Gross.

  11. Tessa says:

    I don’t think Kate ever got public speaking lessons. She probably believes her own hype. Kate was not too shy to wear the see through outfit on the runway or pose grinning at the piano or pose for cameras at funeral and coronations.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      In the years since she married in there has been ZERO improvement in her public performance – she hasn’t even tried.

      Since QE2 passed her mask has slipped away – she’s not even bothering to hide her smugness at her new position or her disdain for doing public engagements. The one yesterday she couldn’t hide the fact that she was bored and didn’t want to be there.

    • Lizzie says:

      Disagree, Kate has had public speaking coaches all along. This is just the best she can do.

    • Princessk says:

      She was too busy getting elocution lessons.

  12. Belli says:

    A child who was in kindergarten when Kate got married is now close to graduating from high school. Just saying.

  13. Pumpkin says:

    “She humanized everything to show not everyone’s perfect.”

    But that’s really not what her PR says. As Kaiser points out, her entire image is how she’s this perfect princess who never puts a foot wrong. Kate isn’t even human to a lot of people anymore. She’s turned into a stick to beat Meghan and with that, is turning into a symbol of what an “anti-woke”, “traditional” royal or even woman is supposed to be. One who fades into the background, doesn’t speak, follows behind her husband, focuses on raising the kids more than her job and wears pretty dresses. You could swap Kate out with any other white woman and wording/language used about her wouldn’t change. But even Kate’s actions contradict the image they put out.

  14. Seraphina says:

    Catty is either dumb as a box of rocks or just doesn’t care. And the rest of us are astute enough to figure it out.

  15. Tarte au Citron says:

    I get the message that it is OK if you find public speaking hard. Her husband & father-in-law dodged that bullet by reading their lines in the Chubblynation – and they have plenty of experience!

    I don’t know what pressure she is putting herself, but she has access to the finest resources if she was genuinely serious about getting coaching.

    She has had such a soft launch and she’s STILL not ready. Is it any wonder people are starting to yank their chain.

    • Debbie says:

      From what I’ve seen, it’s not so much that Kate’s putting “pressure on herself” as a kind of dog in the manger or the queen in Snow White syndrome that anything Meghan has or is praised for, Kate wants it, or she wants to excel in it. If Meghan is praised for her communication or public speaking skills, then Kate wants similar praise in that area — even though she’s had all these years to express interest in that area but hasn’t bothered before. Or, if Meghan is praised for dressing in a modern or more refreshing way, including suits and slacks, then Kate wants to change her 1940s style to include separates and suits and slacks too — or better yet, she’ll just go straight to copyKeening Meghan’s wardrobe. If Meghan has singular projects like the Hubb Cookbook, then suddenly Kate wants credit for more than showing up and waving too. So, I don’t think that it’s pressure so much as “I want what you’ve got.” And it’s also not being “inspired” by another person (which would be fine); no, in this case, it’s just straight up Single White Femaling someone.

  16. CC says:

    These pictures look like stills from a movie where the girls’ beloved old teacher got forced out and replaced by a corporate Stepford wife, and the students are going to scheme to drive Ms. Whitetrousers and her employers out and take back the school.

  17. girl_ninja says:

    Call her what she is…a loser. She’s done nothing in 10 years and in 10 more years she’ll have done nothing. She just accumulates more ratty wiglets, Botoxes and laughs like the joker.

  18. Curmudgeon says:

    This makes my blood boil. So embarrassing and grating to watch a grown-a*s woman still trying to infantilize herself, keep the bar for her job “performance” low, so that people can pat her on her head and say “poor dear, you’re doing the best you can”. We all learn new skills through our work but if we haven’t mastered the basics after 10+ years?? We would no longer have that job. Meanwhile, she has no problem working to be a massive c-u-next Tuesday if she wants to put her biracial SIL in her “place”.

    Btw, I thought they learned their lesson about sending her to an engagement with teenagers who do NOT hide their disinterest with someone who tries harder to pose for the cameras than interact with them in a meaningful way. I guess not! And the results are hilarious.

    • First comment says:

      I wish there were a “like “button to your comment!! And I find rather suspicious the fact that she made this kind of statement a few hours before her brilliant sister in law made an appearance and delivered a perfect speech as well. Kate knows she can’t compare and she simply justifies herself trying to appear relatable to the public…

  19. Anna says:

    Holmes praised Princess Kate as “lovely because she was just willing to be asked questions”…did…did Kate ask any questions? Did she…say anything that didn’t highlight she was still “learning”?

    Because it’s fine to still be learning, but the lack of tangible improvement through the years since she got that ring just prove it’s a cop out. Her lack of interest towards these charities and the people involved with them is actually embarrassing.

    • First comment says:

      Yeah, from the comments made by Holmes I got the feeling that she and the rest of them in the charity tried to initiate a conversation with Kate and not the other way around…Holmes asked about her children (because she was trying to find something to talk to her about) and Kate wasn’t able to answer that question properly without vague platitudes.. and she was willing to be asked? If I visited a similar charity, I’d ask thousands of questions about how they work, their efforts, their problems, their needs… or how can I help… I mean, it’s not difficult … I hope the charity at least got a boost from Kate’s visit..

    • BeanieBean says:

      I wish someone would have asked Kate some followup questions like, what do you do to improve? If you find public speaking hard, how do you go about making it better for yourself? And so on. But she’s still learning & yes, her three kids are different.

  20. Over it says:

    Of course she is unfinished and still learning, she is like a Barbie . Kate can be made into anything they want her to be in that moment. Unfortunately for her , she should know that she isn’t a doll and should therefore stop playing dress up and finally do something and achieve something. It’s been too many years of this pretend madness from her.

    • Belli says:

      Completely the opposite, Barbie has lota of jobs and works very hard!

      • lanne says:

        Harry and Meghan are Barbie (lawyer, astronaut, doctor, fashion designer, president, etc)

        Will and Kate are Just Ken (what do they do, exactly?)

  21. Bren says:

    Well, she has certainly mastered the art of leisure.

  22. Michelle says:

    The contrast between Buttons and MeghAn who gave a warm speech without notes after accepting an award for her work? If Charles had one brain cell, he would have never let Camilla, Peg and Wiglet bully the Sussexes out. We all know he’s a horrid dad but he loves optics and Meg + Harry would have helped him shine. Too bad most of the royal family is crap. Except for Anne and the York Sisters.

    • Kristen says:

      The jury is still out on the York sisters. Especially Beatrice.

    • aftershocks says:

      Lady Sarah Chatto (Margaret’s daughter) and her family, are very low key and under the radar. They rarely, if ever, speak out publicly and they don’t work as senior royals, so we don’t know a lot about them. Sarah is an artist. She and her brother David Linley (now 2nd Earl Snowden) were seemingly close to the Queen and friendly with Charles when they were growing up. I get the sense that Sarah is less close to the center of the BRF maelstrom these days, though her brother maintains devoted loyalty to Chuck, having taken over the running of his Prince’s Trust Foundation.

      Sarah is a godmother to Harry, and she sat comfortably and cordially next to Meghan during the 2022 Jubbly Thanksgiving service. Sarah’s oldest son made a point of warmly congratulating Harry & Meghan on his Instagram sometime after their royal wedding.

  23. Becks1 says:

    she’s been married for over 12 years, was dating william (or trying to date him) for the decade before that, and she’s still learning? EVEN if we’re generous (I rarely am with her as you all know, lol) and say she’s been a full time royal for about 6 years (2017 – which was also not part of the deal, she just refused to work as a FT royal for the first 6 years of her marriage)- she’s still learning? She’s still figuring out public speaking? I mean she didn’t say she found public speaking nerve wracking – she said she was still learning how to project. Girl get yourself an expert and spend a few hours this summer learning how to project.

    12 years and she still can’t figure out this job? As others have said….people become surgeons in the same amount of time.

    • Nic919 says:

      She actually grew up in the UK and so she would also be aware of how much Diana did work and gave speeches, so pretending she had no clue of what the position of future consort much future PoW entails is just disingenuous.

      And I also don’t buy that she didn’t give any type of class presentation while in secondary school or uni.

      But putting out this “still learning” is even more offensive when we see how little leeway was provided to Meghan, who did excel in many ways.

    • aftershocks says:

      Exactly. I truly wonder how other European royal ladies actually feel about Khate. Perhaps they pity her, or they may harbor a level of disdain that they’d never publicly show (unlike mean girl Khate with her smirks and glares). Khate’s personal character failings are so obvious, as is her inability to perform royal work effectively. She gives royal princessing and royal duchessing a bad name!

  24. BW says:

    I used to be afraid of public speaking. I took a 16 week Dale Carnegie course in public speaking. It was great. I could stand up in front of any large group and give an extemporaneous speech without my knees knocking by halfway through the course. And yet Kate is “still learning.” She’s had plenty of time to take a course in public speaking. She could take one during her 2 month long vacations. Or she could have taken one in college or while they were engaged for 10 years. She knew what she was stepping into. Diana hit the ground running and she was a kindergarten helper. Why is Kate still learning. She’s a grown ass woman.

  25. Jais says:

    Kelly has better PR instincts than Kate’s team is what I’m getting, even if it does contradict the whole never put a foot wrong pr angle they’ve been working ever since Meghan came on the scene. Wish her organization well and hopefully this royal association will help it thrive. Teens are a tough crowd. To me, when I think of a princess, I think of someone gracious who treats others with kindness. If being a princess is a struggle, all the more reason for Kate to have supported another woman stepping into that difficult role. You know Meghan would have if the situations were reversed. And that’s why I can’t ever see Kate as a princess. She went out of her way to mean girl Meghan and make it harder for her, even when she knew Meghan was at her lowest. That’s no princess. That’s a mean girl.

    • Kristen says:

      You make an excellent point about (not) supporting Meghan’s transition into the RF. What really struck me: “It’s a struggle to know you can be accepted and fit in.” Seriously, did she say that with a straight face?

  26. Gina says:

    I suppose, if she isn’t “finished product” as a princess now, she will never be. It’s not like suddenly one day she’ll become passionate, educated, mannerly, articulate or will develop EQ.
    BTW, it’s true that she feels more comfortable around rich people/diplomatic circles, but maybe it’s because most of them (or at least some of them) have good manners and social training to help Kate to conduct simple dialog.
    Just to think that this person is the future Queen. Though Willy chose well, for him. My theory is that not only she was the only one wanting the role, but also he was looking for certain type. The type who is opposite of Diana. Nevermind that sometimes it looks like he deeply regrets his choice.🤣

    • Tessa says:

      William settled. During the breakups he was turned down by several women. Kate chose him and left her university when she found out he was going to st Andrews

  27. Noa says:

    Can someone explain why Catty is cosplaying Hi-de-hi?

  28. Amy Bee says:

    I believe her when she says that it took a long time to be accepted. I’m still not sure that she is but I think Meghan was seen as a bigger threat and so the family saw the merit in using her to smear and to get rid of Meghan.

  29. lanne says:

    Kate, the world’s oldest child. She’s going to be “learning her role” when she’s 65 years old. Might as well replace her with a robot.

    • Debbie says:

      Naw, by then I think they’ll revert to “She’s coming into her own.” (Which is a different way of saying “She’s learning her role.”).

  30. Cel2495 says:

    She will be 50 then 60 and still learning 😂 20yrs and still leaning the “job” ? Oh, and still copying her SIL. She is a valid , empty headed woman with no content and no real interest outside of her kids and herself. She has no interest in the world or helping anyone…. And that’s all she should be doing as she is living a very posh and expensive life from the people’s taxes. She and the lot of them are simply a burden to the British economy.

  31. MaryContrary says:

    I was terrified of public speaking. But as part of my job I had to do it regularly so I practiced like crazy to get more comfortable. I find it so disrespectful of Kate in her role to not be better at this after so long and with all her resources. Diana never went to university, was shy, was not comfortable at first with her public role but she had lessons to become quite a good speaker. There is ZERO excuse for Kate to be so bad at this.

  32. Lady Digby says:

    Judi Dench, Joanna Lumley and Emma Thompson are all vocal royalists so I am surprised that none of them has ever been approached to coach PoW with public speaking. Diana had a long term vocal coach to nail presentation and public speaking. It is an essential skill in a public facing role like PoW. Lazy or stubborn or ego driven to admit she needs coaching? Isn’t coaching part of learning and there are plenty of experts that could help if student is willing to engage and put in hard work and practice.
    Yes I know she prefers to strike a pose and vogue around for photoshoots which is why the teenagers sensed her phoniness and lack of engagement with them and are hanging right back. They need their role is to be backdrop to the Maplins yellow coat preening centre stage!

  33. Rapunzel says:

    Kate should be learning continually about different issues and programs, charities and projects. She should not be learning the basics of how to attend a public event.

    I’ve been teaching 20 years. I happily admit I’m always learning and growing. I’m going back for my PhD to grow professionally. But I’m learning new things, not the basics of my job!

    This is like a teacher of 12 Yeats saying they’re still learning to lesson plan or write a syllabus. Kate doesn’t meet the bare minimum qualifications for the job, but nobody weeded her incompetent ass out during the hiring process.

  34. ales says:

    An aggressive stalker for 10 years or more who got what she wanted, then appeared to do no royal duties whatsoever other than the occcasional photo opportunity. What is she actually learning… she has learned an accent that is farfetched and comes out as an unintelligible mumble, she has learned to spend money with total abandon, she has learned to look down on others, she appears to be extremely selfcentred but was already that way before she started stalking William. She has not learned how to do her job, either because she is incapable or just plain lazy. Public speaking and all the types of skills needed for talking with and dealing with the public, privately and publicly are taught and can be learned. Many famous people have studied and been taught public speaking and all the skills needed around it to be successful. Some have learned from teachers, some have learned by observing others. She contributes nothing, a clothes hanger, with a passion for having her photo taken, has no empathy or consideration for others, I remember reading years ago, that she had no personality and was dull and totally boring. If she was interested she would have changed her attitude, sure people never stop learning, 20 years plus have passed, its obvious she is not learning anything other than finding her best personal photo angles and how to open her mouth very wide and look maniacal. Doing a job involving meeting with and socialising with both dignitaries and the public , Khates skillset is pathetically low level. It seems she believes people should bow to her and honor her because of her title and that she does not need to do anything to earn their respect.

  35. Cassie says:

    Oh my,those girls are certanly not Kate fans

    I am surprised those photos of them side eying her were published .

  36. Brassy Rebel says:

    Keep working at it, Kate. You might be able to deliver a two minute speech without notes. Someday. Hope you make it before the monarchy is abolished!

  37. Beech says:

    Lady Diana Spencer spoke in Welsh in Wales in 1981, this shortly after her wedding. KKKate is an unashamed amateur. The young women with their crossed arms and facial “whatever” expressions flanking a radiant Kate Middleton because it’s all about me, me,me.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      To be fair, Diana was smart and industrious. Incurious, lazy Kate shouldn’t be expected to keep up with her. She just can’t.

  38. amyb says:

    The (real) Queen’s father had a deliberating stutter and worked at it so much they made a movie about it. What has Duchess Dolittle done to get better at giving a speech that doesn’t sound like half mumbled pablum?

  39. lucy2 says:

    Well sure, there’s always learning in every job, until you literally do the same thing every single day. But she’s been married to this family for TWELVE YEARS, she’s been a princess expected to do these things for TWELVE YEARS, there are zero excuses as to why she hasn’t improved these skills.

  40. Nic919 says:

    This event was also linked to the early years program when KP referenced it in social media, which makes no sense.

  41. HeyKay says:

    Kate has been in the public eye for 10+ years.
    She should have been honing her public skills for 10+ years. Lazy.

  42. Chantal says:

    I can’t believe that during all of those years of scheming and stalking Will, Carole Middleton didn’t better prepare Special K for this role of her lifetime. The only goal was the ring and they obviously didn’t pay attention to anything else the Royals actually do. The final product produced by house Middleton is a 41 year old woman who embraces her mean girl status, has an arrested development of a teenager,with no curiosity or interest in the outside world except trying to bully her SIL via her style stalking and copykeening. She’s not even able to give specific anecdotes about her children. Pathetic is actually too generous a word. She’s the complete opposite of the word “modern” in every way. Her mother and the Royals should be embarrassed by her. If they’re not, they should be.

  43. Nerd says:

    Someone should do a split screen of Kate with the girls behind her with their arms crossed from boredom and Meghan with the entire Robert Clack Upper School student body surrounding her with their arms crossed in the air in solidarity of boys and girls working together during one of Meghan’s final royal engagements. The difference between these two women and how they interact with others is blatantly obvious. Meghan makes those around her more comfortable and at ease, while Kate makes people more tense and bored. Every event she has with kids seems to bring down the energy, which is I guess Kate’s super power, because kids are usually very energetic and full of excitement.

  44. Mel says:

    She’s been married for how many years?? Why doesn’t she know how to do her job by now? Do they honestly think this is some kind of flex?

  45. BeanieBean says:

    I think part of the reason Kate is giving the same answer–public speaking is hard! I’m still learning!–is because she’s done zip-all to grow in her job, expand the ‘office’, really make her mark. This is her fall back answer because she doesn’t really know what she’s supposed to do & doesn’t really care to find out.

  46. Dee says:

    She’s got the spaniel head tilt going that shows you she’s “listening” and so engaged, y’a’ll!

  47. sparrowy says:

    No doubt this has been picked up already, but she was asked about being a princess or something, and she said she never wanted to be a royal but fell in love with William. Oh, dear. I think this is a big problem for them. C&C are a love match, however mercenary. H&M, most definitely. Queen and Philip. K&W are a match made in Middleton heaven only. This will be their new offensive: hoping we’ll all forget and accept them as a love match. I wonder if they’ve got their hands on The Crown scripts and demanded changes? (Somehow I’ve managed to sign myself off as “sparrowy”!)

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla and Charles imo are no love.match. Charles got to have his cake and eat it too. He named her publicly and forced Parker Bowles divorce. I think her love match was with Parker bowles.

      • Carolind says:

        Andrew Parker Bowles was certainly Camilla’s love match when she was young but it takes two…I would say Charles and Camilla are definitely a love match now. They would have to be better than Hollywood A-graders to put that on and she also soothes and mothers him. Yes, some might think pathetic but it makes them happy. They also make no secret of fact they are not together all of the time.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate feel in love with the eldest son of the Prince of Wales but not William. No one would humiliate themselves like she did for close to a decade but for the title he had. Regular Bill Windsor would never had a chance.

  48. Sue E Generis says:

    Is that the only phrase she knows? She’s like a poser who learns one sentence in another language to impress people and doesn’t realize it no longer impresses since everyone has heard them say it a dozen times before.

  49. Maeve says:

    I remember Anne saying that when she was asked to get involved with Save the Children she wouldn’t take on the patronage until she’d learned enough about it to do the role justice but she then actually knuckled down and learned the organisation from top to bottom and became an expert on what they did. In general the royals are pretty knowledgeable about the causes they commit to supporting – so what on earth is happening with Kate and William?

  50. AA says:

    She and her do-nothing husband – isn’t he the one who said, “Oh, I better learn to speak Welsh!” after he became PoW? I mean, you only knew this was coming for FORTY YEARS. Same thing with her, she’s been “working on” this role for 20 years. Unbelievable.

  51. Malcolm says:

    Well, she had someone who could’ve helped her. But instead she decided to shed her “poor white tears” every time the black woman came around, soooooo. Sure, let’s call it “learning” when it’s really just “village idiot!”

  52. j.ferber says:

    She’ll be “learning” until she’s 99, yet in the end, she will have LEARNED nothing. When a 41 year old woman says she’s still learning, it’s code for, “I do fuck-all and always will.” Just my take. If it’s important to you, learn it already and keep up with the advances in your field. She and hubby are the WORST ignoramuses.

  53. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate is on the world’s longest internship.

    And oof, the body language of those teen girls. I want to buy them all fancy coffees for being so true to themselves.

  54. Murphy says:

    So she knows her kids have different traits, does she know what any of those traits are?

  55. AC says:

    100% agree with Kaiser’s blog. Kate and her team also now realizes(finally) that trying to Just make clothes popular doesn’t cut it these days. On the other blog we were talking about George and Amal trying to fit in with Charles and picking a side . IMO it’s the other way around , George and Amal are already a known power couple without the need to attach themselves to the BrF . It’s the BrF that needs to attach themselves to Hollywood glamour to stay relevant . And they shouldn’t compare Amal with Kate. Majority of people knows Amal is very intelligent, at the same time it’s something that Kate doesn’t even come close to. Even her own PR team can’t fix that (which they prob think people are stupid to notice ).
    Well if she’s barely starting now to try to learn things and be a better public speaker after all these years, what can I tell you..

  56. j.ferber says:

    And does she know what the word “trait” means? Or is she on an endless journey of “learning” it?

  57. K. Norvell says:

    Those girls look bored…

  58. ales says:

    She must be the world slowest learner. She has a million ways of trying to destroy Meghan and Harry, but otherwise, appears to be an empty space only capable of mumbling and relentlessly shopping to copy other royal women, especially Meghan. Was her university degree purchased because there is no evidence of academic intelligence or any knowledge of Art History. No one ever seems happy to be around her on her public visits.