Mindy Kaling’s doctor told her ‘this year I was the healthiest I’ve been in years’

After the Oscars, people were talking a lot about “the Ozempic diet” and which celebrities had suddenly and dramatically lost a lot of weight. Mindy Kaling was at the top of a lot of lists. Mindy has lost a lot of weight in recent years, and what’s interesting about her weight loss is where the weight has come off. Her face has gotten thinner, her arms are tiny (not muscular) and I can really see the weight loss in her shoulders and chest. Mindy was never a bigger girl, she was normal-woman-sized in a sea of size-2 actresses. A few months ago, she talked about how the dramatic change came about, and she said nothing about Ozempic. She claimed that she’s been hiking 20 miles a week and lifting weights. Both things will contribute to weight loss, but will it be this dramatic? Well, Mindy has a new birthday post on Instagram, and she talks about how healthy she is now.

Look I know I’m clearly materialistic but the best birthday gift to me, for the rest of my life, are these two guys. I was never a “kid” person. When my mom passed though, it just clicked in me: I wanted kids with such intense certainty. I bet some of you can relate.

Now I’m just trying to be present for them (hard for me! I’m impatient!), being up for anything (again hard for me, I am not whimsical!), and stay healthy for these two guys (ALSO hard! I just want to eat cheesesteaks every meal in front of the TV) for until I’m an old gray skeleton they’re like “mom, you gotta go”.

My doctor told me that this year I was the healthiest I’ve been in years. That’s a pretty damn good gift, right? I’m usually kind of low-level anxious, so I’m just gonna take one minute on my birthday to acknowledge that I am happy. Man, there are ups and downs in this life!! But my ups seem to be the most important ones right now. Thanks for my birthday love. (Also maybe I will buy myself that trendy Dior bag that looks like a kidney bean).

[From Mindy’s Instagram]

She should definitely buy herself the Dior bag. As for what her doctor says… like, she wasn’t unhealthy in the first place! Mindy’s fans know that sh-t got real for her when her mom passed away, and that she began planning out her family as a single mother soon after. I get that becoming a single mom by choice dramatically changed the way she views her health, but again, she wasn’t “unhealthy” or in poor health. She was already fit and diet-obsessed, etc. Yes, it’s her business and she doesn’t have to share what medications she’s taking and all of that. But I really feel like she’s gaslighting us about this.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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65 Responses to “Mindy Kaling’s doctor told her ‘this year I was the healthiest I’ve been in years’”

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  1. girl_ninjs says:

    She doesn’t own anyone any explanation of how she’s lost her weight. Bit if she’s sharing to clarify then be straight up about ALL the ways you lost weight girl. She seems to covet western world standards of beauty, specifically white standards and that can f!ck a girl up. Especially black and woman of color.

    • Formal Gumby says:

      I agree that she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. The way I feel about this is that she said she’s her healthiest. That can mean so many things, and it doesn’t automatically mean (or have anything to do with) her weight. Like, she could have all kinds of health issues that have cleared up by her being intentional about her health. I think a lot of people saw “healthy” and have assumed she meant “skinny”. I think Mindy is also caught in an unfortunate tangle of relatability; so many people saw themselves in her that if she makes changes and shifts from being like them, they kind of feel that she’s betrayed them. To me, I haven’t seen Mindy tell anyone to do what she does, so the idea that she has to be forthright about personal things in her life is a little weird to me. Does she have to tell folks her brand of toothpaste, too? The curriculum she wants her kids to learn/follow? I think she’s staying relatively mum about this topic (I don’t think she has banned words on her IG or anything, but I could be wrong) almost as an experiment to see how long it’ll take (if ever) for people to see that they’re kind of being mean girls. Basically, someone got “hot” and didn’t tell you how they did it. That’s not an offense, but a lot of people are taking it that way. That’s just my two cents anyway!

      • Ponsby says:

        Yeah, I’m with Formal Gumby on this, and I’m really, really glad to see this take. I lost a lot of weight recently after a year of major, really encompassing grief – I coped with that grief with exercise, not because I remotely enjoy exercise, but because it was one of the few times that I could really stop ruminating, stop thinking, for a moment. Being really depressed also did impact my appetite I suspect, and I also chose not to drink alcohol this year in case it exacerbated my sadness or grief – and I’m sure, even though weight loss wasn’t the goal of that choice, I’m sure it aided in some weight loss too. I’m not suggesting this is what happened with Mindy, I’m just saying, you can’t know (I certainly didn’t) what major life changes like upending your diet and tripling or quadrupling your activity level from no regular exercise to daily rigorous exercise can do for some people. I was asked by a good friend if I was taking something like ozempic (I do not) and I could tell that, even with them knowing the “why” of all these life changes the last year, they were really, really dubious that those life changes dropped so much weight in a years time. And I know, and fully believe that we can be healthy at any number of different weights, truly, I do – but my doctor also commented this year on my standing heart rate being drastically healthier than it’s ever been. (My doctor is a thoughtful enough person not to suggest that a year of grief and weight loss is what achieved this health marker – only that the major increase in exercise had indisputably lowered my problematic heart rate a lot – so I’m going to give Kelly and her doctor the benefit of the doubt that they are hopefully referring to any number of other health markers, and not simply weight loss.)

    • Kirsten says:

      Agree with this. Either don’t address it at all, or address it and be upfront about it. Otherwise a lot of people who do the hiking and walking but don’t see dramatic weight loss will think that something must just be wrong with them.

      • Bromptonviewer says:

        This reads to me very much like she quit drinking and started managing her anxiety with exercise. The places she lost weight make sense with that theory. The comments about being present and intentional also read to me as not being hungover/tired and having more patience as a result. Just my take.

      • Chloe says:

        I agree with @Bromptonviewer. The first thing I thought of as well was she quit drinking and started exercising regularly. I’ve been doing E2M for the last year (not perfectly) but I have seen so many men and women lose weight like this simply by giving up alcohol/sugar and following a simple exercise plan.

        But even if she isn’t doing any meal plan, the comment about being present also rang bells for me (personally) that she gave up drinking first and foremost, too. I don’t mean to presume. Just personal experience.

  2. Naomi says:

    Want to echo the last 2 lines of Kaiser’s post. What infuriates me is that she is lying by omission and comission. By omitting one thing she *is* doing to lose weight (ozempic) and by attributing her weight loss/health solely to exercise and diet. This lie is so so harmful to people, especially women and femmes, and on this particular topic she is not different than the Kardashians plugging their “tummy tea.”

    • Allegra says:

      I hear you, but ozempic only works by making you feel full, so you eat less. In effect, it’s just calorie restriction. It just helps to restrict calories by turning down the “food noise” for people who struggle with satiety, I’m sure it does feel like magic. But physiologically, it’s not accomplishing anything other than making it easier to follow the diets that ppl struggle to maintain otherwise! That’s what’s been so muddled in weightloss talk for years… we’re always being told diets don’t work. In fact, they do. The problem is not following the diet.

      • Katherine says:

        When they say diets don’t work, I’m assuming they mean that they are unsustainable. The key to lower weight is to find a diet that provides enough nutrients to stay healthy and satiates one enough to maintain it, well, forever.

      • FHMom says:

        Wait, so Ozempic works by severely restricting the appetite? It doesnt fight insulin resistance or speed up your metabolism? It basically allows people to starve themselves on say, 800 calories a day? I’m shocked that doctors are prescribing this for non medical reasons. How is this healthy weight loss?

      • Allegra says:

        Right. Some ppl don’t find it hard or unsustainable to eat a low calorie diet. Those ppl are lucky. Some ppl can only manage it for a while and then they relapse, because their craving for more food, richer food, sweets, heavy carbs, whatever—pulls them back into the same eating habits. These semaglutides help those ppl to not overeat. That’s all they do. I think we should be clear about that, and compassionate with each other and ourselves.
        The fact that I don’t struggle eating 1300-1500 cals per day and never really have, is not to my credit. It’s not my struggle. You know what I mean? I feel kinda weird when I read the backlash ppl suspected of using ozempic are getting. It must feel hideous to have everyone that far up your business and judging you.

        Edited to add— there’s no reason to jump to the conclusion that ozempic users are only eating dangerous starvation diets.

      • Naomi says:

        I’m going to respectfully disagree. Ozempic drastically reduces calorie intake because it drastically reduces appetite, almost eliminating it entirely. It’s become a way to starve yourself without actually having the feeling of starvation. This is why there are reports of people on Ozempic losing body hair, being excessively tired, etc — very similar symptoms to people with disordered eating who are not getting enough calories, and their bodies react accordingly. I’m not saying this goes for everyone on Ozempic, but there’s a BIG DIFFERENCE between diet-as-healthy-eating-habits and diet-as-starvation. No one loses that much weight that quickly (with Mindy, all the Housewives, etc) without cutting severely severely on food intake, which is not healthy at all. And then to lie to people’s faces that you too can lose an impossible amount of weight quickly simply by “eating healthy” and “walking a lot” — I mean, give ma freaking break! At least the Bravolebrities are honest about it.

        Anyway, the *last* truly *last* people we should be looking to for modeling healthy habits & healthy body image are people in Hollywood.

      • Josephine says:

        That and the side effects. I don’t think we should be looking past the side effects and pretending that this drug does nothing but make you feel full. There are risks involved, and as usual when celebs step in it, it sounds innocuous and even glamorous to be on it. Lots of weight loss drugs in the 70s and 80s had the same aura and then people started dying.

      • Hannah says:

        @FH MOM @ ALLEGRA yup, this is not unlike the Ritalin diet I lived on for about 12 years, 5 of them while at Uni. It’s disordered eating using medicine created for x medical purpose

        It freaks me out, because since I’ve been seeing so many skinny girls lately, I am slipping back into old pattern’s desperate to get my weight back to 100lbs and thinking “how can I get myself Ozempic?” to help me calorie restrict

      • vg2010 says:

        It doesn’t eliminate the appetite. I am on ozempic and still eat somewhere between 1500-1800 calories a day. It is easier to stop, and I am not hungry all day the way I used to be – but it works also on a metabolic level, it helps regulate insulin (many people with PCOS have insulin-resistance for example), and I was reading yesterday that weight loss medications help the body reset their “weight point” which is why you cant stop taking them. I find it unfair that people say they only work by making you starve. Obesity is much more than calories in and calories out – your hormones are in many ways working against you.
        I have exercised and dieted for years, without any success (and I also don’t look unhealthy like Mindy) but unless you go through my medical history, you wouldn’t know about the PCOS, the fatty liver, high cholesterol, adenomyosis, etc

      • lucy2 says:

        So I’ve been on it for about a month now, after a type 2 diabetes diagnosis – I’ve been insulin resistant for a long time, and I suspect I’ve also had PCOS that no doctor has ever diagnosed. Had I been prescribed this early, maybe I wouldn’t have crossed into t2d. It absolutely does help those conditions. It has really helped lower my glucose levels – I wear a continuous glucose monitor (best invention ever) and notice a difference with each dose. I’m hoping over time it improves my cholesterol numbers too. It is not solely an appetite suppressant, though I have noticed if I do get hungry it passes fairly quickly, and it has cut down on the “food noise”, and I don’t have the urge to snack at night anymore. I was already eating fairly healthy and low carb, no significant change to my diet, definitely not starving on 800 calories a day.
        I’ve had almost no side effects so far, thank goodness.

      • Allison says:

        I have struggled with satiety, insulin resistance, thyroid issues, peri menopause and thyroid cancer. Turning down the food noise has allowed me to take the time to make good food choices. So it did help me.

      • Allegra says:

        I’m glad for you, Vg, Lucy, Allison. Sounds like the food noise is being turned down and you’re consuming a totally reasonable and sustainable amount of calories. It’s wild to me to hear people who are not taking this medication swear up and down that it’s promoting eating disorders, or that it works in the body like SPEED, ffs. Or that everyone taking it is DRASTICALLY reducing calories and having NO appetite. The tone is getting a little hysterical.

      • Jenn says:

        Although I understand that some people experience satiety on semaglutide thanks to its nauseating side effects (and surely the stabilization of blood sugar also helps), it is explicitly intended for people with thyroid & metabolic disease and insulin resistance: people who eat healthy portions of healthy foods, who experience obesity nevertheless, for whom “dietary and lifestyle changes” are inapplicable. To insist that it spurs weight loss by providing “satiety” and encouraging caloric restriction almost seems delusionally fatphobic and, at the very least, it willfully and fundamentally misunderstands what fatness is. It is probably reassuring to believe that fatness is caused by caloric intake alone (as opposed to, just for one example, a systemic autoinflammatory response to cell death, which results in high c-reactive proteins and IL-6, which causes cholesterol to skyrocket, ergo weight gain).

        I have a motility disease that causes malabsorption and erratic blood sugar, and more than half of people with this disease starve and waste away. But a very large minority of people’s bodies respond to starvation by protectively piling on weight. Usually doctors don’t believe that I’m not overeating, though, until they find out that I’m already on Contrave — a medication that DOES provide satiety. (It functions almost as an ADHD medication, and it’s effective on other impulsive/compulsive behaviors, like smoking, drinking, and gambling.) It sounds like you’re saying, Allegra, that people who’ve been prescribed Ozempic are “constantly hungry” and answering those hunger signals, and that is, once again, not why all people gain weight. For that matter, there are already plenty other medications that DO suppress the “hunger signal,” and they are, again, not Ozempic. Please stop misrepresenting what it is and how it works on the people who have been prescribed it.

  3. Veronica S. says:

    Man, so crazy, I exercise daily and eat <1800 calories a day, work an active job, AND I’m still not thin. Even before I had thyroid disease, I was never smaller than a size 8. Damn, it’s almost like thinness isn’t actually the only calibrator for health at all and is linked to a series of other genetic and lifestyle factors lol.

    I don’t care if these people inject themselves to lose weight, but they should stop pretending the rest of us are stupid. She obviously was doing a lot of this stuff already to work in Hollywood and maintain her body. Losing it that rapidly means something else was done, whether it was Ozempic or major calorie cutting.

    • Kitten says:

      I kinda hate that she said that because the implication is that her very normal size before she dropped the weight was somehow unhealthy. Sigh. I have mixed feelings because she does seem happy and I love that for her, but she’s always talked openly about her struggles with her body image and naturally, people are gonna be skeptical about the diet & exercise narrative. In the end it kind of just makes me feel a bit sad that she succumbed to the intense pressure. Oh well. As I said, at least she seems happy.

      • Veronica S. says:

        She’s an adult who can do what she wants to her body, but there’s just no getting around the industry she’s in and the kind of pressure it puts on people to be thin. It would be one thing if we occasionally saw it in the opposite direction done well, but we simply don’t. (I think the only person we’ve legitimately seen that with was Christina Aguilera, who gained in her twenties after changing diet at doctor’s instruction, and despite looking still fairly fit, we all remember how she was treated.)

        If it’s true, and she’s not using something, well, my bad then, but she has to know what it looks like that she *suddenly* just happened to start getting smaller and thinner right around the time the Ozempic fad hit.

    • Linabear says:

      I’ve been saying this for years as a naturally underweight person who lived off a diet of chips and Oreos most of my life. I constantly get injured because my body is not strong, and I was the most winded member of my 5k running group on race day despite being the tiniest. Weight does not equate with health.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      Oh my God, same. I look back at what I was doing in my mid 20s and 30s — think 5-9 miles a day, 1800 calorie diet — and can acknowledge that it was thisclose to disordered thinking, but I was never less than 145 lbs. Ever. Even now, with 4-5 hourlong workouts a week and a sober lifetsyle, I’m real high on that stupid BMI. Reaaalll high. Then doctors look at my vitals and congratulate me. Can science please catch up and change public perception? THIS IS EXHAUSTING.

      • Dara says:

        Science is catching up, the AMA recently put a statement out that physicians shouldn’t rely on BMI alone to determine whether their patients need to lose weight. https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/ama-use-bmi-alone-imperfect-clinical-measure

        Turns out BMI is a decent predictor of health/obesity when looking at large groups of people, but has very little value when looking at a single person, and there are other numbers that are more informative. If your bloodwork, etc. is looking good then you and your doctor can probably disregard BMI.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Weight and size definitely impacts health in certain ways, namely in that who are just physically larger overall do encounter some health problems down the line (that includes height and build, too: more body = more work for the heart), but the BMI is definitely based on a standard body measurement that just doesn’t fit all. If you’re a woman with a 36″+ chest measurement, it’s just…not useful. At my absolutely thinnest, I was 145lbs, and that was with constant exercise and disordered eating, and if you look at the BMI charts, that’s just barely in the normal range. The moment I hit 160+, which is where my body naturally fell with regular exercise and moderate diet pre-metabolic disease, I was considered overweight.

        At some point we have to acknowledge not every woman is a 32/34 build. Some women have big shoulders and hips. We are naturally going to carry more weight. Even now, people are generally shocked when I tell them what I weigh because it’s like…yeah, I’m not thin, but I’m not what people assume 220lbs looks like, etiher, because when you have big boobs, big hips, and broader build, you have a lot of places to store it. It’s fine if people want to be thin, but it’s dangerous to associate a certain kind of fit and thin with “healthy” because not everybody can get to that size with healthy choices. Some of us would quite literally have to starve ourselves, and had I realized that in my twenties, I probably wouldn’t have been destroying my knees overexercising all the time.

  4. Lola says:

    Why is she “healthy” bc she is thinner? To me she actually looks sickly. That’s the tell tale sign of the shots.

    Meanwhile Lizzo will kick your ass on a Peloton – THAT b*** is healthy.

    • Juju says:

      Wow so many assumptions, ya’ll! Maybe her doctor looked at her blood work and it looked great? Maybe her blood pressure is better? It is actually possible that she is truly healthier and that she is working out more.

      It boggles my mind that so many people are assuming that she couldn’t have possibly dropped some weight by changing her lifestyle. People were losing weight long before Ozempic existed!

      I’ll use myself as an example. Before my wedding I was doing tons of cardio and doing what I thought was eating better, and lost like 5 lbs. So much effort and very little results. Several years later I had a trainer that focused on weight training and helped me work periodic servings of protein and produce into my diet. The weight fell off. I didn’t put in any extra time or effort (in fact, I worked out less!) I just changed how I was spending my time. Mindy has said she is using weights and hiking which may make a huge difference if before she was just doing slow cardio while watching tv or something like that.

      • Jill says:

        I agree with Juju. About ten years ago I wanted to lose weight for a wedding I was in and at first I went hard with serious cardio and nothing happened for the first four months. I finally changed things up and incorporated weight training, and really paid attention to the kinds of foods I was eating and not just the calorie counts on them. I dropped 25 lbs in those last six months that ran up to the wedding. It was gradual but people who didn’t see me everyday were a little stunned by my appearance. I certainly wasn’t underweight but if you’re only 5’5, 25 lbs can look like a lot that’s come off. I’ll give Mindy the benefit of the doubt here. Just because there are plenty of other people in Hollywood quietly using Ozempic, doesn’t mean everyone who loses weight is.

      • TeresaMaria says:

        I agree with eating right foods and not concentrating on cardio. I started intermittent fasting 3 years ago- including short periods of fasted cardio, weight training and eating more protein (I still eat carbs too) and the weight just fell off. And I’m over 40

  5. TurbanMa says:

    I’m rewatching her Mindy series. I enjoy her work so much. I don’t have much to say about her weight loss but I do know that after my second child was born I slimmed down considerably without trying. So idk if it’s true… if she says it’s healthy eating and staying active I’ll take her at face value.

  6. Roo says:

    I do hope she’s the healthiest she’s ever been so that she can live a long and healthy life for her children. Losing a parent is incredibly painful, and I’m sure it had significant emotional, mental and physical impact on her. Perhaps her numbers have improved – AIC, HDL, LDL, etc and she’s happy and relieved about those improvements?

  7. aimee says:

    i’m happy for her if she’s happy. but we all know this isn’t all what it seems. her face shape has dramatically changed throughout the years prior to all this weight loss. nothing against plastic surgery…but someone that’s going to do that, I can believe will use ozempic. listen, if she’s using ozempic and hiking and exercising, more power to her. it’s sad ozempic use is somehow associated with shame while there are patients using it for weight loss.

  8. Allegra says:

    Mindy absolutely could have been pre-diabetic, or had high blood pressure or high cholesterol, without us being able to tell just by looking at her. She was always active but she always loved junk food, and she wrote about some binge behaviors in her books. Some of us can eat “badly” and carry 25 extra pounds, and be completely healthy. But some of us who look “normal American weight” are actually dealing with the beginning stages of overweight-related health struggles at that same weight. I don’t think it’s fair to imply that she’s lying about her doctor telling her that her labs all look better than ever.

    • manda says:

      yes, I think you make a very good point!

    • Lucy2 says:

      I thought the same thing, we don’t know what she was dealing with, perhaps she has just changed her diet/exercise routine, perhaps she is on medication also. We don’t know her lab work, we don’t know her family history. It’s really nobody’s business, if she’s happy and feels good and her doctor is happy, good for her.

    • Tiffany:) says:

      I completely agree, Allegra. People are making a lot of inappropriate assumptions.

    • Kitten says:

      All very fair points.

    • MF says:

      Agree with this. I think the whole “As for what her doctor says… like, she wasn’t unhealthy in the first place!” is totally inappropriate. We don’t actually know that because none of us is her doctor.

      • Kebbie says:

        Yeah, I really don’t understand that comment at all. How could we possibly know what her health was like? She could have had unhealthy blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. It’s again equating weight with health and that’s just not an accurate barometer at all.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Exactly this. People really are overstepping on this thread with assumptions about someone they have never met and would have no clue about in regards to her medical history. A lot of armchair physicians and dieticians on this post.

  9. manda says:

    When I was about Mindy’s age, 44, I lost a bunch of weight (I guess like 20 pounds) fairly effortlessly and got back down to my high school weight. It really wasn’t very hard, I was doing a diet that I had never tried before (basically, I had gotten a few high blood sugar and A1C blood tests, and both my parents have type 2 diabetes, so I was like, wow, I better cut sugar and carbs down, and so I pretty much cut out candy for a while, which I knew wasn’t sustainable, but also really reduced carbs during two out of my three meals, and really should probably try to do that again). My friend just lost 25 pounds bc she’s super stressed out and walking more, but also recently diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed a stimulant. I’m just saying people lose weight for a variety of reasons and I feel really gross theorizing about anyone’s weight. That being said, if she’s talking about it, one would hope she’s being honest!!
    Diet culture sssssssuuuuuccccccckkkkkksssssssss so much 🙁

  10. EviesMom says:

    My labs have never looked better either…. After 18 months on ozempic. Sure, I hike daily & swim. But I did all of that before ozempic. The weight loss has been great & I have no regrets & no shame. If anyone asks me what has changed, I don’t give them big doe eyes & say…. Exercise … I tell them I’ve been taking ozempic.
    I don’t understand the need to perpetuate the myth that the only worthy weight loss is via calorie restriction & manic exercise. Own it & move on.

    • Kebbie says:

      Yeah, I don’t understand the reluctance to just be honest about it. If she lost weight and never discussed it, I’d say she owes nobody an explanation. But she keeps publicizing her great health and weight loss, so she’s inviting the conversation.

      I know she has struggled for years with body image and she seems very happy now. It’s a shame she likely isn’t being honest about how she got there. Especially when she built her brand on being relatable.

  11. AgathaTatiana says:

    I read an article with her awhile back where she said she’d really gotten into running (this was before everyone was asking her about weight loss. She said that it was helping her stress and mental health. She joked that she knew she didn’t have a runners body. I got into running at very stressful time in my life and made some changes in diet and lost a LOT of weight. and some people do carry weight in their face. I’m not saying that she looks healthy or that she may not be doing something unhealthy or have unhealthy attitudes towards body shape, weight loss, food issues etc just saying it might not be Ozempic, the truth is that people are more likely to believe it’s a wonder drug than as a result of lifestyle changes. When I dropped a ton of weight people asked me what I was doing and when I explained that I was running multiple times a week they lost interest in the conversation.

  12. Southern Fried says:

    It’s great she’s happy and feeling healthier than ever. Many women’s bodies change at certain times in their lives for a range of reasons. Mindy has not shown herself to be a liar so I’ll take her at her word.

  13. Brenda says:

    First of all, her doctor didn’t release the chart or give an unscripted unfiltered interview in which he discussed the case thoroughly. The medical board, HIPAA, and state privacy laws prohibit this without her express consent.
    Also, if he did actually say she was more healthy, that could have been based on several lines of reasoning. She could have had extensive body composition measurements, she could have had cardiac imaging demonstrating a reduction of plaque, she could have had a reduction in fatty liver or something else.
    The physician would need to be very stupid to not understand that health is not strictly defined as a number on the scale.

  14. Barrett says:

    I am 48 had hashimotos and ended up becoming diabetic in my earky 30’s but I got a kind of diabetes that is actually called Latent Autoimmune diabetes in adults. It’s a hybrid of 1 and 2 but very similar per research to slowly progressing type 1. BEWARE they are learning more ab diabetes w CGMs and it can be a continuum not just 1 & 2!!!! I believe now that I had PCOS since teens but noone thought I did b/c I was thin. I complained of cystic acne and crazy periods went to 16 doctors over years including an endocronologist who actually missed my diagnosis completeley by misinterpreting an antibody readling on a lab. My fasting sugar was below 100 for 12 years b/c of diet and exercise but my post meal Blood sugar was over 200 -250 and I had switched to a low carb diet.
    6 GI doctors, a urologist, 5 obgyns for crazy periods, 2 derms….. In the end my colon sustained severe neuropathy and I now need an illeostomy. I was naive b/c my parents raised me to think I couldnt get diabetes. Not true you are at risk w thyroid issues esp Hashimotos. In addition I had a rough family life and parents who ate very poorly, had poor physcial and mental health. I was so afraid in my home I became a timid, people pleaser, w/o good support systems until reuniting w my first love..

    Know your blood sugars, fire your doctors. My doctors were busy, fragmented and never connected my hashimotos and family history. Healthcare is silo’d and I became a GI system on legs to my GI doctor, a uterus only to my OBGYNs, a bladder only to the urologist. No thinking of my whole system. I was asked if things were in my head? Told to accept I was complicated w no root cause. Told thyroid and endocrine problems could not be causing my issues and to distract from the pain. Wrong. I was gaslit.

    Ladies -we may be growing up in a better time of wellness and w these CGMS. Let’s unite against discrimination. Be well, be assertive.

  15. Mar says:

    It’s kind of ironic that Kim, Khloe, Mindy, a lot of housewives and Jessica Simpson all had MASSIVE weight losses in the past 2 years or so, right when Ozempic became available

    • Twin Falls says:

      Jessica Simpson does not look well.

    • Kebbie says:

      I think Jessica Simpson had gastric surgery. She’s the only one that also looks like she aged 10 years and that’s usually from surgery. Ozempic takes weight off slower and the skin has a little more time to adjust properly. I know there has been talk about “Ozempic face” but I have yet to see anything that rivals the aging gastric surgery weight loss can do to the face.

    • yvrjanice says:

      And Jonah Hill, and Michael Moore, and Rebel Wilson, and ……. the list goes on and on

  16. Grant says:

    Respectfully, how do you know she was healthy before? Are you her doctor? You’re making the same assumptions as those folks who say that all large persons are unhealthy, you’re just doing the opposite. You’re saying that because she was larger before, she wasn’t unhealthy. Lots of larger persons are unhealthy. She could have had high blood pressure, she could have been pre-diabetic. If her diet was poor, she could have had all kinds of nutritional deficiencies.

  17. Eating Popcorn says:

    When I was in my 30’s I had a girlfriend, also in her 30’s, who was a healthy weight, exercised regularly, and ate a ‘heart healthy diet’. Her cholesterol was over 350 due to genetics. In addition to losing a parent at a young age to heart disease, she also lost a sibling. My girlfriend had to take all kinds of heart medication; statins, diuretics, etc… if you looked at her you would think she was ‘super healthy’. So, let’s not make assumptions about people; let’s not shame people. Let’s not project our narrative about food, health, and medication on them. We just don’t know.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yup. 2 guys I know who are super healthy, eat well, and run daily both have very high cholesterol. One was over 300, I remember. Genetics are tough to overcome.

  18. Ameerah M says:

    So many folks on this post at acting like they are Mindy’s doctor and have access to her medical history. We have ZERO idea what pre-existing conditions or issues she may or may have had. None of us are her Doctor.

    • fawzeya says:

      You are correct, Ameerah M., I concur with you! I am very happy for Mindy and wish her nothing but success and good health!

  19. Mel says:

    I think Mindy is funny but Mindy has got some MAJOR issues with herself that she needs to work out for not her sake but the sake of her daughter. If her daughter has her non-medicated body type what will she say, how will she handle it? Taking a shot or a pill won’t remove the issues that inspired the need for the shot or the pill. She should have the space to work that out herself. Looking away now.

  20. Mandy says:

    Love mindy but come on- her face is completely different than it was. If she was really hiking and working out hard with weights, I feel like there would be more muscle. Clearly she lost a lot of weight from something else (ozempic, calorie restriction, whatever). She doesn’t owe us an explanation and it’s great she is healthy according to a doctor (I mean it’s a bunch of doctors who are currently prescribing Ozempic, which I personally do not think sounds healthy at all for most people using it for weight loss so I don’t always buy what these doctors say are healthy- a lot of them are making $$$ off this drug ).

  21. Baily says:

    It’s fine to be healthy, but her transformation is extraordinary, and she’s over 40, which is really hard to do naturally in such a short amount of time. I think she’s a bit obsessed with beauty standards and has lived in LA for too long. Also, just because you are healthy doesn’t protect you totally from illness and death. And that’s at any age unfortunately.

  22. MsGnomer says:

    Oh, the humble brag.

    I used to be a fan, Ms. Kaling. Now you’re just another empty vessel crying to us all how much you have suffered. Get over yourself, lady.

  23. jferber says:

    I love Mindy and will always wish her the best.