It is still so funny to me that Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard make this big deal about “protecting their children from being photographed,” yet they are constantly telling their kids’ business to everyone. While I have no idea what Delta and Lincoln Shepard look like, I already know way too much about them, including how infrequently they bathe, and how they don’t shower until they “stink.” Well, for years, Kristen has been telling everyone that her kids drink non-alcoholic beers. She told the story again this week while appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and Kristen added a new twist. Her daughters (aged 8 and 9 years old) actually order non-alcoholic beer in restaurants now.
Kristen Bell’s kids have very mature taste. While appearing on an episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show, the Good Place actress, 43, chatted with host Kelly Clarkson, 41, about letting her two daughters — Delta, 8, and Lincoln, 9 — drink non-alcoholic beers.
Although she admitted that it “sounds insane,” Bell said that “context is important,” since her 48-year-old husband Dax Shepard is a recovering addict.
“He’s a recovering addict,” Bell said of Shepard, “but he likes non-alcoholic beer, so he’d pop one open, he’d have [our oldest daughter] on his chest, and we’d walk and look at the sunset,” she told Clarkson. “As a baby, she was pawing at it, and sometimes she’d suck the rim of it. So I think it feels to her like something special, something daddy, something family.”
Bell went on to say that the drinks contain zero percent alcohol and that since establishing this routine, her kids have asked for non-alcoholic beer at restaurants.
“We’ve been at restaurants where she’s said, ‘Do you have any non-alcoholic beer?’ And I’m like, maybe we just keep that for home time,” said the actress.
“But then I’m sort of like, you can judge me if you want, I’m not doing anything wrong,” added Bell. “That’s your problem.”
Kids that age just want to feel like grownups and they copy their parents’ behavior too. I loved ordering Shirley Temples when I was a kid because it felt like I was ordering a cocktail, like I was a grownup. I’ve seen teenagers order virgin pina coladas too, because it feels like a thrill, like they’re doing something naughty. Technically, Kristen is right – it’s not like she’s doing anything wrong. I mean, except for telling her daughters’ business to everyone. She and Dax should introduce their kids to Shirley Temples.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- WESTWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – FEBRUARY 22: American actress and singer Kristen Bell arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere Of STARZ’s ‘Party Down’ Season 3 held at the Regency Bruin Theatre on February 22, 2023 in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 758071843, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Kristen Bell, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 15: Kristen Bell attends the Ninth Breakthrough Prize Ceremony at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on April 15, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.,Image: 769820985, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Kristen Bell, Credit line: Jeffrey Mayer / Avalon
I get wanting your kids to have privacy, so I don’t understand posting ANY photos with them just to cover their face. She didn’t need to post pictures of them at all. It’s so bizarre to me.
Unfortunately Kristen only gets press these days by talking about her kids, so of course she’s going to repeat any story that she finds scandalous.
Yeah. And she wants to be judged, so that she can explain herself further.
Yeah, that way she will “win” the media cycle (maybe go viral, which is another “win”). If Kristen is really successful, then someone will write that she’s “clapped back,” oh, my God, that’s nirvana to some people. But it does seem ridiculous that she talks so much about her kids and divulges their business and her parenting style.
I’m sorry but if you don’t want us to see your kids faces maybe just don’t post your kids pics at all because those rabbit emojis are frickin creepy
I also do not get the point of her posting pictures of her children face with emojis on-it. She could just not post those pictures on her public page and post; them on a private page that only her family and friends can see. Then again she wouldn’t get the attention from those photos.
The kids just want to bond with daddy. But personally for me i used to LOVE beer but when i stopped drinking i never understood the sense in non-alcoholic beer. I understabd some virgin cocktails but beer? Why would i want all the bloat,peeing without even a little buzz.
Some people actually enjoy the taste of hops, me included. I don’t drink alcohol because I’m breastfeeding, but I also don’t like super sweet drinks or sodas so cold non-alcoholic beer is a perfect summer refreshment for me. I’m in Europe though, so I’m not sure what kind do you have in the US. Even your alcoholic beers taste nothing like the ones we have here. I like the ones which taste exactly like regular beer but don’t contain alcohol, not the fruity ones/radlers.
Well i am not in the US ,i am in East Africa and the brand i know here is called Baltika which to me is gross.
I have always loathed the taste of alcoholic beer. But my husband, who has recently instituted some “dry” months, has started drinking various non-alcoholic beers. Out of curiosity, I had a sip, and I have to say, it wasn’t terrible. Sort of a malt-flavored seltzer, I guess?
Have you ever tried a shrub mixed with club soda? Non-alcoholic and ridiculously refreshing!
I’ve cut out drinking during the week, and I’ve found a few NA beers and drinks that I really enjoy. Athletic Brewing makes the best non-alcoholic beers, in a variety of styles. And Sierra Nevada makes a “Hop Water” that is pretty tasty too.
It took me quitting drinking to realize I truly did like the taste of beer!
I used to think that non-alcoholic beer was gross when the only one I was familiar with was O’Douls. But the ones they’ve been making in the past few years are much better. I agree that Athletic Brewing makes some of the best ones, though local-to-me Gruvi has some good options as well!
I don’t like beer with alcohol at all but I fell in love with non alcohol beer when pregnant. It’s nice to have a non caffeinated (gives me anxiety) non sweet drink that is cool and refreshing but isn’t water. I hate the taste of coffee and tea so iced is a no go.
I think she talks way too much personal stuff about her kids, but obscuring their faces, at least the kids can go out in the world and not be recognized or followed or photographed.
I feel like some of the stuff she says and posts is to court controversy, and then she gets to act indignant about it. Pink did the same for a while. Personally if I were a celebrity I would try really hard to keep everything about the kids private.
There are celebrities I forget even have kids. She is obviously not one of them!
I often think that about Ryan Gosling. His kids are rarely discussed and only about general stuff like barbies , and never photographed. He always keeps his personal life locked down. Eva is clearly chatty but about herself! Lol I noticed during the promo interviews your fav x questions, margot answered and Ryan sidestepped. He’s a pro.. And still one of the most famous actors around.
Maybe this is true, but stores card when you buy non alcoholic beer. It’s an abundance of caution but no one wants to risk losing a liquor license.
I was always under the impression that non alcoholic beer still had a small amount of alcohol in them.
Pretty sure they do, although you’d have to drink a kegs worth to get even a slight buzz.
Non-alcoholic beers can contain up to 0.5% alcohol, so many doctors and nutritionists suggest recovering alcoholics and breast-feeding women stay away from even non-alcoholic beers.
At least in Germany we do have some 0% alcohol beer (and many of them are delicious 😋), but most “non-alcoholic” beers do have alcohol and therefore still have the warning label for pregnancy. The 0% ones taste for me as good as the alcoholic ones and even after pregnancy/breastfeeding I decided to stick with it. I even tried now non alcoholic cider/apple wine and it’s also great in summer🤩
yes you are not supposed to drink them if you are in recovery
I thought so, too. My grandfather was a recovering alcoholic, but drank O’Douls ALL the time. I remember my dad commenting that it’s because there’s just enough alcohol you’d have to drink a lot to get the same buzz. In my grandfather’s eyes, it was okay because it had the label of non-alcoholic and therefore he was still “sober”. He would drink cases.
Majority of “non-alcoholic beers do contain a small amount of alcohol. I only know this because my friend, who’s a recovering alcoholic, was looking for non-alcoholic beer with 0% alcohol. It’s hard to find. We found at a warehouse liquor store.
I completely disagree with Kristin’s logic. I find her overall disagreeable.
@BillyPilgrim: My husband is also in recovery and will ONLY drink 0.0 beers – not just any “NA”. It’s getting slightly easier to find them lately; I think the industry is swinging that way and we’re seeing more “Hop Water”-type beverages out there too.
I do want to point out for everyone’s education that Kombucha has 0.5% alcohol in it, too. I’m guessing that some of the people who wouldn’t give their kids NA beer would let them have a kombucha from time to time….
All of this, which is why I’m skeptical that restaurants would serve non alcoholic beer to 9 year olds. Celebrity life is different, but one nosey patron snaps a pic and sends it to the health department, an investigation will ensue and that’s a huge pain for the restaurant, even if they’re cleared of wrongdoing.
when I was. bartender, I worked in a place where one of the servers served a non alcoholic beer to a minor and we ended up being fined thousands of dollars because of the trace amount of alcohol in there.
When my younger son was about 12, he ordered cider at a really nice restaurant. After he started drinking it and offered a sip to his brother and sister (who thought it was gross), the waiter came over and took it away because it was hard cider. They oh so helpfully let us know they wouldn’t charge us for their mistake – and I was like, uh, you should be hoping I don’t turn you in for serving alcohol to a minor!
Shirley Temples were a vacation ritual when I was a kid. My kids have had them at weddings, sweet 16’s, etc. I’m more surprised that Kristin is 43, It feels like she’s been around forever.
ETA just checked her IMDB. She has had a long and successful career.
Shut up Kristen. Nobody cares. And I agree with @chaine, those rabbit emojis are creepy. What’s the point of posting photos if multiple people consistently have their faces blocked? Maybe just don’t post to the gram?!?
*meant to reply to @chaine*
Are we kidding here? Seriously? Have we forgotten about the availability of credible research and like to asctibe to ‘technically not wrong’. Empirically, it is wrong: Adolescents’ exposure to influencer marketing of non-alcoholic beer combined with lower levels of parental restrictive mediation was associated with increased odds of the purchase and consumption of alcohol.
Bra One Boob at a Time, THIS!!! The centers treating alcoholism in the NLs and the Dutch government advise against children drinking non alcoholic beer and wine. It makes the step to real alcohol smaller and acclimates kids to the taste (many hate it at first) much sooner. There are lots of things that kids can drink and they don’t need (more expensive as well) non alcoholic beer or wine.
This was my instinct as well. Having a virgin daiquiri or shirley temple is just drinking sugar juice. Having a n/a beer is drinking something that tastes like an alcoholic drink and feels a little more like training your kid to like the taste of beer and associating it with warm and fuzzy feelings of daddy.
It’s smart to. be aware of genetics when you allow your kids non alcoholic beverages. If my husband or I drank I might have a different opinion. My daughter is 21 and tells me she hates the taste of beer.
Yeah I didn’t want to say it but surely acquiring the taste of beer, and drinking whole cans not just a sip or tiny serve, will have them drinking the real stuff faster? I know in Europe kids drink but my understanding is it’s small amounts and watered down. That’s just my opinion.
@ FHMom, I too was raised with the Shirley Temples!! I felt so grown up!! We also carried the same ritual with our kids as well!!
@ Bra one boob at a time, I remember that study coming out!! It was eye opening for the masses as to how something seen not harmful but was actually the exact opposite!!
No one cares Kristen but maybe YOU should guard your kids privacy and stop telling their business ?
My hubby is in recovery too. When he did his first rehab, he was told not to drink non-alcoholic stuff (beer/wine etc) as you need to alter your behaviour / mindset too.
drinking non alcoholic beer is like being dry drunk – technically you are not drinking alcohol, but you are still stuck in the mindset and can lead to relapses.
I hate that Kristen talks so much about their kids. It’s really unfair to put so much about them in public. Especially embarrassing things that classmates will make fun of.
Imagine the horror when they grow older and see ALL in countless recordings and publications too!!!
What was the point of making this public other than to garner attention? We may not know explicitly what their kids look like, but we know intimate details about their children personal lives.
Compared to other celebrities who, we know what their children look like but have no intimate details, about their kids personal lives.
Let’s just leave the kids completely out of it, Kristen. I can’t tell you what the kids look like, other than that they have blond hair, but I know WAY too much about their bathing habits and drink preferences, which seems more intimate. She’s a decent actress, so why the dependence on stories about the kids?
Yeah, this one’s bad. Why would you teach kids to enjoy the taste of beer? Why make the transition to drinking – especially with a parent with addiction problems – easier?
Woah this is flat out wrong. Non-alcoholic beer isn’t for children, especially as young as hers. I thought she was referring to teenagers, not young tweens. This smacks of normalizing alcohol consumption at too young an age. I drank non-alcoholic beer when pregnant or had to drive. Would never consider it appropriate for children. Too many addictive behaviors encouraged in this country and this is way too lenient for me. This woman over shares, completely disrespects her kids privacy and seems to lack discipline and boundaries as a parent.
Now, let’s not forget Dax in this over sharing and including very personal and private matters of their children’s lives. I imagine that they BOTH take issue with boundaries!
Yes this is true but she’s the one with the cringey anecdotes. They’re definitely gonna be the embarrassing parents in middle school. I actually like both of them as actors but definitely not my parenting style.
I just sit here stunned and applaud @Bra one boob at a time and @Betsy. I adore the taste of beer and would be allowed to have the foam off my dad’s beer. But the variable of having the dad in recovery for this adds a different layer and one that we should not dismiss.
And I never understood her appeal. I feel sorry for these kids.
Bell has not posted on Instagram since she posted the photo of all the (white) Hollywooders in Idaho at Jimmy Kimmel’s property. That photo got so much pushback for having an abundance of lack-of-diversity at the table that I think people like Kimmel and Aniston and Tapper hated having their private time aired like that. I mean, Bell is so desperate to prove she hangs with the cool kids that she doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. Bell and Shepard are highly problematic and I don’t know why they don’t get more pushback about their comments, photos, and shady business dealings. Oh wait. I do get it. It’s because she looks a certain way, isn’t it?!
I would’ve rather had my face put out there than have some of the stories they live put out there. At this point people are basically expecting their children to become addicts.
What’s next Kristen Bell? My kids vape nicotin-free electronic cigs to feel closer to my husband -whom I kinda like, by the way- who’s a recovering smoker? It’s amazing how easily some unemployed Hollywood actors objectify their kids’ image and intimacy to maintain their own relevancy and source of income.
Kristen Bell has been selling out her children so shamelessly over the last 5 years, I wonder why CPS doesn’t get involved to demand the 8 an 9-year-old be handed a proper work contract, with a mandatory profit-sharing clause every time dear mummy spills shit about them in public.
The reason I am appalled is that clearly, her daughters cannot give consent for the mother’s exploitive breach of child privacy. We can legitimately worry about what’s going to happen when the girls turn 16-17 and start dating. Well have an educated guess! What mommy’s gaping mouth lets out on the internet, will stay forever on the internet.
Alcohol-free beverages still symbolically and indirectly refer to alcohol, so they’re not meant for children, under any circumstance.
What’s going to happen when they start dating? Dax already addressed that in a podcast. Shepard said, “If my daughters are horny and want to have sex, that was my favorite activity, remains my favorite activity, I’d be lying if I said I was in any way anti-that activity.” He went on to say he isn’t going to “protect” their virginity.
😳😲 Thanks for clarifying. I wasn’t paranoid…
They share a lot of details about their kids on the podcast. Including one of the girls regular sleepwalking/night terrors, his opinion, on allowing them to have sex young, the fact that one of them has a boyfriend, etc. etc. I don’t understand why they think that is OK when they are so vocal about protecting their kids, privacy and “image”.
@Scilies, & what’s wrong with that? As we all know, teenagers are full of raging hormones & no matter what parents say, they’re *going* to find ways to have sex. Why not make it safer for them physically, mentally & emotionally by talking openly about it & providing protection & resources for them? And EWW to any father “protecting” his daughter’s virginity—that’s just gross & reeks of ultra-conservative patriarchy. No one says a father or mother should “protect” their son’s virginity. I had bible-thumping, ultra-conservative, misogynistic parents who didn’t give a rat’s ass about my older brothers having sex as teens, but they sure tried to “protect” my virginity & it really screwed me up when I finally did have sex with my boyfriend as a teen. It took me YEARS & so much needless guilt to come to terms with how screwed up that was & to own my sexuality as a young woman. Say what you will about Kristen & Dax’s overexposure of their daughters’ lives, but THAT ain’t it.
What’s the problem, Kristen, not getting enough attention? So, invite people to judge you, as if you don’t know that this is what social media is all about. Clickety, clickety, click.
This woman never shuts up about her kids’ lives. Can’t see their faces, but let’s reveal everything about them to grab attention for mommy and daddy. It’s going to come to the point where those girls assert their right to their privacy.
Non-alcoholic beer still has a small percentage of alcohol. No bueno.
Agreed. This is ridiculous, irresponsible, and stupid. It’s not criminal or anything, just dumb.
Restaurants aren’t allowed to serve NA beer to kids, what the heck? This seems made up for attention. Also, if you know your kids have inherited the genes for alcoholism, why in the ever living daylights would you get them accustomed to and desiring the taste of beer?
I grew up having Shirley Temple’s at restaurants, which is basically a non carbonated soda. My kids have had their share of virgin Pina coladas at resorts, which are really just a slushy. But non alcoholic beer is a step too far for me. You’ve accustomed your child to the taste of beer, to ordering beer, and there’s really no other drink that tastes like beer except beer. It’s weird.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to let your kids do that. As others said, it’s not like with a Shirley Temple which looks like a fancy cocktail but tastes like a sugary kids drink. Beer has a distinctive taste and you don’t want your kids acquiring it and turning to drinking beer as soon as they can get fake IDs or sneak some at a friend’s house, etc.
It’s not that I’m against the idea of people drinking beer. And I did let my kids have one glass of wine at the occasional special dinner, but only once they were teenagers (over 15). Kristen’s kids aren’t even tweens yet. And I didn’t let them do it at restaurants.
I hated beer when I was in college, then grew to like it once I could afford decent brands. I actually drank non-alcoholic beer when I was pregnant, so if we went out and my husband was having one I could feel like I was enjoying one too.
And yes, Kristen talks too much about her kids.
I feel like this site picks and chooses which celebrity they like or not and then decides everything they do is annoying. Other celebs always talk about their kids and give a lot of personal details and it’s considered endearing or even groundbreaking.
There are celebs like Kerry Washington who genuinely never talks about her kids and I forget they exist. Some celebs drop tidbits, and then some celebs over share. I can think of celebs who have been praised on this site for constantly sharing updates about their children while others are criticized.
She and that dude she is married to are only known for telling embarrassing things about their kids. That is their only job now.
Do the celebs “who have been praised on this site for constantly sharing updates about their children” refer to them as needing to reach reeking point before they get bathed ?
Do the celebs “who have been praised on this site for constantly sharing updates about their children” refer to them as still wearing diapers for peeing the bed at 7 years of age?
The public stigma Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard have been throwing on their offspring could be looked at as downright abuse, and this is only being addressed here,cto my knowledge. So Stop the whinging, will you.
There is a difference when a celebrity talks about their child favorite color, likes sports, or other hobbies. It is completely different when Kristen and Dax share stories about how their kids still wet the bed, are still in diapers, smell like vinegar, don’t bath their kids, Dax didn’t want a second child but had another because their oldest wanted a sibling, or even this .
To quote what someone posted above from the Dax podcast.
“If my daughters are horny and want to have sex, that was my favorite activity, remains my favorite activity, I’d be lying if I said I was in any way anti-that activity.”
These are not things that do not need to be shared with the public without the consent of their kids. Same thing with Kelly Ripa, whose daughter has repeatedly asked her not to talk about her and Kelly ignores their wishes.
I’m curious who this site praises for over sharing intimate details about their children? I’ve only seen the opposite?
That’s weird. Thats a weird thing to do, buy your kids NA beer to drink in public. Also I’m sorry, I don’t really believe that these kids like the taste of beer so much that they ask for it in restaurants. Idk, yall- this strikes me as LOOKIT MEEEE shit. LOOKIT MEE, LOOKIT MEE- MY KIDS LOVE BEER, HEY LOOK- WATCH. THEY LIKE IT.
But also I don’t give a shit what her kuds drink, or what she drinks or what her husband doesn’t drink, BUT THIS STORY IS WEIRD.
I can’t exactly recall what the turning point was for me, but it was specifically because of her and Dax over sharing that I just…stopped liking them. They’re no more than influencers who use their kids for content these days.