Will Sophie Grégoire Trudeau get custody of the Duchess of Sussex in the divorce?

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and her husband, the prime minister of Canada, have legally separated. I’m learning from Canadians that there have been rumors for a while, especially rumors about their living situation. They have possibly been living apart for years now, and obviously, this was not some spur-of-the-moment decision. Now for a lighter question: who gets custody of the Duchess of Sussex? Meghan lived in Toronto for seven or eight years, she was well-connected in Toronto’s social and political scene and she was friendly with Justin Trudeau and Sophie. In fact, Sophie visited Meghan at least once in Montecito, and Sophie also appeared on an episode of Archetypes last year. So does Sophie get custody of Meghan? Perhaps, at least according to the Daily Mail:

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau may be looking to her close friends for support during the breakup of her marriage with Canadian Prime Minister Justin. And among those she may be leaning on will likely be Meghan Markle, 41, with whom she has been friends since 2016.

According to Finding Freedom, the pair became ‘fast friends’ while the Duchess of Sussex was living in Canada – and have remained in touch ever since. In recent years, their friendship appears to have only strengthened – with the former journalist appearing on Meghan’s podcast Archetypes in November 2022.

Meghan, who referred to her friend as ‘Soph’, revealed she threw a pool party last summer for Mrs Trudeau, in which the two ‘giggled like schoolgirls’ and drank wine on the terrace of her Montecito mansion.

According to the explosive biography Finding Freedom, when she began dating Harry in 2016, Meghan was urged to take advice from Mrs Trudeau by her friend Jessica Mulroney, who deemed the two women ‘now had a lot in common’ due to their famous husbands. A close friend of Trudeau and a former cabinet member told the authors: ‘Sophie would have made it clear that every single aspect of Meghan’s past would be dug up, so the most important thing was to be honest with Harry – tell him everything. Sophie’s a smart woman and the perfect brain for Meghan to pick. She knows how difficult something like this is. Few people can relate or truly sympathise. For those of us that knew about their friendship, it was amazing to see the change in Meghan that followed.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I’ve honestly never gotten a read on Sophie either way – I simply don’t pay attention to Canadian gossip or politics, so my general sense was that Sophie was a nice “first lady” type of political spouse, with her own job and life away from the spotlight, but willing to support her husband throughout his career. The rumors of affairs and secret separations… well, who knows, but this is all news to me. Maybe Sophie will end up finding her freedom in a sleepy California beach community too. Most of all, I just get the feeling that Canadians have a completely different relationship with their elected leaders and political spouses. Like… the current prime minister is getting a divorce while he’s in office, and we’re talking about whether the de facto “first lady” will have more time to hang out with Meghan? Imagine that happening here in America??? People would lose their f–king minds.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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65 Responses to “Will Sophie Grégoire Trudeau get custody of the Duchess of Sussex in the divorce?”

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  1. Jan says:

    So far it is a separation, they’re going on vacation with the children.
    I think Sophie moved out, the children are staying with Dad, maybe for school reasons.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      With how I am reading the narrative of a separation and still committed to activities together with the kids, this could eventually lead to a reunion. But who knows. Sophie may be tired of being a politicians wife. It must be terribly lonely and hard to weather alone, ie child rearing, hours upon hours alone, not much time together, etc.

      • NG_76 says:

        I’m sure the constant hatred and vitriol that the bigots hurl towards the Prime Minister had something to do with it. The death threats and threats of violence probably became too much.

      • Cali says:

        It’s a legal separation so I think the chances of reconciliation are nil.

      • pollyv says:

        Not to mention the constant death threats by the unhinged Freedom Convoy and others.

    • Lady D says:

      The home they’re in is the official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada. I wonder if they rotate staying in the home with the kids?

      • Jaded says:

        They actually have been living in a cottage on the grounds of Rideau Hall, not 24 Sussex Drive, the official residence for the PM and family. The residence has been neglected over the years and is now in pretty dire condition and will likely cost close to $40 million to make it livable.

      • Jen says:

        @Lady D: Yes, Canadian news is reporting that Sophie is spending (some? all? of) her custody time with the kids in the official residence. They’ve been using Rideau Cottage as their official residence, though it’s not the historic traditional official residence of the Prime Minister and his family, since that property, 24 Sussex Drive, is not in good shape.

        From the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation): “According to a source with knowledge of the arrangements, Grégoire Trudeau has moved to a separate home in Ottawa, and the prime minister will remain at Rideau Cottage. Grégoire Trudeau will also spend time at Rideau Cottage, where their children are expected to live most of the time, and the Trudeaus will share parenting responsibilities, according to the source.”

        Having the parents do the schlepping back and forth instead of moving the kids back and forth is great for the kids, but probably there are also security reasons for this arrangement.

  2. Ameerah M says:

    His brown shoes in that last pic are tragic. I don’t know much about Sophie – I listened to her Archtypes interview when it came out and she struck me as a smart woman with a good sense of humor.

    • Totorochan says:

      Oh I kind of like the shoes! But not with that outfit. I’m imagining them with caramel coloured chinos and a cream sweater with a little zip…. or a slate blue button down shirt…. could be nice? 😀

    • GunnS says:

      I found the shoes the least ugly thing in that last picture. First the length of the dress jacket and second the whole fit of the pants. Too big, too long. And what’s with the bad posture?

      I don’t find JT attractive, but I can see why other people do. But with this picture I find it funny how I obviously link good fitting suit = attractive..

      • Becks1 says:

        Did you see that whole thread on twitter a few weeks ago (maybe around the time of the coronation? But I think it was after that, I cant remember) about King Felipe of Spain and how his suits are always so well made? Some of these men need to find his tailor, lol.

      • Snoodle says:

        @Becks1 I think the reason Felipe’s suits are always so perfect is because he’s so dang tall he can’t buy anything off the rack, he HAS to get them custom made and tailored, whereas the rest of these guys in ill-fitting suits are sizes that CAN be bought pre-made and (usually) aren’t poorly fitting enough that most would notice.

        Although many of the worst-fitting suits happen to be worn by men renowned for being opinionated and bull-headed and generally ill-tempered, gee I wonder why.

    • pollyv says:

      I’m sure the constant nitpicking over his wardrobe and socks doesn’t help.

  3. Brit says:

    The way they attach Meghan to everything, lol. I thought Meghan didn’t have friends and was lying but now she’s friends with everyone. Literally, the world could end or they manage to find Jimmy Hoffa and the British press will find a way to add Meghan to the narrative 😂

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Yup. It is a wonder that they haven’t given into that type of delulu thinking, but there’s always tomorrow!

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s really become Six Degrees of Meghan Markle, isn’t it.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right?? They have to add her name everywhere to get attention and clicks. And I mean, this story is just hilarious bc its so against their usual narrative of Meghan being so hated. Now, the Canadian PM and his wife are fighting over who gets to keep the irrelevant and unpopular Duchess of Sussex as a friend?? Make it make sense, lol.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The DM doesn’t even realise that they have contradicted their narrative about Meghan.

  4. Aj2 says:

    Canadian here- I’m hearing all the rumors about the cheating and separate lives and while maybe that is true (I’ve met the PM and damn does he give off some flirty energy lol), I think we can’t diminish the fact that there are flags and signs with F*** Trudeau everywhere- that safety risk and hostility alone would break any marriage.

    • Nic919 says:

      This flags are horrendous and shows the white supremacy groups have moved well beyond small groups. To exhibit hate against a PM in that way is something we have never seen before. People with these flags should be shunned. You can dislike a politician without placing hateful flags on your property. I mean I can’t stand Doug ford and his thug ways, but I would never do that.

      • NG_76 says:

        It’s all really scary, I am afraid that something very bad is going to happen to him. PP just stokes the fires he’s going to get him killed.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        Canadians in general don’t care to know what their political leaders’ marriages are like. It’s none of our business. Just run the country decently with a focus on health care, infrastructure, and talking some sense into the Bank of Canada, thank you! We don’t call the Prime Minister’s wife the first lady. Mila Mulroney tried to make that thing in the 1980s and it didn’t fly. It’s hard enough to make any marriage work let alone one where deranged people are sending death threats multiple times a day. I hope the Trudeaus work out their marriage or an arrangement that works for everyone involved.

  5. Elaine says:

    Most people wouldn’t know the previous two or three Prime Minister’s spouse’s name. Occasionally we get one that’s more active (like Sophie) but there’s no clear expectations or role for them.

    I’m pretty sure people only became aware of Aline Chrétien’s name because she heard someone break into their house.

    • sunny says:

      This part. I was young when the Aline story happened but I couldn’t believe security on the PM’s residence was so terrible that someone could easily break into his home like that.

      It is so pathetic that the British press is trying to spin a divorce of a G7 country leader into a story about Meghan.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        Yeah she clocked the intruder in the head with an indigenous soap stone carving, didn’t she?

      • Elaine says:

        She saw the intruder outside of the room, ran back, locked the door and called for police. Chrétien grabbed the statue. What a debacle that was.

    • Nic919 says:

      She not only heard them she protected her husband. :-).

    • Golly Gee says:

      For me, her claim to fame was that she turned to telemarketing psychic JoJo — Who had ads on national television, no less — for advice. LOL

  6. Way to make a sad divorce story about the Sussexes. My god I’m sure they have other friends are they asking about who gets them in the divorce. Just the land of make believe being vile.

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      (Edit to add – somehow I ended up in the wrong place with this comment – this was meant to be a response agreeing with media calling her Sophie Trudeau when that’s not her name! Oops!)
      Yeah I remember Laureen Harper only changing her name after the Conservatives got all freaked out about it. I was pleased thst Maureen McTeer stood her ground back in the 1970’s/early ‘80’s – I was just a kid but I remember all the commentary about it.

      • Nic919 says:

        I find it so backwards that the spouse of a politician is pressured to change their name. Shows we haven’t moved beyond the sexism.

      • Oh-Dear says:

        And her changing her name was about country unity and less about conservatism on its own.
        In Quebec, where they are from, women do not change their maiden name after marriage and need special permission within certain circumstances to do so. When he was running there was a lot of anti-Quebec narrative (as there always is) and her last name was used to stoke those sentiments through the guise of anti/conservative values. Most people didn’t care about her last name but it became a thing to pick on Quebecois about.

      • Nic919 says:

        No it was conservatism. Outside of Quebec women don’t have to change their name when married but are socially pressured to do so in many groups. The anti Quebec stuff is just basically xenophobia that is considered acceptable especially out west. Maureen McTeer never changed her name and she’s from Ontario. That 30 years later they slammed Sophie for not having done so from the outset was to please tight ass social conservatives.

  7. Nanea says:

    Let’s hope both JT and SG can remain… friends, acquaintances – I don’t know… of Meghan (and Harry)

    I have no idea why the Fail would be so invested in the Trudeaus, but hey, Meghan = clicks, and that is all that counts for them.

    That said, knowing that JT and SG have apparently been living separate lives for years, while maintaining a “happy couple” facade, they remind me of friends of ours, a couple who got divorced long ago, who live at either end of the country but who are still regularly talking things through, who are genuine close friends to each other and with the new partners. Their love died, but the friendship is deep and real and stood the test of time, down to seeing each other at kids’ weddings, some vacations, or family reunions.

    • Debbie says:

      At times like these, I wish someone would respond to the DM’s ridiculous reach into Canadian news, and a divorce no less, and try to bring the Sussexes into it, by saying that both Justin and Sophie Trudeau will have a contest and whoever can more closely guess the number of bathrooms in the Sussexes’ Montecito “mansion” will get custody of Meghan, okay?

  8. Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

    Canadian prime ministers’ wives are generally out of the spot light. There is no official “First Lady” position like in the US. Sophie Gregoire tried to do charitable work and activism early on and got shouted down by the right wing element which was unfortunate. She was a popular public figure in Quebec before he was elected (Quebec has its own unique set of public figures and celebrities due to it being majority French speaking.)
    It made me sad to learn they’d split up for many reasons. I always thought they were even more dedicated to their marriage due to the conflict Justin Trudeau’s parents had during their divorce and how his dad got custody – which in the early 1970’s was unheard of. I’ve met Justin Trudeau’s mother a few times and how she was villified by the press when she and Pierre Trudeau divorced was terrible. She’s a lovely, warm, funny person. Now to see in reports thst Sophie is moving elsewhere in Ottawa (which is not her home town) and the kids will mainly live in Rideau Cottage with Justin seems like a sad repetition. I know it’s not the same – it’s probably for security reasons, which some posters have mentioned above and which are unfortunately very real, but it still makes me very sad.
    Morning rant over….

    • Nic919 says:

      My guess is that they have to live separately for the time to start to run officially as per the divorce act and since Justin has to live in the PM residence that means Sophie has to move out. They wouldn’t be able to have her live in the PM residence with the kids and Justin live elsewhere. Especially since the taxpayer funded residence is specifically for the PM and his immediate family.

      • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

        @nic919 – yeah, makes sense. Just sad that it seemed to be phrased that she’d see the kids a lot less because of it…

      • Jaded says:

        @Nic919 — They actually live in a cottage at Rideau Hall, the GG’s official residence, as 24 Sussex is in terrible condition and the government is currently deciding whether to do a $40 million refurb or just build a new official residence. In any event, it’s going to be difficult to manage how they share the kids, depending on where Sophie ends up living. A sad situation for sure.

  9. Mary Pester says:

    OFFS will they EVER be able to write a story about ANYTHING without including Harry and especially Megan’s name. These rags must be really struggling for money as they keep relying on Megan’s name for sales and clicks. Maybe meghan should start invoicing them! Megs, trademark your name, they will be bankrupt within 6 months

  10. Nic919 says:

    Referring to Sophie as Mrs Trudeau is some of that good ole British media misogyny. She’s never referred like that in Canada. She didn’t even add Trudeau to her last name until Justin started running for MP, because the Anglos still have issues with women not changing their names. (Maureen McTeer is the only PM spouse who didn’t do it).

    For a place obsessed with titles, she is Ms. Gregoire Trudeau.

    And all that nonsense about Meghan , I mean whatever. She was on archetypes so they will likely keep in touch.

  11. Lizzie says:

    It doesn’t seem like in todays world a fairly civil divorce would have a big affect on a politicians career. Divorce is so common and the world in general is less religious, I just don’t see it being a big deal. A nasty divorce would be another matter. Personally I wouldn’t care if my president was divorced and dating.

  12. Julie says:

    In Canada, private life stay private and press have a immensely greater respect of their public people than the UK. In fact, a lot of articles about the Sussexes would be illegal in Canada. From the information we got in the press, it seems they will do like a lot of separated parents who reside near each other so that the children can live equally with both parents without to much trouble for them to attend school and to keep their friends.

    • Nic919 says:

      Canadian media tends to not touch private family matters for many reasons. They are a smallish circle, especially in Ottawa, so just reporting on gossip wouldn’t be viewed kindly.

    • Oh-Dear says:

      this is true. We have quite a few semi-closeted gay politicians and the media never write insinuations or do pieces about them living with their mothers. There are clubs (not dance clubs) that many frequent and it is open knowledge for people who are politically connected but it is never referenced or reported on.

      I don’t think being closeted is a good thing so I am not celebrating that, and I get the sense that these politicians are more private than outright closeted. They do not want their romantic/dating lives talked about so they just present as single, for the most part. I think that level of privacy should be universal for politicians unless their partners are actively engaged (like Pierre Pollievre’s very very sketchy wife. She is fair game because she inserts herself into everything).

      • Nic919 says:

        John Baird being open in Ottawa but being part of a party that is anti LGBT should have been outed. And they were playing that up even PP did not vote for same sex marriage legislation.

        PP’s wife showed up to a press conference with him and none of the media that rips Sophie for existing commented that it wasn’t appropriate. They are trying to use her to humanize him, but we vote for the candidate, not their spouse. I don’t need someone who can’t clear security clearance to make policy decisions. Didn’t we have a freak out over all the China interference allegations too?

      • Andrea says:

        How is Pierre’s wife sketchy (he himself is sketchy to me), but I hadn’t heard about his wife too?

      • Oh-Dear says:

        @Nic919 – agreed that there is a huge ethical issue with voting anti-2SLGBT+ regardless of one’s own identification and orientation and especially when an elected official is a privileged member of the community themselves. The people who elected him wouldn’t care though. They would still elect him because of his policies.

        @Andrea, her information is scrubbed down a lot on the internet, her dad allegedly has connections to FARC and laundering drug money and banking crimes. She was politically engaged back home in Venezuela too. I don’t tend to be a conspiracy theorist and I try to find multiple sources for information like this and I feel it is pretty credible.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t the British press say that everything that was written in Omid’s book was a lie so why are they now quoting parts of the book? Anyway, I’m not surprised that the DM has inserted Meghan into this story.

  14. Suzanne says:

    I’m a Canadian and I’m sad about the divorce. I like Justin and Sophie. I follow Sophie on Instagram and found her really deep, thoughtful, and involved in many issues. She always seemed kind and compassionate. I can’t even imagine the stresses they must face in their marriage and he’s been leading the country through a pandemic with really no ‘guide’ books to follow. Their children are beautiful and I believe they’re both great parents. I just wish them all the best. I’m sure Meghan and Harry will be a support to both of them.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Well said. This is a private family matter of a public person, hopefully all their friends will support them and reach out, and what more is there to say.

  15. Lissen says:

    The Canadian point of view:

    The Toronto Star headline in a column by political reporter Susan Delacourt: “Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper. Why is a prime minister’s marriage any of your business?”

    excerpts from her column:
    Judging by the flood of “tips” sent to political journalists over the past years, there are many Canadians who have been waiting nearly two decades for the media to report this story. Unfortunately for the tipsters, the story wasn’t true until Wednesday morning, when Sophie Grégoire Trudeau left the house she has shared with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

    Long before the trouble in the Trudeau marriage — now a legal separation — there were the constant rumours of an imminent breakup of Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper and his wife, Laureen. At one point, those rumours were so virulent that a Liberal caucus meeting was notified an announcement was coming that very day, and its members were warned to be careful how they commented to the media.

    The Harpers, last anyone here has heard, are still together.

    Journalists have puzzled for years about the persistence — not to mention the insistence — of the always anonymous sources who are absolutely certain that the prime minister and his wife have split up without telling the citizens. When they are told that the wife — whether Laureen or Sophie — has still been sighted coming and going daily from the official residence, this is dismissed as a show being put on for the public, to conceal an ugly truth.

    Several times over the past 20 years, I’ve been tempted to write a story about the anthropology of this rumour. What is it about the prime minister’s marriage that invites people to break that social rule about minding our own business?

    Within the media here in Ottawa, there will be relief — not that the Trudeau marriage is over, but that we finally get a break from the constant tips from those who claim to know what’s going on in a public but private relationship.

  16. slippers4life says:

    OMG I thought this yesterday as a joke!! What a real joke the DM is

  17. Candy says:

    Just to clarify, Canada doesn’t have a “First Lady” like the US has. There is no official position where the spouse of the leader has an office and staff.

    • Debbie says:

      Yeah, I think it’s really lazy reporting when journalists, or British even media people, refer to them using the American designation.

  18. Well Wisher says:

    Sophie understand the ways of media, that was her career before she was married. She is from the upper class in Quebec.
    I will reiterate that it is always sad when a marriage no longer exists.
    My prayers are with the family….

    An aside – Envy is a sickness…..

  19. AC says:

    I don’t have anything against Justin and Sophie . I just remembered how Justin and other world leaders were mocking Trump during a NATO visit caught on speaker. Very sad days for America during that time to be a laughing stock. Back to the original topic, the Daily Mail will do anything to insert Meghan in ANY story lol.

    • JEB says:

      Trump should have and should still be mocked! He made a mockery of the presidency, did his best to run this country into the ground, and committed numerous crimes along the way. He is not qualified to hold any office. God forbid he gets put back in office. Half of this country wants him to rot in prison and the half that supports him are ignorant, bigoted fools! Sorry, end of the rant.

      I love that Canada keeps out of the private lives of their government officials. I have learned a lot about Canada through the comments on these posts – sounds much better than living in the U.S. And I wish all the best to JT, SGT and their children.

  20. Jilliebean says:

    Why is this a story? Sooo dumb get a life – us Canadians don’t give a rats arse for lame ass politicians and their shrapnel

    • Well Wisher says:

      This is news to the 60% of the population + that vote on a continuous basis…….

      Not to mention when we lost PMJT’s father, people from all the provinces went to his funereal viewing after leaving office for more than 10 years…..

  21. Dino says:

    Please note that ‘Prime Minister’ is a title just like ‘President’ and therefore should be capitalized. Thank you, from Canada.

  22. SUNNYVILE says:

    lol this highlights how OBSESSED the press is with Meghan. It must be embarrassing to have gotten a journalism/media degree only to write this😂I waiting for someone to come up with an analogy or a saying like “streisand effect” popularising her name forever