This Dan Wootton story continues to be unofficially embargoed in almost all of the British media outlets. Byline Times has just published their eighth exclusive exposé, and as of this moment, only the Guardian is doing any kind of follow-up reporting. Last week, we did hear that the Mail has suspended Wootton following what sounds like an ass-covering internal investigation. The Sun is also conducting an investigation, only they hired a neutral third-party to look into the claims raised by Byline. Wootton still appears on GB News and he’s still trying to influence Britain’s right-wing political system. Meanwhile, Byline’s reporting just gets worse and worse:
Dan Wootton met young male reality TV stars through his work as a prominent showbusiness journalist and then privately propositioned them to do photo shoots at his home for “underwear brands” in an “abhorrent abuse of power”, Byline Times can reveal.
Among those Wootton targeted over an eight-year period between 2011 and 2019 – during which he was working for The Sun, ITV and the Daily Mail – were The Only Way is Essex star Kirk Norcoss, Big Brother contestant JJ Bird, and an X Factor singer who was just out of his teens. Each had first encountered Wootton – today a star presenter on GB News – as a result of their involvement in the television industry, on which it was his highly-paid job to report and through which he enjoyed a powerful media influence.
Wootton was on his first day as a columnist and feature writer for the Daily Mail in December 2011 when he approached Big Brother series 11 contestant JJ Bird, then 25, and who is today a boxing trainer having also been a pro-fighter. Mr Bird, who refused Wootton’s offers, is among the first group of people in the public eye to discuss their interactions with Wootton.
He told Byline Times: “Dan told me he was an amateur photographer and was ‘working with underwear brands’. He invited me to a test shoot at his flat with a fee attached. At that time, I was trying to fund my boxing career and develop my career in entertainment. Dan was a big name in the world of showbiz journalism who had the power to do that – plus anything where I was going to receive payment would obviously have been very useful. Looking back now, it was a complete abuse of his power and position and he should not have been offering to do that kind of thing.”
I don’t want to delve too deep into Wootton’s sexual pathology, but it’s clear that Britain’s media culture has an unsettling “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to powerful men preying on boys and much younger men. The fact that no one said anything and Wootton operated like this for years, while simultaneously running dozens of kompromat, blackmail and catfishing schemes – it’s just so shocking.
Photos courtesy of GB News and AvalonRed.
- 119409, Dan Wootton attends Lorraine’s High Street Fashion Awards in London, England. London, United Kingdom – Wednesday May 21, 2014.,Image: 533821190, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS, DIRECT SALES ONLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN CAPTION – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: DRP, PacificCoastNews / Avalon
This is a very sick individual! He should be arrested and charged for his actions. It seems he has some very powerful connections to keep this under wraps. I wonder who is helping him?
This man is just so “ick”!!!
He has the dirty deets on people, that’s why he’s been protected all these years.
If he had messed with the wrong people though, he should be hiding. It’s only a matter of time.
He’s such a sleaze bag. The British press is being silent about this because he so much dirt on other journalists.
It is so creepy that in most of the stories men shared, he was saying them, the videos, pics are for his client(s). I really wonder if he is really a lone wolf or part of a group of powerful creeps like him and the way the british media is burying this story, there is no way some big cats are not tangled with him. So, they are protecting him for their own sake, I guess.
I think there’s a powerful network that exists behind the scenes.
Just look at Jason Knauf, Christian Jones and others who either work in media or at the RF.
And it’s not a new phenomenon, see Jimmy Saville, bishop Peter Ball, Rolf Harris, Michael Fawcett – to name but a few. There must be many more at the Houses of Parliament, industry leaders etc.
Thanks for highlighting the ecosystem within that society whereby there is an unspoken understanding that the powerful elites enable the behaviors of people like Dan Wootton to feed their secret perversions.
William is a likely suspect for that ecosystem. Wootton is a friend and supporter of William. Pegging rumours fit that scenario.
Slimy, slimy, slimy, repugnant little piece of excrement *shudder*
Feel like I’m gonna keep saying this until I’m blue in the face. This is disgusting but also ILLEGAL. Blackmail is a crime right? Or am I crazy and it’s not? How many lives has this guys ruined? He should be in jail. The embargo of the media on this is so messed up. The BM looks so terrible with this. It makes them look like such jokes. Where’s the headlines and bbc reports and actual news reporting? It’s complicity at this point. Agree he must have dirt on bigger fish but still it’s ridiculous.
Dan Wootton is a predator plain and simple. He is a dangerous man, all we hear about these types of abusers behaviors escalates. He needs to held accountable for his crimes.
From what I’ve read so far on the Byline Times reporting, I’ve firmly concluded Dan Wootton is a known predator. I think there is complicity throughout the establishment media similar to what existed with Jimmy Saville’s predatory operation. Therefore no one wants to hold Dan Wootton to account lest he points the finger back at them for enabling him. They’ve all got skeletons and as such are holding the wall (he worked for The Sun, Daily Mail and ITV during the time he committed the atrocities). I am holding out hope for some high profile strong public personalities (politicians and/or celebrities) to speak up like Rose McGowan and others did during the MeToo movement, for the dam to break in the British media, for a MediaToo watershed movement.
And it seems like his predation was basically a second job. Considering the power he was able to accumulate, it wouldn’t surprise me if Dan viewed getting sexually compromising material on so many people as an extension of his tabloid “journalism.”
I wonder what will cause the dam to break. Because Byline Times isn’t stopping.
I’m loving this for Wootton. the sleaze may have actually been his first job, with the “journalism” just being a means to an end.
Keep holding his feet to the fire, Byline! I have a feeling they have a LOT and are working to confirm everything and run it by legal.
I really feel for those he victimized, even the ones I generally have no sympathy for, like William. The pegging rumour sounds like something Danny would do. Even if he doesn’t have proof, it’s not like the palace can make a statement saying No! Normal Bill is 100% hetero!
The tabs would feed on that for weeks and it would just make it a bigger story.
He is just so gross. I’m so glad he’s finally getting his comeuppance.
I already had a very creepy feeling about him before all of this was revealed about him, but this is much more disturbing than I could have imagined. I can’t believe any media reporting on the royals or anything the UK that refuses to focus on Dan. Their failure to address what he is accused of tells me that they either condone it or they are afraid of what he might reveal about them.
Jimmy & Chuck. Jeffrey & Andy. Dan & Pegs. A disgusting pattern, IMO.
From what I’ve read over the years, the British boys boarding school tradition kind of normalized sexual abuse/paedophila as a power dynamic where the older boys asserted dominance over the younger ones. The younger ones would be assigned an older boy who they were supposed to serve.
It was called “fagging”… don’t ban me, I’m not making this up:
Jeepers, creepers.
I don’t understand how this guy has a job at all. He must have something on these media outlets because if someone was accused of half the shit he was elsewhere, he would have been living off unemployment cheques for a couple of months now.
Throw the entire British media and it’s corrupt powers that be in the ocean . I can’t believe that all these people who can’t keep Harry and Meghan name out of their pathetic mouths for simply breathing, have zero to say about Dan the sicko rotten. It’s un-f——-ing believable
GB News should shave suspended him day 1, they have opened themselves to lawsuits from employees who continue working with him. I don’t believe the companies need, or are equipped, to investigate, that is the police job. Suspend him until police clear this. Maybe that would pressure the police to do something. So many of his victims didn’t want this to be public, but now that it is they should file lawsuits against him and everyone who looked the other wa and enabled him to continue.
I am waiting for him to go off on anyone based on moral ethics…….
He will be that bare-faced……and hypocritical…