Prince William’s football mess ‘calls into question the role of the monarchy’

“Prince William was too lazy to do his job as FA President and fly to Australia” is the 2023 version of William and Kate’s Caribbean Flop Tour. The same fundamental issues are at play: William and Kate have the diplomatic skills of an unripe tomato; they lack the managerial skills to hire intelligent, competent people to advise them; they believe that the public WANTS them to act like cosplaying colonialists and that’s all they have to offer; they are fundamentally lazy, unserious, racist, ugly people. As you can probably tell, I’m having a great time covering all of the different people dragging William for his failure to get off his ass and do his job as FA President. This woman – Leah Brown – made some excellent points!

Founder and CEO of Broadstairs Consulting Leah Brown claims the no-show calls into question the role of the monarchy in modern Britain.

“The primary impact of King Charles not supporting the Lionesses, and the PR stunt played by Prince William using Charlotte to garner public favour when delivering an unpalatable message, is that it calls into question the role of the monarchy in contemporary Britain,” she told the Express.

Brown also alleged that William abandoned his duties as patron of the FA, which now falls on his father King Charles. She said: “I have some sympathy for King Charles’ position. In this instance, the nominated individual, namely William shirked his responsibility thus throwing others into the firing line.”

The royal expert said she was also not convinced by the excuse for missing the match.

She added: “I am unsatisfied that climate change concerns were the driver behind non-attendance. It was disappointing to have no state support alongside the Queen of Spain. Charity causes and investitures aside, the idea that the royals are anything other than performative suggests this event ought to have been attended at least by a female royal representative.”

Brown said the lack of support from the Royal Family was “short-sighted”.

“Ultimately it is short-sighted for King Charles and Prince William to deprioritise attendance,” she said. “The Women’s World Cup was the perfect opportunity to make a stand for both progress achieved in society vis a vis women in sport, and forging the unity of an otherwise polarised nation by supporting the Lionesses in person in Australia.”

[From GB News]

Something similar happened during and after the Caribbean Flop Tour as well – people were pleading with Will and Kate, in real time, to change up their optics, to not make asses out of themselves as they wandered around the Caribbean, and then when everything blew up in their faces, KP went on a briefing spree with all of their excuses. And no one bought those excuses. Same thing here – people are openly blasting William and his dumb, lazy excuses and flatly pointing out that he’s trying (and failing) to hide behind his father and/or drag the king into a mess that William alone made. Anyway, William is a lazy idiot and a violent psycho, pass it on.

Note by CB: Get Prince William’s Top 10 Angriest Moments when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid.

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141 Responses to “Prince William’s football mess ‘calls into question the role of the monarchy’”

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  1. Flowerlake says:

    Maybe they should ask Queen Letizia to become their new monarch as she was there, even for the English players.

    And he’s really getting trashed. People want him to relinquish his title of president of the FA.
    I think he should relinquish it. It should be someone with a long affiliation with football and who actually shows up. The only argument why a royal might have such a title, is that they give enhanced attention to an organization. Football doesn’t need attention anyway, especially in the UK. Make it a former football player that is respected and beloved.

    Let royalty bring some attention to organizations that actually need it. He only has this title to get attention for himself, instead of the other way around. Football is so big that it gives attention instead of needing it.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I suggested Queen Letizia for Queen of England yesterday. If Great Britain wants to retain the monarchy, they should, at least, have someone who knows how to be a monarch.

      If there was any accountability in this system, William would be forced to resign his position as president of the FA.

      • SarahCS says:

        We should be so lucky.

        The bar is so low pretty much anyone would be an improvement on this crowd. I’ve got an idea, how about we #abolishthemonarchy ???

    • JJ says:

      Those are all great points!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Agree @ Flowerlake. Someone else should be the president of the FA. William is a fail. I might be wrong or misunderstanding things, but, didn’t he walk out after a game when England lost and Italy won (men’s game), without congratulating the winning team. I’m okay if I’m misremembering.

      I recall Harry saying being tired of being the yes man for all the things other people didn’t want to do. (pre Meghan) I’m guessing Will just really didn’t want to go, didn’t care enough during his vacation to support the Lionesses. LOL, I see where his PR is planting stories about Charlotte being Daddy’s Girl to deflect. Uhmm, William has one daughter (that I know of).

  2. ThatsNotOkay says:

    “… the idea that the royals are anything other than performative suggests this event ought to have been attended at least by a female royal representative.”

    They are only performative with no value-add. And if they’re not even going to perform on cue, then scrap ‘em and let’s wrap this up already!

    • DK says:

      Love to see Wills dragged for this BS!

      But honestly that line that “attended by at least a female royal representative” is wildly misogynist as well.

      “At least a female royal” suggests females are less valuable than males.

      And for the love of cats, can we stop acting like women’s soccer/football is only for women?!

      So that line kind of undermines all the otherwise relevant points she made.

      • Bee (not THAT Bee) says:

        This right here. Came here to say it. Thank you, DK. “At least” a “female royal” undermines everything else. However this is still better than re-reporting the Daily Fail.

  3. Cate says:

    Yup, he flubbed it and the optics are terrible. The climate change excuse would have been believable if he had already done stuff like give up helicopter use, not flown to Boston for earthshot, etc. And, if he had done something more than release a video. Australia is too big a trip for lots of fans, this would have been a great opportunity for William/FA to host viewing parties and such. So ridiculous that they messed this up so badly!

    • Josephine says:

      I’m coming around to the idea that the royal PR people are working against the monarchy. I just cannot imagine a group so consistently getting it wrong if they were actually trying. Although the royals do love to move their most incapable people up the chain, this just feels like pure sabotage.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        PR can only do so much if the principal won’t listen to advice and simply do whatever they want. Both Charles and William are like this. They don’t like it when people disagree with them. These kind of people usually end up with yes men and thus they will never ever change because they don’t want to consider they are doing something wrong themselves.

      • Chrissy says:

        I’d like to think that there are anti-monarchists working for the KP/RF whose goal it is to bring it all down from the inside. William has shown his true colours for all the world to see- that he doesn’t GAF about anyone but himself.

      • Christine says:

        I’m convinced the royal family in England is full of rampant narcissists who don’t listen to any of their advisors, Pedo being the worst of the lot. Chuck, Cannot, and Willnot are tripping along close behind.

        It’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation, since they don’t hire competent people to begin with, so why would they listen? They need to fully stop hiring the children of aristocrats and grasp that they are holding on to the death rattle of the monarchy by their fingertips. It’s coming, there’s no fixing them.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think it says a lot about how bad he fumbled this that even those of us here who aren’t big William fans are still saying “so ridiculous that they messed this up so badly,” to quote you @Cate. Like this is SO BAD that even non-fans can’t believe he messed up like this.

      The climate change excuse is flimsy for so many reasons, as is the “Charles has to visit first” excuse. The fact that the excuses keep changing tell us KP is hoping they land on something that appeases the masses, but at this point William has been exposed as a lazy do-nothing of a prince.

  4. Dee says:

    His budget needs cutting if he’s not going to perform these duties.

    • A says:

      Ah! But not to fear. The Sovereign Grant is set to increase by 45% in two years! So justice will preva-…hmm wait. No, that’s not it…

      They’re getting more money-and more money per working royal- to do fewer engagements anyway. And now the Prince of Wales can’t even be bothered to do one of the more fun jobs he has. It’s all absolutely ridiculous.

      • Lorelei says:

        Increase by 45%? Why…?? That’s insane!

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I think that Brits need to take to the French playbook and start an uprising!! Start denouncing and denying these grifters their comfort and start demanding change now!! Take to the streets, the proper papers and start fighting back!!!

        There is NO need for these grifters to keep pillaging off of the backs of Brits!!!


      • Sugarhere says:

        @Lorelei, The Royals aren’t that dim-witted, after all. I suspect they’re embezzling that 45% additional taxpayer money out to the Caiman Islands and other tax heavens, for they KNOW the monarchy is drawing to a precipitous end. Could this be one of the reasons why Charles is summoning William?

        The Battenbergs know they’ve the subject of publiv loathing since Diana’s forced departure, and that they won’t last long on the throne after Charles is dead. It is my contention that fine tuning the post monarchy financial set-up is the main reason Chuck has summoned William: they pompously call it a summit while we’re scoffing in disbelief, because they KNOW their survival is at stake.

        Charles doesn’t give a bloated finger about the heir’s work efficiency. The “summit” are talks to secure investments for all the Royals -except the Sussexes, that goes without saying. It’s all about Charles telling W &K who gets how much and the bank codes to access when needed.

      • Sugarhere says:

        Those extra 45% when England is struggling to pay gas and electricity bills are certainly not meant to cover the inflation on buttons and wiglets.

  5. Brit says:

    He’s too busy worrying about the US and competing against Harry and Meghan. I really think William is consumed with jealousy that he is literally blind to what he should actually be worried about. He needs to stop. Kate as well. Being heir should be enough but it’s clearly not.

    • zebz says:

      he is obsessed with harry’s wife and life above all else. he has abadnoned his duties completely for weeks on end. even before his “summer vacation” he was MIA. i really think both him and kate have a mental health issues that are affecting them and their ability to function publically for consistant lengths of time. the story of william binge drinking for weeks and holding himself in a royal home and refusing to leave is just the tip of the iceberg with this imo. he truly cannot cope that harry has left and he has no access to meghan anymore. he even leaked after the first part of the doc was released that meghan ruined his life and family.

      • Embee says:

        I think the mental health issue is more like mental atrophy. In my work I used to have ultra high net worth people as clients. The kids were often useless due to lack of having anything required of them. They could perform in jerks and spurts, had decent educations etc but there’s just something less tough and resilient about people who are this wealthy unless a huge concerted effort is made to over come the easier way which is to spoil and indulge. Far harder to artificially hold a kid’s feet to the fire day after day when you could outsource oversight to a nanny who is trying to keep their job by not angering the kid

      • Tarte au Citron says:

        With all the resources available to him, this is how he turned out. He doesn’t care about anyone or anything outside his privileged toff bubble. It is quite sad. It feels like such a frustrating waste to me.

      • Gruey says:

        Sorry zebz but when was that story about the binge drinking? Missed that one.

        Ironically, the images he could have generated had he attended would have been precisely what his “statesman” pr campaign needs.

      • Lady D says:

        There was a story circulating that after Harry left, Willie was so upset he got passed out drunk for five nights straight. He’s now had 3 years to realize just how good he had it with Harry around and probably hates him more than ever.
        A drinker with a dangerous temper. What could possibly go wrong.

      • Sugarhere says:

        @EMBEE, “Mental atrophy” in relation to Willy makes me guffaw-cry 😂. I guess you mean it metaphorically? So it’s easy to visualize shrinkage of the heart and emotions.

      • Jaded says:

        @Embee — you’re right. It’s entitled and deliberate inertia. It’s the “I’m too good to work like the plebes” attitude. I’ve also worked with the offspring of rich, successful people and many of them had this problem in varying degrees ranging from getting some fawning coworker to do their work for them to being a drug addicted, drunken mess. The Wails both need extensive therapy but they’re too entrenched in their private and protected comfort zone of wealth and indolence to GAF. They’re both clearly suffering from advanced arrested emotional development but they’re too stupid and lazy to care. The status quo is enough for them even though they’re getting lamb-basted for it.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Brit: I agree with you.

    • s808 says:

      Agree and that obsession is gonna be his downfall.

  6. SarahLee says:

    I also love that he is being called out for using Charlotte to try to shield himself from criticism.

    • Flowerlake says:

      yes, saw a lot of that too.

      Also, people were wondering why he didn’t bring the boys too, if he had to use his kids for this. Why is it only Charlotte that would be cheering the lionesses on and not her brothers?

      • Jay says:

        That kind of “girls like girl’s sports!” smallmindedness would be worthy of mockery if William was just some random middleaged dad posting on Facebook, but as the President of England’s Football Association, it’s offensive and inexcusable. I hope he gets dragged all week!

      • Seraphina says:

        I too thought the same thing when I saw the clip.

    • SarahCS says:

      Agreed, using her as a shield AND the assumption that only girls would cheer on a women’s team. They are so dated in their attitudes it would be laughable if they didn’t cost the country millions every year and squander a global platform that could be used to positive ends.

      • koro says:

        Letícia is getting some flak in Spain as well. Do only women support women’s sports??

      • fallingleaves says:

        I’m not seeing any criticism of Letizia in the Spanish media for going. That said, the Spanish media did takes some jabs at William and Kate for not going.

  7. I think it becomes clearer everyday that the monarchy is no longer serving its purpose. I think that when Harry was still there he was the glue that held it together and they know that. They tried to keep him there at all costs but it didn’t work. Harry drew back the curtain for all to see. The spotlight that Peg wanted is now on him and it is shining for all to see just what a farce the monarchy has become. Every time he doesn’t do his job I think more people are just fed up with how really useless he and the monarchy are. I hope the spotlight continues to shine bright.

    • Amy Bee says:

      No, Harry was the shield that the monarchy hid behind.

      • Amy Bee. Yes that’s what I was getting at with he was the glue. Without him there to do their jobs and taking their 💩 they had nothing to hide behind. We are saying the same thing different wording.

      • Newt says:

        I always knew when QEII died, they would all be exposed even more since they no longer have her to hide behind. Probably why she tried to live as long as possible. She knew this would be what happened.

        Harry was absolutely the scapegoat for years. Once Meghan came on the scene, they shifted a lot to her. I think they never believed for one second that H&M would leave.

      • Jaded says:

        @Newt — my thoughts exactly. I always felt that as TQ went into her final decline the monarchy would start falling apart. She was the monarchy’s underpinning, the sovereign who, for better or worse, kept the royal engine running. Now that she’s gone it’s blatantly clear that none of them have nearly as much respect and trust of their subjects that she had and they’re floundering — lurching from one PR disaster to another. Having an imposed monarchy is simply wrong in principle, in practice and politically. They do nothing to enrich or benefit their people and the infrastructure in which they live, only themselves.

    • Eurydice says:

      Harry was not only the glue/shield, but the Keeper of the Royal Brain Cell and Holder of the Family Empathy. It’s staggering to me that all the rest can’t figure out the most basic things.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @susanCollins, yes Susan, I saw this article earlier in a British rag and the comments section of the paper was full of praise for the England team and you their manager, but dragged William to hell and back. When are people going to fully wake up to the fact that HARRY was all that stood between the Royal family and the truth about them being clear for all to see. Harry believed and BELIEVES in duty and service. The rest of them believe in money and power but doing sod all to earn it. From shady money practices, to lazy ass rage monsters and jealousy thats all these clowns are made of. Harry left, tore the curtains down and there is no where left for them to hide. William is a danger to Harry and anyone around him. His jealousy over everything “Harry” has made him a deranged, selfish, dangerous Man

  8. Normades says:

    I would have gladly gone in his place 🙂

    • Lorelei says:

      This is how I always feel when Kate “skips” Wimbledon. Like, I would kill to be able to go to Wimbledon, and not only does she get to sit in the Royal Box, she gets to count her attendance at an event that tons of people pay £££ to be able to go to as WORK (freaking insane), and she *still* doesn’t bother to show up most of the time! It’s infuriating.

      In 2001, I waited on a line for more than six hours just to get onto the grounds —we lucked out because people who’d been there all day were leaving, so some seats on Centre Court actually opened up — but we waited for hours and hours. (And obviously didn’t have a chauffeur. 😒)

      It’s like both W&K stop doing things they once enjoyed as soon as those things become obligations in any way. Just like children, who actually enjoy doing something around the house until you tell them it’s their weekly chore, and then all of a sudden they bitch and moan and want nothing to do with it anymore.

  9. Concern Fae says:

    I love history. Currently reading about the princes in the tower and have a bio of Henry VII. It’s kind of fascinating seeing the same family dynamics that used to end in murders, executions, battles where thousands died, now playing out in whiny tabloid fodder.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I love this comment, Concern Fae!

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I was thinking yesterday about people like William the Conqueror, Eleanor de Aquitaine, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, and more. Imagine bringing them forward and showing them the current monarchy. Imagine showing them weak ass Charles, impotent rage monster William, and the most vapid woman in all the realm Kate.

      They would be so confused as to the loss of intelligence and the loss of real power. They would also be confused as to how, in a time of unprecedented royal peace, the current royals are not building the hell out of England, physically and metaphorically.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Awesome comment Concern Fae!

    • Becks1 says:

      Whatcha reading @ConcernFae? I love a good history book. And I also find the story of the Princes in the Tower so sad but fascinating.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Oh, man, l LOVE the Plantagenets especially Sharon Kay Penman’s historical fiction series. The Sunne in Splendor about Richard III and the princes in the tower is among the best. I must have read that at least three times now.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Have you watched any Lucy Worsley or Bettany Hughes programs? There is a third woman, cannot recall her name right now, who does videos of historical costume remakes.

  10. ales says:

    What use are William and Kate, they do nothing much. They have never been examples of anything other than narcissism. Embarrassing and shameful, they are destroying the BRF. Its crazy how the BM and the BRF have multiplied the stories trashing Harry and Meghan during the past couple of weeks. Is this to stop people noticing that K & W are on long holidays yet again and William insulting the FA wont disappear either.

  11. Laura D says:

    At the very least William should resign as President of the FA. This wasn’t a friendly game in the back of beyond. This was the most prestigious match in the footballing calendar being held in a commonwealth country. For far too long William has gotten away with shirking his responsibilities and people have turned a blind eye. BUT, this is the national game and he is the President of the FA and should have been there representing the country. Even though the BBC news bulletin tried to airbrush out Queen Latiza’s presence nearly 15 million viewers saw her when the match was aired live on our TVs, doing what we pay our Royals to do. If William and his advisors couldn’t see the importance of this match it just goes to show how out of touch the BRF are with their “subjects” and proving to more and more people that the BRF are no longer fit for purpose.

    I saw somewhere that the government are thinking of employing someone to make appearances on behalf of the country. Which if true (and they are appointed) it will amplify the question: “why does the country need a royal family at all?”

    • Lorelei says:

      “…the government are thinking of employing someone to make appearances on behalf of the country”

      Isn’t that the royal family’s ENTIRE JOB DESCRIPTION? They want to hire and pay someone new to do it now? I can’t

      • BothSidesNow says:

        No! That’s absolutely bonkers!!! There’s absolutely NO excuse for W to have NOT attended the Women’s World Championship in Australia!! W should be forced to resign as FA president!!!

        The entire BRF are nothing but dead weight that is strangling the livelihood of the taxpayers. It’s time to abolish the Monarchy!!!

      • Becks1 says:

        @Lorelei RIGHT??? Isn’t that the point of the royal family?

        Also, other countries without royals somehow get these kinds of visits done. In the US, its cabinet secretaries, senators/representatives, spouses of elected officials, who do these kinds of appearances. Like Doug Emhoff leading the US delegation to the World Cup. We somehow struggle along without royals to represent us.

  12. Seraphina says:

    I no longer think they can’t hire competent people to advise them. It’s becoming clear that they either don’t want to take good advice or they just hire yes men. Which all boils down to one thing: entitlement and thinking they belong there no matter what. No sense of duty or accountability. And George is learning from his parents. Which doesn’t bode well for the future of the BaRF.

    • Snuffles says:

      No one competent would ever stay. These people don’t listen. They don’t want to change or put in the work. They just want to make people think they put in the work.

      I had a work situation like that once. I was brought on to make something more efficient but every idea I had was shot down and they just wanted to keep doing things the same way and demanded I make it work. Needless to say I left in frustration.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      The British royals have been insulated from REAL consequences for their mistakes for a long time. They are so entitled and stubborn because there are no real consequences for them. They know that it is extremely unlikely for the monarchy to get abolished and they know that their funding will not get cut. Plus, William knows that he won’t be fired as President of the FA because the British institutions don’t dare to reject a royal patron unless it is something incredibly egregious like Prince Albert’s sex crimes. The worst they’ll experience is some bad press – and that generally doesn’t last very long.

      There’s are simply not incentives strong enough for any of them to ever change – and they really don’t have any healthy tools to handle real consequences to their actions, i.e. everything with Harry and Meghan.

      The British royals are incapable of change at present because they haven’t been FORCED to change. Not even the backlash to Diana’s story and subsequent death was enough, otherwise Sussex mess would never have happened because they would have been decent to Meghan.

      • bluhare says:

        Hi AH!! Nice to see your name and, as usual, I agree 100%

      • Becks1 says:

        And you @Bluhare! I feel like you’ve been MIA for a while.

        @Arthistorian great point, why should they change when they don’t have to? Why should William behave differently than he is, when there are no consequences?

      • Seraphina says:

        As usual, I agree with you @Arthistorian. And good to see you back on @Bluhare.

      • bluhare says:

        Hi everyone! Yes, I’ve been peeking around the door here a little bit. This is the sort of stuff people who have followed the royals like. Well, really it’s stuff I like because it validates my opinion of William.

    • Lucy says:

      I can’t lie, if I had a job where I rarely had to show up, and when I showed up I didn’t have to do anything other than bob my head, I might do it. I’d make the professional suggestions I was hired for, but I’m at the place where a lifestyle job would be fine. I think the royals are most likely abusive to staff though, so that ruins it.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        There are some real horror stories about the abuse that Andrew and especially Charles has dished out (including physical abuse). Not to mention the case where a footman accused Charles’ favorite Michael Fawcett of rape, and a secretary accused the same man of racist behaviour.

        Plus, they actually don’t pay very well.

      • says:

        They pay like crap, I agree, AH. I’ve seen some ads (a while ago, admittedly) and I have no idea how a person is supposed to live in London on salaries like they pay. Which is why they get Hooray Henrys who want to say they have a job, right?

  13. UnstrungPearl says:

    The job of President might seem fluffy but in the right hands could be so good for the sport, especially promoting football outside of the men’s game. A former player willing to do the work would be ideal.
    It’s also important that the President gives a positive impression, and right now William is totally negative. The next time he goes to a game everyone will remember that he doesn’t actually care about this job. He’s undermined himself so seriously, his other patronages must be worried they’ll get the same bad treatment!
    The FA must be very pissed off with him right now, I hope they find a way to get rid.

    • Mia4s says:

      “A former player willing to do the work would be ideal.”

      THANK you!!! This is exactly who it should be. Or a beloved senior coach. Same as the role he plays in BAFTA. There’s a pile of Dames and Sirs and CBE actors and creators. That’s who should be in these roles!! Enough with the antiquated nonsense of birthright monarchy, it’s ridiculous.

      • UnstrungPearl says:

        Literally!! People would LOVE to take these roles at BAFTA etc, and there he is just treating them like dirt. These roles mean nothing to him and I’m so glad he’s finally being exposed.

    • TQ says:

      Yeah, totally agree the FA presidency needs to get out of William’s hands and over to a former player. Gary Lineker would be good because his politics are good, but it should really be a person of color.

      • Laura D says:

        @TQ – I said yesterday that I think Ian Wright would be a good call. I didn’t even think about him being a person of colour; which he is. I think that as an ex-footballer who played at the highest level and a popular pundit people would listen to him. He also champions the women’s game at every opportunity AND supported Gary Lineker when the BBC tried to take him off MOTD.

        #IanWright Wright Wright!

      • TQ says:

        @Laura D — YES! Ian Wright would be perfect! He’s fantastic. Ian Wright for FA President all the way!! #IanWright

  14. Feeshalori says:

    I agree that a female British royal should have been there, but alongside the president of the FA who is William. He’s the one who should have attended and he could have included anyone else in his party. This just goes from bad to worse, and if he can’t attend an event that’s his job that anyone else would have given his or her eyeteeth for, it raises a lot of questions as to how he will fulfill his role as possible monarch.

    • Lorelei says:

      Maybe he would have been more willing to go if Sophie had agreed to accompany him 😏

    • QuiteContrary says:

      That’s where I part with Leah Brown: Why a female representative of the royal family in addition to William?

      The World Cup final should have been as important to men as to women.

  15. Nubia says:

    But other than being a Prince or Royalty ,Wiliam is the FA PRESIDENT that should be the bigger issue and he should be FIRED!

    • Debbie says:

      Well, funny thing about that. Instead of being fired, William will be promoted to king when Chuck kicks the bucket, and he knows it. So, why try hard?

  16. JMoney says:

    My theory is Billy doesn’t want to be king and he knows the gerontocracy (I.e billionaires/Tory politicians) need him more than he needs them. Should the monarchy go away do you think all his wealth will evaporate? No bc the same way the monarchy hides their money is the same way the Tories/aristos/house of lords/billionaires hide their money and the last thing they want is that to be exposed. That’s why no one in the RR are really coming after them and I think one of the reasons why they are upset at H&M for leaving. They can’t hold Billy accountable like they want bc then it all falls and they don’t want that. The monarchy could easily go away years ago but the reason it hasn’t is all the ppl that have a vested interest in keeping it there.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    We now see why the press and Palace insisted that Harry’s role was to support William. He was used to distract from the inadequacies and incompetence of William.

    • ABritGuest says:

      Also sounds like Harry was sent on the overseas trips that members of the family (ie william & Kate) didn’t want to do. I think the palace know that the Wales are lazy & wanted Harry back to do the grunt work. No doubt Harry would have been sent on the jubilee Caribbean tour that Kate & Will flopped on last year.

      I saw so many comments on SM saying Harry should go & pointing out Harry had gone to Japan for rugby World Cup final.

      As I said yesterday William has his usual media pals & football legends criticising him. Only subset of royalists who are hardcore w&k fans are making excuses for William. This was an easy one & he got this badly wrong

  18. Jais says:

    Literally, all he had to do was go and watch a football game. That’s what makes this so funny. How many people would have loved to see that game. And here’s William, who likely would’ve flown on a private plane or at the very least first class, refusing to go. May he be dragged and dragged for this. No relenting. May this follow him everywhere.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Jais, that’s what makes it HYSTERICAL! He’s also now created a situation for himself that whenever he announces a trip abroad, people will be able to (rightfully) throw back in his face, “But we thought you were so concerned about your carbon footprint!!”

      None of them are capable of thinking two or three steps ahead, or considering the ramifications their current actions will have down the line.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Don’t forget, before he goes, King Charles has to go first! I’m waiting for that to happen! Dummies.

  19. maisie says:

    just waiting for the moment when they return to their regularly scheduled programme of dragging Meghan and Harry. Won’t be long.

  20. Carrie says:

    If it’s too far for him to go to Australia surely it’s too far for him to be our future king (barf).
    We Must have a referendum. This cult are a joke.

    • Lindsay says:

      I’ve been surprised at how little this argument is being made. If Australia is so inconvenient, then it’s too inconvenient for Chuck and Willy to be its heads of state. How is this playing in the Australian media?

  21. Belspethen says:

    At least unripe tomatoes show promise.

  22. Mslove says:

    I am flabbergasted at Pegs disdain for the British people. He wants the plebes to know that he will do less work for more money, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, apparently.

  23. Eurydice says:

    What a delight it is to spend my mornings now laughing at William instead of infuriated on behalf of H&M.

    But, at the end of the day, the buck stops with Charles. If Harry were around, Charles could have happily sleepwalked through his reign but William is a liability and must be actively managed. Once it was clear that William wasn’t going to shift, Charles should have stepped in with a replacement or some kind of alternative. William would still have been dragged as president of the FA, but Charles wouldn’t look like such a clueless ass.

    Maybe this is what the “summit” will be about?

    • Lorelei says:

      @Eurydice, lmao, before I scrolled down to the bottom of your comment I was about to reply, “Maybe this is what the ‘summit’ is about!”

      I think Charles has probably wanted to tear into them for a while now re: their laziness, but this most recent football scandal was the tipping point and now Charles is READY.

      (Or, it’s separation or divorce related.)

  24. ML says:

    I spent part of my holiday in England this August. The Lionesses are one of the unifying factors there: the English really got behind the women’s team. Men and women. It’s absolutely amazing how badly W misread the room on this one.

    • Nic919 says:

      It was pretty obvious from overseas that the Lionesses were being heavily supported by the general public, so someone who resides there and gets the media everyday should have picked up on this.

      • ML says:

        Nic919, I wonder where he was while the WC was going on. Heart Radio had a song. The BBC and Capitol Radio were in raptures. One guy actually suggested replacing Gareth Southgate with Sarina Wiegman. Little boys and girls wore the uniforms. They are so, so popular, it just boggles my mind that he misread this so badly.

  25. Linney says:

    I seem to recall that after the Flop Tour, Prince Rage called a war council to blame everyone else and then figure out new ways to do his job, be more relevant, etc. This is certainly a way to be more relevant — disappear for months on end, refuse to do your job and then hide behind a child. Well done, William!

    • Lorelei says:

      The best part about this one is that he has absolutely no one else to blame. No one but himself. He’ll try, but people are already seeing through it.

  26. Noor says:

    In the midst of William fumble over the World Cup Finals, it is so shameless for the British press The Telegraph, to still sound the empty boast about a terribly skewed public poll that William is the most popular in the States out of a list of really unpopular and bad leaders such as Trump.

  27. Nic919 says:

    William made a big mistake blowing off the sport that unites most everyone in the UK, especially England. I guess he was banking on sexism and people not taking women’s soccer as seriously as for the men. So we have a 41 year old completely out of touch with how the rest of his generation thinks about women’s sport. The video with Charlotte alone only added to the view that he thinks women’s sport is just for girls and women.

    It really blows up that W and K are going to be more modern and in touch than the current seniors on the throne.

    William and Kate should have attended the final, as they do for the Wimbledon men’s final every year, where there is not always a British tennis player in the match.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t think he was banking on anything. He just didn’t want to go and his own sexism kept him from thinking this match wasn’t important.

    • Laura says:

      Time to distractify …..nothing to see here lol
      Look over there where Kate doing some damage control
      Or over there time to trot out new cute family photos w/ kids

  28. Chelsea says:

    I think this is a lot worse than the Caribbean flop tour because at least with that they actually showed up and could pretend they tried to do their jobs- they were just bad at it(which could be easily blamed on their advisors). This is a whole different mess because William is the head of the FA- it is literally his job to show up at these games and he missed the first world cup final England’s participated in in his lifetime because he was on vacation and probably thought he coiuld get away with it because they’re women. And to make matters worse the World Cup is in a country hes supposed to be King of one day and the Queen and teenage heir to the throne of England’s opponents actually showed up.

    I was watching a clip from Jeremy Vine and was shocked to see a panelist not only chide William for skipping this but also bring up that he doesn’t even go to the BAFTAs half the time. I do think it’s a major problem for the momarchy to have so many people publicly talking right now about the fact that the heir loves to be honorary president of things but not to do the work of those jobs because if he cant even properly be FA president or BAFTA president how tf is he supposed to be the King of like a dozen realms?? Who even thinks those realms will want him as their King?? This is a problem. One that will get worse in a couple weeks when he flies to NY for only a couple of days and that dumb environmental excuse falls apart even more

  29. lanne says:

    We all at Celebitchy have predicted this at one point of another. Once Harry and Meghan left, the uslessness of the royals would be front and center. It’s an extreme case of “be careful what you wish for.” William was jealous of Harry, and like most bullies, he needed Harry to be beneath him in status in order to have meaning in his own life. When Harry and Meghan’s popularity got too strong, and when the Sussexes were showing Cain and Unable up left and right, the WanKs whined and complained and schemed and wanted them gone.

    Welp, now what? The Wales have the spotlight and a compliant media, and they still manage to screw up left and right. Imagine an alternate universe where Meghan was accepted, and Meghan and Kate went together to Australia to cheer on the Lionesses. Slam dunk. Especially if they brought all the kids and it was cousins together.

    The media will continue to try to claim that a turd covered in frosting is really cake, but events like this are wisening the British up to the fact they have 2 turds covered in frosting as their next king and queen. This is going to look even worse after the success of Invictus in a few weeks. The Wales have some bitter, bitter weeks ahead. I hope the servants hide the cushions. And the vases. I wouldn’t hold out much hope for the survival of the Waleses china, either.

    • Gabby says:

      Yes, and the pandemic served to mask the post-Sussex uselessness of the RF for a few years. Now it’s fully exposed and frankly hilarious.

    • kirk says:

      “Imagine an alternate universe where Meghan was accepted, and Meghan and Kate went together to Australia to cheer on the Lionesses. Slam dunk.” Perhaps. But it could also be seen as underlining the idea that women’s sports are second-tier events. Compare that female ‘slam dunk’ with the thoughts of the consultant quoted in the article: “Charity causes and investitures aside, the idea that the royals are anything other than performative suggests this event ought to have been attended at least by a female royal representative.” The “at least” is pernicious thinking. Never mind that she tempered “at least by a female” with suggesting both Chuck and Willy should go in recogntion of “progress achieved in society vis a vis women in sport.” Probably this GB News crumb is a performative gesture from Dan Woottton’s right-wing men’s rights home crowd. And as far as saying “I am unsatisfied that climate change concerns were the driver behind non-attendance,” that was the media line – don’t recall Willy invoking the climate excuse.

  30. Laura says:

    Time to distractify …..nothing to see here lol
    Look over there where Kate doing some damage control
    Or over there new cute family photos

  31. Beech says:

    Wait, what is this about William holed up and binge drinking? This is the first I’ve heard of this.

  32. Professor Plum says:

    The most ironic part is that showing up to cheer on a women’s sports team is 100% consistent with Meghan’s brand. If they hadn’t run her out, she would have been all over this and would have flown to Australia to fly the flag for the Lionesses. These fools are so short-sighted and provincial. FAFA, indeed.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    It’s petty, I know, but I hope this has ruined William’s vacation. He is such a selfish moron.

    He’s going to be in such a bind when/if the English men make it into the later stages of the World Cup in 2026. I love that for him.

  34. Debbie says:

    In my opinion, the people British people who are now surprised that neither William nor Charles prioritized attending the women’s football match and “showing state support” for their country women should have thought about the precedent the British royals were setting when those same British royals didn’t utter one word of support for their veterans in the previous Invictus Games. They (British royals) just cannot see past their own needs or feelings, or how things will affect them. Well, those same media people who are now squawking about William’s laziness and “snub” should have said something then, because it’s really part of the same pattern we’re seeing.

    Royals at Invictus Games: “I don’t like you Sussexes, so I will not voice public support for my country’s competing veteran-athletes when they are associating with you.”

    Royals at football finals: “I will not show up to support my country’s competing athletes because I don’t want to.”

    Media: “How dare you not do your job as statemen?!” I suspect that we’ll see the same thing again when Invictus starts but the BM won’t recognize the similarities and they won’t say a word, thereby letting the royals off the hook and teaching them that it’s okay to continue acting badly again.

  35. LRB says:

    Sarina Wiegman for FA President… she is not a Brit but she has done more for British football than anyone else I can mention. And she cares, and the men… well most of them other than the idiots… have a lot of respect for her. As a Brit I am so enormously proud of our Lionesses, and the Matilda’s. But I am so ashamed of that excuse of a man who calls himself a Prince. And his wife. And why oh why do they drag out their children to cover for their ineptitude? The whole thing is a godawful mess.

  36. Wannabefarmer says:

    ” The same fundamental issues are at play: William and Kate have the diplomatic skills of an unripe tomato…”.

    Hilarious. And at least fried green tomatoes are great, not goal demoted or causally opaque – unlike the windsors.

    • Lady D says:

      Seriously, are they really good? I cannot for the life of me understand the attraction in green tomatoes. They are bitter as can be, so why on earth does anyone eat them, and what do breadcrumbs do for them? They are no where near flavourful enough to disguise the bitter of the tomato. Fried green tomatoes are the only fried food in my life (so far) that hasn’t appealed to me, ever.

      • Gabby says:

        Oh my yes, Lady D. People think of them as “southern” but my Italian-American grandmother used to make them. Slice and soak in a milk/egg mixture. Then breading – I like to use Panko crumbs with a touch of flour, and generous black pepper and grated parmesan. Fry, flip, fry the other side and serve. Of course all tastes are individual, but even at their worst, they are still better than WanK.

      • MelodyM says:

        Fried green tomatoes are amazingly good! I even make bacon, lettuce and fried green tomato sandwiches! I’m from the south in the US and I grew up eating fried green tomatoes. 🙂

  37. Lolalola says:

    I am enjoying this backlash soooooooo much! Sadly there will be no repercussions as this pathetic gasbag gets away with everything.

  38. Michel says:

    They should name David Beckham to the position. He is good looking famous and the man knows how to hustle.

  39. Jaded says:

    Boy the upcoming “summit” is going to be a doozy. The WanKs better show up with football padding because they’re going to take a beating. Let’s hypothesize an agenda:

    The Wales’s marriage — you f*cked up
    The FA football mess — you f*cked up
    The Caribbean Flop tour — you f*cked up
    The Dr. Biden Education roundtable — you f*cked up
    The Denmark Visit with Queen Margrethe — you f*cked up
    The Tartan Tour fiasco — you f*cked up
    The Earthshite nonsense in Boston — you f*cked up

    I’m sure there are many more vitally important agenda items to cover. Please feel free to add them in.

    • Becks1 says:

      The “we can only offer a smile” nonsense – you f*cked up
      The “there are no wars in Europe” nonsense – you f*cked up
      Not leaving a 12 mile radius of her house – Kate f*cked up
      Disappearing for 2 months – f*cked up

      OH and how can we forget!!
      Late to the coronation – you f*cked up

    • Eurydice says:

      Omg, these lists are awesome. I’ll add:

      Africans are having too many babies – f*cked up.
      Racism is boring – f*cked up.

  40. Lizzie says:

    The queen of Spain, along with her daughter, attended, so I think it’s fair to equally drag C&C along with Will as the FA president. The king of Spain attended the men’s final of Wimbledon, Kate only went 2 or 3 days. Spain supports their athletes, full stop. UK does not. FA President should be awarded to someone else, which will be awkward for sure, but someone who will be out there supporting the teams. Ps. hope to see the same level of backlash next time W&K skip duties. After all, they actually have no govt role whatsoever except COS and those given to them as honors, like president of FA or Bafta, or their patronages which they mostly ignore. The audacity to refuse to attend a football game on the grounds it is too far away during an 8-week holiday is so entitled it is sickening.

  41. Jae says:

    The Windsor’s could care less about what the public thinks regarding “work shy willy”. They know it will all blow over eventually. Then back to regularly scheduled trolling the DDoS, by the British Rags. Wills has so far gotten away with the bs most of his life. What’s going to change? Nothing. This current “faux pas” has redirected the attention from the fact that “kitty and Wills” are no longer living under the same roof. RIP QE2. The chosen ones are mucking shyte up and continuing to torture/harass your favorite grandson and his family 🤷🏼‍♀️

  42. L4Frimaire says:

    William really screwed up in this one. Never seen someone be handed an easy opportunity to show they’re supporting their country with soft power goodwill and basically saying , “nah, I’ll pass”. The people wanted to support him showing up for the England team but he put his laziness and sexism before the association he’s the president of and this important game. He really should resign since he’s just not interested. None of their excuses ring true, even for those who usually fawn over him. He’ll probably take a cargo ship to New York now, lol. Now they’ll be back to their one-sided war with the Sussexes and getting mad at them for showing up for the causes and people they support. Just pathetic. He really is so tone-deaf or just does not care at all.

  43. Jillybean says:

    The mainstream media really doesn’t have an issue with this. No body really thinks he messed up…. Nobody really eve seems to care

  44. jferber says:

    I still don’t like William’s arm snaking around Charlotte’s tush and thigh. Icky. Very Andrew-like, isn’t it? Why wouldn’t he think to put his arm around her shoulder or just sit closely next to her? Would he have done this to William or Louis? I don’t think so.

  45. jferber says:

    Sorry, I meant George or Louis.

  46. Audrey says:

    If only there was some way I could have William’s top ten angriest moments emailed to me