Prince William did his first event in two months on the same day Harry arrives to UK

There isn’t a cry-laugh emoji big enough for this desperation. This past weekend, Prince Harry and Meghan were seen out and about at Beyonce concerts and soccer games, hanging out with their A-list friends, flaunting their Beygency protection, hobnobbing with billionaires and shaking their asses without a care in the world. Those photos and videos landed like a ton of bricks on William and Kate, who obsessively watch every single thing Harry and Meghan do and say. Will and Kate haven’t done jacksh-t all summer, and the only time they’ve been seen since Wimbledon, William was chauffeuring his rapist uncle around Balmoral. So of course, William officially came back to “work” today, the day Prince Harry arrives in England to attend the WellChild Awards.

William made a “surprise visit” to Pret A Manger in Bournemouth today. He made a big show of taking selfies with people, because he is truly Prince Peggington, Man of the People, The Other Brother Who Never Puts A Foot Wrong. The visit was done to highlight Pret A Manger’s existing program to employ homeless people and to ride on that outfit’s coattails. He also met with local leaders to talk about how they’re tackling homelessness. Then Prince Peggington, Man of the People, will go back to his palace and make some calls to the executives at the Duchy of Cornwall, the largest real estate holding company in the country, which William inherited.

The desperation is just… off the charts. King Charles should want the Sussexes to come back for no other reason than Harry and Meghan’s mere presence lights a competitive fire under Will and Kate’s lazy asses. It’s just… like, who the hell is advising William? “Yes, sir, brilliant plan, you absolutely need to go back to work after a two-month holiday on the day your brother flies in to attend his patronage!”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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102 Responses to “Prince William did his first event in two months on the same day Harry arrives to UK”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    My god, at least try to pretend this isn’t 100% directly linked to Harry. I cannot believe how pathetic and transparent they are. He could have tried to do a couple stop-ins over a few days, but he’s just too lazy to even make a real effort.

    • Kingston says:


      It’s called “being shameless.”

      As in: the courtiers-who-are-really-the-overlords-of-the-royals, truly don’t give a shidt how the visuals/the reality they create for the royals to execute, look to the plebs and even international onlookers.

      The job of the courtiers is to do whatever the moment requires in order to ensure that the royals keep being seen and therefore, believed. It matters not how much of a ridiculous clown it makes the royals look. Its not about the individuals, it’s about the institution’s longevity and for posterity.

      That’s the calculation the courtiers have been making at least for the past 100-150 years. (Prior to that they didn’t hv to pander to the plebs).

      Unfortunately for all of those living in these dilapidated palaces and grand residences, we’ve long crossed the rubicon and now they’re in a losing race against time.

      In the meantime, and as we all watch this real-life series unfold, remember:

      None. Of. The. Leftover. Royals. Have. Autonomy. Not. Even. ChuckyDaTURD.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    He’s so transparent. How is he not embarrassed or ashamed? Just do your work and move along with your life. He is in serious need of therapy.

    • Gabby says:

      His stupidity is cushioning him from being embarassed and ashamed.

    • Christine says:

      He’s not embarrassed or ashamed because an entire commonwealth of countries has told him, for his entire life, that he is their (future) leader.

  3. Tarte au Citron says:

    How insecure. Bully is literally the crown prince to the British throne. He shouldn’t care what other events his relatives are attending. 🙂

  4. The desperation is really with this cult. But as always it is just a photo op a look at me nothing more. He can’t compete with Harry who actually does work with his charities. Poor Peg Harry owns you.

    • Debbie says:

      Yup, William does the performative stuff: the photo ops, and believe me that’s “hard work” indeed. Then, he talks to people about their work on homelessness, in an effort to co-opt their diligence and any results they might have. He thinks that if he exposes his tooth to actual workers, then their work becomes his by the principle of osmosis. Tada!

      • Lorelei says:

        William “broke his own rule” and took a selfie with a sick little girl recently—there was a whole article about it— so now I guess “taking selfies with everyone” is his new thing. What a jackass. He probably thinks it makes him look super relatable.

        He’s always doing something so lightweight that it requires he wear an apron.

      • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

        So you’re saying he’s a Work Vampire.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    This is embarrassing and desperate.

    • JT says:

      Yeah, William’s pathetic! He’s got enormous resources, but he’s purpose in life is to compete with his brother

  6. aquarius64 says:

    If this is a “surprise” visit the people outside are a rent a crowd.

  7. nutella toast says:

    We could just shorten “Prince Peggington, Man of the People” to “PP MOP”.

  8. Laura D says:

    I’m just glad he’s finally got off his backside and is doing some “work.” It’s just a shame that it took Harry coming over for Wellchild for William to get his arse into gear. Absolutely no-one expects him to eradicate homelessness but, by getting his face out there and continually highlighting the problems has got to help. I despair how he and his wife take on these serious projects and only use them for photo-ops.

    With William “working” it begs the question where is Princess Karen (thanks for that one Kaiser)? The holiday period should be well and truly over by now. Shouldn’t she be out somewhere championing “Early Years?”

    • Becks1 says:

      She and William apparently have some things scheduled for tomorrow in Wales to “honor” QEII.*

      *and by “honor” I mean celebrate the one year anniversary of their access to the Duchy money.

      • Libra says:

        Yup. That grin says one thing to me, ” I’m rich and you’re not”.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Becks: Which is why they’re going to Wales. Going to Wales to honour the Queen always struck me as weird and nonsensical.

      • Laura D says:

        OMG it’s just struck me. Apologies if this has already been mentioned but, could part of the reason why the BRF were so against the “half in half out” proposal is because that’s what William and Princess Karen have already? They do so few engagements that if H&M had also been allowed to work as part-time royals it would further highlight how lazy the future king and queen really are!

      • Taytanish says:

        @Laura D, it was William himself and his father that rejected the Sussexes’ half in half out offer. I don’t think the half in half out offer was rejected because Pegs and Buttons are already half in half out, I believe this had all to do with their obsession and desire to continue controlling the Sussexes and especially Harry. It was all about power and control over their victims.

      • ecsmom says:

        @Libra, someone here once pointed out his smile looks like an animal bearing it’s teeth and I can’t un-see it. He NEVER looks like he is naturally smiling, only bearing his teeth.

      • Well Wisher says:

        @Becks –
        Agreed. Now if they could buy contentment, this ‘event’ would be unnecessary.

    • Jay says:

      I wonder if this tendency for TOB to try to compete with Harry could be leveraged by his staff – “Your highness, I heard that Harry might be appearing at the BAFTAs!” “This means war – drape me in velvet! I’m heading downstairs!”

    • Carrie says:

      No, I just realised what she meant by ‘ahly yearhs’. It’s too early for her to work. She’s still coming into her own. Will wait till the children (all of them), finish their schooling.

  9. Pebbles says:

    I can’t stop laughing. WHO is advising these people! No doubt they’ve already alerted their press stooges to place old wet noodle Willy on their covers tomorrow instead of his brother 😂😂

    Didn’t they call in an old football star too so we could see Willy has famous friends too! lmaoooo 😂

  10. Eurydice says:

    Sadly hilarious? Hilariously sad? He’s so focused on outshining Harry that he doesn’t see how stupid this looks.

    • Amy Bee says:

      It is sort of sad that William can’t help but compete with Harry. He’s just proving that what Harry said about him in his book was the truth.

  11. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Desperate for the star power and adoration and insanely jealous of his family member who earns it. He IS his father’s son.

  12. Nubia says:

    I prefer to never have to go as low as to mention peoples looks. But damn remember when this dude was a hot totty and Harry was the so called awkward looking one. All that rage and ugliness has reached the outer.

  13. Becks1 says:

    I know I’ve said this so many times over the last few weeks about KP’s PR strategy but…..I’m crying. This is SO obvious and SO desperate, omg. KP really does plan their every move around what the Sussexes are doing. I just can’t wrap my head around who decided this was going to be a win for William??

    “i haven’t worked in 2 months but I’ll show up because my brother is going to be here and I can’t have him outshine me!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  14. ML says:

    Can William vouch for “the taste and quality” of the Pret a Manger menu? Remember when he showed up at the food truck?

  15. Jais says:

    Omg. I’m laughing. KP plays games. The desperation. The thirst. The jealousy. The petty. And they’re really all about these surprise unannounced visits aren’t they? Charles really does need Harry there to lite a fire under William. His advisors should start telling william there’s a rumor Harry’s about to do something when they need him to work more.

  16. zebz says:

    william looks absolutely thrilled, excited, engaged and happy to be there in these photos and videos. he got his meghan fix like the rest of us this week so is now on a high. LOL

  17. YeahRight says:

    Going to an already crowded place doesn’t mean you’re popular but ok Willy.

    • Debbie says:

      It beats the last time William appeared at his own event which came complete with rows of steel barricades, erected (if you’ll pardon the expression) to hold back the awesome crowd he’d expected. Sadly, the only “crowd” that showed up were two people taking a work break. They were probably the ones who had put up the barricades. So, I think it’s precious that this time William either brought his own “crowd” or used someone else’s. Bless him.

    • Lorelei says:

      It does seem like he’s been doing food/restaurant based stuff a lot lately (and by “lately” I mean “months ago when he last ‘worked’”) and you just gave a plausible reason as to why this may be! (I base this on absolutely nothing except my memory of seeing, in passing, lots of photos of both W&K that seem similar to this…behind a bar or counter.)

      “Pulling” pints, the food truck, didn’t William “shock” someone by picking up the phone at some restaurant and taking someone’s order or reservation recently, etc.? I feel like there are an inordinate amount of W&K (but particularly W’s) engagements that revolve around food somehow. I guess it gives him something to do with his hands, instead of just standing around looking bored. And he gets to show off his initiative-branded aprons (lol), reminding people that things like Homewards exists, because I’d sure forgotten.

      But you’re right about the built-in “crowd.” He and his handlers have GOT to be embarrassed about that video of him from a couple of months ago waving past the barriers at, like, trees, because there was no one at that one big event he had— clearly they *expected* a crowd since they bothered to erect the barriers, but nope, like three people showed up.

    • Kel says:

      Yup and they took public transport. Going in no one was there but because they were going back by train they had to walk through the “crowd” to get back to the station

  18. Harper says:

    Surprise! Haha. Gotcha Republic movement. No booing. No protest signs. Gotcha Harry! I’m in the papers first today!

    Looks like TOB didn’t commit to teeth whitener over the summer, either, which would have been a small but aesthetically pleasing investment. Just a few hours now before the real King appears.

  19. Mary Pester says:

    Oh and who paid for the rent a crowd Well bless his poor jealousy addled (get the pun from yesterday 😂) brain. Billy the brainless obviously tracked Harry’s flight and thought “right I’m of to wear an apron and serve coffee, ha that will show him!) to which Harry replies, black no sugar please 😂😘😂. And FOR GOD’S SAKE will someone PLEASE stop that prk with teeth standing near children. They don’t need that image in their head, it’s scary even for us!

  20. JJ says:

    At this point, it doesn’t surprise me. That’s why Kate has nothing in her schedule until 2024. She is just seeing when Meghan does something and she will quickly do something else within the next few days so of course she can’t plan! Every appearance is a reaction to what Harry and Meghan are doing.

    • Layla says:

      Plus K and her team are beastly watching what Meghan wears so she can copy it a few months/weeks later. Remember on Nov/Dec Meghan was at her speaking event and she wore this beautiful keyhole neck dress by Armani and then literally months later K and her team went searching for a dress with the same keyhole neckline? 🙄 That, plus so many examples of K doing just that really what sealed it for me

    • Well Wisher says:

      What a sad way to live? Poor little rich princess??

  21. Amy Bee says:

    Going to Pret is a choice, even if they have a homelessness programme.

    • Becks1 says:

      Why is that? I dont know anything about the company.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Pret is more of a middle/upper class establishment.

      • Lorelei says:

        I remember them being ALL OVER London when I lived there years ago, and we even took a picture of one corner where there were two Prets across the street from each other, you could see a third one just down the block in the same shot, AND a fourth one reflected in the window behind whoever took the picture. Like Starbucks in some areas of NYC. And somehow they were *all* always busy, with lines, even though they were packed so closely together! It was so funny.

        I rarely went there, but do remember thinking that it seemed very overpriced for what you were getting, like pre-made sandwiches.

  22. Mslove says:

    Does Pegs really think that taking selfies with the peasants is going to outshine Harry’s hard work & dedication with the Invictus Games & Well Child? Lol.

    • Jaded says:

      Oh but some of them are PoC (Peasants of Colour) so that makes all the difference!! S/

      Just more performative theatrics. Show up, grin, serve coffee, take selfies, go home to your lavish and lazy lifestyle. Tough work isn’t it Willnot.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jaded, omg I am *dying* at “Peasants of Color” — it’s perfect for W&K

      • Turkeylurkey says:

        Exactly what I thought, big crowd for a “surprise” visit and make sure to get shots of taking a selfie with POC because he not racist at all.

      • Harper says:

        Ahem, where are the homeless? Wouldn’t it have been the charitable thing to do to feed some of them a Pret sandwich or two? Instead we have William being swarmed for selfies in what is a shameless publicity grab.

      • Gabby says:

        If the rent-a-crowd theory is true, there must be premium pay for PoC.

  23. Layla says:

    Desperation, thy name is Keen Statesmen Incadescent Other Brother

  24. Andy Dufresne says:

    This is just pathetic! LMAO

  25. MsIam says:

    Wow y’all Prince William finally got a job! Good for you William. Work hard and you may get promoted to manager someday. Yay!

  26. Jay says:

    Okay, but…are these “crowd selfies” being posted somewhere by that totally real, organic crowd for this “secret” event?

    • Lorelei says:

      It will probably be revealed to have been a bunch of hired actors, just like Bill’s food truck stunt. (Either that or these poor people who were just trying to get some food were held hostage there long enough for William to get his photo ops)

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      This! I’ve always wondered why the actual selfie itself never makes it’s way to the internet. It’s like there’s no film in the camera.

  27. kelleybelle says:

    Me too! Me too! Me too! What an ugly human being.

  28. Sugarhere says:

    The mere fact Lazyam is obsessed with emulating Harry betrays a delusional lack of self-awareness: Bullyiam still hasn’t realized he doesn’t have his brother’s natural star power, stamina and charisma.

    Dude can’t compete, makes an ass out of himself trying to, and seems unaware of how fake he looks forcing himself to pose with Black people, when the world knows he despises them. I don’t know where this is going.

    In the end, we’ve learned nothing substantially useful about the charity, just that Will wasted everyone’s time there.

    • Eurydice says:

      I was just thinking the same thing. It seems like a good thing that Pret is hiring homeless people, but what does that mean? Just hiring a homeless person isn’t any different than hiring someone who has a street address. They come in, do their jobs, get paid and leave to go…somewhere. So, what else is part of this program? What special challenges do these homeless employees face and what is the Pret program doing to help?

      • Lorelei says:

        IMO it truly doesn’t occur to W&K or their team to publicize that kind of info; they’re focused solely on what they see as the entire purpose of the engagement: the photo ops. Plus they believe (and this is true in many cases) that all W&K’s “fans” care about is whatever Kate is wearing.

      • Sugarhere says:

        @Eurydice, @Lorelei, Yes, indeed it seems that W’s priority is the PR aspect of his public appearances, when he could easily say something like, “The fact that you’re offering jobs to homeless people is a great step towards restoring their confidence, sense of social worth and personal dignity. I applaud the initiative and I will provide personal funds from my duchy to help you go even further by providing the housing that would come along with each job contract.”

        What’s infuriating is that this would be realistically feasible but hey…

      • Sugarhere says:

        The Wailses have been misdirecting their team’s energy by instructing them to take a minute look at the Sussexes’ every move and thwart their agenda.

        It would be comical if it wasn’t verging on the pathological.

  29. Julianna says:

    This is absolutely ridiculous. Hasnt done a damn thing for 2 plus months and as soon as Harry is in the country out pops Willy with his rent a crowd. He literally would have had to rent the crowd because it wasn’t a scheduled event… and we saw what that looked like before. And as someone else pointed out. Kitty has none because they are mainly going to be unscheduled events surrounded what Meghan does.

  30. Sugarhere says:

    The circus is just getting started. Methinks Kate will debut her “work” the very day Meghan turns up at the Invictus event.

    Comparing and competing is how insecure they are about their legitimacy.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, I do think there is a very good possibility that Kate will have a “surprise” event, on the same day that Meghan arrives at IG. But will she wear silver?😂

      • Sugarhere says:

        @Jais, The golden dress Meghan was wearing when she received the Women of Vision award is a good contender, too… so thinks Kate 😊

  31. Kingston says:

    So I’m looking at the end of this blurb at the thumbprint collection of the 7 photos shown in the blurb…..3 of the 7 are of black folks with Pegs: 2 women taking selfies with him and one guy holding hands with Peg. And if this isnt a set-up, then Pegs has never had a peg up his arse.

    When has it ever happened that so many black folks have been so “fortunate” to get so close to Pegs in a crowd?

  32. Apple says:

    William is helping me understand my sister. I’m starting to feel bad for them both. To have the world and still “monitor” everyone else. To be jealous when the others aren’t even competing!!! You can’t be friends with those type because they will throw you under the bus and the bus isn’t even there yet.

    What does prince George think about this. Has he figured out he goes more places cause uncle Harry had to leave. Does he wonder why they can’t walk around more like grandpa. Does he wonder why he can’t visit grandpa.

  33. Eliora says:

    The problem with William (and Kate) isn’t Harry (and Meghan). The problem with William is his complete lack of authenticity. Even his “best” smile looks false.

    Using charity work to one up your younger brother is beyond the pale. A PR move that makes him look desperate, petty, and ironically extremely uncharitable.

    • Well Wisher says:

      If this can get to them, a proper response could create an environment conducive to healthy exchanges.
      I will not hold my breath…

    • Lily says:

      Ge talks about what other people can do to help homeless people yet he does nothing he has 4 fu.. palace renovated with taxpayers money. When Harry and Meghan talk about something they do the work or at least they donate money not just talk about helping people. Baldy has the money to do something good instead he goes on a 2 months long vacation after the hard work he did and gets payd for it

  34. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Kaiser, I don’t want to thread jack, but the whitehouse has announced the delegation to IG in Germany. LOTS of people are going.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    Pret a Manger? Pret a Désespéré (Ready to Despair), more like.

    Willy really, really, really needs to hire more competent comms people.

  36. WhatKateHerselfSaidOnPageSix says:

    I think William planned this on purpose on Harrys arrival day, he loves to deflect anytime he feels nervous.

  37. Beverley says:

    How clever, and grasping, of them to release photos with POC. How much were these Black people paid to clamor for a selfie with The Royal Racist? Inquiring minds want to know.

    The only people who are fooled/impressed/bamboozled by this display are racist white people. Racism makes you gullible…and stupid.

  38. Nerd says:

    So we have a “surprise” visit that happened to have a crowd standing outside waiting for the person that they weren’t expecting to show up. We have a man with a huge camera and scope who happens to be in the crowd next to the black man who William just happens to hold hands with. This made me laugh typing this because, Kate could never 😂. We have a whole two months of nothing from him only to suddenly have him appear with his own apron and name tag to an even on the exact same day his younger brother was known to be arriving. It is unbelievable how horrible they are with this whole PR thing when that is all they do.

  39. JustBitchy says:

    Ah, he’s a very homely Edward. Long gone are any Spenser looks

  40. MsDoe says:

    As the spoiled and coddled heir, William has a profound lack of self-awareness. If he had any, he would avoid such stark side-by-side comparisons with his brother: William popping at at Pret-a-Manger looks so facile, so shallow and inconsequential, compared to Harry and his years of work with WellChild and profound commitment and achievements with the Invictus Games.

  41. Gabby says:

    Another skit pretending to work in food service. What would the UK do without him?

  42. Tessa says:

    This was probably planned in advance to recruit people who wanted selfies with William

  43. Shoegirl77 says:

    What happened the whole “Quiet reflection on TQs deathiversary?” Oh, yeah, Harry came to town 😂

  44. Grandma Susan says:

    Charles was always jealous of Diana’s star power because he had none. She eclipsed him in every way because she cared about others in a genuine way. Charles only cared about not being the center of attention.
    William is jealous of Harry’s star power because he has none. Harry eclipses him in every way because Harry inherited every bit of Diana’s genuine humanity and concern for others. William cares only about “winning” and being “better” than Harry. He never will be because he is simply not equipped with anything but self-interest – just as Charles was and is.

  45. tamsin says:

    Wearing a work apron over a suit jacket really screams authticity.

  46. Lauren says:

    I keep reading it as pret-a-manager which just seems like a really weird name for anything

  47. Trex says:

    I’m totally Team Sussex, but this is what was happening yesterday (I follow Steven Bartlett on IG). Organising these things takes a while, so I’m sure it wasn’t just to block Harry.