Princess Kate’s ‘butterfly fringe’ doll wig is THE style, thank you very much

I’m sorry, but what are these photos of Princess Kate in prison? She’s so used to turning up to random places and screwing on her fake smile that she forgot that her forced hyena laughing and freeze-posing would look absolutely INSANE in a prison setting. She really looks like she’s having the time of her life doing this little prison skit. These are more photos of Kate at HMP High Down, a men’s prison in Surrey. Kate went to prison as part of her patronage of the Forward Trust, and the whole point of this was for Kate to “experience” what it’s like to be a family member of an incarcerated person, and what those family members have to go through to visit a loved one.

Kensington Palace gave the same line to all media outlets regarding Kate’s mysterious hand injury – she was seen with two fingers taped together on her right hand, and KP swore up and down that it was a trampoline injury from playing with her kids, and that it’s “a small injury, nothing serious.” If this was a one-off, I would say we could take KP at its word. But Kate consistently has bandaids and bandages on her hands for years now. They aren’t all trampoline injuries.

Meanwhile, there’s a lot of talk about Kate’s doll wig. Yesterday, I called this a “new wig,” but I might have to correct myself – what if this is the Together At Christmas doll wig from 2021? It doesn’t look completely the same, but the two wigs are definitely kissing cousins, much like QEII and Prince Philip. I wish Kate and her hair stylists would figure out something better than this. Hilariously, the sycophantic British media is trying to make Kate’s Prison Wig into the hottest new club. It has everything: Farrah Fawcett vibes, bewigged gopher energy, balayage, keen secrets, synthetic hair, fire hazards.

In recent months, countless celebrities have had their hair chopped into a bob. But, for the Princess of Wales, this would possibly be a transformation too far; after all, it takes an arm-length of hair to twist into those triumphant chignons we’ve come to admire.

So what’s a girl to do when she feels like a change but is reluctant to do anything drastic? Get a fringe, that’s what. While visiting HMP High Down men’s prison on Tuesday, the Princess debuted what’s known in fashion circles as the “butterfly fringe”, previously seen on taste-makers like Wednesday actress Jenna Ortega and model Matilda Djerf, who inspired the trend earlier this year.

The fringe, which gets its name, unsurprisingly, from a butterfly’s wings, is designed to skim the cheekbones to create a diamond shape, which is not only forgiving on faces that have softened with time, but also gives the hair a jaunty lift. Hence why it’s popular with Gen-Zers and Boomers alike.

For the Princess of Wales, this micro update is the perfect way to freshen up an end-of-summer hairstyle in line with the new autumn season without forsaking polish. Andreas Wild from Larry King’s Notting Hill salon says: “I love the Princess’s new look; It’s very soft and modern. Sometimes when you have long hair it can hide your features. What’s beautiful about this style is that it brings out Kate’s eyes more.”

[From The Telegraph]

Honestly, I think Kate wore this new wig (??) because she’s gotten some new work on her face, so she wanted everything to look different and you couldn’t really place exactly what was going on. Mostly, I think she’s overdoing the fillers and Botox, but I’ll also accept “botched eye job” as a possibility. Anyway, this hairstyle is not new, nor is it flattering on every face. If most women attempted some version of the Farrah Fawcett style, they would look like this – impossibly dated.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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167 Responses to “Princess Kate’s ‘butterfly fringe’ doll wig is THE style, thank you very much”

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  1. Tessa says:

    The picture of her talking using jazz hands with the child staring at her is classic

    • KFG says:

      He’s like why is she freezing up and not speaking. Is she glitching? Lolololol

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      I mean this in a most sympathetic way but this woman is ill. I mean truly ill. It’s staring us right in the face. Her plastered fingers are telling a huge story. I (almost) feel sorry for her.

      • Mrs. S says:

        You seem to be implying her fingers are bandaged due to wounds caused by purging. Not only is it really gross of you to make such an incredibly damaging statement, you’re flat out wrong. That’s not what that looks like. Not even close. She may very well have an eating disorder, but that is none of your business or concern. As an ED sufferer, the very type you’re insinuating here, I find your concern trolling quite disgusting.

      • When one sees a person with an obvious eating disorder, one knows that they have some sort of emotional/psychological disorder in need of treatment. Ignoring this allows those facing ED problems to continue to pretend to me physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. This does them and the public whom they might impact a disservice.

      • Sera Quell says:

        @E Regina & Ann Pearl O – totally agree. Sitting by and letting them silently scream out without intervening is cruel

    • SIde Eye says:

      ITA Tessa! It’s up there with the chain fences and the Black kids giving her side eyes during her flower garden stunt. I love that a lot of Black kids see her coming from a mile away. This pic is a classic. I hope to see it in more rotations.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      I am going to be that person, but it is not right that the boy was used as her prop, he is at a prison visiting center so I am guessing life is tough for him already, he didn’t need to be used as press for this dimwit.

      • Grandma Susan says:

        YES! This. Also her shoulder pads are traumatizing me.

      • Bee (not THAT Bee) says:

        I agree, and check out the frame where she’s got her hand on the man beside her and is looking off into space while she says something insipid. SMDH. We see you, Catherine.

      • kirk says:

        Did she ask that boy if she could touch him or is UK still medieval with Divine Right of Princesses to handle whatever they want? Agree about those traumatic shoulder pads. They’re so sharply sticking out there it’s making the sleeves pucker.

      • Well Wisher says:

        So her visit can be seen as an imposition on the child and the man on her right??

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Where did they find a Black child to put next to her? They need to stop using Black people as props and traumatizing them. Poor kid.

    • Krista says:

      He’s wearing a Los Angeles sweatshirt. We see his loyalties.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    “but the two wigs are definitely kissing cousins, much like QEII and Prince Philip.”

    Ma’am! Please 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    This wig is reminiscent of David Cassidy’s hairstyle back in the day. Does this woman not have a mirror? She just looks so…shabby.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      OMG the kissing cousins line and this part had me DY-ING!! 🤣

      “(The wig) has everything: Farrah Fawcett vibes, bewigged gopher energy, balayage, keen secrets, synthetic hair, fire hazards.”

      Not fire hazards 🤣

      • Cate says:

        I’m reminded of that “before you leave the house, look at yourself in the mirror and take one thing off” advice (coco chanel?). Anyway, if this wig had a little LESS going on, it might have worked. Also if Kate’s appearance generally had less going on. Massive wig, heavy makeup, weirdly too fancy but unflattering suit outfit (a suit would have been fine for this occasion, but maybe in grey or navy or something? Or just with less hair and makeup). I kinda agree with the take that she’s had some cosmetic work done and the hair and makeup dialed up to 11 was designed to hide it.

        Also, neither Pippa nor Carole are aging as badly as Kate…wtf? Is it that she’s under more stress or has more cosmetic shit going wrong?

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        @ Sussexwatcher: that part killed me too. I’ll never be the same…”bewigged gopher energy…” 😆

      • Kittenmom says:

        @Cate – there was actually a photo this weekend of Pippa at a wedding or something, and her face looked rough. Way too much sun, or cigarettes, or both. Maybe she doesn’t get filled as often as her sister does.

      • The Old Chick says:

        Cate go back to old pics of CarolE. She looked rough! She’s had facelifts, and loads of filler.. she looks nothing like she used to.

      • Elizabeth Phillips says:

        I have a friend who keeps her hair in a Farrah Fawcett. She has naturally curly hair and it looks really nice when it’s not done, but then she straightens it and does the wings.

      • Cate says:

        Hmmm, I’m going to have to go back and look! But still, whatever they are/aren’t doing, I don’t see them looking*as* aged/bad as Kate. Not saying they are fresh faced beauties, but Kate’s face is just awful, and in comparison I think they look fairly “normal”? And looking at her family it doesn’t seem like it’s a case of “oh well, they all kinda go that way after 35” or something. So it would seem to me that she’s either getting BAD cosmetic work, or stress is doing an extra number on her, or both.

    • AMTC says:

      OMG @ Girl_Ninja – so David Cassidy!

      • Daisy says:

        We think Kate Middleton only speaks in short bursts and speaks incredibly oddly.. We think she must have a disorder or illness with so stick thin..
        Her hair is total mess..
        Also Kate Middleton doesn’t want William to heal row or rift between his brother as is very domineering of William as it seems she wants to be centre stage always..
        We have to say she looks old and grumpy when she looks in bad mood.
        Her face not weathering well from her cosmetic work.
        Plus overshadowing Invictus is darn right petty but that’s how she is towards them… she has no god dam respect for military wounded.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s clear that she’s seen women with middle parts and loose flowing waves and decided that was THE look for her, but she was going to add the “butterfly fringe” and a few more waves/layers to really up the Farrah Fawcett look.

      • Concern Fae says:

        This hair is, to use a British phrase, “mutton dressed as lamb.” When the newspaper mentioned it as being the same do as Jenny Ortega has, I laughed.

        All these things that rich ladies do to look younger just ends up making them look like an old rich lady.

      • Becks1 says:

        RIGHT?!?! I was like….Jenna Ortega….am I thinking of the right person because the Jenna Ortega I am thinking of does not have hair like that…..

    • Chantal says:

      Kaiser, as the kids would say, chose violence today!
      The kissing cousins and fire hazard lines had me 😂😂😂😂

      @Girl Ninja. Not David Cassidy 😂😂

      These RRs need to get their eyesight checked bc no, just no.

    • JanetDR says:

      Still chortling about the kissing cousins and then you throw in David Cassidy! 🤣

      • antipodean says:

        The David Cassidy reference is just “chef’s kiss”, and absolutely on point! I wonder, along with all the other pulls and tweaks she’s had done to her face, if she may have had a liquid nose job as well? There’s a big difference between the way it looked at her wedding, and the way it looks now. Maybe she had a case of pregnancy nose, and wanted it refined? A rich, bored lady has so many choices, and none of them seem to make her husband the slightest bit interested. Poor lamb!

    • mel says:

      @girl-ninja: Hey, leave David Cassidy out of this!

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Girl_ninja … the David Cassidy reference is going to have me laughing all day.

      And in some photos, it looks like she’s going to sing “Come on, get happy!” to those poor families.

    • Quincytoo says:

      Omg now I see David Cassidy as well

    • SunnyDays says:

      The “kissing cousins” had me spitting out my tea, omg lololololol.

  3. Cassie says:

    Well she looks very excited about it all bless her little heart 😂

  4. Anna says:

    I got my hair cut into a bob recently and when I out loud considered getting a fringe, my hairdresser said, “You aren’t going through some kind of crisis are you?”

    So, that’s that then.

    • L84Tea says:

      This made me laugh because I literally just started listening to an audiobook on my way to work this morning, and one of the first things the character was talking about was “break up bangs” and how they’re a huge mistake. 😀

      • Anna says:

        Oh, I’m very familiar with the “break up bangs” lmaooo

        I also threw a fit as a kid because I wanted bangs when they were “in”, but it irritated my eyes so I (being six and having zero self-control) immediately chopped them off with a pair of safety scissors. I can still hear my mom laugh-crying.

      • L84Tea says:

        I’ve never been able to pull off bangs. I have crazy cowlicks all over my forehead, so on the occasional moment of denial thinking I could do it, my hair always parts like the Red Sea into two waves. Parted down the middle or just barely to the side of the middle is all I am able to do to get my hair to lay flat. But I’m sort of glad. Bangs rarely seem like a good idea.

      • Tanya says:

        Bangs of Sadness!

      • Debbie says:

        Inspired by @Anna, I’ll call them Crisis Bangs.

  5. seaflower says:

    If you cover the hair what stands out (not what is outstanding) is cheek fillers, jaw and something seriously wonky with her eyes

  6. Krista says:

    WTF is a ‘triumphant chignon’???

  7. Jais says:

    The fringe is forgiving on faces that have softened with time? Ouch. Meow. Helps give a jaunty lift to the face? Ouch again. Harsh.

    • Becks1 says:

      This makes me think Kaiser is right; Kate changed up her hair so that everything looks different so if you think she looks “refreshed,” its not due to any botox or whatever, its the fringe!!

      • Nic919 says:

        She’s done this before too. I think a fringe showed up not long after a suspected spa trip to france after Charlotte was born.

      • JustBitchy says:

        Kaiser is right. Getting a hair change at the time of cosmetic work is a classic way to deflect the work. I did it – a straight bob after my nose job/coronal brow lift. Worked like a charm. My mistake was adding bangs a few months later while the forehead settled in (ugh).

        I will have to look more closely to se if it’s a possible upper blepharoplasty (a great way to start de-aging in late 30’s to mid 40’s). OR and endoscopic lateral ish brow lift (more lifting than relaxing of crows feet -always need Botox for those).

    • Eurydice says:

      Yeah, not even a subtle stab in the back – a full frontal assault.

  8. Mslove says:

    That wiglet needs a trim, it looks dry & brittle at the ends.

    • Chloe says:

      Exactly. That is my biggest issue with her hair. I don’t mind the fringe. But that color has got to go and she needs to cut it shorter. I loved the cut she had between 2016-2018. It made her look young and fresh. It was also a few tints darker which actually did bring out her eye color better. Idk why she’s so obsessed with that light brown she’s been wearing but i just don’t like it on her.

      • Surly Gale says:

        Listen to defiant jazz LOL all day long. Thank you for this! COTW

        @Chloe the lighter colour hides the grey better

  9. ChillinginDC says:

    Wow. Her hair is bad. I just want someone to style her wigs properly. It pains me to see a woman out with a bad wig on her head.

    • Jais says:

      I can’t help thinking Kate wanted to quiz Dolly about wig maintenance when she invited her to KP. Dolly’s always been so upfront about her beauty routines and it’s so refreshing. Nothing wrong with wearing a wig. Kate might need some guidance though.

      • ChillinginDC says:

        Her hairdresser or hairdressers must hate her. I would never let someone I like go out like that. Also it ages her very badly. Them trying to spin it that she’s hair forward like other A listers is just not it. Sigh. She actually should consider a bob honestly. If her hair is that brittle/not healthy, cutting it off will help.

  10. Tessa says:

    The head tilting is distracting

  11. Ok so they are making a lemon into lemonade with the wig. Why did she go to a men’s prison? Why not a women’s prison? I see we have the obligatory touching of a person of color. What did she talk to these people about? Maybe how very much George and Charlotte play prison visitors and they some day want to see their parents in prison? What if anything does she have to offer these people? I guess it’s another learning experience.

    • Bee (not THAT Bee) says:

      Hahaha, Susan! Playing prison visitor! I love it!

    • Deering24 says:

      I’d give a million to hear the prisoners’, their families’, and the guards’ comments post-Kate meeting. Imagine having to waste precious visiting time with this twit flitting around trying to bring sunshine to the “criminal classes”…or whatever the hell she was doing. This is such a condescendingly Victorian move, it’s a shame…

    • Lorelei says:

      “Maybe how very much George and Charlotte play prison visitors and they some day want to see their parents in prison?”

      @Susan Collins that line killed me dead!!

  12. Rai says:

    So. Under the undoubtedly sad, stressful and usually rare occurrence of visiting a loved one who is incarcerated, you also get the privilege of being apart of Kate’s photo opp.

    Make it make sense.

    • Jay says:

      What do you mean, sad? Katie here looks like she’s having the time of her life! “Oh, are all of these men gathered together just to see lil ol’me? Too kind!”

      Does anyone else remember Lindsey Bluth arriving to visit her father in prison dressed to the nines?

      • Shawna says:

        And so angry because men weren’t cat calling her!

      • zebz says:

        its the equivalant to princess diana showing up to greet children affected by land minds in a power suit and 5inch heels.

        meghan’s apperance yesterday put into context what kate was actually doing and attempting. not only was she using these vulnerable people as a props in her glamour shots. she and william were trying to attack, mock, and undermind these veterans who have literally given their body and mind to defend the countries they will one day be head of state of. william and kate quite literally threw away their actual position as future king and wife of the head of state in an attempt to undermind their brother and sister in law. they have no understanding of the reality of their positions or what it means at all whatsoever. it can’t be understated how badly they have truly behaved here and how awful they will be as king and queen. they will be the worst king and queen in modern history.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        @ Jay: Holly Golightly visiting Sally Tomato in Sing Sing, minus the hat.

      • Debbie says:

        First thing I thought of when I saw the first picture of Kate was that she looked like she was saying, “Okay, you can all rejoice now. I’m here!”

        @zbez: But they’ll get to wear crowns right? Then, everything is okay. (/s, of course). Your comment was very thoughtful and spot on.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Exactly Rai. She has zero emotional intelligence or empathy – I used to work in the criminal justice system. You have very limited time with your loved one and sometimes you had to bus/drive several hours to get to them. And here she is with her crab claw interruptions overmedicated maniacal grinning. I’d be pissed.

  13. Miranda says:

    If her face was pulled any tighter, the corners of her eyes would meet at the back of her head. Which makes it all the more hilarious that the fringe “brings out her eyes”. Is she oblivious enough to have chosen this new look herself, or is her hairstylist just a shady motherf–ker after our own hearts?

  14. Linda says:

    I think it would work if her hair was shoulder length .. but yeah no, this ain’t it

  15. Afken says:

    What a lie! This isn’t modern at all and that’s the exact reason Matilda djerf wears it. Because it’s a throwback, it’s vintage. They crack me up the way they bend over backwards.

  16. Shawna says:

    “But, err, can you sort of…sort of see the prisoners by…seeing them?”

  17. Tessa says:

    Her hair is way too long and looks unkempt and needs a good trim.

  18. NorthernLala says:

    For the love of god get a new hairstyle!!! She’d look so much better in something shorter like a blunt bob.
    I only want 2 things when it comes to celebrity stuff- for her to get a haircut and for Britney Spears to start wearing high waisted pants.
    Please! 😜

  19. zebz says:

    the fact that kate is visiting a PRISON, meeting people who are struggling with extreme addiction issues, and the take away from it is kate middleton’s hairstyle shows how out of touch with reality she and KP really is. she thought meghan would be decked out in luxury goods and designer duds to greet the veterans and their families so decided to go for the same idea to upstage meghan. not caring about what event she was actually attending. meghan exposed kate and put her to shame for her shallow inappropriate behavior. she used a prison and vulenerable people as a backdrop for a pap stroll and glamour photoshoot. let that sink in.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      To your last point, what else is new?! She’s used everybody as a backdrop for her pap posing glamour shots. New mums, black and brown children/adults, people in the hospital, people struggling with addiction, the scouts, bereaved children, soldiers in shamrocks. Even her own children get used when she needs some good press.

      It’s basically all she does. She’s a user.

    • Becks1 says:

      Every engagement for her is a pap stroll and glamour photoshoot.

    • AMTC says:

      So true. While it’s amusing to focus on her wiglets etc this should have been a serious visit to highlight a serious issue. But mumbles and KP are too obsessed with H&M and too vacuous so once again it’s all about her appearance.

  20. Jk says:

    Too bad the Middletons aren’t in prison for all the scamming and conning and screwing people over. Kate could visit them wearing the same facial expressions then.

  21. Nutella toast says:

    If you told me she was introducing a segment of The British Baking Show in the first picture, I’d believe you…not a prison visit. Do we know how much hair she actually has? I don’t understand the world of wigs so I can’t tell.

    • Jay says:

      Yes, the huge grin and jaunty wave would definitely have been more appropriate for the British Baking Show, or being introduced on a game show etc. This seems a bit incongruous for spotlighting a prison. At least she didn’t try to theme dress with an orange jumpsuit, eh?

  22. SussexWatcher says:

    Once again all the article talks about (in this excerpt anyway) is her frickin hair. What was the goal of her visit (besides listening and learning and keen head tilting)? Why is she grinning like a loon and jazz-handing her way through the prison yard? She is so useless!

    And yes, she’s definitely had more work done. In addition to her forehead being pulled tighter than a drum, her cheeks look like a chipmunk storing nuts for the winter.

    • SIde Eye says:

      I love this line SussexWatcher “is she grinning like a loon and jazz-handing her way through the prison yard?” LOL. Yes. Yes she is.

      This should be a scene in a musical about her life.

      • Deering24 says:

        “This should be a scene in a musical about her life.”

        🤣🤣 I’m betting now there are any number of Kate musicals waiting patiently in drawers all over London’s West End…😈

  23. NEENA ZEE says:

    Oh no. The extensions and the curls are ridiculous. Think how fresh and modern she’d look if she lost 5-6” and wore it smooth.

  24. Plums says:

    I know picking the most OTT, wtf cringe and/or least flattering pictures of Kate when she goes on these sad jaunts is something you pride yourself on for these articles, but that second to last picture is one of the most dead inside pictures of her I think I’ve ever seen, like it is genuinely effecting me. Usually my feeling about Kate is that there’s nothing inside to be dead in the first place, or at least nothing deserving of sympathy, but that one makes her look just so small and sad and makes me want to see someone make a movie of her life framing it as the tragic horror I imagine it is.

    • sparrow says:

      Plums – is that the one with the glass of water in front of her? She does look drawn. i actually feel there’s a good photo selecton here, comprising what Kate would be pleased with and what she wouldn’t, ie less photoshop. i feel, along with you, that her life’s difficult (my theory being her realisation that she’s become all the BRF has, the pressure of that must be immense, plus knowing her marriage lacks supportive respect). No doubt the next series of The Crown will paint them as the most loving of couples.

  25. Jay says:

    I feel like she’s tried the curtain bangs style before and quickly ditched them. What gets me (besides the bad wig attachment going on over her forehead) is the weird headdress effect of the tendrils stapled on either side of her shoulders. Those things don’t move!

    • Belli says:

      It used to be her thing when she was in the early stages of pregnancy to distract from the weight gain. And I get that: she’s photographed a lot and the first few weeks are the riskiest time, so trying to avoid speculation is understandable.

      Not sure what she’s trying to distract from here.

  26. Jais says:

    Okay, related to the visit, Chris Ship posted this about yesterday’s visit and it was funny:
    “Kate in prison, and while there admits she injured her hand on the trampoline” With a gif of someone falling off a trampoline. It was funny but whew the royalists were not having it.

    • Harper says:

      Chris Ship going rogue. How very interesting. How about one of these so-called journalists confirming that there even is a trampoline on the Windsor grounds? Or was Kate injured at Pippa’s Playground on Sunday?

    • Becks1 says:

      I loved the reaction from the royalists. Chris Ship is bored, I don’t think he’s at Invictus, so he’s just in the UK covering…….Kate’s trampoline injury.

    • Jais says:

      The gif of the woman flipping off the trampoline is what sent me. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Kind of funny, cute. But the comments were not having it. There was no sense of humor about that gif. I can’t tell if I’m biased but I didn’t think it was disrespectful? It got him engagement though.

    • Veronica S. says:

      I side eye it because my sister’s abusive ex used to harm her by stepping on her toes or cracking her fingers (he broke one so badly that years later it had to be rebroken to fix it). That’s an easy place to harm somebody that doesn’t leave bruises on the face. I really hope that’s not what’s going on, but…it’s uncomfortable. This is one of the few times I’ve looked at pictures of her and gone…this a deeply unhappy woman going through the motions.

  27. MJM says:

    English reporters are the worst writers my gawd. As for those unfiltered pics of Keen aye carumba! Botched eye job for sure.

  28. ales says:

    K is becoming more and more creepy. Visiting a prison, dressing like a beauty pageant reject, 12 inch heels as usual, that hair is pathetically strange. Her face is over-filled, grinning like a hyena as usual. Clueless beyond belief, tone deaf does not even begin to describe her. Her royal work is nothing other than to play dress ups and pose for endless photos, which will later be photoshopped according to her demands.

  29. Amy Bee says:

    As I said yesterday this wig is terrible. Kate looks better with shoulder length hair. The press didn’t even take this engagement seriously calling her Prisoner HRH or whatever. Maybe it was because she was grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole time.

  30. Mrs. Smith says:

    LOL — I also channeled my ‘inner Stefon’! The hottest new club is Prison Wig. It’s got everything: stalking, copy-keening, jazz hands, psychotic jealousy and polyester.

    But seriously, knowing that you are visiting a prison and being “relatable” to visiting families, why on earth wear this suit? It has to be b/c of the giant wig. And the giant wig is because of … something TBD.

  31. Cathalea says:

    That wig is fugly

  32. Harper says:

    Who does an over-the-top smokey eye for a prison visit? All I can think of when I look at her is Real Housewife Sonja’s “Smokey eye. Updo. Gstaad.”

  33. AnneL says:

    I actually think the eye-framing fringe thing is fine and flattering. But pair it with super-long bouncy curls, and you look like an early 80s soap opera trophy wife. Which is kind of perfect for Kate.

  34. Mamasan says:

    I agree the wig is bad but what really stands out is her neck. It looks strange. There is nothing there no fat, no softness, just….I don’t know.
    I don’t know much about plastic surgery and such but is that a look someone desires?
    My eyes keep wandering to her neck and I think, “What the fuck is going on here?”.

    • Jaded says:

      I think because she so thin and over-exercises she’s developed a scrawny, ropey chicken neck. Maybe that’s why she’s overdoing the hair so it covers her neck area.

      • Lady D says:

        @Jaded, this is not a slam on you, (you personally are awesome) but a general, jhc, there is not a single part of our bodies that doesn’t require refinement in some way. I know I won’t see the end of this thinking in my lifetime, but I honestly hope it does happen soon. We are exhausted, harming ourselves and going broke trying to keep up.

    • Veronica Shields says:

      1.) She’s too thin. I remember being shocked at pictures of her earlier in the year where she’s clearly lost too much weight and headed into unhealthy territory. Past a certain age, a little extra weight actually helps with youthful appearance. (Hence why celebrities slap those fillers in to give more youth to the face.)

      2.) The aesthetic surgery to tighten the neck area really highlights the tendons if they don’t leave enough slack. My mother loathes it for that reasons. She immediately can tell when an actor or actress has had it done, and I suspect Kate has had it done at some point.

  35. Jais says:

    Is it just me but the hair felt different at the rugby game in the white suit. It seemed more tousled, dark and not as big and curly. Is that bc of the lighting? I actually thought her hair was mehan-esque at the rugby game but this is something else.

    • sparrow says:

      From other posters, i gather it’s because here she has gone for a pronounced bulk of fake hair, which can be seen at the top of her forehead where it’s a bit odd and not quite real looking. There have been some very thoughtful posts as to why she’s doing this – could be she’s losing her hair through over use of wiglets etc or stress. i also thought it looked different at the rugby, but i suppose you can switch it up if it’s not totally your own hair?

    • Lorelei says:

      No, her hair definitely looked different at the rugby match. She was going for the full “Meghan” that day. This looks like…I don’t even know? An entirely different wig? The color is so much lighter, and all of the feathering…I wish I knew more about extensions/wigs because I have absolutely no idea what’s happening here. Would her hairline at her forehead look like that if it’s a full-on wig? All I know for sure is that she looks ridiculous.

  36. Fancyhat says:

    Her hair is so bad. She oddly looks Kate Jackson from Charlie’s Angels wearing a Jaclyn Smith wig. So weird.

  37. AA says:

    I think if she cut it shoulder length, even with the “butterfly bangs,” it would look ok, but this long crazy mishmash of bangs and sausage curls and a wig are just…no. It’s too much. She would look so chic if she would tone it down with the hair and makeup and stop with the doily dresses. Her hair is like its own entity at this point and that’s not a good thing.

  38. sparrow says:

    But the whole thing is just plomped on her head. Anyway, she looks a bit back to her self in some of the less shopped pictures. Let’s face it, people would have felt more energised by Harry and/or Meghan visiting and having a proper conversation, rather than grapple hands talking nonsense.

    • Mary Pester says:

      How can I be sure 😂😂😂, that every eye is going to be on me?! Yep David Cassidy rides again. Seriously has she no bloody idea and what the hell were her staff thinking! Have they any idea what the prison officers have to go through every day without this pampered prima Donna wanting all eyes on her IN A PRISON! I’ve heard of no self awareness, but not this level of stupid, and please, that poor boy is giving it the WTF eyes “I’ve come to see my dad and they have sat me next to this mad wig with mad eyes and hands”.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, exactly – what a waste of the visitors’ limited time with family. Contrast this visit with Meghan’s trip to the secondary school, where the youngsters adored her; i doubt anyone would have begrudged spending their visiting time with Meghan.

  39. J.ferber says:

    That hair looks like a Barbie wig–a bad Barbie wig. It’s such a horrible look I’m just baffled. Why?

  40. Over it says:

    Phil and Betty kissing cousins wig comparison has broken me . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  41. tamsin says:

    I’m beginning to think that people have that glazed look around her because nobody can understand what she’s saying. And if “listening and learning” is what the royals are supposed to do, why do they never show pictures of them “listening” or show results of them having “learned.”

  42. L4Frimaire says:

    The hair is too much, too fake and theatrical. Keep seeing King Charles II in the huge bag wigs from the 17th c.

  43. ChattyCath says:

    My dearlate friend used to visit someone in prison and accidentally got locked in my mistake! It’s just a thought…

    • sparrow says:

      OH No! That’s a bit like my partner, who got on a train to help with my bags and ended up travelling with me when the door slid shut! The next station was pretty far off. Not as bad, tho.

  44. LittlePenguin says:

    Do you think Kate has all her wiglets and wigs named like Moira on Schitt’s Creek and they each have personality traits (she wishes she has)?
    (From Moira) ““My girls. Lorna, second from the left. If she takes on smoke she’ll never recover!” she screamed. “And Cindy! I just gave her a blowout!”

    • sparrow says:

      So funny! Moira was brilliant. if these two go for that 4th baby they’re always hinting at, they could call it Your Royal Highness Bebe.

  45. Quincytoo says:

    Her hair always gives me the
    This is how my hair looks because secretly my stylist hates me and I am a bad tipper, vibe

  46. Observer says:

    I honestly can’t believe anyone thought wearing this hideous, fake synthetic wig was a good idea. It looks ridiculous. I know she barely has any hair of her own but surely she can afford to at least buy a good quality wig.

  47. Jensa says:

    With all the resources available to her, I don’t really get how she ends up with a wig this cheap looking. It’s far too heavy, badly fitted, and the ends are ratty.

  48. Linney says:

    Has she learned nothing all these years? It’s one thing to show up and be respectful and friendly, but waving her hands around and grinning like a hyena with every neck muscle tensed? She looks ridiculous. Adding to the insanity is my grandmother’s old fur coat plopped on Kate’s head. What in God’s name was she thinking? Even people commenting on the DM are talking about her hair being obviously a wig. If I saw someone walking on the street with that monstrosity, I would be shocked. This is someone who is supposed to be a stylish, intelligent role model. Yeesh!

  49. AC says:

    Laughing so much on this article. Agree, I don’t think the Farah Fawcett look is in right now(dated is definitely the correct word) 😀. Actually the hair trends currently are dark brown to black tones like Meghans natural hair color (esp looking at some of gen Z from the VMAs yesterday ).
    Agree with the commenters above, the British writers are bored to death lol.

  50. Jenni says:

    No woman over 40 looks good with super long, dyed hair. There, I’ve said it. This includes Meghan and all the other actresses trying to pull it off. Kates problem is that her hair is naturally gray (she’s been photographed with significant roots) and that’s a different consistency, so it never looks like it did when you were younger. She needs to go 6-8 inches shorter and if she’s not going to embrace the gray, a better colorist.

  51. Hannah1 says:

    Am I the only one who keeps reading her patronage as “the Forward Thrust”?

  52. kelleybelle says:

    Are all the unnatural facial expressions supposed to be competing with Meghan’s joy and happiness at the Games?

  53. MrsH says:

    This article was so extra it is vomit inducing.

  54. Baroness Von Barron says:

    I’m not gonna lie, I really like curtain bangs on her…. She had them when she was pregnant with Louis.


    She overdoes her hair. A butterfly fringe is Brigitte Bardot, ya know? Tousled. Not overdone. So she’s literally doing it all wrong. Or imagine how cute would a topknot look with these bangs?

    AND the article talks about chic bobs as the height of fashion which is precisely what would look amazing on Kate.

    Also I am never one to shit talk fillers or Botox as long as you cop to getting it. Hate liars. She definitely added more to her cheekbones.

    To end this thesis (lol) I’m very uncomfortable with all the white guards and the inmates all of color. Not good.

  55. AC says:

    To me Kate tries soo hard with her hair ever since she’s been part of the BRF(except during her college days that’s when her hair styles are the most natural looking). Every time I see Kate it always seems to be overdone.
    I know I shouldn’t compare but I’m going to 😊. I love Meghan’s hair style- Her dark brown/raven tones that accentuates her features and just leaving it simple for the most part, whether just hanging it down and loose, tied into a Pony tail, or in a bun, she still looks like a classic beauty. The simplicity of her hair makes her even look younger.

  56. jazzbaby1 says:

    Butterfly bangs are a hot style, but that wig is tragic

  57. Me says:

    She looks like a gameshow girl. Is the new hair to distract us from the work she got done. Her eyes look extra lifted

  58. Sunny O says:

    Kate’s latest hairstyle looks Camillaesque.

  59. Jeanette says:

    Is there an insinuation about her hand injuries I am missing? Her neck looks weird in that last photo.

  60. Lisa R says:

    I think Kate was wearing a “Lace” wig, the same type Melania started wearing. Melania had the world’s worst hair, even at her wedding. At the inauguration, Melania’s hair was gloriously full. Melania’s hairstylist had the good sense to use an off-center part that hid the hairline.

    Also, are those stirrup pants?