King Charles and Queen Camilla were fêted at Versailles last night, and today, they’re out and about in Paris. Charles made a speech in French to the French Senate, speaking at length about the Rugby World Cup, environmentalism and Ukraine. The Daily Beast pointed out that just as Charles was calling for more environmental responsibility, Rishi Sunak “abandoned or watered down key elements of Britain’s net-zero drive.” Charles also said: “Just as we stand together against military aggression, so must we strive together to protect the world from our most existential challenge of all—that of global warming, climate change and the catastrophic destruction of nature. Let us, therefore, cherish and nurture our entente cordiale.”
Last night, I read about all of the post-Brexit angst between the UK and France and how the Sunak government is really focused on soothing their European allies. That’s Charles’s task, and one which his mother would have done with a light touch, presumably. I have no idea if Macron or the French people are buying what Charles is selling, but sure. It’s an important trip for Charles and for Britain, especially since they really shot themselves in the d–k with Brexit. Oh, and the French senators gave Charles a PEN – he had to sign their book or whatever, and the photo of his face as he tried to negotiate another tangle with his nemesis (writing utensils) is so funny.
Brigitte Macron took Queen Camilla to the French National Library today as well. I hate that I’m always on Wig Watch, but the French First Lady wears a wig, non?? It honestly looks like Brigitte and Camilla would BOTH rather be day-drinking somewhere.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Queen Camilla and Brigitte Macron arrive at the Bibliotheque nationale de France (BNF) in Paris for the launch of a new UK-France literary prize, the Entente Litteraire Prize, on day two of the state visit to France. Featuring: Queen Camilla and Brigitte Macron Where: Paris, France When: 21 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla (centre) and Brigitte Macron with President of the French National Library Laurence Engel (right), during a visit to the Bibliotheque nationale de France (BNF) in Paris, for the launch of a new UK-France literary prize, the Entente Litteraire Prize, on day two of the state visit to France. Featuring: Queen Camilla and Brigitte Macron Where: Paris, France When: 21 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III, watched by the President of the Senate, Mr Gerard Larcher, and the President of the National Assembly, Mrs Yael Braun-Pivet, signing the visitors book in the Salle des Conference as he arrives to address members of the Senate, at Luxembourg Palace in Paris, on day two of the state visit to France. It is the first time a member of the British Royal Family has spoken from the Senate Chamber. Featuring: King Charles III Where: Paris, France When: 21 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III addresses parliamentarians in the Senate Chamber, at Luxembourg Palace in Paris, on day two of the state visit to France. It is the first time a member of the British Royal Family has spoken from the Senate Chamber. Featuring: King Charles III Where: Paris, France When: 21 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
That wig has its own zip code.
Agree. That is a godawful wig Macron’s wife has on.
It’s worse than Kate’s! 🫣 I can’t unsee it.
Not as bad as Kate’s…
I always see Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds when I look at her…
Brigitte Macron’s wig always been the elephant in the room. Absolutely no one talks about it and now I guess she’s getting bold, because it’s always been very obvious but this one takes the cake.
It is so big it could have its own webpage, like Truss’ lettuce…
LMAO Hahahaha brilliant!!
I also wonder why no photos of King Charles and Queen Camilla at Versailles, so ironic!
Maybe they’re trying to have good omens and not to remind everyone that royals totally lost their heads in France…
Dear oh dear. She has such great style but her wigs just ruin every outfit. This would be a fun one to see on Kate, though!
On a more serious note, is she ill? Is she simply a thin woman aging? She looks so very thin & that plus that awful wig make me wonder.
She turned 70 this year. I agree with you, she looks frail.
Oh Charles…you just couldn’t resist another fancy fancy victory lap, with everyone applauding and fete-ing you…and you had to bring the Royal Bentley over as well while preaching about the environment. There wasn’t a single bulletproof Peugeot in Macron’s fleet that would have worked? Sigh.
I love this entire ensemble on Camilla, from head to toe, great accessories, everything. Her dresser is working wonders this tour!
I am prettier sure that Bentley resides in the British Embassy.
The DM reported that Charles had the Bentley flown over with him to France. And considering that it’s not as if Charles comes to France every year, it would be silly to have a fully-equipped, including the Royal insignia on the top of the car, special Royal Bentley sitting there in the Embassy unused for years and years. It’s the same one the Queen used to use IIRC with the larger open windows/top so he can be seen more easily
Multiple news media are reporting that his own Bentley was flown over, and they flew via private jet. The unmitigated gall of him to speak about the environment. I’m sure he brought his gold-plated toilet seat with him too.
Okay, I feel silly for asking this but the Bentley was FLOWN over? Like they boarded the Bentley on a plane and flew it over? That seems absurd. Why couldn’t a driver just drive it over? It’s not far! Idk but it has to be worse for the environment to fly a car over on a plane than to just drive it over.
Camilla looks great. Head to toe. The whiter hair is a plus, the coat is sleek and modern, shoes, bag, shirt. I’d wear the whole thing. What is happening?!!!!!
🤨 I think Brigitte’s outfit is much more stylish. That jacket is beautiful! Camilla’s outfit is…nice.
It’s almost like he has concerns about the safety of cars in France- even for the most famous individuals. As though they could be tampered with.
How odd. /s
@MoxyLady I see what you did there. ☠️😁
Seems sensible! I can’t imagine who would want to do Charles in…
I cannot even fathom the struggle that will ensue when WIlliam tries to take on this role. Charles is awful and selfish and a god awful father (whether that is due to him have a lack of role models for caring parental behaviour I don’t know), however, at least he cares enough to do his job somewhat properly. His life’s work on the Duchy of Cornwall is going to do go down the pan, and William isn’t ever going to be bothered to even learn a few sentences in Welsh, let alone a whole non-native language and give a speech in it. Quelle surprise.
Also, Camilla so far this trip has had a nice wardrobe, even the pink. This may be the best outfit yet. At least she has her own dress sense and knows what suits her for the most part. And isn’t beholden to buttons…
I was thinking the same thing. For all the criticism rightly directed at Charles, it speaks volumes that William hasn’t learned Welsh, and I was doubting he was fluent in French
Is Camilla wearing Dior again today?
Charles and William both went to other countries to talk to people about taking care of the environment, and at home they are mum while their government is promoting policies that damage the environment. How can they be taken seriously? 🤷♀️
Britain is dumping sewage in their waters, rolling back net zero policies , issuing more licenses for fossil fuels, etc. why don’t Charles and William say something about these things at home.
Plus for the environment policies that have actually remained in place throughout the UK, why don’t they have the government remove the environment exemptions the royals requested for their lands while the rest of the country has to adhere to them.
Much talk about what everyone else should do while they sit in their ivory towers and pick and choose what they want to do. Get out of there already. The French are rather gracious.
@MSTJ, I would imagine the reason they’re not saying anything here is that they will ruffle too many feathers and it will be seen as too direct and being ‘political’ (smdh), whereas if they talk about it overseas it’s almost like they’re speaking more broadly and not directly commenting on how our government is doing things?
Cannot wait til the Tories are on the opposition bench because they could not care less about the environment, everything you’ve mentioned is exactly why, however, I have minimal faith in Labour to put environmental plans into action until I see it. Hmm.
Willy will never be able to step up and do what Charles is doing. Willy lacks gravitas and charisma.
Harry is a people person and like his father knows how to engage with people on a public platform. Willy is nervous and unsure of himself and strains himself to try to look interested but it just comes over as fake.
I don’t understand it at all.
If you were born into a family of high level diplomats and it’s a hereditary job – whether you like it or not – you would think that from day one you would be learning things to support and aid you in your future role.
Languages, diplomacy, how to deliver a speech – off the cuff or planned – that is well spoken and hits the right emotional points based on your audience and isn’t centered on you, how to “work” a crowd, how to dress for engagements and how to know what flatters you, nuances of cultures world wide and how to step into that training at a moments notice, how to greet say the top 50 world leading country representatives in their own languages, the history of the world and geo politics as it evolved and then very tightly into what it is today as a result and where your nation sits with them. NOT TO MENTION THE NEEDS, CONCERNS AND THE IN-DEPTH HISTORY IF YOUR OWN NATION AND ITS PAST RELATIONSHIPS AND DEALINGS WITH OTHER COUNTIES AND THEIR PEOPLE.
Not to mention if you knew you were going to become the largest landholder in a nation – land management, agriculture, erosion and fire mitigation, tenant management, tenant rights and the responsibilities of land lords, the improvements that landlords can make that yield the highest return in tenant satisfaction, the previous complaints of tenant holders some of which go back centuries- this is off the top of my head.
For BOTH the children. Because why wouldn’t you want another family member trained in diplomacy and in service when that’s supposedly the purpose of your family I will never know.
HOW DO THEY LEARN NONE OF THIS?!?! How is it that random dukes in romance novels are much more prepared for taking on their role – I’ve been training for this my whole life – they usually say.
I mean… Charles should have taken them to Cornwall all the time. Bare minimum. To meet with his business managers, to meet with his tenants, to walk around the land. So that he and his kids are a familiar and an un-intimidating sight. BECAUSE THATS HOW ITS DONE.
Absolute YES to everything you said @MoxyLady007, these are exactly what they should have been doing! Charles has clearly been doing more of this his whole life, even if we do not see it I am fairly certain about that (taking W&H to Cornwall not so much, but also should have been the case). If Harry had been seen constantly with his father learning about all these things, he wouldn’t have been hounded by the paparazzi during his childhood after Diana passed. William may also have learning to be more natural around other people. I don’t want to fault him for that because it may not come naturally to him at this point but it defintely would have helped to just engage with people from all walks of life rather than surrounded by just posh people or palace staff. William (and Kate) would also not come across as such a waste of space if it was clear that he is well prepared for his next role. Everyone used to say that QEII was well prepared, had in-depth knowledge and was a soft diplomacy star, because she obviously put the time in. By all means they should be very present with their family, but what TF do they both do all day when the kids are in school now??
P.s. you make the job sound like a really engaging and varied role to be responsible for, which is clearly what no one in the palace has tried to do for him, or maybe he just hasn’t bothered to think about it more likely.
Because they get the job whether they know this stuff or not. They get to keep the job no matter how badly they’re doing it.
I think it’s just Peg. I have the impression that Charles is an autodidact. He looked up and learned things while he was PoW. The Spanish and Jordanian heirs also seem to take it much more seriously. Like they understand that it takes more than just waving at the crowd.
Even regular Europeans pick up many languages. I don’t know what happened to Will’s generation…
I can imagine the boys were so traumatized by Diana’s death (Harry did touch on it in “Spare”) that their focus was shot. I can see Will weaponizing his grief against his father as a way to rebuff any effort of his to educate him. He clearly got a pass with so many things—NO ONE pushed him. But after a certain point…it’s not acceptable, being this incurious and lazy.
I’ll say it again, Bridget Macron is making Camilla look like doddering old woman.
Well, Bridget is 6 years younger, plus she had a face lift a couple of years ago.
@Eurydice: I’m not referring to Camilla’s physical looks but her outfits and her demeanour.
My impression is entirely the other way around. That wig makes Brigitte Macron look absolutely ridiculous and makes Camilla seem put together and well adjusted in comparison.
For what it’s worth, Macron’s environmental policy is to keep destroying the planet so…you know…glass houses and everything
So could KC have scored an invite or gone to the UN as part of the UK’s reps? It seems odd that Macron skipped the UN for this. They could have met in NYC and discussed environmental issues.
Bridget Macron is a disgusting groomer. She should be ashamed to show her face in public.
1000% this. I don’t care that they are married now. She was a teacher in his high school. His parents even sent him away to board in another school, but she kept contact with him. Disgusting.
Also, she accidentally put one wig on top of the other.
I AGREE. it’s all I can think about when I see them and I don’t understand why it isn’t talked about more.
I just read the headline and immediately thought, “Probably took a helicopter to France…”
What a joke the royals have become…
Calling a pen his nemesis and saying Britain shot itself in the D was very funny lol. Nice article. Thank god Charles is pro environment. That is a wonderful thing.
Except that he took a private jet to France… to give a speech about the environment. lol
What’s he doing about the PM gutting environmental protection laws? About helping his country survive only on sustainable energy to help with the cost of living crisis? What about the rivers and lakes and waterways literally teeming with bacteria from the raw sewage being dumped into them?
He cares so he can still pick his mushrooms and see elephants when he wants to.
His ability to care for anything effecting the next generation has shown to be BS simply by the way he treated and prepared his sons for the family business.
Yes, and that’s why he had his own gas-guzzling Bentley flown over for the occasion. With the massive environmental pollution happening in the UK right now, he’s no saint, he’s a total hypocrite.
Oh more pen shenanigans. Well at least he didn’t yell and toss it aside baby steps. Horsilla cleaned up for this trip to the library. Are there no stables in France that she could visit?
Brigitte looks good overall – I think it is a wig (we are all becoming experts on wigs here! lol) but her outfit looks fairly modern and professional.
I don’t even mind Camilla’s outfit here – its fairly typical Camilla and its fine for her.
It is definitely a full wig. The wind blew it open and I saw the seams.
I like her jacket a lot, but it seems so bulky on her in that first photo. One of the other photos looked a little better though
Camilla looks good today and that’s a beautiful suit Mrs. Macron is wearing, I love that coral jacket. But she looks like she has no neck, her shoulders look all hunched up. And her wig/hair is too bushy for her small face.
Her pants are two or three inches too long. They shouldn’t be bunching like that.
Camzilla actually looks good here. Her outfit is appropriate for the occasion and fits well. Well done, Camz.
I see the bunching but maybe she wears those slacks with a higher heel, and didn’t want to tower over Camila so she wore lower ones for this event. But at least those hems don’t drag on the floor, I hate that style.
Oh dear Charlie, maybe you should have briefed Sunak to keep his mouth SHUT until you had been to France, because while you were telling the French people that we must protect the planet, Sunak was rolling back on all the UKs green policies, delaying the roll out of electric cars and new heating for homes, so big oops. Never mind, at least Sir Keir Starmer paved the way for you as he had a good meeting with Macron last week!
French person here : only (some) old people care about this visit.
Also it was funny and ridiculous yesterday when the British government published slides to “explain” that their country is simply doing to well to keep following environment guidelines and they listed a bunch of US cities and states as “major countries”. The level of stupidity.
I’m wondering about the quality of Charles’ French. Is he truly fluent? My French is very rusty and not fluent to start, but even I could probably read a speech in French, especially if I practiced in advance.
It doesn’t sound too bad to me but I don’t really like to comment on people’s French because let’s face it : it’s one of the worst languages to learn. And he’s rich so he probably had top notch French lessons.
Oh, I’d love to see this slideshow! Was it written by the DM folks who don’t know the Hudson from the East River & think NYC is in the backyard of California?
Here you go, it’s government pusblished.
(last slide)
I had to do a double take but other people in the comment of the Guardian live were also pointing it out.
@Lau: thanks! And, ha! CA, NY, and MA listed among the countries! A couple things I also noted & would have revised: 1) the source on one slide is labeled as ‘Climate Data Watch’ while on another is it ‘Climate Watch Data’, which is it?; the one slide is titled, ‘transition to EVs’ with individual columns labeled ‘2030 phase out’, ‘2040 phase out’ and so on. If the title of the slide refers to EVs, but the columns reference (I’m supposing), gasoline/diesel powered vehicles, it’s a bit confusing at first glance. Tables are supposed to present data in an easy-to-understand format!
@lau – thanks for sharing the slides. Being from California, I’ve known that my home state wants zero emissions by 2035. Unfortunately not all the other states are in-line except NY and Massachusetts. In a way, many states treat California like another country. As they hate its liberal policies.
But agree the slides are deceiving and actually should have put a foot note or asterisk that California, NY and Massachusetts are part of the US 😀.
Brigitte looks like a marionette with her huge head and weird movements. Camilla seems perpetually under the influence and really to topple over. The optics are a mess.
Yes, Camilla looks drugged up or like someone desperate for a fag and vodka.
Camilla suffers from severe osteoporosis and also gets vertigo when she flies and has to take meds for it. I can’t stand the woman but ragging on her for suffering from a painful disease that killed her mother is not good.
Doc, here; just FYI: osteoporosis doesn’t, by itself, kill anyone.
Re: Brigitte Macron wearing a wig inquiry. I read a few articles from French press and supposedly she told Paris Match in an interview that she has extensions though I can’t seem to find the original article about it. Just other news sources citing Paris Match as the source of confirmation.
Charles’s French is decent, he is easy to understand. QEII’s French was even better, it was impeccable. There are lots of videos of her on Youtube speaking French to French presidents and the like. I don’t think William or Harry speak French and I don’t think Diana did either, she was never heard speaking another language on video as far as I know.
I love libraries and would LOVE to visit the BNF (National Library of France). It makes sense Brigitte took her here with the Queen’s Reading Room thing. She’s no Oprah but I begrudgingly admit that her Reading Room is one of the few good things she did (which she started during the pandemic). I honestly don’t have that much interest in the books she selects but I do like she doesn’t always pick new releases and chooses books that have been out for awhile.
I’d love to see an accurate analysis of the British royal family’s carbon footprint … factoring in the heating and cooling of all their homes, all their vehicles, the clothing they buy, their air travel … everything.
Then maybe I’d buy Charles as an environmentalist. Turning down the temperature of an indoor pool in a palace doesn’t make him one.
Are Britain and France taking part in Security Council meetings at the UN this week? I thought they were both permanent members. It’s funny they would arrange a state visit between these two countries during the week UNGA meets. I assume their amabassadors are taking care of things, but still- the environment and Ukraine are two issues that are pretty key this year. Glad Camilla didn’t wear a tiara in a visit to a Republic that lopped off the heads that wore them.