Queen Camilla ‘is now confident enough’ to do her own makeup for events

King Charles and Queen Camilla’s three-day tour of France was a success by most metrics. There were no big flubs or international incidents. President Macron was a gracious host, Charles and Camilla didn’t make much of a fuss, no events had to be canceled at the last minute and no one brought out a guillotine. Still, the tour wasn’t really a headline-grabber internationally or some huge narrative-changing event either – Charles’s environmental message was kneecapped back at home by the Sunak government, and while the British media lavished praise and attention on the king and queen, there was also a sense that it was all drudge work, that there really was no “spark” there, no magic, nothing special at all. Still, the palace must have demanded that every royal reporter write one nice thing about Camilla, so here we are: Rebecca English’s sources insist that Camilla does her own makeup. Just a short time after the Duchess of Sussex arrived in Germany without a glam squad and did her own hair and makeup? Sure.

It has been the question on everyone’s lips in Paris this week: just where is Queen Camilla getting her glow from? Well, the Mail can reveal that the make-up aritst behind Her Majesty’s radiant look is none other than… Camilla herself.

Far from employing a team of stylists since her husband King Charles’s accession last year, the 76-year-old royal has been teaching herself a few tricks of the beauty trade. And while Camilla did use make-up artist Julia Biddlecombe for her wedding to Charles in 2005 and for their first handful of big royal tours and events, Camilla is now confident enough to do her own looks for big public events.

‘Her Majesty does all of her make-up herself,’ a source in Paris confirmed. Another added: ‘Like a lot of ladies, she’s worked out what suits her maturing skin over the years. And yes, I’d agree that she’s looking the best she ever has. There’s a real radiance there. And that’s a tough look to pull off in front of so many cameras.’

While she is never one to take herself too seriously, Camilla has also noted carefully over the years the best way to pose for photographers who follow her. She had a team around her led by her talented and long-standing dresser, Jacqui Meakin, who also worked for the late Queen Mother, and has collaborated with the Queen to develop an elegant and unfussy style. Ms Meakin also has talent for spotting the eye-catching such as Camilla’s Anna Valentine jumpsuit and the Dior gown and cape she wore at Wednesday’s French state banquet at the Palace Versailles.

[From The Daily Mail]

In this week’s Gossip With Celebitchy podcast, CB surprised me by suggesting that Camilla has gotten some work done this year. I disagree! I think the Photoshop elves are just editing her photos more before they even go to photo agencies. I remember how ghastly Camilla looked at Wimbledon and that was July. Maybe she got some work over the summer and she hid out in Scotland until she healed. But I still say that it’s mostly airbrushing. And no, Camilla is not “glowing.” Nor does she do her own makeup, she’s just copying Meghan. Do you think Camilla would have plotted and schemed for decades just to become queen and end up doing her own makeup? She traveled with a glam squad, they just don’t want to admit that even if Britain’s best glam squad, Camilla still looks like an ancient nag.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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138 Responses to “Queen Camilla ‘is now confident enough’ to do her own makeup for events”

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  1. Debra says:

    What is going on with his hand? Is he ill?

    • CrazyHeCallsMe says:

      I had the exact same thought. His hands look like sausages.

    • Barbara says:

      His hands (particularly the right one) have been swollen for a long time. It’s probably a combination of edema and arthritis.

    • bubblegum dreams says:

      That looks painful.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Hands (and feet) can swell up and become red like that with Congestive Heart Failure (my dad had it). You can live *years* with it: it has 4 stages. Could be a reason his pants have become more “billowy” shall we say? We’ve all noted how baggy his pants are, and how he can benefit from better tailoring (his suits used to be impeccable).

      Then again, it could just be too much rich, salty foods as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

      • Jaded says:

        I understand he like his scotch a little too much, apparently he always travels with a jug of Laphroaig at the ready.

    • Mel says:

      He might have poor circulation or retains fluids. He probably has some illness that they prefer to pretend that he doesn’t have. Remember they didn’t tell his Grandfather that he had lung cancer until the man was DYING from it.

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Inflammatory Psoriatic or possibly RA?

    • Norvell says:

      I was just about to say this. His hands are very large and red, which you would expect in a person, who performs actual labor.

  2. Loretta says:

    Even Camilla the mistress is copying Meghan now. Meghan really lives rent free in the royal family heads.

    • vs says:

      A black biracial woman completely changed a family!!! that’s her power
      1) bones now wears suits, copying Meghan left and right without breaking royal protocal
      2) camwhore now does her own makeup too
      3) charles and prince of pegging can’t let a week go by without briefing against her and/or her husband
      Her POWER! only Diana was that powerful…..it must be hard to live in the shadows of another human being!

    • Lorelei says:

      I’m sorry, I couldn’t get past:

      “It has been the question on everyone’s lips in Paris this week: just where is Queen Camilla getting her glow from?”

      Like…we’ve gotten some ridiculous articles this week, but that sentence is just a bridge too far. How did Becky write that with a straight face??

      • Wannabefarmer says:

        Pregnant women glow, right?

      • Jay says:

        Yeah, it’s bordering on satire! I think Camilla looked well put together for the trip to France, but “glowing?” Smug, perhaps, because she got to wear some royal jewels.

      • Yesgirl says:

        The Hooved Queen wishes.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Becky (has outed herself many times), really is working a doozy with that sentence..lol She might as well say how someone that looks put away wet can be photoshopped so well.

        It’s impossible for Camz to do her own makeup. She’s got one hand on a gin glass and the other is flicking a cigarette.

        Her hands are not clean.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I think we sometimes focus too much on William and Kate’s jealousy towards Harry and Meghan and not enough on Camilla’s obvious jealousy of Meghan. And the Paris tour wasn’t a success. I’ll say why the appropriate post comes out tomorrow.

    • Laura D says:

      I agree @Amy Bee.

      There was a lot of talk about Camilla being miffed when QEII gave made Meghan the patron of the National Theatre. Then of course there was the infamous party where we were told Camilla had ‘A’ list friends just like Meghan. Of course we all know how that ended up. If anything that party told the whole world Camilla ‘loads the gun’ and finds someone-else to fire the bullets for her.

      Camilla has been lucky that William is such a hot-head and Kate a spiteful mean girl. If either of them had just accepted Meghan as part of the royal family then we would have seen more from the Camilla’s gas-lighting playbook.

      As for doing her own make-up. Camilla went to one of the most (if not the most) cultured cities in the world and the best her PR can come up with is that she did her own make-up! Oh please give me strength.

  4. MY3CENTS says:

    You can’t put lipstick on a pig , but I guess horses can do their own makeup?

  5. Tessa says:

    There is airbrushing. Camilla and Kate seem to have eyebrow makeup issues.

  6. Tarte au Citron says:

    Charles has a valet to put toothpaste on his toothbrush, but Camilla has to do her own hair & makeup?! 😄

  7. Jan says:

    Yes Cowmilla is doing Botox and maybe a touch of fillers. There is no way, she traveled to Paris without a hair and makeup person, but all the years of cigarette smoking, makeup can’t undo.
    When her pictures are not airbrushed she looks older than the late queen.
    It was just two weeks ago, that after scrapping the bottom of the barrel the BM discovered that Meghan was doing her hair and makeup at the IG, Cowmilla is too old for these sort of games, but then she is a pro at manipulating.

    • Jais says:

      You’d think she was too old for these games right? But Camilla made game-playing and manipulation her whole life. It really defines her.

  8. Becks1 says:

    So Camilla had a MUA as duchess but now as queen she’s doing her own on official state visits?

    Sure Jan.

  9. We all know where she’s getting her “glow” from 🍷🍻🍺🥂🥴

    • kirk says:

      I was going to say the glow came from high wattage flood lights, but sure I’d believe🍷🍻🍺🥂

  10. I didn’t know horses could even wear make up much less apply it themselves. Sure sure she does her own and doesn’t have a stable of people to help her.

  11. Chica says:

    1. Charles kneecapped his own climate message by taking a private plane and Bentley to Paris instead of a train. He got assistance from Kate with her helicopter rise and Rishi who refuses to travel in anything other than a plane or helicopter.

    2. Camilla doing her own makeup .. that’s not the flex she thinks it is. Has she too decided to compete with Meghan? At least , she and KKKate have something to talk about.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I said it before but it’s worth repeating.

      Charles really doesn’t trust the cars in Paris. Especially with his son so hungry for the throne so he doesn’t have to sit through this slow divorce roll out.
      Accidents “happen” and then accidents happen.
      William would def aim for the first. Plus it might even get him Harry back! 🙄

      • Wannabefarmer says:

        Harry is. never. going. back. to. that. hellscape.

      • Gabby says:

        I don’t think William wants anything to happen to Chuckles until after he unloads RepliKate.

        And of course Harry is never going back. They can’t even get him there for Christmas FFS.

      • Christine says:


        Yeah, he’s safe from his sons. He has one who is the heir that clearly doesn’t want to do anything remotely related to the U.K., royal family, Commonwealth, or basically anything on planet Earth, including his wife. He will probably try to cryogenically freeze Chuck’s head, in the hope science gets to the point where he can reanimate his “papa”, so he can go back to being the heir.

        Harry needs no explanation.

    • Christine says:

      This one makes me mad. Chuck and Cam are trying to project that they are budget conscious, slimmed down monarchy and all. We know how many millions the sovereign grant is up to, and if the aged “queen” is doing her own make-up, I hope England has its own version of the IRS, because this is mob levels of shady bookkeeping.

  12. Steph says:

    Have her collar bones always been that prominent? She looks like she lost a ton of weight. Maybe get health really isn’t the best.

    Glow? Radiant? Her hair has been looking ashy since the 70s.

  13. s808 says:

    There’s no way she’s doing her own makeup, please. It takes a full team to get the foundation in the crevices of that worn leather like skin.

  14. ML says:

    As to positive press: it’s very telling when articles like this appear (Queen does own makeup! Queen has glow!) instead of what the French visit was about and what QCC’s presence brought to the table. Essentially they’re saying that she’s done nothing for the environment, she’s not important to public relations beyond being a queen and her makeup and that she’s got that radioactive thing down pat.

    • Josie says:

      Exactly. It’s really rather pathetic that where the women of the Royal Family are concerned (and I include Meghan here) that the British Press can only ever, it seems, focus on how they looked. What did Camilla actually DO while she was in France? Play ping ping?

      • Danbury says:

        I saw on Ken Follett’s Instagram page that Camilla launch an Anglo- French literary grant or prize of some kind. It’s weird how no one cares – because actually it’s a cool thing to do.

        As for her makeup, sure Jan. We believe you 🥴

      • Eurydice says:

        @Danbury – thanks, I didn’t know about this. And since it’s a joint effort between Camilla and Brigitte, I’m surprised that something wasn’t made of it..

    • Eurydice says:

      Well, I don’t think the environment has ever been her thing, but she has other long-standing causes, like children’s literacy, awareness of domestic violence and also osteoporosis. She could have arranged some kind of visit or discussion on those issues – but maybe there wasn’t time, given the schedule set up by the French, or maybe Charles didn’t want his message to be upstaged by her doing anything serious.

      • Josie says:

        That’s it exactly! I mean I only know about that Anglo-French literary prize because @Danbury posted about it here! Why does the press obsess over a woman in her 70s being confident enough to do her own make-up (I mean seriously???) but this either didn’t get mentioned or got buried somewhere deep while they talked about her glowing. I am no Camilla fan but if I were this would really piss me off!

      • Visa Diva says:

        I’m not a Camilla advocate, but she did visit a women’s shelter and the national library with Brigitte Macron.

  15. Roo says:

    No one, and I mean no, in the history of glowing, has asked how Camzilla gets that glow. No one. Sorry. She is not a kind and loving person and she has no natural beauty, so there’s no natural glow.

  16. Cel2495 says:

    Lol…sure she is.

    Boy, the jealousy of these people…an almost 80yr old woman still playing petty media wars s just sad… Meghan is almost half her age , she should not be competing with her 😆

  17. Whyforthelovek says:

    Wow for two people who waited decades for this gig…they seem so desperate and kind of pitiful. I can do my makeup too is not a flex … especially when it’s a lie. They are both wallowing in their life choices now.

  18. Eurydice says:

    The glow is from all the royal jewels she’s got festooned around her neck. The rest is the flush from too much alcohol.

  19. Mrs. Smith says:

    There may be something to the Botox idea. Zoom in on Ghastly Cams at Wimbledon and then take a look at the header pic in this story. It looks to me like she’s had a bit of Botox for her forehead and between the eyebrows (and added a bit of fringe to make it less noticeable).

    As for the makeup, I bet she did the first pass herself, then a pro punched it up so she photographed better. No way she didn’t have help for a state dinner like that?? Come now.

    • Lorelei says:

      Somehow I missed that Wimbledon post the first time around, but I just clicked on it, and YIKES. I actually gasped with horror at the second one. I actually wouldn’t be shocked if this story is true because what reputable MUA would want to be associated with this woman?

  20. GoldenMom says:

    These people are so useless that doing their own makeup is their flex? Pathetic.

  21. Libra says:

    Photoshop aside, I think she looks quite stunning in the blue cape outfit with the sapphire necklace and earrings. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever said about her so it’s time for my second cup of coffee.

    • Lorelei says:

      IDK if I’d go as far as “stunning,” but it’s definitely the best I’ve ever seen her look. She’s still uglier on her best day than most women on their worst, but I think that’s about as good as anyone is ever going to get her to look.

  22. Karmaflower says:

    Her makeup is heavy and accents her wrinkles, adding to her age. All that eye makeup is giving off an 80s vibe. Yuck.

  23. Sue E Generis says:

    How low is the bar when success is considered not committing any major gaffes?

    And yes, I think Cam has had some help since her wrinkles are reduced by about 60%. Probably a combo of procedures and Photoshop.

  24. TheWigletOfWails says:

    All roads lead to the ginned up horse. This is the Dior thing all over again. Meghan is seen wearing Dior and getting praises for it and all of a sudden Camilla can’t stop wearing Dior to events. Meghan is praised for doing her own hair and makeup for an international event and all of a sudden Camilla does the same. Imagine competing with a woman half your age, after doing the same to her mother-in-law and losing. Have shame.

  25. Mslove says:

    Cam’s lipstick is bleeding into her smoker’s lines. I guess she forgot the lip liner.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @mslove, because she’s as bad with a pencil as Charlie is with a pen 😂✏️

      • SarahCS says:

        Aww, they clearly were destined to be together.

      • Mslove says:

        I can see why Chuck would have trouble holding a pen with his swollen hands. Isn’t there medicine for that?
        As for Cams, perhaps she had the alcohol jitters & had to ditch the lipliner.

    • JustBitchy says:

      I did notice her eyebrows at least on r were very dark – I was like yowzaw. I don’t have any and am in final prep for micro blading. She should consider that as well

  26. Alicky says:

    “Camilla” and “beauty” in the same sentence? Ha!

    And just as Kate is “stepping into” her role after more than a decade, Camz can now do her own makeup after 18 YEARS?? The learning curve is loooong with these folks.

    • Hyperbolme says:

      Exactly my thought. This will be the headlines about Kate in thirty years. She has confidence to do her own makeup now! She’s really coming into her own!

  27. BeanieBean says:

    She’s 76, she’s been married to Chuck for 18 years, has been his sidechick for decades before that, and she’s only now gaining confidence…to do her own makeup? So they’re going to write the same way about Camilla as they write about Kate, or even William as we recently saw? ‘Gaining confidence’ at an age when they should have sh*t figured out?

  28. Gil says:

    Well, at least in these pics, it looks like her hair finally meet hair conditioner.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Probably picked up a bottle of “Mane n’ Tail” 😄 😄 😄


      • Lorelei says:

        @Jan, LMFAO, a friend and I actually tried that once back in middle school after reading an article in Seventeen or YM or Cosmo or one of those types of magazines that it was the “secret to luscious tresses” or something like that (it was not)

      • Serenity says:

        We use Mane & Tail shampoo and conditioner in my house. It’s good; we like it. 😊

        ETA: I have noticed that my hair is shinier and grows much faster.

  29. Over it says:

    It’s just slapping lipstick on a pig when dealing with queen camel toe

  30. L4Frimaire says:

    No one actually believes she did her own makeup. Can you see her applying lashes? If she brought a team to manage her wardrobe, hair and jewels, of course she’ll have them do her makeup. Another example of the lies, big and small, the palace puts out there because they think people are stupid. Meghan can do her own hair and makeup because she’s had years of experience as a professional actor. The tabloids were hoping to use the makeup angle as a gotcha and couldn’t. I’d sooner believe Camilla can fully saddle up and groom a horse than that ridiculous statement that she did her own makeup for a state dinner at Versailles with the President of France. It’s just ridiculous and another pathetic example of the constant one sided rivalry these women have with Meghan.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      Well-said. That’s so true and I know the tabloids tend to run with the idea some will believe them. I’m much younger than her and can’t do my own lashes and I love makeup and the various techniques. But, since the pandemic I’ve cut my own hair. That’s after many YouTube videos and I have long hair. So I don’t do any layering or complex styles, just to be clear. Lol

    • Lorelei says:

      It’s just such a stupid, pointless lie. Like, really? She’s the Queen of England, ffs, it would be weirdAF if she *didn’t* have hair and makeup people with her on an official visit to Paris of all places, but since Meghan did her own hair and MU for the IG, here we are, I guess. The whole point of getting to where she is is being able to hire people to do everything for you, and in the case of a “glam squad” (I hate that term so much), better than you could ever do it yourself.

      It’s unbelievably insane that this woman, in her late 70’s, is commissioning such ridiculous nonsense be written about her because she’s jealous of her DIL— who, btw, she hates. The Escort Consort has ostensibly gotten *everything she has ever wanted*, yet she still seems as miserable as ever.

  31. Eliora says:

    Thanks to the UK media, we have yet another failed attempt at a royal trying to play the part of a socially conscious public figure, without having an once of authenticity. Is the story here really that the freaking Queen consort does her own makeup, just because Meghan Markle was said to have done her own? Let me rant.

    It shouldn’t be that serious, but here is why it is. The nugget about Meghan doing her own makeup at the Invictus games made her look like a modern royal because it showed that she had good judgment. IG was a CHARITY event where is was appropriate to curb the perception of wasteful spending. NOBODY said Meghan Markle does her own makeup for every event. Because frankly we wouldn’t believe her. That is not the way of the rich and privileged and that is OK. Knowing when and where to employ the services of a full glam squad, can be seen as having social consciousness. Meghan doing her own makeup at the Invictus games was a small detail,
    that made a big impact. Meghan’s empathy and social awareness, coupled with her personalized sense of style, is what makes her a “modern royal.”

    Here is why the standard of copying and pasting all things Meghan is a fail for Camilla. Absolutely nobody needs the freaking Queen consort doing her own makeup, just cause. It is also just not a believable story. Why after 76 years of immense privilege, would she doing her own makeup now. Who even wants that for Camilla? She is old, she need help with her makeup and can afford to have someone help her. That is OK.

    Instead of the RF’s PR team grafting all things Meghan onto the royal hydes of Camilla and Kate, they should be taking inspiration from Meghan (or whomever) and finding their OWN public image, in a way that is authentic to THEM. Their current strategy of employing petty and lazy means of inviting comparisons with the only true modern royal (Meghan) does nothing for them. Because despite what the British tabloids and their sad readership tells Camilla, Kate, and William, the comparisons are NOT to their favor. They always look two steps behind Meghan. They live in Meghan’s shadow and for a centuries old dynastic family, that is pretty dm pathetic.

    Who is doing the PR for the royal family? No seriously, because they need to be fired.

    • Lorelei says:

      Your post was so much better than mine! Agree with every word. It’s getting more ridiculous by the day with these people and they need new PR yesterday.

      Do they think this nonsense offsets Chuck *flying his own Bentley* to France? Because it really, really doesn’t, and if anything, it only calls more attention to it by inviting comparisons, imo.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s kind of a vicious circle – the media doesn’t want the authentic royals, they want substitutes for Harry and Meghan. And because the royals are desperate to give the media what they want, they try to copy H&M.

  32. Patricia says:

    That horrid woman is, in every definition of the word, pathetic.

  33. kelleybelle says:

    1. That is no queen; 2. You cannot put lipstick on a pig; and 3. At the ripe old age of 76 she’s confident enough to do her makeup? What sort of horseshit IS this anyway? Charles is just as bad if not worse for insisting that this corpse is fit to be a queen. Unbelievably gross, both of them.

  34. aquarius64 says:

    This article says Camilla is Anne Boleyn 2.0 without the substance. She’s had to have known Charles was going to elevate her to queen consort. She never prepared for it just like Kate. They both rely on the press to do puff pieces to make them something they are not. A current and future queen consort jealous of a duchess married to the 5th in line the throne. SMH.

  35. Gis says:

    So Destructively Myopic.

    🤣🤣 🤣🤣 I laughed out loud- not at the Queen doing her own makeup or in any reference to her looks – I thought she looked amazing at the Versailles dinner – BUT I am laughing at the plain absurdity of these articles – From the ones about the Prince of Wales’s NYC trip to now this about the actual King and Queen trip to France – soft diplomacy to heal cracks in Franco-British relationship, but instead the media goes Soap Opera. Plus the briefing articles about Harry not allowed to stay at any of the palaces and whether to remove him as counsellor (I guess this is what is coming down the pipe to attack on Harry , Meg & their Children – hence the briefings).

    Meanwhile, Jordon’s Rania Al Abdullah is being praised for her interview on Today Show- that interview has gone viral. The Jordan Royal Family showed us as a close family unit- they were all there in the US even the 18 year old. Crown Prince of Denmark did real work at the U.N. for his country and even the Queen of Denmark is being lauded as THE set designer for a new Netflix film- with a mini documentary on Netflix showing the work she did and her explaining her thought process on the set design. However, back on the British Isle, the British Media continues to pit the BRF against the two people that they have pushed out. Sure, of course, Harry & Meghan are the reasons you are now wowing – yes, definitely believe that. So Destructively Myopic.

    If they remove the titles and remove from counsellor – it won’t make them less popular, yes, the British Media will generate headlines globally and their core readers will rejoice but those who like them will continue to like them and it will give those who are in the center more reasons to be sympathetic to H&M and it gives them more freedom to be who they are and why people love them.
    It is funny, sad and interesting to see all this unfolds .

    • bisynaptic says:

      The Jordanian royal family a close-knit unit? The king who has put his brother under house arrest? At least the Windsors didn’t do that to Harry.

  36. Lady D says:

    Pathetic woman. And she thinks she’s a queen.

  37. tamsi says:

    Are the RR the only ones in Europe who infantilize the members of the royal family or write about their royal family this way? Do they serve as the royal propaganda arm? Do other European newspapers speak of their middle-aged and seniors as getting more confident or do they praise or criticize the monarchs, princes, and princesses as adults?

  38. Grandma Susan says:

    “Her Majesty” and “Camilla”. Words that should NEVER be uttered in tandem. Sickening.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Totally. Makes me want to be ill in fact. So does His Majesty. Richard Eden was doing that quite early on, “What will His Majesty think?” Didn’t realize it was still 1536 …

  39. Wannabefarmer says:

    Has camilla ever taken a good picture? Just thinking, in light of the comments on Meg’s face card never declining.

    • Eurydice says:

      To me, Camilla was always somewhat plain and horsey – I think she’s actually better looking now than when she was young, but it’s a low bar.

  40. Alicky says:

    You know, her eyes are fine. Her nose, nondescript. But that hideous rictus of a mouth and leathery skin, ugh.

  41. B says:

    Well, in the UK it may have been quite hard for Meghan to find a glam squad that was used to dealing with non-northern european skin and hair and had the full complement of appropriate supplies. It’s a problem in Southern California and I’m pretty sure it would be a problem there too. Also she spent money for the couch so there (I will never forget that one).

    Additionally, is the Camilla did her own trying to establish that
    A) not too drunk to apply lipstick and eyeliner
    B) not going in to DTs / getting hand shaking from withdrawals during the daytime when she would reasonably be prepping?
    C) she’s relatable – the UK people experiencing food insecurity are applying their own makeup ! (I can’t even type that without laughing)

  42. Layla says:

    “Photoshop elves are just editing her photos more” @kaiser would theses photoshop elves by any chance be (to use your term) gophers wearing Camilla wigs?

  43. Well Wisher says:

    This is the main reason why the late Queen is missed…..
    The trip, despite the nonsense surrounding it has as a specification concerning diplomacy.

    Do you think that Rusnik would have made that announcement about environment rollback to embarrass King Charles who is representing his government??
    Think again……

    Then one get this silly article, about a woman who ‘won’, she got everything and replaced the late Princess of Wales with her daughter-in-law??

    Last week, Meghan did her own make-up, she made the cape a ‘royal standard” before.
    Now this nonsense, to hide the powerful ‘gatekeepers’ real agenda??

    No wonder they are being actively ignored, one can only overlook so much….

  44. Gabby says:

    Oh there was a glam squad for Crapmilla, you bet your ass. The issue is that none of them wanted their names publicly attached to the work.

  45. SIde Eye says:

    No way that drunken seacow does her own makeup. It would look like a toddler applied it.

    While she looked nice at the dinner in the navy gown (it’s true I’m a sucker for white/silverish hair) her face is her face. It will always be leathery and vile because of all the hate that oozes out of her pores.

    Sometimes I picture how beautiful Diana would be in 2023. Dude had filet mignon and said you know what I’ve always been an expired can of SPAM kind of guy…

  46. jferber says:

    Well, that cow finally got her way, after years of scheming, gaslighting and bloodshed. But she never looked good doing it and never will, now that she’s achieved her spoils for her and her family. Wicked sure looks ugly on her.

    • Yesgirl says:

      She had to sleep with Charles this whole time. So I feel some justice was served. That price is to high. So she can be the Hooved Queen for 5 years or so. I mean she looks ridiculous and lived a life is always being less than even as Queen. Meg, Diana and even Kate are always going to outshine her. She cosplayed Diana too. Enjoy your miserable hate filled life of knowing you will die living in Diana’s and also Meghan shadow. No one will celebrate you or care about you in history.

      • Aline says:

        Camilla is the only one I like.she.seens fun even with all the negativity. Well, she got the man that she loves, is a queen now.

  47. Like Sanford & Son says “You can’t fix ugly!”

  48. Aline says:

    Queen Camilla is am elderly lady, I doubt she wants to keep up with Meg’s style.

  49. Cassie says:

    Camilla looks ok from a distance, a very long distance actually .

  50. lolalola says:

    Where did she get that glow from? Where else?? The Booze!

  51. Lau says:

    This has not in fact been the question on everyone’s lips in Paris this week.

  52. Satish More says:

    Camilla’s excessive, excessively orange bronzer but with too-light concealer all around her eyes, makes her look like a female Trump. Even their hair is similar.