Ashley Dupree on Tiger: ‘You sleep w/ married man, you help him stay married’

Elliot Spitzer’s high priced hooker, Ashley Dupree, claims that she quit the sex-selling business after it came out that she was the woman behind the Governor’s resignation. Dupree, 24, hasn’t stayed quiet since the scandal broke, but she hasn’t cashed in with a nude photo shoot or tell all book either, and she’s been really self righteous about that. In her 20/20 interview last year, she pretty much compared prostitution to dating, and said “This wasn’t any different than going on a date with someone you barely knew and hooking up with them. The only difference is I can pay my rent.” Dupre repeated that claim in a blog entry for Global Grind a few months ago, and basically said that everyone’s relationships were unequal and material-based and at least she was honest about hers. If that’s how Dupre feels about it why doesn’t she just go back to escorting?

Now Extra TV has asked the opinionated possibly ex-call girl what she thinks about the Tiger Woods cheating scandal. She says in a roundabout rather stupid way that the women screwed up by talking about it, and that they should have kept silent. She also recommends that Tiger and Elin go to counseling to work on their relationship, and makes the kind of strange statement that “When you sleep with a married man, you’re helping him stay married.” It seems like Ashlee means that sex outside a marriage either helps it stay strong or somehow enables a guy to act like everything is fine at home as long as he gets some on the side. Either way, it’s an offensive and obnoxious thing to say.

“[She should] take some time to herself, digest everything, go to counseling,” Dupre — the former escort whose relationship with Eliot Spitzer caused him to resign as the governor of New York — tells “Extra.”

“If she really loves him, and they have those bonds… go to therapy, see if you can work it out,” Dupre goes on.

“I believe in love and making it work out,” she adds. “They can do it.”

Dupre doesn’t think the women should have opened up to the press about their affairs with the married golfer.

“I don’t agree with that they’re doing. I don’t agree with coming forward,” says Dupre, who says she never sought out publicity in her case — and felt like she was hunted down and outed.

She goes on, “I mean, he has a family, he has a wife, he has kids. For people who just come out and say things… that’s really wrong. You’re messing with some one else’s life.”

Plus, she adds, “When you sleep with a married man… first of all, you’re only helping them stay married.”

“I’m not trying to stick up for him at all,” she says of Woods.

[From ExtraTV via Jezebel]

So what is she trying to say exactly? I hear her saying that men are going to cheat anyway, that it’s human nature and ultimately helps relationships, and that the other women should keep quiet about it. When the wives find out, they should forgive their cheating husbands. I guess she would feel that way, given the line of work she was in. I doubt she would feel the same if she was the one being cheated on. Why would Extra TV ask Ashley Dupree for relationship advice anyway? It’s not like she has a perspective other than that of the opportunistic hooker willing to sleep with anyone who can pony up the cash.


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56 Responses to “Ashley Dupree on Tiger: ‘You sleep w/ married man, you help him stay married’”

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  1. Kaye says:

    I guess to do the kind of work she was doing you have to rationalize it somehow. I remember seeing some polygamists on Oprah (or somewhere) and one of their justifications was that all men cheat, so it made sense to have more than one wife. I think that perspective is gross and delusional.

  2. Guest says:

    rachel so reminds me of ashley.

  3. princess pea says:

    Realistically, even if she wanted to she probably couldn’t return to escort work. It is illegal, after all, and she’s not exactly incognito anymore.

    And yeah, her position totally makes sense for her.

  4. Just a Poster says:

    geez have we really sunk so low, that one becomes famous for being a skank? Oh yes that makes for a wonderful person, and oh so helpful… UGH

    Does this person really think she is just fine and dandy for “helping” them out? I am just flabbergasted that she is just so damn delusional and believes this crap.

  5. Trillion says:

    This prostitute hates herself so much she just sells everyone short in order to deal with her own heap of issues.

    I’m curious if we’ll get some righteous male outrage in the comments here in response to her assertion that all men cheat.

  6. Pont Neuf says:

    I don’t disagree with what she has said about many relationships being unequal, or the fact that she viewed her job as similar to the process of dating, with the difference that there is a transaction in the end.

    How many women marry men they don’t even like (and stay married to them), because those men have some measure of wealth? Also, of course, there are the women who have to remain married because they wouldn’t be able to survive otherwise… It is very sad, but the truth is that many women have to resort to marriage as a means to survive, or maintain a certain status. In this sense, marriage is indeed akin to prostitution.

    I don’t think that Ashley would rationalize it in such a way, but there’s a certain truth to what she initially said.

    As for her relationship advice… Please. Just please. She seems to be implying that women are the ones who cause men to be unfaithful and thus, they should accept it as a natural consequence of womanhood.

    The fact that many men are horribly selfish, disrespectful and ignoble, obviously, doesn’t have anything to do with it. Women are always to blame, right?

    This girl is, ahem, bright? Not really.

  7. bella says:

    Obviously this ditz has never been married and has never been put through the emotional hell of being cheated on by the father of your children. She needs to STFU already!

  8. ligeia says:

    she should go back to what she was doing, at least that would keep her mouth occupied. she makes megan fox sound like a saint/rocket scientist…
    though i guess she is speaking from personal perspective per say, doubt any man would ever feel obligated to be faithful to used goods like her so that’s why she thinks all guys are cheaters…she doesn’t know what it’s like to be respected and valued for something other than your vajayjay.

  9. bella says:

    And seriously, who in their right mind would stay with someone who’s basically cheated on them their entire marriage? Elin could probably sue him for more than he’s worth just by claiming the entire marriage was a fraud on his part, due to his behaviour.

  10. Sigh. says:

    Yeah —
    Her own issure are just shining thru. Someone (dad, bf, pimp) broke her heart – BIG TIME.

    And did this skank just call out the other SKANKS for disrespecting HIS marriage and family?

  11. lilred says:

    Plus, she adds, “When you sleep with a married man… first of all, you’re only helping them stay married.”

    Really I must be dense but I hardly see how this would help anything…sure as heck wouldn’t help in my home. It would make things very messy.

  12. Scribe says:

    I think what she is saying is that if women didn’t have affairs with married men, that unhappy men would divorce their wives to pursue happiness in another relationship. Having sex outside marriage enables men to stay in the marriage and fufill himself outside it.

  13. original kate says:

    just shut up, skank.

  14. nena says:

    She’s an idiot!

  15. niamh (neev) says:

    I love it when never-been-married people give marriage advice.

  16. Sudini says:

    TRASHLEY Dupree needs a kick in the head. She’s doing so much damage by sending that message that men need to be deceitful and sleep around in order to stay married. Can we please stop excusing men for being irresponsible and selfish??

    There is nothing worth saving if infidelity and deceit have come into play. To stay married for “marriages sake” is completely pointless. You stay married because you stay true to each other, period.

    I loathe Ashley Dupree – way to contribute sweetheart! What a waste of a person she is.

  17. fluffydarabbit says:

    Karma is the great equalizer. I look forward to the day she falls deeply in love and marries. Fast foward a decade or so to her peering into the mirror and noticing crow’s feet and the effects of the gravitational pull of the earth on the increasingly inelastic skin encapsulating her body that has bore several children.

    Husband leaves a cell phone unattended and she discovers he has been out “making their marriage stronger” with multiple partners.

    This is when I’d be interested in reading an interview with this Jezabel.

  18. filthycute says:

    Twenty-four? LOL!!!!

  19. Annicka says:

    Oh my god. Shut up you NOBODY. Why is this girl still getting publicity? Tiger Woods didn’t sleep with this girl, or any prostitutes, as far as I’m aware. The girls keep piling up, so some of the new ones could be prostitutes, I’m not sure. But she isn’t even relevant to his story.

    SHUT UP YOU HOOKER. It doesn’t matter how you try to paint it up with a cute term like “call girl”. YOU ARE A PROSTITUTE.

  20. Curlyfry says:

    @ Scribe: I think that is what she is saying too.

    Not that this is necessarily true in all cases, but I could see how it could be true for some.

  21. bella says:

    @ neev:

    Yeah, it’s kind of those without children giving parenting advice.

  22. Sigh. says:

    Why is it all of womankind’s JOB to keep men happy in their marriages?

    Outside women are to satisfy him sexually while his inside woman is supposed to fall back, fall silent, raise his kids, and keep his secrets?

    It’s caled an “open marriage” when BOTH agree on it, but it’s cheating when only one gets to do it, not keeping a happy home.

    She’s full of contradictions, even in her attempt to sound “modern” with archaic principles.

  23. diva says:

    First of all she looks heavy in this picture like she has gained about 20 lbs. One thing in her favor, she did not sell her story to the tabloids, other than that extra looks irresponsible for even interviewing her.

  24. C-DUB says:

    When hoes speak, people listen.

  25. lucy2 says:

    Wow, literally she is a stupid hooker.
    And yeah, let’s consult a prostitute on marital advice. Good Lord.

  26. Madchen says:

    Oh good, now she’s a consultant. Her family must be so proud.

  27. queenie says:

    The number one reason for divorce? INFIDELITY! I agree with the post that stated she should go back to what she was doing to keep her mouth occupied. Since when is some dumb prostitute the cultural authority on what makes marriages last? I still say if men really are this skeezy then women should just quit having sex and having children with them. Let them go at it with the farm animals since they don’t seem to be much better.

  28. valerie says:

    i think she’s kinda right…the way some people sleep around for no reason?…might as well get paid for sounds horrible is sleeping around i think…

  29. MSat says:

    Wow, that Ashley. All this time we thought she was a whore for the money and lifestyle privileges. But she was just doing the institution of marriage one big solid. What a giver!

    I’m sure the slutbag who jumped into bed with my now ex-husband was just trying to preserve his marriage to me. All these years I had her all wrong! I’m gonna give her a big hug the next time I see her.

  30. Alarmjaguar says:

    @ queenie, hee!

  31. lilred says:

    MSat yeah, all this time you just misunderstood her generous act…not stealing your husband but repairing your marriage.LOL, Boy do you have egg on your face.

  32. wow says:

    @ Bella – Calm down. If Edward cheated on you, its not Ashley Dupree’s fault. 😉 No – I actually co-sign everything you said. Cheaters are scum…both men and women.

    But can we address something about this that I don’t think we’ve all touched on yet? How about these scummy friends – turn business partners that also assisted in his cheating. That part would burn me up, if I were in Elin’s shoes. You just know that Bryon or Byron friend of Tiger was also probably smiling all in Elin’s face too. She probably had him and his fiance over to their house numerous of times, laughing and hanging out as couples … all the while he knew and was helping Tiger cheat on her. That would be hurtful to learn.

    I just don’t understand how people can know about stuff like that, even partake in it, and yet not feel any kind of guilt in front of their friend/boss’ wife. How can any of their “couple friends” who knew about this look at themselves in the mirror? It is scary the way some will cover up bad behaviour like this. Someone should have pulled her to the side and just gave her a heads up. By doing so, if Elin didn’t want to believe it, then it would be on her. But at least the informer’s conscience would be clear.

    Forget the money stuff and marriage hoopla. Her HEALTH was at stake. And no one warned her? That’s almost as gross as him having sex with these women in their house!

  33. wow says:

    @ Just a poster – yeah, unfortunately our society has come to this. I think everyone thinks they have a spouse that is faithful and they can trust …until they find out they don’t.

  34. champagna says:

    I feel sorry for her, she is obviously really messsed up … and really not that goodlooking. that’s a bad combo -stupid, messed up and unattractive.

  35. Me says:

    I think she is talking to women who sleep with married men, thinking that that the man will leave his wife: the only thing you’re doing is prolonging the marriage. The man gets some on the side, but doesn’t have to leave his wife for it. He gets a new, “fun” relationship, without giving up the comfortable, loving one at home. So it keeps him married longer. (Even though he’s a scumbag.)

  36. Iggles says:

    Me – Finally a response that makes sense! That’s how I read it too. She’s saying the married man isn’t gonna life his wife for his jumpoff/chick on the side.

    Very true. She should know. She has lots of experience with married men who cheat.

  37. Stephanie says:

    Take a good hard look at her picture – that’s what the last 15 seconds of fame looks like.

  38. TaylorB says:

    Ashleys day of altruism:

    11am- wake up, save a marriage by blowing some sweaty old pig for a hondo.

    11:05 – Yoga.

    11:45- trip to VD Clinic, use hondo from old pervert to cover weekly supply Valtrex and crab ointment.

    12:30- lunch. Blow the cook at TGIF for free Buffalo wings.

    2:30 pm-engage in more marriage saving sex with Governor.

    2:31 pm-go to courthouse and show proof that extensive prostitution charges have been expunged by none other than the Gov.

    3-9pm- apply makeup.

    9:30pm- Save at least 20 marriages in a gang bang.

    9:32pm- deposit $$ from gang bang into bank.

    10pm- Party with LiLo and learn some new tricks of the trade.

  39. rraven says:

    I think Tiger is part of a very common breed of men, who subscribe to the idea that you have a trophy wife who fufills a certain role in your life, whom you only married in the first place not out of hot passionate love but a cold hard rationale, and then you have loads of easy lays on the side for all the nasty pervy things your carefully selected “good girl” wouldn’t even hear of, not less agree to. Therefore, according to this agreeably presumptous logic, former sex for money lady is right, to an extent, we have that culture back here on my side of the planet and it sucks, but, a lot of women are even fine with it. That being said, I agree that her logic is flawed, but its possible she only thinks like this because of the particular situation, not for all married couples. Also, if I had a husband and we had children, and he cheated on me I might have to hurt him somehow, but I would be discreet about it, the kids don’t need to know about all this, but if there were no kids involved, I would have left him even when I just strongly suspected he was cheating on me

  40. Cinderella says:

    How does she find time for interviews?

    She’s wasting valuable time talking to the press when she could be on her knees making that Christmas spending money.

  41. Bete says:

    The ultimate karma for these mistresses and hos is that it ends up biting them on the butt later on.
    Every mistress I’ve known, not through my own volition, has always been cheated on in the end and the strangely amusing thing is that they don’t being cheated on, but it’s too late.
    If people prefer living their life returning to the buffet table then they shouldn’t get married.

  42. Munkey says:

    Love the comments. I have nothing new to add save for the critical observation that her eyes appear to be too close together.

  43. Gistine says:

    In other news, shut your piehole, Skanky McWhoreface.

  44. Cheyenne says:

    Ten ho’s and counting, no protection, hot lays in the parking lot, nekkid pics and sex texting… makes you wonder when that boy had time to play golf.

  45. Cheyenne says:

    To rraven: Hanging out with two he-skanks like Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan, is it any surprise Tiger turned into a he-skank just like them?

  46. Purple says:

    I have to wonder too: Wen did society get so bad that she (and I’m sure others) are rationalizing crappy-assed behavior? Plain and simple – he’s a skeeze for not honoring what marriage represents and people like her are skeezy for not doing the same.

    They’re all a bunch of freakin idiots!


  47. Peach says:

    But marriage is a business contract. Love is love. Being together, not being together. Celebrating it or keeping it private. It’s irrelevent to marraige.

    Marraige is a contract. A business contract that contains formalities on finances, wealth, and distribution of property.

    Do not kid yourselves here ladies. I am married. But I see the ‘relationship’ as something apart from ‘marraige’. Marraige is saying “lets buy this house together, merge our lines of credit and make this streamlined”. A relationship is “Lets buy this house together so we can live in it and make a loving home.”

    It is an institution. Always has been. That’s why I’ve never understood the argument against gay marraige. It’s simply a process of merging assets, liabilities and lives to make being together easier. Why are we pretending it is more than that?

    To clarify–not talking about what it means to you or your religion. I am talking about what it means for the law and the state. It can mean different things to different people so that is not up for debate. I am, rather, focusing on what marraige actually is. Factually and for sure.

  48. blohan says:

    Ashley — You’re a W H O R E, a stupid, ugly, 30-something W H O R E.

  49. snowball says:

    “If she really loves him, and they have those bonds… go to therapy, see if you can work it out,” Dupre goes on.

    “I believe in love and making it work out,” she adds. “They can do it.”

    :barf: Because of course, it’s up to her to make it work if she really loves him. Nevermind the increasingly apparent fact that Tiger doesn’t respect Elin and you have to wonder how much he loves her by subjecting her not only to all this insanity in the media, but god only knows what STDs he’s got brewing in his Dockers.

  50. Peach says:

    On prostitution:
    I’m actually more weirded out by Twilight than I am this. Twilight: a book about a girl falling in love with a man who has killed and wants to kill her. But wont. Because of ‘love’.

    At least prostitution in honest. It is a pure exchange. I’m not a giant fan of it, but I certainly don’t think these girls are skanks. They are women who have sex for money. Which, if that’s a skank, quite frankly, almost everybodies grandma or great grandma a skank.

    Because that is how it worked in the olden days as well. Women got married to be ‘taken care of’.

    For the non-white people out there, it gets even more tricky as cultures really do vary on this. If the exchange of security for sex does in fact make a woman a skank…

    Well I believe my mother was one too. She got married because she got pregnant and needed the security and paycheck of a husband right away.

    So thanks a lot guys. Thanks for likening my mom to a HO and a SKANK.

    Oh and PS: No. It does not matter how many men a girl sleeps with. Not unless your planning on putting that double standard onto yourself or your friends. Quite frankly I refuse to be judged by my number. I think it’s perfectly okay to refuse to judge other girls based on theirs. I think to do so is hypocritical and the mark of an insecure person. After all, why on earth would you care about what somebody is doing with their business? Unless you are somehow comparing it to your life. Which, is generally a bad idea.

  51. Sincerity says:

    @Peach — My dearly departed mother would have absolutely loved you — BABY YOU ROCK!!!

    I did not consider anything that Ashley Dupree said as “terribly offensive”. She was just offering her opinion as a former “professional”. When placed in the proper perspective, her advice makes sense.

    “When you sleep with a married man… first of all, you’re only helping them stay married.” I interpret this statement as, “Don’t be naive because he’s not planning to dump his wife for you!”.

    Many women have affairs with married men wearing “rose colored glasses” rather than seeing the truth. Married men usually want to stay married and will only string you along because you’re a “convenient diversion” with little or no complications. Ms. Dupree was not defending Tiger Woods’ behavior, just making an observation based upon her personal experience.

    “I mean, he has a family, he has a wife, he has kids. For people who just come out and say things… that’s really wrong. You’re messing with some one else’s life.” Bravo, Ashley Dupree!

    Nobody forced these women “to freak” with Tiger. They did so willingly and knowing what his actual marital status was! Sure, Tiger was as wrong as “two left shoes” but for someone who is just as guilty to air his dirty laundry without considering the repercussions for his career and love ones, they’re considerably more “morally bankrupt” than him. There seems to be “no shame in their game”! Tiger Woods is a man. He’ll wallow in the mud with you, get up and wash himself off and keep on keeping on! How do you think your future is going to turn out being known as someone he wallowed with? When people meet you, they’ll be thinking, “NASTY, NASTY, NASTY”! What woman in her right mind would want that kind of legacy?

  52. OKRedneck says:

    This young lady has it all wrong. The wife and I were in our thirties, when we married. (We were both active duty military at the time and are both retired military , now). We married for love and companionship, plus she was an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Expert (she worked with explosives on a daily basis). Fooling around or cheating has not even dared to cross my mind.

  53. loldongs says:

    I’m not a big fan of this woman but she’s absolutely correct in that prostitution is not that much different from modern dating.

    All bullshit aside, the vast majority of people don’t take it seriously and it has nothing to do with establishing a relationship. It’s basically just a quid-pro-quo exchange.

  54. lway says:

    ssshhh Ashley Dupree, let the big people talk. What you’re saying is the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard.

    “When you sleep with a married man, you’re helping him stay married.” – NO, You’re helping him to be deceitful to the person he chose to be his wife.

  55. Rosie says:

    As a former prostitute, I understand her issues and what drove her into that profession. Nobody chooses it on purpose, you guys. I do think it’s a bit far-fetched to be looking to her (or me!) for advice, but the kind of cruel bashing I see here is the kind of self-esteem killing actions that make a young, impressionable woman so much more susceptible to seeing herself as only having “one thing to offer”. I didn’t have a chance for a decent education – being from a poor family and not overly intelligent. I feel for her. Not everybody’s parents send them to college, ya know.

  56. rachel says:

    bloody good point Sigh.: , also there is this social bias that men are sex craved idiots and women are not. i love how when a woman cheats shes chastized but with men theres this “oh but its in their nature” thing, how fucking stupid. and shes an idiot for saying that. if your married your meant to be faithful, if you wanna screw around end the marriage. simples.