Queen Camilla wore a Bruce Oldfield gown & QEII’s diamonds for a London dinner

Last night, King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a celebratory event at Mansion House in the City of London. I’m not really sure what the hell that means, but the Guardian explained it thusly: “a reception and dinner to recognise the work of the City of London civic institutions and Livery Companies – the city’s ancient and modern trade guilds.” Like, a better-business bureau with costumes?? I’ll stop trying to ‘Murica-splain this British stuff at some point. Charles and Camilla have been in London for a few weeks, after their “summer” at Balmoral, where they were actually staying at Birkhall. Charles was especially active in Scotland over the summer, doing events and making all kinds of public appearances. Camilla less so.

For Wednesday night’s dinner, Camilla repeated a Bruce Oldfield gown. She last wore this gown in Germany earlier this year, for the big state dinner in Berlin. Last night, she paired the old frock with Queen Mary’s Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, which was one of QEII’s favorites and one which she wore frequently. Camilla’s diamond necklace and earrings also belonged to QEII. At the dinner, the king made a speech about interfaith dialogue, understanding and respect:

King Charles has stressed the importance of mutual understanding in religious faiths and the space to think and speak freely, saying it is “never more vital than at times of international turmoil and heartbreaking loss of life”. In a speech at Mansion House in the City of London, against the backdrop of the Hamas-Israel conflict, Charles stressed that tolerance and civility were among the virtues that Britain could draw on.

Reflecting on what made Britain “so special”, he said the nation could draw on “deep wells” including “the breathing space we afford one another.”

Though he did not directly mention the Gaza conflict, he told guests: “This well carries the politeness and respect we owe to one another; our willingness to put others first and treat them as we would wish them to treat us. To listen to their views and, if we do not agree, to remind ourselves to engage in a way which is passionate, but not pugnacious. This includes the practice of our religious faiths, in freedom and mutual understanding… Such understanding, both at home and overseas, is never more vital than at times of international turmoil and heartbreaking loss of life.”

“The instinct to cooperate wherever and whenever possible is deep within us. Even in the most fractious times – when disagreements are polished, paraded and asserted – there is in our land a kind of muscle memory that it does not have to be like this; that the temptation to turn ourselves into a shouting or recriminatory society must be resisted, or at least heavily mitigated whenever possible, especially in the digital sphere, where civilised debate too often gives way to rancour and acrimony.”

[From The Guardian]

In some sense, he’s advocating for the British Way – to paper over ideological, religious, moral and political differences with a thin veneer of forced politeness. That being said, Charles’s message is diplomatic and he threaded the needle in a smart way. I don’t know, it was better than avoiding the topic altogether.

LMAO, look at all of the medals Charles gave himself! He’s completely run out of room on his lapel/breast pocket.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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143 Responses to “Queen Camilla wore a Bruce Oldfield gown & QEII’s diamonds for a London dinner”

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  1. AuntRara says:

    When I look at Charles’s medals, I think of Buster Bluth’s medals “from Army.” “This one’s for sand racing.”

  2. Krista says:

    Has KCIII not yet made the honours that women wear? The things with the oval portrait over the ribbon that some of the royal women wear? I figured Camz would be the first to get one but she hasn’t worn it yet. Did she even have one for QE2?

    • Thena says:

      Doesn’t look like his royal family orders are ready yet. Of course, we won’t know until Camilla shows up wearing one because they won’t announce these things. But you know she will be the first.

    • Nic919 says:

      There is a diplomatic reception and that is usually where the family orders are debuted. I do agree that Camilla will get the first one and likely the only one for this year.

      • Christine says:

        Surely Anne will get one this year too?

        I am waiting for that woman to be entirely fed up, and become a recluse. There is no chance I would work my ass off while my brothers and nephew run around looking like idiots all the time.

        I know it’s royal family levels of working her ass off, for which the bar is in hell, but still.

    • Murphy says:

      Camilla does have an Elizabeth family order, not sure why she didn’t wear it since typically they just pile them on top of each other (See pics of Princess Margaret wearing like 3 at a time)

  3. Feeshalori says:

    I saw these pictures last night and truthfully, my stomach lurched at the sight of that iconic tiara on Camilla‘s head. She really went there. First the late queen’s sapphires, now this and the South African diamond necklace and bracelet, another personal favorite of hers. I believe more time should have passed before she debuted wearing the tiara with all the associations with QE. I wonder if she’ll throw Kate a bone from the vaults for the upcoming diplomatic dinner.

    • liz says:

      Agreed. I thought this tiara, in particular, was going to be set aside until Charlotte was old enough to wear it. I really didn’t think that Charles was going to let Camilla wear this one, at least not this quickly. I should have known better.

      And Kate’s getting nothing that she doesn’t already have access to.

      • Scout says:

        I think Charlotte will wear the Halo tiara, her mother’s wedding tiara.

        This one is far too large and important. It was given to the Queen by the people. He can’t give it to a lesser title.

        Kate has worn at least two tiaras. More than Diana who only had the Lover’s Knot Tiara. But…Diana had her family tiara which Kate does not have.

        So the total seems about even.

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      QEII’s ghost needs to comeback and haunt both of these sad twits. Every time Camilla touches the Royal jewels she should get a visitation.

    • Taytanish says:

      Camilla can wear all the diamonds and jewels all she wants, nothing changes, she’s still the most horrendous, hideous, evil, human being in this entire world. That’s it. Regardless of whether a pig has lipstick or not, whether a pig gets drenched in diamonds etc, still a pig it will always remail. That’s Camilla, she’ll always be the most hideous horrendous pig, ever, to me at least.

      • Aunt Agatha says:

        I so agree. It’s breathtaking how such horribleness could thrive so well, it’s just obscene. Look at the glutted glee on this gargoyle’s face!

      • bisynaptic says:

        Camilla is the most horrendous, evil human being in the world? Really? You don’t think that’s a bit much?

      • Aunt Agatha says:

        Truly, I have no way of providing the measure “WORST” with any kind of exactitude.

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Ditto here. These two have no shame, no self or situational awareness, and zero respect for the now dead queen. I’m no royalist, never understood the concept of someone being ‘royal’ but this is a matter of respect for the former head of state. They dishonor her memory every time they step out like this.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She will go there A LOT. she doesnt have the love of the people, or the beauty, not the youth, nor the charisma,not the fashion, so she needs the bling. That’s the only thing that will make people talk about her and that’s why kate will not be allowed to wear them. Kate’s jewelry pieces were cut pretty much after the queens funerals

    • Missskitttin says:

      Same. It is truly embarrassing and gross to see this woman covered in QEII jewels. Edging on hilarious. And ridiculous…

    • Truthiness says:

      💯 agree about the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara. Nothing is sacred. With all the tiaras she has available, she wore the one that embodied QEll the most. It’s cold comfort that she can’t wear the Spencer tiara, because you know she would.

    • Puppy1 says:

      My stomach turned over also when i saw the tiara. My second thought was that dress looks like shes wearing a bag of snakes.

    • BW says:

      It’s been over a year since QEII died. I’m not surprised Camilla is starting to wear the iconic jewels. But it wasn’t even QEII’s tiara. It was Queen Mary’s tiara.

      That said, yeah, my stomach kinda lurched when I saw it on her head.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I’m absolutely delighted Cams wore it. Hell no, nothing is sacred, especially not the monarchy or PettyBetty’s memory. Cams is a selfish bulldog with zero graces or fucks to give and it’s exactly what monarchists deserve. D

    • Flower says:

      I expected nothing less.

      ChuckChuck has been celebrating since his mothers death, couldn’t even be bothered to give her a fitting memorial.

      There will be many more stomach turning moments sadly.

      Also not only is she wearing Lizzie’s tiara – but she is being dressed by one of Di’s fave designers.

      This is her revenge – she really hated Liz and Diana and I think Chuck shares those sentiments.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Exactly. Let’s face it, even the staunchest royalist knows deep down that this new queen is the real “brazen hussy” and that Charles has forced her onto his subjects. All the whining about Meghan disrespecting the queen and destroying the monarchy when Cams would take a literal dump on E2’s grave if she could, and would laugh doing it. It’s all a befitting farce.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    Nice speech advocating civility. Too bad this man can’t be civil to his own son and daughter in law.

  5. Josephine says:

    Chuck looks ill and like he’s melting and Cami manages to make everything — including the jewels she likes to drape herself in — cheap. If you told me everything she wears comes from Claire’s I would not argue. She also looks vaguely disoriented all the time – I often wonder if she’s pickled or starting to exhibit dementia.

    • Jan says:

      Is Chucky getting Botox and fillers in his lips? They both look unhealthy.
      Cain’s fingers are starting to look like his father’, poor Harry. This maybe is the Windsors Habsburg Jaw.

      • nutella toast says:

        @jan I thought the same thing – his lips look like he had (bad) fillers or botox. That could also be why the weird sagging is happening on the one side?

      • Jan90067 says:

        There’s this “orangey ring” around his mouth, and he’s gaping like a baby waiting for a spoon in almost every pic. Something *is* going on health wise with him, I’d bet on it. He’s aged 10 yrs in the last 1.

        And The Horse looks out of it; in the last pic the tiara looks like it’s lopsided. Maybe it’s too heavy for her weak boned neck to hold up?

      • Chaine says:

        Same, first thing I thought is he has some lip filler. And recent, too as it looks a bit sore.

    • KASalvy says:

      I was glad someone has said Camilla makes jewelry look cheap.

      There’s just no gravitas when she wears jewelry. And sorry Cam, but this tiara does not suit you! The first thing I thought when I saw these pictures is how did she manage to make this tiara look like plastic?

      With Elizabeth it looked regal. Both Cam and Kate wear tiaras like a headband and much too far back.

      They need to have a conversation with the Swedish gods of tiara hair on how to properly wear tiaras.

  6. Shawna says:

    That dress reads too casual for those jewels. And her hairstyle makes the tiara hard to see. Is it just me?

    • Feeshalori says:

      I agree, it doesn’t stand out as well with that hairstyle and color. It looks like it’s more opened up and sits lower on her head obscuring the design.

    • Thena says:

      No, I felt the same way. The tiara looked good on Elizabeth’s dark hair but the diamonds fade away against Camilla’s light blonde hair. I actually said, “Oh no!” when I saw the first pictures.

    • The Old Chick says:

      The dress is so busy! That plus the huge hair and diamonds AND tiara. where the hell do you look? The tiara gets totally lost in that shamozzle.

    • SarahCS says:

      It’s weird isn’t it, Elizabeth always managed to pull off these occasion looks and while it wasn’t a big deal, she absolutely showcased the jewellery. Camilla never seems to do it justice.

    • Harper says:

      The pattern on that dress is awful. It looks like something you’d find smashed into the clearance racks at Kohl’s. And what is with the quick rewear? No one was clamoring to see it again.

      • Shawna says:

        Agreed! It looks like a bunch of polyester fast-fashion nonsense.

      • Chaine says:

        Exactly, it’s so ordinary, not something you wear with a frickin CROWN. I went to a wedding reception where formal wear was required and every store I went to to look for something had multiple versions of what seems like this same dress.

    • AnneL says:

      I agree! It’s a loose, flowy gown and the tiara calls for something more structured and traditional. That might be expensive fabric but the cut is reading 70s Grandma.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Might as well wear a blinged out caftan & be done with it. Actually, dressy caftans can be quite lovely, she should lean into it. Won’t help her overall demeanor, but still.

  7. Southern Fried says:

    Logically it doesn’t make sense but it offends me Cowmilla wears Q Elizabeth’s jewels.

  8. Niki says:

    His fingers are repulsive.

    • Nadia says:

      My eyes are always drawn to his creepy fingers for some reason even though they are so gross.

  9. Dawning says:

    Did Chuck have a stroke? I have never seen his mouth looking that lopsided.

    • Roo says:

      @Dawning, in one photo in particular, his face looks saggy on one side. It does look like he may have had a stroke or Bells Palsy, I don’t know.

      Also, can’t this family, who has wealth beyond belief, afford some moisturizer and chapstick? Why do all of them always look so dry and chapped?

  10. samipup says:

    What is that *hole* in his finger?

  11. So he trotted the old nag Horsilla out. Good thing he included the livery in his thank you for all your work speech. She bejeweled up right nice for her evening out. As for Chuckles he had ( as Mary Pester has said) his Charlie and the chocolate factory chocolate foiled medals on.

  12. Laura D says:

    I find it distasteful that Camilla is lauded for wearing the jewellery of Anne’s mother. I don’t know how it all works but, if the pieces are part of the royal collection then maybe they should start saying that. Using QEII’s name makes it seem like she gifted the jewellery to Camilla because Camilla is such a “wonderful” DIL. QEII could well have been fond of Camilla but, I very much doubt QEII would have given her such valuable pieces over her blood relatives (daughter, nieces, grand-daughters, even great grand-daughters.)

    • Jan90067 says:

      I believe Queen Mary gave Liz that tiara (it was made *for* Mary, paid for by a group that was called “The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland”- they raised the £££££s for its construction). Even personal jewels left by Liz were all given to Chuckie, once again to avoid taxes. Liz may’ve given a few trinkets to Anne, or even her granddaughters, but the BIG guns were all left to Chuckie. Queen Mum also left Charles her jewels; Horse wears one ring as her engagement ring.

      • BQM says:

        It was a wedding gift for queen Mary in 1893 bought from funds raised by subscription from thousands across the countries. She gave it directly to Elizabeth in 1947. I don’t know if there was any designation that it be kept within the main line. But it’s personal property not Crown or Royal Collection.

        It’s not going to be given to Anne, Beatrice, Eugenie, etc. Anne has a couple tiaras and neither of her children will have need of them. Just like Margaret. It would just be sold. Same with Beatrice and Eugenie as non working royals.

  13. L84Tea says:

    She’s the queen, so I get it, she has access to all the jewels and tiaras. But I have to say I am pretty surprised she’s wearing this particular one. The Girls of GB/Ire tiara is so synonymous with QEII that I really thought it was going to possibly be shelved for a generation or two. But who are we kidding? It’s just another day in tacky paradise for old Cams.

    • Tessa says:

      Yes and the queen was monarch. Camilla is consort. I don’t get why this was a tiara event

    • CrazyHeCallsMe says:

      I can’t help but imagine what Diana would have looked like as Queen Consort. Diana would have brought energy and glamour to the role.

      • Tessa says:

        I believe Camilla had coveted what Diana had. I never believed the spin that she never wanted anything. She has a gloating look as she wears the queens tiara. She and Charles richly deserve each other

      • Shawna says:

        @Tessa, agreed. She plotted until this happened…but also puts it out there that the public should have low expectations for her (no tours). Like William, she wants the title and privileges without the work.

    • Prairiegirl says:

      Yeah, this is an iconic tiara that QEII was often pictured wearing on stamps and currency. Camilla wears it too open and far back on her head instead of closed and forward (like a coronet), which is how Elizabeth wore it (and wore it better). Camilla should stick to the Greville or Delhi Durbar tiaras which are larger, suit her better, and QEII wore less often. If she pops up somewhere in the Grand Vladimir I may have a meltdown.

      • BQM says:

        Or the kokoshnik.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I’m sure we’re going to see the Vladimir on her soon, another iconic tiara of the late queen. She’s going for broke now.

      • Jais says:

        Maybe at the upcoming state dinner for South Korea. I think its in November. Possibly happening while William is away for earthshot. I’m mostly wondering if Kate will be too busy helping George with treat prep to go…

  14. The Old Chick says:

    Has Camilla had a lot of work done over the ‘summer’ or is it photoshop? She looks so different to a few years ago.

  15. Becks1 says:

    I am shocked to see this tiara. It’s so closely associated with Queen Elizabeth II – I thought it would be out on display in Windsor or BP for years before someone wore it. I guess it’s supposed to show restraint that Camilla waited 13 months?

    • The Old Chick says:

      Well chuck has mummy issues. Not surprising Camilla has pulled out some of QE11s most famous pieces

  16. Miranda says:

    Sometimes I marvel at the fact that these fancy parties, with grown-ass adults in absurd getups with fake medals, just seem completely normal to the people attending them. They even clamor for those fake medals and invitations to the fancy parties! And yet LARPers, who are at least honest with themselves about playing make-believe, are a punchline.

  17. Nerd says:

    Every time there is nothing else to notice in a picture of them, I notice how unhealthy they look as King and can’t say it. The redness around his mouth is troubling as is his watery red eyes. His hands look more swollen and scarred than usual. She should really not wearing anything that exposes her collarbones because I don’t know what it is but they don’t look right for some strange reason. Her weird smile/smirk combination is really creepy looking. All of this is a reminder of how cruel, ugly and unsettling they have probably been towards others their whole lives and I remember how karma works.

    Side note: I have never met anyone who has fingernails that fan out at the tips and look almost flat on the finger. I’ve noticed that William’s hands have similar fingernails to Charles and are starting to look bigger and redder than I had noticed before. I’ve only seen fingernails that curve with the shape of the finger and have an rounded oval shape to them. Is that a normal feature that I just hadn’t seen personally? Harry has hands and fingernails like I’m used to seeing and am just curious if it’s associated to a medical condition or if it is just something that I hadn’t noticed on others before?

    • SarahCS says:

      Re. fingernails.

      I have totally normal thumb and ring/pinkie fingernails but my index finger has a nail that just curves round the end of my finger and the next one along does that weird splaying out thing you mention and the edge closest to the index finger also tries to curve around the end of my finger. I keep my nails short!

    • Jan90067 says:

      My sister has nails like that, but on slim fingers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Her nail beds are also tiny. It, in itself, is not a sign of illness. But overstuffed, sausage-sized, florid red hands *are* a sign of illness: gout, hypertension/blood pressure, impaired lymphatic system… ? My bet is on the first two.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’d say he’s suffering with an Autumn cold, fits the symptoms described

  18. Jais says:

    I can’t take anything he says about civility seriously.

  19. dawnchild says:

    Unappetizing, talentless, useless lot dressed up in ridiculous clothes. The fur cape… really? What century is this? Nobody aspires to or admires these ‘leaders of society’

  20. Nanea says:

    While it looks like Xwitter’s days here in Europe are numbered, I took the chance to have a look at the trends while I still can.

    I found Camilla on that list. I really have no idea why, other than trollbot farms posting – and the usual suspects like RNN and a handful of others who completely seem to have forgotten Camilla’s personal history of being awful, mean, spiteful, malicious.

    They all praised the tiara, as if it was Horsemilla’s succesful personal achievement – or being charming, likeable, intelligent – that got her there instead of becoming queen via scheming, ruining a marriage and several people/children’s lives.

    I hope the RF’s ‘fans’ are paid well for their troubles.

  21. Hannah says:

    They both look like Prince Philip did … at 99 (? 97/98 I dano) as he was leaving hospital

    For realz tho, wtf 😳 they have aged horrifically since the con-a-nation

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I feel the same about their aging – he much more than she (probably because we know she’s gone away to get work done). But he looks like the undead.

      I never understood how that happens with the pope either. Both Chuckles and every pope in my recent memory ages about 20 years overnight once they gain the new title. There may be some stress in their new role (although I’d make an argument in Chuckles’s case), but in both situations they’re living in the laps of luxury with every need and desire attended to. So what’s with the overnight aging?!

      • Wannabefarmer says:

        Well, its goes to show you, that axiom is true, money does not buy happiness, freedom, space, clarity, love, authenticity, open/pure hearts, well, that’s another story.

      • Deering24 says:

        Their lives are not their own. And no amount of money can make up for that.

  22. SussexWatcher says:

    Chuckles and the Rottweiler are disgusting. The pair of them are repulsive human beings and I find nothing about them redeeming or appealing. I have never gotten the people who say she looks like she’d be fun to have a gin and ciggie with. She and Chuckles are rotten from the inside out.

    And who the hell is king Chuckles to speak about civility?! He literally contributed to and approved of a massive, public campaign of abuse toward his daughter-in-law (and his own son). He’s a shit father and a shit king.

  23. equality says:

    “Our willingness to put others first and treat them as we would wish them to treat us. To listen to their views and, if we do not agree, to remind ourselves to engage in a way which is passionate, but not pugnacious.” “Tolerance and civility”? “Importance of mutual understanding” and the “space to think and speak freely”. Considering his treatment of H&M was there a word out of his mouth that wasn’t hypocritical?

    • Roo says:

      His treatment of Harry and Meghan, his studied indifference to their children, and his obviously peevish and indulged character during his coronation pen battles, which were all witnessed by the world, undermine his words. How can anyone listen to his drivel with a straight face? He had some credibility when we less about him, but no longer.

  24. Tessa says:

    He has a count Dracula outfit with medals

  25. OriginalLaLa says:

    They all look ridiculous, even QEII did – grown-a** adults dressing up like fantastical little kids at a fancy tea party with their diamonds so big they look like costume jewelry. It’s absurd.

  26. Tessa says:

    Camilla smugly gazes at the cameras.

  27. Amy Bee says:

    You know Camilla couldn’t wait to wear this tiara when the Queen died. Some of the Kate stans were upset that she wore it because they’ve always wanted Kate to wear it.

    • MsIam says:

      Maybe Kate can wear the souvenir version of the tiara, lol. It can’t look any worse than the one she wore to the con-a-thon. That’s probably as close to the real one she will get, unless Camilla has let her off punishment.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Yep! Maybe Kate and her mom can make a replica out of aluminum foil and diamond stickers from party city.

  28. Emma says:

    I know others have said it, but I really cannot believe she wore the Girls of GB&I tiara. It is iconic and inextricably linked with QEII. Retire it; God knows there are plenty of other options. Camilla can actually pull off a tiara, but this is a miss.

    KCIII looks ill. Heavy lies the head indeed.

  29. Wannabefarmer says:

    The gall. The absolute GALL of this woman. Poor Elizabeth must be roiling in her grave at the betrayal of her son and his concubine.

    • Gennessee says:

      Gall? Why? KCIII made her queen. It’s her crown jewelry now. Liz II is dead. She’s not going to care, and if her son doesn’t either…*shrug*

  30. Jennifer Smith says:

    The mystery of where Kate’s sausage curls wandered off to has been solved, that’s all I can say.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Camilla’s dress is terrible — it manages somehow to be both tacky and boring at the same time. Just like the person wearing it.

    And Charles’ words about respect and “our willingness to put others first and treat them as we would wish them to treat us” — the golden rule — is just BS hypocritical blather. If, as he said, the “the instinct to cooperate wherever and whenever possible is deep within us,” it sure has been buried deep within his craven soul. Because he treats H&M like crap, and he was downright cruel to Diana.

  32. MaryContrary says:

    Ok-one nice thing (I agree with all the above criticism), is that Charles (and we can agree that he’s hypocritical) writes very good speeches and has good delivery. It’s such a marked contrast with William who is such a lightweight.

  33. kelleybelle says:

    I’ll never call this abomination queen. She is no queen. She’s even lazier than Kate Middleton. She’s a boozing, smoking, scheming sidepiece and as ugly as sin. The end.

  34. @BelizeEmpower says:

    Charles looks soused to the eyeballs.

  35. HeatherC says:

    That is one of my favorite tiaras, and I have to say if I had access to any tiaras like that I would be wearing them to the grocery store, possibly even to do yard work in. Yay tiaras.

    But she makes them look cheap and (like someone above said) like they came from Claire’s or Etsy. Also it’s crooked. Was it put on crooked, does her hair Just make it look crooked or did she make it crooked when she drunkenly tried to adjust it in the car?

    Such a wasted waste.

  36. Lee says:

    Is that dandruff all over Charles’ jacket? It can’t be sparkly threads. If it’s dandruff where the heck is his butler or valet? He doesn’t look well at all, and those fingers look like they’re about to burst.

    • Lady D says:

      I thought he was standing in the rain there for a minute. Perhaps Camilla was shedding on him in the car?

    • Feeshalori says:

      I saw that too, and zoomed in closer. It looks like sparkles are all embedded throughout the material excluding the lapels. I guess he wanted some version of bling as well.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s raindrops. They didn’t even bother to hold an umbrella over the king’s head when he got out of his limo. That’s how much respect they have for this particular monarch.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Lol, l looked at the group photo closely and saw there was nothing there. And here l thought Chuck was getting in on the action and glamming up his attire.

  37. M says:

    His edema does not seem to be getting any better. I’m sure some of it is caused by arthritis, but my grandfather had it and he was in congestive heart failure. Peg might be King sooner than we think.

  38. Interested Gawker says:

    They should have held this tiara for Charlotte, Cam has no shame and Kate shouldn’t wear it either. Charlotte wearing it at age eighteen, unseen since QEII’s passing, would have been tremendous! Why are they doing everything wrong??!!

    • Blithe says:

      I agree. I hadn’t really thought much about tiaras — except for some of the wedding ones. Looking at Camzilla wearing this one just seems wrong. The idea of Charlotte wearing it as a young woman and beyond would be delightful.

      I wonder if anyone will really want to wear some of these —after Camzilla has made them her own signature pieces.

      • Libra says:

        Charlotte will have access to this tiara and more. When she is 18 Charles and Camilla will be deceased, William will be king, Kate is queen consort and will have full use of the jewels . You can bet Charlotte will be blinged out.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It’s not about how many other pieces Charlotte will have access to by then. They should have had the foresight, particularly after Prince Christian of Denmark’s recent party and the young future monarchs Scandinavia photo, to hold that tiara back for Charlotte. It’s not about her being blinged out. One could even argue Girls of GB&I is ‘too much tiara’ for an eighteen year old. Holding it back for Charlotte would have been far more dramatic. For that specific piece to go dark after QEII’s passing and then be brought back out in public on Charlotte would have been fabulous producing much more excitement and stronger sentiment had it not been worn in public by Cam now or her mother later.

  39. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I hate this dress because it looks lile it’s covered in shiny worms. On the other hand, I love this dress because Camilla deserves to wear a dress that looks like worms.

  40. Worktowander says:

    HISSSSSSSSS … Take that tiara off THIS INSTANT.

  41. Amy says:

    Last night the Royal Twitter Bots were trying to make fetch happen saying “lets get 5000 likes for the Queen! Camilla is just lovely.” I genuinely thanked them for the LOLs. Not even the other bots bought in to that trainwreck. “Lovely”, I think they do not realize words have meaning!

  42. Beverley says:

    Rhinestones on a turd.
    There’s nothing to see here.


  43. Jaded says:

    They both look ‘Weekend-at-Bernied’.

  44. smee says:

    They should have the photo call prior to the red wine swilling

  45. Purley Pot says:

    She wore that chainmail dress a few months ago to a royal function. Charles needs to give her an allowance.

  46. tamsin says:

    Someone mentioned that the designs on Camilla’s dress looked like a bunch of snakes, and I agree. On the other hand, how appropriate. The dress is just hideous and does not flatter the figure at all. I think that little necklace looks lost among the busy dress design, the tiara, and the earrings. Coloured gemstones in a tiara would be bettered than just diamonds with Camilla’s hair colour. I don’t know what it is, but Charles does not look right. He looks like he has slathered vaseline on his lips, they are so shiny, and his hands are so swollen that it makes one fear for him.

  47. Alicky says:

    I’ve always wondered — what DO you do when you run out of room on the lapel for all your medals?

  48. VilleRose says:

    I thought the dress looked familiar and was wondering hadn’t we already seen it. If it’s one thing I appreciate about Camilla (just the one) she recycles clothes and does it often (more often than Kate I think). Oh and her Queen’s Reading Room thing she started during covid. I can’t begrudge someone promoting books either. But that’s about it when it comes to her. Everything else is awful.

    And while I never paid attention to Queen Elizabeth or her tiaras, quick google imaging and yes, she wore that specific tiara a lot. There’s plenty of tiaras in that closet, why doesn’t Camilla pick one we haven’t seen in awhile and make it her “signature” tiara? She’s just like Kate who always wears the Lover’s Knot hoping to absorb some of Diana’s iconic status.

  49. JustBitchy says:

    I don’t know how Bruce Oldfield can continue to partner with the racist Cow!

  50. Lauren says:

    Camilla’s jewelry choices are certainly interesting, she keeps choosing jewels that are personal to QEII instead of the jewels designated for future queens in Q Victoria’s will

  51. bisynaptic says:

    LOL That’s fresh! It’s the British divide-and-conquer policy, carried out, in this case, in the British Mandate of Palestine, that is largely responsible for the current conflicts in the Middle East.

    And also: how’s that policy working out with your son and daughter-in-law, who had to flee, Chuck?

  52. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    Oops. Someone forgot to zip her up before that first picture. And the designer made the expansion fabric behind the zipper WHITE instead of the dress color.

  53. sammi says:

    Were these their Halloween costumes? They look so old and dated and behnd the times…..but guess they are being true to form.