Princess Kate was too lazy to attend the Rugby World Cup semifinal on Saturday

Prince William and Kate didn’t work at all last week, because of their kids’ school holiday. It’s still sort of bonkers to me that no one in the UK blinks at William and Kate’s insistence that neither of them can do one stitch of “royal work” during their kids’ school breaks. Well, the Rugby World Cup is still happening, and on Saturday, England played South Africa. Kate is the patroness of England’s rugby team, and she went to two rugby matches in France, one of them in September and one on October 15, which was the quarterfinal won by England. The match against South Africa was the semifinal. Kate didn’t show up. On Friday, Becky English at the Mail tweeted this:

Yeah, Kate didn’t show up to a pretty big-deal semifinal for the team for which she serves as royal patron. Again, it’s not like there was a schedule conflict, she just didn’t feel like getting off her ass to fly to France to do her “job.” Similar to William’s absolute refusal to fly to Australia to support the Lionesses in the Women’s World Cup final in August. Anyway, the match turned out to be a nail-biter – England was ahead right up until the end, when South Africa pulled out the win. Kate – or her staff – tweeted this out:

Tweets are not “work.” Once again, England had a good team and they made it to the latter stages of a global tournament, and instead of doing their job and showing up to a SPORTING EVENT, William and Kate refuse to be anything other than lazy grifters.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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61 Responses to “Princess Kate was too lazy to attend the Rugby World Cup semifinal on Saturday”

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  1. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Just the C signature triggers me so so bad

  2. Amy Bee says:

    When Kate visited England in the locker room last weekend she knew she wasn’t going to be at the semi-final.

    • vs says:

      Honestly this is a bogus patronage… the same was true even when H was patron. Why does rugby or soccer or tennis even need a royal patron?

      • Amy Bee says:

        Patronages are part of the Palace strategy to justify the existence of a monarchy

      • Elizabeth Phillips says:

        If I were in the RF, I’d want to be patron of figure skating and gymnastics, which seem to get less attention in the UK. Rugby seems to have enough fans that they don’t really need a patron.

      • Debbie says:

        What?! Would you have Kate being the patron of some little-watched sports event? What are you, crazy? You see her in the photo above, where she’s playing with her hair, but her eyes seek a camera or monitors like heat seeking missiles. This person wants attention, what the sports figures want or need is secondary.

      • BQM says:

        Especially in the era of a slimmed down monarchy. There are patronages who could use the visibility who get squat. But let’s give them to Wimbledon and rugby. Where would they be without them? 🙄

  3. Roo says:

    Rebecca English sounds like a teacher or parent who is signaling to a child about what to do. Are the RR that bereft of stories because the Dolittles do so little that they have to signal actions? How embarrassing for everyone involved.

    • Amy Bee says:

      No doubt KP called Becky and told her that Kate wasn’t going to be there but she will be releasing messages of support before and after the game.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      English basically told us Keen is on holiday with the kids – its half term here in the UK so this is why we’re not going to see her or Peggy, they will be off on some nice holiday somewhere. When we next see them they will ALL be looking VERY tanned.

  4. Well one would think the patron would show up wouldn’t they? Of course you can’t expect Can’t to come when she is vacationing. Please with this lazy mess even George went to a match on his first day of vacation. They need a new patron.

  5. Lauren says:

    I’m South African and we watched the game on Saturday. My husband, who couldn’t be less interested in royals asked me if the royals were there. Even he expected it. Very poor showing from them again.

    • nona93 says:

      Not surprising when they didn’t even bother to send a goodwill message to the English Invictus Games team for fear of drawing favourable attention to Harry and Meghan. What a bunch of frauds.

  6. Becks1 says:

    This is why she and William made a point of going last weekend or whenever. They knew they were going to be away (together or separate) and they weren’t going to make any other games in the tournament.

    • Tessa says:

      She could have brought Charlotte and William take Louis and George to another event and they would not have been separated from the children.

  7. Zappy says:

    Congrats to South Africa team..
    The irony… just couple days ago they blamed harry & meghan about the burden of their heavy workload (what work??)
    These two are lazy to the bone. And then they wonder why they are not popular .. stupid royals

    • JT says:

      That’s what makes even more ridiculous. They blame H&M for pressure of too much work, and then proceed to skip out on all of their work. They need to seen to be believed my ass. When are they seen?

    • Tessa says:

      Kate idled away the years before marriage no career and no full time work.

  8. zebz says:

    Will and Kate are both the most inept people ive ever seen. If this was the real world, they would’ve been fired a long time ago. The amount of diplomatic embarrassments they’ve created in just the last 2 years is something to behold. They will be the worst King and Queen in modern history.

    • The Old Chick says:

      But that’s the irony. An inept, lazy person like Kate gives a ‘well done!’ message to players who’ve worked /trained hard their whole lives. She must be a joke to them.

    • WestCoaster says:

      @zebz: Well, Chuckie and Bride of Chuckie haven’t set the bar very high, so it shouldn’t be too hard an act to follow. I’m surprised that more Britons aren’t demanding the monarchy be abolished. It’s really apparent, especially since the Queen died, that the royals serve no purpose whatsoever.

  9. Bettyrose says:

    But wouldn’t the patron tweet have been written/posted by a communications specialist? Surely Kate approved the tweet, though.

    • TIFFANY says:

      Then the ‘C’ should not have been behind it. Initials are to show the person whose account it is was the one to create it.

    • Mei says:

      @Bettyrose – Yes probably. And with that in mind, they need to give whoever wrote it some training/get someone new because the tweet is absolutely rubbish. ‘You can be so proud of yourselves @EnglandRugby. Though it may have been defeat today, you can walk away from this tournament with your heads held high.’ I mean, the lack of enthusiasm is reflective of their attitude so whoever wrote it was actually doing it right when making it seem like it came from her lmao.

      ‘You should be so proud of yourselves @EnglandRugby. It has been an incredible tournament and you played brilliantly today. Congratulations to @Springboks on booking their place in the RWC Final.’ is it so hard to write a semi-decent tweet that doesn’t use the word defeat and shows good sportsmanship?

      @TIFFANY – tbf that’s their whole M.O., taking credit for other people’s work and contributing absolutely nothing of use.

      • bettyrose says:

        If I were a public figure, I’d want all my tweets to be vetted by a communications guru and a legal team. But I hear ya. At least try to act like you were paying attention.

      • BQM says:

        They couldn’t personalize it with ‘exciting game’ or something because, imo, they likely had a generic tweet ready to go for both a loss or a win. I would’ve died if they’d sent the wrong one out.

  10. Miranda says:

    I’m honestly surprised that more of these patronages don’t start calling them out. They don’t seem to bring anything AT ALL to the table. Are these organizations allowed to just decide that a royal patron is unnecessary and ditch them?

    Full disclosure: I’m not sure I completely understand the whole patronage thing in the first place, particularly for sports teams. It’s not like they need a royal patron to draw attention to their cause (which Can’t and Won’t also don’t seem to bother doing for legit charities, anyway).

    • Hannah says:

      I’m British and I don’t understand the monarchy, let alone the patronage stuff

      I did see Princess Charlene of Monaco there supporting South Africa (and I highly doubt she’s SA’s rugby patron)

      Will be cheering South Africa on in the final. Harry & Meghan have a huge support base there and they are very much loved by the majority population of South Africa

      Also, they’re a former British colony that booted their colonisers out – so there’s a good enough reason for me

    • zebz says:

      There was a study awhile back that revealed royal patronages as a scam. The whole idea of a monarchy in the first place is a scam in my opinion. They just pretend they do charity work to keep the grift going. None of them actually care about the charities they claim to support. The most important thing is the photo-op. Which William and Kate can’t even bother to do that much. Several of their charities have closed without a lifted finger from them and most of the engagments they actually do attend aren’t patronages but just random charities nearby.

      • Caitlin says:

        I would add that they no doubt COST these organizations money – all the associated costs of hosting them when they show up to “learn” and “highlight” or encourage the public to donate to something (instead of giving themselves).

        Most people would consider much of what they do to be recreation — going to high profile sporting events and concerts and best seats in the house, etc etc.

    • Gabby says:

      I think the groups are afraid to call out that royal patronages are a scam. Remember what happened to Ngozi Fulani’s organization after the Lady Hussey story was publicized? I think it was “investigated” by some tax or fraud authority until she agreed to meet with the old hag in front of cameras.

  11. Carol M Rennie says:

    The Queen didn’t call her Duchess Dolittle for no reason!

    • Nic919 says:

      The Queen knew decades ago that kate was lazy when she asked during the dating years “but what does she do?” That caused the brief months long stint with Jigsaw to happen, but at the end of the day, kate was 29 by the time she got married and had done nothing in terms of a real job because she needed to be available when William wanted to go on holiday.

      The warning signs were always there, and despite the press pretending otherwise, it has turned out as expected.

      • Em says:

        So true, Nic.

        No wonder Meghan struck such a nerve with her. She’s such an accomplished woman professionally and I’m sure Meghan talking about it really made Kate insecure.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    Is she lazy? Yeah, no doubt. But there’s also something wrong. The woman is 41 but looks a decade older.

    And royal patronages are another bs excuse for maintaining the monarchy.

  13. The Old Chick says:

    I’m trying to work out what lazy Kate is doing in that white suit pic? She’s clearly posing.. But do grown ass women play with their hair like that? I wondered if she was showing off earrings?

    • Southern Fried says:

      Probably the earrings, doesn’t Meghan have the same or similar?

    • Nic919 says:

      There are a ton of photos of kate playing with her hair, one of the more well known ones was when she was twirling it during a Remembrance Day ceremony and Sophie was giving her a dirty look.

      She’s never been professional. And in videos you can see how much she plays with her hair even in brief moments of meeting with people.

      • The Old Chick says:

        I thought she’d stopped the twirling after the remembrance day incident? That pose in the white is so odd. Hair twirling in your 40s at a work event is such a bad look.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I have Bravo on TV a lot for background noise (OK, I watch it, too), and pretty much all those Real Housewives play with their fake hair. Constantly.

  14. Southern Fried says:

    I just realized this morning that I somehow thought Wank would, at some point, begin to do better as royals. That they’d take cues from H&M, like take their patronages seriously. By now it’s clear they will always be lazy grifting azzholes.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Yes I was also naïve enough to hope that with them being a heartbeat away from the throne that both would actually increase their workload as befits PoW status and make more of an effort to be competent. I accept that you can’t dub on talent, charisma and star quality but I do think that by showing up for more Royal engagements having done thorough preparation, relevant training in public speaking, diversity and diplomacy that both could improve. They are dull, socially awkward, and tell horrible “jokes” eg W calling Greg James an average DJ- the gall of him calling anybody else average??! One can’t polish a turnip and yet we are stuck with them because he can’t be sacked!

  15. Lau says:

    They would have been so annoying if they had somehow gotten into the finale, it would have been an endless week of britsplaining rugby. And to top it all the Wales would have showed up cosplaying the Sussexes so we dodged a bullet on this one.

  16. Mjane says:

    I suspect the geopolitical situation had some impact. Also the awkwardness of rooting against another Commonwealth country.

  17. kelleybelle says:

    Oh my, look at the shiny-smooth forehead, tight as a drum. And more ingenuine manic looks. that’s all I got.

  18. HuffnPuff says:

    Must be nice to not have to “work” when your kids aren’t in school. And must be nice to jet off to secluded places during that time off. You know, just like other families. Shame on all of us for not “working” as hard as them though. The poor things must be exhausted.

  19. VilleRose says:

    What happens when these two accede to the throne and their kids are long past the age of school run? I mean I realize they may never acceded to the throne depending on how things go and Kate may never actually sit on it… Do they deserve a break now and then? Sure! Everyone does. But they have never worked enough to truly deserve one.

  20. tamsin says:

    England lost the last Rugby World Cup final in Japan where South Africa won a convincing victory. Harry was there as Rugby patron. He went to the locker room to congratulate the champions, and generally acted like you would expect a royal patron to act. I think he also did a couple of events before the game. Looking back, Prince Harry was probably the best representative for the Queen. He carried out his duties with professionalism, made himself well-liked and established contacts all over the world. I didn’t read the article, but I remember seeing a headline that said the Queen trusted Harry more than her own son. She entrusted a huge Caribbean tour to Harry during her second last jubilee (diamond?) which was a resounding success.

  21. L4Frimaire says:

    Charlene of Monaco was there. Was the happiest she looked in ages. The Wales are not only lazy but seem very inflexible as well. Even if it benefits their image, they’re not gonna do something if it means making any bit of effort or making scheduling changes.

  22. ales says:

    Too busy to attend. K has to focus on herself. Another luxury holiday for this dunce, who does nothing. Motherhood with multiple nannies and servants, an open credit card for shopping, ignoring the peasants, elocution lessons to become a better mumbler, is all so stressful !! What is she recovering from, definitely not from work, unless self focus is considered to be work in her world.