Taylor Swift & Travis are ‘quickly turning more serious’ & she gets his sleep schedule

I love Taylor Swift and her team’s brief little updates to People Magazine. Team Swift has been doing it for a while and I appreciate that they’re pretty matter-of-fact about it. We saw it a lot in the six-week “romance” with Matt Healy too – Team Swift tried hard to stay on top of the narrative via casual briefings to People, and then when Swift and Healy broke up, the briefings were “it was never that serious anyway, you guys overreacted!” I remember! Anyway, Team Swift wants us to know that Taylor and Travis Kelce are getting very serious about each other.

It seems like romance is “burning red” between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. A source tells PEOPLE that things are getting “more serious” between the “Cruel Summer” singer, 33, and the Kansas City Chiefs tight end, 34.

“It’s quickly turning more serious. They share a strong work ethic and have a huge appreciation for life and their careers, strong family bond and values,” says the source.

Kelce is also “sweet, goofy and just a blast to be around,” adds the source.

[From People]

Let’s admit it – Travis is perfect for Taylor. He IS goofy and kind and that man is genuinely trying to woo her and show her that he’s serious and locked in. That’s also the reason why I keep wondering if Taylor will find a way to sabotage herself or the relationship. It’s simply too perfect and it’s clear that Travis is zero-drama and very into her. It’s like Tom Hiddleston all over again. Meanwhile, Travis’s dad Ed gave yet another interview, and this time he praised Taylor for understanding that Travis needs his rest.

“I think she’s very genuine,” he told Entertainment Tonight Wednesday, calling Swift “so grounded.” He also thinks their relationship is “just great.”

“They’re two wonderful people and they are enjoying each other’s company and supporting each other,” he said, noting that “this is a rough time for either one of them to have a relationship. She’s in the middle of this ginormous tour, he’s knee-deep [in the NFL season]. At least he takes his just as serious as she takes hers as far as commitment to their craft.”

And, importantly, that means a commitment to letting Travis take a nap. “I think she realizes how committed Travis is to sleep, 10 hours a day, when your body is going through this kind of thing,” Ed Kelce said. “So I think they’re both very supportive.”

[From Vanity Fair]

The sleep thing is something I’ve noticed a lot recently, where athletes casually talk about sleeping for nine, ten, eleven, maybe even twelve hours a day. Tennis players have started talking about it more (which is how I trendspotted it!) and there’s one 20-year-old tennis player who honestly tries to get up to 13 hours of sleep a day because he thinks sleep is the best restorative method for his body. Maybe athletes have always been like that, but it does feel like it’s some kind of trend and now elite athletes are like “yeah, part of my recovery is a mandatory three-hour nap every day.” Honestly, goals. I wonder if Travis and Taylor take naps together. OMG, imagine Travis taking catnaps WITH Taylor’s cats Benjamin, Olivia and Meredith.

Taylor didn’t attend last night’s Chiefs game in Denver… and the Chiefs lost. After the game, Denver played Swift’s “Shake It Off” while Broncos fans celebrated. Ouch.

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Photos courtesy of Instagram and Backgrid.

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50 Responses to “Taylor Swift & Travis are ‘quickly turning more serious’ & she gets his sleep schedule”

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  1. Cessily says:

    They make a cute couple, the kind that are fun to see together even if you don’t know or follow either of them. I hope they make it🤞🏼

  2. Miranda says:

    As a former chronic self-saboteur when it came to relationships, I can say that sometimes, you just grow out of it when you find the right person. Someone who notes your behavior and persists in spite of it, because they genuinely care that much. Travis knew what he was getting into with Taylor (hell, we all know her history). And he’s still going for it. He seems like an awesome guy and I hope he’s the one for her.

    That said, people are so damn invested in these two as a couple that, if they do break up, I think we’re gonna need a national day of mourning. 😂

    • Michael says:

      I personally do not like Taylor Swift and even I am kind of rooting for these two. They seem so well matched and that must be really hard for somebody in her position to find. Plus as a tight end, he is used to blocking and protecting the bigger star already so his ego seems fine being with somebody as big as Taylor. If she self sabotages this she will probably regret it for a long time.

      • Mika says:

        It’s pretty unfair to judge a woman’s relationship skills in her 30s by her actions in her 20s. We all grow up a lot in those years.

        I’m rooting for Taylor because, unfortunately, i relate in a lot of ways to her most recent relationships. I too had a long term (8 year!) relationship come to an end in my early 30s because he wasn’t willing to commit and made me feel bad about my own modest life successes. I then took on a deeply inappropriate partner because he said the rights things to me when I was hurt and felt like absolute shit about myself. That ended quickly. Then I met a guy who treats me like an absolute queen and I lay awake at night wondering if I deserve him. I have decided it doesn’t matter if I deserve him – as long as he wants me, I’m going to keep him and I’m going to treat him well because I’m a fucking adult and I know a good thing when I have one. I hope Taylor feels the same way about Travis. Because I’ve cried listening to “you’re on your own kid” enough times to know she’s learned some shit.

    • Snideysense says:

      Yep, totally agree, @Miranda. Same here — I was a total self-saboteur and drama queen till I met my husband, and I think finding the right person helped, as did (quite frankly) just being ready to grow up and find a genuine connection not predicated on conflict. Now that I’m typing this I actually think that may have been the more important part: just being ready to grow up. I wonder if that’s the self-saboteur’s equivalent of “my light is on”? 🙂

    • Arizona says:

      I’m not sure she self sabotages regularly, honestly. I don’t think the Hiddleston relationship should count since it was a rebound after getting out of her first relationship that lasted over a year. pretty rare for those to go well lol.

      I do agree that people grow out of it. I’m guessing she wouldn’t have spent six years with Joe if she wasn’t wanting something long-term.

    • DK says:

      Yeah, the insistence on this site that Taylor continually self-sabotages relationships is uncomfortable. Commentators have already pointed out that the “evidence” she self-sabotages is pretty bare and from a long time ago, and people change.

      Additionally, it feels close to the slut-shaming/”been on too many dates” criticisms of Taylor. The idea that she always, or repeatedly, self-sabotages relationships (especially when she just got out of a 6 year relationship earlier this year?!) is just another way of saying she has too many boyfriends, goes through guys too fast, etc.

      It is also particularly gendered. When has anyone ever discussed hetero guys with similar dating histories in this way? Take even, for instance, guys Taylor has dated like John Mayer or Jake G etc., that we now know are pretty terrible to the women they date, or have very dodgy predator behaviors, etc. Surely we wouldn’t say that Taylor is at fault and did the self-sabotaging in these relationships, right? And yet, we also don’t say THEY self-sabotage the many relationships they are in (even though now we know they belittle and demean on the women they date, and/or prey on interns with a vast power-differential in the relationship, etc.) That seems a lot more likely to sabotage a relationship! But we only use that term for women.

      I’d love to see this site be a little less slut-shamey and gendered in its critique of Taylor’s relationships.

      • HoneyB says:

        DK: I agree with everything you’ve said. Since the Traylor relationship started I feel like i have gotten to know a lot about her past relationships. It seems like most ended because Taylor was young and not in the right fit. I too dated a lot before my husband. Since when is getting out of bad relationships “self-sabotage”. If anything this sounds like a term an abusive partner would use or enablers of said abusive partner.

      • The Old Chick says:

        It’s not ‘close to’ slut-shaming it absolutely is. There’s a distinct double standard depending on the person.

    • HeyJude says:

      Also when you’re this age, near mid-30s, you’ve been around long enough and know what you’re looking for compatibility wise that when you know, you know.

  3. AnneL says:

    They do seem to be getting serious. I hope it works out for them. They seem like a good fit.

    I think this little article might also have been planted, though, to deflect any criticism about Taylor “distracting” Travis from the game. The Chiefs lost last night in something of an upset. Taylor wasn’t even there, nor were they seen together for the past few days. She was in New York. But he was at the World Series game in Texas (I think on Friday?) and seen out dancing in a bar or something to one of her songs that happened to be playing there afterwards. So, of course there are those who might jump on that and say he’s not focused enough.

    This little tidbit is saying that yes, Travis is getting plenty of rest and Taylor is a busy woman too who understands his work commitments. So don’t blame her when the team loses.

    • Ms single malt says:

      Kansas City QB Patrick Mahomes is recuperating from the flu last week. He played on Sunday but he likely wasn’t feeling 100%. KV lost. It was an upset. But let’s imply Taylor Swift’s absence was the reason for the loss. It adds to the drama.

      • AnneL says:

        I certainly am not implying it nor that she is distracting Kelce from his job. But I believe some KC and NFL fans on social media will imply it, based on what I’ve seen. You have the league calling attention to her when she is at the games to drum up interest and you have some (pretty much all male) fans openly grousing and being salty about that, calling him “Taylor Swift’s Wife” etc. Every fan base has its toxic people.

    • A says:

      The article came before the game or his World Series attendance

  4. fineapplewinner says:

    I love these two and I think they’re such a great match. Having said that, I’d say it’s just as likely that the Swifties could sabotage this relationship as Taylor. they’re already harassing members of his family, his ex-girlfriend and demanding his publicist is fired. They’re too much.

  5. Candy says:

    Kayla Nicole liked some shady posts about Taylor. She is bitter &jealous 🤮

  6. girl_ninja says:

    It was good having a break from these thirsty channels cutting to Taylor for every Kelce play. I loved seeing Simone Biles on the sidelines cheering on her husband Jonathan Owens.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    I don’t know how anyone sleeps ten hours a day, much less thirteen. I’m pretty much wide awake after seven. But then, I’m no elite athlete.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Oh she can let him sleep now, but wait until there’s a baby. Daddy napping will be an explosive issue. 😂 good luck with that!

      • Christine says:

        I have binged everything Kelce related, much to my own horror, and I hope she takes the example from Kylie Kelce. My crush on her is out of control, and she seems to have reached a place of zen in being an NFL wife.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      My dog sleeps 13 hours a day….cats too, yes I envy them.

    • blacktoypoodle says:

      When I’m marathon training I can sleep 10+ hours without moving. I’ve had friends photograph me in bed after a race. They said they “checked for a pulse” 🙂 When I’m semi sedentary it’s 7.5. hours. My food consumption is the same. Running high milage: meat meat meat and carbs and I’ll eat anything on your plate if you don’t guard it. Not exercising “I’ll just have the tofu salad”. So the body demands more when you use it a lot.

  8. Pinkosaurus says:

    I love naps and sadly am married to a man who never naps. I have cats and dogs though and they are thrilled to have company to sleep with during the day.

  9. Bookie says:

    Lol, Broncos. Great trolling.

    • EveV says:

      yeah, I had to smile at that. Great song choice too lol

      They are such a cute couple, but I still think Travis is too good for her. That stuff with Matt Healy was appalling, and I’m still kind of surprised she got a whole pass for that.

      • VilleRose says:

        Same here, I think he’s too good for her too. I respect Taylor as an artist and business woman and enjoy a lot of her songs but personally I’ve always gotten a Mean Girl streak from her. I don’t think she’s someone I would want to hang out with casually or be friends with. But they do make a cute couple.

      • Ree says:

        Agree! She doesn’t deserve him. She comes off as too fake.

      • Lily says:

        I’m shocked (shouldn’t be, but I’m still sad to see it even on CB) and saddened that she got a total pass on Matt Healy… by dating an All-American football player with a totally different aura, image, and profession than her normal type. Credit to her team, it is a great (if obvious AF) PR move, and let’s not pretend she wouldn’t have jumped headfirst into this whether or not she was actually interested in him.

        She keeps showing us who she is and we keep grasping at straws to justify our belief that she’s somehow not a deeply problematic person. Everyone not holding her accountable is a part of the problem.

      • yellowtail says:

        Mmm hmm. Smart businesswoman and good songcrafter.

        But I don’t trust her at all. She is the best image creator in American pop music since Madonna. Madonna, though, doesn’t ask that I like her, nor does she posit herself as an ethical standard bearer. Taylor does both.

        I think Taylor is more decent than not. But I don’t buy what she is selling.

    • Grey says:

      I am a Broncos fan and it was the most fun I have had watching a game in a long time haha! I get that Mahomes was sick, but we have lost to the Chiefs something like 16 times in a row before yesterday. It was hilarious to hear the song, and then Kelce walked off the field without shaking hands after. Just an enjoyable experience as a Broncos fan.

      • AnneL says:

        Oh, he didn’t shake hands? Not cool. He seems like a good guy but there are rules about these things. The kids are watching. They like a tough competitor who cares but you need to show sportsmanship.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @AnneL, the shaking hands in football is more important between the coaches and QB’s. Typically, the other players are walking off the field and will hug their opponents that they know along with a lot of shoulder and back patting. I can’t say what actually happened between Kelce and anyone else because as soon as Denver won, they station switched to the SF/Cincy game. All I know, historically, is that Kelce has been a good sportsman throughout his career. A possible moment does not make the man.

        Kind of don’t care who won the game. Annoyed that Wilson’s passes have been off so much. (have one of his receivers in FF-the lone season Badger is frustrating).

  10. Melody Calder says:

    Awesome game, we were on the edge of our seats the whole time. I joked with my hubby that somehow this loss was going to be about Taylor not being there…. at the end of the game they put up stats showing kelce’s yardage when she is there and when she isn’t. It was 50% of his norm last night.

  11. BanjoVino says:

    I love this relationship for everyone involved! Travis, Taylor, Us, Swifties, NFL fans. Fun celebrity gossip is fun!

  12. Lucy says:

    I need them to work and I need new pictures 😂. But for real, I think they’re a great match and I hope it works for them. Also swifties are terrifying en masse online.

  13. Lisa says:

    I don’t get this self sabotage narrative. There really has been no indication that she does that other than when she admits it.

    Joe Jonas- first they were teens, second he is clearly an ass, and again they were teens so not shocking they broke up.

    Taylor Lautner- again very young but she admits to be the one to end that. But young.

    John Mayer- we seriously going to hold a 19 year old CHILD responsible for how a relationship with a 32 YEAR OLD MAN WENT?? A man who has driven women to alcoholism? But yeah it is completely Taylor’s fault poor victim John.

    Jake – um again considerably older than her and when’s as the last time that man (member of the pussy squad) held a long term committed relationship?

    Harry- again young and a fling were neither seemed to really be able to commit.

    Calvin- they were together for years, in their early 20s. A lot of those relationships just end.

    Tom- i mean she has admitted she used him to get out of her relationship with Calvin. So that one I will give you.

    Joe- they were together for 6 freaking years, that is a long time. There is no sabotaging in that, they clearly just wanted different things and lifestyles. That is normal and why relationships end.

    So again why is she blamed for all these relationship falling apart?

    Note this isn’t me saying she didn’t play a role in these relationship breaking down (sans Mayer and Jake- not giving those grown ass men passes) of course she did, but she isn’t the only one responsible.

    • Ref says:

      Taylor was in her late twenties and Calvin was 32 when they dated, and it was only for a year. I don’t necessarily disagree with your points though. The only times I would shade Taylor for her dating history was when she dated two teenagers (one before he turned 18) when she was 22/23. That’s gross. And also Matty Healy, because she should never get a pass for dating a publicly known racist.

      • Lily says:

        Ew. I almost forgot about the Kennedy boy. They clearly started seeing each other before his 18th birthday and she gets no passes for that one. Grooming is grooming no matter how famous and protected the predatory party might be.

    • sunny says:

      Good points. A dew notes though- Jake has never been part of the p***** squad. He is messy as hell but not that way. And he’s been with his current partner for at least half a decade.

      and yes on Ref’s point- no passes on dating the racist.

      I think the narrative of Taylor as a self-sabotage is overblown but she does tend to sing a lot about loving the chase but that was in earlier work.

      • Kate says:

        Sure, Jake’s been with with his current partner for 5 years….since she was 20/21. Not exactly proof that he’s not gross.

  14. Jenny says:

    I am also tired of this sabotage narrative, please stop using that word. You could say I sabotaged ALOT of relationships or…… none of them were right until I found my husband of 10 years and going *shrug*. I see nothing unusual with what Taylor is doing other than being in the spotlight for us to judge.

  15. February pisces says:

    I’ve known a couple of girls like Taylor in my time where they relationship hop with little to no intervals between relationships and they also have this need to show the world how in love they are every single time. I think it’s down to a deep rooted need to be validated by a man, and therefore showing the world your desirability. I dunno, but I personally think she could have done with a good year off from dating to heal, but I guess Taylor would have hated that.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    I continue to be ridiculously invested in the relationship of two people I’ll never meet. But again, it’s such a fun diversion from the real world, which sucks right now.

    So yes, more Taylor/Travis photos please!

    • Christine says:

      I’m really glad not to be the only one to completely fall down this particular rabbit hole!

  17. Lizzie says:

    I have no basis for it other than a gut feeling, but I think these two get married. And it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re engaged relatively quickly too (within a year).