Prince William told a group of children to guess his age. They guessed ’57’.

Prince William actually was handsome at one point, many years ago. People used to talk all the time about how much he looked like Diana. He seemed blessed with Spencer genes. Then something shifted in his 20s and the Windsor genes began to consume the Spencer genes. Nothing has ever been the same. I also think that William’s inner evil seeps out onto his looks – that man is ashy, awkward and full of rage. He does not carry himself like a man who is comfortable in his own skin. Well, during William and Kate’s day-trip to Scotland on Thursday, William told a group of primary-schoolers to guess his age. Their response was amazing.

The Prince of Wales has protested he is “not that old” after a child said he looked as though he was 57.

During a tour of the north of Scotland, the Prince and the Princess visited Burghead, Moray.
While speaking to pupils at Burghead primary school, the Prince answered questions from pupils, including from one pupil who asked if he had brought any soldiers of the King’s Guard with him, while the Princess of Wales volunteered to time a bike race between some of the other children.

One child asked the Prince how old he was and when he prompted the child to guess his age, they said they thought he was 57.

The 41-year-old Prince, feigning shock, said, “I’m not that old.”

[From The Telegraph]

Two things, in all honesty – William does look much older, and if you didn’t know who he was, most people would peg him (heh) at “late 40s,” very easily. Secondly, kids are just terrible at guessing ages and kids tend to think anyone over 25 is “really old.” It doesn’t matter if William is 41 or 57 or 33. He’s still an old man to kids that age. Last thing: never set yourself up like that. Never ask a kid to guess your age, weight, job, marital status or anything else. That child will absolutely brutalize you and your self-worth and then go play with their Legos like nothing happened.

PS… I really hope he didn’t try to sound hip and tell those kids about his favorite emoji.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “Prince William told a group of children to guess his age. They guessed ’57’.”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    If he wasn’t such a bad person I’d feel sorry for him.

    • Taytanish says:

      TBH, even if you ask an adult that doesn’t know anything about the royals, that adult person would easily peg William at 48-50 years old. William has aged really badly, same with his wife. The wife looks 48-50 herself, they both have aged so so badly.

      • WHAT says:

        Sadly he does look like he’s at least 46-48 minimum

        Catherine is starting to look like her mom and her skin without photo 😯 shop is so sad to see. Especially when she can get it worked on

        She looks like she’s 48-50 minimum if she’d pickup just a bit of weight and cut her hair shoulder length it would take ten years 📴 her look

        She looked good when she was pregnant with Louis and sad that it was only five years ago

      • Campbell says:

        Completely agree. They have a huge staff, endless help, barely work and still they both look really rough. Bitterness and extreme dieting maybe?

      • teecee says:

        Some people just don’t age as “well” as others. (Whatever “well” means.)

        I’m only mentioning this because looking “old” seems to be a common criticism lobbied at whoever the poster doesn’t like, but generous, wonderful, kind people (NOT these two, to be clear) look and become “old” or don’t age “well” all the time.

        I don’t know, I guess I’m just sensitive today.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I agree with you, @teecee. As someone who is on the far side of the late 50s, neither one of these look older than their true ages. They’re simply aging. Time, and gravity, catches up with everyone, I used to look ‘young for my age’, easily passing for ten years younger than what I actually was, until sometime in my 50s, when gravity came for me. And collagen loss. 😉

      • Red says:

        Both #WorkShyWilly &#LazyKate were binge drinkers for a decade before they married. I doubt that habit changed. Too much alcohol ages you fast.

      • Iolanthe says:

        Wonder what age they would have given Kate ? She wouldn’t take anything over fifty well at all .

    • theRobinsons says:

      Yeah, emoji eggplant 🍆

  2. Lauren Too says:

    I love this for him.

    • Giddy says:

      May I sit with you while I laugh hysterically?

    • Debbie says:

      I’m afraid I must sit in that corner too because I’m glad it happened to him, well deserved. Now, the only question I have is, was this a “snub” from the Scottish kids, was he “blind sighted” or was this the old “slapping the queen”? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. Rapunzel says:

    “Last thing: never set yourself up like that. Never ask a kid to guess your age, weight, job, marital status or anything else. That child will absolutely brutalize you and your self-worth and then go play with their Legos like nothing happened.”

    Truth. I’ll be 44 in a couple weeks and my 4 year old niece said I was an “old lady.” I said, “But sweetie, I’m younger than your mommy.” She said, “Mommy’s an old lady!” And laughed like it was tglhe funniest thing ever.

    • North of Boston says:

      So true!

      Plus, in my experience this…,
      “…. then go play with their Legos like nothing happened.” is often followed by ‘and then leave at least some Legos scattered on the floor where you’re destined to step on them later … when barefoot.

    • ML says:

      I’m crying tears of laughter, because this is so true, relatable and hilarious! Generally anyone 9 and younger is at a great risk of defining people as of 30 as ancient and they only slightly pay attention to stuff like wrinkles/ clothing style, grey hair, or baldness. It’s like there’s old as in teenage-20s, and then there’s really, really old. As for PW, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer…

    • Debbie says:

      How does he not know how to relate to kids after having 3 of them? Everyone knows how brutally honest children can be. I wouldn’t even ask that question to my own son.

      • Kay says:

        On my birthday last week, my 4 year old asked how old I was (38), then how old her dad was. Took her a few hours to digest, then she suddenly yelled: YOU ARE BOTH OVER TEN!!!

      • ArtHistorian says:

        That is so damn cute!

        I remember sitting in front of a pair of teenagers in the bus one time – and they were talking a lot about how 30 was old and how they just couldn’t image being 30. I couldn’t help a smile. Those sweet summer children.

    • Deering24 says:

      Why would William feel the need to ask kids that? For children, baldness is an instant “This guy is ancient” signifyer. 🤣

    • Christine says:

      My son regularly guessed my age was 2 years younger than my Mom, when he was little. My Mom, as any sane person would, used it for gigantic laughs for years. I can’t wait to bait my son’s kids, for inappropriately guessing their father is 85.

    • Lux says:

      It highly depends on how old the kid is. A 4-year-old will guess that someone is 100 just because that’s the biggest number they know and the person looks big.

      The group of kids in the photo is much older and they’re likely selecting the 57 from a frame of reference in their lives, ie. maybe their grandpa or much older uncle is 57 and William is balding and looks like he’s around grandpa’s age. It’s telling because 57 is VERY specific so you know that kid knows someone who is that age.

      • Iolanthe says:

        I was a jump ahead when my precocious two year old grandson wanted to know how old I was ..I told him 100 . So he told everybody that for the longest time . He also thinks I ride a broomstick because we have the classic witches broom in our garden. It’s funny about William and Kate because they are so insecure that age equals good looks to them . I know older people whose radiance and character make them stand out anywhere . Prince Philip was graceful well into his nineties . His progeny are not ageing that well . As for Kate and William hatred and malice will make them ugly , not old . Unfortunately for Kate , black and brown skin stays younger much longer

  4. seaflower says:

    Out of the mouth of babes hehe.

  5. Cel2495 says:

    Hahahaha! The kids are right !

  6. SueBarbri33 says:

    He and Kate seem to be at least 10 years older than Harry and Meghan. It’s ridiculous.

    • LaraK says:

      1. They don’t know how to dress. Meg and Harry have style, Kate has no sense of fashion and is too dim to hire someone who does. William dresses like my grandpa. It’s awful

      2. Their hair is tragic. I know William is bald, but Harry is too. There are ways to elevate it.

      3. How you carry yourself matters. Meg is warm and open and comfortable. Harry has swagger. These two always look like they have something in their shoe, and like they are constipated. It makes me uncomfortable just to look at them.

      4. A genuine smile goes a long way. Meg and Harry always have a smile to give. These two always look like the vet is checking their horse teeth.

      My point is, of course they look way older! Such a waste of money!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      When Kate was photographed with Crown Princess Mary, Kate stans were gushing about how they could be twins! Except, Mary is 10 years older and still looks more youthful than Kate. Smoking, tanning, ED, drinking, and other bad habits can take their toll on your skin and features — I can only guess which if those has Kate done.

      • Christine says:

        It boggles my mind that so many celebrities still smoke. There are so many really good aides to quit now, and I say that as someone who smoked for two decades.

      • Demona says:

        Smoking curbs the appetite. Some would rather be skinny now than healthy later

  7. Moira's Rose's Garden says:

    No lies detected.

    Also, that’s what happens when the evil seeps outside for all to see. No amount of moisturizer and prayer can help that.

    • Teagirl says:

      The trouble is that William’s Dorian Grey portrait in the attic doesn’t move with him as he goes from place to place, and the supernatural link that ages the painting rather than him has been broken, and the true William is being seen. That’s the trouble when you have multiple homes, you lose track of where things are.

  8. Miranda says:

    OMG, that photo of him on the bike. He looks straight out of Upper Class Twit of the Year. 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Becks1 says:

    Well, both your points are right Kaiser – kids are bad at guessing age, so anyone over 25 is “old” to them (I mean if you’re talking to 6 year olds, that’s almost a 20 year age gap, that’s not insignificant, you know? between 6 and 25) – so don’t set yourself up and ask, you’ll just be disappointed, lol.

    But this is still hilarious because its William. Did he think they were going to say he looked 30?

  10. CL says:

    He does look older than he is, and his personality doesn’t help. He’s on his way to becoming a grumpy old man.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      He’s already a grumpy old man. In another setting, he’d he yelling at the kids, “Get off my lawn!”

    • anotherlily says:

      He has a lot in common with Diana’s father John Spencer. He was good looking in his younger days, according to the standards of the time, but as he aged he developed the heavy-jawed look that William now has.

  11. Kids can be brutally honest. I think the kid is right he looks older than 41. I also think he looks like Mr.Burns from the Simpsons lol.

  12. Kingston says:

    You hv to wonder how this rageaholic, incompetent, pathetic excuse for a man manages to stay upright and keep putting one foot in front of the other without being visibly held up by his sycophantic serfs on the daily.

    He’s such an over-privileged waste of space.

  13. Alexandria says:

    He shouldn’t have asked kids 🤣😭 I know I wouldn’t haha.

    Ok but he looks older than his age and we’ve even made comparisons to Edward. Agree with the Mr Burns comparison too lol.

  14. Jay says:

    Yup, kids are brutal! Never set yourself up like this. I imagine this must feel particularly terrible for William, who seems to be surrounded by fawning yes men and press who celebrate his every mediocre move. “Wonderful job, sir! You’re still a heartthrob, sir!”

  15. Avonan says:

    It looks like the training wheels were just removed by the way he’s balancing on that bike. His awkwardness and immaturity never cease to puzzle me. He’s like a 12-year-old boy in a 57-year-old body. After a lifetime in the public eye and a future as king, you’d think William would have more ease and polish in the public eye. A case of arrested development after the death of Diana?

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      I really do think this is part of his problem. In the 90s, his gestures and awkwardness were endearing because he was still a teenager. And an extremely good looking teenager, at that. But he should be smoother by now. Harry really improved his public persona, even before Meghan entered the picture.

    • Nic919 says:

      Also he was placed on a pedestal by almost everyone but Diana and so the balance she provided was removed. So he was always told how wonderful he was without ever knowing it wasn’t the truth.

      • AMTC says:

        Like the John Hamn character in 30 Rock who was so good looking no one had ever told him he was terrible at tennis etc.

      • MipMip says:

        I love the “The Bubble”! It might be my favorite 30 rock episode. “I’d like a catfish po boy and a diet raspberry Fanta.” 😆

        Though Jon Hamm’s character was really just dumb. William is dumb AND mean.

    • Cairidh says:

      When he was 12 people who met him commented that he talked like he was 40, and he seemed much older than his years. They said he was “an extraordinary boy.”
      When Michael Jackson was a child people said similar things and he ended up feeling like a child in an adult body.

      Often when children are expected to behave like adults, either because they are childstars or because they have neglectful or abusive parents, they then don’t quite grow up up properly. They end up feeling like children when they’re adults.

      • Lorelei says:

        I sincerely hope the same thing doesn’t happen with George.

      • Deering24 says:

        I forget where I read it, but some psychologists theorize that inheriting great wealth or getting stardom as a child has the same effect serious trauma does on a kid’s personality. It essentially freezes them at that particular age and unless they get a reality check or have good parents, they’ll spend their lives being split down the middle–adult on the outside, kid inside.

    • Grace Yancy says:


  16. Belli says:

    This is another piece of evidence that William took losing his looks and the ‘heartthrob’ status he had in his late teens and twenties very badly.

    I’m actually not surprised. Having good looks be part of your identity at a young age and then losing them so quickly would be difficult for anyone. If he weren’t such an unpleasant person I’d have sympathy for him.

    • ÎLady Digby says:

      I seem to remember Joan Rivers commenting on Robert Redford receiving adulation at some Awards party dinner. He just had to turn up as a gorgeous, famous film star and everyone was throwing themselves at his feet. Whereas she felt as an average looking lady that she had to work hard to be gain acceptance, she had to earn it. Will is a nepo son of a famously beloved mother and there was much sympathy for both sons when Diana died so young. Good, bad, lazy or racist he is going to King so he knows that he does not have to make an effort for anyone or anything. The client media continue to speak of him warmly as the future of the monarchy Yes he has lost his good looks but more importantly his inner ugliness shows in how he treats family badly, cheats on his wife and is lazy and undisciplined at his PoWship.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Belli I have ALWAYS wondered why W didn’t nip it in the bud and start getting…some sort of treatments, or plugs, or whatever it is that men use— as soon as he started losing his hair. It’s not like he didn’t have the resources to have professionals to come to one of his palaces to do it privately and to hire some of the best so that it would look natural. The only explanation I could come up with is that he doesn’t mind it, that it wasn’t an issue for him, and that he didn’t care. But the more we learn about him, the harder it is to believe he doesn’t care, IMO.

      Harry has definitely been doing some sort of hair replacement over the past year, and he looks good. Of course his detractors are ragging on him for it, but whatever, they criticize him for breathing. He has the money to do something about it, and if I were as wealthy as Harry or William I’d be out getting some sort of procedure done right now and typing this from a waiting room!

      And this is no shade whatsoever to bald men. Many bald men look awesome and it suits them and they’re clearly comfortable with how they look. But William does not seem like the type to be cool with it, which brings me back to wondering why he didn’t address it years ago before it got noticeable enough that people wouldn’t necessarily have even realized that he was …supplementing his natural hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Maybe he was in denial about it for so long that by the time he realized how dire the situation was, he was afraid to address it because he knew people would talk about it? That seems like the most on-brand explanation to me at this point.

  17. Chantal says:

    Haha. Kids can be the toughest critics and often see thru phony people. He and Special K look much older than their ages yet still act so juvenile.

  18. SIde Eye says:

    Payback for how rude he was to the lady who made him cupcakes and how he bullied a child at that same school for having red hair. So yes I love this for him also.

  19. Jan says:

    Kids are real, shows how much time Cain spends with his children, to asked a question like that.
    He is going to get the BM to do another poll saying he is the most handsome 41 year old, they gave him the sexiest bald head title already.
    Poor Meghan and Harry will be getting more attacks from KP and CH, because their tours were boring.
    BM are calling for Beatrice and Eugenie to do Royal tours, because they realize that Chucky and Cowmilla look worn out. Notice they’re not saying send the Wails, and no one pays attention to Sofiesta and her new clothes budget.

    • Eurydice says:

      This is a great point – he’s supposed to be such a great dad and so involved with his kids.

  20. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Those kids aren’t that young, so they knew what they were guessing. This wasn’t some seven-year-old who hasn’t quite processed the concept of time and age. Those kids look eleven, twelve. They understand and have been exposed to people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies. It wasn’t some innocent, wide-eyed guess, that kid really wanted to know because he couldn’t tell. He thought William was that old because he doesn’t get any sun, his teeth don’t fit his mouth–they’re like dentures–he doesn’t have much hair left, and those that are clinging to his scalp look wispy and grey (since they’re dirty blond). That was just one harsh, yet honest assessment from a tween.

  21. Allison says:

    If someone told me he was actually 57, I’d believe them

  22. Tessa says:

    Big mistake for him to ask how old do you think I am. Does not end well. Maybe adult sycophants would say 21 years old.

  23. Mslove says:

    Oh dear, this might send Peg spiraling right into a mid-life crisis.

  24. Jais says:

    He never should have asked that question. What a fool.

    • First comment says:

      True. It makes me wonder how much real interaction he has with his own children….I mean, anyone with a basic knowledge of children would know that you don’t ask them things like that because they could be unpredictable..

  25. jemmy says:

    Well, maybe look to those who should have provided the care and nature after his mothers death. Boys do not just mature into men. They need the loving care and guidance into maturity. This is more so for men who need both the presence of both parents.

    If he is lacking in maturity then blame his father / adults who should have stepped in after Diana’s death

    As for his looks, I don’t think he is actually bad looking. However no amount of good / bad looks can compensate for an awful personality/ character traits.

    Given the possibility of unaddressed issues of grief, neglect and emotional abandonment during his teenage years, I think he needs to get some help re his mental state & behavioural issues. It’s never too late to learn and change.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I agree that William lacked (especially after Diana’s death) loving care and guidance. But he also lacked discipline, which Diana balanced with love and care. Charles, it seems, simply left the discipline to the staff. William was an unruly kid even when Diana was alive. I remember the picture of her smacking him on the rear, for being a naughty little boy. It seems his preparation for kinghood began when he enrolled at Eton. By then, I think that not even Diana had any control over him. He was now in the hands of the-men-in-gray, who instituted the plan to have him squarely on the firm’s side. I really believe that this is at the heart of Kate’s fear about George entering Eton. I think she knows that, with her mother losing influence because of the disgraceful demise of PP, to lose George’s loyalty, will leave her unprotected, especially if its true that William seems to be done with her.

  26. Tessa says:

    William has the Windsor genes dominating and has some features of his hanoverian ancestors. Makes him look older.

  27. Harper says:

    Cue the opposite day headlines: A rapidly aging Harry seeks plastic surgeon’s help to roll back the time as he fears he looks twice his age as Megxit and the California sun takes a toll on his looks.

  28. TIFFANY says:

    Maybe the kids thought they were speaking with Prince Edward.

  29. Eurydice says:

    Lol, yes – and then they’d find a “Hollywood ” plastic surgeon nearby and guess that Harry is going there.

  30. Tarte au Citron says:

    He has grown to strongly resemble Uncle Edward, or even the Duke of Kent, IMO.

    • Blithe says:

      I think he looks a lot like the Queen Mum. Edward was quite good looking as a teen and young adult. The transformations must be startling for them, although perhaps as royals, there are fewer differences in how they’re viewed and treated when they’re physically attractive vs when they’re not?

    • Gabby says:

      It is shocking to see pictures of Edward when he was young. He was actually quite the looker. Now he is a rattling old dude and Pegs is fast approaching him on the downhill slide.

  31. Beverley says:

    TOB = The Old Brother

    Pegs is aging at a rapid, breakneck speed. In 5 years, he’ll look like he’s in his early 60s, retirement age. No amount of prayer, repentance, water, or plastic surgery will restore his youthful good looks. His ugly goes straight to the bone, and as the elders say, God don’t love ugly.

  32. Amy says:

    “Never ask a kid to guess your age, weight, job, marital status or anything else. That child will absolutely brutalize you and your self-worth and then go play with their Legos like nothing happened.” I Lol’d. It’s funny because it is true.

  33. Lucky Charm says:

    My then 4 year old granddaughter told me she thought 17 was when someone was officially old, hahaha. I’ve been old for a really long time then!

    • Blithe says:

      I was once told by an 11 year old: “When you’re old, like 25, why even go outdoors!” I think I was about 26 at the time, so that one hit me hard! Lol.

  34. QuiteContrary says:

    That question really does capture his utter cluelessness. He got BODIED by those tweens and it’s hilarious.

  35. Cam says:

    On a sort of serious note. I saw a documentary on Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. Anyway, Prince Albert died at 42. In the documentary, they mentioned how he always looked much older for his age — and if you look at old photos of Albert, by 42 he was very bald like William, and he could easily pass for 50s. I wonder if William inherited that from him.

  36. EveV says:

    I asked my 15 year old son the other day how old he thought Kate was. I showed him a fairly photoshopped picture of her and he still guessed 45. While only a few years older than her actual age, it’s pretty surprising when she has access to all of the best skin care and has no worries when it comes to work or finances,

  37. Mary Pester says:

    Let’s face it, at the age of 25, he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!
    Billy, children aren’t programmed to lie to make you feel good, maybe the children thought they were being kind 😂😂😂😂but I hope “NO PILLOWS WERE HURT AFTER THIS EXCHANGE LOL. All hail prince fugly

  38. Puppy1 says:

    Oh dear, there goes the “hunk” status 😂

    • MsIam says:

      Ikr, William must be crushed. Should we still refer to him as the “sex god” though? Just so we don’t hurt his widdle feelings more? God bless the children, they pull no punches. 😂

    • Deering24 says:

      What–he’s not the second coming of Mr. Darcy!?! The horror…😂😂😈

  39. lucy2 says:

    Kids always say stuff like that, but I got a little chuckle out of it for him, picturing him “incandescent with rage” about it later.

  40. LadyBreenie says:

    Hate and jealousy are ageing. Oh dear 🤣🤣🤣 he gets no sympathies from me.

  41. J.Ferber says:

    I’d have guessed 59. The kids were being generous. Did Will really think they’d flatter him and say 25? Ha!

  42. MAX says:

    Cocaine is a helluva drug

  43. Chantale says:

    His inner darkness took over his former handsome self.

  44. Cathy says:

    So the activity for the day was not just the bike ride for Katie there was also “guess ma age” too? Will these 2 ever do an engagement together like grown ups?

  45. Freddy says:

    Never ever ask anyone to guess your age or weight. Period.

  46. Her Again says:

    In the pic where Will is taking the selfy with the elderly woman, it looks like if literally hurts him to smile. He can’t even smile, he always looks like he’s grimacing. I think I’m going to call him Grimace from now on

  47. Agreatreckoning says:

    57 seems like a very kind guess.

  48. Proud Mary says:

    This is an example of a man who spends his living moments around shlubs and lackeys who have their own self-interests in blowing smoke up his rectum. This faux-pas is an outgrowth of the new William-is-a-bald-hottie-and-women-can’t-stop-throwing-themselves-at-him campaign. No one is buying this nonsense, not even those toadies masquerading as journalists, the so-called royal rota. I think it clearly shows that, when it comes to William and Kate’s one-sided competition with the sussexes, the Waleses have simply thrown in the tow. They are simply proving themselves to be lightweight, i.e., substance free.

  49. Macky says:

    William looks a little diana when he has been humbled. I’m talking about pic number 2 with the kid on the bike.