King Charles & Camilla faced anti-monarchy protests during the opening of Parliament

Today was the big “state opening of Parliament” in the UK. The American equivalent would probably be the president’s State of the Union address before Congress. For the state opening of Parliament, both chambers come together to listen to the “king’s speech,” which is written by Downing Street. King Charles has to highlight the prime minister’s agenda for the year. Seems like the kind of thing better suited for an elected head of state but what do I know.

The photos from Charles and Camilla’s arrival inside Parliament are pretty rough. This is Charles’s first big state opening, correct? They didn’t do it like this last year, or maybe I’ve blocked it out. All of these photos are a big YIKES. Camilla’s dress is wrinkled and they both look like they’re being propped up artificially. Also: shouldn’t Will and Kate be there? When Charles was PoW, he almost always attended the opening of Parliament. William scheduled his Singapore busywork so he’d have a conflict. Meanwhile, no one invited Kate.

Well, speaking of the British need to have an elected head of state instead of an unelected hereditary monarchy, Republic organized a huge protest for today’s event. As soon as King Charles and Queen Camilla left Buckingham Palace in their gold carriage, they were greeted with huge, yellow “NOT MY KING” banners and signs. We haven’t seen this kind of demonstration since Charles’s Scottish coronation in July, where the Republic bullhorns and chanting protestors were so loud, you could hear them inside the cathedral.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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94 Responses to “King Charles & Camilla faced anti-monarchy protests during the opening of Parliament”

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  1. K8erade says:

    I will never get tired of watching Charles & Camilla get utterly assaulted with karma. It’s only going to get worse.

    I’m a bit surprised about Peg not being there. Like that’s the main part of the job.

    • Sam says:

      OMG how embarrassing!!!
      England, I feel so, so, so sorry for you!
      I’m so happy to live in a democratic, republican country (Germany) and don’t have to see such clowns in my government who make fun of themselves and the English people in these carnival costumes in front of the whole world!

    • Geegee says:

      He knew it would there would be protesters

      • K8erade says:

        In order to do the job even remotely adequately, Peg is going to have to get used to criticism and protesters.

    • anotherlily says:

      It isn’t essential for the Prince of Wales to attend the state opening of Parliament. Charles didn’t always attend. He first appeared at a state opening in 1967 when he was a few days away from his 19th birthday. Princess Anne who was 17 also attended. Charles wasn’t in robes and he had no military uniform. He was a student at Cambridge at the time. Anne wore a long white ‘court gown’ and a tiara.

      In recent years Charles deputised for his father and accompanied his mother and most recently he deputised for the Queen when she became too frail.

      There were a few changes to the ceremonial today but it mostly followed the traditions established over 300 years ago. I quite enjoyed watching it. I think Camilla’s page boys were two of her grandsons and her sister was one of her attendant ladies. Camilla wore a coronet and her ladies had tiaras. No role for Kate andI think William was still in Singapore. I doubt if he would have been there even if he were in the UK. My feeling is that Charles doesn’t want William and Kate, especially Kate, to be drawing attention at ceremonial events. Showing up late to the coronation in a huge fake tiara will be long remembered.

      • Prairiegirl says:

        Thanks for the context, @anotherlily.

        As always with these posts about the ceremonial role of the Crown, I have to ask: Who is forcing Americans to accept UK traditions? Why do Americans care?

        I don’t understand why Americans go so sanctimoniously snakey-eyed over another nation’s rites of passage. The British Crown doesn’t impinge on American governance nor on American culture.

        Most Brits enjoy the pageantry associated with their monarchy. Most Brits also enjoy bad mouthing their monarchy – it’s been a national pastime through the ages. They’ve also modified their monarchy through time to suit the times, as they see fit, and the associated rites and rituals reflect those modifications. It’s theirs to keep, to change, or not.

      • ArtFossil says:

        @Prairiegirl: I don’t have to be directly affected to feel outrage. Or contempt.

        I don’t see “pagentry” any more when I see Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine. I see greed, cruelty, disregard for the rule of law and disinterest in the welfare of others.

        I feel nothing but contempt for them. And I feel sorry for their subjects.

      • Lulu says:

        I believe that as a counselor of state Charles stood in for his mother at the opening of Parliament, also William attended at two COS are required when standing in for the monarch in an official/constitutional role.

      • anotherlily says:

        @Prairiegirl I agree most Brits enjoy the pageantry but it has to be carried out well. Perhaps enjoy isn’t always the right word, especially when it’s a funeral, but it isn’t easy to explain. There’s a sense of connection with history and in the case of the late Queen I think a lot of personal affection for her.

        I found Charles’s coronation irritating in many ways. It was too soon after the Queen’s death. Some ‘innovations’ were not thought through. E.g. the idea of there being a ‘pledge of the people’ following the pledges made by the ranks of nobles. This was a failure in understanding and there was public objection which forced a hurried change. The point of the nobility and powerful pledging loyalty to the King is because the King pledges himself in service to the people. As stated at the beginning of the ceremony he comes to serve not to be served. As in the national anthem “May he defend our laws and ever give us cause to sing ….. etc.
        Parliament is the ultimate power not the King and nobility. Parliament represents the people. .
        Other irritations included the purple shirt thing Charles thought appropriate and William and Kate’s conduct. And, the final straw, taking the whole circus to Edinburgh.

      • Bad Janet says:

        Because Britain’s monarchy DOESN’T just affect Britain. This is a simple but short sighted perspective on everything they represent.

        They are living representations of classism and oppression. They prance around on jewelry they stole from The people they colonized. They continue to treat the Commonwealth countries, especially the Black ones, as a resource to be exploited, rather than partners who deserve respect. And ALL of these attitudes start with the royal family – but they sure as hell don’t end there. Windrush, Windrush, Windrush.

        That’s enough, honestly, but what about Charles hoarding land and renting it to families who will never be able to own the tracts their homes are on? What about every day people struggling and, for decades, being told to pinch their pennies, while the RF lives a life of water and excess on the taxpayers’ dime? Maybe it isn’t MY problem, but I still care, because it’s wrong.

        I can’t wait for the Republicans to win their fight. Just the British ones, please.

      • ArtFossil says:

        Well said, @Bad Janet.

      • BeanieBean says:

        It may not be ‘essential’ for the PoW to attend, but Charles did numerous times as PoW and he & Diana went together at least a couple of times. Billy Boy needs to up his game, or he’s intending to throw it all away.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Bad Janet, 🎯

    • Lolalola says:

      Agree 1000%. It’s funny to me that for all the effort Camilla put into becoming queen, she sits there hunched over like a complete dud. Oh wait, she IS a complete dud.

  2. equality says:

    Someone got a very nice photo with that “not my king” sign perfectly framed in the carriage window. There’s KC a photo for his Christmas card this year.

  3. I love this picture!! Hope there will be more in the coming days. I wonder if Peg actually thought that by scheduling his earthsh*t awards would get more coverage than Chuckles opening of parliament? Knowing Peg’s need for the spotlight I bet he did. As for Can’t I’m sure Peg told her to behave and not be seen so that her divorce settlement doesn’t disappear.

    • Harper says:

      Wasn’t it last year’s opening of parliament that Burger King was slumped in his chair looking bored out of his mind while CRex rambled on? I am one hundred percent certain that was when the great statesman decided to always hold his Earthshot ceremony on the same day somewhere far far away so he’ll never have to attend again.

      • MoxyLady007 says:

        I think it was. The heir always looks like – why are they STILL ALIVE?!? and
        Charles. Now William.

      • anotherlily says:

        William was there last year for legal reasons. In the absence of the Monarch there have to be two Counsellors of State present. Charles who was acting as Regent was one and William was the only other available. The other two were Andrew and Harry.

        Counsellors of State are the Monarch’s spouse and the next four adults in the line of succession. Since Charles became King , Camilla is now a Counsellor of State and Beatrice has become the 4th adult in line of succession.

  4. Southern Fried says:

    Yikes These two should be arrested for being a public eyesore. To the dungeon! Those poor boy pages must be horrified.

  5. Lulu says:

    Aaand Camilla’s crown is crooked.

    • WaterDragon says:

      Horsilla’s posture. OMG, she’s slumping on the throne. Where is Lady Fermoy when you need her.

      • Eurydice says:

        I think she has osteoporosis. But really, all that royal crap they have to wear, gowns and crowns and capes – they must weigh a ton. And Elizabeth had to wear even more – a bigger crown, medals, a giand jeweled necklace, a 20-foot train – in her later years, I was sure they brought her in on a gurney.

    • Monica says:

      So much pomp! I cannot believe how they dress to address Parliament. I love tradition but cmon, it’s 2023.

    • AmB says:

      Imagine, grown-up people dressing up in costumes like that and parading around in broad daylight. And not for Halloween, and not ironically.

      (Hah, Chucky and Bride of Chucky!)

  6. Jais says:

    Wow, those images of the protestors through the window of the carriage are amazing. Perfection. Iconic. They looked so silly getting out of that carriage, omg.

  7. Inge says:

    What a wonderful picture with the NOt My King placard

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    In one pic, Charles looks like he’s about to nod off and fall off his throne. That’s what happened to Elvis !

    This all looks so 18th century.

  9. Becks1 says:

    I do think its interesting that Kate wasn’t invited in William’s stead (and that william isn’t there at all.) I dont know if Camilla ever subbed in for charles, so maybe its not how its done, but it feels like a snub, especially since Anne got a nice role at the event.

    As for the event….I think something thats becoming clear is that there are a lot of events/ceremonies/etc that the royals convinced themselves people loved because of “tradition” and it turns out it was only tradition with QEII bc she had been around for so long. No one actually wants to see Camilla in a tiara at this event.

    • equality says:

      Kate isn’t a counsellor of state so she wouldn’t stand in for PW. Bea, Anne or Edward could have attended.

      • Becks1 says:

        Diana attended the opening several times, so Kate could certainly have attended, even if not as a stand-in per se.

      • equality says:

        Di came on her own or with Charles?

      • Lulu says:

        Acting as COS only applies to standing in for the monarch at official duties. So I assume the king can invite Will or Kate if he wants to. I also assume that inviting Kate got a big No from Camilla.

      • equality says:

        Diana apparently came with Charles as the Queen’s escort on a couple of times when Prince Philip wasn’t available. Cammy was available, so KC had his escort. Apparently, Anne attends as the gold-stick-in-waiting.

    • BQM says:

      It was tradition long before Elizabeth. Though Victoria in her widowhood often skipped. But also during her time a large contingent of the family attended. This is way scaled down.

  10. ML says:

    Camzilla is wearing the Chubbly gown, right? The fact that she tipped her crown back and CRex wumped his down over his forehead looks odd together.
    These two really look worn out, tired, and not up to the event. Republic did an excellent job with their yellow protest signs and the pictures they generated!
    It’s rare, but sometimes you need to give credit where credit is due. PW and K did the right thing by staying far, far away from these pictures.

    • Lulu says:

      QC Camilla, Queen Margrethe and Queen Letitia all three queens blinged out. I believe Queen Margrethe is in her eighties and holds her own next to Letitia.

    • Blithe says:

      I was confused when I saw Camilla’s gown. Yes. With two big events, Camilla couldn’t be bothered to get a second dress. I’m all for re-wearing, but that seems kind of odd to me — like rewearing a wedding dress.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Blithe – I am with you all the way!

        Seems to me that if there is ever a time to ALWAYS wear a new dress it would be The State Opening of Parliament. However, I’m a Yank so what would I know.

      • Shoshone says:

        I would have assumed that QC’s coronation gown would have already been cleaned and prepared for preservation and donation to the Crown for eventual display to the public. Unlike other queens and consorts they really do not have an equivalent wedding gown to display alongside Diana’s and QEII’s gowns.
        Camilla’s coronation dress would be an acceptable stand in.

  11. SarahCS says:

    The protest photos are OUTSTANDING.

  12. MsIam says:

    Kate who? And I do think its odd that William isn’t there. Isn’t that one of his actual duties as the future king? I can’t remember if William was there last year or not, I just remember the year he was sitting in attendance like a moody teenager. But I think that was before QEII died.

  13. Lau says:

    The Guardian put an excellent photo on their live, it’s almost the same as the one in the header except that they are both looking away as if they’re saying to each other “don’t look them in the eye !”
    Kate not being invited at all is weird but maybe she was just too lazy to bother, she can’t really use the school run as an excuse lol.

  14. Mslove says:

    Chuck & his concubine look comical, like utter fools. Peg should have been there, but he’s too busy pretending to be Harry.

  15. Cassie says:

    They look ridiculous .
    What is the sense in all this dated shit they go on with .
    Those clothes must be so uncomfortable and they look decrepit .
    Just embarrassing and out of touch ,

  16. Ginger says:

    Kate’s not there because she is glued to George’s side because of his “exams”

    Charles and Camilla look ROUGH.

  17. s808 says:

    Those protest photos really look great. Could easily see the one with the National posted on the front of Time magazine. Times are changing and the monarchy is on its way out.

  18. Cerys says:

    Charles seems to be aging fast. The difference in him since he became king is considerable. I wish someone has straightened up Camilla’s tiara. Normally she can wear bling quite well but not this one.

    • Debbie says:

      How can you guys be so callous? Now, how do you know that Charles and his mare weren’t just run over by that carriage just before they hopped aboard, huh?

  19. equality says:

    When PW attends it is as a Counsellor of State. Kate isn’t there because she is not one. Bea, Anne and Edward are the ones who could have attended.

  20. Ace says:

    The photos of those two idiots decked in crowns and capes in the middle of what is supposed to be a normal part of a functioning government are very silly. Have the king read the speech if you must (abolish all monarchies!) but having them dressed as if they rocked up from the fourteenth century makes it look so unserious. If they had dressed as clowns it would have had the same effect.

    Those protest photos are great.

  21. Olivia says:

    This clown cart show is happening as the UN has raised red flagged on the level of poverty in the UK. Shameless.

  22. Harper says:

    Those photos are ICONIC. Did the crown get driven in its own car today? Or is that another archaic ceremony I’m confusing this one with?

  23. Jais says:

    Huh, guess the resounding success of the Kenya tour didn’t carry over back home. Bummer.

  24. aquarius64 says:

    The Waleses being no shows at SOP are bad optics. They are future monarch and queen consort. The signs are iconic and karmic for the Carolean era of the House of Windsor.

  25. Chantal says:

    Haha I love that photo with the Not My King placard perfectly positioned! Whenever I see the Lying King and his useless wife, I’m always surprised at how they don’t look remotely regal – nor do they exude any grace, style or class. Something is always off with them – from crooked crowns and tiaras, the slouching on the thrones, ill-fitting clothes, to their sour and bored and boring facial expressions. C-Rex looks like he’s about to topple over from the weight of the 👑. The consort always has a smile/smirk at these types of events whereas the Lying King looks like he’s either grimacing or trying to smile but for forgot how. The only time the monarch, his wife, and the PPOWs looked truly happy was in that morbid funeral group photo taken right after QEII died. What a miserable bunch.

  26. Cessily says:

    That photo of the protest signs behind the tacky golden carriage will haunt him historically and globally, hopefully someday soon we will actually see the Monarchy abolished.

  27. Mary Pester says:

    😂😂😂😁😂😁😂😂Sorry but 😂😂😂😂😂😂who knew that karma was big and yellow 😂😂😂
    This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving couple (well other than bully and botox barbie)
    You spend all of your life waiting for a job, you get it, have a party for it, put a hat on it, and then the job dont want you 😂😂😂. Oh Charlie, things could have been so different, if YOU had been so different. So toddle of back to buck house, send the nag back to ray mill to sober up then sit and ponder your future.
    Your people are starving in some places, your schools and hospitals are falling down, food banks are the biggest growth industry in the UK and high streets are becoming ghost towns, but YOU think playing dress-up and riding in fancy coaches after a lovely tax payer funded jaunt to a warm country is a good look
    … Optics Charlie, optics and not the ones camzilla is partial to

    • ChattyCath says:

      Today’s prizewinning post

    • Blithe says:

      But, but…Mummy always made it look so EASY!

      • twoz says:

        Amazing how his parents looked better in their nineties than he and the side piece look in their seventies. 😂

    • Jaded says:

      @Mary Pester — Great post. The more they toddle into events like this wearing crooked crowns, fur trimmed robes and massive bling, the worse they look and I’m here for it. Of all the useless, money-wasting, archaic and pointless things…but they keep stepping into shite again and again. LISTEN TO YOUR PEOPLE! They don’t need self-aggrandizing, anachronistic ceremonies, they need jobs, food, decent health care, affordable schooling, YOUR COUNTRY IS FALLING APART while you whistle as Rome burns. Stop ignoring the obvious and DO YOUR EFFING JOB — work to help your subjects.

    • Lady D says:

      Ditto Canada’s food banks becoming the biggest growth industry this year. It’s getting really bad.

    • You nailed it Mary😂😂😂😂😂.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, “Your people are starving in some places, your schools and hospitals are falling down, food banks are the biggest growth industry in the UK and high streets are becoming ghost towns,”

      You’re right, how can they ignore what’s going on around them? KFC is letting everyone know that he doesn’t care. I know he’s (supposedly) not political, but he cannot ignore this.

      What also strikes me is that this is what the far-right Republicans want the US to become, too.

      • Christine says:

        They really do. I don’t see any significant difference between monarchists and magas, at this point.

  28. BlueNailsBetty says:

    The royals really need to get into yoga or pilates and work on their core strength to fix their terrible posture.

    • Blithe says:

      Ahhhh. If ONLY they hadn’t been so merciless and cruel to Meghan! I bet Meghan and her graceful Mom would have been happy to lead a few yoga sessions.

      Ahimsa — respect for all — could have been a great theme to start things off.

  29. Dani says:

    Republic keep it ten toes down and I love them for it.

    The fact that they wore their coronation frippery, when EVERY other royal house has long stopped doing the same for their opening of their country’s Parliament… just makes Chuck and the Lush look even more stupid and out of touch. The man is desperate to be just as important and loved as QEII, but that’s never going to happen.

  30. phlyfiremama says:

    All that splendor and they look so sour. 🤣 What a waste of taxpayers money. Republic, keep doing these protests! The message is getting through, believe that!

  31. Roo says:

    This all seems so pitiful and anachronistic. The gold carriage is ugly and ostentatious and unpleasantly reminiscent of Trump. They look so worn out and limp, and I don’t understand why. They have no household duties or errands to run. Everything is done for them. They travel in luxury. Why are they so raggedy?

  32. Lady D says:

    Who is the not blonde lady behind Camilla? She seems far more regal.
    Do the pageboys have to keep their heads down, or is it shyness?
    Is the gentleman in front of the procession carrying a sheathed sword, or is that the precious Gold Stick-in-Waiting?

  33. tamsin says:

    They both look like they are slumping. Camilla’s crown looks like it’s going to fall off any moment (poetic justice, perhaps?) the way it appears to be just plopped on top of her head.

    • Shoshone says:

      Camilla, in particular, has appeared over the past months to be almost disassociated at times staring into space while exhibiting a very low energy level. This can be reminiscent of some some very serious age related neurological conditions. I haven’t gotten a good look at her gait ( the red carpet in Kenya doesn’t count) but certain changes in gait can also be an indication of illness. We all think Camilla is a witch, but, perhaps she stayed in the car in Kenya because she did not feel well enough to get out.
      ( Not a physician but I have had two close family members pass in the last three years after lengthy illness due to the aforementioned age related neurological disease.)

      • lanne says:

        That could be true–they should be honest about that. She’s a public figure. It would be possible to extend her some grace if that’s the case, but if not, then she gets judged for looking like a horses ass.

      • anotherlily says:

        Camilla has osteoporosis. Her mother had it and suffered a lot of pain. Treatment for the condition has improved and Camilla will have the best medical help. She’s been a smoker for much of her life which won’t help her health even if she’s now stopped smoking. Smoking has certainly had an effect on her skin.

      • Tessa says:

        Camilla has looked very self satisfied in many photos since she became queen consort. I don’t feel sorry for her after the way she treated meghan.

  34. lanne says:

    They look like they overslept and went running to meet the carriage before it drove off without them. Camilla’s crown askew because she just plopped it on her head when she neighed, “They’re leaving without us!”

    Now the two of them sit there stiffly, trying not to huff and puff to show they are winded, joints aching from their frantic run. Camilla looks like she’s dying to shake out her mane and stretch her hooves.

    I really believe that’s what happened. If it’s not true, it ought to be!

  35. Murphy says:

    They could have had the Princess of Wales ride with the Princess Royal in the open landeau.

    But they didn’t.

  36. J McGraw says:

    Ugh the U.S. Congress is a mess in so many ways but I would be utterly livid at seeing a billionaire nepo baby and his sour sidepiece perched in gold hats on gold thrones at the front of the Capitol!!! How do Britons tolerate this?!?

    (For every UK resident who responds “How do you tolerate not having health care”: Touché, point well taken, it’s a disgrace, and we’re trying our best to elect leaders who will make it happen!)

  37. QuiteContrary says:

    I like to imagine that the ghost of Diana is pressing that crown down on Camilla’s head, so it’s just a bit heavier and more uncomfortable.

  38. Tessa says:

    The queen did not wear her coronation robes to opening of parliament yet there Charles is all decked out.

  39. anotherlily says:

    Kate had no official part to play in this ceremony. Anne was there in her capacity as ‘Gold Rod in Waiting’ which is a ceremonial bodyguard. Anne’s husband wasn’t with her. Apart from the King and Queen and Princess Anne I don’t think any other royals were there. The state opening of Parliament is a legal requirement and the only essential royal is the reigninģ monarch.