Piers Morgan’s Sun column: Piers hopes that the Windsors ‘bump off’ Prince Harry

Almost one year ago, Jeremy Clarkson wrote a violent screed against the Duchess of Sussex, openly fantasizing (in a Sun column) about stripping Meghan naked, parading her down the streets and throwing excrement at her. Clarkson wrote that column just a few days after enjoying a pre-Christmas lunch with Queen Camilla and some of her favorite right-wing media figures. Well, it looks like Queen Camilla has sent another one of her favorite attack dogs after her enemies. This time it’s Piers Morgan writing a column for the Sun, a column devoted to deriding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Omid Scobie. Piers denies Scobie’s story about Camilla contacting him and thanking him after his grotesque comments about Meghan in 2021, but the main thrust is that Piers was actually “authorized” to make deadly threats against Scobie and the Sussexes.

Piers’ denial about chats with Camilla: In the book, Scobie states as fact that Queen Camilla and I ‘enjoy regular chats on the phone.’ But the truth is I’ve never had a single phone conversation with Her Majesty in my entire life. He also says that ‘When Piers called the Duchess of Sussex “Pinocchio Princess” and then a “race-baiter” on Good Morning Britain… it was Ca­milla who quietly thanked him for defending the Firm.’ This, again, is a lie. I had no contact with Queen Camilla in that period whatsoever. I did with some other members of the Royal Family, as I said at the time, but not Camilla. Scobie just read what I said, and wrongly guessed it was Camilla.

The royal racists named in letters between Meghan & Charles: For example, he includes specific details of letters exchanged between Charles and Meghan after the Oprah Winfrey whine-a-thon in which she claimed there were ‘concerns and conversations’ with members of the Royal Family about the colour of her unborn son’s skin. Scobie says the letters name the two royals involved who supposedly expressed their ‘concerns’ but writes that he cannot name them legally. If those names are who I think they are, again based on my own very good sources, I find it impossible to believe either of them would have ever expressed any racially- motivated ‘concerns’ about the skin colour of Meghan and Harry’s baby.

Scobie could name the racists: But whilst Scobie would run into legal problems in the UK if he named them here, there’s nothing to stop him revealing the names in America where he would be protected by the First Amendment covering free speech. The reason he won’t is because he knows he’d ignite a firestorm of fury, and almost certainly provoke the royals concerned into publicly denouncing these wicked racist slurs for which Meghan’s never produced a shred of evidence.

I’ve always believed that Piers is involved with Thomas & Samantha Markle: “So, on balance, I think I’ll wait for Meghan’s next appearance under oath – which may come quite soon in her legal battle with her half-sister Samantha – before believing her latest denials of any involvement, direct or otherwise, in this latest book.”

The death threat: All while we’re supposed to believe Meghan and Harry are keen to build bridges with the royals and even want to spend Christmas with them at Sandringham, which seems about as likely as me being invited up there to pull a festive cracker. I can’t speak for Charles, Camilla, William, or Kate, but if two close members of my family had spent the past few years trashing the rest of us on global media platforms, the only way I’d want to spend Christmas with them is if they were human chestnuts roasting on my open fire. Harry would do well to heed the warning of Dionysius the Tyrant who was left a broken man by his constant warmongering and got finally bumped off by his own fed-up family.

[From The Sun]

“The truth is I’ve never had a single phone conversation with Her Majesty in my entire life” – carefully worded, because they have lunch together and I’m sure he’s been invited to the palace for hatchet-face-to-hatchet-face briefings. It’s possible that Scobie got the detail about Camilla “calling” Piers wrong, and it’s also possible that Piers is just lying. Perhaps Camilla sent him a note of thanks or she used an intermediary (which would be her style). As for the death threat… given what happened in New York this year, I think the family has already tried to “bump off” the Sussexes. That’s also why they’re so hellbent on “getting Harry to come back” or isolating him at Balmoral.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Piers’ social media.

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76 Responses to “Piers Morgan’s Sun column: Piers hopes that the Windsors ‘bump off’ Prince Harry”

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  1. Tessa says:

    I recall that piers did admit paying tom markle for an interview. On a tv special tom markle talked about how.much the media paid him. Piers is creepy obsessed about harry and Meghan. I remember how he stomped off the set of a tv show when his colleague defended meghan.

  2. Brit says:

    At the end of the day, the press and palace relationship is fake and is literally falling apart before our eyes. Nothing has worked. Harry and Meghan left, there are no leaks, no interest, the Rota and papers are desperate for a reconciliation because nothing has gone their way and their jobs are on the line. The royals lost shine and interest when the Queen died and the Sussexes exposed them. The reporters and piers are scared of Harry and his lawsuits. Piers can talk a big game if he wants to but he hasn’t gained anything by being a royal family lackey. None of these people have and they blame Harry and Meghan for not letting them to continue to clout chase off them and hold them accountable.

  3. Becks1 says:

    Camilla “quietly thanked him” – I’m interpreting that to mean it was through a third party.

    And I’m LOLing at how Piers thinks he knows who Meghan named in the letter but also thinks its impossible it was them (aka Will and Kate.) So impossible that he knows who it was!

    • Amy Bee says:

      Everybody in the press knows who the racists are. They just want Meghan and Harry to be the ones to reveal it.

      • Brit says:

        @amy a lot of royal reporters are over this whole charade and you can tell. They really want Harry and Meghan to go scorched earth because they’re too chicken to do it and don’t want to lose their jobs.

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean hell here Piers is basically begging Omid to say it in the US press.

    • equality says:

      Yeah. That makes no sense. If you think that the people you think it was wouldn’t have said it, why would you think so or think that whomever told you was a good source? I can write confusing sentences also.

      • @BelizeEmpower says:


        The fact that Charles in his correspondence with Meghan suggested Meghan should have a conversation with Kate about racism to clear the air tells me everything I need to know about who said what. Combine that with Valentine Low saying Kate pressed home the argument that “recollections may vary”; he cites a source as saying that Kate said: “History will judge this statement and unless this phrase or a phrase like it is included, everything that they have said will be taken as true.” The source says William said to the team: “It is really important that you guys come up with the right way of making sure that we are saying that this does not stand.”

        It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it’s those two, William & Kate. They were both talking sheet.

      • OnThisDay says:

        “wicked racist slurs”? Who said anything about slurs? Does Piers mean general, racist remarks, or he is hinting at specific words or phrases that are slurs?

    • MsIam says:

      Didn’t the articles about the letter say Charles acknowledged he knew who said those things? So Piers can get stuffed.

    • Nic919 says:

      As soon as Camilla saw the letter Charles received from Meghan naming to two who made the racist comments, you can be sure she hit the road with her media allies. So this confirms to me it is will and kate. Camilla wouldn’t have said anything to media had she been named herself.

      I also assumed that intermediaries from Camilla contacted Piers. Since Scobie is listening to other media people it’s not a surprise some of this information may be imprecise.

      Again they are all defending the racists because in their mind you are only racist if you say the N word. Asking about skin colour when you are all white is also racist but none of them want to admit it. Especially when the basis of your family has depended on bloodlines for centuries.
      But we can point to several examples of kate and William being racist without saying the n word.

      Also of asking about the skin colour was the only thing ever done, then it would not have been mentioned, but we know the bad behaviour toward Meghan in particular was non stop. Which the funeral proved years after the Oprah interview.

      • Magdalena says:

        But remember, they didn’t just “ask abut skin colour”. There were “conversations and concerns about what colour the baby might be and how that would look for the monarchy.” ConversationS and CONCERNS. The British media watered this down to the tame “asked about the baby’s skin colour” so racists could claim plausible deniability and ignore what Meghan actually said. The racists in question were persistent and nasty about it. And very open.

        But they were too cowardly to say these things to Meghan’s face – though I’m sure there many aggressions, micro or otherwise – they kept going to Harry, not expecting that he would tell his wife. Or perhaps because they expected him to?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’m not familiar with Harry or Meghan calling the BRF racists. Maybe a fine line. The BM took their words into spinography. new word!? William’s set up at the event ‘We’re very much not a racist family!”. lol

        P*ss Morgan needs to be reported for this. His comments are inexcusable. There is a horrific situation going on in the world and Morgan is suggesting Harry should be bumped off. I hope military men sound off against the bloated faced man.

        Harry has been quite clear about racism towards his wife in the British Media. Piers Morgan is supporting that with his spurious comments.

    • HeyJude says:

      I think judging by Camilla’s fury and offensive onslaught in return here that it was her and, obviously, William. Kate, I think deep down still wouldn’t dare to offend Harry in such a manner as he’s an in-born prince who had that seniority over her. She wouldn’t risk her place in any way like that, especially if her marriage is as dicey as it appears.

      Camilla however would say anything knowing she’s got Charles completely by the tampon strings to the extent she’s basically the King herself.

  4. Eurydice says:

    Blah, blah, blah, Piers. You and the other media hounds have burying the bones for years. But H&M have supporters, receipts are out there and they’ve been collected.

    • Teddy says:

      +1 to all of this. For Harry and Meghan, the toxic soap opera is firmly in the rearview. The Sussexes won this weird little war and are thriving. Game. Set. Match.

  5. Piers the truth is you are a big liar. That’s the truth. Why you are trying to defend yourself after walking off a live show and then being fired for your words and actions is just the nasty clown show that you have always been. Nobody believes that you are telling the truth now not even you believe it. Continue your to enjoy your royal cult bedmates and whatever you do don’t let them go to bed mad because it won’t go well for you liar.

  6. M says:

    They actually published this open call for the family to murder Harry. Wow. I sincerely hope there is some kind of legal recourse for Harry. This is insane. It’s also what happens to people who leave a cult.

    • Tessa says:

      This time harry needs to take action. Piers is fanning the flames to excite derangers.

    • Brit says:

      The press have becoming more and more unhinged over their loss of control and influence. Their jobs are on the line as newspapers sales are dwindling. Harry and Meghan aren’t scared of them and have sued them and Harry isn’t dropping the cases against the Mirror, Sun or Mail. They have no access to the cash cows. They’re upset because the Sussexes ignore and thrive without them. They’re pissed because they have boring royals to cover and we’re clearly promised that the Sussexes would return humbled and put in place. They have no leaks and the game is seen for what it is. They’re traumatized.

    • Giddy says:

      Piers is evil, and so is his pal Camilla. History will not be kind to them or to the other scheming royals.

    • ales says:

      Is it legal in the UK to incite murder. Surely veiled threats about killing H cannot be legal. Is this creep so well protected like Clarkson that there are no consequences. Imagine if he said K should be bumped off, he would be jailed.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    They want Harry gone because his existence brings down their house of cards. The Duke of Windsor could exist because he was a cautionary tale of what happened when you “abandoned” duty. Always on the outside looking in, and regretful. That’s not Harry nor Meghan. They are more successful, more admired, and better received than any of the Windsor’s with the heir and his wife making it their 10 year plan to emulate everything they do, and the “outsiders” are the ones that are never looking in the rear view. Can’t have that stand.

  8. DebDowner says:

    I regret having read his garbage article, his blatant racism toward Omid, comparing him to the supporters of Saddam Hussain. This man is unhinged.

    • Brit says:

      No he’s desperate. The royals and the rota are. None of this was supposed to come out and once everything is out, they have nothing left to hide behind. The invisible contract isn’t invisible anymore and many aren’t falling for the tricks anymore.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Piers Morgan is a known habitual liar so I’m going to believe that he is in regular contact with Camilla and that she did thank him for defending the family. As Kaiser reminded us they had lunch together last year and I’m sure that wasn’t the first time. If Omid is lying, Piers can sue him for libel.

    • Giddy says:

      I assume that Scobie and his publishers had lawyers screen every sentence in his book. They must have evidence of his claims or they would be risking those lawsuits. I don’t believe that Piers has a case. If he does he would be screaming libel and that he intends to ruin Scobie.

  10. Tessa says:

    After piers deranged comments Camilla needs to disassociate herself from piers. I doubt she and charles have sense enough to do so. Piers is creepy scary. Piers even trashed Diana a few weeks ago.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      She didn’t disassociate herself from Jeremy Clarkson. Nor did she make any attempt to distance herself from his racist, misogynistic remarks. And she claims to be an advocate against violence against women. So Piers is just business as usual to her.

  11. Chelsea says:

    Lol at that “we’re supposed to believe” that the Sussexes want to build bridges with the royals and spend Christmas at Sandringam line. The Sussexex nor Omid never said this; in fact Omid has said the opposite- that Meghan never wants to step foot on that island again. It’s the palace that desperately briefed this lie so they could then brief that the Sussexes weren’t invited so they could look like they have the power to snub the Sussexes but no one bought it at all because Harry has visited the UK multiple times this year and each time Meghan has not gone and Harry has dashed out of there as quickly as he could.

    None of H&M’s behavior gives off “sad couple desperate to go back to the UK” but those clowns hate to admit that they’ve been rejected and that H&M have moved on from all of this mess.

  12. Cessily says:

    I certainly hope people are reporting this to the proper channels even if they are an ineffective watchdog organization the numbers do matter, just like with Clarkson and Wootton. I’ve already filed mine. Death threats should never be tolerated even if palace approved or sanctioned.

  13. Miranda says:

    …so he f–king admits to knowing who the royal racists (that is, the particular ones whom Meghan wrote to Charles about. “Royal racists” describes the whole damn family) are. Got it. He might as well have just repeated “they are very much not a racist family”.

    And WOW, the The Sun is letting him essentially make a death threat against Harry, or at least encourage the RF to “bump him off”?! REALLY?! Will he get away with that?!

  14. Jais says:

    Piers Morgan has been around for a while and knows all the tricks. Agree with @ Kaiser. The way he carefully said never a phone call conversation in my life is very specific. Logically, it does not exclude other types of conversation. Or messages relayed over the phone through a friend or private secretary. Or a communications secretary like Tobyn Andrae, for example. And iirc, scobie specifically testified about phone hacking at the mirror against Morgan, helping Harry’s case. So, I’d imagine this is very personal for Morgan.

    • Concern Fae says:

      And when some court case reveals calls between their phone numbers, it will be “of course we talked, but it was never a conversation.”

  15. equality says:

    I could be wrong, but I thought Dionysius the Tyrant was maybe killed by a son who wanted to succeed him. So how is this an analogy or a lesson for PH? Maybe for Charles or Will. It’s funny how they treat Harry like he is higher up in the line than sixth.

    • Eurydice says:

      There are several different stories about how Dionysius died. Piers refers to one of them, but there’s also the one that you mention.

  16. Nanea says:

    “Her majesty”

    I’m sure that the letter by QEII declaring the second wife queen was faked by the fat-fingered one to elevate the consort – as if that would make anyone but the most ardent royalists like her.

    But no matter how much they scream, Camilla is HRH, as she’s not the Queen Regnant. Even if she signs with “Camilla R”.

    And I’m sure the Moron had many conversations with Camilla before the conanation, it’s been reported since forever that Mrs P-B briefed the press. Now that she’s queen, she has her people to leak things, like lady-in-waiting aka Queen’s Companion Annabel Elliot or that failed celeb chef Tom Parker Bowles.

    May the Moron forever rot in hell for the way he treated Harry since he was a little kid, but in particular Meghan and the kids, and continues to do so.

    I think we all should contact IPSO for that “bumping off” comment.

    • MsIam says:

      “But no matter how much they scream, Camilla is HRH, as she’s not the Queen Regnant. Even if she signs with “Camilla R”.

      Now you would think someone who pals around with the royals like Piers does would know the difference. Unless of course this is Piers acknowledging who’s really in charge at the palace, lol.

    • Becks1 says:

      No, she’s your majesty, the same way the Queen Mother was your majesty, and Queen Mary before her, etc. You don’t have to be the queen regnant to be your majesty. It’s only the male consorts – like Phillip – who aren’t elevated to your majesty bc they are not named kings.

    • Giddy says:

      Okay, I want to be proper in how I refer to Camilla. I think of her as Queen Bitch. I guess I could call her Majestic Queen Bitch. Is that better?

      • Jojo says:

        I’ve always found it very easy to identify the correct term in order to refer to Camilla in a befitting manner. She’s a ****. If I’m ever feeling particularly effusive then she’s a manipulative, lying, two-faced, racist, evil bitch of a ****.

      • Lady D says:

        There’s nothing majestic about this viciously rotten female. She emanates poison like a noxious swamp. Swamp, funnily enough, is also how I picture her mind.

    • The Old Chick says:

      I think you’ve hit the nail. We know from previous newspaper editors that Camilla did call them regularly for years, that absolutely includes PM.

      Perhaps he hasn’t had a one on one convo SINCE she’s been the ‘queen’, as he only used that title, but I’d guarantee her minions are in touch. Plus we know she’s been palling around in person with him.

      PM really thinks he’s clever, but he’s just a jumped up toe rag with rage issues, who sucks on any teat he thinks will make him a buck. Sadly, any hopes of accountability are slim to none.

  17. Eliora says:

    People act very confused about why Harry is so disappointed and disillusioned with his family. But you only need to look at people like Piers Morgan to understand how much Harry’s family truly hates him. Piers Morgan is embraced by Harry’s family, celebrated by them even, if the Camilla stories are to be believed. Yet Morgan can call for the death of a British Prince and not one damn person will do a thing about it. In fact he may get more congratulatory calls from Harry’s Stepmother. Ghouls the whole lot of them.

    The British media thinks by calling Harry and Meghan spoiled or whiny it will keep Harry and Meghan silent. The British media thinks they can endanger H&M’s lives by concocting the false narrative that every move the Sussexes’ make is an attack on the Royal Family. What the incredibly stupid British media fails to see is that this is 2023 not 1903. Until they understand that, they will continue to do irreparable damage to the British Royal Family. After all what is good for the goose…

  18. Thelma says:

    Piers who???? He’s a has-been. I can’t get over how obsessed he is with Meghan. Simply crazy. Get a life Piers!

  19. HO says:

    Having read the book, all I can say is that history will be kind to Harry and Meghan (and Scobie because he was surprisingly fair!). I hope they start next year on a clean slate. Come back to social media and set their own narrative. Build their brand from the ground up and leave these people behind. When history speaks of this time, people like Piers will be on the losing side. His karma is coming, and it will be bad.

    • HO says:

      As for Scobie, history will be extremely kind to him. He will be lauded as one of the few who departed from palace sycophancy and sounded the alarm when he needed to while the rest go unnoticed in the annals of history. I know the barrage is crazy now, but he should pat himself on the back. He’s done well.

      • Mary Pester says:

        So Morgan has played with words here, “I’ve never had a telephone conversation with the Queen”, so he could have had one any day or night BEFORE the coronation!! Because until that day she wasn’t “Queen”, she was Charlie’s tart,(still is).
        One minute it’s full denial from this slug, then it’s “his sources in the palace! Yeah Morgan, tell us your a liar, without telling us your a liar. Let’s see if the police do anything about this disgusting threat against Harry’s life, after all it’s got to fall within the offence of” Inciting hatred or /and violence. But see Mr Morgan, maybe now people will remember how you hacked a dead young girls phone, how you hacked other phones, how you printed lies and private conversations and were sacked for your racial bias, or, maybe we should talk about how you were run out of the US.!! NOW please Mr Morgan, don’t expect anyone at the Palace to save you, because with your statement about harry and meghan wanting to spend time with the Royal family, you have reminded everyone how the Palace lied about the kings birthday party and now they are lieing about this. Go boil in your own venom you disgusting, bloated little pratt.

      • Jais says:

        Right @mary pester? Before the coronation, he had a convo with camilla when she wasn’t yet queen is all he’s saying. Was also just thinking he said he never had a phone conversation with her in his life. What if he’s just referencing a land-line phone😂. What about cell phone conversations, hmmm. Piers Morgan can find ways to equivocate anything.

  20. Chantale says:

    I hope people let the Sun know that Piers is inticing death against Harry. He should be trending as a wanted to be murderer if something happens to the Sussexes.

  21. Mslove says:

    Piers Morgan has threatened the life of the king’s second son. He must be desperate for attention. Piers is a nasty, vile human being.

  22. Grandma Susan says:

    Looks like Piers is really pi$$ed off that Harry got the girl he wanted for himself.

  23. Over ir says:

    Every dog has his day. When piss Morgan one comes , well hell won’t be hot enough for where he will end up .

  24. Lau says:

    Yeah that pretty much confirms Camilla as one of the racists. What a bunch of dumbasses.

  25. girl_ninja says:

    Piers and Camilla are like rabid dogs…that’s why they get on so well.

  26. Advisor2u says:

    Piers is in panic mode.

    The verdict in the Harry vs Mirror Group phone hacking lawsuit is imminent, and now Scobie exposed his contact with Cowmilla (which is no real news for many).

    And my believe is that Murdoch’s son LM, will dump him and will cancel his TalkTV show by the eind of this year. That show has turned out to be an investment disaster for the Murdoch business.

    And the guy doesn’t look healthy at all He might be suffering from a severe illness, like his pall Clarkson is at the moment.

    Karma is severally knocking on the doors of many vile & hateful people in the British press & media these day. Bring the popcorn, I’m watching.

    • The Old Chick says:

      Lachlan is as nasty as the old man, he’d happily keep a bloated old racist on air if it suited him. (I guess using old advisedly since I’m way older than PM 🤣)

      PM looks like he imbibes excessively.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    I’m just sitting here stunned that Piers Morgan actually asserted — in writing, in a newspaper — that Harry deserves to be killed by the royal family.

    That’s not journalism. That’s incitement.

  28. Mary Pester says:

    Oh my, an old saying just popped into my head (with a slight twist)
    Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned, and hell hath no fury, like that OF A MORGAN scorned!!

  29. Laura D says:

    I think this unhinged article is a thinly veiled threat against the BRF. I’m wondering if he’s letting them know that if they don’t do something about Harry and the court case then he might have to admit that he knows a LOT more about Diana’s death than he’s previously reported.

  30. Katie Beanstalk says:

    Does he say this stuff just to get ratings? He was being mean about Madonna a few weeks ago.

  31. Beverley says:

    Their minions are now saying the quiet part aloud: Prince Harry’s family wants him dead, alongside Duchess Meghan and their children.

    This is apparently an open “secret” in the UK. The Royals murdered Diana and Piers Morgan knows they have reprehensible plans for the Sussexes. Diana told us that if they can’t control you, they want you dead. She never lied.

    The BRF are criminals, grifters, bigots, and frauds. Your king is likely already a murderer and is apparently looking to revisit that with Harry and his family, taking his place in history as yet another royal serial killer. The Mafia ain’t got nothing on Dogsh*t Charlie.

    History won’t be kind to this family.

    • Jenn says:

      Pure evil. Sure, I’d wondered, but to hear Morgan effectively blurt out “together we orchestrate death” is astonishing.

  32. Kake says:

    After reading this word vomit, I wondered, does Piers really think he is a valued member of the media? And most importantly, did he ACTUALLY read what he wrote?
    Piers, you admit to talking to SOMEONE in the royal family, just not the person Scobie names. But then reading on, you demand Meghan present evidence otherwise she is a “race baiting”. OK, you first! Be the flagbearer for truth, release your source and evidence to prove the whole situation is a Sussex figment. Be like Kim K drop the receipts on Taylor!
    Then you offer yourself, the privileged white man who employed unethical, deplorable, and sinister tactics while working as a “journalist/editor” to sell your tabloid as a character witness! Do you think Milly Fowler’s family or the other phone hacking victims think “stand up guy” when they see your name?
    Then you end your piece with a “dog whistle” comment that you feel has plausible deniability because you were just quoting someone else. NO! You threaten a Prince of the United Kingdom and his family and should be held accountable.

    The end is nigh for the House of Windsor-Mountbatten. The fools and minions of BP/CH/KP have been handing out the knives for this death by a thousand cuts and Scobie is just recording it in real time.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Kake, I agree. What I find interesting is that Harry also said that there had been discussions about the color of the baby’s skin. Why is P!ss saying Meghan has to prove anything, when Harry is the one that was part of the conversations? Also, Omid is the one who said he had not interviewed the Sussexes for the book and he was not a friend. P!ss attributes that to Meghan. Does he really think people are stupid? He needs to take a minute and at least contemplate that there are people who are quite adept at critical thinking. He might want to discover what that is.

      As far as never having a telephone conversation with the Queen? That just means from the coronation. He didn’t say they never text, huh? What an idiot.

  33. snappyfish says:

    I always thought that Meghan was kind to Piers in the beginning until Harry explained what a piece of trash he was & then she cut him off & he has never gotten over it & went all scorched earth on her. Is that wrong?

    • sevenblue says:

      There are only fan-girling tweets from Piers to Meghan when she was on Suits. He wanted to meet with her during press tour for Suits, Meghan was kind in replies. Piers said they met up, he has a long story how she met Harry for the first time after getting drinks with him (Piers). After Spare, we know that that’s not how they met, there was no party that Meghan was introduced to Harry. So, that whole story was made up. Also, Piers gets pics with anyone slightly famous and posts it on SM, but he didn’t get any pic with Meghan while being such a fan? He is a liar, has always been liar. I can’t believe that British people believed a word that man said.

  34. AC says:

    Well he shouldn’t worry, because of him and his nasty piece of work colleagues, M will never set foot in England again and is literally done with that family. So why keep talking about her 🙄.
    Speaking of Clarkson , I think he just announced that he fears that he’s going down the road of getting dementia in the next few years .

    • The Old Chick says:

      Boo hoo. Knowing what garbage JC is, it’s likely bs made up for sympathy. Using dementia, how gross and typical.

      • equality says:

        Could be useful if he does. Sometimes people with dementia let things slip out that they wouldn’t ordinarily.

    • Snappyfish says:

      The Duchesses children are Prince & Princess of the UK. I doubt that she will never set foot there again I can imagine she will want to avoid the “fam” but I doubt she will jeopardize her children’s birthright

  35. Beverley says:

    Over the course of my day, Piers Morgan’s gall and ease in which he incites homicide against Harry has chilled me to the core. It says so much can he can say such things apparently without fear of repercussions. The hate-driven peril he’s invoking on the Sussexes is palpable.

    Harry committed the unforgivable and the Leftover Windsors intend to make him pay.

  36. Saucy&Sassy says:

    There was a headline I read that said that the book was held up in The Netherlands because the two people were named there. Does anyone know anything about that and whether this is true?

  37. blunt talker says:

    This foul smelling beast has the morals of a jackal and the brain of pee stains-he gets away with using threats against Harry tells me he is working for the royal family -the vibes coing from his body stank of wretched urine and dogshit-every book written about the Sussexes from the UK has been negative-every royal reporter writes negatives -with the blessing of the Murdock corporation-Buffalo butt Angela Levin says something nasty everday-look at her posts for the last month and count them-I think Scobie’s critisims are aimed at the royal family to show how backwards and stupid they act to family problems-there is nothing modern about their approach to the Sussexes-sending flunkies to the tabs to keep feuding and rehashing old stories is really low brain thinking-thin skin all over the place-the Sussexes are moving towards the future and I don’t give a damn who writes a book anymore-if the royal does not do the same they will become stagnant and obselete.