It’s an open secret within the British media and longtime royal watchers that Prince William and Kate barely live together at this point. Adelaide Cottage is supposedly “their” home in Windsor, but it’s far more likely that Adelaide is Kate’s separation cottage, where she does the school runs and doesn’t have enough space for “live in staff.” I bring that up because we really don’t know where William is most of the time – perhaps he’s based out of Kensington Palace, perhaps he just keeps a suite of rooms at Windsor Castle, perhaps he’s living in Frogmore Cottage, who even knows. Meanwhile, Will and Kate barely work, and they barely work together. So the Ephraim Hardcastle column in the Daily Mail pointed out something interesting: Will and Kate made a point of traveling together to Kate’s fruity Christmas carol event. The Mail thinks they should stop doing that, traveling together.
Dropping the late Queen’s convention that those first in the line of succession travel separately, William, Kate and the children motored together to Kate’s Westminster Abbey carol service.
In the event of an unlikely disaster, we could have ended up with Harry as the heir apparent and Meghan as Princess of Wales. The King has not altered Harry and Andrew’s positions in the line of succession. For the sake of everyone, William might consider his travel arrangements in future – or ask his dad to change the succession rules.
Mail columnist Richard Eden was ringing this bell too, that it’s imperative that the Sussexes be removed from the line of succession because what if something happens to the Wales family? Are these people just being macabre or is something being left unsaid? Or is this still all about the Sussexes, like always? Like… maybe William and George should fly separately, but they’re raising this kind of stink about William and George using the same car? Besides, it’s pretty clear that William and the kids do most things separately, especially given that William barely stays at Adelaide.
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Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.
- The Dean of Westminster Abbey, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince George of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte of Wales attend The “Together At Christmas” Carol Service at Westminster Abbey on December 08, 2023 in London, England. Spearheaded by The Princess of Wales, and supported by The Royal Foundation, the service is a moment to bring people together at Christmas time and recognise those who have gone above and beyond to help others throughout the year.,Image: 827907493, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Chris Jackson / Avalon
- Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince George of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte of Wales attend The “Together At Christmas” Carol Service at Westminster Abbey on December 08, 2023 in London, England. Spearheaded by The Princess of Wales, and supported by The Royal Foundation, the service is a moment to bring people together at Christmas time and recognise those who have gone above and beyond to help others throughout the year.,Image: 827907503, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Chris Jackson / Avalon
- The Dean of Westminster Abbey, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince George of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte of Wales attend The “Together At Christmas” Carol Service at Westminster Abbey on December 08, 2023 in London, England. Spearheaded by The Princess of Wales, and supported by The Royal Foundation, the service is a moment to bring people together at Christmas time and recognise those who have gone above and beyond to help others throughout the year.,Image: 827907514, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Chris Jackson / Avalon
- (Left-right) Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales, Prince George, Prince Louis, the Prince of Wales and The Dean of Westminster Abbey, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle arriving for the Royal Carols – Together At Christmas service at Westminster Abbey in London Featuring: William, Prince of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 Dec 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Members of the Royal Family depart after the ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Prince William, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Catherine Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 Dec 2023 Credit: Cover Images
- Together At Christmas Carol Service at Westminster Abbey. Featuring: Prince Louis, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 Dec 2023 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images
- Royal Carols – Together At Christmas service at Westminster Abbey. Featuring: Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis and Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 Dec 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Royal Carols – Together At Christmas service at Westminster Abbey. Featuring: Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis and Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 Dec 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
They’re setting up a narrative for why W&K use separate vehicles to go to the same place. No more pics like that one during the South Korea state visit.
^^^This! They’re not wrong. It’s a common enough policy for leaders, but yeah convenient as a cover too.
True and they don’t want to risk any more photos of them inside the car looking like they can’t stand each other or just had a fight.
william and Kate can’t travel together because she has to be with the kids and William has to be by himself. so people should stop asking about separate arrivals etc.
If it was just a succession issue, I would think they wouldn’t want all three kids traveling together either. If they are in some kind of horrific accident, William may still be king but then it goes to harry anyway (if this is more about Harry as king and not about W&K traveling separately.)
How many more ways can they say without saying these two don’t live together.
Except they all got in the car together to go home
@Mjane I didn’t track their arrivals/departures that particular night. I’m just talking in general about this insistence that they shouldn’t ride in the car together (william and george.)
This is going to get fascinating to watch, when it’s Willnot’s time with the kids.
I’m assuming that this is to give WanK cover during their separation.
However, can I just say that so many articles about this family are about if and when other members die?! KC was chomping at the bit to become king (when QE2 was still alive). We’ve just heard how Peggington wants to change things when he’s king (meaning his dad will have passed on). Then there’s the whole succession business of who’s in line to the throne if such and such dies. Now this charming article (watch out for the Sussesex: Boo!). Maybe it’s time to put an expiry date on the kingship so the elderly get to retire and no one has to wish for their parent’s death?
This. Harry said it’s a death cult.
Drip… drip… drip… and yet one more morsel, one more piece to solidify the picture of non-unity. “It’s for the protection of the RF, stupid!” is the message for the unwashed masses who lap up the drivel pushed out every day by the BM.
This!! This is definitely it. Otherwise, they’re basically saying Kate is expendable? I don’t even like her but ouch.
What does the BRF need security for? They don’t an elected position, they don’t do anything meaningful for the public. Why do the British insist on protecting a family that steals from them (while they are alive and sometimes after they die!). It’s so gross.
Yeah, especially when viewed from the lens that they took Harry’s security away. They are either all important, or not at all.
But it’s not even true!! And so easily verified as a lie! Kate arrived first, by herself & during daylight hours, to greet people & have some chats with little kids there; then, later in the evening (or afternoon, it was dark), William brought the kids & she went out to greet them & walk in with them.
And that’s separate & apart from all the nonsense about OMG William & George shouldn’t travel together because then we get Harry! Pretty sure we’d get Charlotte & Louis next, but why let facts get in the way?
Yes, all the Wales (formerly Cambridge) kids come before Harry. But in this BS about removing Harry (and presumably his children) from the line of succession: I haven’t kept up with the comments, but my first thought was, “what? so they want *Andrew* to be next after William and his kids??” Adding daughters by order of birth wasn’t retroactive, so Andrew is next, not Anne.
It’s common process but for Prince eggplant, it’s also an Easy cover for a dude who prefers to helicop everywhere when he’s supposed to be an environmental guy and he won’t have to explain why he’s not with George coming into events: cuz they’re not living at the same place duh
This is not unusual at all. In the event of a national emergency, POTUS and VPOTUS are not to be located in the same bunker/secure location. I think the bigger issue is that there are people (courtiers, etc.) that are genuinely concerned about Harry or Andrew becoming king.
Yes peg and george can’t travel in same car like peg and buttons.
It is an amazing reason to tell people kate and willam will travel separately. Because she is raising a future king.
Some reason had to be given and I assume this is best “they” could come up with so as to not have to divulge the truth in print.
Speculating about tje death of an entire young family is so macabre, I’d never think of putting it in print. And sure the death of the whole wales family would be awful only because Harry and Meghan would come to an entire ceremonial position with zero real world impact (supposedly).
Curiously, no mention of the non-stop helicopter usage…
This is totally to explain why the Wails can’t stand to be trapped in a car together anymore.
“The King has not altered Harry and Andrew’s positions in the line of succession.”
The King cannot change the line of succession. Only Parliament can change the line of succession.
Is this reporter or journalists really that stupid? No wonder he is working for The Daily Fail.
Comparing Andrew to harry is just plain nasty.
And isn’t it true that if Will was traveling alone and something were to happen just to him, as it stands now Harry would be still be regent for an underage George? And if not Harry, next in line as regent would still be Andrew? I guess that’s too technical for most people to realize – and the real point of the story is to provide cover for something completely different.
If I understand this issue correctly, Parliament can declare anyone “Regent” for George until reaches the the age of legal maturity at 18. My bet is that Parliament would choose Anne, The Princess Royal.
Could a Brit please chime in with how this works? I know Prince Philip was designated regent for Charles but Prince Philip was an HRH and in the line of succession in his own right in addition to being Charles’ father.
BayTampaBay you’re right. This is a stupid article even by the standard of the Daily Fail. The line of succession is William, George, Charlotte, Louis and then Harry. They can choose anyone to be Regent, even Kate could take that role. When William’s children have children they will be next in line before Harry. So removing Harry from the line of succession is meaningless and even more pointless as time goes by
Harry would be regent unless they change the law. It’s the next person in the LOS over 18.
I was just reading up on this and found it would have been Harry until they took away Frogmore… 😒 per:
The Regency Act 1937
This is the principal legislation that governs regencies currently in the United Kingdom. Two later acts (1943 and 1953) made amendments to various minor issues, but did not repeal this act.
The Act stipulates the following:
If a sovereign is under 18 years, a regent will be appointed to fulfil on their behalf and in their name all of the constitutional royal functions.
The Regent “shall be that person who, excluding any persons disqualified under this section, is next in the line of succession to the Crown” over 21 years of age.
The next in line can be disqualified from serving as regent if:
If they are not a British subject (citizen);
If they are not domiciled in the UK (domiciled, under the law, means possessing a home in the UK that is usually considered a permanent home, even if not used regularly);
Is otherwise disqualified from succeeding to the crown under the Act of Settlement 1701, now amended to be the Succession to the Crown Act 2013.
If a regent is needed due to the incapacity of an adult sovereign, incapacity will be determined by any 3 of the following persons in agreement: the consort, the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Lord Chief Justice of England, and the Master of the Rolls. They must examine evidence of physicians and agree in writing that the sovereign is incapable in mind or body of performing the royal functions.
How do we know that Harry does not have a permanent home address in the U.K.?
And all the countries where Chuck is head of state would have to change the line of succession as well.
William will be a petty king according to accounts in the media
I’m confused, I thought I saw a video of Kkkate arriving alone then greeting William and the children. I sure that happened last year too.
Yep, the videos clearly show that William and Kate didn’t “motor together”. Kate arrived first then went out to great William and the kids when they arrived.
This is standard for concerts, programs etc. The organizers arrive an hour early and their family and guests arrive when the program starts. Just did his myself last Sunday.
Yes! Exactly! They’re forgetting their own dozens of articles & gazillions of photos from just a few days ago!! Kate arrived first, on her own. Gah!
President and Vice-President (adults actually filling an essential role) and this rule makes sense. Heirs to a ceremonial throne? Big deal. (Not that I would want to see anything happen to any of them) Except that, oh horror, they may end up with H&M higher up in succession. This family is well protected and it’s unlikely anything will happen to them. The victims seem to be the people outside the royal cars who get hit by them.
Equality, I commented the same before reading yours. It’s a ceremonial role FFS. The Monarch too, not just the PoW. It should not be a matter of life and death.
Isn’t that standard operating procedure with the heirs? And wouldn’t ALL of the Wales kids have to die in order for Harry to be brought in?
Are these people so terrified at the very distant possibility that Harry could become King?
Sometimes I wonder what a Harry reign would look like. I think the first thing he would do is kill the royal rota system and bring in more minority voices and REAL journalists. These fuckers know they would be out of a job in a heartbeat.
I also imagine that with access to such a vast real estate portfolio, he would find a way to use that so the royals would be self financed and not rely on the tax payers beyond covering their security costs. Oh, and he’d fire all of the backstabbing courtiers too and stop all the press leaks.
They just want to whip up more fear and hate toward Meghan. Gasp, horror, we can’t have Meghan as Princess of Wales! We can’t have mixed race children as next in line to the throne! Rise up, all-white England, get mad, engage with my racists tweets and articles (it’s the only way I can earn any money since we drove the Sussexes out of the country)!
Honestly, if it gets down to Andrew, who is something like eleventh in line, there would have to be some tragedy in both the UK, California and where ever Eugenia lives. Not even worth writing about.
Seriously, we would be talking about a “King Ralph” style event. The likelihood is virtually nil. This whole thing is just to whip up more fear and hate and remind everyone that Harry and Meghan are still in the line of succession, the horror!
I don’t understand why they can’t get a divorce and be done with it, because these ruses and excuses are only getting more grasping. What’s stopping them? It can’t possibly be simply because the family hasn’t had the best recent record when it comes to marriages, right? Does Kate (and/or her family) know too much at this point or something?
Many royalists are really invested in WK’s fairy tale marriage and all their glutinous PR about it being a perfect union would cause consternation at a split. People reading Endgame will ask what else have the palace been lying about if the fairy tale marriage is in tatters. The tabs will be able to print certain background stories to the split that won’t make for pleasant reading. Will was willing to sacrifice his own brother to suppress the affair story so he is ruthless about his image and keeping it wholesome so getting separated opens up a can of worms.
I figure end of January or February they will announce the seperation. They have been hinting for at least the last six months. The stories about them fighting. The pushing of William as a heartthrob. Letting Party Pieces and the Middleton go under. Letting Kate be named as the racist. They are dumping her soon. They would have done it the same year Harry and Meghan left. But that got to hot and the Queen wouldn’t allow the divorce at the same time. The Queen’s been gone for a year now. And Charles and William’s popularity is only going down. So William is going to get out.
In that last thumbnail picture, William is locking gaze with that dude near Kate.
Ha ha ha.
Isn’t that Jack Brooksbank? He’s standing next to Eugenie.
No, it’s someone else. Idk who? But Jack was not there.
It’s Daniel Gilman. He’s with his wife Lady Rose and her parents the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.
This is more about Harry still being in the line of succession rather any concern about William and George getting into an accident. It’s unlikely to happen because the Wales have security and their drivers would have been trained in defensive driving. If Harry was married to a white aristo would there be this concern?
They are talking about the death of William and all three of his children at the same time. Which is a new low.
Well, they speculate about KC’s death all the time also and QE before him. The monarchy and their adherents are just all-around disgusting.
And the fact that the horrifying thought in this thought exercise is that they would then have Meghan as POW. Um how about the horrifying thought that 3 innocent children just died. These people are ghouls.
This makes me think of documentaries about Anne Boleyn. She was accused of speculating about the monarch’s demise – a treasonous offense. How times have changed.
Yup travelling by helicopter is much safer.
My thoughts exactly. Where is the outrage about the family helicoptering together everywhere? Or Will and Kate helicoptering together risking leaving three orphans? Even Betty told Burger King to knock it off with the flying. Crickets. But going from Point A to Point B in downtown London is now an issue? The record shows it’s the peasant on the street in mortal danger when William and his family are in the car.
They say flying in a private plane or a chartered helicopter is riskier than flying commercial.
The line of succession is pretty long. If something happened to the Wales family, there’s no shortage of relatives.
Yes but Harry is right after the Wales family in the line. And what is worse than Harry becoming PoW and King? Meghan would be QC!!!
And if Harry and his kids say ‘no thanks’ to this ridiculous institution then they have King Andrew lol anyways would prefer to not spend my morning thinking of something terrible to 3 children. The world is awful enough as it is thanks.
Bea comes after Lili, Andrew is so far down the list.
What did I miss, how is Bea ahead of her dad in the line of succession?
You are correct Christine, not sure what I was thinking.
Yikes. If looks could kill in that last photo of Pegs giving the death stare (complete with clenched jaw and flared nostrils of contempt) to his soon-to-be ex-wife.
So did Kate giving scornful stance and cold blooded stare to William more than once this year; actually each time that she isn’t putting her toothiest grin on her face while looking at him.
Even British tabloids made headlines about it at less two time this year.
Catherine arrived at the carol service earlier to greet the volunteers, musicians, singers, and staff to say thank you for the hard work. William and the kids arrived later and Catherine greeted them outside.
LOL, she’s a true saint.
She doesn’t know what hard work is — how would she recognize it?
Only when they call her Catherine, I suppose.
Heaven forbid they should end up with a black queen on their throne…
A Dr Who episode had a black queen in a futuristic episode. Sophie Okonedo is a biracial actress who portrayed Elizabeth 10 in the 29th century. Unfortunate some in the British media (and public) can’t be as open minded as the creators of this episode.
The RF used to have the rule that the Heirs could not fly together, in case of a crash.
All this to cover up their separation/marriage in name only?
No they didn’t travel to her publicity stunt carol service, look at the press at the time, where it said “Kate walked out to meet William and the children! And the Queen told William to stop travelling with George while she was still alive. It’s always been the rule.!! Guess he had column inches to fill and couldn’t find out anything about Harry and meghan
These stories are ghoulish. In order to entertain the idea of Harry’s mixed race children, or even Harry, ascending the throne, there would have to be a catostrophic death of the entire Wales family. At the moment, after Harry’s family, Andrew is next in line, but an acccused sex offender is better than a man who married a black woman and had children with her? Also, the entire idea of hereditary monarchy is birth order, so once you think you can monkey around with that, you might as well have an elected head of state. Kings were elected in the past or had to prove their worth, so it’s not so strange.
There is footage of Kate chatting to invited guests at the concert. Did Kate arrive a bit earlier to do a meet and greet before meeting her family? Since William didn’t greet people with Kate, the concert is all Kate’s baby, I guess.
Except they fly in helicopters and private jets together regularly, far more dangerous than a royal motorcade? What’s going to happen in a motorcade? 🤔🤔
Doesn’t everyone know by now they don’t live together? How many other ways can they tell us? Oh and how does willy do the ‘school run’ all the time (yeah, no pics of that since Kate moved to Adelaide)? So one minute they’re gloating about the school run now shock horror mustn’t drive together and to rile up the ignorant royalists throw in the threat of mixed race QC and future King!
How much more disgusting can they get?
I imagine their cars are bullet proof and pretty indestructible. Traveling in the same car is probably the least of their worries.
LOL, is that a threat?
Pretty sure Kate arrived before the kids and William so she traveled separately. If you go on the What Kate Wore post for this event, you can see that Kate arrived at Westminster Abbey before the kids and William to greet visitors and to talk to people before the rest of the Wales/royals arrived. She then went back outside when the kids and William arrived and reentered the abbey with them to make a grand entrance as a family. So she didn’t travel with them at all. They all left together in the same car though from what I remember.
Just sitting over here waiting for the next story about how Will and George can’t live under the same roof to avoid a mass heir die-off! It would also fit the separation excuse LOL!
You’re giving them ideas! They’re always on here looking for new stories to write.
People who think Harry should be removed from the LOS crack me up.
You either believe in the divine hand in selecting the appointed rulers of monarchy or you don’t. This isn’t a democracy.
All I have to say is they got lucky that Liz lived as long as she did to where they didn’t see it was a deeply flawed system, but I think like most 90 year olds, she lived as long as she did because she knew they couldn’t manage without her.
I don’t even know why they bring in Kate into this discussion because she is irrelevant to the line of succession. When Diana was killed, there was zero effect to the line of succession and Kate having had the heir and spares is not needed anymore. William and George should not be traveling together if they are this concerned.
I really can’t stand this line of thought from the racists. The tragedy of 4 heirs dying wouldn’t be that three innocent young children lost their lives but that Harry gets to be King? It’s just gross.
I wonder if this is setting up why baldermort hardly spends time with the kids after the separation is announced. I did not read through the comments to see if anyone else shares this theory.