Duchess Meghan: Archie wants a Leica camera like Misan Harriman’s

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Photographer Misan Harriman directed a short film called The After, starring David Oyelowo. To promote the short film, Misan and David did a Q&A session moderated by the Duchess of Sussex in LA last month. The video has finally been released and there’s one part of it which went viral among the Sussex Squad. Note: from what I’ve seen of the Q&A session, the bulk of it was about the film and the process of actor and director, but Meghan did give people a little something when she mentioned her son and his camera:

Prince Archie wants a Leica camera! Meghan told him he can’t have one! We’ve heard a few times that Harry loves taking photos of his family, and now I wonder what kind of camera Harry has and whether Archie ever borrows his dad’s camera. But Archie must know that Misan’s camera is better!! Also: Archie had a dirty foot because of his mom AND he was disappointed that mom wouldn’t buy him a better camera! Meghan better shape up!! And maybe one of Archie’s aunties or uncles will buy that poor child a Leica.

Photos courtesy of Getty, Netflix, Sussex Royal IG.

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96 Responses to “Duchess Meghan: Archie wants a Leica camera like Misan Harriman’s”

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  1. Same everywhere mama is to blame lol. No Leica camera for you Archie lol.

  2. Seraphina says:

    What a beautiful touching video with the hummingbirds. I too love hummingbirds and it’s a magical moment when they fly by you and you are so close.
    Archie sounds adorable and I agree with mom on the camera. I believe the late queen had one as well and was an avid photographer.

    • maisie says:

      I love it too. I love that Harry is enamoured with them. Hummingbirds are unique to the Americas, so it’s a real treat to have them come to your feeders especially if you’re from someplace else.

  3. Becks1 says:

    I loved this little story – it shows how Archie interacts with people in their lives. He wants a camera like Misan’s because he knows Misan and clearly Misan has shown him his camera etc. The people H&M are close to have real relationships with their children.

    I am loving the deranger meltdown about how Kate has a Leica. (first off, she doesn’t, at least not in the picture they are using to prove she does). And second – if she does, well she’s a 42 year old grown ass woman, that’s very different a 4 year old wanting one, lol.

    • Tessa says:

      Yes. The derangers are going on about how what a great photographer Kate is. As if. And being upset that Archie is interested in photography.

    • Christine says:

      The derangers Leica meltdown on social media is spectacular. It’s the Christmas gift I didn’t know I needed!

    • windyriver says:

      Don’t know what picture is being bandied about, bit if it’s the one I’m thinking of from a couple of years back, believe she was holding a Fujifilm camera. But also, IIRC, the photographer she was with for that photo was affiliated with Fuji, so whether it was actually her camera, or one of his she was holding for the picture…Wouldn’t be surprised if she has a Leica though, for the status, but as her skills are pretty pedestrian, what camera she uses would’t make much difference.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, its that picture! And its fujifilm! lol. She might have a Leica, she might have more than one – but for me the hilarious part is that the picture they are using doesnt prove the point they think it does, and even if she does have a Leica – ummmm are the derangers feeling superior because Kate has something a 4 year old does not?!?!?

      • windyriver says:

        Yes, that reasoning is a little hard to follow! It’s not like M&H couldn’t afford a Leica. (Harry may have one; have to check the part of the doc of him taking photos in Africa.). And owning a Leica isn’t evidence you must be a great photographer, especially if you don’t know how to take advantage of its most noteworthy features, which I’m sure those commenters have no clue about. The fact is, the Leica name has cachet, partly because it’s expensive, so also a luxury item to show off. Misan’s a pro who does a lot of B&W; there’s a reason he’d chose one of their models. But the past few years most brands (including Sony) have excellent features and likely better auto features than Leica, which I suspect is more important than anything else for the photography Kate does.

    • Krista says:

      LOL I often wonder if H and M deliberately plant tidbits like this to see how fast it takes for the RF to come out and imitate them, or to assure the public “oh yeah, we do that too, but we did it first and we did it BETTER! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!”

    • Nic919 says:

      This story is very cute and Meghan saying a 4 year old can’t have a Leica is a vibe of normal that is driving the derangers wild. As much as Kate pretends she’s normal, she could not give a story that provides normal kid vibes despite saying her kids like whatever thing they are visiting.

      So now we have adult Kate being compared to a 4 year old, which is not doing what the derangers think it is.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Wait. These people online are trying to” own” a 4-year-old for not having an expensive item by pointing out that a 42-year-old has one? Do they honestly think that people are going to look at that and say haha his parents won’t buy something for him that’s incredibly expensive and not appropriate, but this grown ass adult totally has one? These people are so invested in hating Harry and Meghan that they literally will be upset about ANYTHING.

      • Christine says:

        They are also claiming that Meghan was *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* trying to telegraph to Leica that they should send Archie a free camera for Christmas. It’s truly hilarious how fast and hard they have whipped themselves up over a cute story. They are POSITIVE that Kate bought her (pretend?) Leica, while Meghan is begging for a free one.

        Anything to deflect from the fact that Meghan and Harry are the only ones NOT living off of other people’s money.

    • equality says:

      But wait, isn’t the justification for having royals that they promote the UK? Shouldn’t Kate own a camera made in the UK, or at least the commonwealth?

  4. Flower says:

    I could have sworn I’ve seen Toy LEICA’s before – but I guess Archie is a pro and we can’t do him dirty like that.

  5. Carmen says:

    Good on Meghan. No parent in their right mind would buy a $9,000 camera for a 4 year old who will probably break it inside of a week. Leicas are for older teens and adults who are serious about photography. Next thing you know he’ll be demanding a Hasselblad for his fifth birthday.

    If Archie is showing a real interest in photography now, they can get him a basic Canon or Pentax now, and he can work his way up to a more expensive camera as his skills improve.

  6. ThatsNotOkay says:

    That is a powerful exchange between Misan and David. Powerful. Can’t tell if it’s the lighting, blush, or otherwise, but Meghan’s bone structure is looking especially pronounced.

  7. Sunday says:

    Archie’s little “I got a dirty foot, mama” makes me giggle every single time, it’s just too adorable. Get this king a Leica, immediately!

  8. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I’ve been enjoying watching Archie’s social media aunties rushing to offer to buy Archie a Leica, some of the posts have been sweet, some funny, just what I needed this time of year.🥰

  9. hanna says:

    there’s no way a 4 yo asked for a leica. they don’t know what that is. adorable video of them with hummingbirds. very sweet.

    • Dee(2) says:

      If he sees Misan with the camera and knows that’s the one he uses, he absolutely could have asked for it. His parents friend who spends time with him taking pictures and has told him the name of his camera, it’s not beyond the realm of belief to think he asked for one by name. My niece asked for a Tesla at that age. People underestimate the intelligence of kids all the time, and I don’t get it.

      • Begonia Bologna says:

        Same. He’s 4.5. They’re probably working on basic literacy skills. When my nephew was that age and learning letters/sounds, he’d point to words all the time and ask what they said. He couldn’t read, but he understood that letters put together meant something. I’m sure if Misan was talking to him about/showing him his camera – Archie could’ve asked “what does that say?” and it stuck. Kids LOVE to repeat what they hear.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah, Archie is 4.5. 4.5 is young but its not like a 2 year old. when my kids were that age they were very talkative, using bigger words, very aware of what people around them were doing, etc. And I remember them wanting somewhat random things that they didnt really understand because people in their lives had that thing.

      • jamzsquared says:

        When I was 4, I was *obsessed* with my grandfather’s Cadillac—thought it was the height of sophistication. I used to tell everyone that I was going to buy one when I grew up.

        Kids absorb more and retain more than many adults give them credit for. Nothing in Meghan’s story seems out of the ordinary to me, especially if you have a kid who is really interested in a certain topic (and who is surrounded by caring adults who are experts in that area).

      • windyriver says:

        @Begonia Bologna – yup, that’s my guess. He saw letters (and the red dot!) and asked what they said. His parents read to him all the time, he’s getting ready to read himself, and very interested whenever he sees letters on things. He probably also knows what kind of dishwasher they have, but that’s not as much fun as a camera.

      • Deering24 says:

        Kids are amazingly brand-savvy–especially if they really fall in love with something. 😂

      • Robert Phillips says:

        That’s why they buy a durable cheap one. Wrap it up. Then give it to Misan to give to Archie. He won’t know it’s not the same. Since Misan gave it to him.

    • Jais says:

      So you’re saying Meghan is lying? And yes if a kid has been around someone talking about their Leica camera and taking pictures with their Leica camera, then they’ll want a Leica camera. That’s how it works. Please.

    • Nonono says:

      Hanna you clearly don’t interact with four year olds regularly. I let my 4yo cousin watch a video on my phone a few months back and he looked me dead in my face and said “this isn’t an iphone” and then went back to watching YouTube skits. He basically called me poor.

      They are very perceptive.

      • Bren says:

        My now 4-year-old nephew has been identifying all the planets and dwarf planets in the solar system and giving characteristics of each since he was three years old.

    • Laura D says:

      I would imagine Archie did know his camera was a lot different to Misan’s. H&M probably bought him a little ‘point and click’ camera. Whereas when Misan was showing him how to work his camera he probably showed him lots of different buttons which enabled him to take all sorts of shots. Archie may only be four but, he would have noticed there were things Misan had shown him which he couldn’t do with his camera.

    • swirlmamad says:

      So you had to make your way here from Derangerville to try to convince us Meghan must be lying? Everything we have seen and heard about Archie shows he is an inquisitive, articulate little boy, so this story tracks. Give me a break. 🙄

    • Amy Bee says:

      Show me a person who has never been around children.

    • Nic919 says:

      Some kids can read a bit by 4 1/2 and they have ears and listen. Seeing his parents photographer friend use a Leica and talk about it is easily something Archie would pick up.

      Let’s be honest here. People are upset that Archie was able to ask for a Leica because they didn’t hear the other kids be verbal at this age and last year what we saw instead was a 4.5 year old act up in public.

    • hanna says:

      i’m not saying meghan is lying, she elaborated. it’s entirely within the realm of possibility that he looked at that camera and said i want that one mommy. but he has no concept it’s a 10k camera called leica. unless every adult around him is teaching him to say leica and bringing it up all the time. which honestly I’m not sure meghan or harry or misan would do.

      • Ameerah M says:

        It literally could be as simple as Misan TELLING him it was Leica. And Archie remembering that. Kids remember everything. It’s not that deep.

      • Jes says:

        Mom of 4yo again, if this child knows that his moms friend has a “leica” then that is what he is going to ask for.

      • Jaded says:

        @Hanna — Oh, so you have insider knowledge that what Meghan said about her OWN SON was “elaborating”? When I was a little kid my dad did a lot of photography with a very good camera, it was a Zeisss Icon, and I remember being fascinated with the name and it stuck in my mind. Kids remember. I’ve no doubt Misan told Archie what kind of camera it was and he immediately wanted his own. Honestly…

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        I don’t have kids. I have lots of nieces and nephews, though. I don’t understand anyone here who is telling us that Meghan’s story isn’t true. Have you spent any time with kids that age? I don’t care how many kids you say you raised. Did you spend TIME with the kids at that age? This is believable, because this is the kind of thing kids say. She’s lucky it was something she could readily reply to. I loved it when my nieces and nephews were talking all of the time. Kids are creative. The next thing you’ll tell me is that they have NO CLUE what type of car their parents drive. Please.

      • aftershocks says:

        LOL! 🤣😂 Clearly @Hanna, you are the one ‘elaborating,’ and backtracking, in futile fashion. 🙄

        What Meghan said, is what happened. Why are you so huffed about it anyway to the point where you feel the need to critique an amusing and relatable anecdote about an inquisitive and bright 4 1/2-year-old child?

    • Suze says:

      I’ve got four kids. Grown now. I don’t buy this story – not so much because a preschooler wouldn’t ask for a Leica (which I doubt) but because a pro photographer doesn’t go around calling his camera a Leica, which would be the only way a four year old would associate that word with a camera.

      • Jes says:

        My 2yo calls our car “subaru” becasue thats what we call it. Kids remember

      • sevenblue says:

        lol. Reference: I have a little brother. If he saw the brand name on the camera and asked what it said, he would remember it and when he got a different one, he would ask why his is not the same. My brother could use smart phone and internet on computer before learning to read. He was asking us everything on the screen and remembered the words as a whole. Children are now growing with easy internet access and smart tech. It is amazing to see how fast they learn when they got exposed to so much information. When I was little, we would do nothing but play with marbles and pokemon taso on the street all day every day. We were basically cave children compared to them.

      • Jais says:

        You don’t buy this story? So you’re saying Meghan is lying? Nah. I believe Meghan

      • Becks1 says:

        No one is saying he goes around calling his camera a Leica. My guess is that he was taking pictures, Archie said something like “ooh can I try?” Misan either showed him what to do or something (not that he handed over his camera, hahaha) and Archie asked about his camera and along the way Misan mentioned it was a Leica and now Archie wants a Leica bc that’s what Misan has and he wants to be a photographer like Misan etc. That’s exactly how kids’ minds work.

      • aftershocks says:

        Heebee jeebies @Suze. 🤪😬 Absolutely no one is asking you to ‘buy’ anything. What are you? The enforcement expert on Leicas, photographer-speak, and ‘ahly yahrs’ utterances of a 4 1/2-year-old Montecito prince? 🙄

      • Jaded says:

        When Mr. Jaded’s granddaughter was around Archie’s age she knew what type of car her parents had — she pronounced it as “A Fart” and we all laughed. It was a Ford.

    • Dee says:

      I could read the newspaper at 4. I also knew the brand names of all the equipment used in the family business. It’s all in what you are exposed to as a child. Of course Archie knows what a Leica is.

    • Square2 says:

      If Louis’s said “Mary Berry” when he was younger than Archie is now, why can’t Archie name drop Leica? Besides wasn’t “crocodile 🐊” the first word Archie said?

    • Betty Boop says:

      A child absolutely could distinguish a Leica from another camera, even if they can’t read. Leicas have a distinctive red badge on the front of them. It’s something Leica owners are super proud of because it telegraphs to other people that they own a Leica, and that thieves also love because it makes it easy to spot the expensive camera at distance.

    • PrincessK says:

      When my daughter was four years old she watched a documentary about J F Kennedy and then afterwards she kept talking about how he was a President of the United States. It was around the time that Saddam Hussein was in the news, and we went into a restaurant, she saw an Arab looking man with a moustache and pointed in a loud voice and said, ‘Look Saddam Hussein’.

      We thought she was going to be a genius.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Archie and Lili have a much better life away from the Royal Family.

  11. Libra says:

    Children are little copy cats! They do and say what the adults around them say. If he was told the camera was a Leica then tthat’s what he is going to say.

  12. Little Red says:

    This explains the derangers’ videos on YouTube yesterday about the “Leica grift”. Talking about YouTube, back in October, I watched the thirty minute Sky News clip of H&M at their World Mental Health Day event in NYC. Ever since, the YouTube algorithm has been recommending to me all the various derangers videos. One time and that was enough for their algorithm to start spewing deranger videos on their front page.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    Cue Toxic Tom to be rolled out for this story. Bad Dad supposedly dabbled in photography (there’s a picture of a very going Meghan holding a very expensive looking camera) and he’s going to whine that someone who is not his blood is teaching Archie photography and he should be the Sussex kids lives.

  14. Lili says:

    lol I can see Leica sales are about to go through the roof , she can still get him the Leica sorfort 2 which is instamatic Which is on my bucket list. I love that e is exposed to a wide creative life from what I’ve seen he dad is great photographer too.

  15. Mary Pester says:

    And there we have the perfect example of how people in my country have been dumbed down and brainwashed by the media, they think that it’s some sort of point scoring against a 4.5 year old, to say his racist klan girl aunt in law has a camera that HE mentioned to his mum, good christ on a bike, will this madness never end, and I’ll buy Archie a leica, and I bet his first picture taken is better than anything keen has produced, and it would be In focus!!

  16. B says:

    One of the sweetest jokes going around is the Sussex Squad aunties saying Archie deserves to get this Leica camera they just learned existed and being rich aunties about it while the others crack jokes about respecting the mother’s wishes and then sighing “that rich aunties gone rich”.

    It’s been sweet and hilarious watching it evolve. The statement released by “Archie” to address all this was *chief’s kiss*

  17. L4Frimaire says:

    I listened to the entire conversation about the film, which was quite good. Both the conversation and the film.This little remark about the Leica was at the very end of the conversation as they were wrapping up. Its a cute little anecdote more to compliment Misha than anything else. Of course it being Meghan, they blow it up to this big deal, instead of a mom thinking her toddler is bring super cute. No way is she getting him that type of camera. My kid likes to build stuff with Legos and tinker around, so naturally they’re the next Frank Lloyd Wright. That remark is no different. People are getting really invested in this, who know nothing of photography or cameras, which is just dumb.

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    What I love about the Leica anecdote is how Meghan framed it (pun not intended) — with appreciation for the time Misan took to talk to Archie about photography. And her voice is filled with love for Archie, not deprecation — you can tell she finds him to be hilarious and adorable.

    Same with the “dirty foot” video — Meghan finds it hilarious that Archie is blaming her for his dirty foot. She seems like a great mom.

  19. Amara says:

    meghan’s clearly proud of her son, but i’m not sure she realizes the headlines make them sound really privileged and rich. most kids would not know what a leica is and will never be around one, let alone ask for one. the media is already blasting this.

    • AlsE says:

      If he is surrounded by keen photographers of course he will know that. At that age, my son was obsessed with trains and cars and knew all about maglevs, shinkansen bullet trains and then he git into electric vehicles and knew in detail about the different brands just from watching YouTube videos and conversations with me and his engineer dad.
      It’s not being privilege. It’s been educated and surrounded by adults who are willing to talk to them and answer their questions.

    • Jaded says:

      DAFUK…quit making this about Meghan realizing anything. She doesn’t play for headlines and none of this makes her sound “really privileged and rich”. Most kids DO know about cameras because they’re curious about everything. I did at Archie’s age, and Mr. Jaded’s granddaughter did too so her parents got her a Fujifilm instamatic because she ASKED FOR ONE.

      • Christine says:

        This is what people do with their friend’s kids. Elton John is obviously going to relate to kids through music, Misan through photography, the question I want to know is what Tyler Perry is teaching Archie. I bet it’s funny.

      • L4Frimaire says:

        So they sound privileged because Archie knows what type of camera their friend Misan uses? Would this comment even come up if they were talking about sneakers or a gaming system? It’s truly amazing what is considered privileged because some people don’t think these objects, especially markers of class or culture, should be known or accessible to certain people.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Well they are rich and privileged, why should she not tell stories about her kids because someone else gets upset about it? I’m sure there are things that you do that someone else can’t afford or can’t relate to, should you not mention your car or that vacation you took because someone somewhere else thinks you’re rich and privileged for being able to do something they can’t? The media in the UK complains about everything she does, down to how much a salad costs at a restaurant she went to. There’s no pleasing them, nor should she try. Screw them and anyone else upset that a kid is exposed to nice things.

    • Caribbean says:

      The media is already blasting this, you say …AND? I don’t see why you are sort of blaming Meghan for the media pointing that out (she only said that he knew a brand and she is NOT getting it for him) instead of the fact that Archie’s uncle’s kids are living in a Palace, paid for by taxpayers…along with all the wealth that the Royal Family and those set of kids are keeping for themselves.
      BTW, show me a child that does not know a Brand and I will tell you the brand is out of business.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Amara, are you saying that photographers don’t usually use a Leica to take pictures of kids? I’ve never paid enough attention to discover what type of camera someone is using–not my area of interest. Kids are inquisitive and there are going to be a certain percentage of them who will want to know something about the camera. It’s up to the photographer to determine what to tell/show them. Obviously, he was told the camera is a Leica. You can learn in all kinds of ways, and learning is FREE.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Right on @Saucy&Sassy. “Learning is free.” 👌🏽 No matter anyone’s upbringing, background, assets or obstacles, it’s a good thing to be inquisitive and aspirational. Many moons ago, a little boy of African, German, and Puerto Rican descent was told by his teacher that black people never contributed anything to society; that they had no history.

      The teacher’s ignorant lie did not deter that little boy from growing up to learn everything he could about the history and contributions of people who looked like him. The research he did and the collections he amassed, led to the creation of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (which eventually became the Harlem branch of the New York Public Library).

      The name of the little boy who grew up to become a researcher, historian, documentor, and collector: Arturo (aka Arthur) Alfonso Schomburg.

  20. tamsin says:

    Archie’s comment is cute, and not surprising. Archie is twenty-first century child. These children from an early age are very savvy about technology, if the home has a lot of it, and the world. Many 4 year olds can read a bit and recognize a lot of written words and they are masters of icons. They are visually savvy. I’ve seen pre-schoolers helping granny and grandpa with smart phones, television remotes, ipads, computers. Archie probably would see that the name on his camera is not the same as the name on Missan’s. In his little mind, he might be wondering how can he practise what Missan has shown him if he doesn’t have the same thing to work with? Remember when Meghan said that Archie had a voracious appetite for books because he loved being read to? A royal “expert” changed that to Archie had a voracious appetite for reading and so Meghan was a liar because what two year-old can read voraciously. Same thing is going to happen here. Meghan is a typical mom here. Most love to talk about their children. And we are all delighted to hear about Archie. And it seems like there is a lot of photography in the Sussex household. Both Meghan and Harry are picture takers. It seems the Queen was an avid family photographer herself.

  21. BlueNailsBetty says:

    For those of you who think Archie is too young to learn things, here are some things I learned between 4-5 years old:

    *Jewelry, especially the difference between fine jewelry and costume jewelry. Pearls, diamonds, gold, and silver.

    *Chanel #5, my aunt was wearing it and I liked it and asked “what is that smell”. She told me Chanel #5 and thereafter I called all my cheap ass little girl perfumes Chanel #5. I tried it when I was a young adult but it did not work with my body chemistry. #sadface

    *Guns. Texan here and my brother got a bb gun when he was 7 (I was 4). So I also learned about it. By the time I was 5 years 9 months old I was a crack shot with my grandpa’s .22 rifle.

    *Kitchen tools. Blenders, mixers, how to turn on the oven (but only when Mom or Dad was supervising). I learned to bake just before my 5th birthday and I made my 5th birthday cake (from a box mix, I wasn’t a baking savant).

    *Vacuum cleaner. I learned how to vacuum and how to take the cleaner apart and clean it.

    *Cars. How to check the oil and washer fluid and that we used Pennzoil for the oil.

    *How to carve a Pinewood Derby car and how to make it aerodynamic and where to add weight. Dad was a mechanical engineer and a great teacher especially when explaining complicated science to children.

    *How to build a fire in a fireplace.

    *How to stitch up a cut. I was an active, clumsy kid and ended up in the emergency room several times getting stitches. A couple of times nurses remarked to Mom about how calm and curious I was watching the doctor stitch me up. I was asking questions about every step and the doctors were so amused at my curiosity and happy to explain everything. That came in handy many years later when my friend and I were playing and she cut herself. We lived in a rural area and adults were at work so no one to drive her to get stitches. So I gave her some stitches to keep it together until her mom got home.

    *How to read. I was an early reader and read at a level higher than most of my classmates starting in pre-school.

    Kids are information sponges. I have no doubt Archie is a bright, curious child who absorbs information. I’m sure the Wales children are, too.

    • KFG says:

      Exactly!! I started reading at 3 and because my mom was taking psychology classes and read us her text books as bedtime stories, I could tell people the symptoms of schizophrenia and at the time, manic depression. I grew up on a farm so as little kids before 5 we could help birth calves and pluck chickens. If you teach a child things they absorb it. My son is 5 and has been reading since he was 3.5. He has an expansive vocabulary bc we read him our books. He can name dinosaurs, their habits and habitats, and he’s obsessed with luxury cars even though we don’t have one. He explained to me and his father how I need an Acura like our neighbors, and how my husband needs a BMW. Kids latch onto what they’re exposed to and what interests them.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Haha, I love this. Your son is going to own a luxury car dealership and get RICH. 😁

      • JanetDR says:

        @KFG I taught myself how to read at 4. My siblings were all in school and once I figured out the ABC song and the alphabet chart were the same thing there was no stopping me. “Go Dog Go” was my key to the world. Sure surprised my mom!
        I love that little clip with the hummingbirds! So happy for them. 💗

    • Deering24 says:

      Eheheheh, BlueNailsBetty–my grandma had a fair amount of perfumes (Wind Song and Emeraude, for two). She told me their names when I was five or so–and warned that Shalimar stunk (I thought the bottle was gorgeous.) I found out way later that she was right…🤣🤣

    • Nic919 says:

      Also by age four kids who learn multiple languages are becoming fluent in them.

      I don’t know if I would be outing my kids as being dim just to score points on a comment made by Meghan.

  22. Deering24 says:

    Archie has excellent taste–and is a real cutie. 🙃 I have a 80-year-old Leica that still works–and takes amazing pictures when you put experimental film in it. And I love the lots of hummingbirds hanging out at the Montecito Palace…😉

  23. Jais says:

    Wel, I’m over here feeling a type of way bc I’d never actually heard of a Leica camera. Uncultured is how I’m left feeling lol. But now I know. How many derangers do you think are mad bc they’d actually never even heard of this camera?

  24. JaneS says:

    Young kids are interested in things they see the people in their lives do and use.

    Nephew is a hot wheels car nut bc his Dad, Uncle and Grandpa are all vintage car collectors.
    The little dude brings his bucket of hot wheels when he visits.
    He can name every model of car he has, rapidly. For quite a time he was happy to sit in my lap, and show/chat about his cars. Then a snack. 2-4 y/o kids are so fun.

    Archie, just as my nephew, is probably surrounded by adults who enjoy his company, answer his questions, read to him, chat with him at length about a lot of things.

    Why are H&M constantly under inspection from SM?

  25. JudyB says:

    Four-year-olds are certainly copycats. I remember when my sons went through a stage where their career goal was to be a garbage truck driver. Later one said he wanted to be a doctor so he could earn a lot of money and eat out often! No grand plans of curing diseases for him!

    Had my kids been royalty, the BM would have had a picnic with the things they said.

  26. blunt talker says:

    Archie’s comments tell me that he a very attentive and talkative child-Misam using his camera at their home and Archie notices it and ask questions-Meghan and Harry tell him what it is and how it works-the child is observant in his surroundings and the poeple he comes intact with-Misam took pictures of Meghan when she was pregnant with Lilibet -I think he took some of their wedding photos-Misam and his family was at Frogmore with the Sussexes for Lilibet’s birthday party-Archie has met Misam -children watch what others are doing and try to copy and ask a bunch of questions-the people who get to interact with the Sussex children makes me believe this happened.

  27. Chelsea says:

    That dirty foot moment was one of my favorite from the docuseries. It was adorable that Harry is a birdwatcher and wanted to share the beauty of that with Archie but Archie like most children just didn’t get the gravity of what he was seeing at all lmao. Harry was whispering to try and not scare the birds and Archie was just speaking in a full voice like “what? I got a dirty foot!”. Harry trying to laugh quietly to not disturb the birds while Meghan tries (and fails) to not to laugh while explaining that “papa is a birdwatcher so this is a big deal for him” is just the cutest thing ever. It puts a smile on my face everytime I see it.
    I also loved the couple of clips of Archie playing music; they seem to be encouraging him artistically which is great.

    Those small moments of their family life that they let us see in the series were so beautiful and sweet and it’s why i dont ever really get worked up anymore by anything said in the press. They have the quiet peaceful they wanted in Santa Barbrara (as evidenced by the fact that this q&a happened there month ago and Misan was with them at their home and nobody knew about it).