DM: Princess Kate doesn’t have to work hard, she’s raising the future king!

Most years, Prince William and Kate do a final push in December to increase their event-numbers. Not this year – we’ve barely seen them in December beyond Kate’s Christmas carol event. The work numbers were already tallied by the newspapers more than a week ago as well, so maybe Will and Kate were just like “f–k it, we can get away with not doing anything in December.” William undertook 172 engagements in 2023, and Kate did 128 engagements. Even those sad numbers are padded with “private meetings” and “phone calls,” and their numbers mirror the engagement numbers of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, who are 79 and 77 years old. Anyway, the Mail is still deeply upset that Omid Scobie mildly criticized Kate’s laziness in Endgame, and a recent episode of Palace Confidential was devoted to defending Kate’s work-shy honor.

The Princess of Wales shouldn’t be seen as ‘not working hard’ because she is ‘trying to raise our future King’, the Daily Mail’s Richard Eden has told Palace Confidential. It comes after an analysis of public events and official meetings by the Sunday Telegraph showed Princess Anne, 73, was the hardest working member of the British Royal Family this year, carrying out 457 royal engagements, 32 more than the King. The Princess’ workload recently came under fire in Omid Scobie’s new book Endgame, in which he branded her ‘technically a part-time working royal’.

Speaking on the Mail+’s weekly talk show, Mr Eden said: ‘There’s an element of truth in that in the sense that they want to spend more time with their children. Catherine is trying to raise our future King [Prince George], and the children, it’s a very important job so it shouldn’t be seen as not working hard. She’s doing that in addition to engagements. So you would always expect someone like Princess Anne to do more.’

The Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English added: ‘The Prince and Princess of Wales, they are always a bit low down and I think this highlights the balance that they are trying to find, which is, they also want to focus on a smaller number of charities and get more intimately involved in those charities. That does mean less public engagements. Queen Elizabeth was always of the opinion that you have to be seen to be believed, royalty has to be seen to be believed, and I think that highlights… questions might rise, are they getting that balance right? They’ve also made very clear that their other really big job is bringing their family up and being good parents.’

‘That’s what we saw in that lovely video of the three children going to the baby bank, is actually they’re bringing up three really happy, well-adjusted kids who are comfortable enough with the spotlight on them without being overexposed to it. So I think those numbers to reflect that balance they’re trying to find.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Yeah, the “she’s raising the future king” excuse is already wearing thin, as we’ve seen from some increasingly critical coverage of Kate. People noticed that she was too lazy to go to the Rugby World Cup semifinal. Even royalists questioned whether Kate is simply too lazy to travel this year. There was analysis in the Mail about how Kate basically only does events within a thirty-mile radius of her home, and only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Plus, she disappears every summer and returns with new wigs and fillers. Anyway, we’re going to hear this bullsh-t about “she’s busy raising her children” until Louis’s 18th birthday. Then they’ll invent a new excuse.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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98 Responses to “DM: Princess Kate doesn’t have to work hard, she’s raising the future king!”

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  1. No nanny Maria is raising the future king. She is buying clothes that are not her style and wigs she places on her head wrong and last but not least buttons!!! In all colors shapes and sizes. Always have an excuse for her laziness and ineptitude.

    • Chloe says:

      This is what really bothers me. Kuddos to them for wanting to be more involved than the queen was with her kids but they have a full time nanny on back and call. Plus most engagements last about an hour if that & the children are in school for most of the day.

      Kate could do the school run, drive off to an engagement and then be back in time to pick the children up from school.

      There is no reason why those engagement numbers aren’t in the 200’s

      Both of my parents worked all throughout my life and managed to raise me and my sibling without any help.

      Side note: anyone know what Diana’s average number of engagements was? I’m trying to compare.

      • MY3CENTS says:

        CHLOE-That’s actually a really interesting question. I wonder when they started publishing the royal family’s end of the year numbers?

      • Nic919 says:

        Diana was doing several hundred engagements, especially in the later years. She was never doing as little as Kate or William.

  2. Flower says:

    Lol the DM are desperate – I suppose they have to find ever more ingenious ways to prop Kate up.

    • ales says:

      Why are they propping up this lazy, waste of space who does nothing. It makes no sense. There must be a reason because she is a total failure as a princess. An embarrassment to the UK who along with her family has dragged the royals down to being a “z grade” soap opera.

  3. Krista says:

    I’m sorry, but this is total BS. The kids are in school all day, so she’s not doing anything to raise them then unless she’s teaching their classes. She can knock out 2 or 3 visits locally in that time, and quick day trips further out. I’m not sure how anyone can believe this crap.

    • Belli says:

      Exactly! Even if you accept that Kate cannot possibly spend a single second away from George when he is out of school, that still leaves her hours available every day. They count a five minute phone call as an engagement and that doesn’t even require hours getting her hair and makeup done. If she just did two of those each day while the children are at school she’d be TRIPLING her current numbers!

      • Krista says:

        100%. And I’ll give her some grace here – she doesn’t need to do this every day. I mean, we don’t want to work the poor sausage to the bone now. But even if she did this 3-4 days a week?

      • Tessa says:

        George needs to make lasting friendships with youngsters his own age. He won’t be sitting home all the time.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Seriously, as a SAHM with a special needs child, this irks me AND doesn’t add up at all.

      I manage to do several big errands every day between the hours of 9 AM and 2:30 when I pick up my kids. I still use my degree in a volunteer capacity. Sometimes I wind up having to workout in the evenings while they spend 30 mins of their iPad. But the amount of stuff I seem to get done with NO nanny and cook, and with a child who requires a TON of personal attention, totally outstrips Kate.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Seriously – the woman has a HELICOPTER at her beck & call. It has a robust range. She could be doing a lot more than wee car trips to gurn & glare at black women & children. /eyeroll/

      I mean they can definitely afford the petrol at the palaces since they’re forcing her to wear bargain bin wigs now.

  4. S808 says:

    Oh well. That’s the horse they backed. At this point I don’t even really blame her for not doing more cause they aren’t demanding it. The press will find every excuse in the book as to why she can’t do more instead of demanding better and that’s their cross to bear. Good luck when you’ve got a Queen Consort (& King) who can’t be diplomatic for the life of her. I guess they’re practicing putting lipstick on that pig now.

    • Brit says:

      The press and family are stuck together in a perpetual cycle of BS. The press decided to back these dullards, are losing money and cases left and right. Payouts galore and their employees becoming redundant. They have no access to the Sussexes and the family aren’t interesting, have no leaks to give their masters. Copying the Meghan and Harry aren’t enough either because the press want the real thing. Not to mention the family can’t stop Harry from suing the press which is pissing off people like Piers and Dacre.

  5. Honey says:

    Every mom, every working mom, who follows the BRF should be appalled by this take. There are so many double-standards, lowered standards, and exceptions for Kate.

    George is no better than any other kid in the UK or the commonwealth. I guess working moms are supposed to look down at their kid/s and say, “Mummy has to go to work today because you aren’t as important as George. Therefore, you don’t deserve my full attention or my presence at home even when you aren’t here. Hence, I work.”

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Exactly 💯!

    • Becks1 says:

      YUP. this is why the whole “Kate has to raise the kids” argument is not only stupid and not true (because she can certainly work while they’re at school) but also offensive. Millions of moms work full time and raise their kids. AND they do it without multiple nannies, housekeepers, drivers, etc.

      Are her kids in a unique position? Yes. But does that unique position mean Kate can only work 1/4 of the days in a year (or less)? No, no it does not.

    • BohemianAngel says:

      Working mums will not be appalled by this, in fact most people here in the UK will agree.
      I’ve heard friends, those that follow the “royals” and some that aren’t bothered, say the same thing. They believe William and Kate should not work too much as they are raising the children, especially George and they don’t want him to come out like Charles, who didn’t get his mother’s love and attention and who a lot of people dislike.
      Some people here totally buy into the crap that the Winsors are above everyone in the land, in fact on Jeremy Vine yesterday one of the panelists argued that George can not go to a state school and mix with the unwashed! (There was a talking point on whether royal children should go to state school).

      • Tessa says:

        Charles negative issues imo came from the queen mother who enabled Charles egocentric behavior.

      • Lisa says:

        George always appears to be morose and petulant. He probably doesn’t mix well with other children and Will and Kate are fine with that

    • Snaggletooth says:

      SO many women become SAHMs not by choice but because working leaves such little room for household/family management and parenting.

      If I had staff who could work with my special needs son in-house. IF I could do ANYTHING to buy myself like 4 more hours per day, to bring all administrative aspects of my job completely in-house, you better believe I would be more career focused. She is living the dream, tbh, and totally squandering it.

    • February pisces says:

      If Kate doesn’t want to work then fine, but she shouldn’t be paid tax payer money. She’s paid to do a job and she’s not fulfilling her role. They should at least pro rata her salary.

    • Kreama says:

      Yes x 1000. She’s not doing her own laundry, cleaning, yardwork, errands, etc. She has at least 1 full time nanny and plenty of other “help”. Royals – they’re just like us! Except they have more money and more resources yet can’t manage to do a fraction of the work an average subject has to do. Yet this is supposed to be relatable?! Most SAHMs I know work their asses off around the house and with their kids with zero help so that their partners can make money to feed and clothe the family. In this case there is no excuse for Kate. Her husband barely works and she has every other luxury and convenience available.

  6. Ginger says:

    Well according to Kate only the first 5 years are important so George is on his own.

    And once Louis turns 18 Kate will make an excuse that she is ready to retire.

  7. HeatherC says:

    If she’s “busy raising the future king” and can’t work, and now that future king is in school….why does she need at least one full time nanny? What does the nanny do if she’s doing all the heavy lifting of parenting when the kids aren’t in school?

  8. Brit says:

    Which the Mail has critiqued Kate for, now they want to act brand new. That press is going to be the downfall of the monarchy. I don’t think they realize that the phone hacking case with Harry and the subsequent others that will follow, not to mention their treatment of Meghan has firmly removed any kind of influence they think they have. These papers literally broke the law. They’re trash.

  9. Jais says:

    The grace they give one while spewing vitriol at the other. That’s what gets me every time.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    This is an example of the invisible contract in action. Before 2017, the press called William and Kate lazy and work-shy but now the press sees nothing wrong with their engagement numbers.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, Amy Bee, this is THE example of the invisible contract. Listen, if you, as a nation, have collectively decided that you want to pay this woman millions of your own money while she offers basically no return on investment, have at it. Go forth and celebrate, for these are surely wonderful times for you!

      But don’t spew this bullshit that a mother with 3 kids, all of whom are in school, can’t possibly work, because one of the 3 will be king someday.

      Who do you all think George is going to grow up and model, as far as work ethic goes? Giddy up for your FFK who will only work in the neighborhood of 150 hours a year.

      • Debbie says:

        So, what is the British media saying now, that Kate can’t possibly work because she’s too “busy” raising George, who will inherit a lot of money some day? As someone said above, it the English people are okay with that philosophy, then they are a matched pair.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    This excuse is so insulting. Plenty of people manage to raise healthy, well adjusted kids who can manage to be in public without losing it, and hold full time jobs. Some even go to school while doing it. What exactly is she doing between 9am and 3pm five days a week? It’s not holding meeting’s because she’d have more than 127 engagements. She is beyond lazy and pretending someone with five homes and who just bought a ten thousand dollar dress is working hard pisses me off and I don’t contribute a dime to their upkeep.

    • Libra says:

      What does she do between 9 and 3 ? Good question, because my downfall when I have some extra time is snacking. I like munchies that crunch. A poor habit, I know. She obviously does not snack so does she still smoke?

      • LRB says:

        I am sure she still smokes… and runs and cold water swims… all so she can look super skinny whenever she appears in public. I suspect she spends a deal of time with her designers … where if she had a good dresser they would do most of the work for her. The suggestion that to be a good mother you cannot work is so patronising and old fashioned… I mean come on… it is hardly like Willi works 60 hours a week … There are some exceptionally good state schools in London ( and elsewhere in the UK) I think it would be good for George to experience that even if just for a couple of years. These are his future subjects, he should not think he is better than them if he intends to serve them.

  12. Kristin says:

    But guys! Don’t you understand?? She’s still “listening and learning”, lol.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    Most people manage to hold down a full time job while raising their kids without a nanny. The media gaslighters really do think we’re stupid.

  14. Naomi says:

    She’s probably going to strong-arm Charlotte into getting married & start having kids by age 24 so that, with Louis in uni at that point, she can then say she’s too busy helping raise her grandkids (Narrator: she is not helping raise her grandkids) to work.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Gah! You are so right. I’d be horrified and worried for Charlotte but she’s just an entirely different generation from
      Kate (who stepped out of the 18th century). Post boarding school and uni, Charlotte will want things for herself. I suspect she’ll distance herself from her parents.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Yeah, Kate will want that. Would be a hoot then if Charlotte flounced off to uni, declared herself to be lesbian, and then moved to NYC or *gasp* California. I hope she lives her best life wherever she ends up. And that she’s riding a motorcycle to her day job.

      • Naomi says:

        We can certainly hope for that. Call me jaded, but I suspect she’ll grow up to be a racist, entitled white woman like all the others in her family.

      • Christine says:

        I’m with you, Naomi. It would be miraculous if any of the Wails kids grow up to be anything other than massively lazy and bigoted. An actual miracle, and I don’t believe in God.

  15. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Okay. Then why pay this random person just to raise her kids—whose job, by extension, would just be to raise his kids, and so on, and so forth. She is not relatable and is a Thoroughly Unmodern Millie. If the future king is not going to do much, using the excuse that he’s kid-raising, then so will the future future. Hence, they’re the biggest grifters of all and add exactly zero value to the planet and are, in fact, negatives and drains on humanity.

    The Queen was right about the monarchy. And I hope their hubris and shucking of tradition results in their downfall, fulfilling her prophecy for the end of the institution.

  16. Mslove says:

    She’s a lazy rich person who doesn’t want to work. Everyone knows this.

  17. Eurydice says:

    As a strategy it’s an interesting twist on Elizabeth’s “you have to be seen to be believed.” Now, it’s “you have to be talked about to be believed.” So, you get your tame press to print an embiggening article every day and hope nobody notices that you’re not actually doing anything.

    But the way the quotes are worded, it doesn’t sound like Eden actually believes what he’s saying.

  18. Laura D says:

    She may be raising Charlotte and Louis but, I doubt very much she’ll have much say in raising the future king (and Eden knows this.) Whether Kate (and her mother) likes it or not the men in grey will have the final say in how George will be raised. This is one of the most powerful roles in the country. We may not like the king but he does have access to sensitive and dangerous information. I doubt very much the men in grey will want any future kings gossiping about national secrets over the dinner table (including his mother.)

  19. Dee says:

    She’s “trying to” raise our future king? I find the wording weird. Why didn’t Eden say, “She is raising our future king” instead? Perhaps it’s a nitpick, but he doesn’t sound confident in her abilities. Or perhaps something (a separation) will keep Kate from doing some of that raising?

    • Leslie says:

      This. What does “she is trying to raise our future king” mean? How do you “try” to raise your child? I raised my child – I didn’t make an attempt at it!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Dee, I’ve been reading the comments and wondered why no one else caught that. Thank you. I don’t know how someone “tries” to raise children. Either you raise the children or you don’t. This makes me think the Nanny is doing some heavy duty raising of the children.

      If Eden did this deliberately, I wonder what he knows?

  20. Harper says:

    She’s not even doing the full-time work that a mother does. She’s not going to the grocery store or Target with her big list as soon as they are in school. She is not decluttering or scrubbing down a single surface in Adelaide. She is not lugging three children’s worth of dirty clothes and bathroom towels and rugs up and down to the laundry and then putting all the clean things away. She’s not making lunches and dinners and cleaning the kitchen and putting the dishes in and out of the dishwasher while shuttling three kids to different activities and play dates. That is what raising a family is like and she has people doing all the hard stuff. Also, Diana was busy all the time and she had two kids. Kate is self-centered and isn’t interested in the mundane parts of the royal job. Instead, she is styling herself as an academic, but even that is so fake.

    • sparrow says:

      Too right. She doesn’t do any of it. Says someone who’s just sat down with a coffee for the first time today, after working from home and house working. After this the night shift starts, which is washing it all up, tumbling the last bit, ironing something needed for tomorrow. Diving in and out of c/by is a blessing and a smile raiser.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        sparrow, I can’t imagine starting my day without coffee. This tells me how busy you are that you finally found a minute to have some. Savour it!

    • Deering24 says:

      “She’s not going to the grocery store or Target with her big list as soon as they are in school.”

      Heh. I doubt Kate could even be bothered to do an Instacart list for grocery delivery. 😈

  21. Becks1 says:

    It sounds like English isnt entirely sure this “balance” is working for them either. She’s putting in the party line about being more focused on fewer charities, but we aren’t seeing that play out. And if they are more focused on fewer charities, shouldnt the engagements be the same? Like if Kate had done 300 engagements 5 years ago spread among 300 different organizations, and now she’s only focusing on 100 different organizations, shouldn’t she be visiting each of those 3 times so its still 300? But dropping from 300 to 100* engagements for 100 organizations just means she’s visiting those the same amount as she did before.

    *numbers are just hypothetical to make the point, we know she never did 300 engagements, lol.

    Anyway the RRs know the Waleses are lazy but at this point theyre stuck with them.

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes I agree. Becky was hedging her bets here because I suspect she knows that Charles isn’t impressed with the laziness.

      Also the media should not comment on whether or not the kids are well adjusted because we won’t know until they are adults.

  22. Mary Pester says:

    OK I’m going to buy myself a cape, and start wearing my knickers over my pj trousers, because by Edens rules, dah, dah, dah, dah dahhhhh I’M Superwoman. Until I met my Glynn, I was a single mum raising 3 kids and working full time. Gasp and grab those pearls! Yes I had a military background and knew how to prioritise, but heck, my youngest son is a teacher, my daughter worked in the NHS but now works for Damien Hurst the artist as his administrator, and my eldest son has his own plumbing and heating company, after he served in the army, and I didn’t have a nanny or an army of staff to call on.
    The fact is Eden can praise this useless bewigged sloany, but he needs to remember the late Queen was spot on, when she said Kate is lazy, so will suit William. Oh and Mr Eden, who says their will even be a monarchy when George is of an age to be king.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, yes, I agree that makes you Superwoman. Women who work and raise kids and keep the housework up are amazing. That doesn’t get said often enough and it should.

    • Christine says:

      Yep, you are definitely Superwoman! I only have one child, and it’s enough. I do not kid myself that I could add any more.

    • Jais says:


  23. Sunday says:

    Great, so if she’s so involved in raising the future king then surely whether or not she’s a vile racist seems especially relevant, no? I mean, if she can’t spend a few mornings a week working because the future king takes every second of her time then all the more reason why the taxpayers who fund her extravagant lifestyle deserve answers as to precisely what she’s been teaching the future king about his cousin Archie’s skin color and how that might relate to leading a multiethnic “kingdom.” Seems even more relevant to me than whether she cuts ribbons monthly instead of daily.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Sunday, I think it might be one of those things that’s known and no said. Of course, all of the children will be taught what their parents believe. That won’t come as a surprise to anyone.

  24. Krista says:

    Then she needs to step back as a senior royal.

    • Christine says:

      Word. She knew EXACTLY what the expectations were for a PoW and FQ, and she’s an utter failure at her job.

      • Deering24 says:

        But. . .but . . . isn’t she doing Meghan one better and showing how to be a
        “proper” part-time royal? I’m surprised as hell the BM hasn’t come up with that excuse. 🤮

  25. bisynaptic says:


    Maureen: “So you would always expect someone like Princess Anne to do more.”

    Princess Anne: 👀

  26. HO says:

    Neither the crown nor Kate’s marriage will survive till Louis’s 18th birthday. Put money on it

    • sparrow says:

      We know a couple where the husband waited until the 18th birthday of the last in the brood and told his wife he was divorcing. Literally the same day. He’d been crossing off the days of his unhappy marriage. So yes I can see this. The crown will however survive imo. We are a republic with a crown on top. It’s grossly at odds with modern democracy but hey ho.

      • Living Desert says:

        Same here. 18th birthday of last child, but the wife pulled the trigger. Quelle surprise!

  27. JaneS says:

    This is such a weak lazy statement.
    Be quiet, say nothing.
    Kate would look more intelligent if she stopped these stories.

    Future King is a figure head position.

    Every parent could make a statement like this. Raising a future fireman, doctor, cement truck driver. LOL

  28. Susie says:

    There is a world where they could have made this work. After having George they could have gently implied that after generations of horrible parenting Kate is gonna step back from senior royal duties and be a stay at home mom. She and Will will have the rest of their lives to be king and queen but this is important for their kids well-being. She will only show up to family events and won’t take any public money at this time. As long as she didn’t take any public money and other perks the palace could have sold it. The problem is she wants the public money and perks and attention that come with being a senior royal. She wants the designer clothing, and front pages, and tiaras. She wants people to tell her she’s solved all issues with the under 5 set. She wants Hollywood to bow and clap for her at the baftas. Being a stay at home mom doesn’t come with any of that attention even if you are rich and royals. She wants it both ways and the courtiers are other royals or too stupid or scared to sit her down and say “No that’s impossible pick a lane.” And that’s how you get this failed Frankenstein of her pie charts are the most consequential advancement in under 5 kids and she can’t possibly work more than a 100 days a year cuz she has school age kids.

    • Nic919 says:

      That only works when the kids are at home. But with all three at school full time, it’s bs to pretend she doesn’t have a lot of free time to do engagements.

      Even if she did what Anne does and pack in three per day, she could get numbers up. But she doesn’t care to and doesn’t have to. At least for now.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think that’s one of those things thats so telling – Anne has the formula RIGHT THERE for how to do this, how to pack engagements into a few days/weeks/months so it looks like you’re working harder than you actually are.

        Kate is either too dumb to follow Anne’s lead or too lazy. The fact that so many are even talking about what Omid said in the book about her being a part time royal is again, very telling IMO. And even here they’re not saying “oh she’s not part time! She really is full time!” they’re saying “she cant work full time bc George.”

  29. Tessa says:

    It would be better if the headlines say. William and Kate are raising their children. The headline makes it seem she is putting more emphasis on George. William had training through those visits with his grandmother. Kate is just lazy.

  30. Blackapinay says:

    I suppose she’s “room mom” for all three kids… 🥴

  31. Steph says:

    A few things.
    1. Yes, I’m bringing H&M into this. Idk if it was Oceana or Southern Africa, but they clocked 72 engagements in a single week long tour. That’s more than half of Kate’s total for a year. Y’all who are better at math can tell me what percentage of Pegs total that is. The fact that Charles lets them get away with that is insane to me.

    2. As many of you have pointed out, Kate has time M-F to do engagements. Cut down on the hrs of glam and wardrobe. She always looks bad anyway.

    3. Notice the language? English is trying to make it seem like all her engagements are public so it would require her to spend time away from the kids. We all know this is bs. Most of these are phonecalls planning how to get a repeat bespoke coat dress.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    The rota really does go to incredible lengths to shield these work-shy malingerers.

  33. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    If I remember correctly, Sophie and Edward manage to do engagements, go on foreign tours, attend royal weddings, and still manage to raise two children while also doing the school runs. If Kate’s engagements are only an hour, she could do three engagements a week and still have time to try raising the future King.

  34. fabulous says:

    I’m sure once you take out the phone calls, the Baftas & the royal Variety Show, state dinners, lunches, receptions & the BP garden parties the actual chamity visits would be much lower. I’m sure they would have included the coronation as one of their duties this year.

  35. JaneS says:

    I really enjoy these comments.
    CB’ers see thru Kate and her lazy work habits. 👍

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      JaneS, it’s not hard to do. There, literally, isn’t much to see when it comes to work and KHate.

  36. Lady Digby says:

    At least there is acknowledgement that both WK have always produced low figures and now maybe the lie that their workload doubled in the wake of MH departure can be retired. Honestly these two are so lightweight that they’d float away if they weren’t weighed down by fake medals and heavy jewellery! Isn’t there anything Chucky can do to get at least his heir to show up more?

  37. AC says:

    So that’s Ks lazy a$$ excuse, her 1 and only job 😀 . I love this Tik Tok/Twitter post going around.. A woman from the Caribbean calling all of them just Welfare Recipients on the backs of British taxpayers. So many people agreed 😆

  38. Eleonor says:

    Sorry to hijack the thread but when I saw the picture of her too forced enthusiastic smile I finally understood who she reminds me of.
    The same over enthusiastic forced smile with crazy eyes.

  39. Eleonor says:

    The Tom Cruise over enthusiastic smile with crazy eyes !!!

  40. JaneS says:

    If Kate is going to claim she can not do more royal duties because she is raising the next King….
    Here is my solution to her time crunch.
    Every M, T, W, Th between 9-2, The Firm transports the Leaders of 4 charities + large signage to BP. The Firm pays and organizes everything.
    Each charity person, with signs to advert the charity, is greeted by Kate, with a $50K large check from the Firm to support said charity.
    Photos, smiles, get the check, hand Kate flowers.
    Lunch with photos.
    Put all photos up in SM/websites, Kate can wear all the jewelry and hats she wants.
    4 charities x 4 days a week.
    Take Fridays off because, everybody Loves a 3 day weekend. Hey, take the summer off too. Why not?

    Look how I solved that problem. Go Me! No cost to The Firm. My gift to you.
    How F’ing easy is this? 👍
    I’m a serious. Do people not understand how much personal wealth Charles and William have?
    For many years, it was known the Queen Elizabeth was The Wealthiest Woman on planet Earth. Easily a $Billionaire at minimum.

  41. BeanieBean says:

    This is so insulting to people & parents everywhere who are working full time jobs & raising their kids, which according to Kate’s own foundation are so important to the rest of their lives. Should everyone–men & women, all genders–shirk their employment when they have kids & just stay home the first five years? Five years plus, of course, as George is however many years old now, with Louis just five.

  42. tamsin says:

    If Kate does 128 engagements and each engagement might be an hour, perhaps stretching to two hours, and let’s say she actually might spend an hour on each engagement preparing or reading briefing notes, that’s still a very light work load if you do the math and consider how many days of work that is (say an 8-hour day for the average worker). Even if Kate took two hours to dress, do hair and make-up for each engagement, that still doesn’t even add up to a person working even part time. I think someone said that Anne had the most number of engagements, and even she ends up doing about two months of work. Nice work and great perks!

  43. Flamingo says:

    Remember when Princess Diana walked across an active minefield in Angola. And even detonated one. To bring attention to the issue.

    Can you imagine Kate putting herself out there like that? I sure can’t.

  44. Anonymous says:

    So, royal media is flip-flopping again. Either she works harder since the Sussexes left despite fulfilling her role as a mother, or she doesn’t have to work hard at fulfilling royal duties because she’s busy raising a king. So Richard Eden and Rebecca English, two well-oiled monarchy puppets, justify why the Prince and Princess of Wales don’t work as hard as the other working royals, who have adult children they raised while working. Reading this article, one can easily assume they don’t have a household staff or nannies, which we know they do. She has not accompanied William on recent long-distance trips, and we have yet seen her taking the children to school. The excuse for her not going to Singapore was to help Prince George prepare for exams customarily taken in the Spring. There’s too much misinformation surrounding Kate that makes her appear as sometimes overzealous and then occasionally lazy. Edward and Sofia have stepped up to fill the void. They’ve traveled more to represent the Crown in the past six months than during their marriage. Charles gave Edward the title of Duke so he could use him. What a noble person!
    This demonstrates that the “Slimmed-down monarchy” proposed by the King was all talk without a sound action plan. The term was used to bully Harry and Meghan and make them feel unwanted. It has shown the King as all talk with little action.
    You will never get sympathy for Kate from me. All the energy she put into making Meghan feel uncomfortable has returned to bite her. All the men surrounding Kensington Royal who orchestrated the smear campaign and actively participated have been awarded more prominent roles and titles. She’s still William’s wife, working without a personal secretary, treated like a department store window mannequin by the press. Take your choice; she’s either overworked or lazy. Her primary role is raising the future King and two Spares.

  45. Valeria says:

    Dear all, I think that having and raising children is not only a full time job but in my opinion more valuable than most office jobs. I think women need to value the work we have always done in having and raising children, caring for the home. This work is not inferior to traditional men’s work outside the home. I myself work outside the home but really value the family and balancing both is incredibly hard and frustrating, when women are able to focus on family this should be a respected choice and it is work. Calling home makers and mothers people don’t work is disrespectful and just factually wrong, it’s 24-7 work vs a much more constrained office job. We as women need to value the work we have been doing for eons and not get swept into what is a very mysoginistic view of women as somehow just sitting at home watching kids and depending on a man, we bring so much to the table.

    • AC says:

      In the 21st century, majority of women has 2 jobs like many of us here on this forum – raising our children and family, and working on our careers. I don’t think anyone is putting down women who are true homemakers.
      At the same time, I don’t feel sorry for K- she has access to Nannies and staff to help her raise her children- and I’m sure they have a say in raising their future heir.

  46. robin samuels says:

    So, royal media is flip-flopping again. Either she works harder since the Sussexes left despite fulfilling her role as a mother, or she doesn’t have to work hard at fulfilling royal duties because she’s busy raising a king. So Richard Eden and Rebecca English, two well-oiled monarchy puppets, justify why the Prince and Princess of Wales don’t work as hard as the other working royals, who have adult children they raised while working. Reading this article, one can easily assume they don’t have a household staff or nannies, which we know they do. She has not accompanied William on recent long-distance trips, and we have yet seen her taking the children to school. The excuse for her not going to Singapore was to help Prince George prepare for exams customarily taken in the Spring. There’s too much misinformation surrounding Kate that makes her appear as sometimes overzealous and then occasionally lazy. Edward and Sofia have stepped up to fill the void. They’ve traveled more to represent the Crown in the past six months than during their marriage. Charles gave Edward the title of Duke so he could use him. What a noble person!
    This demonstrates that the “Slimmed-down monarchy” proposed by the King was all talk without a sound action plan. The term was used to bully Harry and Meghan and make them feel unwanted. It has shown the King as all talk with little action.
    You will never get sympathy for Kate from me. All the energy she put into making Meghan feel uncomfortable has returned to bite her. All the men surrounding Kensington Royal who orchestrated the smear campaign and actively participated have been awarded more prominent roles and titles. She’s still William’s wife, working without a personal secretary, treated like a department store window mannequin by the press. Take your choice; she’s either overworked or lazy. Her primary role is raising the future King and two Spares.

  47. Over it says:

    Well in that case, stop taking the public money on any way shape or form and live off your own. Cause I fail to see how these lazy nitwits can expect to do zero to no work yearly, taking off every single vacation their children have off and still expect the peasants to not complain when the peasants themselves have to work with no help of their own for their own children. Can’t have their children school holidays off too , all of them . The peasants also don’t have a full time nanny , kids in private posh schools, drivers , cooks , housekeepers and the butcher, baker and candlestick makers working for them full time. Kate and William get away with way too much. Too many excuses are made for this b.s and I say the public should put a stop to the grift once and for all. If these people want less work, fine , then do it in your own money . After all they are billionaires. Billionaires should not be living off the public. They should be helping out the public. Especially since it’s the public money they stole to get that fortune