Sarah Jessica Parker continues to say strange things


I think this Parade interview with Sarah Jessica Parker might have been from this past weekend, but I just saw it and found it interesting. SJP is promoting that film that I’m not even going to name with Hugh Grant, and she sat down to talk about Hugh and her six-month-old twin girls. Shockingly, one of her twins is a ginger! I didn’t know that. SJP is so weird, you know… the way she describes her daughters, it just seems off somehow. She says: “One of my daughters is round-headed and she has my complexion. She’s olive, she has big brown eyes and she is literally constantly looking around and reaching out. I mean, I don’t know how she manages to sleep. My other daughter is like my husband, Matthew. She is white-skinned with little blue bedroom eyes and red hair. She’s very serious and slightly withholding and aloof.” Maybe I’m being too analytical. But it’s weird to use words like “round-headed” and “bedroom eyes” and “aloof” when describing babies, isn’t it?

If at first you don’t succeed.
“I think I remember auditioning to co-star with Hugh in Four Weddings and a Funeral. I think I did. I know I screen-tested for Nine Months. Of course, I didn’t get either. I have wanted to play opposite him in a romantic comedy for basically as long as Americans, especially women, have known and loved Hugh Grant.”

Finally, a lip-lock.
“I didn’t make any demands in terms of the interpersonal connecting of body parts. I just did what I was told by the director. But, every time I kissed Hugh, I told him I was doing it for America.”

Witness protection as marriage therapy.
“I think it would be a fine idea. Put people who are having trouble in their relationships in the witness protection program and send them to some far away place where they can maybe work things out. If they charged half the average hourly rate of a marriage counselor, I think the government could make a lot of money.”

She wasn’t home on the range in the Wild West.
“I didn’t enjoy attempting to milk a cow or ride a horse or shoot a rifle. I have other fantasies, none of which include milking a cow. The cow kicked me in the middle of the scene and they left it in. It’s right there for everyone to see. Actually, I sympathized with the cow. I didn’t belong there and she knew it. But, we both survived.”

No trouble sorting out her twin baby daughters.
“It’s sort of beyond description. It’s a very, very lucky, wonderful time in our lives that we have these two darling little girls and we’re very happy. They could not be more different. It is hilarious, one of my daughters is round-headed and she has my complexion. She’s olive, she has big brown eyes and she is literally constantly looking around and reaching out. I mean, I don’t know how she manages to sleep. My other daughter is like my husband, Matthew. She is white-skinned with little blue bedroom eyes and red hair. She’s very serious and slightly withholding and aloof.”

She feels for other working moms.
“I honestly think there are millions and millions of working mothers who have far more demanding days and the rewards are nowhere near what I’ve been given. They don’t have the kind of help that I have if I need it. I’m allowed to be a working mother because frankly, I can leave my child with someone I trust and love and a lot of mothers can’t do that.”

Which doesn’t mean she’s a laid back parent.
“I don’t think you worry less in general. I think I’m still woken in the middle of the night by some horrible thought that I’ve conjured in my brain. Every time there’s a visit to the pediatrician, I worry. Is everything all right? After my son was born, if he’d cry or something, I’d just walk up the stairs to his room. Now, I’m running up and down the stairs like a lunatic, barely holding on to the banister.”

Unlike Carrie Bradshaw, she’s fashion-challenged.
“If I’m not working, I’m really just wearing whatever is right to get out of the door. I take my son to school in the morning. When it’s freezing outside, I’ve got to convince him to put a hat on and boots on and he resists. By the time he’s dressed, I just have time to grab anything handy and run out the door. I also have two daughters in diapers who are drooling, teething and spitting up. You don’t want a designer outfit in that situation. So you just wear what’s appropriate to be a mother.”

Could there be a Sex and the City five, or maybe six?
“Oh good God, we’d come in with walkers. Oh, I hope not, for all of America’s sake. I mean, we’re lucky to have been able to manage to run around in heels on the sequel. So we’ll see what the future holds, but this one has been really fun.”

[From Parade]

Well, at least she admits that she has a lot of help with the kids. She’s gotten slammed pretty hard for going to work on the second SATC film just weeks after the twin girls were delivered. While I normally could care less about judging any working mother, the SJP situation felt weird because she’s an executive producer on the SATC films, and she could have easily pushed back filming so she could spend more time with the newborns.

I also feel like she’s being kind of weird about the twins too, and not just in this interview. She told Letterman that the girls “are physically, intellectually spiritually, geographically, politically, ideologically and religiously as different as two small 6-month olds could be.” Maybe she’s just strange, or trying too hard to be a sort of cultivated eccentric. This is, after all, the woman who loves the smell of wet, warm diapers. And she’s the same woman who said “It has taken me three years to decide on the scent [of my perfume] because I really like BO and I think it’s sexy. I wanted to figure out a way to make it palatable to everybody. I was like, ‘How do you get BO in a bottle and make an atomizer of it?’ Then it was all about trying to capture the sense of naughtiness in a bottle that it would be good for a man and a woman.” So yeah. She’s just weird.

Sarah Jessica Parker going to Morandi Restaurant in New York City on December 17, 2009. Credit:


Apple Store Soho Presents Meet The Actors: "Did You Hear About The Morgans"

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26 Responses to “Sarah Jessica Parker continues to say strange things”

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  1. e says:

    I know she has tried out for a lot of films but you would remember auditioning for FW&AF. Come on.

    She makes witness protection sound as though you get to jet off to some tiny island. More than likely you would end up in Idaho or Nebraska in some factory or desk job…which would make you hate life with your spouse even more.

    The most sensible part of the interview was towards the end.

  2. Tia C says:

    “Maybe she’s just strange, or trying too hard to be a sort of cultivated eccentric.”

    I think you hit the nail on the head, there, Kaiser. That’s exactly the impression I get when I see her interviews. She tries WAAAAY too hard to be this kind of cute, kooky, pseudo intellectual type. I don’t buy it. I think she’s just strange, lol. The weird ways that she describes her kids goes right along with her “I’m so eccentric” schtick.

    The outfit in the top pic – Wow. Sheer Fug.

  3. juiceinla says:

    I’m sorry, I just love her. All the way back to her days on “Square Pegs” (with Jennifer connelly????) I have liked her. She has never let the insanity of SITC get to her or overwhelm her. This interview seems charming.

  4. lucy2 says:

    Sometimes I like her, sometimes not so much. She does seem a little odd, the way she describes the babies, and I agree that it’s like she’s trying to hard. I don’t get why she didn’t push back the filming either, but at least she does openly admit that she has help and means beyond what normal working moms do.

    At least she mentioned her husband in this interview, when discussing the family.

  5. Goddess711 says:

    I dunno. For years I can’t get that story out of my head about her, the one from when she was doing I mean dating JFK Jr. and she was waiting for him in a limo in a fur coat….and nuthin’ underneath. When I read or hear these whipped statements or hear her try to be a Broderick, it makes me laugh. This isn’t to say trailer trash can’t have a PhD but…she doesn’t have a PhD.
    PS – WTF is up with those pantyhose? Are those bad tan lines? Are they part of the fabric design? Did she not learn anything from being on SATC ie: suitable colours for your skin tone or lingerie to hide your aging femininity? Sweet Jesus!

  6. Embee says:

    I sort of get where she was coming from with the SATC filming. She had everything and everyone else’s schedule lined up to do it when they got pregnant via surrogate. Because her spouse was capable of being home full-time she was able to keep her commitment to the film and the people associated with it. Very professional, in my opinion. I wonder if it would seem as strange if a man made the same decision?

  7. Me says:

    It sounds like she is attributing her own personality to the one that looks like her, and MB’s personality to the one that looks like him. “Aloof” and “withholding”? Those aren’t really adjectives that one would normally use to describe a baby. But those could be adjectives to describe a husband that is always pushing you away …

  8. princess pea says:

    I don’t know, e, I think I get what she’s saying. Not that it’s a sweet vacation, but sometimes a couple can be put in a make-or-break situation and instead of falling apart they fall together. I have friends who were like this; their marriage was in rough shape and they were both stressed and spending more and more time away from home. Due to an irresistible job offer, they had to move to a place where they didn’t know anyone but each other. In doing that they kind of rediscovered what they fell in love with in the first place…

    @ Embee – Yeah, I doubt anyone would blink if it were a male producer who had a movie in production around his baby’s due date. *sigh*

  9. lucy2 says:

    @Embee, good points, and you’re right, if it was a guy, few people would have said anything.
    I guess it totally depends on how early all the scheduling for the movie was done too. I’ll just say then that I’d like ot think if she COULD have pushed it back, she would have.

  10. Newyorking says:

    Never liked her in SATC, never will. She is always so over-the-top. I remember an episode of Project Runway where she did seemed like she did not want to make a decision to let someone go, and was so over-the-top about it that it seemed like she was trying too hard. Just be yourself, whatever that is.

  11. danielle says:

    Did anyone else catch that the twin that is like Broderick is “witholding and aloof”?

  12. Madchen says:

    There are just so many things wrong with that outfit. So. Many.

  13. Emily says:

    Goddess711, I was wondering about those stocking, er, things too. I don’t know what they are, but they need to go away.

    @danielle, I didn’t catch it until ylu mentioned it, but now you have… Maybe she and Matthew should go into witness protection to save their marriage. I don’t think you can make more SATC movies while in witness protection.

    Also, who describes someone as “round-headed”? I mean, isn’t that a given? I’d assume someone’s round-headed unless I was told otherwise. Next she’ll be saying they both have two eyes but only one mouth.

  14. Kelly says:

    Holy airhead, did anyone catch her on Bravo’s Live with Andy? What a monumental display of wide-eyed giggling, gosh-golly, lip-chewing, “aren’t I the picture of innocence?” twittering…the likes of which I have never seen. Especially on a woman of…what? 45?!?

    No wonder those twins were surrogate. I can’t picture a hard-on lasting very long around that childish act.

  15. Akasha says:

    Well, I’ve read what she wrote about her twins and I don’t find anything really wrong with all that. I have 8 months old twin boys and they are completely different physically and how they react to their surroundings. One is indeed round-headed and has blue eyes with blond hair and is much more chubbier than the other who has a much longer shaped head with dark hair and greenish-brown eyes. One is much more into grabbing things and turning over and trying to get on all fours while the other is more shy and more observant of tiny things, he is quieter.
    So if there are special words you have to use in order to describe your baby to someone without being judged then please let me know.It’s so easy “judging” other mothers but once you have your own, then you finally get it. I know because I was exactly like that before having my own.

    As for the wet diaper smell…I agree with her if she is talking about the first few months when babies only have breast milk…you have to live it to understand it…the smell is not as horrible as you might think.

  16. Essie says:

    Actually, a baby can be “aloof” and “withholding” when it comes to wanting to be held. I really don’t see anything strange about that. I remember my mother saying that I made her cry when I was a baby because I refused to be held or cuddled and was happiest sitting in my crib, playing with toys. She didn’t understand why. However, by the time I was 3 years old, I was totally “clingy” and wouldn’t leave her side. Children grow and change. There is nothing weird about what SJP said about her daughter.

    On the other hand, SJP did grow up poor and on welfare so she just might be trying to sound more educated and intellectual. Matthew is well educated from an intellectual, New York family and SJP has a high school diploma, from a performing arts school. She could be trying to make herself feel better by sprouting off at the mouth a bit too much on various subjects.

    I kind of like her but I don’t pay to see her movies. She is really quite unattractive and tough to look at. Seems like a nice person though and we’re from the same city. So, I refuse to dislike her.

    P.S. “Morgans” is a certified bomb!!

  17. Ally says:

    “…trying too hard to be a sort of cultivated eccentric.”

    Totally. She can be wonderful onscreen, but in interviews (especially ones with audio & video) she really comes off as an airhead trying desperately to sound like a New Yorker reader.

    The editing that comes with a print interview does her many favors.

    Also, in any medium, and fiction or non-fiction, she has got to stop with the squealing like a five-year-old. You can still wear mini skirts past forty, IMO, but no squealing like that unless small rodents are in the vicinity.

    Also, Danielle, re: Broderick and “withholding and aloof”, good catch! Unlike him, I might add — homely, cranky and cheating, what a treasure!

  18. Emily says:

    “No wonder those twins were surrogate. I can’t picture a hard-on lasting very long around that childish act.”
    LMAO how true! Just the thought of being up close to her, let alone a naked her…

  19. andrea says:

    since when is SJP olive-skinned? i have an olive complexion. SJP? that is not olive skin.

  20. KatyAlia says:

    @ Akasha: Maybe I missed something, but is she breastfeeding those kids?

  21. CB Rawks says:

    “(with Jennifer connelly????)”

    No, Amy Linker, Jami Gertz and Tracy Nelson, but no Jennifer.
    Love that show!

  22. bella mama says:

    s a twin mama myself, i get what she’s trying to say. and yes, one of my kids had a triangular head. ha.

  23. Trish says:

    Love her. Always have, always will.
    No apology required.

  24. diva says:

    I think she sounds weird. I don’t like the Chanel stockings at all, she has gained weight and should dress differently.

  25. Akasha says:


    I really don’t know what she fed her twins but I was just talking about my own experience.I’ve breast fed my two year old for 6 months and then my twins for 4 months (couldn’t do more ! Those two just had this huge appetite and my breasts were getting all dried up and shrivel and just couldn’t keep up! )I did however keep the morning feed for 2 more months because I just couldn’t be bothered getting up at 6 to prepare bottles!

    Anyway all that just to say that those first few months when they have only breast milk their diapers don’t smell that awful. Of course as soon as you start giving them other stuff then it’s *gag* “give me a clothespin!!”

    Maybe someone here who has only bottle-fed their baby can share with us her thoughts on her baby’s diapers? 🙂

  26. Goddess711 says:

    She’s had a boobjob – I was watching The Family Stone and her lack of ta-tas vs. these pics lead me to believe somebody done bought herseff some new boobies.