Dan Wootton was finally fired from his £600K-a-year job with GB News

Last year, the knives finally came out for Dan Wootton. It was a day late and a dollar short, but still, it happened and the collective schadenfreude was glorious. Wootton had operated with impunity for so long, from his blackmail schemes to allegations of abuse to his rampant racism, sexism and general vileness. It all came to a head last September when Wootton was fired from the Mail (he was a columnist) and suspended from his position at GB News, all within a 24-hour period. There was a police investigation too, although Wootton recently claimed that he’d been “cleared.” Reportedly, several of Wootton’s former employers launched in-house investigations into his conduct, but I haven’t heard anything about any of their findings. Now GB News has terminated Wootton’s contract following his five-month-plus suspension, and Wootton is reportedly looking to relaunch himself in America.

Dan Wootton has finally been axed from his £600,000-a-year GB News role after the broadcasting regulator upheld a complaint over the misogyny row which saw him suspended from the channel five months ago. Wootton has been off-air since 27 September last year when he and Laurence Fox made derogatory comments about a female journalist on Dan Wootton Tonight, which resulted in 8,867 complaints to Ofcom – making it 2023’s most complained about broadcast.

In its judgement, which found that GB News was in breach of ‘generally accepted standards’, Ofcom revealed that it had recently been sent new evidence by lawyers for the channel which it had previously been “unable” to provide due to an “‘internal employment process”.

The judgement, released on Monday, said: “On Friday 1 March 2024… solicitors on behalf of the licensee [GB News] sent Ofcom new evidence which it said it had been unable to send previously due to an internal employment process. The solicitors said this information supported the licensee’s position that it had asked Mr Wootton to read out an apology and he refused, but it had been unable to give Ofcom this information until this point as ‘it was considered unfair to Mr Wootton… during an employment process’. The licensee asked Ofcom to delay publication of the decision so that Ofcom could consider the information.”

Given this detail, the publication of Ofcom’s decision seemingly confirms that Wootton’s internal employment process with GB News is now over. Wootton has also been removed from the channel’s list of presenters online. While GB News did not respond to a request for comment regarding Wootton’s employment status, an insider told Byline Times: “He’s definitely gone for good.” It is not known whether Wootton received a pay-off as part of his departure or whether he retains his share-holding in the channel.

Another source said Wootton is considering a move to the US, which will see voters head to the polls in November’s Presidential Election. His lawyer, Donal Blaney, has business links to Rebekah Mercer, a billionaire Donald Trump donor.

“As we could well see the re-election as US President of Donald Trump in November, Dan hopes his polemic, hard-right rhetoric will do well in America,” the source said. “He also knows his mainstream media career in the UK is over and wants a new start where his past behaviours are less likely to follow him around.”

[From Byline Times]

While I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the American right-wing cable news channels hires Wootton, they’ll discover the same thing that Piers Morgan’s American employers learned, which is that Britain’s right-wing nutjobs don’t translate to American culture or airwaves. And yes, I know Wootton is from New Zealand, but he’s operated in the British media for like two decades and that’s the only way he knows how to exist, in the British media’s toxic, in-house stew of shenanigans. Even if he gets a gig with, like, OANN or even Fox News, what does he really have to say other than “I love everything about Donald Trump, what a great guy?” As for Wootton being fired from GB News… I hope he didn’t get a payout, but he probably did.

Screencaps courtesy of GB News.

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25 Responses to “Dan Wootton was finally fired from his £600K-a-year job with GB News”

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  1. Bad Janet says:

    Coming soon, to Fox News. 🙄 It is probably exactly where he will end up. It’s the perfect job for him. We already know that ethics and scruples aren’t a problem, so he will fit right in.

    • B says:

      Fox News will break up very soon. They will not have the power that they did when tRump was in office. They will have to come more to the middle. Remember Smartmatic still has over a billion dollar lawsuit yet to go to trial against Fox News. There was talk the case may start in 2025. (Source CNN). There is still a long line of other people waiting to sue the network.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That’s what I was thinking. They’re still deep in the sh*t over their part in the voter fraud, or attempted voter fraud. And lovely, the implication that if trump gets re-elected we’ll actually want England’s predatory rejects. No thank you. Oh, wait, would we get to see his visa application, eh, Heritage Foundation?

    • MaryContrary says:

      As he really doesn’t know American politics or have any relationships with any of the players in this arena, I can’t imagine that he is of much value to Fox. Like, sure, he can parrot the talking points-but I don’t see him (especially at this stage of his career) coming up with anything of interest.

    • B says:

      He better not come to America. Bombard the network that hire him if it happens. Give him the same treatment that he gave Meghan and Henry. He will be hunted.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Naahhh, Fox won’t touch Wootton with a 10 foot pole. If they didn’t give PeeMorgan a job, Wotton won’t get one either. This is a network whose chickens are coming home to roost for their despicable and vile ways of “new reporting”. They’re forking out millions (if not billions) of cash to settle lawsuits left and right, not only in the US but in the UK as well. That Murdock guy stepped down for a reason. Fox itself is gonna have to make a very hard decision whether to continue with this extreme right-wing thing (which IMHO is not really working well for them now) or move a bit closer to the middle, which will enrage their chosen audience. That’s where they have a problem and that’s why they don’t want any more Wottons or Tucker Carlsons and etc on the network anymore. Wootton is out of a job and its gonna be for a long while, that is if at all he gets back on TV. He probably will move in with PeeMorgan at his little YouTube gig, that’s his best option now.

    • Eurydice says:

      The “real” right-wing nut jobs consider FOX News to be a traitor.

      Plus, the problem really isn’t his toxic on-air persona – we have lots of them in the US. The problem is his behind-the-scenes reputation as a blackmailer and catfisher, especially amongst his own colleagues. Nobody wants that in their organization.

  2. Proud Mary says:

    I don’t know what flabbergasts me more: the fact that it took GB News so long to get rid of this cretin, or that the standard of journalism is so low in Britain that a no-talent, cannibal like Daniella can be a star of a hole news network.

  3. QuiteContrary says:

    Good riddance. And about damned time, too.

  4. tamsin says:

    The Met Police are failing in their duty again. I believe they decided no further investigation of the allegatins against Wooton. He seems to be crowing that he’s been exonerated. They are two different things.

  5. Mary Pester says:

    No Wooton you were not exonerated at all. The met, as has become usual practice for them, decided no further investigation, completely different ending, and as a retired police officer, I’m disgusted with them. He should have stood trial. H. B. News is going down the pan, the writing has Been on the wall for a while, so good riddance.
    But America, I feel so sorry for you, you might (and I pray to god not) get Trump back in the Whitehouse, but Wootton as well? There’s not a country on earth that deserves that

    • Jais says:

      Thanks for the prayers @mary pester. I too hope we don’t have trump in the white house again.

  6. SamuelWhiskers says:


    • Cessily says:

      I will celebrate with you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  7. Andy Dufresne says:

    This guy is still alive??

  8. B says:

    HAHAHAHAHA tiny little man.

  9. Nicole says:

    Let’s not count him out. Trump had Nigel Ferage on the campaign trail in 16. Who knows how he will translate, but we all know racism imports well regardless of accent.

  10. Rnot says:

    GB News is losing money hand over fist. It’s never turned a profit.

  11. PC says:

    Let’s face it. DW wasn’t facing criminal charges because he knew too much and the palaces intervened. Nor do I think DW will be taken on in America. Most companies are not eager to take an accused blackmailer and sexual predator on their payroll. He is a liability and Americans are known to be sue happy.

  12. Chantal1 says:

    While being a pos with hard right wing rhetoric would appeal to Fox News/Murdoch, his history as a blackmailer of colleagues and high profile indivs should make them wary. Murdoch really doesn’t want another lawsuit costing him hundreds of millions of dollars, like his coverage of the last prez election has and he’s still facing another one. Plus PMs failed show has cost him millions as well.

    It will be interesting to see if “billionaire” Rebecca Mercer, alleged friend of DW’s lawyer, will stick her head out for him or if his enemies rally again to defeat him. The Mercers are ultra right wing and problematic. Her billionaire father Robert supported Trump in 2016 and several Mercer associates were appointed in key positions in his presidency. Robert also donated data analytics services to Nigel Farage for Brexit. Rebecca runs their family foundation, which donates to many conservative causes/orgs, incl the Heritage Foundation and she also serves on their board of trustees. So the HF likely won’t object to an immigrant with such a despicable past coming here, nor demand and sue to get access to his visa. All of these people suck.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Bye ! If he goes to the US he’s going to fail just like Piers Morgan did.

    • Mary Pester says:

      Looks like they have all said “no thanks” as he’s just announced he’s making his own platform ala trump! (

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Mary Pester, now that’s something to celebrate. It’s interesting that these really far right wing sh!tshows are not doing well. You can throw Tucker Carlson into the mix with Morgan. I really hope that says something about the temperature of the US.

  14. CJW says:

    Wooten seems like the kinda guy that would want payment for services rendered. Willy and his cohorts should be expecting a black mail letter soon.

  15. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    bye bye now